HAS BEEN ALL RIGHT EVER SINCE T. H. BELYEA, P. M., PROVES THAT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURE PERMANENTLY Some Years Since He Used Them Now and He Has Had Good Health Ever Sinceâ€" Story of Well-Known New Brunswick Slan. Lower Wii.dsoi-, C'arlelou Co., N. B., -March 6â€" (Special).â€" •'Yes, 1 have good huaUh ever bincc 1 used Oodd's Kidney Pill.s." The speaker «va» Mr. T. H. llelyoa, postmaster here, and one of llie most highly respected men in this part of the country. Asked to give his e.xperi- encc with the great Canadian Kid- ney Remedy Air, Helyeu continued: "I had been troubled with my kid- ney.s for a niimber of years. I tried several kinds of plasters and other '-iuds of medicines, but did not stem to get .nny lasting benefit. Ifcaring Dodd's Kidney Pills so hig'hly recommended I decided to try them and they made a complete cure of me. That is two years ago now and as I said before I have had good health ever since I used Dodd's Kii'ney Pills." Podd's Kidney I'ills euro once an'd for all. There is no stage or form of Kidney Disease that they do not cure completely and lermanontly. KISS FROM THE CASHIER. Novel Way French Restaurant En/- tices Customers. In many of the F.uropean cafes of the cheaper order it is the invariable custom to j)riMl the daily menu on the na;)Kin provided lor the patron, so that when the latter desires to study the bill of fare he has to raise his serviette from his knee in order to do so. BnJ. perhaps Ihe most extraordin- ary custom in connection with res- taurant life is that which obtains in a ceitain little cafe in the suburbs of Paris, where every customer whose bill amounts to one franc or more is entitled to recei-- e a kiss from the very attractive younj^ lady who acts as cashier to the astablishment. !So accustomed has the damsel be- t'ome to the osculatory routine that she goes through it without the slightest reticence, looking upon it purely as a matter of business, and it is reported that the proprietor of the restaurant is more than satisfied with the result of his curious device for attracting trade. Another enterprising restaurateur has instituted the practice of making a present of a bo.\ of Havana cigars every New Year's day to those pa- trons who have been pretty regular in their attendance at his establish- ment during the preceding year. NEWS IN THE WILDERNESS. Lumber-Camps Are Now Connected By Telephone. The telephone is now cxtcn.sively used in the lumbering business. The result of thus bringing science into the wildci-ness will probably be that eoon, from certain poiixts of view, there will be no wild'erness at all. The Electric-al Heview says that throughout the forests from St. John to Vancouver Uunbcr-canips are now connected by telephone, which also unites the sawmills or wood-pulp works of frontier towns and larg« cities. Years ago it was the custom of the lumber interest to nwintain a force of couriers, hardy men, who would travel twenty-five miles a day through the wilderne.ss by rough for- est paths. Now, at stated hours, the imill calls each canip in turn, to receive reports and give instructions to the foreman. Letters are read to lumbennen snowed in the forest fifty or a hundred miles away. Then answers are diLtati.d to the steno- grapher at the otiice. who writes out his notes and mails I'ncni. One of the difficulties in logg-ing is the formntiun of the "â- jaan," a col- lection of logs at some narrow place in a turbulent stream. Other logs floating down the river pile thoiu- sclves up at the obstructed point, and it reiuires great labor attended by actual peril, to remove the logs from their position. Sometimes dy- nandte has to Vie used to IrloTO lip the "pack" and of course much Umu- bor is flestroyed in the explosion. Now whenever a jam begins to form one of the nun who patrol the river bank gives notice bv telephone to the men up the river to stop the further flow .if Iocs at calm places. calle<l "trips"; and it is an easy matter to break a -small jam by Bimimoning men from points farther down the stream. The iiuman side of life is also made warmer ami more vjvjd by this means of coniuiunication in the wil- deincss. A liimberinnii at Ilonuiam, Washington, was eriiu)led for throe years by an acciilcnt in the forest, and during bis recovery he directed a logging busiiK'ss of lialt a million dollars a .\'ear from his sick-room by the use of th.> tehphono. One day, when a ivirty was ceming down the west brancli of the Pcnob- Bcot, in the wilds of Maine, they were surprised at s»Hdiig the gu'iihjs turn their canoes to the bank. "What's the matter?" a.sked <.ne of the travellers. "Wf're going to oixler your sup- per,:' was the answer. One of the men opiiied a smioU box of a lumberninn's telephone at the side of a tree and .«;p()ke to a camp, miles away, .saying that tie party would arrive at night, and giving di- rections for supper. Ten hours later the weary tourists arri\el at the spot where their v%'elcouie :\iid their Kiippor were ready. "Krupp's is the biggest cannon ever nuide, isn't it'?" "Yes, and the earth is the largest revolver." SETTLERS LOW RATES WEST. Via the Chicago and North Western By. every day from March 1st to May loth, 1905, settlers one-way Bccond-class tickets at very low rales from Chicago to points raies irom an points in [Canada. Write for full particulars and folders to B. H. Bennett, Gener- al Agent, 2 King St. East, Toronto, Out. Wills â€" "Smith is a sort of Jack- of -all-trades, isn't he'.'" Spills; â€" "Not exactly. He's a jackass-of-all trades!" Itchins, Burning:, Creeping. Crawline Slvin Diseases relieved in a few minutes by Agnew's Ointment. Dr. Agnew's Ointment relieves iiistanlty, and cures Teller. Salt lUieum. .Scald Head. Kcze- ina, t leers, lilotelics. and all Kruptions of the Skin It is soothing aud quiet- ing and acts like magic in all Baby Humurs, Irritation oi the Scalp or Hashes during teetliing time. 35 cents a box. â€" 7 Uncle â€" "My word, Teddy, you are growing fast!" Yes; they water me loo much. Why, I've got to take a bath every morning!" Lifebuoy Soap â€" disinfectant â€" is strongly recommended by the medical profession as a safeguard against in- fectious diseases. 22 "He says he knows all the best people, but he doesn't seem to asso- ciate with them." "That's because the best people know him!" FOR OVlOa SIXTY YEARS. Mrs. WinsIo«'.s Soothing Syrup has been used by milliuns of mothers for their children while teething. It soothes the chilli, softens the gums, allays pain, cures windcolic, regulates the stomach anil bowels, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by druggists throughout tha world. IJo sure and ask for "Mrs. Wiuslows .Soothing Syrup." 22â€"04 The spectacle of the two good men keeping watch on each other in the sanctuary next Sabbath nearly upset the dignity of our clerical friend friend during his miniatrations. Cat what you like. â€" Oivo the diges- tive organs some work to do. These (unctions need exercise as much as any part of the human anatomy, but if they're dcliiate. give them the aid tha't L>r Von Stan's Vineapplc Tablets alTord and you can eat anything that's wholesome and palatable â€" 00 in a box, 35 cents. â€" 8 Friend â€" "You've never been called in consultation, have you?" Young Doctor â€" "No; but I'd like to be It's nice to charge ten times as much as the other doctor for saying that you don't know any more abovit the case ' than he docs." Sunlight Soap will not injure your blankets or harden them. It will make them soft, white and fleecy. 73 CARPET DYEINQ ^^ Slid ClenniB*. Thl« i< a •ptoialcy with tho ^"^ BRITISH AMERICAN DYEINQ CQi laB4 puUcalVB bx yoet ud we are nn u> n>4ai> Mtilll tMlM. MMtrML FOR SALEâ€" 160 ACRES, NEAR Sault. Ont., good soil, large clear- ing, fine buildings, convenient to school, churches. stations, wharf, etc.; only $2*500, easy terms. J. tl. liobinson, Warwick, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE.â€" Deep soil prairie wheat farms in the York- ton district near towns with elevators, schools and churches on crop payments. Write me to-day for the fulled particu- lars. James Armstrong, 4 Richmond St. East, Toronto. «¥>« MKSSRS. C. C. mCHAltnS & CO. tJentletncn. â€" My datiuhter. i:t years old. was thrown from a sleigh and injure»l her elbow so badly it renitiin- cd stiff and very painful for three years. I'our bottles of MlM.\Ul>'S 1,1 NI\'''NT completely cuuh' her and she has not been troubletl for two years. Yours truly, J. U. LIVF-SQUE. St. .Icsoi* r. O., 18th Aug.. 1900. Pinto Shell Cordovan Used in H.B.K. Mitts, Gloves and Moccasins â€" tough as whale- bone, flexible, soft, pliable, scorch- proof, wind - proof, boil - proof, crack-proof, tear-proof, rip-proof, cold-proof, almost wear-proof â€" certainly the greatest leather ever used in mitts and gloves. L.ike buckskin it is tanned without oil, unlike buckskin it is not porous, it is wind-proof â€" will outwear three buckskins. "Pinto" Mitts and Gloves never crack or harden, never get sodden, are always warm, pliable, soft and comfortable. Sold at all dealers but never with- out this brand : â€" HUDSON BAY KNITTING CO. Moutrcal Winnipeg Dawson 2 HHiMiBEESKHMaBBBS^BBaenBK9iB: No Breakfast Table complete -without flKCIIKSTUA OF Ml'RnPblKUS. At the French penal coloniS, Noit- niea. New Caledonia, the convicts have organised a 'oaml. The leader is a notorious murilerer. and was once in the orchestra of the I'aria Opera House. The cymbnl-pluyer killed a subpoena-server, ami the (Irum-pl i.ver murdered his landlord with a hammer. The llrst cornet is gnilly of murder, with robbery as the motive, ami ono of the clarinets, a tavern-" t-eper, usc<l to Will his patron.s for the saiiu- reason. The assistant bandmaster was convicted ' of having cuj his wife to pieces. This convict band give.'? dally concerts to the inhabitants of Noumea. '" •>> are enthusiastic over the now > igAni/a- tton. An admirable food, with all its natural qualities intact, fitted to build up and maintain robust health, and to resist â- winter's extreme cold. It it- ?. valuable diet for children The Most Nutritious and Econoi?Tical. The man who owes \ du money nia.v or may not think a groat deal of you, but it is certain that the man to whom you owe nu)nry thinks of )OU a great deal. Mioard's LiDitiieflt Cures Danijry!f. PARTICULAR PEOPLE The average man knows more about tea than his wife thinks b* does. Give him TEA for a month, then try another tea, he won't drink it. It's a short problem, BLUE RIBBON'S the QUALITY that counts. ONLY ONE BEST TEA-BLUE RIBBON TEA HOTEL TRAYMORE ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY 'T'HE mild aad bracing climate makes Atlantic City especially attractive as a winter resort. The Traymore is beautifully locatad on the most desirable section of the Boardwalk, and commaads a magnificent Ocean View. The House is thoroughly ec^uipped with every modern improvement that will add to the comfort and pleasure of the guests, and no expense has been spared in perfecting the details of the appointments. The rooms are handsomely furnished, and the commun- icating baths are supplied with both fresh and salt water. The Atlantic City Golf Links are acknowledged to be the finest in the United States. Traymore Book- lets will be mailed on request, and correspondence rela- tive to rates and accommodationsis re.specttuUy solicited TRAYMORE HOTEL COMPANY D. S. WHITE, President and Manaeer i»««ee«««e«i >••< In these hard times a man with a large family of daughters on his hands may profit by the following suggestion: -Vn old lady who had several unmariied daughters fed them largely ou a lish diet, because, as she ingeniously observed, "lish is rich in phosphorous, and pho^^phor'is is useful in making matches." RAItWAV 'ii Y-ST E M MWsLiniinsnfRelieyg; toalgia Customerâ€" "That watch you sold me the other day does not keep good time." Shopman-.â€" "It isn't the fault of the watch. Haven't you heard people say that the times are very bad just now?" DR.A.W. CPSE'SnC CATARRH CURE... /.UC* U oat dlnct to (h. iTIifjtini paru br tW IiaproTMl Bloww. HMk ttx alccn, d«u> Ibe alt psKiagM. Mop. droppjnfi In the threat aod p«rm.»aBU7 cures CsLtarrli aad Hay P.TMr. Blow.r All dsaltn. or Dr. A. W. Cbi» UdD. Co.. Torsnta aod BuAI* Mother (firmly, to little daughter who is about to have a tooth drawn)â€" "Now, May, it you cry I'll never take you to a dentists' again;" Mioard's Linimsni for sjJ3 m\\^\i\i "So much depends upon the money of a country, " .said a traveller. "In India a lack of rupees is a fortune, while in Canada a lack of dollars is poverty." ONE-WAY EXCURSIONS S- K â€" TOâ€" Billings, Mont., Colerado Springs, Denver. Helena, Butte, Mont., Ogden, Salt . Lake City, IJtah. Nelson, Rossland. B. C. Spokane. Wash., Portland. Ore., Se- attle, Wash., "Vancouver, B. C Sau Francisco, Cal. Rates $34.25 to $44.00 Tickets on sale March 1st to May loth. ALL GR.VND TRUNK TICKET AGENTS. A man may smile when he sees his wiles new bonnet, but the smile comes oft when he sees the bill. A Pleasant OMtyâ€" "When I know any- thing woi'thy 01' recontnicndation, I consider it luy duty to tell it." says Kcv. J as, Murdock, of IlaniburE. Pa. "Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Fowd^jflias cured uic of Catarrh of five y'oars standini;. It i.s certainl.v magical in its eli'cci. 'The first application benotitteil nvy itl five minule.s. Faulty Kidneys.â€" Have you backache? Do you icol (iiowsy? I?o your limbs feel 'iicavy? Hii\e you frequent head- aeiios.? Have you failing vision? Have vou di^/y fecliiiK? Are you depressed? Is your skiu dry? Have you a tired lecfing? Any oi these signs prove kidney disease. Kxperionce lias i>rovod that "South Auterican Kidney Cure nev- er fails. â€" <i She â€" "Were you ever disappoiriteil in love before you were married?"- Heâ€" "No; not until aft-rwurdsl" %mh Lioiment Cures Boinj, elc, 50 els."â€" 9 Willie â€" "My maniiiia gave mo tk cent for being good." Tommiei â€" "Huh, my mother never gives me anything. I have to be good any- how " "Well, my mamma doesn't Want nie to be good for nothing.' . .W PEACE ANO WAK. A strange museum has been found- ed al Lucerne, Switzerland. It is entitled the "Museum of I'eace and War," and is intended as ,v com- plete history of war from ^he earliest 1 limes. The contents arc warlike! arms of all ages and nations, hooks, j prints repie.seni iiig the horrors of war in their mosi realistic aspect, and evcr> thing that can throw a candi'i light nt>on a gi iin subject. The foimder of the museum is M. .Iu;in de Hli'Ch, a wealthy Tole who is philanthropic, and pecaps a little ccA-ntrlr, and he has chosen Lucerne for the bite as being the place most likely to attract the largest number of cosBBCVOlitan visitors. Neglect a cough and contract consumption. Shiloh's Consumption Cure T^'ic"-""*^ cures consamption. but don't leave it too long. Try it now. Your money back if Jt doesn't benefit you. Prices: S. C. 'WBtLt A Co. 801 2Sc SOc. II LcRoy.N.Y., Toronto, Can. â- />f^_ ...» :* ^ ~A ISSUE NO. 9â€"05 d