Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Mar 1905, p. 5

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"I TflE FLESTiERTON ADVANCE March 2 1905 Methodist Church Sun'iay, Miireh 5 Morning;, â€" Mr. M. K Kichnri^Kon. EvKiin , â€" The PKStDi's* .Sulij^-ct â€" *'P»reii'»l rik>litSBnd tiliMl â- iblifjatiou" . s. I.WII.HON, B A.. B. D., Tastor P"' ter itie buainou. He had be«n poMtmns- 'or St TntMiiive f>.r fifty-five yean. In ihia Country liiig service in this sort of givernnient burinem d^>eB not count for anythiiijj »n 1 Mr. Armstrong's fsithful work cannot he reoocnizcd â€" mote's the pity. â- '^V^ I III R. Hick», the St. Louis Astronomer f I weather fjrophet, Ui his forecast for >Iarch I I f»v» there will hf stormy wea'her on the Characteristic* nt the Past Wrek Carefully Culled for the (Jurious. . . Siiiicoe house of r fu:<>3 hw 81 ium itJ-s. Fresh li'ne a'^avs oji haid, .1. H Ciiclett, Eiigen-a. An cH'orr will b) onde to resuaeilnte f eXi. T. of T. ill this p!<ce. Blink recui(ji books f >r 8:ileâ€" at this ti'flic'o. Mn. R. Ru'K'tae of the suburbs off-rs her (aim for sale in this is.sue. 2 year old draught colt for sale.â€" A. sMcUa^, Ci-yloii Mr. a.i'l Mrs. F. G. Karsfedt are iii Toronti ihis week. Dr. -Murray ill vecovi-rin:: nii3iJ;y from Lis recftii severe illiiesii ard expects to lie at *oik sgaiii next week. Mrs. Wi». Clayton ra^ t with a pHii.ful accitlrnt on Sunday. She. .slipped and fell, breaking her wrist bone near the jtiiiit. Noticeâ€" Havini; put in a first class, jfrini'iii^ outfit in connection witli the â- eli'tiric plant, am prepared to aecomrao- tlate rho public iu the chopping busine.ss. Fred Deagle, Eugenia. Mr. Edward and Miss May MeLocklin, â- trf Durham, spent Sunday with their iin h and tunt, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson. â- Hii.hi'at cash price paid for hides, sheep- skins. trtUow, and all kinds of fur. Beef sold by thec)uarteriir half quarter at low â- est price. Mark Wilson, Flesherton. A horse helon.jiiig to Teacher Wood of the Station ran away at the Orange Hall hill on Sunday. The ocoupant^ were, turned ;mt and the cutter wtia b.idly .smashed before the animal was s^.opped :&t Cairns' hotel. Lost â€" A pocket book on Saturday eveoniii;; last between Ifedical Hall and Uojd & Hickliuw's. Kutmn to Mrs. R Mc<.5ruther. 16m Miss Pauline Johnston and Walter McRaye have cancelled their engagement liero for this (ThBrsday) evening. They j;ive illness as the reason. We are sorry i,ot to have heard these entertainers, but our turti may come later. ilOTSE AND Lot Foa Salkâ€" 2 acres land; -ved watered; giod comfortable liou.^c. Ea«y terms. Apply to H. AiBX- ANDEK, Flesuerton. ui23 "What can't School Iiis|)eotor Campbfll â- *! ', anyway? On a recent Sunday he took the service in the Presbyterian Church, Durham, and did it so well that he h.is been warmly coni;ratulated i>n his efTort. He never undertook anything jet that he did not do thoroughly. The chopper that beats all others will be running every lawful afternoon, com- inoncint; Monday, March 6th. â€" Collin- .tioii's Mills, Ceylon. "Euuenia 1. O. F. will hold a concert n the evening of Friday, February 10, when a choice evenins's eiitert.aiunient is itssured. Anion'j the talent announced is **. S. Mearns, H. C. R.; R. Clark of Tor. ont:-), vontrilotiuist, and Kood music- See bills. Shawl loitâ€" on Salunlay last on West IHack line between Snolls and Markdale. Kindly leave at this office. Wr. David Dow met with a severe acci- (ieut on Friday last while choppiiij; iu the hush. The axe glanced and entered th# sola of his foot, split'ing it for a dia- <v. i;i J jlio^it f. ui inches. It re«)uired six aiiieiies to clos«> thw -Ttnind. Mr. Dow js extretueiy unfortuiiate. It is just ab- out C in"iiths 8 uce he met withssiiniUr ftccident. Mrs. Willett announces to tho to the ladies ot Flesherton and vicinity ihat she will o(>on « dress niakiitg estab-, liahinetit iu the villageabout Msi-eh 21st. "^ S»he has been fortunate in securing Miss Mercer, of Torot>t<i, lately with Peter JEtubinson, London, EnuliMid (the woild famous ladiea' out letters) to take charge and satiafsctiou in every case will be |uanin<eed. The loislioge paiitoQi.ee 'has been eloa^d the postmaster, Mr. Henry Arm&tronn, tiaring resigned, Mid there being, under pr«»eiit oireum- a-ics, no ra*l t>eed for « ptiati'ffice ak thmt point Mr. \m- fUufii^ «|» sgtU og too i <fin|i,to .1 «k |kf- 1 3rd, 4ih and 5th, culminating in high i trinpeniture ou the 5th, and again turn- ing to Kiiowgioruis with eleety conditions. A rapid reaction to warmer will set in about the 7th, followed by raiu. sleet and snow up ti> the twelvtth. A severe Slaroli bli2zard i.s hilled for about the 2l3t, and very cidd for the Bcanou. A decided rise in temperature is to take place from the 27ih to the 29th. followed by colder wea <her HgAV "The month." says Mr HlL-ks, â- â€¢will not bring a maximum of coM, hut much precipation in the form of rain, sleet cr snow wi31 occur, an unsteady s ate of the barometer and some furious storms. Harmon Dyson, the youni; man whom We mentioned last weekrfis beii.g serious- ly ill from blood poisoning, p^isied away at the hjme ot hiscuusin, Mrs. Henry Hi.l:uan, on the 4th, cm Saturday last, and the remains were interred iii Flesh, erton cemetery on Sunday afternoon. T ids w lis a most peculiar case. The tli.iease started in the foot and is supposed to have been ciused from irritation by an overshoe buckle. The member swelled and the swe'ling extended to the body, when it proved fatal within six days. Deceased was only 35 years of age. His parents died a couple of -years ago within ashort tiu.e of each other,and his brother, Herbert, is now the only one left of the family in this couiilry. Tothe latter niucli symj)Hthy is extended. Miss Annie and Bl.inche E 1 wards, of Woodstock, have been visitors at their unc'e's, Mr. Frank Chard, of the Toronto line, nnJ other relatives in this vicinity for the past three weeks accompanied by their cousin, Mr. Jas. Sealy, of S#ebur<;. On Mondiiy mornin,? they started for Duihaiu to visit fiieLds there, on their way home. W hendiiving through Flesh- erton Mr. Chard was informed that there was a lelrnrani fur hmi at the oHice. It contained the sad news of the death of Mr. Geon;e Edwards, father of the AJis^es EdwMds, on Sunday the 19th. They telephoned home an! found that *":ie funeral was to be on Wednesday The blockade on the C. P. R. was raised so that the young ladies left on the evening train and arrived home the Siime night. .Much sympatliy is expressed for the youD^ ladies who feel their loss most keenly. The gnvenimeut at Ottawa h.is raised a hurricane of protest by its avowtd in- tention of forciukt separate schools upon the Northwest. It is only a few yejirs since one KOvernmeiit went out of power when making a similar attempt, and should Mr. Laurit-r succeed in hiK elfort h:s hours are also numl>ered. Politics do not count when it comes to a matter of tnis nature. Why should Canada be eternally troubled with demands for -sep-trjte schools? Non-denominational aid strictly secular schools are what this country wsnts and W'lnte badly. Let the relis-ioui aspect be fought out upon its proper ficM, and let us pin our faith to the survival of the fi' lest. Why should any church rci{uire the assistance of the guveruDieatiii propagating sts tenets There never was a paper in any locality that gave all '.ho news. Persons often coBie and iro that the n-ptirter doe« not see. It often happuts that a family is missed seven*! tmies. They iiai the imp resi<i«n that 'he paper ^oee not care to mention them. It i* a mistake. The paper bas no ill-feeliiiit, noi spite nor eii- mily aitainst anylxxly. Do not beJtCr.ti^ to give us items of interest. Perhapd you think the -paper shows ^^lutiaiity, but try ami see if it doesn't treat you well if giv- en a chance. If you don't see us to tell u& of any happeuiugii or news items a^ your homes, call at the (4>ce •« drop rt in the posrcffite, but don't fail to k^ive your name »o we will know there is no iiH-itake about it. these are out among the neii!hb<^r<, who came to his iiaisiance. His loss will be hea.vy. The b»rn was insured for $1300 and the cnnteuts for *900.â€" Shelburne Free PrebS. Mr. Fred Sheppnrd, Toronto Junctinn, was in town this week. F. T. Hill & Co'» chani^anf advertise- ment ft-rived just as we were pu'tini; our forms to press and of course could not be placed in type. Their barjains are now in new spring goods â€" tiothiiig, prints, white embroideries, etc. See next week's Advance. The t^incert postponed from Feb. 1-1. will be held in 'he Orange Hall, Eugenia oil Tuesday, March 7 A splendid pro gram ue wiil be presented, refreshment-* wQl be -served, and a L'ood time is expect- ed. Mrs. 0. M. Franklin of 0<rcn Sound Mrs. J. Williams, Mrs. Deajle, Mrs G. Lawler, Mrs. Larg,», Miss Ida Osborne, .Messrs. Williams, McD-iuahl, Mamhtw, Ushome and R. J. Pedlar with others h'lve kindly consented to take part. The Rev. G. M Franklin will occupy tiie chair. Admission 15 cen's, and 10 cents. J. U. Duckelt, W. U. Sawyer, Wardens. Notice to Cred iters ly THE MATTER of the estate of JAMES E. MOORE, formerly of the VilUsie of Klrsher'on, in the county of Grey, Furniture Dealer, Insolvent NOTICE isti-rabv given that the saidJAMEP E. MOOttK has iu«/ttf «Q asKiaaiijtiat to ma fo all his estat" and effeoU (or tbegeuiiril twiieflt of ni^rreditom.iinisrtUa prrisians ot CUsptur U7. R. S. (>.. lK)7»irti sin«udiiig .\cta. A maetinu of the said L'radicors will be held at the oaice of B. J, Sproule in the village of FleshiTton.on Hon Jay the JOtb day uf Febni- arv, I'Jtti, at the liour 4 nclock in Iha afterno,in t.1 raeeive a st»t,-roeut ot affairs, tospp<jiijt loapecrors, and for tba ordenug of ttaa alfaira of ttaa estate i:euerallc. NOTIi'E IS licret*y eivao that after the !Cth day or March, I'jOS, fu, assinn.-a will proceed to distribatrtbe assert of tba DEBTOK 8iu->n>t the pa ties sutitl».| tberet.), bavi -o regard onlvtothe i laims of which uotice shall then hive bemi bit,;u, and that he will not oa liable lor ttia assets oi auy part thereof so ciisti)biit«Nl to auv person or perooos of whose claims ho bbail Dot then have ba-l untu-p KOKEUTH. COOK. Dated ttt, Flwherton fbis Ultb day of KiTb. ISM. Bull for Service The Rhortborn Bull Scottish I'biaf No. SiaoO' will stand for sarvicA on lot 170 dnd. f. T. A 8. Boad Terms for service (grada cows vlSO, regiHtared cuw< I'iOO, payable Ian. lal liM6. Also a ra|{istare<l Yorkshire lioar. v'raatbiU JaekNo. iub21 Taruis for aervice tLOO. pay- able Jaa. lat. ItRA. Pedisraea ou apphcatioo. UICBAKD.^Lr.BN. Every Child's Health Demands The n.'e of a laxative occasionally. For a mild, sfife and certain relief u.se Dr. Hamilton 'a Pills of Mandrake and Butter nut. Specially suited to chil.Iren. L"t your children use only Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Price 25c. Editor Rulledge, of Markdale wis at the Press As.suc atiou last week. Editor McDonald, of the.Chesley Enterprise is Warden of the Couory of Bruce. Editor Donnely of Saruii dropped dead the oth- er day. They all seem to be getting something except the Editor of this paper who was knocked out of being School Trustee by Jim Carson. Even liimage has risen to the heiaht of being a trustee, and now h^'s secretary of everythii g that's loose. We're not getting halt a chance â€"Chronicle. The case of assault preferred against John Caiana.oh by two Anreuiaus wai, iiven a hearing before magistrate Mc- Ure-ior on Wednesday evening of last week and resulted in an adjournment tc 0*en Sound where it will coine up at the June assizes. Mr. Cavanaugti states that the two pidlars came t<i his place in the evening and after displaying their wari-s stated I heir opinion of staying .ill night. He ordered them to go and pick- ed up a chair to show Ije was in earnest, hut the biggest of the two took it from h:m. The axe w.is the next haiidiesr and he nave his adversary a touch oa the am. «ith it The two pedlars then came to Dundalk and the wound was dressed ami an inform. tion liid. They were each hi.ed srx dolars for peddling without a li.scense which they paid. Mr. I. B. Lucas appeared for the prisoner and Couuiy Crown Attnrney Armstrong was also present. â€" Dundalk Hi-rald Those who reireive mail at Gid s Hill. Bruce couury, coi*ider r.be remuneration to postmaster Graham is insutlic.ent and a peiition will be prei)ar,-d and sent to: t)ttawa prayiiw; for an iiicre:iRe. Elobert Thompson of CoUingwood townsl.ip hansj'd himself in his father's 8'al'le on Saiurday. Lj»st suinirer one of the young man's leoc was amputated as the result of an accident at Charlron's mill, C dliiigwood, and for a long time life WHS d.spni"e»l of. He fret ed con- tinunlly and fell that he was "only in ihe way, noMvith.-rt.»ndwg the kindness of his father and family, tie was .35 years of age and much reepected. The funerall took place Monday. FAR.n FOR SALE ^â- n>rrT acres, U miles frinj Flesherton, CO acres Ot to run farm implemt'uts, rent eood pH6»ure1an.t;»oino^.,od cedar: well fenced, well watered; two acres orcbaid; buitings comfort- able; G acres fall wheat, a) seres cloTer sod plowed down rea<ly for seed;!.', acres Dlanimoth cover, see lei l(^«t year. Owing to uontinued Illness will j-Il cheap, .tpply tc A. BOYD, b leshertoii. DON'T FORGET That we huve t<ie beht stock of uToceries and co'ifeciion- ery that has ever been offered to the people of Flexherton and sunroui-ding neighborhood. It w 1! piy you to call and inspect our 8'<>ck. VVe have also hrnn, sborte and M-rning (Mory Four. Wtf sell I he faun 'US •' REDPAIM " Granulated .Sujar. It's the bvsc. Sunlight Soap S-*\es lime. Saves HiO.i.y, Saves Worry. Get Some â€" only 5 ceniB* bar â€" it's aood. W. L. Wright. Flesherton Ont. ^ ^ ^ BOOTS Hqenf Tor D&itiinion Express money Orders SHOES BOdtS JInd $bce$ In order to make room Sl'Kl^G i..«.)iiL.o ...^ ion's are givinsi great baruaiiiB in Poots, Shoes. Kuhbers and all kinds of winter goods. We have a few pairs of Men's and b-.ys H E.WY OU M Ri BBErs. A few pairs Overshoes also Trunks and telesooijcsâ€" all going at greatly reduced prices. To tho.se wearing homa mide b-iots anl shoes â€" We are making theiu of the best material that can he got. Try a pair. Clayton's Tles!*ertoti. I Medical Hall S "The Leadinar Drus Stor<>" ♦f i » Thns Best of WhittieJd met with a ser ous kss on Friday of last week b^ having his barn and driving shed de- j R'royed by lire. Ha was engiged th.iw- iiig I ut a water pip* that had become frozen when a siiaik sot into some hay and in a few minute* the building was a iQisan of flaines. The t<arn was a sood building 100 x 6S feet and contained all his grain and f<^ fm hia stock. The driving shed was 24 x 36 feet. He suc- cee<ie^ in getiintf all his stock out except aKmt 28 h<vs and tome implements. H* t|4 a krga atook of borf«a and eiAUf an-i F'arm For Sale Lot 117 and 148 T. and S. K Artemesia. con- t^iuiiiiug I'S aero*, 70 cUaii'ii. -V Kood farm and Will walerwl, close t<> village and station. Tonus easv. Apply to uns. a KUTLsrot tlesbeitou. Feb. *">, 1905. asm FARM FOR SALE A first cla's .W acre tsrm -for Bale, li miles from K esUerton ; solid brick kcni^e. bank barn gc.'d plum and apple oicnarrt, cood fences, 3 acres Jsli wheat, a) acres newly â- Â«Â« ". rt, *> acres ploiwhod, all at for niacbioiT ; J aoree hard- wood, eoaseasiuu at ouce. ^Pi^iy to CLatOS AKINS, FletbertOB House and Lot For Sai« I Prescriptions I Caretully , â-  "^ Compounded W.J. Douglass c^c8:ft:^<8:85C8:8:^c9:8:^cB:B:^c8:85Cft50 C8:85 For Your Stock Herbageuin, Intertiational Stoek Tick Destioyer for the sheep. Food, Columbian Uegulator. For Yourself Patent Medicinas â€" all the p«p<ii«r makes. Pipes and tolMi. v. # For Your wife In Flesherton SKALED tenaam will be reo«ived by the andersiKUiMl op to April t>t, l!ll'$,^'r the pur. chase of Lota irlTe (Maud t«Ti (IU) in biix-k **,.'' in Iifr.chell'- survey ill tt>« Villajce of Kle-,h,»rw tan 1" tho fonntv of Grey. I>e u< the proi>«rty owned bv the lata J\tueN -iobtiston, deceased. ilipon ihuee Iota are a frama bQi^* aoC a ftame ^t«ble ill py d repair. INirlhar particular* may be obtaiMd oa appUoatiou to DAMIKL McTATIsa w W. J. TALSOr, ' If Spices for cooking â€" .\llspiee, Cinnamon, Perfuraea, Corlicella Silk. Mixed •pteea, etc. For Yot r Baby Cootbing Sv-up, Sucking Pottles, and Teething Rings. >h >b >h Richardson & Son i>RXJ ao isx s Flesherton :-: :-: Ontario f^mu^miti**. 1M« %â- #**** w^WfNWBFWwlPWtitPwwwwll^^ $,

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