"TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."â€" " PRINCIPLEfc NOT MEN." 70L SXlv, NO im Flcs3licrtoh, Ont., Thursday. IVlapch. 9 100c> W. H THURSTON, l^^^H Ii2T0K Going To Git Married ? If «) j-ou will wr.ncanice MW'liUu? rinjr- We hiive them in a great vririfty ami at" jniit the rifclit © © Going To A Weddirg ? Ifso ytiu will want to take a preitent al<>ug. \Vi' havt: t<M. ixianv heavicifnl BI«VCK WOOD 'Cf/M:K3 v^iicli WB V. ;U soli at cr>»t fur tit! li'ixt liittou d.ija. This I11H.-.T1S siiiuethinj to you. M:'l!i' a imte of it. These are siiitabl9forgoner»luse. See thtui. m, Mrmslrong, l-'LESIIKKTOX, ONT. iiinn-rr'-i ' H'm? T r"* i'' " -" ""-"" ~^ Victoria Corners Mr. George L'id!o«r, Senior, his aoM . liis fur:n 'a Mr. Robert Hanimli. Mr. T. Wynlle bas niovrd to Jiia fitrm touih iif InisI!" lie. SIv. W Hat'i, who Br>M I: is farm 'O Btt. W. Heard, iir^.^iir r.ii*n, ii^a ai.ve I tf> t'lo fa- til he rect'urly purchased, near Arthur. Mr. McC'uUi'Ujjh paid a visit to friends at Arthur, returuiiig list wi'ek. Mr. A. Uaney, who cut his fc.it recent- ly hss so far recovered as to be able to reeunic w:>rk. *• Mi s Ferrif!, (,f Uncle Sam's doiii»in.s, is viiiiing her sister, Mr-t. Ed. Patton. Mr. and Mrs. Will Heard m.-ive'l on ti the f.irni, hitely vaca'ed hy Jlr. W. iiath, oil Moiid ly, M.iich G. A meetiiia of Uio patroos of Victoria Cheese factory is lo be held on Saturday. Mardi 11, 1905 at 2 o'cl jck p. m. in the schofl hi.use here. Vu!i:U'lcur Mri. McMiiniss and s"u of Sholtiume src j;ues'sof .V!r. John Bolaiid liiis week. Mr.IsAae Hnlley and htiiiily of Uramp- tiu have imnod to Mr. S. Dousiljiss' liotise OB th'e twi'llih and will baoome residents of this neiijhhorhond. Mrs. Carsou of Prijeviile is visiting at^ her dauL;hrcv.=i, Mrs. S. Gilbert's. Mr. J. U. Holley, wh" has been very ill wicli congjstiuQ of Uu kinija, is re- CQveriiijr. Mr. John MoKiuiion of Pricevillo spent Sunday wiili frii-tid* in this viciuity. Mrs. Wcrda&ter from Toronto visitid h>r.<^ibrer, Mrs. Geo. Wiiirht, recently.- Mr. Vii.cont Gilbert cf Kimberley spent Sunday wi'h his undo, 5!r. Wiu. }>uchati;tn. Mr. Geonje Wright's little ttiil, Jean, is ill with bronchitis. Dr. Carter is in atleiidanc. Mr, Ed. Hutihii-.son, who hn-s been in Now York for the pait two immths, re- turned home on S.-iiurdiiy. Tho Wi. men's Institute held » snccos.sfu! bi'X social at Mr. Gen. linn's on Thursday evening la-t. proceeds amountod to SUi. Mis* Ilnn! of Traverston is spendin<» aiew days with her si«i.T, Mis.'* Mabel, t«nc'ier m the sotiool here very War- Tho Kiinlii-rlcy Mr. Eniersiin Urown spi'tit Sunday at l,i^piirt>iiisl hoiiie n»'ir KcM-rshaisi. Mrs. A'c.N Favvc- tt eutortaiued a num- ber of her yiuiuu 1 idy frioniU ti> an altcr- i.oon tea on Siitunl ly <>i U^t woik. \Vc ir>i p OHSed to .^tatiithat Mr. .lanir.-) 5>lUHr' has ui;ain been succe.ssfiil in «iu- iiius; th»» first i)r:zo tfered l>y iho Toronto News for the laij^f-st noiuher i-f subscrip- tions 8 cureil hv my of iti rend ..us. The iiUiii^er seiurevf by .Mr. Stn.Hrt w:is 01. Mr. .Ichn Clark of Clark sh^ri; is.^pend- ina a tiMv ilays vi.sitmg friends hern Mi.-«! May Tln^mp^on i.f F u.sherton was tho t!'-'^*" "f '"•â- 'â- """*• Mm. Ch»». Wick- t'US, on Sunday. •Mr-". Williani Uehdl and d mgSier.wlio have bt er. visi'in.- friemli hen f"r the past lew nunilhs, are rf'urninii lo their home ill Spn ling. Ma' i'nba lbi< Wfck. Stuoe stv.n'y neigh'iors. frionds and well Wishers a«K'iiibled at the home of Mr. aid Mis. J. .M Kaircett to pny their rc?p<e s to Mr. and Mm. W. T Kawct-ti jirior '•' their leaving fnriheir lu'whnne ui-it i' a'.-bi^vg, ull.l pri-ieiit.d M, . nnil Ml* !••'•.â- I t w.th t*i> '•.;aiitiful uphi 1- Htereii chuiri! and to Master \Villi„ a »havin« set. Dininv! thoii tbrci- years'! in ccneTal irooil fell resjdeiico licru Mr. and Mrs. Ka*c>'tt I av» I'liiile Hitnv frimids. Below is a copy oi t^- 'iddre.«s : ukah Mk. .4m> Mks F*wcett asd Wnj,iK. - Wi;h f«.'< hi KS of dat*p reiTrt ♦we, y«mr mny friends*, have as^emlded here t;iis oveniin; to hid yoii far«w>-ll) "' , , ,, l»tor.-y..ur d. t-aiture from .-».. ong „«, t ch .ss, d fr< m M r, HiiU' to w.nh ynu every success 111 your new home. VV,. fe, lihal we shall ini-iii you 111 tlio m'ii;hb<>rh<x d as y.mr iiittu> i.cw WAR always for the lit^ht and y>>u have ever shown ii.» thi- true «piri'. of frnnHli- new, '" jilense »rc»^j)l these (iarl<r chairs Rpd \\ illie llini cai-e R5 A small token of dccpf'St leyaids. .ind wo trust th.it you noay lor»s be sparetl lo i nj'y thuiu. Wo dreply rtigr,! your renmval hut »e wish jou pr<'«jierity iii j-oiir new h«>-no. Si|{ti>d oil hehalf of ah, 8*pi)i F*.w<.;^^T Champion Linim3nl for RhiumatisTi Ch.is. Dr.tke, a iimil carrier at Chapin- ville, Conn., says: "Cbainherlain's Pain Balm U flie champioti of at! liuimun's. The past year I was Irimhled a gr, at deal with rhouuiatLsiu lu my shoulder After tryini; ii'veral cures tho storekeeper here recommended this remedy and it coin pletely cured me.'" There is no use of ar.yone sutt'orinj from that piiinful ail- ment wheu this hnituant &in be obtained for a sm^ll sum. C»tie application wves prompt relief and its continued use for i a short liinj will produce a permanent cure. For sale by W. E. Richardson. Wareliam ADDRESS AND rilE-EMATtOV a.ol the A goodly comijiny, to tho nuiiihor of about sixty ouesis.asseiublied afc the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sheridan on Fri- day, Mar. 3, Tlie party, which was a ci.raplele sur- prijs to the host aud hostes-s had chosen thii opportunity to bid farewell to their esteeiued frii.-nds, Mr, and Mrs. Sher- jdan, prior to their reni"val to Proiiui Sation. Firly in the cvenirg, shortly after the company had assembled, Mr S. Ariiott read the following addioss, â€" Mr. hnd Mrs Thos. Sheridan Dear Friends, â€" It tj with fealinus of de-pest ro^rtt that wc, your neiolib.'ts, have met to-night to "ive you s<,nu« assurance of our feelings t-iward you, as you are about to leave us ^^ e hope and trust thiit the ties of tiieudsh'p may ever re- ni.iiii. During tho t me you have been will- inn tor"nd>r eivry service iiladly cheerfully ana help ui any way no. dy. We therefore ask you to accept this co'.ich not for its valu--, but as a sli^iit token of the esteem iu nhuh you are held by all. Hoping ib^t yi^u and jour family iniy long he upar>"^ to enjoy pusperry and happiness in y ur ue* home. Signed o-.i helia.f of all: -^W.U.L 'tie, T, U. White Warehaiu, Mar. 3td, 190:.. Mr. Sberis'aii waunly thanked his friend* for tiicir kind reuuuil<raiire spoakii R ffclii giy of the re;.'r<t they felt in ceparutioi: I'oni ^o many kind fiend!>. The retnaind. r of the evening was spcnf ship with games and music. Mr. and Mis. Sheridatt will move tlii* week to thtir new home in I'rton Staliop whrri- .Mr. Sheri'an will lake obaivi) of the groceiy business Ktely pur- Hames. We join »heir M\»ny fri>-nds in wishing thcni every snccjBst. For an Impained Appetite Ij>!i« of ai-pet te always results from faulty Jig 'Stion All that is needed is a few diwcs of Chamberlain's ?lt"ii>ach and i,iver Tablets. They will invigorate the <UouiacK,atronKthen the dii>egtion and itive ymi an «pp«'tit« like a wolf" These Tat)- h-t» act M a genile laxative Fur sale hy W. »; Richardwjn, A Miraculous Escape The Ches ey Enterprise says ; Joseph Hoot-y who came down from the N.W.T. t'i:s winter and has been working teinp- oiurily With the siction gnaa here, had a m laculous eeicape from death here on Monday. He spent .Sunday with fiiends a ar the old hmue on the lUrh con. Esd, and wjs iULer>:liiig to take the afternoon tram back to Chesley. The tram. had let', tiie station and at the 12tb con. cris- biii- he cauifht the iion rod.s at the steps bu. inisaeU h.a htilu and Wiis tluug back ugaHl^t tlie siiow bank and rolled under tho traiu. Lie caught a brake iron aid wa» pushed ahead of the wheel, his ba&y partially across the rad, until the engin- eer who had seen him make a dajU at th:: traiu and heard hiin yell, biougut the train to a staudstiil. Ho was taken from hta perilous posinou by conductor Fro.st !>nil K. JicUowalloi Oiveu Soui.d who cairitiU hiiu to the train and brought him to Chesh-y wiiera he now lies in a precux- ioub ciUJiiioii at the Uoiue ot his brether ticor^e, His right hip autl tlii;;h wore bauly Lruised aiiu his clot lits were neany all torn otf. He susiamea a compound fiacture of the knee cap, antt one of his lays way ba\e to tie amputated. He is under tlie medical care oi Dr. Stewart. The Futerpii=u never rep-. i ted ouch a miracluus escape trom mutant Ueaih, ana will uover uo so a^aiu, tor nut once ia^a iliousanu emus wouid a man pass tlirougu S'icb a danger and live to toll the luie. Catarrh of the Mead Is very comiui n, but a» iviiiy d.tiigeious because It causes dealm.'ss anu leads to cou>Uiuptiou. Cure ia ascertain lo t' I low the use ot Calairuozone its day is to follow iii^ht. Yuu simply orciihe tiiu fiagiatit healing Catarih.zaie nhicii spteaiis tliiouail the iiitoal pus^ig" s, tluo.it and luu^s, draing our ever> vest- ige >'f cajrrli. ""l was cured jt chionic cit.irrh of the i.ose aint '.hcuat' writes K. M. \\jIki.>ou ot hauieaiceion "atter many years, ot misery by Catar|h> aouo wliicii i.s a sp eiionl rcineuy lo lieu ilio air passages from mucous CatJU'rhoz- no relieved i|uiculy nim niy cure h.as Oeeii permaueut.' i^rice fl.tJU for two mouil.s treatment ; trial .siieliac A pupil at the Harriston High School was sent to tlie puincipal to Jbe dealt with by Miss Jai.ksoii, becauso of misconduct, Ml school. Mr. McLi-an, the prii.cip.il. iuluiiuisiied correction to the pmpd. The boy s, father ci-uiplained that lie was un La.viuly and iiniluly punished, and the maiisiraie, aftor bearing the evidence, cou\Kieu Mr. McLean, anu tinod him $5 anu §13 costs. Mr, McL,eaii'3 defence was tbai the boy was troublesoiae by ins tei.li"&, laughirtg aiid.talkin.:{ ui his cbs£:^ aa^ that be hati been several times spoken to; that he had also been correileJ ami ke; t 111 tor luiscoiicuct, aiid tinally Ind been named I f punished with ihe strap if he did 1 oi lehave lu'.ter. The t.acli- cn» reported Unu for misetrnduet. The headiULSter alsa denied tbal the wliiup lug Was unduly .severe, .^fter the c;mi- \ ivtion ly, Ibe, u«ai;istrate the bead iniVster tVl'^ealtid a.aiu^l the convutjon tn the Cuuii u Uei.eml Sessions ai><i was ie^ird on Saturday. After h.iaiiiig counsel for both i>arit«s. His Honor gav»- judgen ent in faxo. of .Vlr. AlcLcan, ihe appellant, and i|u.ishcd lUe contic<i< ii wiih co»t.< >u be laid liy ihe toy's father, respondviit, Albert llarii<. McFarland. Stafford & Co.'s Big Store M.^RKDALE, 0>sTAl.;tO Grey County's BKiGE-ST an<l CIIE.VrEST STORl pring uoi Xhe New Goods .are arriving daily in dray hiads- â€" and ivo are wrj-kiu;: day a.td night U: get tbinn cneokid oB and placed in stuck. This sea-son we will be in n po.sitiou to show yiiu one of the best assorted stock.s ever placed in this bisr st 're We have sparetl no pains to secure only tiie newest and most fishionable euod.s so vou can depend on atiy- thmg you see here as being JL'ST HKJHT. STYLE, QUALITY \nd VALUE are all harnessed together in this store. Vou are invited to call aud see the tie* go.;«ls and get prices. New Dress Goods New Ciothing This is always an attractive department for the Ladies. This season we intend onr Dross G' ods Section to be doubly attractive. All the newest fabrics and Weaves are on display here. If yoa want the hitest â€" we've got it. If yoti want gond- qtiali'y â€" we've uot it. If you want the best V'due we've not it. â- Dame Fash- ion has decreed that thn liiiht Mauzy materials will be leaders again thi." season. Thev are here in abundance â€" - N*w Vii'es, New Enanines. New Canvas W.-nves, Twine Chiths Lustres, Mohairs, e"c. It would be impossible to de-criha all the new weaves.inaternJs aud shading. Coiuo and see for voursel;. .^. -Y- -. .â- .-.. â€" N- V . â- - .. KCiiUiiie pin totyaplifâ€" an' H so include ttiB lalea \ie>Â¥ if Eiii-ei ia lal!s. C-dl ands.e hem. Si» tnr ".i^su by ui^il (K>stage extia, '2e. What is Dyspepsia? Qu I'ins, nausea, loniiiio^ fir fond yet dr. ailing tu eat Y. u may have the leal thing, but F' rrozonc wdl cuib you like it d ii S. 1>. Huiitinifdoii ot Uam Itcn, who »ay» "1 frwpientiy w isattaike^l withsu •!> acu»>* dyspepsia that I thout/ht it must l>e heart dinaase. 1 used Fctrozone and L'ot relief. I kept nn u»inv Ferroz.ine and was cured. My digestion «>* in ^leifect order and 1 cm eai anything t'-day. No- thing IS as good a» Ferro»>ne for Dyjjieiv aia and ihose bothered with weak stoui aoJi«. Price oUc. at druggists. Duritig the fall and winter months we have worked the .Men's aud Boys' Cloth- hlg stocks lower t hau we have eror had them "Defore. There was a double obieo!: in this We wanted to start the spring season of 1903 with the lar.'est rang.; ot New Patterns ever shown in Markdalo. Secondly, we have put in an a:-8orcaiout of U ig!i Class CU>thinir â€" the Sovai-ign and Progress Brands of T.iilor .Vlado Clothiiis!â€" tho canvas, p-iddifiir. shoulder - anii coll-ir, all finished by experts. Tnis makes these bramls â-º'iiuil to any tailor made suit at much les* in price. Take .» hiok thrmijh.iur itssortmenr of Mcn'sand Boys' fiuiti before you purcha.se. It will pay you . New Wash riatcrialSi e We're proud of the refmtation this store h.is won for w.ash materials of a'l kinds, and this soason have made bigvrnr iirep.arati >ns tiian ev.r for. this trade. Not only the . Canadian bu.i tiie F<):eign markets h«ve ba 'U seirohed fir tbe late.si. iiovebies, and wo have indoid a i-iand ili^p'av of new niaieriaU to show you. Sue the new Prill's, Dimities, Organdies, Piipios, V. dies, Fl ike and bin it .Muslins, Giiighan's, Z.-phyrs, Vosttnsis, Mattiim.s, etc . eic. N )th:ng but new and up-t -iate styles, in w.is'i , mat -rials to offer your. New Carpets wa want I very house keeper to see tho magnificent rane^ ot Sew Carpets we have put in stock this year Ne-v Brussels, Tap.sines, Wools, Unions, Hemps, Linoleums. Floor Oilchith"*, etc. .An inimense variety of handsome d'sign.s at popular priu-es. among the new Catpet.s, wo have imported direct from an E .glish uianutacturcr. or.e case Tipesfry Stpiares, in assoited patieiiis. These come in diff.rent sizes auitaUlo f r sin ill nndiuai or Iar<;e rootus. T loy are a lively tine lui.dity English Tapesti^ and tnnch lower in price than aiiythin,' we have ever seen before. Take a, 1.. ok lluciuyh the new Carpets if intend piiichasing. We can .save you money. McFARL.^ND, STAFFORD & Ce> Pr^OTOX STATIOxV STOI^E W. Hockley ' 1905 - W. Kcckley Justn few of our many baraains we have lootfcr our patnirs for the coming monlh. 50 J.viirs men's luavy all-wool socks .\'^ oO suits of inen'.-s all-«<Kd guetnsos regular Stl.l'nfr ' ". . .89 Ii Mens tine Dress C>verc«>ats 4 >">'.) 100 \ds a 1 Wool sheeting 'J yds.wnie great t'again 40 A.largo assortment of men's win- ter caps 00 and 6i'c lines for. 39 Just a few ladies' short coat* L ft lu. clear .-vt 2 0!) 2i Men's and B<'ys" sweaters, bar- gai n price "..».. ... .4ftv"'i A large assoi troent of chi'ds hoods snap at .'2^' 15 p«irs men's heavy winter pants regular $:}.W line fur i.lf-. Ge: joiue of lh«ise suuv.etjir p(»tt'aid'v from A. TliurH.oi\, Fhshe I- 11. Th- y consist of. van- us Mi-ws it il.shertoii â€" 8G0TS and RUBBERS 25 piir? 3 eylB' sna.i pro-'f lubbera 25 puirs niunen's f'.dt lim-d boo's 1 .4(1 ngu^at Â¥'2 7f> line for 2 39 and 1.50 hues fur l.UU 50 pans Ixiys plainovorR,l)e»t rubber. Also a lar,;e tatile of workinij ittotf Kuap ai 43 leducnl to Wo want to impress upon your mio.i thegroat WrgaiM we tiro i'ivinsj this ml tLi.sswato, such a?: Fa: cy Patlor Lamp*!, rei;uar 2.75 line for 2 OO, »> irohl »iip;lo wa'er, sett- 1.75 to 2.00 liu-s lor ..'14.'*. 5 only tea •etis, 44 tiieces, vr a' bargain at- 2 St*; 4 SI7 piece dinner set s, $10.00 lines reduced tu S'l'- GROCFI^IFS 7 1*^8 fn-sh fins for .*.... ^ 4 lbs clean currnt.^ f-.r â- *" 50 large Ivittles tomato ea^«up si<ecial ' ' 6 II* jjood JaiMn Tia for ' ''^ 5 11^ good Ceylon Bb»ck Tv>\ \'%