Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Mar 1905, p. 1

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ammm w^ â€" *- i^ yksfetrtmi ^5iiante. "TRUTH BEFORE PAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN." ?0L XXlv, NO 1210 Flesfciertoii, Out., Thursday. March. 23 190S W. H THURSTON, ^"""^ PROPKIETOM Going To Get Married ? If VI you will waut a nice we'ldinjc ring. We have them in a jjrcat variety and at juat the right prices. e e Going To A WeddiDg ? If so you will want to take a preuent along. We have »»> many beautiful nL.4.CK WOOD CI.OrK.3 which '.% e will nell at cost for the uext fifteen days. This means sometbint; to you. Make a note of it. Theec arc suitable for general use. See them. m, Urmstrong, FLESHERTOX, ONT. Industrial Home Notes (.fly on Inmate) For several days past the angel of deaih Tias been hovering around the home awaitin? another victim, which ha suc- ceeded in claiming on Sunday night. About two months ago Sam Oolwdn, your correspondent's room mate, took sick with whai he supposed to be la grippe but whicti I understand proved to be cancer â- of the stomach. He continued to erow rapidly worse, experiencinK intense suf- ferin;;- About two weeks ago ho begau to rapid y siak and becoming perfectly help- less It was found absolutely necess;iry to a-emove him to the hospital ward. Thiee days before his death he appeared to have lost all consciousness of pain and scarce to ike to anyone, although perfeeily coii- scious ot all around luin. Ha passed .[ui- â- etly aud peacefully away about 7 o'clock \) ni. on Sunday. His sister, Mrs. Whit- laker of Owen Sound, was with him in the latter part ot the week and entertain- -ins; no hopes of his recovery made ar- rangements with the undertaker for the »cces.sary n-quirenients iu case of his death before her return. Mr Harntss accompanied the rein lins to Owen Sound im Monday and delivered them over to relatives for interment. Sam was alittle over sinty years i-f aae. About seven jears ago he had the misfortune to lose both legs above the knees. He is now free from pain and troubles. Requiescat in pace. Edward Morris, better known as Tailor Blorris, of Markdal«, aaed 81 years, was atdraitted aa an inmate to tho home last week. The o)d gentleman hits been well Isnown around here and ihroughoui Hoi- tand township for many years. To speak 4>f his characteristics would be superflu- •ous. He is the same peculiar Morris that he was when your scrilw first knew him thirty years ago. But like most -tailors he takes a pride in a neat and <a3ty »peftrance, but ho aeema not to reconcile himself to the home, Junoiy Grier, the Euphrasia old infant, lus been a perpetual source of trouble and •anoyance of the worst kind eversiucehe bas been here, but being almost a uona- geiiarian (88) his shortcomings have been kindly ovorlooktxl by the managers, but we think that his troubles wi:l soon be over. Although not what might be con «dered unhealthy, yet the ravages of time are rapidly wearing him down aud lately made him very feeble and tottering. There appears to He po improvement in the condition of Mr. S. Turner. Watden McArthur paid us a visit one day last week. Mr. John Hales (i^rgeant Hales) and wife, of Fle»herton,accoropanied by a lady friend, visited the home o'n Thursday l»st. We do not know, friend John, whether the boy who acconipauied you is your «on, however, ho is a promising young â- ci«n of the departing generation. Easenta Kvery one is pleased at the change in â- the weather, ss a greit many farmers -were suffering \ y their wells going diy. Times at Eugenia are rather quiet, but better times are expected this next •ummer. Our mill luau are well prepar- ed for j» gfipA season's work. Mr. Robert Oorly spept a few days in |Lb the city the past week. His brother John came home with him. Re has been visiting friends in Toronto for a few weeks. iir. W. H. Sawyer has returned to the city after speiidiu;; tlie winter here. He seemed to enjoy lite in the country. Miss Ettie and Master Walter Thomp- son, of Fleahfirtoti, were visitors with fiietida at Eugenia on Sunday. Mr. J.iines Purvi-t, of Toronto, spent a couple of wovfkd visiting friends at EiigCMiia. Mr. James Williams is at the General Hospital, Toronto. He was sufferins; from an abcess on his tongue. Mrs. Hislop, sr., is still very low and little hopes are entertained for her recovery Mr Jolin H. J-amieson is going to Stratford to work for the season. Mrs. liell intends raovin? into Eugenia. She is yetting Mrs. Johnson's house. Miss Marion Bell has returned home from the city to spend the summer with her mother. Mr Robert Bell is giving up farming and intends going west. Far oflf fields are green. That ghost on the 12th is making things lively in tlmt direction. Some of our lonely bachelors ace looking ont for help- mates. One of them declared in tJie postoffice that with a good helpmate he would not be afraid of ghosts. Look out for wedding I" ells soon. St. Patrick's day passed over very quietly at Eugenia, There was no pro- cession, only a number of oar yciung people went for a sleigh ride during the evening. Shamrocks were hard to get, Portlaw The thaw on Saturday last has given relief from the water famine which has been on inconvenience to many for some months. The genuine article is now so plentiful that we can get, honestly, all we want to drift, wa.sh boards can run full time and every Scotchman can indulge in the luxury of having his feet washed. Mr. Geo. LudUiw, who has sold bis farm, held a very successful sale on Thursday last. Mrs. Badgerow, Sr., is suffering an .iitack of illness. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Heard, of Hesherton, visited at Mr. R. McMasters. Miss Ida Osborn, of Eugenia, visited for some days with her aunt, Mrs. Geo. Thompson. Mrs. Hill, sr. , has been ill for the past week. Mr. John Kerr was at Hanover last week on business in connection with his lace father's estate. Mil's Janie Magee, Eugenia, spent a few days with hei coniins in this part. Mr. Chas Napier's neighbors were glad to see him able to take a drive out the other day. He has been suffering from dropsy for some time but there is pros- pect that with proper treatment he may yet Im* restored tn health. Mr W. G. Janiieson received a surprise one morning recently. Upon going to his stable he found one of his team, a 6ne mare dead. The animal appeared in gond health the night before. Tho loss is a heavy one. Miss Annie Anderson, of Sintaluta, Assinaboia, Mr. and Mrs Caime, Ceylon, and Mr. aid Mrs. J. R. Hogg, Eugenia, visited lately with T. R. and Mrs. McKenzia. The Royal Templsrs' social at Mr. Francis Shier's on Wednesday evening of last week was favored with ideal weather and a laige alteudance. Abundance of f xce'leiit viands were provided by the ladies of the order and others of the neigh'^orhood who kindly contributed to the supp'y. Mr. thw. Henry brought his gramophone and generously furnished, unstintingly, a variety of selections therefrom which added much to the enjoyment of the evening. A nice little sum was added lo the funds of the â- ociely. â-  til I â-  â-  â€" - A Safe Cough Medicine for Children In buying a cough medicine for child- ren never bo afraid to buy Chamberlain's Cough remedy. There is no danger from it and relief is always sure to follow. It is especially valuable for colds, croup and whooping eougb. For sale by W. K. Richardson. Haxwcil The rain storm last Saturday left tho roads almost impassable for a team. For any informatfon about the roads ask the two gentlemen who started for Dundulk and had to turn back when two miles from home. We are sorry to announce that Mr. Schenniman is still very ill, ' Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell, who were it- ' tending the funeral of the latter's mother, Mrs. Schenniman, returned to their home : in Parry Sound this week. Also Mr. 'Charles Schenniman of Pittsburp; and i Mr. and Mrs. Ormsbyof Buffalo returned to their respective home.s. j Mr, Chester Long has returned home I after an extended visi< with his brother ! near Brantford. Mrs. Lind.say of Caledon East is visit> ing with her sister, Mrs. Robert Heron. I Mr. George Long spent a few day.s with friends in the city last week. Captain Bemrosc visited frisitds iu Collingweod laat week. Mr. Woods of Orillia visited with his sister, Mrs. John Linley, last week. Mrs. Ned Linley and her two sons, George and Harry, spent Friday and Sat- urday with her daughter, Mrs, W. J. Blakoley, at Corbetton. Miss Flora Gamey of Singhampton is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Fred Spof- ford, at present. Miss Fanny Scott of Mclntyre spent List week with her cousin, Miss Minnie Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clinton of Flesh- erton were welcome callers in our villaije last Friday. We are very sorry to hoar that Mr R. Colquett, 10th line, is laid up with erysipelas in the face, but hope soon to hear of bis recovery. A sleigh load of young people frotu our village took in the rovival meetings near Rob Uoy last Wednesday. That is all riiiht, Willie; start in good lime and don't leave your load in Feversham. Mr. VViU L.iwrence of Kimberley spent a couple of days with his many friends in our village last week. We understand Will starts for the west this week. We wish him success Dr. Scott will hold a sale of farm stock and implements on the 27' h inst. en his farm east of the village. Champion Liniment for Rheumatism Chas. Drake, a mail carrier at Chapin- ville, Cono., says: "Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the champion of all liniments. The past year I was troubled a great deal with rheumatLsin iu my shoulder After trying several cures the storekeeper here recommended this remedy and it com pletely cured me." There is no use ot anyone suffering from that paiotui ail ment when this liniment can be obtained for a small sum. One application gives prompt relief and iti> continued use for a short time will produce a permanent cure. For sale by W. E. Richardson. I I i»i I I Vandelear McFariand, Stafford & Co.'s Big Store aiAl^KDALE, ONTTAl-ilO Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE New Spring Goods The New Goods are arrivin;; daily in dray loads â€" and we are working day and night to get thorn checked off and placed in stock. This season we will be in a position to show you one of the best assorted stocks ever placed in this hijf store. We have spared no pains to secure only the netvest and most fashionable goods so you can depend on any- thinp; you see here as being JUST RIGHT. STYLE, QUALITY and VALUE are •all haraessed together in this store. Vou are invited to call and see the new gootls and get prices. New Dress Goods New Clothing This is always an attractive departneeut for the Ladies. This season we intend our Dress Goods Section to be doubly attractive. All the newest fabrics and weaves are on display here. If yon want the latest â€" we've got it. If yoa want good quality â€" we've got it. If you want the best vilue we've got it. Dame Fash- ion has decreed that the light gaury materials will be leaders a«:ain this season. They' are here in abundance-;^ New Voiles; New'Ettanines, New Canvas ' Weares, Twine Clnths, Lustres, Mohaif^^'' etc. It would be impossible to describe all the new weaves, materials and shading. Come and see for yourself. During the fall and winter months we have worked the Men's and Boys' Cloth- ing stocks lower than we have ever had them before. There was a double object in this. We wanted to start the spring season of 1335 with the largest range of Sew Patterns ever shown in Markdale. Secondly, we have put in an assortment of High Clas.-? Clothing â€" the Soverign and Progress Brands of Tailor Made Clothingâ€" the canvas, padding, shoulder and collar, all finished by exper'w '" --t makes these brands equal to auy i..i:uv: • made suit at much less in price. Take a look throunh our assortment of Men's and Boys' Suits before you purchase. It will pay you. The Sons of Temperance lodge spent a pleasant evening at their last iiicetinK, the 17th. After the regular business had been attended to a short program was i;iven. A brief but excellent historical sketch of Ireland wss given by Bro. CuUis. A reading by sister Botand, which was decidedly Irish, created a good deal of amusement. There were also short stories, solws aud instrumental music. Lunch was served by the sister; which brought a very pleasant evening to a close. Next meeting will be election of officers. A short pitriotic enterlainmrnt will be given. They expect to bold an open meetiog in the near future. For an Impaired Appetite Loss of appetite always rexults from faulty digestion. All that is neede-l i» a few doses of Chamheriain'H St<>ii<ach and Liver Tablets. They will invigorate the stomach, strength^-n the digestion aud give you an appetite like a wolf- These Tab- letA'SCt as a gemle laxative F^ir sale by W. E. Richardson. We're proud of the reputation this store has won for wash materials of all kinds, ami th is .sc'a.son have made bigger preparations than ever for this trade. Not only th* Canadian but the Foiei!j;n markets h.ive been se-irched for the latest novelties, and we have indeed a grand Jisplay of new material-i to show you. See the new Prints, Dimities, Orjjandies, Piques, Voiles, Flake and Knot Muslins, Ginghams, Zephyrs, Vestings, Mattings, etc., etc. Nothing but new and up-to-date styles, in wash materials to offer your. New Carpets we want every house keeper to !>ee tho magnificent range of New Carpets we have put in stock this year. New Brussels, Tapestries, Wools, Unions. Hemps, Linoleums, Floor Oilcloths, etc. An immense variety of handsome desig'ns at popular prii'es. among the new Caipets, we have imported direct from an English manufacturer, one case Tapestry Squares, in assorted patterns. These come in different sizes suitjvbic fT small medium or large rooms. They are a lovely line quality English Tapestry and much lower in price than anything we have ever seen before. Take a look through the new Carpets if intend purchasing. We can save you money. McFAKLA-ND, STAFFOI^D & CO F'X^OTON STATION STO^E W. Hockley 1905 W. Hockley^ Just « few of our many bargains we have to offer our patrons for the comiuR month. 50 pairs men's heavy all-wool socks .19 50 suits of men'a all-wool guernseys regular $1.20 for 89 12 Men's tine Dress Overcoats 4.59 100 yds all wool sheeting 2 yds.wide great bargain +9 A large a<.sortmeiit of men's win- ter caps 50 and COc lines for 39 Just a few ladies' short coats left to clear at 2.99 25 &len's and Boys' sweaters, bar- gain price , ... .49 A large assortment of chiMs hoods snap at , .29 15 pairs men's heavy winter pants regular $.3.00 lino for , 2.19 BOOTS and RUBBERS ; 25 pair* 3 eylet sna^ pro<>f tubbera regular $2.75 line for 2..'» '• 50 pairs boys plain overs, best rubber, snap ai 48 23 pairs women's felt lined boots 1.40 and 1.50 lines for Also a large table of working bvots reduced to 08 ; We want tu impress upon your miitd the great bargains we are giving this month in i ulassware, such aa: Fancy Parlor Limps, regular 2.75 line for 2 OO 6 gold Riipple wafer sett.-* 1.75 tt- 2.00 lines for 1 4.-< 5 only tea setts, 44 pieces, great bargain Ht 2 59 4 U7 piece dinner setts, $10.00 lines reduced to 8 OU GROCEI^IES Tudh<ipe'« carriage warerooms «t Orill- ia wet e buinrJ. A large st'Kk of carr- iages and implements w«i got out with j lilUe damage. Losa fully covered. 7 lbs fresh figs for . 4 lbs freah cnnenis 50 large bottles tomato caiaup special . 5 lb* gOiid Japan Tea for 6 Hm good Ceylon Tea . S.'. . 26 . 11 .1 on .10«l New Wash flatcrials. -J '4 in . f â- ' I

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