^^^^ txhm =T=e=^ "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PEINCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL XSIv, NO 1213 Fiesherton, -Ont., Thursday. March. 30 IQOo W. H THURSTON, ""'^"^ PBOrUIETOU â- ^ .â- ^f •V v! v?. Going To Get Mariicd ? 'i'^n If s;) you will want a uic3 We liiive chfui in a {Ti'ci'.c v.irii'ty ;\uil at j'i:;t the I'iuht prices. © © Going To A WoddiDg ? Ifso yiw.i will want to take a pi-nseiifiilonfj. We liavi' tciii niii.uy bcivtitifii^ Br..\CK Vv(XU) OL<X'K.S v/liieli, ne will sell at cost fur tliK n«:.xt Ofteun d«ya. Tliis means s'uuethiti;; to ynn. Mrtko a nnte of it. TU«fie are siiitaljlu forgeaeral use. See t'luai. US. JErmstrong, r!p=^^:^=^^r^ Industrial Home Motes F {Bij an Inmate) ^1 McFarland, Stafford & Co.'s Big Store MARKDALE, ONTAl^IO Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE A Hop-Skip-and-Jiimp Through the Various Departments Reveals These Values : i^- ^-^^^-^-.t^ .SL~.ir-^'±-'^-JL--J A short baJ;;ot tlii^ weeU is clue to the scarcity of nana, tliesc:u'city of iiuws fiu- Biiaiin'j from a dipreNsi.ir in irailio, iho deprussion in tralKc Ivoiu the presont had CDnili i.iu fif the loiids, tnd iho bad state (•f the roads from thu natural occurrence at this t'liie of tlio ye^r. • In addition to the death of Sam Cubcaii at the be<;iiiiiiiig of last week, we havB In rep a't ntiother death which occurred at tliB end of the sauiu week. Mrs.Ilnttaii, the old hvdy reported as haviiia h^st her rea.'sou a few weeks back, died early on Saturd.iy raoviiing last. About 3 p.m. the itim-ite.s were asbciiihleil in Iho ser- vice room to take a last view of the do- ceased and listen to a tou'ihing hud iin presaive di.sc"Ui-80 deliverrd by the Rev. Mr. Undwell from Job, 14, hi. Ui\iii<; to the impossibility ofgettint; to thecenjetery the rev. <{outleniaii read the service for the burial of the dead, previous to the roinoval of ihe reiuains by the undertaker for interment in Markdale ceuntoiy. Ten deaths have occurred in the Home since its opcniui;; four men havins; diod between the months nf Ocloher anil Dec. 1904, and ihroo men atid three women since iho firs'; ./an. 19C'5. The number of inmat-js at present in the Home iire twenty-tive men and eij^ht women, iuakin<j « totiil of thirty-threi-. â€" . »-»^O M m Champion Liniment for Rheumatism Chus. Drake, a mail carrier at Chapin- X'ille, Conn., says: "Chamberlain's Pain JUbu 19 the champiiiii of all lininicn's. •The past year I was troubled ft j!r>at deal with rhoumatisui in my shoulder After trying sKVeral cures the stirekeeper here recommended this remedy and it com j>U|lely cured mo." There is no use ot Hnyuue Ruff'-rin'; from that painful ail lUdiit «hon this liniment can be obtained fof a Binall sum. One applie.ali'm u'n'en prompt leliuf Hnd itb couiinued use for n f hort time will produce a permanent cure. For sale by W. E. Richardson. â€" â€" » n tn* « I'riccville Rev. Ivison Wilson, B. A , B. D, The subject of this sketch, who ha^ and B. D. in 1897. Since ordination he lahi.roil^ so successfully -for the past tilled char^'ea.-tirst »t Wilfiid, Ontario four year.s as in^tot of the Flesh- Co., and S.mth Darlinitton, Durham Co., erton Aletliodist church, was born previous to accepting the Flesher afc Beaverton, Out., in 18G8. After ton charue four yoais iis;o. Mr. passing the public school he attended the Wilson has acceptod an invitation by Oim-nice high school, and liter entered Maikdale Methiidists to become their Victoria iiiiivei.sity. At this institution p^istor at tho end of the present confer- he received the degree of B. A. in 1891 enoe yoai. beautiful white Liiieii Table Cloths, full bleached, h:indKouic patterns, size 2 by 2i yards, importeil direct fiom Irish Inauufucturer, usually sold at §1 75. Our price SI .25 50 Linen Sideboard Scarfs, in fancy pat- teriiH, plain white or fancy colorings, siiirf 56 by 10 inch. Regular value 35o. (.)u r price 19o. Tho steady thaw without any intprrup- tion by froHt hiis caused a heavy freshet in the 8au»«^ii, which luakea a heavy â- train on luilldanis, brid'.{eR e:c. ThM lite lain and meltins.^ enow has wintered sevcial bsrns and cellars of dwoliinv hou.SLH. Some farmers upon go. iiiU to their stiiMes would Hnd their stock KtMudin^i ill several inches of water, und otheis lioinjj hastily into a dark collar for rupplica would plunge into an ice cold Italh. Drainu had to hu cut iliiou:<h ice, etc. tn reduce the water und nmko the bnaruient habitable. Miss Lizzie Robertson, who has been in Toronto for some time, is hi>ine Ihi.s week viiiiiii>K Ix'i' mother. Miss N. Ocinr of Dundalk visited {riundu heie Uat week. D. G. McLean has a diilicult task at pr«Mnt cuiivryiiiit |>ui!>en((«r8 mid heavy mail baK< to and from the xtiition, but O. <1. is plucky; like theJai'sho ventures and Hucoeeds where otliers Mould fail. Sevwriil i:i>n>M <â- ( men have bofn cm- |>loye>l 'liis n M<.cr rnHkiiig .ti^uare timinr "rook «bn" which coiniiiHiidH a (cmd |iiio«. One u-vr-K "I'-'''*''"<{ * fc** i.ides from luxn, found aouie vary fino trees that avcn the nirnor «hh not aware «f b«iDf| of I hat vaiiety. The newly dis eotcrud "ri'tU»" were duly out down, lined Hiut dicMted, but whvn mes.^ured And inspected wore found to be toft elm. MMroely wrt'i a frnotlon of tho price of ll«»4itid liuiber, Hu the fanner niipn pri- ated them for building material, thus noting them honed <»ratis. Now tho ([uestion is a-kod, can the "Beavt-r ' dis- t'.ngiiish betweiu rock and Soft elm? Sliixwcll Two of our miiine sports while on their way h.m.e from a .seaport town, cauirtin contact with Iho (Julf Stre.wn or STino olhor stream .and were wrecked a shnrt distance north of Duntro''n. Their craft collided with an ice ber« and was capsized Owinn to heioic elForts of the tirstinite ibe captain was landed on terra litina and both little the worse for iheir adventure. Tliinus are very Hat in our burg, owin^ to the bad cohditioii of the road.^. Married â€" On Vi'ednesday, March 22, Siiss Mary Heron, of Fevershain, and Mr. Joseph Henderson, of Rob Roy. The ceromouy was peiformed by the Rev. n. E. Kemp. Mi.ss Moigan and her brother, of Owen Sound are visitin;^ their sister,Mrs. Geo. Fletcher. We are glad to hear that Mr. Scheniman owina to Ilia sironj!, sturdy cuDntitution, is improving somewhat. We are sorry ro learn that \V. H. Guy is tho loser of three valuable horses. \Vnlt.cr is g^'inn to work tho old home- stead tliis year. He says the (11. ly thing ab'iut it is he d->iit like living alone; but by lh« way tbinas are shaping he will likely have oomiiany. Dr. Scott's auction sale went off nicely, both fiiiauoirilly and lively. The sport- ing foaiure "f i he Jay WIS between two old residents of our township who din- agreed over some deal. Such a piece IS oratory has not been heard on lot of since the timo of Adam. All si;jus point to spiing. For an Impaired Appetite Loss of appetite ulways results from faulty di({eKiion. All th»t is needed is a few doses of Cbainbei Iain's Stoioach and Liver Tablets. They will invigorate the stomach, strengthen ttiediuestionand mve you nil H|ip tit*) like a wolf" These T»li- lutM act as a gentle laxative. For sale by W. E. Rximidson. If you ubscrve a peculiar expreisiim in your wife's eyes duriai; the nsxt few weeks do not ti;el alarmed. It is the wal paper stare, and is aci|uired by hiokinu at half a dozen patterns at tho same lime, and tiguriag how they will look on the parlor walls. For host Manitoba and Ontario flour HI liiwett prices tiy Sproule, Crowley A C >. , Slesl.erton. If it is a bilHoiii attnck take Cham))er- laiii's Stomach and Lirer Tablets and a ()U ck cure is ceartain. For sale by VV. U. IlichArdson. To Rent .r Sellâ€" Mr. A. S. Madill Sault SU', Marie, Ont., haa instructed ns to ront or sell. First : The n<irth half Lot 27, con U, .\it«mesi», 50 aoros; i;ood buildings; a very desirable property. Second: The west half Lot 37. Con. 14, .\rtetnosiii, fiO aoret: a rough pruuerty suitable for patture. Apply at once to Lucua, Wright Jt HcArdle, Uaikdnle. WAS TORTURE^O WALK Mr. Julian's Interesting Story. Tho niost remarkable cure that iins yet been ollected ly Cameron's Rheumatism Cure was broufiht to the attention of a reporter yesterday inorniii!;, when he had an interesting talk with Mr. L B. Julien, the well known merchant tailor, at: his place of business in the Redfurn block, â- idjoiniiii; the Post Office. "I have been a .sufferer fioin rheumatism tor twelve J ears," he said, "and durinst that time I have had the disease in almost every form. I have bad inflaminatory ibeumatsin, sci- atica, lumbago, neuralagia of the joint.i and muscles, and have suffered endless agony duiinnthat time," "What were the cireuin.stanceg which brought about your curei " asked the reporter, "Well, it was this way, I waa in Cameron's diui; store about two months ago, and Mr. Cameron, knowing my condition, siiirgos- ted that I try a bottle of Cameron's Uheu- matiain Cure. I laughed at him and said 'Jim, you have no idea of my condition ' Mr. Cameron wrapped up the bottle and pushed it into my hand, and I took it home. That was about two n miths ago, and I have used two bottles during that lime. It has done nie a world of good. Only last fall I could not bend my left arm and it was impossible for ni« to woik. This fall I have been free from the troub- le and I believe the cure Is permanent." Mr. Julien w«iit on to say that he hnd taken about half of a bottle before he no- ticed any result. Then his appetite got better and be began to feel letter in ev- ery way. lie had taken all kinds of med- icine without result. At imo time ho had to quit cutting and could not st>/op to meaoure a customer. Now he is cured and has not the alii<htesl dtticulty in meet- ing every requirement of tho busincxs. There is no question that Cameron's discovery i.s tho most effective cure for rheumatism known, and the frequency with which candid te.8tnnoniHl8 have boen voliiDtticrod from week to week have re- sulted ill lame sales of the remedy. As a c'ise of twelve years siandinu, Mr. Jul- ien'd story of his cure is remarkable, and stands alone in medical nnnals. For sale by D. A Cameron <t Co., Owen .Sound. 81.00 per botile, Expicss paid <iii two bottles. ^ â- ^ Millinery Opening. McFarland Stafford iS; Co. wich to intimate to the ladies of Fle.^herton and | surrounding townships that Wediieaday and Thursday, .\piil 5th and 6th, wiil be opening days in their millinery parlors, when all tho lat-tst crcHti<ins in millinery art will be on display. Mi's Thoiii|«on has charge of our millinery show rooms again this season ana extends a cordiul invitation to the ladies to attend. 10 dozen Women's Corsets, new length, good strong material, well boned. A bargain at this price 2uc. 500 yards 16-inch Lmen Towelling, white with red border The kind usually sold at 7c per yard. Our price 5o. A nice range of patterns in fancy stripe Flannelette, 28 inch wide. Special value at per yard 5o. lOOJ rolls DOW Wall Paper, beautiful pat- terns in briiilit glimmer effect, the kind usually sold at 5c and 6c, siiiglo roll. Our price 3^c. lO dozen VVindow Shades, mounted on best spring rollers, good heavy cloths in fii« lis and greens, sizes 36 to 72 in. The best values we've ever had for 26o Flake Chambrays in pinks, blues, groya, ox blood, etc , rich linen finish, hand- some for waists and shirt waist suits' Extra value at per yard 15c. 10 pieces 3(5-inch heavy Dress Duck, as- sorted patterns, Special value at per yard 15c. 10 dozen Men's Working Shirts, made from good, heavy shirting in stripe and fancy patterns, navy and black grounds, loinforced fronts and backs, all sizes. On sale at 50c. A full range of the celebrated Enulish Kelt. Hats 'Waketield." All the new shapes and shades. ,' > Men's Felt Hats in Planter style, largo leaf, leather bound, browns and Lhick.s, usually sold at 75o. This season 5dc. Over .50 patterns in Crescent Shirts. hum- driod or soft bosom. The best values you will see at 50c, 75 and §i.00 We are agents for Crescent Waists. See our display in lawns, lu.stres, silks etc. before you make a selection. We've got them all beat. 10 pieces Toilet sets in fancy colored porcelain ware, handaomo designs auil new shapes. Regular ?2.50 s;ets, this spring $1.75 100 dozen heavy white Ironstone China Ciipsand Saucers, wheat pattern, usu- ally sold at fl.OO per dozen. Our pri^B COc. 50 tins Upton's Jam, o lbs. each tin, Plum Peach, Apricot, Red Cnr â- ;•!'. T-iIack Curiant, Raspberry, Straw', i j,i. " .^* berry, etc. These we bought somo ironths ago at a bargain. The reaular price is 50c for a 5-lb tin. Our price while they last will be 29c (Cheaper than sugar.) 200 lh». choice frosh Ginger Simps, 4 lbs, for 25c. i^r 200 lbs. choice fresh Ginger Cookies, 4" lbs. for 20o. . . 200 lbs. choice fresh Fiuit Biscuit, 3 lbs. ' ; for 25o. 200 lbs. choice fresh Asserted Cakes, 3 lbs. for 23c 200 lbs, choice fresh Lemon Biscuit, lbs. for 25e Choice Ltvyor Figs, tegular 20c lb., this week 1 Oo. 6 lbs. good Prunes fur 25o 1 5 Pkgs. Garden Seeds for 25c I We have had put up for our trade this season by one of the tiest seed houses in America, 3000 packages of Garden and Flower Seeds. Those paokaues are guar- anteed full size and weight. Bach package boars our n.nneâ€"8utliciont guarantee to the purchaser. By buying these direct in largo quahtiiics wo got an inside price, and ill order to ru:i them all off in one season will give you the biggest seed bargain you over got â€" usually sold oo p-iokageâ€" assorted any way you like, either Flower or Veg- etable seeds, 15 packages fur ^&o McFAKLAiSID, STAFFOI^D & CO PI^OTON STATION STOI^E W. Hockley 1095 W. Hockley Just • few of our many bargains we have to offer our patrons for tho coming mouth. 50 pairs men's heavy all-wool socks . 19 50 suits of men's all-wool guernseys regular 81.25 for 89 12 Men's lino Dross Overcoats 4.69 100 )'ds all wool sheeting 2 yds. wide great bargain 49 A large assortment of men's win- ter cups 50 and 60c lines for 39 Just a few ladies' short coati left to clear at 2.99 25 Men's and B«iys' sweaters, bar- gain price 49 A large assortment of childs hoods snap at , .29 15 pairs men's heavy winter pants regular $.1.00 Una for 2. 19 A Safe Cough Medicine for Children In buying a cough medicine for child- ren never be afraid to buy Ch.%m)>drlain's Cough remedy. There is im daoger from it and relief IS always sure to follow. It is especially valunhlo for colds, croup and wluMipinu cough. For aaie hy W. S, RtuhajdM>ii. BOOTS and RUBBERS 25 pTirs 3 i-y'ei sna^ proof lubbers 26 pairs women's felt lined boots 1.40 regular 82.75 line for 2.39 and 1.60 bnes for I OO. 60 pairs hoys plain ovors, beat ruhlair. Also a large table of working l«ots miap »i 48 reduced to 08 We want to iini>re*supiin your mind the great bargains wc are iriviiig this month it glassware, such as: Fancy Parlor Lamps, regular 2.75 line for 2 00 C (fold «np|.le w.i'or sitta 1.75 t- 2.00 lines fur I 4H 5 only tea sella, 44 pinces, orrral bargain at i 2 .W 4 97 piece dinner tetts, $10.00 tinea roduc«Nl tu 3 '-0 GROCEI^IKS 5 lbs fresh figs for 25 7 llm frtsh cnnen's 25 4 large Ix'ttlrH tomnto catsop special 11 5 lbs go >d ,)ap«u Tea for 1 tH» 6 lbs g.wid Csylou Tva ,. IW JU'