Til£ FLESIiEETON ADVANCE JIabch 30 1905 '< Methodist Church Sumlay A]m\ 2, lOOo Mdriiing.â€" Mr M. K. UlchiirHiuin. Eveniiv^,â€" TliB Pnstor. Sui'j- ct- "TbdUKh »l>»lt, not »ieHl." Pastor Ji. I.WII.80X, B. A.,U. D.. P"' -vn Cliaractcristics of tlie Pnst Wrek Carefully Culled for the Uuriou». . . Farm nmro lor saleâ€" W. Buskin. Mis. Ed. Wliilten is viaitins with he daughter, Mrs. J SiunJeru, In TiMouto" Fresh liino iilwnysi on haii'l. J. H. Diickett, Eugenia. Tu< wBC<>r.s now. The stiitinti 'h\ia was perched "M whoela fi>r the firai time <iii Tuesday, MrH. Paul Flint and U,iu-.ihtHr i.f G^ilfc «ro visitiiiK the former's aunt, Mis. Jnhn Clin' on. Good work horse for 8.»Ie. Aiiply t" II. H.ilruan, P..rtlaw. Mrs. C. Cruft, who live-s with lier diiUMhter, Mrs. John Hiilu«, ia seriou.'^ly ill at present. Bornâ€" At Toronto, on Sunday March 2<5th, to Mr. Slid Mrs. J. Saundori, a daughter. Millinery apprentice wanted, apply fc<i Boyd, Hickling ifc Co. Mias Mary Thompson left on Thursday Irtstto visit fora few weeks with hor brother Will, at Stouffvdlo. For Saleâ€" 2 horses, 1 milch cow. 2 calves, 1 Durham hbifer, 3 years old. .1. H. Heard, b'lesherton. While iu Dundi-lk last week Mr. Run- ttadtler was taken ill with a severe cold and a near approach to pneumonia, and was unable to return home. He is still coiifioed to his roMiu at Dunda'k. Mrs. Run«tJidtlor is with him. Just why the Fleshert-in ^:osloffioe is not a money depositing branch is a ques- tion we would like to ask somebody. Even Pricevilleand Maikdale are d. p'-isit iffices, while ours ii not. This is a <|uestion that would he wiihin the realm of the "Bo;\td of Trade" to inveKtiRnbe, Many a nickel would be saved by tlie yauDg people were such a conveoienoe {ilaced within their reach. Noticeâ€" Having put in a first class grinding out6t in connection with the electric plant, am prepared to accommo- date the public iu the chopping business Fred Deagle, Eugenia. Durham furniture factory was burned to the ground on Thursday evening lust, the fire starting from some cause un- known. The total loss is ?50,000, with $25,000 iusura'ice. The reflection of the fire could be distinctly seen here. At a meetin;; of Durham citizens held Friday evening it was decided to assist the com- pany to rebudd, and the statement was made that things would again be rnnuiiig full blast inside of three months. For sale â€" Two young Durham bulls, one nine and the other five nionthc old. First clasM animaU of a good nulking strain. Either cash or good paper. Geo. Johnston, Flesherton A purely Canadi'iii colony is forming ill Cuba, the land of perpetual spring, with choice opportunitiea for securing tine Riiricultural lands at low rates. Int- erested persons will do well to communi- cate with Uev. G. F. Hurlburt, Flesher- ton, who will be pieasi'd to give inform- ation and hear uf those intending to go to Cuba. An auction sale of farm stock and im- plements will be held on lot 160, ecu. 2 N E. T. and S. R., Aitmosia, on Fri- day, March 31, at 1 p in. Terras ten months credit on cum* over $5, all to be »<)ld wiihout sliithtest reserve as owner has sold his farm and has no further use for them. See Posters. R. MoMullen, Proprietor, R, J. Sproule, .Auctioneer. Cho{^ein:{. done at ColUnsoiM every Satiirday. Biing us yourgriBiing. Our otiopper has no superior and few et^uals. We can <k. it any day. T, W. Wilson. Hicks, the St. Louis weather man, was clean off in bis propheses for last week, he having foretold northwest biizzardgfor the latter part of the week. On the con trary, we havo had the very pink of aprini{ weather from thn Rocky Mount- ains tu the .Vtlantic, with no storms of. ftny description!. For saleâ€" cue sound horse, five yearn old, color dark brown; also one aged borse. Apply to £. M, Wurts, Proton iHatioa, -^ -i ! - -Jl^ -Itii Ueinnuiber F. F. Karstedt'a^tilillinery openini: on Thursday, Friday and Satur- diiy of this week. The unexpected break up of last week cuu'/bt some people away from honne.and among th..'S'i were Biker E'l. Thoiopson, who made hit usual delivery at Pricevilte on Friday but was unab'o to get team or rig Imck home and had to walk back himself. Al the time of wii.in<j (Tues- diiy a. m ) (he leiim is still boarding out and Ed. is delivering bread wiiha liorrow- ed horse and a lutubur's box. Mr. El. Palterson niao had ii horse boardiug over at Piioeville. Be suro aud see the display of new spiinj goods in F. G. Karsiedc's new millinorj' department. Opening Thuis- d(iy, Friday an J Saturdays this week. Mr. T. Blakeley has a sample of his new roller bearing iu operation at \^'il- son'a fac'ory. This beating is the third and best that Mr. Blakeloy has pa'ented. The Siiiiiple in i'perati<m here was viewed by many men of a mechanical turn, who all pronounced it the most perfect thing of iho kind yet produced. Friction is a thing of the past with this benriiiK It will bu manufactuied by the Kennedy linn of Owen Soun.l and is patented in both ihe United Slates and Canada. For NjJe cheap and on easy terms, 1 good democrat wagon, good as new ; also 1 Massey Harris and one Noxon seed drill, both almost new and in brsli class Working condition ; also 1 pair spring tooth hairows. E. J. SpcouleiFlesherlon Wo quote elsewhere an item from the Owen Sound Advertiser regarding the Eu'jeiiia Falls electrical developement The News of S:itnrday says application has been made to have the name changed to the Georgian Bay Power Co., and that the whole of the power will he transTuit- tedtoCweu Sound. As this fall proper is situated on public property we trust that our township fathers will see to it that public interests witbin their jurisdic- tion are not imperriled. Last year's municipul council submitted its terms, which wo believe were fair. The present council should see to it that these terms are carried out or improved uii if possible. T, P. Smith, Eye Sight Specialist, will be at Munshaw's Hotel, Tuesday, Apiil 18, "one day only." If you have defect- ive eyesight it will pay you to call and see him. Examination free. Proton Station is said to have bee^ somewhat of a maderii "Venice durinu the thaw last week. Citizens had to go to milk their cows in galvanized iron boats and those who could not manufacture such boats had to move their cows to firmer ground. Thu genial Unsmith at Proton is now known as "Captain" Trelford. Finest Windsor salt by the barrel and also dairy by the b«g. Also best Cana- dian and American coal oil, for sale at Sproule, Crosaley & Go's, Flesherton. On Wednesday morning of last week Mr. R, Trimble received a letter from a lieiilleraan residing in Holland town.ship, the letter being posted at MarkHale. The contents of this letter were a surprise to Mr. Trimblo, and were worthy of being made public They consisted of a d<dlHr bill and a note to the effect that the writer some 4S years ago had purch-ised half a pound of tobacco, price " ten pence," and which had never been paid for. The note ([uaintty ended with the follo*inv_' postscript : "Quit tobacco 20 years." At the time of this purchase Mr. Trimble kept a store abiiut a mile north of this village on the Toronto and Sydenham line. A few packages nice s.-dinon trout and fresh water herring (heads ufi) still on sale ut Sproule, Crnssley & Go's, Flesherton. Wauled- good, sober, energetic young man, to travel and* Solicit orders for a reliable drni. Good chances for rapid promotion. Call or address : B. K. Tubbs, Eugenia. Mrs. Wdlett announces that after an unavoidable deUy from dliiessof the lady who was coming, she will open her dress- Euiking parlors fur business on Wednes- day afternoon, 29th iiist., with Mi;s K Harper in charge, over Boyd) Hickling k Co's store. 5ir James Watson's Opinion He says that the commonest of ail dis- orders, and one frcni which few esca{>e is Ctttarrh. Sii James firmly believes in local troaiment, which is best supplied by "Caturrhozone. * No cue of Catarrh can exist where Catarthozone is used; it is a miracle worker, relieves almost instantly and cures after other remedies fail. Other trratineuts can't re>ach the diseased parts like Catarrbozone beoaiue it goes to the ssuw* of the trouble along with the air y«>u breathe. Catarrhoxone is I free from cocaine, it leares no bad afterr etfecta, it is simply uaturn't own cure. Accept nc suhatilute for Catarrhozoro which alime can cum catarrh. I lei I I A Billious Headac'iie la one of the meanest things in the world. To prevent biliousness use Dr. Hamilton's Pilla which keep thu system clean and pure, rvgulate the bowels, give tone to kidneys and liver. You'll never bare a headache,you'il never have a sour stomach, but you will have vigorous bracing health by taking Dr. Hamilton's IMI.s. Your druggist .sells Dr. Hamilton's IMIs, 25c. per box or five boxes for one ibjllnr. The harn of ftlr. Henry Harpell, about three miles south of Meaford, was totally destroyed hy fire about 8..W Wednesday ovoi ling of last week. Mr. Harpell was in the barn looking after the stock when he happened to drop the lantern, which exploded, setting fire to the preraifes. He succeeded in saving the stock, but the other contents uf the building went up in smokf. The loss is unknown hut we learn that there was an insurance of $600 on barn aud contents. ilave You Heartburn ? It's quite common with people whose digestion is poor. Immediate relief fcjl Iowa the use of Nerviline. Stomach is strengthened, digestion ia made perfect, lasting cure results in every case. Us<> Poisons Nerviline once and you'll never be without it because every type of stom iieh dLsorder is ci-nquered by a few doses. One 25c. bottle of iferviline always con vinces. Sold evv-ry where for the past fif- ty years. Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER of the estate of JOHN SPEER, late of the Town- ship of Osprey in the County of Grny, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby e>veu piirsnant to the Ro- vised Statutes ot Ontario 1897, Chap. {129 that all c-editors and others haviut? claiLQs agaiust the estate u{ the said JUHN HPI'JKU, deceased, vhodiudoDor about the Bsventb day of Feb- ruary ^. D. lOUf), are required on or before tbe First day of May A. D. 1905 to seed by post pre- paid or deliver to BancstBr Henipliill, Esq., CeyloQ r. 0. Oot., or William H. Heaiphill, Ebq , Port Law P. 0., Oat., the execu^.ors of the last Will aud Tt'Stanient of tbe Shid deceased, their christian and surnanieH, addres^^es aud desorip- tionti, tbe full particulars of their claims, tbe Bbutouaent of thoir accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them. AND FURTHER TAKE KOTICE that after such last meottoned date the executors will prutieetl to distribute the assets of ttie deceased uDioD^ tile partieseutitled Cher<ato, haviug re- Caixl only to the claims or which they shall thoi) bavo not-ce, aod that the sa:d executora will uot bQ liable for tbo said assets or any part thereof to auy pureonor parsons of wbose'ulsiin notice shall not have beeu received by them at tbe tittle of suchdistributiou. Dated .March 37tb, A. D., 190.1. Lucas, Wright A 5Ic.\rdle, Oneu Sound. Out, Solicitors for the Executors. Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER of the Estate of JOHN CLINTON, lato of the ViilaKC of Fleaheiton in the County of (3rey, Farmer, deceased. NOTIC^E la hi'reby givoii pursuant to Tho Itevised Statutes of Ontario, 1K)7, Chap. 129, that all creditors and others having claims at'aiiist Lh«cstato of the saii.1 JOHN CLINTl'N aoceitsed, -who dia<* on or atiout tho Kt^hth day of l''obruary A.D.1905, are roquiied ou ox before tUo b irst day ol May A. U. H)i.ij to aeud by post lirepaid or deliver to Mabsis. Lucas, Wright & McAifUe. BarristorH, etc., Oweu Sound, Out., Snlieitors for the Kxecutornof tho last Will and TuKtatueut of tho Baiddeceasod, their chriBliau mid BUvuiMieP, addressea and descriptions, tho full pai ticularB of iht^ir c]aiui<;, tho statetnont of tlieir accouuts aud the uaturts of the seuurit- ie.s(jf au\) hold by them. AND FUUTHEB TAKE NOTICE that after siicli last Dieutioued dato tb-j (ixecutor^ wit! proceed to distribute the a^i^utsof tho docoaaed among the paitiot) entitled ^thoreto, hiiving rt-'gaiU only to thd claims uf which tbev fiball thtii) havo notice, and that tha said exocutore will tint bo liable tor Che eaid assetB or aay part thereof to any persou or per^^ons of wbose claim notice tthall oot have becu r<-cuivud by theuj at the time of such diRtilbutiou. Dated March 27th A. D. lOtlJ. LucaSi WriKht 4.fe McArdlo, Oneu SouuU, Out. Solicitors for iho Executors. Notice to Creditors In llie mutter of the estate of \VILLI.\M WILSON, late of the villiago of Eugenia, iii the county of Grey, shoetn.'iker, deceased. N0TICI5 is herebv given I'lii-stiaut to "The Uevisod Statutes of Ontario" 1305, chapter 1'2<>, that all creditors and oMiors hiivioK claims aKninst tho estate of the said WILLIAM WILSON.deceasedwho died on or about tho l'2th (lav of Noveaiber A. U. 1904 are rctpiirod on orbe. fcro the First day or Mny .».!'., 180r>,ti) send hy poijt prepaid or deliver to Henry Cairns Ol Ada>i> Smith, KuRenia, Ont., executoi'» of- the Last Will and Testament of the said Wil- lani Wilaou, deceased, thtii- christian and t-urnaiiie^ addresses and descriptions,, thefull partioulais of their olaimi, the stati- uieut of their accounts and 4I10 uature of their secuveties, ifauy, held by tiietii. AM^ furtlier talw notice that after such lastr luontioned date tho eaid executt>)-s will proceed to distribute tbe assets of tbedocea.1- ed among. tbe parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the o'aiina of which they shall thciiliave notice, and that "the said e.xecutors :tri.t Tvil) uot he liable for tbo said s.ssets or anr part thereof to any person or pennons of whose C' aims notice sliall not have been receiv- ed Ly tl.eni at the tiuieof such distribution. Dated Uarcb 91, A. P., liXB. LUCAS, WRIGHT A McARDLE, Owen Sound, .Ont. . Solicitors (or oxeoutors. WALL PAPERSI The largest stock in the town- ship, of BEST Quality and LOWEST PRICES, from 3c. per double roll up to 50c. On exhibition by The pbacticl paimtsr & paper hanubb. ramplbs on application. Seeds W. L. Wright baa oiio of the best aslec-' tiona of garden and vegetable seeds that have ever been on exhibition in thin village. He has an excellttot aKlectioa of> JMIay's Seeds also a fine rauga from Steele, Briggs Also aettli) of MHn<;lti8, Beets, Puns and^ Seiins. Our PRICES are the LOWE5T. We have a fresh stock of goocC Groceries Priceville Ontario. Wm. L. Wright's Bull for Service Tha Sh^rthcva Bu!^ Scottish Chinf No. 51300" ;.i;l ata.!i<i for aoivice oil lot 170 -Jud. E. T. 4 8. Hoad. Terms for service If^vade cows Â¥1.50 reiftHtered cots S.i 00, payable Jau. l^t li)OQ. Also a re^jistured Yorkshiro Boar, t.'retithill Jack No. 10r>iil. ToruiB for aervico ;<l.OO, pay* ablo Jaa. l9t. IIXXS. Pedi^reoa on application. KICHAHD ALLEN. BOOTS and SHOES ^ Hqent Tor Dominion Express money Orders Boots Shoes In order to make room SPKI><G GOODS Clayton's are giving great bargains in Bootd. Shi>e8. Rubbers and all kinds of winter goods. Wa have a fuw pairs of Men's and boys HEAVY GUM RUBBErs. A few pairs Overshoes also Trunks and telescopesâ€" all goinp atsreatly reduced prices. To those wearing home mido boots and shoesâ€" We are making them of the best material that can be got. Try a pair. ^ ^ 01ayton'$ >* «& Tles*:)erloii, .^- Clover & Timothy! | Don't be induced to buy poor, foul seeds at a high figure. Ex= amine my offering of pure clean seeds at low= er prices than offered ->• ^ elsewhere. *^ ^ CU. 3 Meciica.1 Hall - Flesfciertorx » ^^^?%\' vif =»fi= % ^;^%" v^^/K' W W^K'^?^ W%<? •»<? W W * -as- ''ft' '/h-- •'^^^ Iff m For Your 5tock Herbai^euin, Iiiteriiatioiial Stoek Food, Columbian Rejjulator. Tick Destioyer f'jr the sheep. For Yourself Pftterrt Medicines â€" all the popular makes. Pipe* and tobacco- ^^ For Your Wife ^^ Spices for cooking â€" Allspice, Cinnamon, Mixed spices, etc. ^ Perfumes, CortitiUaSilk. m FARM FOR SAl.E For Your Baby ^ Soothing Sv-up, Sucking Bottles, and Teething Rings. ^ T 1' rr I Richardson & Son NiNri-T acren, U miles trpin Flesherton, 00 acroA fH to run farm irapteiuetitn. rcat gooil pustttrc lard; somo g.wd cedar; woll fenced, woll watered; two ocros orcViajd; builinKs comfort- at>l«; 6 acres fall wheat., f acres clover sod ploKod down ready for seed ;).''> acres mammoth c'OTpr, aeeded lant year. Oning to coutinuad illBoas will Mil cheap. Apply to A. UOYD,>labbertou.. DItUOGISTS :-: :-: i ^ Flesherton 1 il5»t#^t%.^#t##tm'^0#^^e-#*#^t i Ontario ^