TiTR FLESllERTON ADVANCE April 20 I9t>0 ! : i Methodist Church 8uii(fay, Apvil 23, 1005. Morniir^ : "Wliy weejjes' Tliou?' Eveiiint! : '"Tlie Ljuiili of Oi.d." Special iiius'oal Hervita by llie choir lU ll:e o'urch. J 8. I.WILSON, B. .\., u. D •••• Pastor --v ^\\\p ^ ^ Characteri.sticB of t)ia Past W?ek Carefully Ciilleil for the (Juvious. . . Fresh lima always on liaiid, J. H. Diiclett, Eii<;cnia. Work hor.so for s:i!e. Apply to J. P. few.. 11. Cood potatoes for sale. Apjly toF. G Knrstfilt, FksherViia. Don't- fii;l to huai- Mrs, Euia Sco!t-Raff, T,.rnn'o'a triU'r.tcd i-Iocntioirst. Misa Aniiit! Orr has just; reburneJ from a monili's visit wiili fi lends at Eppirg. Mr. aiul Mr.i. W. W. Triml)lo .=p;iita fiwd.iys ill Owun Sound last week. Born â€" To Air. unci Mrs. Geo. Bull .my, Flesliyrti.n, on Fnday 1-Jlh mst., a son. Mrs. P. Holinan returned on Friday from an extended viait: with her two sotia in ftHohioan. ....:.': ;"_:,- "•- 'â- â- Great prep<ir.itions are heing made for tlie Lea'-uu Concert in the Meiliudist. Chur.li Oil Thursday eveniny of this week. NewFro.st & Wood lumhsr wagon for sule, eleveo muiitha credit or cash. Ap- ply to VVdiiani Moore, sr., Fle.shorton. Mms Irene Saiaill of Havergal eolh-ye, Toronto, is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. <Rsv.) J. S. I. VVilaou. Biiug us your j^riHtiDu;. Our ch-ppcr has no superior and few equals. We can diiitauyday. T. W. Wilson. Mr. Dick Wilcox if Denton, Mich., ariivod homo tliis week for a viait after an absi nee of lour years. A quantity ot timothy and ah.ike clover seed for sale. Apply to Wm. Davis, Fle.sliert.ui. 5ii;s Emma Quigg and Mrs. E. M. Wurts atidchilJiau are gpendina: a fort- night with fiicnds at Brampton and Toronto. Mr. Wm. C. Clinton, of Foversh.ain, is visiting his motlier, iVIrs. .1. Clinton. Mr. Clinton has no: fully recovered from his fccent severe illne.'^s. Keep your bowehs rog .dar by th« use of Cbauiberlaiii's Stomach and Liver Tab- lets. There is nothint; better. For .sale by W. E Richardson. The Owen Sound..Uiil^'vt>r says "In the story of .Annie LauriD, Mrs. Soott- Ratf reached a ch.-na.\ of emotional force, which was a revelation to her audience. Mr.- W. H. Built has puich:ised a lot from W. H. .Heard, nearly 0|iposite H nrd's bl.icksaiith shop, nutl purpose* erectinK a combined furniture store and dwelling in the near future. A niieting of Women's Institute will be h^dd at the homo of Mrs. Jacob Thorapnon, on the eajjfc back line, on Tuesday, April 25, at 2 p.m. All ladies are cordially invited to attend. LiLSt â€" A diploma, for Christian Culture Course examinaiions, was left on C. P. Railway from Toronto, on tlie evening of the 2ith. Anyone finding same, phase forward to Miss Lizzie M. Robortsou, Pricutille. A county «ourt case was tried in Owtn S und lust week Ijetween Th'inas Keir and Edward Patterson, the firmer claim- ing ft balance due on sale of the 'bus busiues here to Mr. Patterson Verdict wis given the piamtiff for full amount c'ainio 1. H. 0. Tucker, b.arristpr, Owen Sound, was in town Saturday. lie was interes- ted in a case from Markdale in which a eitzen of Holland was clianjed with having obtamed ni >ney undor false pret- ences. The case, howcver,vv*3 withdrawn before cominn tn trial. The reeve and clerk were in Toronto last week altendint; the Good Roads Asfiocia'ion, and waitel upon the f^ovcrn- oiont with a largo delegation to advi^cato amendments to tlie Municipal Act where- by it will be made impossihlo for every Tom, Dick and Harry who get thiir ankle.'* sprained to mulct vlie townships in doctoi'g bills and damig.'S. Premier Whitney will do somctliinsj »!ong that liBB. He thinks the wh do Municipid Act is »o ambiguous thit it will reijuiie a complete remodelling He is right. It has been pUched too much, like aomo old ! bicyle tubes, won't hold win.-}, aud neei's to be replaced with a new one. I For Dutuh set's, fresh gar.len seeds, hest fami'y Hour, chop feed and line suit by the l.bl , go to Sproulo & Crossly, F'ioshi rton Mr. Is.iac Noriis, son of Mrs. Whiie of this place, v\as recently married to Miiss BeiLba May Baux of Arr<in towiiKliip. The young couple visited in Flealierton during the past week. They will reside in Tara. Rev. Rodwell of Miirkdale p'oaclunl in the Methodist church hero morning and evening, Sunday. Rev. Ivi.sioi Wi son was absent at Sbellmrne. .Mr. M. K. Richardson took Mr, llodweil's work at Markdale. Mr. Will Moore, who recently purch- ased the old Wrisjht stora, wdl take possession on May 1. He is busy this week reneivin^ and placing a stock of buiigies, and will aUo handle ullier rigs in conjuMCiioii with his harness business. Intending purchasers of bu-j;!»ies .should i;i>!l iiu.J fJiai!'i:)'J tnn sCocK neloia placing their orders. The Epworlh Le.iijuo appointed the f(dlowing officers on Monday evening : H'>n. Pre"., R.?y. Ivison Wdson; Pres., .Mrs. VV. A. Armstrong; 1st Vice Pres , .Vfiss M. Bogjs; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. Thurston; 3rd VicePns. Mis.s. I. Boaity; 4;h Vice Prea., Miss Minnie Belliony; Cor. Sec, E Bellamy; Ileo. Sec, 0. Mc- mullen; Troas., Emerson Bellamy; Repres- entative to Distiict E.vec. , Miss M. Faw- cctt; Organist, Miss Z. Trimble. If the liuin'.v.ne and Utile blizzard of Frid'.iy, Saturday, Sunday and Moiiuay was the expiring kick of winter it was a particu'arly vijjorons one. In this con- nection it is interesting to note that Hicks fuvetolJ for this very period unsiMSonahly warm weather with thunder, lightning and such spring' paraphernalia. The con- trast with tins f irecast wa? very marked- This ia twice he has calltd i he wrunj; weather .titicie this spring. If he does it any more we'll begin to lose faith in him as a prophet. . /:: TIiH entertainment given by the Misiion Baud on Wednesday of la.st week proved a success from every point of view. The evening wa.^ line, the attend uica w:is lar-^e, t!ie church was beautifully decor- ated and I he children seemed to have been weli trained. Misj-es Lillian and Laura Armstr'^ng s.mg a duot, and four little g.ils in costume giVe a dialouue or.titled 'The four dollies wlio went as Misfiionaries''; then followe'd the Canta'a "Crystal and Coin." A dainty liincli wk.s served, the waiteis being j'ouiig n)i,stes in kimonos, and with their hair dressed bii'h on their heads in Jnpanese style. The proceeds amounted to eleven dolhirs and thrty five cent.s. â- .â- , M r. Frederick Sykes, aged 73 years, passed away at: his home, near Rob Roy, on April 12 last. He was the victiir. of a run.iway on April 1st, when he was liadly shaken up and su.staiiicd inteuial injurits wl'.ieh ]jrovBd fatal on Wedoesdiy last, D'.'ceased leaves to mourn his loss five children, three boys and two girls, and an aged wife. The children are as follows: Edmund, who lives near FleKherton; William, at Collingwood; Charles, who lives with his parents; Mrs. McK. nnie, of Colliniiwood, and Aga^ev at home. The funeral took place to Zion ceinoteiy on Frid.ay last. Deceased has lived for ahmit 30 years in Ospwey, where he was well and favorably known Prince Arthur Iodide, No. 3:JS. A. F. & A. M., spent a pleasaiit and enjoyable Kveiiing lii-st Kriday ni^ht » h.';n they re- ceived an official vi.sit from R. W. liro. E. .\. VVakelield, of Orillia, D. D. Gr«nd Master of Georgian District No. 9, After having observed an exemplification of the work of the order in the several digrees, he complimentod the i.ttieers of ihe Lodt'O partioul.vi ly and the brethren in general for the beauty and neatness of the lodge and refre--hincnt rooms, and the adapta- liility of ihe same, and the otticeis iiartio ularly for the very creditibh) manner in which they exemjdiBed the work of iho order in the seieral degree."). He iilso high y complimented the »ctint( secretiiry Bro. Jos. Blackburn, for the neat and proper manner in which the bo.. !< a of the lodge were kept by hi«i After the work in the lod4e was over, the bethi-rcn, with their di.-tinguished visit- ing brother, repaired to the lefreshment room and there partook of a sumptuous 'repa.">t, very kindly provided by the g.iod wives ft the brtlheretl of the lodge, and after iho inner man was supplied, all .^pent a plea.sauk hour in toaab and snug, wh-ch were ably responded to. partic- ularly that of the Uraiid Lodgo of Canada by R.W. Bro. Wakefield, and also n.auy of the brethom present. R.W. Bro. Wakefield is a splendid and pleasing speaker, also a good singer, hence added very materially to the enjoyment of the eveninif. Our Clubbing List ""Adviuice, *Hora!d and *Toronto World, daily $3 25 Toronto Daily News 1 85 Weekly Globe 1.80 Mail-Binpire 1,80 Family Herald & Star 1 .,S0 T..r(nito Star 1.80 Fanners Sun 1.80 AU above prices include The Advance and .^1ontrr!lll Herald, if paid in advance only Early sub.scribera get best value for their money. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Best and Most Popular, "Motlier.s buy it for orouijy children, rail- way men buy it for sevvru conRhs ;ind elderly people l:uy it for In-grippe," say Moore Bros. Eldiiii, Iowa. "We sell more of Gliainljerlain Cough Remedy than any other kind. It seems to have takn the lead over several other {fool br.and.H." Tliej-e is no question but this med- icino is the beat chat can bo rirocnred for a cough or cold, whetherit lie a child or an adult that is iiLnicted. It always cures and cures qniokly. .Sold by W. E. Richardson J. E. Richards ptiNPAiK " The Busy Corner Store " BUYLNQ ECONOMY ... Before yon learn to buy riglifc you niiist .s|)eud hotli time ami money, 'J'hut itiwhatwe did â€" now we know. Tibuy right is to economize ;tliiifa what .vou do when you buy here. 32-3.') inch Flannellettes oo yd These come in a variety of colorings and stripes, good weight and tiuish. Kegular 7c value. Ladies .^-1 1)0 Raincoats $2..")0. Bought these at a sale about two weeks ago. They're a" l»ig suaii; colors, fawn, navy and dark o.xford grey. A Snap in Men's Cotton .Shirtii, .5 dozen Men's blue and white, red and white checked cotton .shirts, K.iod pat- terns aiifl a good cloth free from dressing,'. A good value atlSc for 35 3 Pnir.s Ladies Cotton Hose 25c. TlieU- regular price is 12 1-2 c. per pair. sixesfi to'.) 1-2. HIGHEST PRICES for FARM PRODUCE. riail Contract ?iE.VTiI':D TKNDERS, uddrossod to tlio Postuias- tt-r Genornl, will b.i rec-ivod at Ot.tawa until Nooi',0!! Krirlii th-j2nl June, 1vt05. f )r thu con- veyancoofHis Majusty's Mails, on a in'opnstci contniO' for four > otu s, six tiin- h per week arli n'rtv btfcwoen Ki.'Vei^shaui iinLl Flusbcrtou, fioiu the 1st July, ucxft. Printed notices oontaiiiiiif» fu ther inforip-- atioii as to ounilitioiisl of proioaed Contrnct m.Lv 1)4 t^stM'Ti aiiii biaiiU foiiji:^ of Tonilor mav lit: obtaiijo.! at tho pout oiKcos of' K</voi-sbani, FU'Hborttiii.ami Maxwell iiud at tho ofUce ol the i'ostOIHcu lll^llectl'r at Toronto: G. C. ANDEltSCN, SuporiatG!rl;^nt. Post OfliC" Utip'irtniinit, Maii Oontiact Braueh, Uttuwft^ liitU April, 1903. Notice to Credstors IN THE MATTER ..f the esinto uf JOHN SPEKU, iHte-.fiho Town- ship of OMpi'fy in the County of NOTK'K 18 berebv j^ivoti pursnnnt to tlio He- vi;»o iStiiMitos ofOiitaao, 181*7, rimp. tliiO tbaf nil cMidiCors ami orhorH iiavit.14 n'ainiH against tlio ttstatoof tho Raid JOHN SPKKK, docnaBod, â- who (lie.) on m- about the ^avuutli clay of Ki:b- ' navy A. O. 1905, are* ri>qM;rnd on or bel'oro tin; KirPtflayof May A. D. 10!*5 to sond bv post prn~ paid or (h'livor to SAn-fHt'ir Heuipbid, Ksq., < eyion P. 0, Out.. orWiiliam H. HoniphiH, Kmj , Port I.iiw !. 0., Ont., tlio e.\ci:n*;ors of th«) last \Vi!' aij.l TH«t.lnenfc oi ttio shid ddcoaae-l, thuir chrisriiiii and tmrnjinios, a(id)-«R~ ost and de^^cvip- tioii-.. tho fti.l pnrticubirt of their olaiuis, tho Btnt*iiU''ntr>f their nocfUiUfl ana tbo uattuu f the HccuiiLio.j(if aiiv) h«ild by tbem, AND KL'lMHIiIK TAKI'^ NtlTUB tbat after anch ia-iG uiciiiion.jd dato tho executors will I)r(jcc'Bii todiHcribut* rhi? assets of th-- dnotiasiMi timon^th) p'lrtJOHejitit.oil thcroto haviuK m- ^'ard i)nlv to th.- cltunis or winch ttiuy shaU hoii ttt-vu not oc, anil that the aa, d oxeoutors wili not bo li.iblu for thu haid assets or uuy pnrt theruof to au> pi-rs -n or pert^ons uf whose'tdohn iiotii u tdialM.ot havo bMt'ii leouivudby them at thtj thiit) of snch ciihtribtititMi. Oatrtd â- .arch 27th, A. I). lUOr,. IjUciis. Wright A McArJl", Owen Souud, out. SoWcitors for the Executors. Road Ciosing Notice. Township of Artemesia. Notice is tier: by Riven that the Miiiiiripnl t'oniicilof tbe Corporiiion of tho town.ihip of Art.lnesia, will aftei four weeks from the brsti pnljlication horeof, in the Klestiertoii Advance n«»wsi}Hi>er.(ti'o dato of wliiuli flrgfc publication will be tlio I.'llh Hivy nl April IflO.i,) prooeeii to paaa a by uw to eloee ami ilispono i f the unrior- niciiti.iilild orlROttl roaJ allonrauoo i " tlio Toivii- sliip of Artoinu'^ia, riz. tbo oricinal allowaiieo for roiwi between the stcoiid auii third concoes- ioiia North 1; R8t. oi the Toronto a--d Sydenham liOBcl, frâ„¢i the line bi twenn lots us and 113 to a point lU t.li'^ south we»torly lioiit of lo 117. QO rodn Bouii) easterlvi from the north west- erly angle of said lot 147. re^erviai^ tiovev' r that part of Raid road allowance where the valley road cro9S*^H said road allowance. All pnrRons intoreatod are hereby required to take notice and goreiu tbeinnelvua aocordiiiKly \ lie oounoil will meet ou Baturday, the sixth ay l' Hay, 1905. W. 1. BBLLAMT, Twp. Clerk. Tho dntPR of the Hiyh Sihod cittrn O", teachers' and inatriculaiion ixauiiiiatioiis have been .set liy tho Edueation Depart- ment . The paper.") are rmidy, ui d Ihe exams, will he held on June 28th and 2!lili for ihe Kiyh Sohuol iintranno, and dune 30 to .(uiy 121 h for iho oilier.^.!. mpfements! \ I 1111) (i<;eiit for the fani,)iis f j "PEEHiNo ' farm iinpleiiits, atul (f ', can secure for yon imy iniplo- nients you luty req dre. 1 aiii also agi-ut for tho ilaxwell Hay Itike. GROCE Rl E S Wo have iin e.xcellent stock of fret-.h orocenes. We are never without FLOUR, BKAN, SOl)UT.S, V.-". Dfi ynu n-nnt tliiwer or vef;etal>lo Hced.s? We havo the best ones obtjiinalde. WALL PAPERS! The largest stock in the town- ship, of BEST QijALITY iiud LowifST PRICES, tVtjm 3c. per double roll up to 50c. Oi> exhibition by f #1 C. .E- T2?3rosTi , The rRAOTiei. p.ainteu it i'apub n.i.NOEK. BAMl'LES ON AIM'LICATlON. 4/v»-^/<:n&^^/^^iv<v^ ^^ Priceville - - - Ontario, BOOTS AND SHOES The reputation of our Boots and Shoes lia.s been buik up by close attention to bu.siness.- Our Footwear i.s well kutjw^ throusrhout all this part of the country as being the best. The proof of this is that so many always come to us for their boots aud shoes. Our Spring Stock is up-to-date in style and make and is the best and most complete we have ever had to show you. *!?! »?," ^ ^ 1 ,„..„ , ,. , ,. a llPe Hli^ays Cry Co &im a Dollars i^ortSi Tor a Dollar. • • * • * * -,T.«»ir^.T.rw«»w«. ^^ lu cu.stoiu work we are second no none. We u.se ihe beat uiateriul that ^ ^? can be i>ot; and any order eutruKted to our care will be carefuly attended i*^ a^ If vou are iioiua to 'ravel \ve have a luroo stock of TRUNKS, TELE- ,-sa B^ gCOPlis.t SUIT CASES. Call and see them at ^^ €;SavtOii*s « t « T1es->'«r4on. ^ cBce:^ m^K^^:^<9Ck^^(^^^^^&:mm:m^K&> >:8:^0 seeds always win in cinn^jetitiou with Otb^fi' offerings. Because they are so C^<5S51. Prices will be htgljSr shortly, so buy «a:iy» Q IVtCe(diG£B,l Mall - S^leslxen-'toa'i A ^i^:j'a- ^K. -jjf- â- HI' •»!<> «}'«â- •»'«• -J'!- <'(• •?â- !«• •»"> â- }•«< -!.'«• •!''- ^K. ^'f- •^fe>>I?• -sj&i â- ;.'«. w.. ^mj. .m«. •>'!. .^'J. j^f^ •5i? •>!? ^ViiC -iV? ?i? vi? ^^ -iif ^i'? ^1? ^i'? ^i? ^i? 7»i? V4«^ w •?jS'/i? ^iS" •{;? •?i?'Ji? ^t? "ii? '.i? ^iv- For Your Stock â- ^& •»i? •a* Herbai;cuni, Iiiternatii)iial Stook Food, Coluinhi.in Ileyulator. ^A" Tick Dcsti oyer for the sheep. For Yourself Patent Medicines â€" ail the popular makes. Pi{h;8 and tobacco- For Your Wife Spices for cooking â€" All.«pico, Cinnamon, Mixed spices, etc. Perfumes, Corlicella Silk. :?!&. - •Sis' tff, â- ni- For Your Baby Soothing Sv"up, Suukint{ Bottles, and Tectliing Kings. i Richardson & l^on t I>RXJ ao I ST s ^fr Flesherton m Ontario ^ 4 ke. 4' I: #r #^t##%.f »^«##»^#tt^#t0 > , f