â€" sr Apufl 20 1005 , The Markets. €»rcriillY Corrected Eai-li Week OHt.S .'W -'W Pens 0.! to Oa BhiI.'}' â- • . 4.'i to 45 •Uuttii' '« li' >^ K-KS f""!' 1-^ '" '•' Ulii â- li.ii.is 7'0 7 Ducks y to !> O.cHO i> I" 1" Hay '" *' CIO ;'otrU"u« b»B (iO to BO , Turbos.". â- >. 13 to 14 MASSE Y-H ARRIS Bicycles THE F L E S il E R T JJ ADVANCE ();iu wluu'l tl.Ht siaiuls for nil tlmt's i>''inl ill Ijieycle inaiiufiic- tiirois ll)0 M.i^siij-Ihinis. It lias bosiiles ;,'raoeful linos aiiil cxcellont finmli nil tlie ^..(«l ]i.piiits <if lifst i|ualil.y of ioiileri.il and now iiivtiridiis. nassey= 11 arris and inPERlAL BICYCLES TbcliiKli LM-jiilf niriiU-ls of the foriinT •wlwul liiivii till" Hyi/ii'iiic Cusliioii Fraoio, SilU IuiihUu U.ir.H iiml Morrow Corister lirakii. Tlio "liiipeii.il" may lie; litttd rt-it!i tho Cn:istrr Uralie ami Hills Ilaiidlii Bars. Write us for particulars. Canada Cvcle and Motor Co. •LiMITEO. -^^5^. Fleslrerton nn rn (jood horses â€" new i-ij^a â€" nttenti\o diivcrs Eli! = (jood liuraee â€" iiei diiv G. W. Hacking \V A K T K D Salesiiii-ii to represent ' Canada's Greatest Nurseries" New<-.sl. niriolii\s and six'nialtif.i in Hardy Fruits, Siiiill Fruila, Shrulw, Orna- ui-'ntalsand Roses. A |»!rin.iiu'nt sitiiilioii, and territory reS'M vud for right man. I'ay weekly. n.VNOriOMEOUTKlT FllKK. Wnu- for part.icularH. Send 2")c. for the P(JCKKT MICUOSCOPK, useful t.. groweis fniiis ami shriilis and to fiiruiers :iD cx.iiiiiiiiii'^ urans and Boeds. Mr Ri.'liard Allan ia local agent fur FloHherioii. Stone & Wellington (<>VEU800 ACllKb) Toronto - - Ontario good invoatiiiHnt that navs diviftoiuls all ibrouf{h life 1h a coiirHuof training in &iiy ut Dm' I Utpfii'tiiientH (>r tliu Oreii 8uuin1. Out. Four oijiplotti coiir«oH of fl'U'ly. ItuHtuquippod Uu^iiieSH (.'oil* ;;c pruiiiits- us in CsiiaHa. the only uoUti^u uwnii){jitHnwti «oUfK'> iJUiUtiriK. A lar^o t'tafTol' coinputeiii Aitit |iM.in-takiii»( to&churp. Uiir griLfluutHS aro ino«t HUi: -e^Mfii). -fuai ask thuiu. I'uli partic- ulAi'v BAiit to any ad'ii'eM fiuo. C A. Fleming. Frincipal Winter Goods tJn ^la Ouppiie BdllK,RUiil<i9l8,Robea, iinitalion I'eriiitn I.^iinb Ouitts for tlrivinir, Whipsi, I,B»he«, Comba, Brush- e.s, â€" a 'Hrt;« stock of olioice goods ju8i in' Trunks and VbHam for truvulleri. Ckt yoar hamei* supplic* from â€" JVm. MOORE flesherton You know the medicine that malies pure, rich blood â€" Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Your mother, grandmother, all your folks, used it. They trusted Sarsaparilla it. Their doctors trusted it. Your doctor trusts it. Then trust it yourself. There is health and strength in it. " I inffortd Urrlbly frtmi IniHgMtlon irnd tliin blood. 1 foiiuil no relief until I took Ayer'i SariapArtlta. Four bottles perma- ueatiT cureH ror." _ _ Mas. F. B. HiBT, Mt. Klsco, N. T. H.OO « bottle. J. C. ATBR CO., Alldrug>--l»n. frtr* ,^-,'£}^1'^^J1Jl iRich Blood ilonor Kolls Report Tor S. S. No. 0, Arloii'osia, for March. V «r- Sadie Fletcher, Hunter Harrow. V jrâ€" Willie Fletcher, Janet Fletcher, Ed WliiUaker. IVâ€" Jolimiy Cairns. Sybil Colliiison, AgL'ie Harrow, Uiiby Stone. lllarâ€" Uert Whiitilser, Spurgeon ^Vbittakor. Ill jr- I'oarl Ciirns, Sttl!a Butler, \las;^ie JJoyte, Willie .McArfbiir. II sr- Kiiiiiii Whdiaker, Edna Fhtcli- â- r. Frost Piirdy, 'I'oni Spicer. 11 jr- Wilfred Uutlnr. Pt 11â€" liort Irwiii, WjUio Spicer, Uitu I'oyce. Averaf^e attei. dance 22 E M. ISMALL, Teacher. Ayer's Pills are gently laxative. They greatly aid the Sarsaparillai p.. --vn SiiB[[ â- in Furniture The largest and best sloi-k of fiiriiitiilo ever .sliown ill Fleshoi- ti'ii. Tills wil bout fear nf conlr.i- diclion Come and see soiie of the nice tilings in Sideboards Dining Roorri Cl-|airs Parlor Setts Bed Roorri Setts ."V S|n:ciiil rediietioii just now on everyihinj; in order to leduce the stock. W. H. BUNT. L^ Hfistarlon - lit. ^j Report of S. S. No. 17, Arteincsia, for March. V_Vii.let McLean. lYsiâ€" V Phillip.s M Chard, Eiiy. li«h. IV jrâ€" M Fi>h.r, A Chard, F Rusfol. Ill srâ€" 1) Pedlar, L Clark, S Siiiiiisuu, E Hadley, W Aki't. Ill jr-C Hoy. E IS.tts, N Pedlar. II Brâ€" E Armatro:,!,', E Fisher, Ed*iii Siuiih, P Claik, W Fis .er. Pt IIâ€" M Radlay, L Fisher, S Fisher, M ArinstroDf;, E. M. (jonoe. Pt 1 sr-K Parliament, A Pedlar, P C'l.trk, A Porteuua. Pt I jr-Joyco Clark, Ed-ar White. Not Ranked â€" Finl.-y Hjy, J"0 Simp- son, Earl Pailiament and E .VIcLean. Average attcuc:aiK'i' -i'J. M. biiA.NiFF, Teacher. A narvellous Cure Business Cards \,r'CULLOU(!l! & YOUNG ^'- lliiiikcr .MnrkdBlo Jo A uoiiornl bunking bufliiu^MH. Money loanei'i a ruasouablo rate C*ill on as. n J SI'llOULM i^ Podtuittstur, Flasherton . oiiiiiiissioner in H.CJ., Aiiotioupor Con vuyaiioiir, .^iipraisiT anil Money I. mulct U»ial Kstate and hisiirancu Agunl. Ueudfl aiovtiiBBoH, loftrios ur.'l willn carefully ilrawu 11)1 and valuations luadu on t^lioriost notice, oiouuy to lottu ut lowest rates nf iutornst. Col i-n.iaiis attorided to with promptneRS eliaiUBS low. Aijunl (or Ocean IJominiou St&uiuship Coiiipauy. A call solicited. Mr. M.F. R.uii.ige. cuncossioii 8, west halt lots 1 and 2, lioUaiid, vrheii inter- viewed, says: I have been Iroiibled with Rheumatism for over tweiiiy years, sonu-- tinie.s being laid up for inmiihs at a time â€" «as so l.'ail one year that I bad almost to eiawl all ilie time. It aiVected ine around the hips and back. 1 t"ok nearly uvery kind of sure cure fur rbemiiatisni, .\nu;ri'.'aii and Can.idiaii.bul not no leliL^f. Ill th'} suiiimer of 11)04 1 was induced by Mr. Morrison, sior^'keeper of Stivtbavo'i, Id try Cameron's Rheumatism, and after takiim the iirst few doses felt great results, and after taking two bottles hiiil no return of the Rheumatism. I now attend to over fifty head of stock without any trouble, and 1 don'i think H man with ibetiiiiatism could do that. I believe you have the relief that thou.sands of sulierers have been looking for, audi h'lpe that anyone who RutVer.s and iciids this endoisemi nt, Ihnt ihey wil iminedi- aiely tiy Cameron's Rhouiiiatisni Cine, prepaveil only by D. A Cameron it Co , Owen Sound. Piico $100 a bottle; expiess paid on two bot'les. his own. Anyone who wants Ayer's Sarsaparilla uill still have to buy . il; he can't make it even with Ihu formula be- fore hint, â€" Neuspaperdoni, N..Y. Contracts For Ideal Fencing. A iiutn'iur of large contracts for railway fencing have been .elosml lately. The Mi,(Jro.'OV K.iiwell Fonce Company, L(d. of Widkcrville, Oni , iiianufaetureis of Ideal Woven Wire Fencing, have securetl eniitiact for fonuing the James Day rail- way, ITOniihH; Oil Iph A' Giideiijh rail *My, HO miles; Victoria U. ach & Middle- ton railway, N. R.. 83 mile..'; Canaiii n l\irilie railway, Pheasant Hi Is branch, 1:";.") miles; Canadian Nortliorn ra'lway, i.''Io miles. TIti-t -loikes a total of 7u3 mde<. All of these contnict.s include the erection of fenL'iog. In addition to the above, iho Canadian Pac lie Ry. have .irran..^ed with tbein for foiiein^j ruiuirol fi'r nia:nteiiancB pin loses Tbes- oi>!er.j sp. cify for Ideal fence made fn m No. 9 hard ileet wire through- out Piaefieal tests ni.ido by r.ti!vvay cmip- aoi 8 have deti.i nstrati d that tho Ideal fence ina.ld from lai'Lie wire ilirou:;h>'Ut is best adapted for ihtir puin.ses, be'iig the 111. St ser.iceablo and ilio most lUira'iIe barrier aijaiiist stock. These coni[>ini-'H bavi; used Ideal in the pa.'Jt, They look to it for pernianoncy. This fence is nlso useil in large (piantuiea throuijhout Can- ada for fat in piirp.isis. AllhoU:;h only manufacturing fences for tliree y^-ars, the Mctiregor Bainvdl Fence Co. now have largest output of any Icieo fa tory in Canada, wMih in itself eiieaka Will ot the fence ihey inanufaeturo. UoyJ, ilicking & C.'. are agmts in Fle^iierton fur this fencing. All styles of ft lice and gates in stock. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . . Tho pl.iee to get the best Pho'os io Ht BUf.,MRU'S PHOTOGRAPH I GALLERY. SPECIAL ATTRNTJON We p;iv Siiecial Attention to CopviiK? Mid |}-.bies' pictures. Pi.ture fram- ing u specialty. Try us for niiv kiiiil of pictureii and We w:ll protnisonutisfactioii. Sydenhaiii street, Flesherton "Truth" is a Strong , ArL'Uiiient ! Not on . .;, 1|, ,, , . ,, ,, loROKro, ojfr. is out of a position to nay. It is th^ tnith«henwe state ihut, "Our students are iMiiforinly Riiecis-ful in gefclin good piisitions iifi,>r g'^uhnru-.n." Our School is ,1 Ui!,'li -Class one and iho best ill Canada. Eater now. C'..ll- OKOopen tliu entire yi-ar. Catalogua frco W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. -, Societies A O U \1' mnetii oi. tlis last Monday " 111 ©acn month, In their loogu room. I'hrintoo's l>lock. I'^leshorton. at 8 p.m. M.W., \. IliirriKon ; KucorilHr, Jaw. Kul&tuud ; I''iuail- inor, W'.J. i$ol.auiy. VisitiuR bruthrrL it.viled pUINfJK AHTHUU IjOTXiK. Nn. :i')3 . A F & t A M. locotB ill the MaHoriichall. Sti-ain'c Idock. I'MoHhui toil. ovi»rv I-'riday on or hofore iliB full mocii. John WriKht, W M.; C. N. Hlchar soil, HfiLi-etary. O'lUIlT PI.RSMKUTON, 993. I. 0. F. IT oets ir, ^ ChiJHtoc's IJluct the lHt*t Iridavi'Vo' ing of t-iull nionttl. Vihititlft P'orfstinw hoartily wiilcouio. ('. U., .1. Coriiflcld; II. C \V. Itiiakin: Kill, Hoc, H. A. Willi tt. Clcaae pay tliu's to H. *. WiPett nti or before tlio last clay ottbe pruceoding month. Medical . Dn OAUTKK M (3 r A; S Out. Pliysiclaii. Surgeon, eto oillce and i osiilunceâ€" I'etor st , Flesliurton nn K.t. HDNO " (iradimte Toronto Uiilvoroltv. Mem- bur of Ontaiin Colleen oj I'liyKiciians and Snr- ;^o-'nH. Maxwull, Oir. .Snccossor to Or. Scott. 1 1' OTTKSVK.l.L. ' Vuterinary Kurneon Graduate of Ontario Veterliiftr> CnlluK". residoiicu â€" Ricond donr HOlitli w«Rt on Mary street. This street nins south PreHbyterlau UUuruli. U \vn..40N, Hnichimith ^* 'iradualo of the Ve'erlnary Hcieiica Association. Uusideiico, iluiliuin ^true.t, oji- pudile Hoyd, Hiuklii.ij s harilwaie. Legal tr(;A9 WHIGHT 4 .MiAHIHK -* Harriators holiuiior^ r.tiivHyancera, etc OtlloeHâ€" Ow«n Soun.l.'iiit ..nd MiirkdaU! Out ^ H Whiuht, .McAkiii.k I H Luoab H-KleehBiton r.n.i:e MItr.hell's Kank v.Tv' Saturday Dentistry DR. R C. MURRAY, I., s. der.tai snrKMon honoi- Jirti'luatf of Tovniif 11 ITiilvursity and Hnval Colleqc of ilr-niHi .T.niicoin* tA Ontario. Offloeâ€" Opposite ArnistroM.'V .lowellerx Store. -V III visit AlHXWidl th.; liol \V,!.ltiflsilay of .mcb month and Dnnrtalk l«t not iirri Thursday of .oirli iroQtb. HEADACHE I Ncnralf;ia an<I Nrrvotisncu cured quickly hy A I A Y HAHMLISS HEADACHE AND •» J '» 'V NEURALGIA CURE. No h.-art drpression (Greatest cure ever di*covered. Tate n.> oilier, locandajc. All dealers or direct from 4usi IK & Cu. SimLoe, Oat. MoDey back if not sattsfisd Holland Centre suburbs were startled on Monday morning. 3rd inst., by the r.|iorS that Mis. Ered Uouteiiburg and Charles Doyle had skipped out toitelher The Thursday previmis .Mrs, Uoutenburg left hoiiio to no to Chatsw.uth for a vi,.,! wiih friends, and was to be none two days. As she did not return at the time !>ppoiiited Mr. Rnutenbiirg drove to Chatsworlh and learned that she had Itiken the afternoon tr^dii s.'uth. Dojl.^ j. lined her at Holland Centre. On re- turning home Mr. Routeiilurg found that his wifes clothing was gone, and it is supposed that Doyle lock them during the husbands absence. Mr. Koiiteiilnng bad rebuked his wife for unseemly con- duct with Doyle, since which time Doyle has not friiiuented ihe house except in Mr. R's absence. Doylo wa» rais-d at Hidland Centre, whore his mother anil brother reside. Besnles her husband the woman left behind her two liltle boys agerl 7 and years, for whom much sympathy is expressed. â€" (,'h its .lorth News. Robt. Wellvvood of Jlelanethon stntini had his re.ii'tence and c 'Utents destmynl by fire on Sunday last. Wo iintlerstand ihtit Mr. Welhv.od was at ciiureh and Mr.^. Wellwo'id %Vaa busily engaged get- ting ilinner wh.ii .<!ie heard a noise up- stairs. On going up she di>covored that thi^ buildino was on tire arouiu. the stove- [lipe tied, ran through the roof. Sh.' Imsientd tn get a |iail of water and when she returned the whole n|iper story wa:. Ill tl.ime.i. Everyihiiig was burned biii a dresser that e.oilained some rhdhing and part of .1 bed. Mr WiUwood'a loss will be eonsider.alde as he had no insur- ance on the building or conlonls.â€" Shel biiriiu Free Press. Thousands Die of Constipation. No condiiion ciuscuno many incurable disease.s as eiinsr.ipation. It not only pro vents the kidiii-ya fiom eliminatin.' thf poi.-on-)Us wu.stes, but causes antomia, stomach iraible and indigestion. Why won't you use Dr. llamilinii's Pills and g-'t ouri-dj This inediuina rtsti.res nor- mal liiiwel action ii> one nikihi. Tlioiis- and.s say «o Your sy-tein will bn pure and clean, you'll be fiee from headaches no more sour sionachâ€" in .'•liort yon II have jovial apirits and perfect health. Di. Hamilton's Piilt art* sold evury where, 25c. a box (jet the genuine. Whilt) nevi-ral state legisUturea a'e being urgxl to pas* hiw.^ C'iiiipell;ni! the manufacturers of pa'ent modieiim'< to print th<- formulae on the outside of each (Mlckage, the ,F C Ayer Company, i.f Lowell, Mua., hai voluiit«rdy adip'ed the prftct.se. Any one oho wants to know what its famous Sarsapiirilla is made of, can now msity lind out. What the effect this will be upon i he sales of the medicine is pnd>lemalii«I,tiut doubtless it will be bttieHeial. Tha poaae.ssion i.f the fill mulae does i>ot con- vey IO its holder the ability to coin|inuiid it Them is not a druggist in the coun- try who dues not tuakv • aartaparilla of Spring Show of Entire Stock. Eist Grey Aiirieiilliiral Society will ludd a hprmg show for enttre stuck on tli.'ir fair "rounds, Flesherton on Friday, April 2Sth ii;8t. For fuil particulars, see P ister.s. One eye at a time That's the way we test. Usually the eyes differ in sight. A glass which suits one injures the other, and ultimately both suffer. We use modern appliances, and the greatest care to avoid a misfit. A misfit would hurt your eyes and our reputation. _ . . 4;,5, Flesherton Sash, Door and Planing Prills f^ V\l \ , â€"r-Tâ€" -'^ â-ºt ., I 1 " 1 V. w t; L E ' M"? OPTSC^Ai* T^i ESHERTON. We have recrived a large car of bobt North Shofo White Pine. Parties ex- pecting to build a lioitse next summer would do well Lo call ixnJ see us aud art-ange to liave their Sash Door and Frumes mtide (luring the wiuLer and get them home on the sieigh. \Ve fiinush everything needed for building a bouse. We will make prices ami tevuia interesting. We Wi»ntyoiir tra(5e aud will t,'iiaraiitoc first class workmaiisliip aud ma- tcriiil. Planing and inatehiug doiio promptly. T. VV. WILSON Manager Chopping every day ,, The cow for the dairymen is the one that can moke the most profit i.i milk, butter, or cheese for the food coiisunit J. A l.irge mtinber of cows are kept for dairy purposes that don't yield sufBcicut milk to pay for their keep. They consiiiiie as much a.s proiitable ones and require as much time and care in their inilkiug. Also many a gootl " Milker " licis gone to Uie butchers block owing to improper care and feeding. Many of the milk producing qualities of the feed are lost owing to ini- proper (li;;estiou and assimilation. This can be overcome by the addition of Clydesdale Stock Focd to the ordinary feed as it puts the sttnuach in such shape as to help her to digest and assimilate her food, besides en- abling her to eat more of it, as it is made more appetising. This makes her capable of secreting more milk, and, in many instances, richer milk. If it could be demonstrated that more bushels of wheat could be grown on a piece <)f ground than ordinarily, and without injur}- to the land, in fact improving it, and at an extra profit, wouldn't you take up the proposition. Clyilcsdxite Stock Food will add to the milk pro- ducUon, and with extra profit, and without injury to the "Milker," be- cause it gives a tone and sleekness to the animal tliat cannot otherwise be had. The u.se of Clydesdale Carboliiic Antiseptic will keep the stables in a healthy condition ensuring healUiier milk. If after using the above, you find you are not satisfied, your money will be c heerfully refunded by our dealer. Clydesdale Stock t'ood is sold in your dLstrtct by : |io>d, Hioklini; A Co., Vleshei ton l\ii-nt lirog,, Markdalo laylor&Oo l>ronioro Thos. Mathews A Son, Maikda o D K. Mo\rtbiir, Ib.pevillo. W. W. Ci.llinghr-.wn, Dund.alk Rai'clay & ISell, Durham -''^^m^mp D. McTAVIBH Il[ fimiOl GliilliGi For First Class Buggies, Carls, Ploisure and Lumber Wagons, cutlers, Sleighi. We keep a stock on hand to choose from. ALSO HOkSE SHOEING ANOQENER.AL Bl-ACKSAIITMING and i!U»rantoe Hrst class woik. We keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, anil slso Massey- Harris and Nuxon repairs for binders, Uowuts, sil kinds of ma<:hinuiy, also Binder Twine on hand. » mben in town give us a call « -? r \