.„;;•'.: '-^^:^--^,-l yksb^rtun y *. w^i^i ; â- _ ) _ ,\ - m ^ ••TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL XXiT, NO 1217 Flesh-ertoia, Ont., Xliursday, April 27 1905 W. H. jSUmTOH, pboPBIETOB *'• :.â- â- â- ' *â- :!''â- Going To Get Married ? If si> yoii will want a nica weiiiline ring. We have S;hw>i fti a greilt variety and ai just the right prices. â- - e © . Going To A Wedding? If so ynu will want to take a present along. We have too many hpautiful BLACK WOOD CI-0CK3 which we will sell at cost for the next fif*w» days. This means somctliing to yolu Make a note of it. Tht-se a« enitablo for general use. See tliem. m* nrmstrondt FLESH i-KTUN, ONT HISLVWCil Tlio Maxwell football club lielJ a meet- ing 1)1) Friday, April 21, and elected lor tlie coming seasou thu following officers •: Prph dent, Wra. Wright ; honorary presi- dent, Geo. Flesher ; vice president. Dr. A. T. Bond ; 2nd vice president, W. T. Clark ; secretary, W. Kerton ; tri'iisurer, James A. Long ; field captain, Thom;ia Bcatty ; committee, Ernest Glassford, Thomas Sodden, Thimias Bemrosa, Wm. H. Wright, R. J. Kinnear. The club has the hearty support il ihe wli«Jo tjom- munity and will be pleased to receive cliullfiiges from other teams, liimbcrley Last week's items Miss BuUe Duugan and Miss Justina DoyJe ai-e Ifee guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Stuart, Mr. and Mrs, George Proctor and son, Han IJ, spent Saturday ana Sunday with the former's mother in Thornhury, Rliss Lizzie Weber is visilinij friends in Toronto this week. , Mr. Jasper Stuart spent Sunday with a friend at Euatuia. Mr, Sandford Knott and his sister, Mi.s.s Mary, of Thurubury, spent Sunday wiili fi tends hen-. Wi-8 Abbie McMuUen of Eugenia spent Suniiay ab R. J. Stuart's. We are sorry to repurt Mr. Joe Oar- ruilieis on the sick list but ho^x* to hear of liis speedy recovery. Kuv. Mr. Uurlburtiif Flesherton took chai-ge of the service in tl»e (Juion church here on Sunday evening last, Mossrs. Robert and Lyness Fawcett alteniled an open o-eeting of the Sons of Temporunce ati Yaudilcur ua Friday •veiling la8^ This week's items. Miss Myrtle Stiiith. student at the Meaford hif{h school, it holidaying at her {Aroiital home here. Mr. and Mrs. Hammond spout Sunday with fiit-nds at Beaverdale Missi Maggie Fawcet, of Flesherton, spent Sunday at Mr. K. J. Stuart's. MisH Auuie Scott is holidaying .it her parental home here. tfi.-^s Olive Camacic, student of the Meafi>r<l high school, it holidaying at her parental lH;mu here. Miss Maude Smith, of Toronto, is holi- dayinu: at her home here. Mr. and Mrs.Hatbert Fawcett, of Cd- Miigwood.spent Sunday at his home here. Mi.'-s EUlith Proctor, of Redwing,spent Sunday at Mr. Donald Wallsoe's River- side Farm. Mr. C. McNich'dl, of thu Holinesa Workers Society, preached an excellent striiK n in the Union church here on Sun. day evening last. Rheumatic Pains Quickly Cured The excniciating i>ains characterit'ic of rhcu- tnatisra and sciatica arr quickly relieved by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The gre«t pkin relieving puwer of *Jie liuiment haa been tae Rurpriae and delight of thoiiaanda of snffer- •n. The quick relief from |>ftin which it aff- ortU is alone worth many tim«i it cost For MJe by W.G. Richardson. EAgcnia On Thurssday, Dec. 29, 1^04, at Dom- inion City, M;in., the Rev. O. E. Tayljr united in the holy l>onds of matrimony MiaR Elizabeth Park, of Flesherton, to Mr. John Richard Mayne, of Woodmorn, Man. Mr. Goo. Park assisted the groom. Miss Edith Huid, neice of the bride, act- ed as maid of honor. A large number of friends of the contractmg parties were ^iresent in the Meihudist church to witness the pleiisinij event. The couple left the same day for a trip throug southern Man. As thi' bride was so well and favorably known at Flesherton a large circle of fr ends tender her and her husband their very hearty congratulations. We wish thoia many long and huppy years of married lif", Mr. Bert BarnhouRt-, of Toronto, visit- ed with Mr. F. Dearie a few days last week. Grip 01 somethini; akin to it h:i.s bean prostratiufj a goodly number of Eugenia poiipio. The sudden changes in the wea'her has something to do with it, surely. WiateT is Kuyering into the lap of spring, this year, and the Canadian band is afcranuely silent. Dr, Bond, of Maxwell, wa.s a welcome visitor among his Eugenia friends the past week. Rev. Mr. Franklin spent u week recently visiting his people at Eugenia. Mr. Franklin ia looking for a house in Eugenia into which to move his family from Owen Sound. Mr. Jike Williams has commenced the { building boom here by the enlarging of his blacksmith shop and other improve- i inents. Jake's hammer goes very steadily { these days. The cold weather has prevented the usual large number of visitors this Easter. ( Mrs. MoMullen, aecoiiipanied by Miss \ Norma McMullou sjieut Easter in the | city. i Mrs. Roy has moved to Foversham, ] being so lousj a resident at Eugenia, her j many friends were very sorry at her i departure but owinir to unavoidable circumstances she had to tind a new i home. I Miss AUie Roy his gone to Iho city for , ihe summer, Mrs. F. Thoinp-on had the misfortune to liiso her cow the past week by inllaina- tion. Mise Bessie Jones has ^one to Ches'ey for a while. Mr. W. Majeo, of Salem lost a 6ne youna mare from inrt.imaiioii last week. He refused offers of §170 for herrecently. Mrs. JackKon,of the Sth, is visiting at Mr. Martin's, Flesherton, man ; librarian, Wm. Walker ; secretary, I Charles Holmaii. | Mrs. Janiieson leaves to-day, Tuesday, \ to visit in Toronto. Fred Pedlar »rrived home from the city on Saturday. McFarland, Stafford & Co.'s Big Store MAI^KDALE, ONTARIO What Causes Appendicitis? { The cnininonesi cause of appendicitis is cnn.Htipation. When you require physic don't use cheap drastic pills â€" get Dr. Hamilton's Piik which strengthen the j I stomach, regulate the bowels and prevent j any tendency to appendicitis. In one , day you'll feel the tremendous benelit of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. By purifyiuir the , I blood, and cleansing the system they pre- I vent he.idat:hea, lift depression and drive '.away weariness. No medicine so succoss- ful as Dr. Hamilton's Pills, sold cvery- ' where in 2.5c. boxes with yellow cover; get the genuine. Priccvillc Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE We ha ve had sever;il days of pleasant weather after thu fall of snow and cold dnj's of last week, Aniona tlioire holidayina at homo we find, â€" Miss M. iMcLeod, Owen Sound; Miss G. Nichol, Lam lash; Miss M. Mc- Luaii, Dundalkand Misa M. McArthor, Toronto. "^ Mr Allen McDougald, Police Magis trate, ot Fort William, waf in town lately and called on several old friends and schopilmates. Mr. Win Conkey antl dauiihter, Mrs, , of Guelph, spent a few days last week aiid this with friends in town. Mr. Carmichael, principle of Priceville public school, is spending Easter week at hia home. Mr, C. E. Watson, who went west iaat month, is )ue of the statf of carpenters building a §4,5,000 mansion for a \v<»akhy rancher in Calgary, who, we utrdcr.fCalid, is a brother iu-hiw of Mi's. (Rev.) Matheson. Mr. Will Hales, O.D R., is visiting a few days with his sister, Mrs, L. Mo- Artbur, Will has been a iitile nndec the weather lately but 1 understand that ho is improving. A song service was held in tlie Metho- dist church on Ei.ster Sunday which the coogreg.,iion aeemcd much interested in and several expressed the wish that a similar service could Ue held occasionoly in the fuiuro. The faoramunt (English) was disponsed in the Presbytei iaii church on Sunday last. The day being fine the Rtteudanoo was good. Some farinM's in this vicinity sowed wliiau mi iVlaiuh 2i) and several 'large tii'l(l.i of oa^s wei'o PO«n on .^pril 14, Other farnier.s are" I'f tlio opioicni -that the seed wi.iilil bo better in the barn Laughliii McUou'.;idl lost a colt Sunday, Money Saving Opportunities Crums English Prints 12U- CRESCENT BRAND SHIRTWAISTS For a Weak Digestion. No medicine can replace food, but Cham bei'lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets wilt help you to diueat your food. It is not the (|uaiitity of food taken that g^ivvs vig- \ or and strjogth to the system^ but the amount digested and assimilated. If troubled with a weak iligeatioii, don't fail to give these Tablets .i trial. Thousands ' have been beuelilted by their use. They \ oiily cost a quarter. For sale by W.K Richardson. Cliills JProve Fatal. If Harnuii atul circulation are not promptly lostori'd, chills result in f.-itd pneumonia. Tliin necessil.ite.s keeping Nurviliiie on hand. Taken in hot water it breaks up a cold in twonunntes. By rubbing freely ovi-r throat and chest it prevents colds. No liniment .so strung, si> penetraiing, so s«ift to kill pain and ii'.flamiuaiioii. Numly fifty years' record has proved the valuo of Poison' Ncrviline. i'ou should get a boitio to-day. 25c TWILL SHEETING for 19o. 72 inch Twill Factory Sheeting, nice clean even twill, regular 25c yard, on sale at 19 26cCircultar Pillow Cotton for 15c. 42 and 44 inch Circular Pillow Cotton, bard round thread, continuous weave, regular 20o values for 15 i 7c Linen Towelling for 5i*. I 500 yards Linen Crash Towellina: with red border, regular 7c. qwality, sale I price 6 j 12io Canadian Piints for 10c. i 20 pieces Heavy Canadian Print, 32 j inch wide, all good staple patterns, sold all over at 12^0 a yard, our price 10 Bath Towels 40c pair I Fancy Stripe Crash Bath Towels, sizo i 24.X48 inch, usually sold at 50c. pair. Our price 40 I Linen Unck Toiveis 12,^c pair. I Pure Linen Huck Towels, htdf bleach j with red snipe bordoi, aim 12x24 mnh, 1 spuciiU value at per pair 12.V I 2.00 Linen Table Cloths for i.25, I 3,t}haiid.'i()mo Linen Table Cloths, ai'^o I 3 by 2A yards, lovely iioe full liloaohod I ((uality, handaomu patterns cheap at 2.00 each. On sale this week at 1.25 35c Ta' le Uinnask for 25c. 06 inch Cream Table Damask, rich de- Hiuiis, half bleach, usually sold at 35c a yard. Our Price 25 60o Table Damask for 48c. 72 inch Cream Table Damask half bleach in rich patterns, ijood heavy weiiiht cloth, regular 60c value for *3 An Easter Egg Portlaw Mrs. James Blaksy, sr., was taken ill , !a;>t iTQ. k witli inflamiuaii j and was ;o- I n*:^v'jd f:.;' i'.uttcr :i:;r»*.^f^ I-<. thu uuiii6 oi . his daughter, Mrs. Beii.s<>n, 8th liii«. Mrs. Coo.Condle and family, and Mies Lizzie McLennan, arrived frtim Toronto i Saturday to be with their father, Mr. Wm. McLennan, who hss been very ill | but is now somewhat bettor. Mis. Frank Blakey is recovering nicely from her critickl illness. MisHBS Annie Jamioson and Racha<il Hillock arrived honae after spending the winter in Toronto. Their appearance indicates that city life has agreed with iheni. Mrs. Nicholson took charge of the ser- vice a' Mt, Zion church on Sunday last. Mr. Harry Arnott lost a fine cow. DnlesidH union Sunday school will be rto(>eiied ou the first Sabbath in May. The oflic>Ts and teachers for the summer are : Supeiinteudunt, H. Down ; assist ant, Mrs. Nicholson ; teacher r>f BibU class, J. A. Hutchinson ; st-nior girls' class, Mrs. Nicholson ; primary class, Mr, jUulman; iutsrmediato class, Hiss Hut- Mr, Henry Down, of Portlaw, last Saturday, handetl in at this office a lar>>o hsn's ega It was seven inches in ciroum- ferancc one way and eight the other. The egg weiuhed five ounces and was laid by a thoroughbred black minorca hen. The hens as a general rule lay eggs weigh- ing from two to throe ounces. After measuring au<l weighing it ye editor had the pleasure of eating an Easter egg thit ho did not have to pay for and his '.hank r.i;iit'iks weut uiit in big chunks to Mr. Down. Door Matts for 12^o. 48 Fancy Rug Door Mats, fringed all round, a big variety patterns and color- ings. We think them a batgain at 12A^ 25c. MEN'S SUSPENDERS FOP 16c,, 60 pair Men's Heavy Police Suspend-- ers, g-iod strinig webs, good hi-i-.v > loath era and buckles. URuall> sold lor '17><\ pair, for 16 . 25c. CASHMERE SOCKS FOR 17c. 10 dozen Meii's Fine Black Cashmere Socks, puio all wool, sizes lOi and 11. Regular 25c and 35c qualities. Sulo price 1?' 65c. BOYS' SWB.VrERS FOR 450, 48 Boys' Fancy Worsted and Wool Sweaters in sizes 20, 22, 24 and 2'.i. This IS a lot we secured at cloarini; price They come assorted in red and blue, some Worsted, souio wool. Regulac values SOc, to 75c. Sale Pricn 4i>, 1.25 MEN'S TROUSERS FOR 98c. 20 pair Men's heavy tweid Pants iii nice stripe pattern in dark wool twibd assorted sizes, worth 1.25 per pan for !« 75o. DRESS SHIRTS FOR 45o. We ',)Ui on sale this week 60 Men's Fine Camt);ic shirts, inosily soft bosoms, » nice a.ssortmetit of colorings and p,l- torns, sizes 14h to lOj. Regular 75o. qualities fiir 4!> $3.r)0 Lailies' Ram Coats for ?1.98, 20 r.,ailies' Riin (^'o.its in fawns or navy blue, assi'rtod .styles and lengihti, Rogul-ir 3.00 and 3.50 v.'ducs. On sulw ihia week at l.SUJ. McFAKLAND, eXAFFOI^D 6c CC A MARVELLOUS HEDICINB rir, Henry's Story Mr Henry, con. 8, lot 3, Holland, says'. Five years «uo I was for the fir>t time troubled with theuiimiism. I took dif- ferent kinds of medicines, .sonietiinus gei- ; ting relief other timrs none. List October, Mr. Monison, .store keopt^r at j Strathavim, induced uie to try Cameron's : Khenmstibin Cure. The summer brfo e taking it I was so had that, when picking ' potatoes I would have to uet on my kneei>, and could hardly siraiiihten up a(;Hii<, After taking the first doso of Cameron's Rheumatism Cur.),l got immediate relief, I have not finished the first Ixitllc, and have not had .slightest rrtuin of the disease. Prppare<l only by D. A. Cam- eron & Co., Owen Sound. Price 91.00 a bottle; express paid on two bottle. PI^OTOK STATION STOI^E W. Hockley t 1905 W.Hockley Just w few of our many bari;«vn8 wo have to offer our patrons for the oominR mouth. 50 suits of men's all-wool guernseys 50 pairs men's heavy all- wool socks .15>. regular 81.25 for .89 ^^ , ^^^^^ ^^^. 12 Men s niie Dress O<ercoal8 4.o» "j ^ j j« 100 yds all wool sheeting 2 yds, wide gain price Ait great bargain , . , .49 ^ ,^^^.^^^ assortment of chiMs hoods A large assortment â- jf men's win- . «« ler caps 60 and 00c lines for. .. .39 »i>*Pat' -'*. Just a few ladies' short coats lift IB paira men's heavy winter pants to clear at 2.80 regulftc ^.S.OO lin« for S!,19- BOOTS and RUBBERS 25 pairs 3 eylet sna^ proof rnbhers 25 pairs women's folt lini^ heols 1.40 r. gulai ?2.75 line for 2 39 and 1.60 lines for . .... 1 00 50 paiislMiys plain o»ur8,beat rubber. Also a lar«« table of working l.«.ots snap at .48 reduced U) VH Wo want I.) impress upon your mind the griiit barsiain.s wa ar« eiviug this month in ulaM.st«aio, such it.*'.' Fancy Phi lor Limps, regular 2.75 lino fi>r 2 OO, C sold Rupilo w.i'or.s.tt'i 1.75 li- 2.00 lines for I 4.'( 5 cjnly tea -^of ts, 44 pieces, trr.at bar-gain iit . 2 ."'S^ 4 97 piece dinner «ets, $10.00 lines reduced to 8 •-'0. GROCEI^IES 5 lbs frosh fins for 25. 7 lbs freah cnnunts '"â- 4 large bottles tomato catsup special ' • • ' ' 5 lbs good Japan Tos for » \ ^^ 6 lbs gito.l ('oyloii Tea , •». .,^. • • •* '.'<k