'HW- i ' t â- f April 27 1905 THE FLESHERTON AUVAN CE â- K* ^WWWWWW :. ; ': F. T. HILL & CO. '^WWWVWW •^^j 'I â- ' New Lines in Easter Goods White Blouses Dress Goods New Gloves Take a Look Through Our New Spring Goods. ^ For your rci^mrGmeiits in all linos <if New Spring Gocds. We have placed in stock very large and varied asaoit- J^ ineulft of now Spring stylos which hiivu boeii very nioduratcly [iriced with the expectation of doing » very much J^ larger trade; so when on your sliopping tour be sure and see what we urn showing in llio following now Spring ^c lines; JG Now Dress Goods, new Miislius, new GTove?, now Lacu. new Dresa batc(cs, new Dress Collars and k^ IJclts, new llandkcrcliiers, new Shoes, new Ciolhins for Men and Boys, new House Fiirnipliiogs, new ^ Curpets, new Lace Cnrtaiua, new Linoleums, new Floar Qil Clctlis, now Wall Papers. Il will pay ^ you to see our assortment niid get out prices. Jg Some Extraordinary Values for the Week's Selliir^. 300 pairs uf Iiniies' iind n;irm' nno Wors'.ed Kose ali pure wool, Sprini; weight, almost as cheap ai cotton and a belter wearer Special sale price, liln. per pair or 3 PAIRS FOR 50o. GARDEN SEEDSâ€" IC packiiaei for 25c. Not any special brand put up to sell at the price but rt'liablo seeds grown and put up in original pucknge? by such reliable funis as the Uennic Seed Co. and the Simmers Seed Co., full size packaijes and the price is 16 paokayes for 25c. It will pay you to he on li«nd early if interested in a Kood Black Mercerized Sai'.ien Blouse at H.\LF PRICE- amlless. 85 Ladies' fine ipialiiy IJlack Sateen Blouses, fiincy stylus with cimp and silk trimniinys, all sizes included in ;he assortment with actual values as follows: $1.00, S1.2;5. and $1.50 Blouses, special .salt prios 08 BE ON HAND EARLY Ideal Woven Wire Fence <^.ww For Sale Here MARK DALE mwn^ ?Ue ,rflc«%rton ^tlvmx^ 1« liiibli.HhtMl ov.M-y Thiwwlay at .?1.00 per :tnmnn if piiidiu udvanee, $1.00 if nut su 'â- ii»i<l. .\!! sul'scril.vrs j«>..ving' .?l.O(J strictly iu lidviinci' i,vt til-; Mimtrial llurjiUI one ye.ir '{.•(-•e iiii 'A ru:iiiutn. Division t'oiirt Division Court was held hero Ijcfore â- Judge Mortison on Wednesday of last tveid:. Among the Ciisos up were ihe '"iolhiwirg; Ai;new & RusscI, of Dundalk, sued D. McCatinel, of Egromont, for a hayfork. ' Oeft'iidaiit claimed that the aniitle was not satisfactory. Nonsuit. McFarlano v p'ny and wife was uii • action on an old stire accoun;. .Judgu- nient ngaiiist Foy. Neithercut v Edwardsâ€" Action on wood cuttingcontiact forS5L2a. Defen- dant claimed coiitmcb was not completed- • .Judgement agartist defendant for $18 and â- ousiB J. & W. Boyd V .1. B. Mooreâ€" J. E Moore now lives in Calif<irnia. The action wao for $121 60. Judgement for $11I.5U. Sprnule V Shoppard.an action for rent, itan setiled out of Court. The ftpllowing casts were adjourned; O'Loughlin v Proton township, Scott v *'G»rden and Gulp, and Lang v Ames. young couple will reside on their farm, 8!h con. Artemesia. We e.xtend our hearty folicitation.s. About Rheumatism 'ITiere aru few dido.'ises that inllict more tor- ture than rheuinatisni, and there is probalily no fiiKcabe for which such a varied and useless lot (;f reniedicfl have been sii^'^'ested To say tliat it can l>e cured i^, tiierefore, a lM)kl state- ment to make, but ClianiliiTlain'n I'iun Uahn, whiali er.}«ys .â- vii exten«ive sale, has met with ereat suctJS:* in the treatment nf tliirt disease. One ajiiOicatidn of I'ttin r.alni will relievu the pain, and hundreds of sntferers have testified to permanent cures by its use. Why suffer when I'aiii Bahu affords such (iiiiek relief and coats but a trifle? For sale hj' W.E. Kicliard- Hon. Turner â€" Adams A pretty spring wediliog was solemn!- • /,e ! at tliH residi->ice of ,^fr. .(ohn Adams of the sul urhs on Wediii-sihiy of last we- k wl.iii his eldest daugh<er,Siinnh Itel-ecca, WHK united in marri.ige to Mr.i>.E. Turi.- or, S'li of Mr. ."^oio non Turner, of Eiigi'iiia The Welding Alaich was â- piay (I iiy Miss Millo- Coik and the ceniiiony was perlormvd by IJ.-r. J-vison \Vil-(in, B. A., \i. I)», in iha presence of â- ab- ui foity guests, mostly close relatives 't>fihi< bride snd groin Miss B,-lle Tiiriii-r, sister of the gronin, assisted tlio bride, and Mr. Kiiier'<oii Adams perform- ed the aamu duties f:<r the groom. The bride looked Very baiidsomo ma pretty «o-tume of while oigandy and the liiidvs- in ml .ilso looked charming in a-drt;.is of fl iU<.d Kiiislin. The uKi'mi's pressnt to - ki th>' loide wa« a rich g-'Id guard and to tl e biiduainaida gold > rooch circK-d with oryst-ils. The proMnU were numerous and liHiidsoine. After the cereia-'ny the . fuesls sat down to a rich wuddliig-diiiiier, \ttj whi«b. *iL did ample iuslico. The Court Returned the Money About the 8th of February Dr. Camp- bell lost a pocket book 'jontsining Some m->ney which he csiiniaied about $50. Ai tlie same time Mrs. Richard M cCoi). iiell, of West Luther, found a jxickel book contaiiiin!^ a auiu, slightly less than this, whicli she ailvortised in tlii-t paper. On demand she refused to givv it up stat- ing that the proof was iiisulHcient. After repeatod ellorts to secure it. Dr. Camp- hell placed tlie matter in court, the ca.^o beiii« heard last Saturday before Messas. fiicbardsi.n, S. Tate ami B.Oear, J. P'» , the court room being crowded. Mr. Richardson endeavored to hare an 'amicalile settleinent reached liefore bear- iiiu' the case, but in viin. The evidence showed that the lust purse wag found in the House of Mrs. Jsnitia Canipliell, where tlie iloctor w«8 visiting professionally, that MrM..McConiifl liad possession otthe purse, had dinussed the- possible loser but had iiev.or mentioned the circumstan ces to the doctor, during his visits. Wlun thf court rose at <i liO o'clock, for an hour's adjournment, the defendant a,ir. ed to hand nvi-r the puise and also pay the co^'h, a course her solicitor had advised from tlie Hiait. She ap|)arontlv did not wnnt to api.ropriate the money to her o*n us -, iiut the ••vidence suggeswd a desire to pui the ilooKir to as mucli iroubh- a.s p ssihlu The rOsts ainounied to $!♦. 10, which with her lawyer's fees and oiler rxpe-si-s ivi Ifill not far short of 825 Gamble it Smiley for plaintiff and anil .1. VI Kc.iriis for dofend.mt. â€" Grand Valley Stai . The Collingwood Bulletin last week made one of the iiiosi hiitir, uncalled for and uiilruthful attacks upon Dr Sproule that it would lie possible to make. It charued bini with having voted with bis party on the Jesuito Estate Bill and with many other sin.<. He did noi vjtc with pai'y on Manitolm coercion ami his course has always been consistent in that re-.'urd, notwithstanding the Itulletln's false statemciita to tlio contrary. The wliolo article referred to is one of the most base and ijroundless attscks we have ever read and is a disk>race to the writer who penned it. biistling as it does with ntisnlute faUohuodi. Fred Carver was sent to j«il for two years for forgery at Sault Hte. Marie. â- >«y v/say\ax\a/ v^va^vay.«/M^v« • •.j^s«/v./vj.^-.«/va/-.a/\a/va/>a ^v^-A/v^v/va^v/ ^ The council, at Tara,at its la.st meeting, received a deputation of business men supporting ;v petition, signed by over throe fourths of the business men of Tara, asking thar a by- law he passed enforcing the closing nf all shops at 7 p. m. each day excepting Wednc-sdays and Satur- days. The by-law was pasiccl and will take eCftct on the first of .May. Mr. Will. Wright, who was employed at the new C. P. R dock, wa.s the victim of an unfortunate accident accident on Saturday. While his left hand was be- ncith the hammer of the pile driver, the haiimier was allowed to drop three inches, with the result tliat the wrist joint was disloctated and the hand was badly crush- ed lie will ha unable to resume work for a considerable time. â€" 0, S. Sun. Mr. Thomas Hoath, of Hoath Head, who was in town on Saturday, stated that be saw a 9. ck of ei3.btoen wild geese in a field I'eav his farm that morning. It is no uncommon thing to see flocks of these birds in passage bighovcrhoad, but somewhat rare to see them alight and especially so far afield in such a settled country as around Hoath Head. They wore alarmed and made off without injury, altliough: one man looked along a gun barrel at the ftock. â€" O. S. .\dverti8er. If the newspaper man had nothing else to do but stand on the corner and tackle BTeryhody that [msRed.for newa.he would prol)ably find out ovoiyihing. Bui to expect that much of an editor would be unreasonable to say the very leasi. Don't be ashamed tif y.-ur quests, or do not neglect a neighbor or a friend, who is sick or has met with an accident. Re- port ir to the now.spaper man that friends may know alsmt i*. A i)ill< handkercheif over 300 years <dd, but Ftill ill a L'ood stale of preservation, is lo be seen at Clialiiiers & Puckeriii':.'« This handkerchief is the property of Mr. Will. Manniii!;, of jVniaraulh, and be- loiiued to liis gtcat-LMeal-giandfather. Mr. Manning hiis baa it over 50 years,â€" Sliclbunic Kcunomist. Fine Taiioring It i.s about timo to decide on your .spiing suitâ€" and we liave decided tliat we want to make it for you. The best of 1 workmanship, correct style and fit guaranteed. H. ALEXANDER The Flesherton Tailor 'i BOYD, HJCKLING & CO., â- A*^ FLESHERTON, ONT. n^ry Some New Specialties in Ladies Ready-to-wear hats deserve special mention and your inspection. "Tt The near approach of spring bring.s with it the ^ tboughtd of huusecleaning and the stib.setiueut puich- ^ ase of new house furnishings iT We have been thinking of this too, and are jj^ fully prepared for your wants in this line with a ^ splendid collectioa of new goods. % Special Value In Carpets jB Brussels the regular $1.00 quality for 85c. yard ^ Tapestry Carpets from 35c to 85c yard W Union Carpets 30c, 40c, 50c and GOc yard W Japanese Mattings from 25c to 35c yard' !^ New Oilcloths, New Linoleums, New Kugs, New •*• â- Mats. J Special Values in New Lace Curtains ^ . -I^'ices from 50c to $2.75 pair. r^ Come in and let us figure on your House Furnishing ^ Kequirments â€" ^We can save you money. Wii have provided a good range to sell at the lowest prices yet quoted, but call your special attention to our selection of rich and beautiful papers suitable for every decorative purpose. Come and see us soon, we we believe can satisfy your wants, and our object this season will be to make the prices of our papers as attractive as them- selves. Prices from 5c to 50c. Double Koll, All colors of Sherwin Williams Paints - ;. ,-*-;::; V / : For all Purposes! :fÂ¥ • iy::