Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 May 1905, p. 2

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GIVES TWO REAL GOOD REASONS FOB BELIEVING DODD'S KID- NEY PILLS CUKE ALL KIDNEY AILliENTS. Cured His Backache of Twenty-fivo Years Standing and Satisfied Everyone He Recommended Them to. Kconoiny I'oint, N. S., Muy 15â€" (Rperial).â€" <!po. S. McLaughlin, of this placi', (ii^'ta two s|)letnli(I rca- »<.,->s for his bclivf that Dodd's Kid- ney I'ills uic tho one remedy (or Kidney ailini'nts. Hero aio the two reasons in liis own words: "I was troubled with lamo back for 25 years or more, soiiietinvs so Kcvert! that I eould not turn iiiyseK 111 bod. One box of l/odds Kidney nils cured 1110, and 1 liuvc hud no return of the trouble sin-c. "I have rocoiiiiiK.ndid KoddH Kid- ni'v rills to n number of lursons who had Kiilitey 'I'rouble. All who liaM' used Uioiii have been ijiii-iiLed or c 1 1 red . " I'odds Klilnvy Pills not only re- lievo all Kidney IWfAUses, from Itnclc- oeho to IJrighfs Pistase, brt they ahsoliilcly cure them. Hut soiix- tiiiics v.h'ic Olio or two boxes relieves it lakes luoiu to make a comrletf cure. COLD I lOIOT AND I.MnUn^.STK)!^. <!o)dtiOFS of fet't and limbs is al- most invariatily an evidence of inli- gef-tion. 'J'he coldneRs is not due to Weal-ncss of the heurt or feobleirss of circulation, a.s is pn.jrally sup- posiMl. hut to the. coiitiaetiiin of Jiiiiall arteries, iirevenling bloo<l from cntoriiif; tho jiarts. There is gener- all.v an irrilnlion of the abfbii.iiiinl Kyii-.li;ilh<'tic nerve centres whieh con- trol the eiiculalion of the lower c.\- Ireinclies. 'I'liis dillieulty is not to he romovi'd b.v <\ercise or by nii.v i;pe<iul apl'lical iun to the liirdis. liut liy ic ifiovnl of tho caiLScs of the irri- tati<;ii. 'Ihi.s may be a prolaiif'ed b-toiiiiuh or chronic indi{.j<'.stioii. Hot uiid <c)l<l fool baths are valuable, 'riie.sr- act. not simply on the feet and limbs, but refle.x action allect beu'lici- iillv till' nti'lotuinal sympathetic cen- Ires. which are in a disca.sed ronJi- tion. Itubbing of tlio feet and let;s is nl.'o an excellent method of over- eoniiii;; spa^ni of the blood vessels, thu.s presei vinj-^ the normal eiicula- lion. 'i'he rubbing should lie fniui the fei't towards the body. 'Ihe liuifa<'e should be will lubriented Kith vaseline. To avoid irrilalion of the .s.l<in cari> should also be taken lo clothe limbs V(>ry warmly. In many cases this is necessary, even in the summer season. THE CUAKM.S OK TIIIKT. Sir KmnL YouiiKl'usbnnd, the lead- er of the recent Jlritish exiiedition to J.assa, till' sacred city of Tibet, bruKhc.^ away, in an nildress. the delusion that 'J'ibet. is a rainleus country. After marching over tho olevatoii plateau in the face of bicter winds and blizzards, the expedition rea<he(' the valley of (Syantse, whcro wil'owB and poplars were hiirstinjf into folia{-c before the middle of April, niid the bunks of the rivor were covi'rod with mas.ses of purple iris jilants. On resuming the march for Lassa, duly l-lth, heavy rain fell, and frec|Uent rains were exjier- iencpd until September, and the size of the rivers showed that this part of 'J'ibet has a good rainfall. Lassa was found lying in a "lovely valley c«)Vercd with trees, rich with cultiva- tion, and watered by a river as broad as the Thames at Wi'stmins- ter," and '•hidden away by range after range of snoxvy mountains." A MODEL ruriLIC'AN. The (loath occurred recently of Mr. San'. Iley, the lan<lloi<l of a public- house in the fJlilinglon district of Itradford, I-.ngland, whose boast was that, though he had kept one house fo! thirty years, a drunken man had never been seen inside it. He knew all the 'wage days" in liis lo- cality, and if any working m.in caino in on that day, aixl asked for liquor, Mr. Hey would say, "You can have one ilrink; then you must go home and give your wifi! your wages. You may then come back ami have another, when you have washed yotirself and brushed u|)." Ho allowed no bad language in the house. More than half the battle in cleaning greasy dishei is in the soap you use. If it's Sunlight Soap it's the best; «J No Breakfast Table complete -without An admirable food, with all its natural qualities intact, fltte.-i to build up and maintain robust health, and to resist winter's extreme cold. It Is a valuable diet for children. You Don't Know Good Tea UNTIL YOU HAVE TRIED '11*1111 iiiwii â€" TTTiinTnTrnnT It's Fresh, NaturrJ Fragrance pleases the most critical and will be a REVELATION to yoii. ONLY ONE BEST TEA BLUE RIBBON'S IT The Bicycle is King Bright'* Disease â€" Insidioual docap- tlwe! rcicntlo'ds I ha.s foilcii hundreds ol tntils l>y iiK ilicai Miciito to stem \.he tide ef its ravufrcsâ€" and not until South American Kidney Cure prnveri be.vond a ilouljt its jiower to liirn li.Tck tliO tide, was lliorc u, glenin of nnythiiiR: Iju^- de- fl':iii' for tho victim of this dread form of kidney disca.sc. â€" 54 The Moat Nutrltiotia and Zlcouomical. Never put oil until to-morrow what you can do to-dny i.s a pretty good ride, but it doe.s not iniliido saying unkind thing.s. Stern Parent â€" "Vounfr man, I saw you kL^isiiij^ my dnunhti'i' as I pasS"'! the parbir door, and 1 want yini to know that I ilon't like II. What hove you to say alxnit it?" Voiinfj Man â€" "All I've Kot to sn.v is that yow eviileiitly don't know a gootl thing wIk'11 you see jt." -♦ It i.<! u.sunlly the coward who does tho most Inlking about discretion bo- Ing the better part of valour. No one ever saw a henpecked man with a double chin. Minard's LiDinienfc Cures Eistemper A woman couldn't help feeling proud at havinp; on her best night- gown if a burglar came. rOR OVt:i'. .•^iXTY yK.\H.«5. UrB, WiiisloTO'H .Soothing t'.yrup haji been used dy uiillion.s of inolher.^ for their children while teothOif. It, soothes the child. Foftent iho gums, nllitys iiuln, cures wlndcotlf, icguiateu the stomach and bowels, niul is the best remedy fur Jiiarrhoea. 'J'wi'ii ty-fjve cents a bottle. tSold by drugpi.sts throughout tho world. no huro and link for "Mis. WlDblon's .Soolhini; .^yruii." Siiâ€" 0-1 A man fe<'ls very hard up alter ho has had a dream where he was niak- ing lots of money. Corns caiiMC intoPtv^hlc pain, llodo- way'ii Corn Cure roniove.s the trouldo. 'I'ly it, and see what aiauuiit of pain ;' bavcd. Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans with Lever's Dry Soap a powder. It will remove tho grease with tho grealeEt case. The only thing worse Hum having no sen.se of Iminor one's self is to have to live with those who have none. C. V. mCIIAHD.S & CO. Ileae Sir.s,â€" Your MIN'AUIVS LINf- i Ml'-N'r is onr reineil.v for sure throat. j colds and all ordinary ailments. It never fails to relieve and cure promiitly. CIIAIU.K.S WUOOTEN. Tort Mulgrave. COFFKE HEART, Very Plain in Some People. A great many people go on siifter- iiig from annoying ailments for a long time before thiy can get their own consent lo give op the indul- geiico from whieli their Iruuldo uris<-s. A fventleinnn in Ibooklyn de.scribes his experience, as (hIUiwh: "1 becaniu .satisfied some months ago that I owed the |ialpitatioa of Ihu heart, from which I suffered al- most daily, to the use of coO'ee, (I had been a colK'e drinker for .'10 years) but 1 found it very hard to givr lip the beverage. "I realr/ed that 1 must give tip tho harmful indulgence in coflec but I felt the necessity for a hot table drink, and as tea is not to my lik- ing, I was at a loss for awhile, what to do. "One day 1 ran across a very seii- fciblo and striiightforward presenta- tion of Ih.'. claims of rosliiin KootI ('oflee. and was so Impressed there- by thai I eiiiuluded to nivr it a Irinl. My experieiiro with it was unsatisfactory till I learned how it ought to bo prepared â€" by thorough boiling for not b's.s than ITt or 20 niiiuite.s. After 1 leiiriied that hwson there was no trouble, rosluml'ood I'olTi-e provi'd to be a most palnta- l)U! and satisfactory hot beverage, and I have iisi-d it ever since, "The ellect on my he.illh has been most salutary. It has completely cured tho heart palpitation from which I used to siiner so much, par- ticulnrly after breakfast, and I never have a return <if it e.<c<>pt when 1 dine or lunch away tri'iii home ami nn> eiimpelled fo drink the olil Kind of colT<f> hoeanse rostuin is not serv- prl. I lind that I'ostiim Food (^iffci,' cheers and invigorates while It pro- iliiecs no harmful stimulation." Nanio given by I'ostiim I'o., Uatllo t'reek, Mich. 'Ihere's n rrnson. Ten days' trial proves nn oyo opener to many. Henri the little book "Tho Hoatl to Wellvillo" in every pAcknge. MUEDEEERS GET FREE. Strange Sequel to a Murder Trial at Melbourne, Australia. ; 'i'lie seipiel to a remarkalile murder trial at .Melboiinu- is brought by a recent .Au.straliaii mail. An as- tori.-^liing b'ature of the story is that a self-confessed murderess | stands at ineseiit beyond the reach ' of the law. I Hose Hubbard, a haiidsome young woman, twenty .venrs of age, was ac- ; cused of imisoning her mother, with' whoi!. she and her stepfather lived ^ in Alelljoiirne. The di.fniee was that i the stepfather, a man of si.\ty-livc, i named Uobiiis, was the real criminal, j I After an exacting (|iiariel the girl | was nciiuitled and discharg(;d. i In coiiVfi-satiiiii with a detective a I shiiit liiiiii afterwards lh» girl ad- mitted that she had murden^d her inolher, niid gave as her niotive the ' fact that she hail fallen in love with her .stepfatluT, aiul was bitterly Jealous of her mother. I Sulseqm-ntly, accompanied by the â-  man Uobiiis, she went to Ihe police 1 station niiil made the following sta-l tiitoiy deilaral ion: â€" I "I, Koso llulibai'd, of Percy street, | Keisington, Melbourne, solemnly and I sincerely «leclari! that 1 remember i making n stali'iiieiit to Hi' \i(i|ico in' : jad aeeiiHing Hobins of murdering my ' null her. That is absolutely iinlnie. I ".My reason for making that state- meiii WBH to save myself from lieinsj I convicted. I now admit gi\ ing my mother ciiiicksilver and arsenic at In- jtervnls, a.s she often struck mo and I wa i jealous of mo. "I was sorry for what I did to my I mother, but she anno.ved me and callid me such terrible names that I ! w.\s detornilned to ilo it to her. I ' am making this stntemnnt to clear an innocent person." rile police have satisfied them- selves thnt the ronfes.iion i"! true, but in face of Ihe verdict of not guilty they are iiiiabh' to tnko any steps against tho inurdere.ss. ttiiiaril's Liiiimeat Gares Colds, &g It's a wise barber who never illus- trates hi.s stories with cuts. Baby Humors. â€" I>r. Agnew's Oirit- iiieiiL soothes, t|uiets, and oITects (juick ami elTectivo euro.s in all skin eruiitioiis common to Iiahy during teetliiiiic^ time. it is harmless to the hair in cases of Scald Head ami cures t'czema. Salt lllieum und all .Skin Diseaseti of oUlcr jieople. 35 ceiity. â€" 55 The Chaperon (angrily) â€" "If you allow that joung man to kiss you in my presence I'll turn my back on yuu." l-^rnestiue â€" "Why, that's just what wc want you to do." .Some pcrsonii are more .suscoptitilc to coiiis limn oLhera, conlraclinj^ derange- ments of th'l pulmonary organs freiu the sliglitest causes. ' These sliould nlwiiyB have at hand a tiotilc ol lliililes Allli-Consuinilti\e .S\rup, the prcbent day sovureii^ii rt;nicdy for coughs, ca- tarrh and inditmination of the binps. It will elTcet a cure no matter how (;cverc tl;e cold may be. You eaiinot alford to Iiu without a remedy like Uieklu's, for it is tho best. Every person realizes m)W that t here is no other vehicle so con- venient ill the coimtry, town or city as the trhecl. The wheels we Sell are the be.<rt in the world. CLEVELAND MASSEY-HARRIS BRANTFORD WELt_ANO-VALE THE CUSHiOiN FRArrlE - i.s the new feature. Tt has brought bicycling: again into po- pular favorâ€" iviake3 Rough Roads Smooth, The Sills' Hygienic Handle Bar n co.nipanion invention to the Cushion Frame. Write for our new catalogues, and new picture cards. Mention this paper. I».A.3:EB OE' SH^-^-TSaSS X*Z&£SZ3. Wc ficsiro lo gftt in touch with cvc we wish to placu before llicni nil, the to l«c found on thu lucyclcs we hand Iieist>ns us possible to send in from (iWMors of bicycles who »houlf) h« iiit li if vein with tlie modern improveiucn lur" order and to the writer of cacli t wc w^ill bcnd ivvn of chargo oru? ptiir Skiitefi. manufactured by us, sold rt-Ru must I)L' clearly written out with ndtl bicyfie and should be addressed as I'ol ]\U)tt>r t.o. Ltd., Toronto Junction, C hitL-r than May 21th. ry owner of n. bicychi in Canada as advantage of the iniproveinonts now W. I'or this reason we want us many tlieir locality a good list of bona fide crested in the purchitso of a new ts. 'i'he lists will be received in rcgu- wcnty-liith Ufttc in the order received, of our juipruved Hockey "Cycle" larly at ^2.00 per pair. The lists rcs.s anil j\auio of mako of present lows: Ucpartmen! B Canada Cycle & anada. Lists must be received not Oasiada Opie and MoUr Gq.j Limftecl, " Makers of tho World's Best Bicycles," Canadian Headquarters TOPONTO for Automotoilss. » KJt^VJl^ 1 \J A sentimental poet writes: "How can I nieet my darling?" After souiu tielilieration over the (pieslion v.o have come to the conclu.sion that he can meet her by a|)pioaching her from an oppo.'site ilireelion. iNip Disease In llio Hinl, â€" Tt is ditll- eiill to fnntieiiiB It ili.sease after it has lu-eome .-^eate'l. therefore it i.s wise to tiike any ailiiieiil in its initial .stn^^es ami by yiieli i-eincdies us are .•^tlllieieiiL. stop it in its eourse. Colli iy iju' com- monest eoiiii'laint of man. ami wlieii nt'gloeted ieuds to Kcrious results. Pr. 'I'iiomus! I-'.cleetric Oil will cure llic severest colli or most violent cough. .Some rules have Iiecii piililish.'d f.ir (liseovering counterfeit liank-iu>te«. Vhat the iivera(,a' man waiit.s are a few .>iiiiij>le rules for iliscoveriiiy the genuine article. LIttIa but Soarchine.â€" I'r. Von .stun's riiienpplo 'I'alilets are not liig n luseoiis Uosif.s that eontiiiii injurious drugs or iiaieoticsâ€" they nie tlio pure veHctuIile pepsin â€" tiic niedii'iiial extract from tliis luscious fruit, nii'l tlie talilets arc pre- piireil in us pulntaMe ftirm as the fruil itsi'lr. 'I'hey cure ilitlif^estion. 60 in a box, itTi cents. â€" GO Sometimes a man i.s ilesyi.sed fin- twenty or thirty years because he is .so stingy, nnil then envied all the rest of his life because he is so rich! Minarii's Liniment Cures DipMheria I'aiiline (sarcastically) â€" "Jack striit.s aloni;- a.s if he owned the earth." Klvira (sweetly) â€" "No won- der, l.i^st evening 1 promised to let him become my hiishaml." Mrs. Weiisoon (pout in{;ly) â€" "Mrs. Oldwife next door ha.s liad two iie.v dresses lo ni.v ono." .\lr. Woilsoin (spouse No. 2)â€" "\es, my dear, but you've Imil two new husbands lo her one." Just tho Tiling Tlinfs Wontefl â€" A pill thnt acts upon the stonineb niiri yet i.H .*-t» eom|(nuinUiI that eert.ain in- greilieiit.s of It preserve their power to net lipon the iiitesliiial eiinnts, uo as lo dear tliom of exerela, tho retention of wliicli cannot Put tic liiirtful, was long looked for l»y th.; inedieal profes.sioa. It was found in Pariuelce's Vegeliihlu I'ills, wliieii are the result ot much expert study, ami are scit'iil i lieaUy prcpiicnf us a laxalivQ and an alttrrnalivu in one. UO.MlSinR ()UCH.\'R1)R. Til the (Jrand Duchy of Haden apple cherry, pear and walniul tree.s arc planted alon^ both sides of hinh- wa.vs, at n distance of -'l" feet npurl 'I'liiis shade is furnished, and when the fruit is ripe it is sold by publie auction, the inoiiey llills obtained be in»j applied to the maintenance and the exteiiKion of lin- svstem. DOWiDS Tlie.v cniinot move forward who will not Hoy farewell to Homo liiint;^. IKIDNEY ;;//,â-  -PI ut:S:- ISSUE MO. 19â€"06, Ona Short Puff Clears tho Head.â€" Itoes your hearl ache? Hr-vo you pains over your eyes? Is the breath olTcn- sivo? These arc ccrtuln symptoms of Catarrh. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal I'ow- der will euro most stubborn cases in a niarvtdlously short time. If you\e hart Catarrh a week it's a sure cure. H it fi of iiity years' standing it's just as cf- icetive. 50 cents. â€" 57 I PlnnerSsta Free FOR CASH TRACE. BENEFITS THl MERGHAMT3 BENEFITS THE CUSTOMER A Merchant iu your nc!ghH,->rhootl .„ filiowiii- hia Ripnciatloa of ciish tra^a hy iiiviiu ftUolutely free, the-'c DINNER SETS. If you do not know this M'^n-iiant, wriL^ u: and wo will imfc an!/ tell you who ho is. DutforwATtJ yi>u u hund-'ome touvenir FUKK ThoBrltlGh Canadian Crockery Co., Ltd. TOKOXro. CANADA. â- litip and Ire® r Hilars ! Sfl.'-a.r.. hcrliiff ami .StuTiip- ir.iifhorc^I. S:na«;;h'nfT DO>v. eli-liun untJii«ry eta:iipiii j'^ I n)l:riirn. 1 to & l&crihi ct a tfib- Itinii. lUIersnt Iflxea to Buit E all kinilB oi I JoURTlByg. J i'crlliuBtmted Scatf.logailtiieia PowarJul, liandy. Low Priced. Seeely â€" "Some people are alwa.vs howliiit; for more, no nialter how iniieh they have. Pon't you think you'll be salislieil with enough?" (Jreeily â€" "Dare say 1 shouhl if I eoulil get it." A Cure for Kevcr and AL;ue. â€" rnrnie- .ee's \*ogetuble Pills are cnnVpouiuioa for n.^-'e in any cltnialc iiiul they will lio fouiid ti) preserve their powers in iin.v hitilude. In fever uiitl afjue tlio.v net upon the secretions nml iieutrnli/e the piiisim whieh has fcnimi its way into the blooil. Tliey cerreit the iuipiirities whieh lind entrance into the system ihroURh iliinkinj; water or footl. urnl if useil as a preventive fevers nrc Hvoiileil. Milne Hfg. Cq. ^â- ''^ .<'!nih St., Monmcuili, III. OHENILLE 0URTAIN3 uitd all kinds o! houao H.wifcingj »i3o LlOB CURTAINS •'^^e,K*« ?>/,?.'•"» Writ* to 111 aliout yQuri». WUTIW AMIUOMI OYSIMB 00., IM IIS, UtntToei Queen THY A *^'*y Oil DEAUTirUL LIGHT Lamp Ilisjvnsted Uncli; â€" "T shall loavo my | money lo the pom" ami neotly." Xt>- 1 trooil Nephew â€" "Heaven bles.s you, untie; I always saiil you wouliln't 'â-  leave mo out." i ENGLISH SPAVIN LSHIftlENT Keiiiovca (ill luird S'^'ft or ralloiiscd ; lumps unit hiemiihes froui horsc.'i. Mood spavin, curli.s. splints. ringhonc, i Kweeac.v, ittllU .r, Bpruina. sore and swollen Ihioit, coughs, etc. .Suvo JCiO h> usu of ono bottle. Warranted tlio ] nio&t wunUurfjl UlciiiinU Cure uver ' knuw a. j .S.\Xl)K SKKLKTONS FOUND. While tlineing for th'c pwrpo.sy of ! erect 1115 a rhiUlren's swing nt High: House. Winehester, i:nglnnd, work- i men hove hiiil bare live or sl.t hu- ! man sKeletons in (jooii preservnlion. One was that of a man of fili;niitic statiire. jiMit on the ribs wo^ fomi'l a ."^a-xon spenrheail. In another hole w-as the ftkeleton of n man e(|ii- nlly tall, nntl here wan fomil nn- i „, ., other si^nr-hen.i. a.s tv.ll as ihe re- llnQ[[l 3 llrtei Cljft!) GaFll! Ll C) /) mains if a belt-fasteninp. In another fiUtre v.'n.'i a line silver ring of snleii- ilid Workmanship. Tho site is one o'l whieh .Sa.von and early N'orni.in I'olilJeai oflenrlers were cxeniteil. Slignnil. an .\rrhblshop of I'nnter- i btifry, being one who snrTcreiJ th 'itf. '°Hamp Oil Economy Sard's ia "SE Prime White N'o real need tobnvthe more expensive oils if (.( )OD IIURN KK i, used anil KKl'T CLhAX. If you want a IlIC LICIIT- TIIRBK OR lot R l.As JKT.S IN ONB â€" The Choicest Oil Made i* PRATT'S ANTRAL lor S.i!e by Poalor.:. Queen City Oil Co., ^L^^Tf." TKE It Is a base liio to whieh ii.-lhing is real but the objeel.s of sense. In matter.'^ of opinion the beaten track is most likely to lead B.>»lray. Tho iiuperioritv of Molhor rtravM" «oiin lOxtrriiiinato. i!i nhown t)v tts Bood cnect.s on the Ihildrcn I'lirchaso a bultia ftati give it a trial.

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