Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 May 1905, p. 4

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Mav 11 n&.i rilE FLlCSHERTON A 1; V x\ '!s r J- ^wvvwv^v^v F. T. HILL & CO. 'iiiiiimuzM£ MR Actuated by a desire to iniike tlie luonlli of Jlay a )<icat(-r hu.iinotis moulli for tliis si'iro, uml 113 an index of how wo propose to uccompliKli our object oj;o ciiii fsnu a very Kiilislacioiy iilcii by being on Imnd to iiiHpect tlie extrfionliiiary Vdluce that are sjoecifiod in tlie items belijw; but of course the goods jiiust bo seen to appreciate tlie excellence of stylo and 'HUility at the j;ioatly reduced prices as tlio great incentive to assist you to niiiko this store yciir slioppi'ig quarter? for May. Bsi Occasion in Silks. 600 YARDS FINE QUALll'lKS IN SlLIv.S AI' ;i8o. AND uSo. PER YAKD. On 'A'odncsday we put on salo and oll'er a uoUootioii of Sdks, which f^.r qiality iin< of uiie( H.sting iif T.-ilfi-'ttas, Jiipunesii mid Surahs, in a wide r.in«o of coIdik su;'al)l(i for hIiIii nni .tn, (ushioimblf, and the price is liSc. ami OSo. |».'i- yard repris. ii'iiiu vhIuom ivort.li up to ^1.25 ptT Krencli Broaciclotli, FOR LADIES SUITS. IN liF- ACK ONLY, ON SALE AT 1.50 PER YARD, REG ISlAl'.lvET \.\I,IK2;i(J I'lOIJYAUn. 7.") yardfi firiBsl quality FreiK'Ii Broadchith, in lil;i;k only, suitihlu fir tiiihir niailo suits. Th on.; of t.h« lini-rft elotlis wo have evui- ban. lied, 'i'o a;ipreciate th.) I'JCtritoril.nsiry vjilui-s we 'irc ii.sk you to uKike a s|)eeial ell'orl to see tliis hue â€" no need to buy â€" remember tin; price- 1 f..r lU.illc'l V u tiich iir yard. ilu â- , Con- u now so ULAR i.s cloth r oU'ering i.OO a y epixPonts wo would nrd cloth «ft.r)0 Kxtra.orclinary Values. LADIE.S BLACK SATEKV 15LOUSKS AT YOUR CHOICE FOR C'c. 100 liidii's' RliicU Satm'u Iilou.-.es repie.sentmt! a full iissortmunt of kIzi'h, (|ualir,ii'K nml Htyles rantri'i" ''i prico friuu 1.00 to 1.5(). If interested ni a line qu.dity of bhiu-l; sateyn blouso for about half priui', be on I.;. . varly, Y"ur choice for Gi^c, Laciies Plain and Fancy Sateen Underskirts 7.j Latlio.'i' Plain IM.ick and Faney Movcorizcd Sateen Underskirts, made ni latest styles, fancy frills and pleat- in.;. Ite:;nl u- value up to 1,00. Spocial shopping price 78;. FINE QLTALITY RLEACIIEU TABLE LINEN. •J.:n\ yards Fine Bleaohud Tal/lo Linen reprosentint! a nice assortment of patterns and ipmlitu;3 up to .S,5c. I)';r yard. If you wi.-.h to fiunisli your i»lile with a new wliito cover Hi very niunh h^.i tli.in reaid.ir pricif: we would ask you to select fr:»in these, special sl.op- p ni; ]irii;e per yard "Irfe. FINE WHITE DIMITY Ml'.SLINS «le. YD. pieces fhie white dimity muslins in neat chock pattern, icp. value I'ic. yard, sjjecial prise BJo. MEN'S \VORKIN(i SHlRTS FOR 19o. °^0 Men's woikiny >ii rts, fu.l as,S()rtment of sizes, princip.dly di k shiriinu strip-s di patterns', a unod wadior, being last in color, â- -pi'rial shoppiuf? price lOe. LADIIN SILK l!l':i.TS FORlDc, 1)0 I.tidies bi-hs in black silk, white siitin, cords, consisiinL; of odd lines belug worth up to 3iJo, speiial ehuppu 15c. ^i* y-» drvor'l'llc • '' "'''â-  '^''"''^'' '"-''^' dates for 25e; 2 lbs. dual tin siftinijs f,)r 15c; 7 lbs. «-2 vjrOCCry S^PwCldlk:* • liysforl-'.'ic; 4 1bs. ofulnijerstiaps for 25c; 5 lbs .lap.-in tea for 75c, -^K^m?^ MARKDALE m^^Fm l.^pi.lilishe.l every 'niursday at *1;"" }"''' anio'm it paid in (iilvaiice, #1.50 if not v \U ,ulis;ril>ers p-..vini,' ^-I.IW "tnctly n. â- ulvance get the .Montreal iler»W one year fiue :iM ft teiiiiinii. Arlemesia Cotincil Thd Municip.d Council of '.be Tovvn â-ºhip of Artoinesia met in tlic Town Hall, KK-sherton, on Saturday, the f.th day ol May, l'),ir>. The m.-mliera wen- ill pres- ent the Reevo in iho chair. The niin- â- .lies of Apri: l.stan.l of April 11, wen- le.id and conlirm.!il. Rosiiinations of J. C. Wright .III I Geo Blakely as (u'ersecrK were read. The foUowinir were pres 'lU- ed an.l read, â€" I!. .1 Sproule, Insurance premium on hall, 88.70; Hart & Uiddell, iss.'ssnielit r.ill.f and scbedu es, $I2,C0;.I. Trelford, turpn.tine for bridj4e pdnl.&Oc; Village of Maikdalo, 3 year's rent of hidl for C<mrt, SIH.OO; Municipal World for hubacripliu.is, Ijiio.OO. By-laws No's.6i2 to close part of c.iiicession road betwien (!onct;.ssions 2 and ;), N. E,, at lots 11'! t. 147; ()!i3, to authorizo a loan of ^L'.'iO!) Ill for S, S, No. 3; and 654, to authori/.e ti rcovo to ai'^n aireeiuont with iho Geoi-^iai Bay Power Company, Were iutroduced rend a lir.st, fcecoiul mid a third time. I'nrvisâ€" McKenzie. â€" That ihe follow? iiig accounts be paid, â€" R. .1. Sproule, iusuraiioo on hull, 88.75; Hart & Co., as.se»hmoi.t rolls and «eheudlcs, $12.(10; Villa){u of Markdide, 3 yearn rent of hall, $1.S 00; Munieipal World aubscrip- lious, iJa.UO; .1. Trelford, nccnuiit for t'ir|iei.line 50e. Best â€" Purvisâ€" That James Nuilson be appointed ovniBcur instead of J. Wnijlit and W. 11. Ludlow inattiad of (J.o. Blakely, who refnsid.â€" I'arried Carson â€" .McKeiiy.ieâ€" That tho Roove be paid two tlollarn for services in con- necli-in with Snu({iien bridges on Toronto line anJ houtli line, â€" Cariiwi Purvia- Carsonâ€" That W. O. Hacking * be paid ♦l.f'O for bringing Tho.s. Manders >iiid Wife fii'iii Induu'rial homo â€"Carried. Beisl - MeKciuioâ€" That liii.s Council iiill urant $40011 in build giaval niileaalk Ht Proton Statiiin n« explained by Messrs Lyons anil Trelfur'I, on condition th«t the C.iUnoil of Proti-n ({rant an eqiiul • an an I the |t..ople ^f I'rolon Station sliliscribo at least |4') 00 towards the proj tt., ibo tail! iinpiioy.'i to b« expended by ;»le HIS. Wriljht, Trrtlford Hlld Porter, Kiel a lull report of the <-xiH)iiditure U; 1U.0I11 thU <^>UMeiI -Cntried. U-»i- Carson -Tlint the Rrtero is kivfj-y tnthorwd tOi»ij{ii an ax'eemeti' «itli (bi). .biluistoii, W. ,1. Moore. D. A, Siins'.n, T.J, Stmsoii and 0. M. Ban- iion in the inaUer of constructins; a ditch from lot 17'!, Toronto line, to the Saujjeen river- Carried. iMcKenzie â€" Purv isâ€" That tho reptin of the Rei-ve and clerk as delegates til the W.-Ht El..iin Municipal Associati'in be reci;ived and tlnit they b-i paid ^7.7n each, beiiiK their aeiual expenses â€" Cai- riel. McKen/.ieâ€" Carson â€" That the fust no ' iii'^ of ilie (J.inrt of Revi.sion on .•\s-,e-sinent of 1005 be lield at the Town Hall on the third day of June 1005 at 10 o'clock anil the Clerl; yive the ra- il nired initien thereof â€" Carried. The Coencil adjourned. Honor KuHs Iveport of Easier Exain-i, Fieshcrliiii I'niilie Sclionl, .Si'iiior Room, ('la s V, â€" lOtia Beat tie, 7.S; M. WiU.in, W. Wiiohi,77: A. Tliiirst(m,74; F, Kar- st,edt.,7U; M. P.oyil,(>7; C. Bil'ainy, 00; K, Tiim le, 50; E, Kaisledt, 40, t;ia«s IV, â€" II. B.ii.-Ks,7'.>; (i. McTav- ish.76; ,\1. Dnekrill 74; 11. Palli»ter.Of»; W. Ciossley, H. Kar.^ie.lt, (M; L, Milch- ell.03; G. Davis, 61; K Mitchell, CO F. Bo Inmy, u.S; B, Lmicks, 62; R. Be'l- iiny, li'. McT.ivish, 41t; Flora B. llauiy, 48; J. LcL'aid, 47; F. Sullivan, 40; L. Wil- sni, 31; 0. iMillif,'an, 3f>. N. C, Mansoll, Inlermtdiiile Room, Cla,ss III Sr.â€" J McCauler, 70; J. Ra. ley, ti9; E fatlon, 67; P. Radley. 63; F, MeMnllen.02, Class 1 1 1 ,)r, â€" E, Levor, Laura Arni- s ron.r, C2; E. Tlnniipson, 01; L Rutledfje, >â-  11, iMiuhell, H. McLeod. 55; A. Wrijiii, 54. Cla s II Sr.-Charliu Crosslov. ,'^l; M. M,el)..niild, 70; K. Loueks, 66; C, Bh.kely, 04; I,. Armstrong, 61; \V. Ml- son, Oi; K. Mil itJiin, 60, M. Burnett, 55. Class 11 Jr.â€" O. MeKinr on, 70; T, L - Gaid, 74; H, MeCauley, 73;!', Ila^ty, 71; V. Taliiot, (ill; B. IV-leh, 57; E. Hiciiard- son, 63; 11 Snl ivan, 40; A. Gillespie, 47; I.Miicholl,41; L. Tdltjot, 41; G, Stov- i.rt' 33. I. 0. Boattie. |Priinary Ro.nn. Patt II Sr,- Full marks, 410,â€" Gladys Oondiohl, 350; Ircnj Wilson^ 325; Delia Thnrsion, 30il; J.e Radley, 2VH; Ruby Radley, 205; H.irinon Hale., â- 2S4; Mur- iel MeTavisli, 270; Geoiuina Hopps, 251; Ha-.- 1 Thoaips 11, 241; Fiank I'atton, 102. Part II .Jr.- Fn 1 marks, 410. -Walt- er Carg ., 310; Nettie Teeter, :tl4; Annie FIvnn, 3<MI; Ver.t Lowckv, 250; Ldi Alei Hiider, 240; Roy M.Cauley, 2i;t, llerbio LeO^rit, 212; Russel Lever, 188. Evelyn Wilson 181; Alice McLo.d, Ui.'i; F.rd Me,Mbllei,,101^, Parti Sr. â€" Full marks, 289,â€" Willie D.\>i.s, 23,H; Vina Ha.tie; 215, Loone Thouipsi.n, lliO; (ic< r);o P«tton. 120; Almoii Pctuh, 33. L. M, Prickotle. 11' port of S. 8. Mo. 6, Artemeaia, for April. V ar- Sadie Fl. tcher. V jr -.lane' Fle'chir. IVâ€" S/bd Co'Iinaoii, Tom Butler,J..hn C'airu-, A-.;gio llarruw. HI M--Bert Uhittaker, S Whittaljer. III.jr-I',;arly Cairns, Stella Butler, Maisfe'ie Boyce, Willie McArthnr. Ilsr- Kmnia Whittaker, J Irwin, E Fletcher, Minnie JIcArrliur. II jr â€" Wilfred Butler, Pt II srâ€" r.ert Irwin, Willie S[iicer, R Boyce. Pt II jrâ€" Beriha Fbteher, Hazird. Pt I srâ€" Minnie Ilarr.iw. Pt I jr-Sanley Butlor.I B Whittaker. Mina .^|.icer, .â- \ver;iee attndance 27. E. M. Sm.vi.l, Teacher. Strained Back and Side "Whjle workniu in a saw mill" writes C. E. Keiiney, from Ottawa, "I htrainoil my back and side ko severely I had to Ro to bed. Every uiovem nt c used me torture. I tried tliffereiit oils and lin- iments, bill wasn't helped till I used Ner- viline, ICven the tirst airjilioation ^ave considerable relief. In three days I was a>,'aiii at work. Other men in the mill use Nerviline with tremendous benefit to )." An honest record of nenrly fifty years has establinhed the value of Pol- so.i's Norvilii.c. Win. McDonald, of Palnierston, a brakoinan on tho 0-T.R. was fatally in- jured at Chesley while switehini!, His foot caught between the rails and bofor.' ho could extricate himself a car pa.sspd over hi ... Ho was taken to tho General and .Marino ll.i,spital at Owen Sound where he died an hour after arriviui;. Our Clubbing List ^Advance, *Herald and •Toronto World, daily $3 25 Toronto D.iily News 185 Weekly (jlobu l,Sl) MailK.iipire 1.81) Family Herald A Star 1 .80 T..ront > Star l.KII Faituors Sun 1 .80 AH above prices jncliido Tho Advance and Montreal Herald, if paid in advance only Early sul«?ribcrs get best value or their mo.ney. Fine Tailoring It i.'^ alinnt tinitA to docide on your sjMing suit â€" and we havo dt'ciilcd that wo want to make it ft)r yon. The best of wtH-kinaikshi|), correct style antl tit piaranteed. H. ALEXANDER The Flesherton Tailor \»-' fft BOYD, HICKLING & CO., â€"FLESHERTON, Vii fi f; i'i 'â-  mm^y. arsmen Some New S:^'ec5alties Vi L'lJies r^ : -dy-to-wear hats deserve necial mentJosi rnd VG I? r inspect ion. ew Hgoso Foroishioas The near appi'ttaeii nf spring brings with it tlie iliDUghr.s of hiiu.-ecle.uiiiig and t!ie .'^iib.sc((uent puicli- a.ne of new house furnishings We linvf luH'ii thinking of thi.s too, and are fully pifp.ii'cil for voiii' wants in ihis line with a .spleiiiliil eollet.-tioii of new goods. * Special Value in Carpets r>rns.sel.s the regular .1<f,00 t]u;dity fm' 8-3c. yard Tapestry Carpets trt.tii :}.")i; to ."~i.")c yard I'nion Carpels 30e, 4()e, i>{)c and OOe yard Japanese .\lattiiigs from :i.:.")t;tc o5c yard iS'ew Oilelotlis, Now Linoleuins. New Iviigs, Now .M;its, Special Values in \k\y Lace Curtains Trices from ilOe to $2,75 pair. Come ill and let us figure on your House Furnishing Iveijiiirnieiits â€" We eaii -ave you luoiiey. Wk liave providiMl a gootl range tt) sell at the lowest prices yet (pioted, l)ut call your special attention to unr selection ofrich;ind beautiful papers suitable for every dcctirative i)urpese. Come and see us soon, wt; we believe can i^atisfy your wants, and our object this season will be to make the prices of our papers as attractive' as them- selves. I'lice*? from ."ii,- to fiOe, Double lioll, All colors of Shcrvvin Williams Paints For all Purposes!

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