Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 May 1905, p. 8

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'â-  "'i: '' < May 11 1905 The Markets. ('jireliiily <:orr<M-tc<l Kiuli Wc o.iu :i« JViK «â- â- ! to Harli^y 4r) to r.utuir 'J' 'â- " Ki.'j;h ftn3li i'i t" CliioltciiH 7 to DuckH 9 to (iueso !> to Hay to G ?'otatoo8 ban 00 to TiirkcyN 13 to THE F L E S H E R T O N A D V A K C E ch 38 03 45 Ifi J 3 7 « GO 14 MASSE Y- HARRIS Bicycles One whuel tliiit. stands fur all tliiit's i;onfl in bicycli) inaiiutilC- turo ia tlie MiLSscy-lLirrin. It lins hofliiles graceful lines nncl excuUcMil- tiiiish all the jriiod points of bost i|Uiility of material anil new inven'ions. nassey=Harns and inPERIAL BICYCLES Tlieliigli L'raile niralyl.s of tlie former wlieol hav.i tho tlygii-nic Custiion Franio, Sill-, Ir.m'llo Bars and Morrow Ooiister Brake. Tlio "hnporial" may 1)0 littud vvilli Ihu Coaster Bralte and Sills Uundlo liars. Write us for particulars. Canada Cycle and Motor Co. Limited. Coronto = Canada. -' cV^^ %^- ^-^U^ Fleslier ton. ifi = Sii tjijod horsesâ€" new riSoâ€" attentiv e drivi-iB Q W. Hacking •»> Your doctor will tell you that thin, pale, weak, nervous chil- dren become strong and well by taking Aycr's Sarsaparilla. Small doses, for a few days. barsaparnia The i;hange is very prompt and very marked. Ask your doctor why it Is. He has our formula and will explain. â- ' Wht'n 13 yours o]<1. for mxnj months no one thouKlit I could M»« brcnuseof thin blood. But, fn K fow weeks. Ayor'n ,S&rHAparfl]a com- plotelv restored mo to health." illiB. K. BuuKUlMBTKB, VlueUnd.N. J. gl.OO » bottle. I All <!niri;liOi. for J. C. ATKR (!0., I/iwell. MuAii. Biliousness, constipation prevent re- covery. Cure these with Ayer'e PIHs. In Furniture W A N T E D ^1 Sale.smin to represent ♦ Canada's Greatest Nurseries" NuW'sl varii-tii'K and B;)i'ninltic!i in Hardy Fruits, Smill Fruits, ahrubs, Ormi- ni-utaU and Uoses A p'Tinanent sit nil ion, and territory ri'S-tvi'd for ri(;lit in m. Pay' weekly. ]l.\NDS().MKorTM'L' FIIKK. Wriie hir paiiioulirs. Send Soc. for the I'OC'KET MICllOSCOV'K. iiaeful t.. growiir.-i frniis and shrubs and to farnitis in i-xairiinin-.; lirans anil seeds. Mr Hi --hard Ailan is local agent for Flesherloa. Stone 8l Wellington (ovi;i: 800 ACiir.s) Toronto â-  • Ontario Eoo^l invnstmoiit tlmt im.s ilivirU'jidH all ♦.hroimh Ufa i« a coihk« ot triiiiiino In any of tuo llepurtmtMitii uf the ^/ n rnu Botiii'l. Ont. Poiti- unniploto couv»09 of ».n \y. litist (iiini(ipt!«l HiHiiiuw i'oU- «it preinls- H-i ill (;an't')a. Ihu ottt. Ct'li* r<^ ti\vi)in<; Uh own t^iW-Uf^ f>ni)(linK. A l.iiijo titttof ooiiiptiitsiit. a'*i'1 pn-jii taking (otLubu;'*. Oor fjra'Uiitos nrti liio tH'.ii* (Msfii!. 'in*t ttsk tli'uii. I'lili luiilic- uUr» Bciit t') H' y Atlil.'es. fioo. C A r^lemin.t|^. Principal Winter Goods fjfi ~y{ii Ctlipp/lL' The largest and best stock of fiirnituie ever shown in Fleshcr- ton. This williont fear of contra- diction Come !ii)d fiee some of the nice things in Sideboards Dining Roorq Chiairs Parlor Setts Bed Roonq Setts A special reduction just now on everything in tjrder to reduce tho stock. . H. BUNT. cftirnitune SOea/ef FlestotoD - Int. Conn Telephone Line Ki the mtetina of tho Conn Tuleplione Co. Limited, held in Ccrn;i on Mondiy tho slock holders oiidorsed tho selieine to have the eu]iitiil utock ineicased to Â¥40,000 and appliealion will at once bo made to have th'j charter no amended. The Directors were also instructed to take steps towarJa extending the line in soveral directions. .Anion^ the new branches proposed are lines to Arthur, K.^nilwortli and Dund.ilk; one lhroU)^h Metz and Living Springs, West Oarafiaxa III Fergus; another from Awhur thmugh Peel and Marlboro to Drayton; anoilior lii>m Muunt Forest through Normanby and Glenelg to Durham; and still anufho' from Mount Forest throngh Minto to liairiston. Secretary Begley gave a .sat- isfactory report of his visit to Ottawa. Ncj difHculiy ia anticipated about dispos ing of the additional stock, several share- Imlders declaring their intention of tak- ing more .stock when the shares are on the market. We trust the enterpri.'<e of this young Company will be rewarded with ample 8U0Cl^ss. â€" Confederate. The Conn telephone line is at present only 21 miles long, and has not been ill existence quito a year. Within a [itllo over seven ni'intha after boainning operation it paid a diviJend of seven per cent. At, present there are only seven jiliones ou tho line. As the above item proves, the fainisr promocers of this line are enthusiastic over its success and piopose to e.Xtend the concern Very materially. Why Suffe Fom Rheumatism Why suiter from rliciimnti.sm when one ap- plication of Chaniljcrlaiii'a I'aiu Balm will relieve the paiu? The quiek relief which thin liniment alforde makes rest and .'•leep pyasible and that alone is worth many times it's cost. Many who have ii.sed jt.hnping only for a short relief from sulferiiifr have LeiMi ha|)i)ily em- IJiised to find that after awhile relief became pLTinanent. Mrs.V.Il.Logett, of Ynin Ymn, Teiines.sea, U. W. A., writes. "1 am a L'reat sufferer fnim rhiaimatism, idl over from iiead to iiHit, andt'liaiiiberlaii's Pain Balm iB the (inly thiiiK that will relieve the pain." For â- tale by W. K. Kichrdsou. -'â- '3 (Xr^- J Bu,siNESs Cards VfCULLOUaH & YOUNG 'A liaiikur MiirkJalo Jo a ijeneral banking bnsinoKs. Money loanei'i a roaaouablu rate Cull ou us. R.J srKOU.l..H PoJtniaRti'r, Klosberton ..ouimi.'isionor in II. O. ,1., Auetinneer Con veyancor, Aiipraiaer anri Monoy Lender Iteai ICHtato and Insurance Agent. Deoilf fJortu'HjioH. leaKeh aii'l willa carefully drawn up anil valuations made on phortest iintioe. monoy to loan at lowoHt vatoR of interest. Col HCtii^nii attonded to witll jiromptueKF eliarpoH low. A'noiit for Oooan Dominion Htiiamohip Comiiany. A call solicited. Societies rt O U V meetfl oi. llio last, Monday -» 111 ea.m month, in tbetr lo.ii^o rooni. ('liristoe'fl liloek. I'^lesOorton. at ti p.ni M.VN., \. Harrison ; Uecorder, .las. l-'olsttuid ; Finim- cier, W.J, lieliamy. VisitiQK bretbreti iLvitod B.db, Blankets, Rubc", iinitslion Persinn Iiainb t^Joats for driviii/, Whips, Lashes, Ooiubs, Bnish- P<t, â€" a la'go stock of choico goods just in' Tiiinks .ind Valises for travellers. ffct your harness «uppliet fromâ€" Y^m. MOORE fles'ie.iton pUINCE AltTnUlV I.OBUR, No. :tai.AF& ^ A f.f. nieita in the Masniiic hall. Htrnin'f block. Flnslioi tvju. every Kridiiv on or ttt'tove iliu full uiocu. .lohu Wriulit, W M.; t!. N. Iticbur Bon, Hoerotary. not'llT FI.r.SIII:UTnN, '.«).'>, I. p. F. noetsin ^ Ohlifltoe's Illool' the Inst KrldaveveeiiK! nf each month. Visitiny l-'orciturs henitjlv weleomo. C. It.. .LCornHold; It.t'. W. liiitkiii; Fin. Kro.. H. A. Willi tt. I'inase pay dues to H. *. Willett on or before the last day of tho preoeodiny month.. Medical Du OAitTun M C V & S Ont, riivBieian. SurKoon.eto odieo and resi.loneo â€" Peter st , Ploshorton DU A. T. liOND (irailuatf. Toronto UiiivorBitv. Mem- bur of Ouiai in t'oltofo oj Physielians and Snr- ((o.-ms. .Miixwell, On. .-nieoessin* Vt Or. Soott. 1 l> OTTHWlll.li • \otorinary BurRCOii Oratlnato of Ontario Veterliinry ro!le(.e, residence â€" saeoiid door aonth wet,t on Mary street. This street niua aoutli Prosbyterian ('huroh. HWll.HO.N, liiack.'-nilth • Iraduate of tlio VeJerinary Bcionco Atisoeiation. ItusidfMieu, luirhaui 'street, op- puslto liuyd, Uivkiiug'8 hartlwars. Legal LUCAS WttlOIlT .t MeAltnT K llarriators Holieitors (lonvejancers, eto Oine.'o Owen Sound. Ont and Morhdalc Ont W It WiiioHT, MoAbdi.b I H Lucas N H -Flp»herton ofllce, Mitchell's Bank every Hatuiday. Dentistry DR. R C. MURRAY, I., D, B. dei^tal snrgoon boner ernduBte of roronto I'lilversity and [loyal J'oUf.fo of l)<»nt&l Sirceons of Ontario. OtBc<«- Opposite ArniBtroi.c'!! .tewe.IIerv Store. Will vt..^it .\lfl\well til .4 1 ant Wo,ln««=day of each mniith aii'l Unmlalli Is-t ant ;nl DinrBday of e«oti n- nnth. HEADACHE I Neiir.it,;i.A and Nervovisness citred quicUty by A I /l Y HAHMLtSS HCAOACHC AND l\j l\ '\ NEURALQIA CURI. No h^irt de(«-e«iol»- Greater cure ever dwrovereil. Take no other. i.>* »nd »5C. All ilciiler* or direct from Auilui&Cu. S>auo*,O.M. Moot]; t>«J' 'toot ••>â- â€¢&•' ^ K «. , ^ - Tlie Speculator Nipped. W. Ci>rnell, of Shelburne, is one of t'le greatest speculators in the county ot Duf- forin. He also has agreat reputation as an adopter of boys. He always has his weatlier eye open to catch a stray dollar or so. In March, 1004, he adopted Rob Dehiiiey, tho fotirleen year old son of Wm. Delaney of this place. He took the boy to his hiniie in Shelburne and shortly afterwards hired him out to James Carson a Mod) fanner. The boy worked a cotipls of mon.ha with Caison, fur which "Oorney" g"t a cow valued at ?40. Ho then hied him- self to Oraogeville and flccurod an ai;ree- ment with Delaney's Parents, adopting the kid. In return Cornell agreed to eliithe and give Delaney at loast three months' scliooliii'; in the year, but the crafty old chap no jonner got back to his home in ShelbiiriiB than he again engag.-d young Delaney to Carson, for which he loi.k a pri ini.ssory note fur $100. All this lime Delaneys pareiits were unaware iliat their S'Oi whs leased out for conimer- eial puriio.'ios Siinie time ago Carson died and then Delaney's lather f.iund out about the poiii- inercial piopo.si'ion. llejiliced tliemat- li-riu the hands of Lnwyer Henry, «ho at once enteieil suit t.o recover ?!500 damages from CoineU. The matter never reached court, however, for a settlement was arrived at by which ''Corney" paid the Dehjneys StiO .\nd alsj contn'outed the sum of $10 to help pay their lawyer, lieloro youii,; D.daney letr Carson's |d ico Cornell demanded all tho clothing he had kjiveii tho hoy aiul Uft him with scanty attire. â€" Orsnuevillo Sun. burg Ki^fleotor say.l of liim; "Tho late Andrew Grier was one of iho pioneers of Tlinrnhury and a nativo of Donegal, Ire- l.md. When loyearsof age he emigrikted to Canada, and settled i>i tlio township of Calelon, Peel Coimry. He then moved ti Ci<i>-rbullo, but returned to Caledon and taught school for one year. In 184ii .Mr. Grier went to Pliiladtilijh'a and atttmded Cianiford's Academy for two years. In l.So4 he was appointed school inspector for East Crey, hut re- signed in 180,8, and Was re-;ip[>oiiitHfl in 1875, holding the position until his death. Since 1872 Mr. Grier lias lived in Thurn- b iry, and his upright dealings with tho oitizens have inado for him a lu-je circle of friends- When tho town wa.i incor- pi;rated he was elected its fust niayo-j and filled the office for three years. Afer a retirement of a year he was ag.iia elected and tho honors of the Mayoralty conferred upm him for another three yearit Purgatives Are Dangerous- i They uripe, cause buriiiii!; pains and make the constipated condition even Worse- Physicians say the iiieal laiative is Dr. Hamilton's Pills of iNhmdrako ti.iJ But ernut; they are exceedingly mild, eom|)os«d only of healtli-giving vejetjibha extncts. Dr. Hamilton's Pills restore I egu'ar movement of the bowels, strength- en the fctomaih and purify the blood. Fi>r constipation, eick hoHdache, hillinus- ne.ssand disordered diiiestion no medicine on eaith makes suoh reniHikahle cures as Dr. Hamilton's Pill-.. Try a 25c. box your.self. At an early hour Monday morning I 'iVIIliam Sensabaugh met death in Ciiliies' Lake, eighteen miles noilh of Lioi.'s Head. He had been operating a tniall tug on the lake in connection with Ped- well's lumbering interests. The rest of the crew went ashore for a short time, and un their retnra to the tug found •Sen.sabtiugh missing. A search was in inatutcd, and His Viody was found in six feet of water. Deceased was about 38 yi^ars of age, and was well and favor- ably known. An attach of heart failure, to which he was subject, seems to have been the cause of ids fulling overboard. I-HGH CLASS PSCTURES. . The plioe to g.^'t the best Photos Is. at lUJL^nCKS PUOTOOP.APH'. GALLKP.V. SPECJAL ATTE.NTIOiN VVi! p.ay .S;iec:al Attention to Copviui? and Babies' pictui-cs. Pi.ture frain- i.ag a specLtlty. Try us for any kind of pictures aaJ' We «•:!! jironii.'^rr-ilisf.-ict'oi). Sydenham street, Fkoherfon ','Trutir' is a Strong Aroumnnt ! Xm^ one i.'radu,ito cf the popular r-^O. ONT. ^^ Tor. Yon;jQ and Alt.saad-er .*ti-<i.--t<> 13 out of a positiuH today. it is t.1<» truth whvn we state that, "Our studrtiils are unifunniy succes.-fnl in getlin enod po.sition.s after gradu-ttion." ° Our School is a HighCla.s.H one and' the best in Canada. Enter now. Coll. ego open the entire year. Citaloguti free- V/. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, Flesherton Sash, Door and Planing W\\h A Marvellous Cureâ€" A Won- derful Rescue from Suffering Three Doses Reiieved-One Bottia Cured. Asloni.sliiui! results from using Gamer oil's Uheiimalism I'ureâ€" testimony tivcii for the beiielii of those sntforing from Kheuinatism, by Mrs. ,)ohn McNivou, Bav slieet. She said I have suffered from rlieum- Atisni over since I came to this country; that isabout tifteen y«ar.s ai{o. I was laid up in bed for week? at a time every year. Sometimes 1 Imd to be carried up am. downstairs. Tho pain was principally in my hands Btid knees, I tried dff.'rent kinds of medieines, and used do 1 .is '.s wi.rih oflininieots, but got no relief. 1 was advised li' try C.imeron's Rheumat- ism cure anil did so; lliat is seven nioiiihs » .0. After the fii-sl three doses I fa decided impriivemenl,and aftertaking tlio whtde bottle 1 h ivn not had a return ot the disease in any shape or form." j\lrs. Mu Niven coiinluded by saying that she thought it her duty to inform sufl'ereis from rhouinalism of tho wonderful mmit's of Can.eron'a Rheumatism Cure, which ia iiianufacttired only by D. A. Cameron & Co., Owen vSo'iiid, Out. Piieo one ibdlar a bottle; express p»id ou two bottles to any place in Canada. Andre<» Grier, school !â-  spector for Blast Grey, died at his home in Thorn- bury onS-.turday, April 20. The Clark - HORSE ROUTES [LjtJ] LIGHT.VING MONDAYâ€" Noon at Thoina.s McConnell's, 4tliline, Kuphrasia, tlienee to James Patter- son's, IJIaiitvie, for night. Tl'KSDAYâ€" Along the 9tli line to Rolwrt Erskiira for noon, thence to Markuale House, JIaiUdale for hight. WKDXIOSDAY -Along the gravel road to the Munshaw HouBe, Kleaherton, for no.in, tlienee via Salem to P. Munshaw's fi^r night. TIll'KSUAYâ€" no.yn the 4th line to Our- rie's hotel, Kimberlev, for noon, thence along the Valley Ko,ad to Kd. Brock letiank's, town line, forniirht. FfllDAY â€" Acio.a.t to Frsnk Brownlce'sl Ravenna, fi>rnoon, then down f<th line. Coll ingwood, to Isaac's hotel, Thoriilmrv for night. .SATURDAY- Leaves 'riiornbury at 4 p. m. for home wlieie he will remain till the foU- oHiug Monday morning. V\ L- ii.iVo ice.el\ca j. idl'ge oar of bost North Shore Wliite Pine. Parties ex- pecting to bniid a hoiiss next suuimer would do wutl to call ai:d sec us and arrange to have their Sash Door and Frame:>. made during the wtutcr and get tliein home on the sifigh. We fiuuish cvervtliing t.eeded for building a house. Wo will make prices and- terms interesting. We want your trade -aud wiil guarantee first class workmauship and ma- terial. Planing and- matehiug done prompt,!}'. T. W. WILSON Manager Chopping every day Eye Rest For Tired Eyes GEORGE IMPERIAL Monday â€" Will leave liis own btable on Fh shorton and Collingwond gravel road and jiroceed to Maxwell for noon; thence norlli and down to towulino Artemosia and to ills* liith Osprey, thence west 2^ niih-s by Wright's oornor.s ; theuso home to his own btable. Wednesday â€" By way ot Louck's mill and east back line to Markdale for noon ; thence down tho gravrl ro.id to Flesher- ton and homo, where he will remain tint I'rnlay morning. Fr.dayâ€" IVocceJ to Porteo'is' corner aiHl down the ord lino Ihnry Wrii;hts, Warehai.. 'or noon ; 1 _, _ i-j c i- c i- thence north \\ miles and .1 .«n the 4th | eVCi did. Sati^.taCtlOn gUaF- bnet..hisownatahie. , „^ ,, i QHteed. Evcs tcstcd frcG. i-a urday â€" Proceed by way of LeGard s 1 corner and do^i the east back line to Old Djrhiin Corners, thence down the oravel voail to Proton Station for noon; thence up back line west to Fleslierton for one hour, thence to his own siahle, whoro ho will remaiii unlit Monday morning. I3 obtained our scientitkally fitted glasses. They enable the eyes to do as much work and possibly more hv i-aviors' to I without tiring tl^ian they 1 n. (itn.pmp. -^EV/tLE" irsTtsf iV -â- ^^^ \U: :sHr rs" hS D. iVIcTAVISFI For First Clivss buggies. Carts, Plon.sti'e aud Lumber \\ai;on-, cutlers. Sleighs. \V« ki-ep a stock on hand to clutose from. ALSO HORSE SHOEINQ ANOOENERAL BLACKSi-.UTHSSa Rnd uuBraniee tir.^t class work. We keep on hand Ploughs and Phuigli repairs, and Harris ai.d Noxon repairs for binders, Mowers, ma-;hineiy. also riimler Twine on hand. also Ma'ssev- all kinds ^f lUben in tdwn giue US a c<^11 « 3^

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