Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 May 1905, p. 6

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CURE THE MOST EXTREME CASES BTONE IN THE KIDNEYS CAN- NOT STAND BEFORE DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS^ Mr. S. A, Cassidy, of Ottawa, Per- manently Cured After Years of Suffering by the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy. Oltnwn, <''nt.. May '-22.â€" (Sporial). -VVli'ilu nil ('annda knows that Ilo'ld'B Kinn -y J'il's urn tha alaiid- nrd ri'Uiiil.v iui- all Kidixw Com- ;)laints, it may siiiprisc smuo neo- plu to know (hey euro .such extromo <:asiK ns fStinio In the Kidn<'; .•>. Vot that in what tlicy havo duiic right hero in Ottawa. Afr. S. A. Sasriidy, thf> nidn cured, '.s till! well-known proprietor of the llijou Hotel on Motcalf Kirect, and in an hiterview he Kny.s: ".My frfond.s all know that 1 have been a martyr to .Siofie ill the Kiclm-vs for year.s. 'J'hey know that Ije.sidcH consulting th»! lie.st doctors in the city and Iry- inji vvviy medicine I could think of, I was unable to get bettor. ".'-onie time ago a fi'iind told me HcwUr.s Kidney I'ills would cure me. As a biKt resort 1 tried thini, and tlxy have cured me. "1 could not iniapino more .severe BUflerin),' than one en<lureH who ha.s Hlone in the Kidney.s, and I feel the grente.st gratitude to IJodd's Kidney I'ill.s." If the disease is of the Ivldneys or from the Kidney.s, Dodds Kidney J'ill.s will cure it. WONDERFUL OPERATION. Child Without Bone in Right Arm Has One Inserted. At the annual gathering of the (llasgow University Club at Sunder- land recently Sir William Macewen. who Was c<jnccrncd in an extraordin- ary operation upon a child over 20 years ago, introduced the patient, now a full-grown man, to the medi- cal men present, and explained the nature of the reiruirkablo case. 'J'ho child was born without n, bone in the right arm, the boneless limb hanging h(l[)less by its side. The mother, who took the child to the (ila.sgow Infirmary, assumed tliut the arm must necessarily iie anipu- tntod. liut the surgeons determined to make riVi attempt to aava tlic limb. â-  Small sections of the bone taken from the tibia, or lower portion of the legs, of other patients, who were under treatment for the cure of bow- leggednesH, wore transferred to the boneless arm, there to continue their growth and to become amal- gamated â€" fn fact, eventually supjily- ing the place of the missing iiumoruH. Sir William Macewen kept in loucii with the bo.v, who, at the n^o of 14, left Glasgow for Sundei'land, where he had worke<l since. Tiic voung man (says the Yorkshire I'ost), bared his arm to the guests present, and gave the company abinidant j)roof of the sustain<;d ser- viceablencss of the limb, despite several accidents, including a com- pound fracture, whicli had befallen it. • Pure soap I the words. Soap you ' You've heard In Sunlight have the fact. lUNLIGET RSDUCES CXPENAX tnk for Uie •cte(en Bar. -â- H KEAL MISER STORIES. Marquis Became a Pauper Patient to Save Money. The case of the late miUiona'ro Countess Hein liatthyani, whose "ill is being disj)uted at Teslh, and who on tlio ground that sooner tluin p.'iy for the ojiei-ation which il was vain- ly hoped Would save her life nssunieil the giirl) and the name of her nmi'l anil secured treatment free of cost in one of the wards of the Metropolitan Hospital, where she succnmhed, is by lu) means an isolated one, writes the Marijni.se De Fonlenoy in 'l"he New York Triliune. For 1 reniemlier tho famons surgeon \elpeau telling me n nundier of vears ago of a similar in- stance which came under his not ice. Jle was visited one day nl his house at Paris during thi^ consnitation hour by a Marcpiis bearing one <>i th(^ hest-known names of the Fau- bourg Kt. ti'ernmin, colossally v.rh, but renowned for his closeness in money mailers. After having dinf;- nosed the case Velpeau informed the Mariiuis that an oiicraticui was not only n<'Cessary, lint urgent, and in response to an inijuiry added Liiat it aould cost 4,000 francs, at which the nolilenian made a v.ry face. About a month later Vclpcan, «hilo making his daily rounds in the great Hospital de la (!harite, had his at- lenlion nltrjuied liy a faci? that si'i'nied familiur. In answer to his iiu|iui'y it was slatc'd that the lia- I lent Was ,i footnuiu of a noblemiin in the l''aid)ourg St. (lerinain, a story which was apparently borne out by tho cli'an shaven face of the man, and by the livery which hung on the hook beside his col. On ex- amining the sick nuin the surgeon found that his case lesemhled in I'Very particular the somewhat unuu- ual (me tor which tbe MarcpJis l.ad con.sulled him soin<' weeks pre^ iouB- ly. He maile no comments at tho tinu', performed the necessary opi'fa- lion, and it was only about three weeks afterward when the patient was about to be discharged cured that llr. Velpeau called liini aside and said: "I am extremely (latlere<l nml plen.Sed to l\a\i: been alibi to cure yoii. 'there is. however, a small formality with which you will have to comply before I tun sign your fxeat. That is. you will hu,ve to give me a check for 10,000 francs tor Ihci benelit of the I'ulilic Chari- tii-s llnreau of your nu'truiiolitan district." 'I'lle patii'ni's face became livid. "You can do what you lilie aiio'it il," continued the doctor, "liut if you refuse, all I'aiis will krniw to- morrow that the MaripMs de l'\ adopleil the disguise of a footman In oriler to secure free treatment ut this hospital and usurp the place which belongs by right to a imu- per." It is nee<lless to add tluit 1 he money wn« paid by the Mar(|uis, wlio thanks to this, was saved from ex- posure. PERSONALLY CONDIJCTED TOUR To California and. Lewis and Clp.rke Exposition, Port- land, Oregon. A iicrsonally condueti-d e.xcur.sdon to the I'acilic roast via the tJraiiKl Trunk liailway System and connect- ing lines leaves (.Juebec July Ci, and Monlrta' and Toronto July 6. 'i'ho route will lie % ia Chicago, thenco through Council lUulTs to Omaha, Henver and Colorado Sjirings. .Stops will 1»? nuide at each of thcs-e [I'.aces and siilo trijjs taken to Manitou, Cri|)ple Creek, (;ar<kn of the Cods, etc. From there tlie jmrty will coiv tinue through the famous .scenic route of the I'enver and I{io Grande, through tho Uoyal Gorge to Salt Lake City, thence to I.os Aivgvle«, .San I'lanciscn, Mt. .Shasta, I^rl- land. Oregon, .^eattle, Spokane, and home through St. Paid and Minmea- polis. 'J ho trip will occupy about thirty days, ten days being spent on the Pacific const. The jirice for the round trip, in- cluding railroad fare, rnllman tour- ist .sleeping cars, all meals in the dining car. hotels, side trip.s, etc.. is SlCi.nO from tjuebec, or SUiO.,'',0 from Montreal and SlTiCOO from Toronto. This first trip is designed as a vacation trip for teiicliers, al- though many who are not teachi>rs will improve the opportunity of tak- ing the trip at the renmrkably low I)rice alTorded. l''or full particulars address K. C. Howler, Gineral Agent and Conduc- tor, liooni ;iOS, Union .Station, To- ronto. A UOYAL noOICLET. The Grand Trunk liailway Ky.-ytem arc distributing a very bandsoino booklet descriptive of the Hoyal Mus- koka Hotel, that is situated in Lake HoE.seau, in tho Muskoka Lakes, "Highlands of Ontario." The publi- cation is one giving a full description of the attractions that may be found at this popular resort, handsomely il- lustrated with colored prints of lake onil i-slan^i scenery, the hotel itself. and many of the special features that may be found there. It is printed on tine enameled paper, iiound in a cover giving the appearance ot Morocco leather, with a picture of the hotel i>nd sui-roundings on the same, and the crest of the hotel embossed In high relief. A glance through this booklet makes one long for the plea- sure of Summer and outdoor life, and cofiies may be .secured gratuit- r.usly by applying to any Grand Trunk ticket o.Tice. Fragrant as Fresh Violets â- ^mmmimmmmmmmmm TEA comes to the home Fresh and Pure as when it left th» Plantation to be manufactured with SPECIAL CARE AND CLOSELY SEALED in pound and half pound lead packets. ONLY ONE OT'Eluak.â€" BLUE RIBBON'S IT. Koftleigh â€" "When I â€" aw â€" awsked her foh her hand in mawriage her bwutal father thweatene<l to â€" aw â€" bwain me, doncherknow." Miss Cutting â€" "That's just like her father. He c.l- Wajs was fond of a joke." They t'lcanso tho ."System Tlioroughly. â€" I'.vrniclec'B Vcgetablo I^ills clear tlio .stomach and liowtils of bilious mutter, cau.sc tho excretory vos.s-cls to throw oil impurities from the blood into the bowels ttiid expel the doletcriou.s nia.ss from the body. They do this without pain or inconvenience to the patient, wiio speedily realizes their good ofiices ns soon as they begin to take etfict. They have strong recoiumendations from all kinds ot people. Afistres-s.â€" ".lane, who was tlie man I saw in your company la.s-t even- ing?" Janeâ€" "Oh, that was the son of my intended mother-in-law, ma'am." Minari's Linimeiit Cures Colds, &o As soon ns you cease to grow up you bi>gin to go down. IIUUTAL. "I know I must look a perfect fright," renutrkcd Mi.ss I'isher, look- ing for n compliment. "I simply can't do anything with my hail." "Why don't you take it hack, then and get it exchanged'.'" s\iggcsled Mr. Kadley. T cin-ed a horse of (ho Mango with MINAHD'S IdNIMKNT. CHUI.Srill'IllOll SAUNDEIIS. Dalhousie. I cun-d a horse, bndlv torn by a pitch fork, with MINAUD'S LINI- MMNP. St. I'efers, C. B. KDW. LINTLIhT'. 1 cured a horse of a bad swelling with MI.MAIili'S I.INIMIO.VT. Dathurst, N. IJ. 'Jhos. W. PAVNI':. UNSATISFACTORY. "I don't suppose it would be ot nny use to nsk you to stay to tea," she said. "No," lie replied, "not in that style mul tone of voi''e." ? KIDNEY Where can I get some ot IloUowny's Corn Cure? f was entirely curoil "of my eurns by thi.s ronieily and I wij^h siiinn uKiro iif it for iny fricndH. So writes Mr. J. W. Drown, Chicago. MOUTH OUCAN KACTORIF..S. The principal fnctoties of the niouth organ, or mouth harnioniac, ,TS it is perhaps more correctly termed, are ut Trossingen, in the lllack Forest, Germany. 'I'he.se i:i strum<nts, it appears, are sold in greater <pinnlitie.s in the Unidd States than in e.ny other country. .At Troswingen ene trm nlon;! has fifteen branh factories, emplo.vs ?,- 000 hands, and turns o it 6,o6o,O<)0 irjduth harmoniocs every year. TiiK nr.f^T TiiiNo TO no. "(loo<lncss! Fm hungry," said tho husband. "1 wish 1 knew wnelher we are Boing to have anything j;ocd for dinner." "Woit." replied his wife. "I'll see what Uridget is going to cook." "S'ippose you fmd out, ratlicr, what she Isn't going to burn." .Some persons havo periodical nttacks of Canadian cliolera. dyycntry or diar- rhoea, and hnve to use great jirecnu- lions to avoid tbu disease. Chango of water, cooking, and green fruit, is sure to bring on tlie attacks. To such jier- sons we would rccoiiunend Dr. J. P. Knllogg's Pysentory Cordial as being the best rnedictno ia the market foi- all eummcr complaints. ]f a few drops are taken in water when the symptoms are noticed no further trouble will bo ex- perienced. Haskinsâ€" "By the way, who was the best-man at your wedding?" Willow- by â€" "The parson, I think. You sec, it vvas all profit for him, and no risk whatever!" ron ovi^p. .SIXTY ykav^.s. Mrs. Winsl3W's .Soothing Syrup has been uted by millions of niotiiers for their children wliiio teetlung. it soothea the child, softpna tho gums, allays iiain. cures windeolic. regulates tho stomuch CLiul bowels, and is the best rcinetly for Piiirrlioea. 'J'wen ty-livo cents a bottle. t^old by druggists tliroughout the world. Ho Buro and ask fur "Jllrs. Wiublow's •Southing Syrup." £2â€" 0-i The Bicycle is King Every person realizes now that there is no other vehicle so con- venient in the country, town or city as the wheel. The wheels wo sell are the be<?t in the world. CLEVELAND MASSEY-HARRiS BRANTFORD WELLAND-VALE THE CUSHION FRAWE in the new feature. It has brought bicycling again into po- pular favorâ€" Makes Rough Roads S.Tiooth, The Sills' Hygienic Handle Bar n companion Invention to tho Cushion T^rame. Write for our new catalogues, and new picture cards. Mention this paper. \Ve dcsiro to got in touch with eve we wish to placu before thorn all, the to bo found on Ihu bicycles we hand personH ns ptispihic to yentl iti from ownors of Ijiryck-s t\'!io should be int bicycin with the mndnrn improvemen lar order and to the wi-tcr of each t wo. will' Bend free of cluvrgo one pair Kkales, n»an\ifaclured I)y us, sohl regu must be clearly written out with add bicycle and Khould be addressed as (ol Motor Co. Ltd . Toronto Junction, C later than May llUh. ry ownor of a bicycle in Canada as ad\antage of the improvements now le. For tiii.s leason we want aa many tlicir locality a good list of bona tide erestetl in tlie purchase of a new ts. Tlie lists wdl be received in rcgu- wenty-lifth lette;- in tho order received, of our improved Hockey "Cycle" huly at $2.00 i)er pair. The lists rcb.s and name of make of present lows: Depart men i B Canada Cycle & anada. llisLa must be received not Oanada O^ole and ^Qtm Co., Limited, " Makers of the World's Best Bicycles," Canadian Headquarters TODONTO for Automobiles, * V^l^Wi^ I \J â-  B. "If wc economize," said the hus-JTTioU .sA r; -HKI awakf. ITtUIT â-  ' r unt) ytocU Farni!5, good markets, ricli land, line climate; mild winters and Ueautii'ul country. Catalogue free. J. 11. McUOMOAi. i SON. Dover, Del. band, "wo will soon have a house of j our own instead uf having to live in rented property." "Hut I'm not suro I should lil<e that," answered tho wife. "1 couldn't drive nails anywhere I please in tho walls or woodwork of our own house, you know." ENGLISH SPAVIH LINIMENT Ileiuoves all hard soft or calloused lumps "uul hlemiihes from horses, blood Bpavin, curbs, eplints, ringbono, Bweuncy, btilll'.s. sprains. Boro and swollen throat, coukIis. etc. Save $50 by uso of Olio bottle. Warranted tha most wonder/ Ji UlemiiiU known. Curtt ever BAD SIGN. Junior Partnerâ€" 'Ihe bookkeeper has l;een married n.arly si.\ months now. Senior I^artnerâ€" Well? .Junior rarlii â- râ€" Well, he hasn't asked for a raise in Falnry. Senior Partnerâ€" Heavens! we'll have to have his account.s i!Xamin>..-d. GEKSmO PLANTS FOR SALE 1 year old Oc; 2 year, 8c; 3 year 10c each. li. "lAYCOCK, Meaford, Out. Boiler for SaSe 150 li.p,, in good condition. Very cheap. S. FRANK WILSON. 73 W. Adelaide St., Toronto Mrs. .Jones â€" "How do you rnanasc to persuade your husband to buy you such expeitsive hats?" Mr.=. Hobinson â€" "I take him shopping; with me, walk him about till he can hardly stand, and thiMi take him in- to a hat-shop. He'll buy anything to get home." Where Doctor* do aeroo I â€" riiysicians no Umger con..iider il catering to "iivuickcry" in reconinicncling in prnc- tiee so nieritoriou.s a rtMiiedy for liuli- geation, py.spepMitt and Nervou.sne.ss as .South American Nervine. They realize that it i.s a Ktep ie. advance in medical HCienee and a nure and periiiunent cure for (iisea.ses ol the stomach. It will cuic you. â€" ijH Meildlei' â€" "I say, isn't it extraor- (linnry how much the (Irimleys know about the Triinleys' nffairK?" I'ed- dler â€" "Kxtra<u<linary? Why, (Jriin- Icy boUijht Trindey's jiarrot." Ixjvcr'B Y-V. (Wiso Head) Ulslnfect- ant Sonp Powder dusted In the bnth. KoClcns tho water and Uialn- fecta. FF.LINE. TcK*â€" Do you like tho cut of niy new skirt? .1 CSS'â€" Very much. Tes.sâ€" I'o you really? Jefifj â€" Yes, iiiceeil, t ha<l three just like it when they were in style. There is Only One KCl.F.CTlt IC Oil. â€" When an article, bo il medicine or anything else, becomes |io[iiiIiir. iiiiila- tion^, iinariably 8l»ring up to rterive afl- v;mtages f|-oni the original, whieli tluy llieniKelvcs could never win on their own lueril'i. Inilt4> t nuts of l)r- Thonins' l-ielectrtc Oil have been liutnerous. hut never successful. Those who know tho genuine are not iiul off wilh a suhbti- tule. but (Icuianil the real thing. SINtiLY AND 'i'OdTri'HKIl. "Fire, you know," said Kwoter, "is a very good servant but a mighty bad master." "Hi;h! " snorted the arguitiunlative man. ".So is water, for that matter." "And," chimed in the quiet man. "ko is lircwnter." Minnrd's Liniraenfc Oures Distempar A man who has a family of si-vcrh'. mnrringeahle daughters has placed in each of their rooms the motto, "J-earn to say '.vcs.' " K'dnoy Enparimantâ€" There's no timo lor *-\pcri!iietiting w*.cn you've discov- ered that yini are a victim of some one I'.irni or tinother of kidney discHse. Lay holil of the treatment that lliou- KAndH have pinnril their faith to nnd hun cured tjuickly nnd permanonlly. fiouth .^Ine^ican Kirbiey Cure fttandti lirt-einlrnil In the world of meilicinc t» ti-.c kiUncy sulTi'rer'* iruut Irlend.-62 mMi mm cuni Gorjit ii cor, MKN'S .SMILKS. Some men cannot .siiuile at home, but it is dilTerenl in a barroom. Like Toaring tho Heart Strlnes. â€""It Is not within the conccptioii of man to measuie my gieat sufferings from heart disease, for years I en- dureil almost constant cutting and tear- ing pains about my heart, and many u tiino would have welcomed death. Pr. Agnew's t'uru for the llearl has work- ed a veritable miracle."â€" Thos. Hicks, Perth, Outâ€" 5'J lUCHT I'LACK von IT. .<-;heâ€" "lie's always got a sinilo on his face." Mo â€" "Well, where would you expect him to have il?" Thev Advertise Themselves. â€" Inimcdi- olclythev were olTercd to tho pui.. I'aiinelee'B S egetahle Tills bociinc pr l.ulur herauso of tliu good report niado lor themselves. That reputation has grown, and tliey now rank among the first medicines for use In attack.q of dv.sjiepsla nnd hiliou.siiesH, complaints oi the liver and kidneys, rhcuinali.sni. fever and uhuu nixi the innumerable cumpllcationa to which thc:Mi ailments givo riifu. FEATHER DYEING ClMDltis; ftiidCuriluEBiidKld GIov«i cleaned Th«it can be Mat bj pott, to p«r «s. the be«b pl»oe U BRiTiSH AMERICAN DYEING CO. Sty iii!i and Tree Pullsrs >ftfir-n.; '.ii'riiiif »Dfl Stump- aat'nored. tiomebiiiug ntt.v. I'liU (in uraJuAr3rB.uu.pi iiiiii lea. 1 to 5 «i-ie.( al A eet- tin;;. niScTCnt 0£eB to "Ulft nil kinds oC ' ForiiniHtntted catalog aadrcsa Powerful, Handy, Low Pricsd. I Miino ^fg. So. °" tinth St.. Moninoiilh. Hi, | If you get angry with a man or Woman make up your mind what you arc going to say, and then don't say it. Bed r.'ddon IS Yoar». â€" "If anybody w,T.nts a written guarantee from mo personally us to my wonderful euro from rheumatism by .«^outh American Hhenmatic Cuie I will be the gladdest woman in the world to give il," says Mrs. John Ilcaumont. of Klora. "I hail despaired of recovery up to the timo of taking this wonderful remedy. It cured completely." â€" 58 Mrs. .Sweetâ€" "Do you And it pc<v nomical to do your own cooking?" Mrs. IJurnemâ€" "Oh, ye.s. my husband doesn't eat half as nnich as he did when -we had a cook." My own sins are failings; the other j man's are crimes. Minard's Liniment Coras Diplltll3^1^ When you soc a bov with Ions nirlH it's a safe hot that his father \ i<>nt the whole thing around th house. rarenln buy llother Oravcs' Worm : Kxteriuinator liccausc they know ft is a ' safe niediclno (or their children and an cii'cctual expeller of worms ISSUE NO. 20â€"05.

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