MaySu 190;) THE FLESIIERTON A IJ V A N C E }r- F. T. HILL & CO. yvw^wm/^ 5 â- â- g ^ special Attractions For Men And Boys g 1. I n Our CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. | ^ This week we have opened up a speeial of new Clothing inclndiiig many ^ â- °^ now patterns and extra good (jualities at moncw saving prices. IT as a man yon are ^ re<jnn'ing a new suit see these lines, and for the hoy you cannot do better, as the ^ inducements are special. ^v j ; ' ^ ]•' MKN'S FINE TWEED SUITS NEWEST VATTKUN forS7.«5. TluN liiiu of Men's Suits is ono of tlio neivost piitturns biiiig 11 (lark si'miiul with i\ fiiioy mix>'(l biiipo, uml llie (luiility of llio linings Uic best, all si'zos.apL'ciiil fur ''â- 85 ^ MEN S FANCV TWEED SUITS. LATEST STVLES, for SS..-)0. This line Mens SuilH U nianuf.ioliirud from one of ilio newest pittionis in Twuuil n\:iilo Ijy tlie Aiitiurn nulls, wliicli in itself is ii yuiiniMtOL' as to (luilily, being a fiincy inixf<l p.ittern it iiviltes a very atraclive su^b, Bpt'cial for 8. .50 FANCY IMPORTED WORSTED SUITS ' " ' for MEN, $10.75, Tliis lino of Men's Fine Worsted Suits re priB.'iits v.nlue that if the t.iilor made it for you wouM cost i!lC, but as it was ineliideil with our special purchase tlio price is ruasoinble, all sizes 10.75 CLtJTIIlNG FOR THE BOYS MANY STYLES AND QU.ALITIES 150 Boys fancy and plain worsted and n :..n styles and (pialities in Tweed Suits representing n S â- < avsort- nie.nt of sizes and extra good value at th iol owing l.riecs persuit:â€" JfSl.oO, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25, -J .'J, 3.50, 4-50 5,50 nc I Special Sale of Wash Goods Begins This Week Wc have succeeded asjaia in securing' a big lot of f mcy Muslins. Tina includes Ihe balance of iho lliat wp Jo not cxi)ect to be aide to again (.Ifor yi^u this season such remarkable values; the patterns ichule all the new colorings and .shades for this season's and the price per yard Gc Dress Muslins, I2i and 15c qualities, special sale price [icr yard y^ lot s. are new and ii 2000 yarda Fancy NEW WALL PAPER POPULARLY PRICED. This season our Wall Paper stock is particularly an attractive one, representing better qualities and the patterns ore unsmpissed. The prices are lower than usual. In justice to yourself we would ask you to inspect our large wall paper slock. We will promise not to disappoint you, 1» ouhliMhe.l ov<tv TIiurH.lay at #l-<)0 per Hiiiiium if paiiliu, i<\.m if Uot K(j All KiilMcrilHTB pavinp *!.'«) slriotly in adv.iiice ((.'t the .Mnntieal HoraUl one year MARKDALE sneers, insinuations and false statements against one who stands so high in the esteem of his fellow ineinbers and constit- uents as does Dr. Sproule. large Itw as a rcninim. The Bulletin and Dr. Sproule A couph) of weeks ago Ilio Advance had occasion to draw atttMition to a biiter â- ;iiid uiilruthfiil attack upon Dr. Sproule, M. P., published in tliu Collingwood Bui letin. Last week's i.ssuo of the Bulletin had Ihe lolUnviai'i to say: If The Adv ince desired to bo fair it would pulilish the item it cumplains aliuut and let it's renders judi;o as to its trulh- fu'ii'H*. \Vliat the Bulletin said is correct. Dr. Spioulo did Volt! with his paityon tlie .leKuit Estate Bill. He did yo west Willi his |)arty le.iders and on hi.s relntn ilirltavor to create tin- impression that he was JL'ii red by thciii and kent oil of many pullie plalf< rniH on account of his recent promiiicnce in the Orange Order. When charged with this in the House of Coiii- inons he denied it. If The Advance would like (o defend a few more of Dr. Spi'iulo's bieaku w«j might mentiun Ids heartless attaik on ilie onl" son of the Minister of MiliHa who hail dislingnish'il hini»ielr ill Soiilli Africa mid !o.>t his li^e there. The Advance is not a special chanipion of Dr. Sprmih'. but Jit Ihu saino lime we 'do not CHIC to stand idly by and see the Dr. sneered ut and charged with incoiisi • teiioy in lii» parliampiilry career, when. ii< a iiiivttur of f.ict, tbeio is nut a mum bei of the House of f.'oinmoiis vho can jioint to S'l clean a record for consistency «u can tho niember in qiieslioii. During the whole coursu of his political life ho lias been aatrnnuous ndvncato of provin- cinl rigiilH, and on two occasions ai least iie iian ii'fmie.i Ht sncrilico h.s opi^llons for politioal exigencies - notably hfct vote on lli>! Jesuit Krialen Bill and Manitoba Coircion. In the fornior o.iHe ho voted "-contrary to the deairu of hiRcoiiHtitueiicy, lull fnr A |>iiticipl.i. mid i.s now lionoied for it; inthu latter case he voted ttccording to thj desiroi of hit conslituoncy but aiainst his party. Jn neither case was there \n Atom »f inconaiati-ncy, and the ipiestioii of pi'ovinoial lights nloue was iiirolvefl. We reassert that not a mem- ber of thti Heuio can show tho same c -n-is aot rcc rJ thil Dr. Sproule has »!iown throuL'hunt liio liini{ imlilical Mrter. .^nd moreover, there is not a numinthe House li>-diy who is more respected than t!ie member for K.\«t Grey, and 'hit by both sideji of the House. U ill b>h ivcn tho Bulletin or tu^y nthor p^j'er tn gra'uitousily publish The Assizes The assizes were held list week before Clief .Justice Falconbridge. Tho action by the widow of Cfias. Mott, nuaiiisl the ti . T. R. had Oeeii previously settled by piyment of SKiOO including costs. Mc- ijillivray vs MeKechnie. an action for s-ductioii, had li.jcii amicably settled be- fore court 'J'lu; actidu Home Vs (J. T, R., for injuiies sustained on account of »!lei;ed negligence of the defendants w,is settled, jnilj^enient beiiiL' entered for Ji.'iOO and eo.sls. Owen .Siund Iron Works vs liieniian wiis refiM' iniilual eoiiseiit, to the eouniy judge for setilenieiil. Mc- l'',iilane vs Forbes, an aciioii eoiicerniiig tlie s. ttoiig a.side of a will, was settled bitw. en the parties. Win Kzeaid was found giiilry of rape. Oliief .lustice Falconbtidge sentenced Ezeard to lifli'cn years imprisoiinienl in Kingstdn peiiiton- liarv. The prisoner is man ied and about I'H y. (lis of ago. The crime for which he bs- lieeii RellteilCCii to a long term of iui- prisiiii'iieiit ill Kingston penitentiary was eonimitted in Sarawak last July, since which time he has heeii in goal. Oiiii vs Baileyâ€" This aciion for slander was settled between the parlies atler the juiy hid been einiiannelled, the defend- ant « iiliilra»ing tho f.tati-nietits inad'e and :,nd a|ioln;iziiig to Dr. (luun. of Durham, the ph.intilf, and each paying his own cosus. Bartlett vs Seaman â€" In tliis o.isofjeo. 1; Illicit, of Owen Sound, K(iU'.:!it danniiies fur the loss three lini;er.s of his left hand wild â- working in th.' defnndanrH null at Woodford .lanu.iiy. 'I'lie jury after being out about ihr. e lloiiis leliirned Willi answers tii~ fpiHfoioiiS subuiilted lo ill. Ill by the jildye. Tlie answeis, how- ever. Were 0' nlradielory and written arcuinent is to be put in hy eounsi I, and jiid-'ement has been leservid. Dairages Wire asie.ssed by the jury a' IgoO . McDonald vs McA.rJle. â€" In ihisnction for libid the jury returned a verdict for Iho plaintiff i)f gii.oO. for which amount and costs jiiilgement was eiitered. Br.ulley vs Kllioti â€"An action brought by uhe piiiiititf who lives in town against a widow residing ai Chesley. The plaiii- litl eliiiins that he liougiit fiian P. ,V. Blaek a* agent for the defendant certain land in this town. The defence was that P>l.-:ck was acting na agent fur plaintitf who is his broiher-itiliw, and that lie was p.iid for bis servi.:es by ihe phiintill", and that there was no oib r nnide by th.- defendant «liieh was buly accepted by the plainlifT .After ttigiiinent a% to the leual points was nMuli-, jiidueimnt was reserv.d. Urey vs Markf'k'n. â€" .An action brought by the County of (Jrey against the villauu • f Markdalo for an ortler reipiiiiiig Mark- dale to supply electric light lo the House of Uufugo. By arradgeineiit tho facts Were a^lniitted and written argument is to be delivered by Counsel. are pitiable. Your brain is f.-igged, vital- ify 80 exhausted your constitution is well nii;li ruined. What you need is Ferro- zone, that tireat vitalizer and nulri{ive Ionic. It's by making a,iid blood, by infusing iron and oxyjiui int.i ihesysl nin that Ferroziine helps; it lepaira weak c|>ots, instils new life into worn out or- gans- niakes you feci like new. Ferro- zoiie lifts age fruiii the old and iinpaits resilience and buoyanty to the deiirofw.-d Be manly, ludily-colored. -cast asidu weakness and enter the happy life that comes from Using Feiro/.one. Fifty cents Imys a box in any drug store. Tho United Slates covernmoiit loi^ iniide a 'ardy restilution to the Oiieidik Indi.ins for land taken fioni them years ago ill the state of New York. The In- dians were r. tiered in cxehange land in Kaiisa.-i but they refused and emigrated to Camilla. On Monday .A. G. Chris- holm, of London, Out., counsel for the Oneida Indians, who .settled in Debiwaro townsIii|) in bS-U, received word from Wiishington that tho t'ourl of t'laiins li.-id awarded the tribe J;;i00,(100 in lieu of lain' taken from them by Ihe United St.ates government in Now York Plate. The action has dueii ponding for many years. Up to Date Tailoring Why P)!!}' H ready niatle suit when you can get one for ab- out the .same or very little more, tailor niatlo and good lit that will stand UK)re wear anti tear than two or three ready niades? H. ALEXANDER The Flcsherton Tailor Physically Exhausted, Lacking in courage â€" out of joint wich «verythiiii<â€" goarcoly on speaking f<-rm-i wiih even fair health. Such low ap.Eit-i IT Any Spectacle is no more adapted to your face than any coat to your body. The fit of the frame is as important as the fit of the lenses. We make a specialty of both. W. A. Armstrohij; FLESHERTON. r BOYD, HICKLING & CO., "1 ^ -FLESHERTON, ONL -ir Wlieii j'cu are rcndy to market yours, iciTKiuber we v.ill puicliaso any quantity, aud ullaw you the liigin-st prices in Cash or Trade. A Big Assortment of Yarns Flannels Sbeotiiigs Tweeds Blatikats .' CJclbiQ" At Right Prices. \mfjvni,rt^:jiMfmiKJtn\jtiJtim.'Mt-i.j^iji^jmmia3-.imwxi^^ ill I La Lfl I L; Leave your order for the '^liL" as early as possible so as to avoid |) disappointment. 1^ We can please you in ready-to wear or trimmed Millinery as ^ everything that loaves our show room boars the stamp of style, i) excelleueo and good taste. i White Lawn Waist Tills wrek we opened out a splendid range of New Lawn »S'hirt ^^'aists just from tlie factory and you can depend upon some splen - did values. Tiie desifrns are all new and details such as sleeves, C'dlais and trimming will be fonnd oonect iu every particular. Siiics from as to dO. Prices from 50c to 2,25 \^i New Wash Goods A special purchase of 50 pieces of Fancy Muslins, Ginghams, Cot- ton vojles and waistings iu tho leading colors, includmg blues, piiiLs, linens, ct3-, gives yon a wide choice and very esceptional .to 20o. vahio.^. Every pattern correct. Trices from 10. New Summsr Spcialties Just In. Ladies' Parasols Children's Sunshades Lace Collars Fancy Neckwear Tan Hoisory Kid, Lace and Bilk Gloves. Stimmer Underwear Cravenette ' - Eaiucoats. Department H Seasonable Lines ^fc Garden Ifakca ^ Creamer Cans ^ Milk Pails (J^ Chuvua IP Wall Paper ^ Paints Varuislics Horocn Dooi-s " IDEAL " Wire Feucing Poultry Netting Fence Wire Wire Gates Lavrn Mowers Wriugera Washing Maobiacs Screen Windows Oct our quotations on Building Hurdwaio. It will pay ycu! Boyd. Hickling & Co. Tksbcrton