Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Jun 1905, p. 3

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SMALL NATIONAL DEBT. A Colony with a "national debt" at only $1,000 is something of a novelty in this age of Imperial and municipal extravagance, but that is the total tJndebtedness of I'itcaim's Island, a mero speck in the Pacillc Ocean, which was discovered nearly a hnmlred and fifty years ago. The island was colonized by ten mutin- eers from a .ship named the Bounty, who remaini'd on the island unkjiown to England until discovered accident- ally in lSl-1. Under the care of Iheir chief, the mutineers became re- spectable citizens. As their numljor increasefl the islanil proved incapable of their .support, and in 18.'j6 the British (iovernnicnt removcu the i.s- landers to Norfolk Island, where they were provided with cattle and stores. In 18711 the population was only ninety-thi'ee: now it is nearly double that number. The poDple are ex- tren«<l.v poor, and the Colonial Of- fice has l)«en recently n^qiiested to cancel the "national debt" of 51,000 loaned liy the Lords Commissioners If his Majesty's Treasury. NOT EXACTLY PERFECT. A Scotch laboring man, who had married a rich widow exceptional for her plainness, was accosted by iiis "mployer. ••Well, Thomas," he said, "I hear you are married. What sort of a wife have you got?" "Weel, sir," was the response, â-  'she's the Lord's handiwork, but I ;anna sav she's his masterpiece." ^ Rhoumatisnn will Succumb to .South American Rlicumatic Cure because it goca ritjlit to tlie scat of tlio trouble and iunioves the cause. Many so-called cuies Tiut dect.tion pain temporarily only, to have it return attain with doublu violence. Xot so with thi.s great rem- edy. It erailii:atcs from the system tuc laht vestige of the di-sease and its cures lire permanent â€" 74 The Woman â€" ••George, this is the anniversary of the day on which I promised to be yours. Have you for- gotten it'.'" The Brute â€" 'No, my dear, I couldn't. But I've forgiven it." Use Lever's Dry Soap (a powder) to wash woolens and flannels,â€" you'll like it. f CHARITABLE NOVELTIES. Germany is ahead in novelties of a charitable nature. In the town of Hasclunann prizes are olTercd yearly for tlie men who will r-iarry the ugli- est and most crippled women, and for the women over forty years who have qoen jilti'd at least twice. The inone.v was left by a big linancier, who. realizing that beauty is an at- traction hard to overcome, made a provision in his will that out of the income of the fund not less than $S0 shall go with the ugliest girl in any year, and the cripple shall receive 560. The poor women over forty who have been jilted by a lover re- ceive, when the funds permit, $50 each, but the trustee can vary this amount, and. at his ow-n discretion, offer a larger prize to someone who will marry an unu.'?uall.y ugly girl, or one to whom Nature has been speci- ally unkind. The satisfaction of having the washing done early in the da'y, and well done, belongs to every user of Sunlight Soap. iob Flo and Algy had parted after a row, but he met her at a Cinderella and asked if he might have a dance. ••Thank you," she said, haughtily; "but I am particular whom I dance with." "Ah!" he replied, calmly, ••vou see I am not!" HE'S ONLY ONE OUT OF SCORES BTJT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS MADE HIM A NEW MAN. Bichard Quirk Doctored for a Dozen Yeaxs and Thought His Case Incurable â€" Dodd's Kidney Pills Ctired Him. Fortune Harbor, Ntld., June 5.â€" (Special).â€" Scores of people in this neighborhood are living proofs that Dodd's Kidney I'ills cure all Kidney ailments from Backache to Bright's Disease. Among the most remark- able cures is that of Mr. Richard (iuirk, and he gives the story of it to the public as follows: "I sutTerert for over twenty years from Lumbago and Kidney Disease, an<l at intervals was totally unable to work. After ten or twelve years of doctors' treatment, I had made up my mind that my complaint was incurable. Heading of cures by Dodd's Kidney Pills tempted me to try them. I did so with little faith, but to my great surprise I taken more than half a box before I| felt relief, and after the use of seven j Motherâ€" '•Ethel, you naughty child, or eight bo.\es, I was fully cured and i what have you been doing to make a new man. Charley cry so?" Ethel â€" I've only "Yes. Dodd's is"idney Pills cured ! been sharing my cod-liver oil with Quality is Everything The production of TEA event of the Tea Grower's art, TRY it onca will tempt you to gflva it up. The Flavor is Perfect IS me crowning and nothias. Try the RED LABEL Pain is a. Punishment. â€" Pain is a pro- test oi nature again.st neglect of tha bodily health, against carelessness re- "ardi'n" the physical contjition. It steals 111 at the first opportunity and takes uu its aboile in a man and it is some^ times (litticwlt to eject it. Dr. Thomas Kelectric Oil will drive it out in short order. Pain cannot stay where it is had not used, but immediately flees away. and the best of it cured." is I have stayed : FINGPai-PIlINTS. The English Metropolitan Police have a collection of 70,000 .sets of linger-prints of criminals. It has been completely established that the ^ thin capillary ridges on the tips of ""â- "" the lingers )mdorgo no natural change of characteristic from the cradle to the grave. 60 Spaciali6t3 on the Caire.â€" Iji the ordinary run of practice a greater num- ber than this havo treated cases of chronic dyspepsiii and have failed to cure â€" but Dr. Von Stan's Pineajiple Tablets ((iO in a box at 33 cents cost) made t!ie cure, giving relief in one day. Tliese little "speciaUsts'^ have proven their real merit. â€" 7'2 Yoimg Rhymes â€" "1 tell you mar- riage takes all the poetry out of a fellow." Friend â€" "Then it can't be a failure." Wornis cause feverishncsa, moaning and restlessness during sleep. Mother Graves' Worm Kxterminator is pleasant, Bure and elTectual. If your dnip;^ist lias none in stock, get him to procure it lor you. A bet. HARD DYIN(! MULE. correspondent who was with Younghusbaiid's mission to Ti- tells a mule story: '•Mules, ap- parently, do not die from any cause. When the mission first crossed the .lelapia a mulo slipped in the tlusk and fell into the lake at the bottom of the pass. It was thought to be drownod. Next morning a convoy found it with its nosx' .iu.«t above the ice, the rest of its body literall.v frozen iu. Picka'^cs were brought, and the anin^ial was (iu_g out. It is now working as usual." f FEED YOU MONEY. Feed Yovir Brain, and It Will Feed You Money and Fame. "Ever since boyhood I have been espcciuU.v fond of meats, ami I am convinced 1 ate loo rapidly, and failed to masticate my food properly. "'I'he result was that 1 found my- beif, a tew years ago, afllicted with ailments of the stomach, and kid- neys, which interfered seriously with my business. "At last I took the advice of friends and began to eat tirapc^Nuts ULsteo .1 , f the heavy meats, etc., that h.>d consiiluteil my former die*. "1 found that 1 was at once bene- flteti by the change, that I was stKin relieved from the heart-burn and the iiKli<jestion that used to follow my meals, that the pains in my back froni my kidne.v ulTection hud ceased, showing that tho.'^v^ organs had been healed, and that my nerves, which used to be unsteady. .:,n>l my brain, which was rtow and lethargic from a heavy diet of nieats and greasy foods, had, not in a moment. but gra<iuall.v. and none the less surely, been restored to norma', efllciency. Now every r.erve is steady ami n\v brain and thinking faculties are (juicker ami more acute than for years past. "After my old style Vreakfast:^ I jsod to suffer during the forenoon rom a feeling of â- weakness which hinderoil ine seriously in my work. but since X hav.^ l-egun to use Orape- Nuts food T can work till dinner time with aU ease and condort." Name given by Tostum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason. Read the little book, '"I'he Koad to v.'ellville," In each pkg. Pundit â€" "There's no PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOUE. To California and Lewis and Clarke Exposition, Port- land, Oregon. A personally conducted excursion to the Paciiic coast via the Grand Trunk Railway System and connect- ing lines leaves Quebec .July 5, and Montreal and Toronto July 6. The { Shakespeare borrowed a great route will be via Chicago, thence I ideas irom others. Dumley- through Council DlulTs to Omaha, Denver and Colorado Springs. .Stops will be made at each of these places and side trips taken to Manitou, Cripple Creek, (Jarden of the Cods, etc. From there the party will con- tinue through the famotis scenic route of the I'enver and Rio Grande, through the Royal Gorge to Salt Lake City, thence "fo Los Angeles, San Francisco. Mt. Shasta, Fort- land. Oregon. Seattle, Spokane, and home through .St. Paul and Minnea- polis. The trip will occupy about thirty days, ten days being spent on the Pacific coast. The price for the round trip, in- cluding railroad fare, Pullman tour- ist sleeping cars, all meals in the dining car, hotels, side trips, etc., is 5165.50 from Quebec, or ?t60.50 from Montreal and ?lo0.00 from Toronto. This as a vacation trip for teachers, al- though man.v who are not teachers will improve the opportunity of tak- ing the trip at the remarkably low price afforded. For full particulars address E. C. Howler. General Agent and Conduc- tor, Room 'WS, Union Station, To- ronto. doubt that many Rath- er! Why, I've read some things in his books that were chestnuts thirty years ago, when I was a boy." ENGLISH SPAvTn UNIMEHT Hemoves all hard sclt or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin. curbs. splints, ringbone, Bwecnoy, BtiiU':s. sprains. sore and swoilen throat, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the mo&t wouderjal Blemish Cure ever known. An admirable food, -with all its nattiral qualities intact, fitted to build up and maintain robust hcF-ltb. and to resist •winter's extreme cola. It is a valuable diet for children. "Young man," angrily thundered Farmer Fodder to his son. "ye're a disgrace to this 'ere famly! It's a good thing fer you that "Why'.'" asked his son, sheep- "Becauso I'd disinherit ye â€" why!" Tiie Most Nutritioua and Economical. For Sale or Rent. Farm l'>0 acres: ranlniry. Conn Housed '70 tons cured hay from meadows 'ast season. Very desirable. Terms r-isonable. Apply, O. Comeau, Owner. 30 West Fourth St., â- New York City. Two \y rehire bul'.a. ri.Mng one year eld from de"ep milking dams wuh good icata Price SW.t-K) fsi^h. K. UEl D & CO.. Hinto nburs - Ont. carpet" DYEiNQ ^^ and CMUlint ThU U » HMCrWlT »l'h me BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING OO. lud pMOoaUri bj ?otL %ni wo aroMi*. lo •*li^ â- ax UI> Montreal. A legislative measure has been in- troduced at Wisconsin providing for a tax on bachelors over thirty, with power to exempt those unable to ipay. ! rich." i ishly. I that's . , , Verv manv persona die annually from first trip IS designed | cholera anil kindi-od summer complaints, who might havo been saved if proper remedies had beei'- used. If attacked do not delay in getting a bottle of Dr. J, 1>. Ksllogg's Dysen'ery Cordial, tha medicine that never fails to ellect a cure. Those wlio have used it say it acts promptly, and thoroughly subduca the pain and disease. T ni.i'f'^ Impurities in the Blood.â€" When the J. «!'"'â- ' action of the kidneys becomes impairs.', impurities in the blood are almost sure to fellow, and general derangement of the svstoin en.suos. For melee 8 Vege- table Vllls Will regidnte the kidneys, so that they will maintain healthy action and prevent the complications w.uch certainly conio when there is derange- ment o'f thesQ delicate organs As a. restorative these Pills are .n the first rank. j Miss .\nteekâ€" 'Well, well, there's I Mrs. Woodley! 1 haven't seen her for 'an age." Mi.ss Peppreyâ€" "Indeed: I Not since vou were little girl, eh'.'" Is there anything more nnnoyinr than having: your corn stepped upon? Is tiieru anything more delightful than getting rid of it? llolioway's Corn Cure will do it. Try it and ha con- vinced. SECOND THOUGHTS. Eve Was not the only woman wlio.so curiosity inllvivnced her entire future. Woman likes to be called a bird until she suddenly remembers that parrots are birds. In the Garden of Memory there are more forget-me-nots than any other flowers. He who advertises for a wife may get what he advertised for, but he seldom gets what ho wanted. When a woman begins to f<7el hap- py she begins to be mi.serablo for fear that such happiness is too per- fect to last. \ good ineth-.il of having your own wa.v. if you are a married ntan, is to find ont your wife's opinion, and then a'iree with her. About the mo.st convincing proof of man's superiority over woman in cainmon-seusc is evidenced by the fact that hardly any of his button at the back. Doctor â€" "Why don't you settle ray account'? You said when I was at- tending you that you could never repay me for all I was tloiiig." I'a- tieiitâ€" ".Vnd I meant it." 20 Years of Vilo Catarrh.â€" Chas. O. Bi-owii. journalist, of Diiluth. Minn., writes; "I lui \e been a sulTerer from Throat and Nasal Catarrh for ove'" 110 vears. duiing which time ii'.v head has been stopped up and my condition truly nii.sei'able. Within 15 minutes af- ter using Dr. .Agnew's C.'itarrhal I'ow- der I obtained relief. 'l*hree bottles .'ui.ve almost. if not entirely, cured me." 50câ€" 73 FLVI.N'tJ MACHINE. A San Franci.sco professor has in- vente<l a flying machine which experts declare alights as softly as a feather «nd is uiuier eonipleto control. It j resembles a bird and has eight wings j which the operator directs with his ' hands and feet. 1 Hoart>8ick PQople â€" Dr. Agnew's Cure for the llea.'-t is a heart tonic that lie\er fails to cure â€" is swift in its elTccts â€" goes closer to the "bnrfler land'' and snatches from death's grip more suflcr- ers than any other remedy (or any family of di.sea.scs and ailments in the category of human sufferings. Gives relief in 80 n;inutes. â€" 75 â- ^^ Lam? Oil Ecomomy Sarnia USE Priine Oil White \o real need to buv the more expensive oils if GOOD BURNER is used and KEPT CLiiAN'. want a BIG LIGHTâ€" THREK OR FOL'R GAS JETS IN ONK â€" If you TRY A BEAUTIFUL LIGHT Queen City Oil Lamp The Choicest Oil Made is PRATT'S ASTRAL For Sale by Dealers. ^"= Queen City Oil Ca., LIMITED Taron'.» "Her coinpleximi is very clear," sai<l the casual actiuuiutance. "Yes, indeed, " her dearest friend agreed; ••anvbodv can see through it." You can't cure a cough or cold from the outside. You must cure it through the blood. s nraiAKKAlU-Bl VITALITY. The vitality of the snail is remark- able. Cne that was glueti to a card in a museum for four years come to life on being imniers'.'d in 'warm i water. Some specimens in the col- after for fifteen years. Cure *'^' ^'"' i lection of a naturalist revived clothes ^^^^ apparently had been dead Thi COLOR HLT N l).\ F,SS. most common form of color blindness is on inability to ilistingu- i;^ red. Last year thirty-four olli- cers and woukl-be o'Ticers of the Brit- ish Mercantile Marine faileil on their color test, twenty-three being red blind and the remainder unable to distingni.sh jireen. The l.OiH' can<li- dates for certificates were also suli- mitted to the forni vision tests, and twenty-two of them failed to dis- tinguish the form of the object sub- mitted ••Why. oh, why." reinarke<l the ob- server <if uvi-nts and things, •'will a woman smi'.e with delight when she .sees a hat in a milliner's window, and frown when she sees tho same hat on her neighbor's head?" The Lung Tonic is the only remedy that will do this. It gets right to the root of the trouble. It is guaranteed to cure. Prices: S. C. Wkli-s & Co. 3U 23c. .Wc. $1. LeRoy.N.Y.. Toronto, Can. rSU.VLLY Till': WAY. "He always was a bad egg, but nobody seeined to notice it while ho was rich." "Yes, iio was all right until he was broke." A Cure for Rheumatism. â€" Thn ir tru- Blon of uric acid into tho blood »esfcli is a fruitful cau.=e of rheumatic pains. This irregularity i» owing to a derang- ed and unhealthy condition of tho liver. Anvono subject to this painful alTe.-tion will Unit a r\;inedy in Pariuelce's Vcco- tahlo I'ills 'J'licir action upon flin kidnevs is pronounced and most benefi- cial and by restoring healthy action, they correct iiupuritics iu the blood. SFFING IN THK DARK. A man living at Fittslielo. Massa- chusetts, recently lost his wife, and while he was weeping bitterly over her grave his sight suddenly became alTected. Vie is now able to seo clearly in the dark, but in the day- light le is q'lite blind. He sKsu'S during the day aud rises at dusk. PLANTS THAT In genus MIMIC .STONICS. oulh Africa a i-lant of the Mi>.sembryantlien<uin, growing on ston.v ground, so closvly resembles a pebble that it has been picked up in niislnke for a stone. Another species of the .same plant g'rovving on the hills round the Karru produces two leaves about as large as ducks' eggs, huvin; a surface re.wmbling wenthcied stone of a brownish grey color. tinged with green. 1 heso plants look like stones, but tor a short time Ihe.v put forth bright yel- low flowers. J^till another spt>cies of the same plant resembles the â- â€¢â€¢â€¢jnrtz pebbles among which it grows. "If you steal â€" I don't care whnt it is â€" you'll repent it some day" "Bah! IMrln't you ever steal a kiss'?" "Yes, and I married tho girll" WILSON'S FLY PADS WILL CLEAR THEM OUT BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES *• i m ISSUE NO. 23â€"05

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