Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Jun 1905, p. 3

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JuNB 15 1905 niE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WWMWVWW F, T. HILL & CO. WyWUWWW^i Extra Ualues in Buying Tn= ducetnetils for tbe wool season* For this week wo piil on sale many lines of seasonable ^'oofls which arc specially adapted for the rcciuirenients of the jirescnt month's trading. The qualities in every instance represent good staple wcai-ing lines and the prices are an inducement to help us to increase and extend our business for the present month. Be on hand early and sec what we are doing. Buying Inducements in Prinrs. 1200 yards of diirk and light colors in Can»di,in, Knijlisli and American Prints. This lot also includes some linos of crunis Print. The values Rro 10c and 12Jc kuul. SpeciiU inducement p-.<eo, per yard 9c Buying Inducements in Dress Goods ;4^ This week we pnt on sale many lines nf Dres^ Goods cnnsistine; of blacks and many of the l-: This lot represents Dross (joods lliat are qood valuex in tlio n^jjular way at 40c., 4.5c., 50c., and 55c., i; to send tlicni out with a rush wc make this special iuduiouiunt price. Per yard !i^ ci>lora *.-. yd., but. Sr 28 -. Flannels that are Cheaper Than the cost of Wool 800 yardi) of extra heavy pure wool FLmu'sW consisiiiig nf li^lit and dark greys, navy hluo and Idaiik. This (Inn- iiul 19 an extra heavy quality and is (<ood value at thti regular sellinf;; priceâ€" 36c and 40c per yaidâ€" but as a special inducemi-nl- we put the lot on snlunt perviird S.*) Odd Cincs of men's tu)eed Pants at $1.50 Per Pair 80 pairs Men's pure all wo^d Pant* rcpreaeulini; all sizc-t 1ml protiably nut more than 2 or 3 pairs alike. These are pmts that soil in the regular way at 8175 to §2.40 per pair, but as they arc odd lines and we wihIi to suli them (jniokly, pel hero oaily and Utke your choice of $1.75 to ?2. 50 pants for, per pair 1.50 men's lUorkind Sbirts at 15c- eachâ€" all sizes. DOO Men's \\'orUin^ SI'iitH in rcijulfir shiitirg L'inifhanis, principally dark colors in stripes and chouks and in fast colors. There is nolhini; wrong witli the ijuaiity of this bne, but the Kianufactnrcr niado a mistake and cut them n little un'ter sizo, hence tho reason for such a ridiuuhms price. Men's Working Shirtsâ€"all sizes â€" choice f )r 15 %K-mf^ MARKDALE m^m^-^ She In piibliidied '^v.^ry TliurBilay at >1.00 per .inimin if paiiiiii advani-o, $1..'KI il not ho paid. \]\ subacribfrs piyinz 61.00 Htiictly in a.lvar.ce get the M'intreal lli-iaM one year iK>- lut a reinium. J. .McGarlyand Hui-li Wuir, near Owen Kouiid, had 25 sheep and lambs killed by dogs. The sons of Uiohard Crow.', Dumnior, havfl a goose whiuh lias laid nirl hatelu-d one brood, of goslinpH and bus laid aiiotln r setting of cgt!«. A Dumincr authority who cluims to he "sound on llie goose" decluien lliat this is the only ioH'.ai.cii on record whore such ii bird has been found (i)buu.of>so onon;jh to so overwork its ovipr.ious organs. â€" fi or wood PkCgistor. I All item el.sowhure in this isiiie rcgnvd- iii;/ I'l.id improvement in Simcoe county sliou'd h«vo the vll'ect of awakoiiinii Bome of the other cnunties to a knowledgi> of their poRsibiliiii's in this respect and iuoiisnig an nmbilion in thu^r breastii to f;o and do t.ki'wise, thus shtiinii; in t'l.' lart;iM of tho local g'lvernment, w! i -h amounts t3 one third of the outlay, l! is e.ipe.:ially a pity that this county CAiiiiot sue iu ^ny clear to an investment in good roads and a share in th(> bounty. Riincoe has dJppiMl into the |iull<u exeheipn'r a coupli! of times and has found it extremely satisfactory. During an eleotric storm n peculiar occurronce tx) )k pliiod at tlu rusiileueo of Mr. Murcot^e who rosidus on the 8tli cun. cossion of Tiny, Siiiiooo c-iiinly. Some half dozen persons were Htttlnt; in the . i.itehon, nheii lightning u'ruok the ice lii'U.se, made a Dcnttciinu of mma pans that were liihide the. build. iig,passiiii( into the woiidnhed ii .entered tlirough the window of tho kitchen, p'.Rsing between I he occupants ojf the room in tho form of a bal' "f file an.i Slopped in tho centre of ibe ll"or, where it burned a bole. No one n.i.< injured, however, but nil were jnoTO or less o'arined at the pecnliir freak of the electric fluid. No town can become orlmig retain its position ns a aood businisi centre ao 1 i.>g a* the inajoiily of its bmiiifss men rely on a few merchants to hriug the busintsa to them. Too often the ineii in a f«w lines of trade are about the only onea who ruach out after trade. The others mcri ly tvait for their associates In induce people to come to town, and o.ntent ihem- >nlvii3 with what trade drifts tu th m. ""'â- â- a i« uiatiii'pstly unfair and unjust, and no nhold-H'iuled, publii-fipiritod buainost man will do it. If you want trade ask forjl. Tell pc-wplo what j'ou have to stlt, and give them reasons why they should buy fiotn you rather than froin tho "other fvllow." The most effecting and far-reaching niclhnd of asking for trade i.i by newspaper advertising. The newspaper reaches everybody. It is alio a niiiiored reflection of the town. If il contains no adveriisemenls I'eople nafur- ally conclude that there is no ono thero who has life enongli tj do busiiies.H; if it bas a few adveitiseincnis, that it has not sutlicitnl comprtition to bring prices down to tho ri'.'bt level. The newspaper is the one ageni^y which touches nil the jic'ople all the time. The scholar eaimot '"it along without it; the fanner has it tot h'isolo intellectual food. Jlieh, poor, wido,- ignorant, youn?, old â€" everybody reads the loo il pap 'I, and it IS ih'J oidy form of literal uro of which this may bo B.iid. Thus llui oiiiortnuily of the press is unlimited. It has the public eivr, and tho public can ba reachjd Ihrtrngh it. â€" Ex. When Seven Men Die. You know at loast one of tbuin h;>il conauniptioii. At lii.st it was only cat arrh- -hut il w.is neglected. When "Cat- airhr.zciue" cures so tpiickly it's fooliali lo sutler â€" it's a sliaiiiH lokeepon KiiilUing and hanking. Catarihozono goes direct to the cause of the disease, â€" that's why it's s I dead certain to cure. It Rtojis the cough, pieveiit-s that disi^tisiin'^ diaihsrje, dears phle.'in init of the Ihr-'at in nvo iiMiiules, Very pleasaiil, and safe loo; liet Catarrhozoiio from your diuiigist to- day. Siincne County will bs ono of the first to pr. fit by the nniendmr.nta to the Good Roads Act introduced by lion. Dr.Hoaum last wut'k. Hy tho provisions of this am- endmiiit one tiiitd of the amount to ho spoilt by Ike county will bo paid by the province, instead of in accordance with the Bsscsinble nroa as in the old a-it. In two year.i Simcoe County has spent ?ll8fi,- (lOO on its roads. They have filed ii claim for nnothur provincial ijrant, this time of t;i7,000, and it is understood it will bo paid. Another condition in the bill ex- tends the tiino for taking Hdvantni;e of this to Jai.uary 1st, 1907. A "Wheezy" Chest. Means your troubla is d^ep seated. To delay isdangerous. All the inflainniatioii will t'O drawn out in one day by acplying Neriilino. It penetrates thton^h ihu pores of tho skin, relieves inflaailnalion and thus prevents seriotis consequcnoes. For sore throat, weak chest and tenden- cy to ciKIs, no prescription is bettor than PoLf-in's Netviline. For nearly fifty years il has been Canada's groat house- hold remedy. Twonty-fl»e cenn buys a largo hotlla. I In the action of Plant vs Tps. of No'- maiiby and Minto, tried at Guel[ih, judgment has been deliveied in favor of the plaintitf for $1500. The action was to recover dainaijes f jr personal injuries to husband and wife, who were injnrod by driving r.ver iin enibai..imeut into a ditch. Minlitr was awarded ?1000 and hi.s wife $500. Tho court claimed the nninicipdities ought to have put up a railing for protecti(m. The Tonic of Health Muit be more than a stimuUiit â€" naisl be a food as well. 'J'here is one nieditine that is both a food and a toiii.', ---it aid.-; di-'estion, promotes assimilation, converii food iii'o nutriment that huibls up nerves blood, brain and bone. That t<mic is Kerrozone which C(mtain.<i exactly what a run downsybtemnends Fenozone sup- plies o.\yi<en to purify the blood, phos- phorous to develop the brain, iron to lianlen the muscles No wonder it inukes such vii!orous nun and women. You'll eat, deep, think and feel better by usinji Fenozone; try il- now. Fifty cents buys a lox of fifty chocolate coated Feir- ozoiie tailless at all de.ilurs. Up to Date Tailoring Why I'liy a ready made suit when you can get one lor ab- out tho same or very Httle more, tailor made and gootl lit that will stand more wear and tear than two or three ready niadesl H. ALEXANDER The Fleshertou Tailor School CMMren's Eyes. 4- •1^ Many lives have been ruine^i through neglected eyestrain in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstronit, tKWtLE" ^ND OPTiOAN FLESHERTON. BOYD, KICKLING & CO, â- FLESHERTON, ONT. WOO ]jXp Wiion yoa are ready to iiiaikot yourf?, remeir.bor wo will pmcl'.;ue i| uuy quautit}', and allow jou tlie highest prices iu Casli or Trads. 3 HH A Big Assortment of ?f> Flannels •»] Bbeetitiga i|i Tweeds ' r5^ Blankets il t;]othiu? At Right Prices. &: Specialties I'or Styli.sh Summer Wear Thi.s "Week I IS. Ml ilTiilii i>|i For souie time past we have been devoting particular yk attention to our Cllothing Department and a.s a re.sult ^ can otler you a big: selection that i.s second to none i&; in this county for style, price and workmanship. ^; You will lind the newest, neatest and most attractive ^ patterns here, and the fit of every garment will please anti .satisfy you. Men's Suits in Twesds, Worsteds and Serges, $5.00 to $15.00 ]'>oys' Three Piece Suits $4.00 to $16.00 Boys Two Piece Suits 2.75 to 3.75 ]'.()ys Tweed Pants 50 to 1.00 Men's Tweed and Worsted Pants 1.25 to 4.00 Men's Ilaincoats 2.75 to 10.00 A. t.-).(K) SUIT SPECIAL Men's TweKl Suits ir> » u'-at 6tr!|)ed pattern line wool t«e«ilâ€" imferlly newâ€" [iliiced in .-.t ck this month-- well cut. Ill kIo Hiiii trimmed. Your choice of sintle or double briiis td. All sizes 36-42 SPECIAL $5.00. We can please you in Fine Summer Footwear for Ladies, (Jentsand Children. ^ ?« m Department rtj Seasonable Lines Gttri]cii libkca Crcaiuei" Cans Milk Tuila Ciiunis Wall Paper Paints Vaniibhcs Kcrceu Doors " IDEAL Wire Fouoing Poultry Netting Fence Wire Wire Oatca Lawn Mowers Wringers Washing Machiuea Screen Windowi Get our quotations ou Euiiding Ilardwaie. It will pay you! Boyd, Hickling & Co. Tksbertoti

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