Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Jun 1905, p. 4

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THrE FLESliEllTON ADVANCE June 15 1906 '^ Characteristics of the Past Week Carefully Culled for tho Curious. . . Fresh lime always on hand. J..H. Duckett, Eugenia. Messrs. Horb. Staples and C. Ottewell, ui Tonmii), are hididiiying ii! town. Mia. C.W. Chidwick of Torunto visiied with her sister, Mrs. Bulraer, this wesl i Mias Lottie Osbiirn, of Nottawa, is vitiitiiig her si.'tsr, Mrs. W. J. Bollaray. Mr. Frank Burns, of Spruaudalo, Mu^- koka, is the j^uesb of his cousin, Mr. Albert .Sluart. Miss Kiiiuear and MiiS Nottio Perigo, Feversbam, called oti friet^is here this week. Mr. Win. Ward of Oovei'try wiis in town tins weob, accompanied by hisncph 3W, Mr. Nic''"' >a Giaham. Mr. E. Vanr.unt .;[ Turonio, win in town iliis week put'in^ up a monument for Mr. Fred Kjder in memory of hit wife. Fifty thousand pounds of wool wanted ill exchange for cash or wooUen u'oo.ls. Hii^hest market prices paid. J. E Rich- ards, Dundalk. Pineapples, strawberries, bananaP, oranues, lemons and all kinds of fruits arrivir.f; daily and selling fa.st at Sproulc, Crosdey & Go's, Flesherton. W. Mooro is agent in Flesherton fnr E. N. Ileney bugyies, tho best on the mirktt. See him biiforebuyir,!,'. .Inlu Teacher wantedâ€" after vacation for S. S. No. 8, Arteinesia, male or female, protestant. Apply before July 5th with testimonials, stating salary, etc , to T. R. McKenzie, Sec , Port Law, Out. Lost -On M.iy 18ih on the 4lh line, a parcel cinitainiiic; a V)erlin wool cushion top, a pair of kid gloves, a purse witii pome silver in it and some other aniclea. A suitable reward will be given. FinJer please leave at this ofBce. The laxitive effect of Cliamberhiu's Stomacli iind Liver Tablets is so agree- able and so natural that you Jo not reul ize it i.s tho effect of a medicine. For sale by W. E. Uiohiircson . Mr. J. W. B.^nson of Owen Sound gave The -Advance a cill on Monday. Mr. Ben»f)n had be-'tidiwn putting up a mon- ument to his wife's memory in (he Salem cemetery. At tho L. (). L. ilistiiut meeting held in the Orange Valley lod:;e * room last week it was decided upon invitati^tn to celebrate the Twelfth at Flesherc m. We must try to ni.iUe tho reception worthy of the place. Flesherlon footbiill team drove out to FoTorshaie on Thursday eveninc; last to play a return m.itch with the Fevorsham club. Tlio teams were late iu starting and could not play full time. Tho result was 1-0 in favor of Floshortou, thus oven ing matters up for the victory of the visitors here the week previous. Tho boys speiik in high terms of their rectt[)- tion at Foversham. The services in the Methodist church ou Sniidiiy were of a railier interesting nature. The morning service was under tho management of the W. M. S. and was conducted by three women â€" Mrs. P. Nichol.son, Mrs. G. MitohsU and Airs Thuv.iton. The evening sermon was delivered by Mr. Crone,ot Markdale.who is always very acciptablo here as a sub- s':itute. Tho Presbyterian congrejjation wor- shipped in their own church on Sunday last. for the first time iiince tho painters took pos.tes.sion of tho edifice. Mr. Tryon has done a very neat job and general satisfaction is expressed with the work - manship. Mr. Edwards will preach .•i^aiii next Sunday and the pastor i» expected home for the following Sunday. Th^ official openinj} of the cfiureh will bo held x>n the regular annivoisary day, the first Sunday in July, when Dr. R. P M/^Kuy. f irei^n saoretaiy, of Toronto, will preach , Tlie tirst draft of the Toronto Method- ist Conferoiioo Siauoning Committee for the Owifi) .Siiuiid District is as fdlowt : Dwen Sound First Church, Geo.'R.Tmk; Owen Sound, West Street, J.J. Spailing; Markdale, J.S.I. Wilson; Flesherton, J. LoDK, Sec. Com.; Dundalk, N. Wellwood Brookholm, John W. Fox; Woodford, T. O. Barlow; Ohatsworth, W. W. Ryan ; Holland Centre, Henry Berry; Euphrasia T. Leonard, Rocklyn; Eugenia, John B. Waaa, Flesherton; Walten Falls, George Lawrenoe; Oorbetton, Chas, Longford ; PriMvUle, Wm, Roach. London and North Oxford both elected Liberals on Tuesday. The pastor will preach moaning and evening in the Methodist church on Sun- day next. In the final draft of ministers for tliis district J. T. Caldwell, M. A., Ph, D., is down for Flesherton. D. E. Wellwood, B. A., B. D., goes to Chatsworth, The Baptist convention is in progre.ss here as wo go to press. There is a lar^e number of delegates present, among them Rev. T. Wataon, who was located here fifteen years ago. Mr, Watson is stat- ioned at Keady. Sproulr, Crossley A Co. keep oonatantly in stock a full line of Trooeries â€" sugars, tens, bbl. and dairy .lalt, coal oil. Sta- tionery .ind confectionery. Dr. Murray »nd hi« brother-in-law, F. Henderson, nf Wareham, left on Tues- day for tho Northwest. Tho Dr. ia ex- pected to bo absent most of tho summer. Rfv. Dwi;.;ht Caswell of Ottawa spent n few days with his uncle, Mr. \V. J, :sweU of this place, while on his way to his parent.al home in Deloriiiie, Man. Lost â€" A blMok. wool shonliler shawl Vf'tween LeOaid's corner and W Pedlar's on Friday last. Finder kindly leave at this offloo. Corge Sponger, p'lice ma;»iKtr!>te of Owen^rund, die/1 on Sunday last, nt the ago of 83. Mr. Spencer was in his oflire on Saturday and was found dead in bed Sunday morning. Any quantity of pig feed for sale cheap at Sprouln, Cro.'sley & Go's, Flesherton. Nestor's Food, flour, bran, shorts, peas and barley, chop, oats, peas, barh-y and buckwheat. Vandeleur C. 0. F. will givo an entar- tainment and tea on the evening/ o Dom- inion Day, July 1. A sttong program has been arranged. Tea served from 5 o'clock. Admission 25o. See bills. Dr. Erne.st Armstrong will open a den- tal office upon his return from camp, about .June 2fi, in the brick preniLses opposite Mrs. Buhner's photograph gallery. Any one requiring work will find Dr. Arm- strong iu his ofiioo ou and after that date. The Flesherton Senior Football Club met on Wednesday evening of last week and organized for tho season. Mr. Will Somors filled tho chi\ir while tho follow- ing officers were elected : Piosidoiit, Geo. Mitchell; C.iptain, Ed. Best; "eretary. Geo. Stewart; Treasurer, Ed. Thompson; Managing committee, Geo. Cairn.i, Alex- Collinson, Bun Wilson, Chas. Richardson and Geo. Stewart. No. 6 Company, 31.st. regiment, left for Nisigara camp Tuesday morning. Tho company whs in full strength, and many applicants were turued away. The company was in chirge of Lieut. C. Rich- ardson and Capt. Fiaiik MeFarland, Lieut. Richardson accompanied tho boys only as tar lis Toronto and will then re turn home, having reciived leave of ab- sorice this year. j Tho Centra Grey Wonieua' Institute will have a demonstralion of different aiticles in cooking at the home of Mrs. Robt. Bcsl, on Wed., June 21, in the afternoon at 2 o'clock. All liie ladies arc cordially invited to attend. A garden party will be hexd Iha same evening at 7.30 o'chick. Admission, adults, 15o. ; children, 10c. A good program is being provided, Mrs. W. W. Bales will speak on Soci:\l Rights and Duties of Farmers, Miss Maddock,on aOirl's PoisibilitioB. H. ITeifman, Feversbam, has s^cued the contract of carrying tho mail from Fleshortc (1 to Fover.sliam fi;r the iiijxt; fouryeara, and Mr. Sample will disappear from the toad for the same period of time at least. Later â€" Wcare informed that on Saliurdiiy evening Mr. Sample was waited on by a oonimitlee of FevershAm people, who persuaded hi:ii to rcnniin on tho road, promising imiterial aid and backing tho ofl'er by signed documents, so that now there will bo a competing stage line between Flesherton and Fever- sham, On FriJuy, the IC h of June, tho Grey District meeting of the Sons of Temper- ance will bo held at Vandeleur. At 7.30 p.m. there will bo a concert in the school grounds rendered by seven different divi-sions, also addrdsses by Rev. J. S I. Wilson, of Flesherton, and S. Holland, Grand W. P. of Toronto. There is no admission foe and everyone is cordially invited, especially members ot other temperance societies. Our division ii proving itself a power of good in ou community. Lately there has been a programme, a conundrum eontMt, • max- ivk soeitl and a debate^â€" Com. Sprained Ankles, Stift Neck, Lame Shoulder, These are three common ailments for which Chamberlain's Pain Balm is es- pecially valuable, If promptly applied it will save you time, money and suffering when trout'led with any one of these ail- ments. For sale by W. E. Richardson, bleshertou. R Kinnear &Sons MAXWELL Wish to announce to the public that they have yet a few renmants of Prints left at the re- duced price. Come nnd .secme one before they .ill go, as we are forcing Hales to make more room for other goods. We liave leased the .store across the ati-eet, which is (ille<I witli Hardwjire, Flovn', PainLs, Glass, Louk- Clear Uacoii and Brooms, which wo otfer as clieaj), if not clieaner, than olsewhore. Wo have (ilen Huron, Sin(,diaiupton and Markdale Flom- always on hand, so you can get a choice. /^ / "2/ We sire headqv.arters JUOOK -yjePe. for the famous jL li/ mouth joinder Murine In Osprey. No (liucount on the length or quality. Secure yourselves by leaving your oi'ders here iu time. Highest market prices paid for choice butter and fresh eggs. R. Kinnear &Sons HO T FOR iagara Falls Friday, June 16. Anil Toronto. Tho I. O. O. F. of Markilalo will ran a monster excursion via tlia Canadian t'acill.i llniJwai to Toronto; Steiinier "Uarden ritj'"to Port Dailiousio, and electiic railway frocn Port Dalliouhin to Nianara Falls on Friday .Juno IS. A ileliijiitfiil sail of two hours ou Lake Ontarif?, and the eloetric railway iiaesos throu^di tho city of St.l.'atharines, and Iho towns of 'I'horold and Morriton. Excursionists will also bo ublo to se? tho great peach orcDardR tf Oiitiirio, the old and uew Wollancl Cauuls, tho Whirlpool and the niighty Uapids. I'.xonrsiou train will leavo liollaud Centre at 0.30 a.m.; Markdale O.jS a.m. lima J'are to Faro to Toronto Niagara Falls Holland Centre. ..0-10 S2.10 #2.20 Herkol'^v â€" ..n.:)9 3.05 a. 20 •M^iikdale .0.6.-1 2.05 2.10 Klt.r^hf'ilon .707 2 05 2.05 [*roton 7.10 2,05 a.05 Dundalk .7.28 20.'i 2.05 ^â- .obetton .,.7..".7 2.00 2.00 Melaucthon .. . ..7.13 ].ai 1.83 oliolburuQ ..,7.J4 1.80 l.MO Ci-oinbius .8.0a 10.5 l.O.'i litturul .8.1 a 1.00 I.OO AiTi've at Toronto at ICW. Chililreii under I'J yoiiiH, half fare. Tickets to Toronto goud to roturu ou any rognlar train â- him). 17th. Tickots tn Niasara FtillB e^otl to return on regular train Juno IDtli. Hpeuial trail) will hjiivrt Toronto Kri.iay evmiius at lU.^JO p.m. fur Holland Centre, stopping at ahovo 6',a^.u-nn, Tickots fro'o Hhelburuff. Cronibios and Laur- el fjooJ rnturniim until tho 17th only. Thia will uudoubiedly l>« the bt-ft nxiMirsioii of the Bnahon, aft tho Mark. htlo Loiijio of tho Indnpeiidor.t Ordnr of ud(Itt)llo-,9a are loaviiij^ nothjnq nt!i)uuuto inako tlixti onu of the mobt enjoyable otitinR^. J. S. now K, N.G., K-W. KNNI B. Sue, Com- mi'tcu: W.n, Kiny, F. Sarjoaut, W.S. Chalmer, .II. fctcpliCLSvU CS)iir$day» 3une 22t 1^05 Au excnrsion under the auspleea of tho Centre Grey I'^armers' Institute will bo run t<j Tho Af.'ricuitural (Vdli-tjo, Guelph, 'rhursday, Juno l;'.!, via tho t'aiif.dian I'acifle Kiilwav. PATRONIZE THIS BECAUSE (1) Tho ColloHo Farm {{rows all vatiutios of yrainp, roots and rcia;,'« orops, and tho rarnioru of this conntvv by examining these f^rowiuK erops shoiild i)o able to soloo', souibthiof^ for their own farrun better than thoy produ(!o at the presont tinio. ('^) .\t tho Odlef.'o tho principal breoUa of Ijive Stock, Cattlo, Sheep, Swino and Poultry uniy bo Roun under the moat favorable oonoition. (;() Tho Kariu Dairy, tho Croauntry. tho Clioe^o l''aotorv, tlto AKrienltural Aluiieiin), and tho lota arid tlio llowers may bo all iuspeetod and will rihow to good advantflgo at this ae.ason of tho year. {â- !) Tho now l-Tural Consolidated Huhool Ilnildiui;! on tbo Colleije Grounds and operuttjd by livesohool soctioiis, will bo in rini- cingovdor. The children aro bvougbt in vans from live miles aroiuid, and tho trvinleor- of tbo flvo soctiona form a j'dnt Hoard, (ri) Macdonald Inatifnto.tbosohool fot fannera'dHllyhtors, will bo open to inHueetion. Cooking, dewing anil Laundry Work are tbo thivo prtiK-ipiil subject.* taught and this joor tho Inatituto ia filled to it'; capacity. The Excursion will be run by Special Train as follows: Tiino 7.iO im 7.!.-> Owen Sounil .... Itochford ' batiiwortb Holland Coutro.. Boik*> uy Markdalo H'l.iObHKRTON Protcn â- . .. Uundalk 7.27 ,.7.J0 .7..-11 8.02 . S.W . 8.25 . 8.:!5 Adults *1.00 1.00 1.00 1.60 1.110 ].«0 1.4S i.;)3 l,:iii Cliildren Hflo. 80o. 8(10. (K)^^ HOC. 80c. 7.'Jo. 700. *Oo. Kxoi.rsion traiii will loftvoG\K.hih at fi.40 p ni but tickets are good for roturu on regular train Junel'3. Lurcii will bo provided on tho fartn. Goo. IIADGKH, Pir>s,: W. n. (tUY, Vice-Proa.; J. I. GUAH.\M, See. Tenders. Tamworths and Berkshires. I have for sales few choice young pigs of both breeds at right pricee. Write for what you want or oonie and see them* Maxwell P.O. ' Geo. W. Boss. Steer Strayed. ^ IVora 'oc 0, Con. \ .S. D. R., O.iprev, about liay 30, one red and white steer with consiuer- able white ou face luid one born slightly Htuhbed. Any person giving information lead- ing to his recovery will Vie suitably rewarded. J. A. RATH, Dundalk P. O. ftfl.VT.Fri fftiderfl uiarkcd "Tnnd/»vfl for Rridpo''wlH he rGceiJ,»d by the un^inr'^ignod un to.Tnlvltit. f'. • tho ovction of a Hnwe Tmsa Rridf.'O wtft. ronnreto ahntio^nto. South Titt.o Ar*eTiiofill», oppowtte r*onnld .MeMlllan's. f'^n- trnctnrR mivteoflor for tho contrnrt in wh^lo or in pai t.job to be coinplotfld bv Oct. Int.. Tbo lowflst or anv t'^ndev not nocecsarilv accont'^ri. Plana anil spocilleatious at t.ho ofHoo of the uudorslgned, JOHN BOYD, Reove. If you want tho best flour ob- tainable go to Wright's and get a bag of 'Royal Household' flour. They also keep two grades of Ford's flour, Morn- iug Glory and Ford's Patent. We have also u larjjo stock of bran, shorts, low grade flour, ohtip, etc. This IS the only place in town whore j'ovi- can secure good, hardy tomato plants, also house plants at Wright's. They also have a full stock of good freah yrocerios. Wm. L. WRIGHT Barnhouse's Old Stand. WALL PAPERS! The largest stock in the town- ship, of BEST Quality and LOWEST PRICES, from 3c. per double roll up to 50c. On exhibition by • C. £2. rrx*yoi:i , The pbacticl paintek & paper ^A^•oER. SAMPLES ON APPLICATION. Priceville OntariOk BOOTS AND 5H0ES The reputation of our Boots and Shoes has been bulk up by clo.se attention to bu.siness. Our Footwear is well know throughout all this part of the country as being the best. The proof of thi.s is that so many always come to us for their boots and shoes. Our Spring Stock is up-to-date in style and make and is the best and most complete we have ever had to show you. me HHvays Cry Co Give 9 Dollars mortl> Tor a Dollar. . ♦ . ^ . ♦ ^ Iu cnstoin woi k we are soooiid t,o none. Wo use the best material that ^ can bo gob and any order eutrustod to our care will be oarefuly attendod to. £i Tf you are soi"S *" 'r.ivol wo have a largo stock uf TRUNKS, TELE- m' SCOPES & SUIT CASES. Call and see thoui at |f Clayton* s -» « <ft flesherton. i « wmm Mill Is rally stocked with 'he beSt drugs. No oiij or Mseless Stock. We solicit a share of your patronage, assuring- COIHpi^te SatlSfactiOtI to both patient and doctor, besides saving you money. %JSi <^o^w:^<mmk'c^(:^^:^m'0^m^ .5,1!. vMi. ai'. ^V, ^t. ^(. Jkt-t. vvt?, vV. v«<. v>t<. ^v.ixr, 'SKiSt'; •>'&^&i*'& ^&;?&^^'<! *%>'!<; is&§!&s'!i ^h For Your Stock Bull Tor Service A.I teur old. thoioiiuhbroil Diirbnin bnll wUl stand for aervioe 00 loill, oon. 3, N. O. W, for your 1905. Term »1.00, pavable lot V.bnmrv. 1906. Cowa not retureed will be obargod whoth- nUoiklforiiot. DAVID EUKCES, Prifj«vil)e. â- Sis* 'A? IS- % I:lerlm!»eui>i, LiternationiU Sloek Food, Columbiiui Rei;illator. ''i^ Tick Ucstio^or for tho sheep. /A^ For Yourself Patent Medioiiiea â€" nil the popular iii<\kea. Pipes nnd tobacco. vfj; For Your Wife SpiecH for cooking â€" Allspice, Ciiiimuion, Mixed tipioe.H, etc. ^^ PeifumuK, Ourticullu Silk. ^ For Your Baby g Soothing Sv"up, Suck int{ Bottles, and Teething Ring.s, ^ Richardson & Son i 1^ Flesherton :-: :-: Ontario $ ^ w 4^ t*#####^#0^#tt^^#####4l>^^#^^# 4^

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