Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Jun 1905, p. 7

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Junk 15 1905 THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE ira»><IH ^*» \ The Markets. Carefully €orrerted Each Week 0«ti 40 40 Peac 65 to «6 Barley 45 to 46 Butter 15 ',0 15 Ka!<8 fresh 15 to IB ChiekiDS Oto Ducks Oto Geene Oto Hay to 6 56 Po Jitoei baa 40 tp 40 Wool 26 to '.8 Massey-H arris Bicycles Vve v\ I el U.nt fttiinds |i r that's u'<'>A in bicyclo iimiiufac- turo is the Massey-ILirris. It lias besides gvBCeful linei and excellent fitiisli nil the piiod p.iiiits of best iiuivlity of niatcriAl and now inveoiions. nassey=Harris and mPERIAL BICYCLES The high cr.«(Ie models of the former wheel have tho Hy^'i'Mi'C Cushion P'rame, Sills handle B.irs and Morrow Coaster Brake. Tho "Inipetinl" may lie titled trith the Coaster UfiiUo and Sills fJaiidle Bars. Write us for particulars. Canada Cvcle and Motor Co. LiMITKD. Toronto = = Canada* •s N^*i«i^ F'leslier ton £1! = SI Goud borseeâ€" new ri;;» â€" ntleiitivo dtivom Q. VV. Hacking Local Agents Wanted At o:ic« for "Oin.ida's Grea'C't Nurser- ie«" for tlio town of KLESUKKTON and aurroundini; coiimry, trhioh wdl b» rc8cr- T.'d fiT ilif ritht mm. STXllT NOW lit the Wmt ^ellln« Rcaaon, and liandlu oiir new Siiucialiies on lib- eral ti?rim. \Vrit» for iiariiculars and send 25e. for our hancNone alu uinuin pocket micro «ct>i)u, (»li'tle '.'I'ln) useful to : Farii era, in examiiiiiia 'oedK and i;riiin«; Orchard iute, ill cxmiiiniig trciH foi iim('i:ts; Teacli- ert and iti-holam in (jtu.lyioi/ IJotuny, and cvtrybudy in n liuiulrod dlVoruiit ways. Stone & Wellington (ovKuSOO acres) Toron{o â-  - Ontario Rooil Invoslinont Hint nam divMoiirlii «M Ihroucbli'e 's » couriiii o( Uiiinliin in any of thu Uaiiurti.<aiitH of tlio a /'.V, 0^j0^/:M- O rpn Sotin<1. Onf. Four nomplft** coiirneH of «'. tifly. Ite*(t nqiiippnri HiiHirift^HrolIpco prvm'ii- e« In C«nRf)a. 1 he only oollcfio owiifiiK itRovii coM*g(} biiiklin^. A laiffo PtftfTof roinpofent nnd })ui'tttakinf{ tnachuiT. Our KcniluutaH nre iiiofttHticcOHHfu). Ju*it Bffk thotii. Tuli partio^ iilarb Hent to any a^ltlro^H fiuo. C A. Fleming. Principal Ayers If Sometimes the hair Is not properly nourished. It suffers for food, starves. Then It falls out, turns prematurely gray. Aycr's Hair Vigor is a Hair Vigor hair food. It feeds, nourishes. The hair stops falling, grows long and heavy, and all dan- druff disappears. " Mt hAtr Wftt comlnff ont Urribly, X wu • Imoit nfrald to comb It. But A]r«r'i Hair ViKor Brnmpll; iloppad the tslUuf, and aUo rstt^iat th« nataral color." Ma*. JC O. K. Waao, Landlac, N. J. ff.M a bottl*. AUdriiiBljtJ. fori J. O. ATBR CO., Lowll, Ma«i., Poor Hair r "Tn In Furniture The largest and best' stock of furnituie ever shown in Flesher- ton. This withont fearnf contra- diction Come and see some of the nice things in Sideboards Dining RooiTi Ct|airs Parlor Setts Bed Roorn Setts A special reduction just now on fYerything in order to reduce the stock. W. H. BUNT. L ^ful'nitupe dealer ^ FlestoloD - Oat. ^ J Business Cards »/I CULI.,0U(1H & YOUNG Ju a Rouaral liaiihiiiR bUHinuia. Money toanen a ruaHoiialilc rate Ci^ll ou ub. RJ 8PUOU1.K I'Odtniasti'r, Floahertoii ooinuilBBioniT in II.C. .T.| Auctioneer Con- ?ryui)Cor, Appraiser aud Money Lectlt^r lt(4al I'ldtatti and Innnraiice Agent. Deeds ieui't^itt{eR. Icaitas and wills carefully drawn ii|> and valuations made nn HliorteHi notice. iii<.nit> to loan at lowest rateM of iiiteroHt. Col i)(!tiori<i nttendod to witli promptness cUarties Ion. AKont for Ocean DoiuinioD So-.amiihip Company. A call solicited. Societies AO U V tnflcta or. tho laBt Monday in oacii month, in tht.ir lodga room. Chri«to«'B bloiik. Klohherioii. at 8 p.m. M.W., A.Han-lHoii; Uticorflnr, Jan. Ft)l»tead ; Finan- cior, W.J. ho). amy. VinltlUR brothrri. tLvlled PUINCK AUTIIUU LiODtiK, No. :t3!».AFA A M, moetH in tho MAnonfchall. Htrain's block, I'MoHhorton. every Friday on or beforo t!i.! full inocit. Joha Wright, W M,; C. N. Kichttr eon, Shi rotary. FLESHERTON ilARNESS EMPORIUM. (Oi'pow'tu Arimtrong'a Jewellery ) Everylhiiit; up to d ito in hnrneaiâ€" btKt iimtoriiil, licst wiTkiiianship, best prions. Fly shuetn and nets lire in season â€" let us show you ours. Tritiiks, vnliso), axlu croase, cnrria/o rftxlu )(Titasu, lijinoi'S oil, whips and lufhe" BUGGIES. Ciino and mie tho new bin{!<ios which w<j h»ve o:i ciliiliiiion, Tlu^y are baaut- i-j* and piicoH a;ii ri^-ht. Wm. MOORE (O|iposito AniiKtroiix's .Jewellery) KlesliertoD. noi'UT l--I,Ksm;UTON, OOS. I. O. p. iroetsin ^ f^lointcK-'H Hlor'' the last KridayevenlnR of i.a'di month, Visitln.» ForestorH lionrttly w.jinoino. t;. II., .l.(;ornu«ld; 11. C. \V. Ituskin; I'iii. Sto., II. A. Willi.tt. I'leane ptiv dut<H to H. A. Witlett on or beforo thu last day of the preoeedinR month. Medical DU CAIITMU M U r & 8 Cot, Physleian, Rnrgeon, ato OtHco and residenceâ€" Peter at., Fleabertou DU A.T. ItoND (lrsduat( Toronto Univomlty. Mem- ber of Ontiirlo ('Oilefie oj fhysiciiana and Hiir- (jo >ns, ^ltLX^voll, On^. riuccosRor to Dr. ticutt. T r OTTi;W|-,I.l. * Votorinary Snreeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary CoUrite, r>.-Hidoiioe â€" BMond door south west, on Mary street. TliU street ruDI louth PreHbyterian Churoti. a WII.HON, llliicksniith **• iiadtiato of tho Veterinary Science Annonlation. Itesiditnoe, Durham street, op- poBltv Koyd, HIcklliig'i hardware. Legal r UOAH wiiioiiT ft Mcaudlk IJ llarristors Holicitors Oonveyanoers, etc Omcoaâ€" Owen Kound.Onl and MarkdaleOnt W It Wbiout, MoAnuLH 1 II Ldcas N IIâ€" Flunhorton oflloe, Mitcbell'i Bank •very Saturday. Dentistry DR. R C. MURRAY, T.,D, 8, Cental snrgeon honor nradtiata of Toronto University and Ilnyal rnlleKo of Dental H,irueonR of Ontario. <>(ffi:e â€" OppoRiti) Artn^tronp'R .Towellery Store. Will viNlt Maxwell the last Wndnesday of oacli ninntli and Dundalk Ut aud 3rd Thutt^tay of each UTOutli. HEADACHE I Nctiralgia and Nervoutneu cured quickly b; A I A y HAKMLISa HtADACHC AND '\ji\'\ NCURALaiA CURE. No heart rlrprculoti. Great.tt cure ever iiitcover«d. Tali, no nther, lOcikiKl ssc. All dealws or direct from AlMliH it Co. Simooc, Oni. Money back i( not Miisfttd Last Saturday aftorniion Mr. C. Swale met four bears on th« Uliphant rood at the Davit' crosHway. GoinK home he got his rifle and, with Geo. KoKera, hunted for them in R. Greenlee's bush for an hour { without success. Then Mr. Swale went home for hisdoK and ^'ot the Scars started. After a «hi>rt Kcrap with the dog ihey went northeast across four lots and tried to shake off tho hound in the wet swamps and thickets south of J. M. Mullen's. Here the dog drove all four bears past Mr. Ro((eiH, who had a shot at all of thum, killing one on the spot, and app:ir- eiitly killing a second, while the dog went ou with another to Mr, Swale, who killed it. The doi{ went on out of hearing with the fourth hear. On goiiig back to pick up bear No. 2, it had disappeared; and it now being nearly dark, the hunters had to be content with two bears, which was not a bad record, considering it all took place within a few miles of Wiarton. No doubt these are some of the bears that have been killirtg uheep near Boat Lake lately, thoy beiiiK in good fur and con- dition. â€" Wiarton Cai.adlan. Just Wiiat Everyone Should Do. Mr. .T. T. Barber, of Iwiiiville, (>a., always keeps a bottle of Chanberlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrliooa Kemcdy at hand ready for In- stant use. Attacks of colic, cholera morbus and diarrhoea come on 8o siiddeulr there is no time to hunt a doctor or go to the Htore for medicine. Mr. Barber says: "I have tried Cliam1>erlaiii's Colic, Cholera and Dianhoea Remedy which is one of the hcKt medicines I ever »aw. I keep a tx)ttleof it iu my room as I liare had several attacks of colic and it has proved to be the best medicine I ever used." Sold by W. E. Richardson. The crow of the steamer Carribou had a novel experience on their down trip early in the week. Thoy had on board five hones which they were bringing down from Gore Bay for Mr. Michael iloran .<f Owen Sound, and during a gale on Sunday morning one of tho animalg broke loose and fell through the hatch- way into the fire bold. The animal os caped injury and after the storm was ovir an attempt wan made to raise him to the deck. Portions of the deck and batch combings were removed and the crew had all but succeeded in the effort when the horse began Jo kick violfnily, with the result that ho fell tli l.t bottom again, He struck on bis Wack and the second fall resulted in a broken back and the animal was put out of its suffc-rinirs. Lsst Fall Mr. Iloran lost a cow in a similar manner. A Miraculous Escape. Am accident of rather a marreloua nat- ure occurred at Kevcrshain one day last week. Rert Dotieh, a Scotch inunigrant who works ill I. Feriizo's mill, was tlie victim. Ill some nianner he allowed hi» foot to coine too m-ar tho saw, which cauuht his hoot and cut it open at the heel, iusi ainziii!; the foot Dcnch was hoisted coinplolelv over tku saw, nliaht- inir on the other aide Thi> arvt-l of it was that he was not injurfC n any way more to have his foot scratched and his iietvus and muscles badly Hhuk.-ii up. Dr. Jones, as coroner, was required to h(dd an imjuiry on Monday over the body of John Miller, lot 34, con. 2 Proton, better known as John Moriarty who was found dead in a water hole near the cot- tage in which he livcil. The body wai discovered by two boys, John and Patrick Mulhall, who had gone to Miller's place to buy cabhatre plants. Gardening was tho old mans chief occupation and he was accustomed to supply the surrounding fainiers with garden stuffK. Upon invest igation it was found that his watch had stopped at 5 o'clock and he had last been seuii alivo Saturday morning when talking to Frank Hills, owner of li^t 33 Evi- dently thu man bad met death accidentally that afternoon. The coroner considered an incpie^t unnecessary. Deceasod was about Bo years of age â€" Rep. An Americau Disease, Some doctors go so far as to say that in.-tigestion is the national disease of Am erica. There is but one national remedy for indigeition and that remedy is Dr. Hamilton's Pills which accelerate the action of tho gastric glands and give tone to the digestive organs. They strengthen the kidnoysi and livor, cleanse and purify the blond and thus add general tone to every orjjsn of the body. Flesh and strength arc fast restored and the patient can oat and digest any food he plsasis. Test Dr. Hamilton's Pills yourself, â€" 25o. per boi or five boxes for $1.00 at all dealers. Dan Trotter. the lO-yesr-old son of Mr. Peter Trotter, of Owen Sound, has been practising high wire walking, and while practising on a wire stretched across the gulley in rear of Boyd Street rink he fell from a hight of 35 feet. Ho was alone and it was some time before he was able to drag himself imt to the street, where he got assistance, and was taken to the hoHpital. On* of his knees is bsdiy injured, two bones being broken and the cords badly strained. â€" News. By ft recent ainendinont to the Munic- ipal Act, pathmastei'S are no longer re- quired to look after tho cutting of nox'O a weeds on the highways in their division. Every owner or occupant of land is now required to cut. the wewls crowing on the highways adjacent to Ma land. HORSE ROUTES prince ERIE. A. T. R. 7508. Rbcord 2.22 Wilkesâ€" Mambrin Patchen. Greatest speed producing combination in trotting blood lines. Prince Erie will make the season of 1905 as follows. Monday will leave his own stable at Dundalk and proceed by way of pravtl road to Munshawn Hotel, Fl»«herton f-ir noon; thence at 3 o'clock return to his own stahle at Dundalk for night. Tuesdayâ€" Until noon and all day Wed- nesday and up to neon on Friday at honie stable. Fridayâ€"At 2 p.m. leave for Proton Station Hotel, thence at 6 o'cio'k return to home stable and remain until Monday at 8 o'clock a. ni. Terms reasonable. CHAS. PALMER. OAUXHIER The French Coach Stallion. Alondsy noon â€" At wodehouse. Monday night â€" Rocklyn Tuesday noonâ€" J. Bailey's, lot 1, con. C, St. Vincent. Tuteday ntght^FIea'hcote. We(lne*day notm â€" Ravenna. Wednesday nitjht â€" Feversham. Thursday noon â€" Maxwt-ll. Thursday nigbt â€" Portlaw. Friday noonâ€" Fleshorton. Friday night â€" Maikdale. Saturdayâ€" Mar kdnle. Terms jlO to insure. BENRiT M. DOUGLASS, Prop. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to get the best Photos is at BULMER'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay Special Attention to Copying and Bahie.^' pictures. Picture frana- ing a specialty. Try us for any kind of pictures and we will promise satisfaction. 1\f ra. BUr.IVIER Sydenham street, Flesherfon Bull for Service. Thoroni?libraJ Durham bull, No. S-ILOS, for service ou lot 31, coa. », Artenieslo. Termi tl. W. f. I'EDLAU. ELLIOTT LIGHTNING MONDAYâ€" Noon at Tliomaa McConnell'E> 4th line, Knphrasia, thence to James Fatter' non's, Blantyre, for night. TUK.SIJAYâ€" Along the 9th line to Robert Er«kin'« fur noon, thence to Markdale House, Markdale for hieht. WKDNKSDAYâ€" Along the gravel road to the MuoBhaw House, Flenherton, for uoon, th(*ri; via .Salem to P. Munshaw's for night. TH U RSI; .\Yâ€" Down the 4th linetoCur- rie's hotel. Kimberley, for noon, thence along the Valley Rood to td. Brocklebanlc's, town line, for nijfht. FRIDAYâ€" Aci OSS to Frank Bro\»Tilee'e. Ravenna, for noon, then dovii 8th line. Coll' inKWihxl, to ls.vic's hotel. Thorn bury for night' SATURDAYâ€" I.,eaves 'Ihornbury at 4 p- m. for home wheie he will remain till .the foll- owing Monday morning. GEORGE IMPERIAL Mondayâ€" Will loave his own stable on Fli'sherion and Collingwood gravel road and proceid to Maxwell for noon; thence north and down to townliue Arloine.''ia and to I he lath.Osprcy, thence west 2A II. il.s by Wri;,'ht'8 corners; thence home to his own stable. Wodtiosdayâ€" By way of Louck's mill and ea^t bick line to Maikdalo for noon ; thotice down the gravi-1 road t-i Flesher- ton and home, where he will remain untd Friday morning. Fridayâ€" Proceed to Portoo'js' cornnr and down tho 3rd lino by Taylors' to Henry Wriuhts, Wanham, for noon ; thenco north 1^ miles and down the 4ih line to his own stable. Ski urdayâ€" Proceed byway of LcGard'a corner and down the east back line to Old Durham tJorners, thence down the gravel mad to Proton Station for noon ; thence up back line west to Flesherton for one hour, thence to his own stable, whore ho will remain until Monday niorning. R. HOY, P.jp. 10^OI»"'O. ONT. Cor. Youge aud Akxau lar Streets Summer Wcssion during July and August for FublicSohool Teachers and others. All of our g'a.luateM get rwsition.i. .Stu<lent« admitted at any time. This school is not sUndin? still or bacltmg up, but is constantly .going ahead. Circulars free. W^ J. ELLIOTT. Principal. Flesherton Sash, Door and Planing Mills [UlJl ««.'-:r^(fr:^:^l?i«li>j ==0 [LJlJI We have recoived \ larga car of best North Shore White Pine. Parties ex- pecting to bnild a houae next siiiuiner would do well to call aad see ua and arrange to Lave their Sash Door and Frames mnde dm ing the wiutor and got tliem home on the sleitih. Wo fnrnisb cverylliing iieedfd for build 10,' II liouse. Wo will tu.ike prices aad terms itiieioaung. Wo wamyoii'.- i>'ade and will gnuraiure iit's;^ clabS workmausliip and ma- terial. I'liiiiing aud rDalcliing doiK! prompdy. T. W. WILSON Manager Chopping every day ^^y3>^3ic3K^apap3yap3ap3g^3Bga^ Buggies « If you are thinking of buying a fiiii' buggy, wa'^oii (ir democrat, it will sun ly pay you tj cull anil invest ^-le our Ktock. terms, etc., before matin;; your pun h.w«t. Wo liHve a BtatTof expert workmen and can guaran'.ee that y>>u will bo satisfied I>Z..OXJGU â€" â€" - ALWAYS ON HAND â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" AND REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS â€" â€" A. HEARD, - FLESHERTON. ^^' ah^ McXAVISH For First Class Buggies, Carts, Pleasure and Lumber Wagons, - cutters, Sleighs. We keep a stock on hand to choose from. ALSO HORSE SHOEING AND GENERAL BLACKSAIITHINO and guar.inteo first class work. We keep on hand Ploughs and Plou;;;h repairs, and slirn Mas;:oy- Harris and Noxnn repairs for biiidors. Mowers, <»U kinds of iniwhinery, also Binder Twine on hand. t» lUben in town give US a call « '•i-i^^

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