Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Jun 1905, p. 1

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â-ºâ- if*rta- ^•Wiss**-**'*'*'**********'* i,0M»».su£^Ji^-.' â- ':- T. . .:«:'„ :a ^a^r ( -^ yit^htvlon ^iirana. ••TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. VOL XXIv, SO 1223 Flesh-ertoia, Ont., Thursday, Jun^ 20 1Q05 W. H THURSTON, pkopbietok â- i d - 1 \ 1 i â-  I ' 1 V 1 ^ I ) Going To 6«t Married ? If so you will want a nica we^lding ring. We have them in a great variety and at jimt the right I.ri(;'-3. e © Going To A Wedding ? Ifso yoii w)!l want to take a pr( ..ent alonij. We have too many l»antifi7l BLACK WoOt) Cf.OCK.S which we will sell at cost fur the next fifteen ilays. This means sttmethint^ to yoti. Make a note of it. These are suitable for general use. See t'lem. U)* Hritistrotig, FLKSliJ. RTON, ONT Industrial Home Notes ^ t (Byanlnmat4) | Lant week's items. Gardenint; is the chief out-door occu- pation on thill property at present for the few old chaps who are ahlo to take part in it. The suueriiiteuJiMit mora than Buptriiiceiiiis tho work, fjr uot only is he an idoit gmlener. but a most industrious one, and if painstaking labi r be an iiupor tant feature in yarJenini;, the result on this industrial farm is wurthy of a remun- erative rt turn, aiid should the summer he favorable, the visiting public will observe a thrifty and well-cultivated gar- den. Mr. Uonry H^pI.Toan, and daughter, Mi-ia L'vura, of Port Lkw, accompanied by Mrs. J. Whitteii of Flesherion; Mrs. H. Stone, accompaniod by Mrs, H. Spicer, and little ilaughter, of Stiine's Line, were aniooj tho visitors to thi Homo last week. Win. R-nniiis, the old gentionian who was discharged from the Home on April 3, at hi.s own requoat, w.is re admitted on the lijth msK, and expressed himself glad to return. He is a very cpiiet and agree- able old i»enilem.in of 77 eummers, and uuuiistakably past his days of la'ior and self-support. He was hcartdy welcomed back by his old comrades and there is no doubt the poor old follow will make him- self content the remainder of his days at the Home provided for him. Thomas Pease, of Saraw.ik, and Ed Black, of Holland, are out ou a few days leave of absence. The former is a pay inmate and m.ay not return till winter. The Litter, well â€" On ThuisJay, the 15th, your oorres* pondenr sawthe 6dfh Buniiersary of his natal day, yet nut a drum was heard nor a bugle note, nay not even a pop-gun was disjharged to coraniomorate the auspic- ious event. Well! wel ! It is four years since he last saw the picturesque village of Flesherton and he had almost aband- oned the hope of over seeing it again, but sinDe it has been decided to celebrate tho coming glorious and memorable 12lh in that loyal litlle spot, the hope of meeting some of his old time friends at that place, is revived. Friday next, June 23, will he the first anniversary (jf tho opening of this County Grey House of Refuse, and tho follow iiig is a portion of the statistics in conn- eution with the Uo^ne up to tlie present, viz: Total number of inmates admitted dur- ilijt the year was 33 men, U women. M«n Women Total CaiualiticR by death 9 4 13 Discharged 7 2 8 Present establishment 18 5 23 for percmp'orily refusing to alteiid divine service on the fc'abbath when ordered to do so by the superintendant 1, for leav ing tho hiime with the intention of not returning with'iut permission, 2, for' in- EubordinatQ conduct and using hi^.dily disrespectful Kinguage lothe manageme.it, 2. We regret to report that two of the 6^^ delinqiiunts were womci*. The. fiumber. j of names registered in Can visitors' book I since its inception to the present are Id'JO. Tliis week's Items. Tho matron resumed her duties a few days aiio after a fortniizht's wcU-aerited holiday which h:is apparently been iieno- ficiil to her h^'alth, alter more than a year of close oon'inomcmt and busy life at the home. The creater portion of her holiday w'»» spent with her venerable mother, Mrs. .Simpion. of ChiiLs worth, who is still halo and hearty, iiothwitlistanding tho 94 summers lluit hare passed iiver her head. The old lady feels pronnd of the distinc- tion of having li ved under four sovereigns. .She was predeceased by her husband twenty ytars auo, who for mora than thirty years previous to his deatB bad carried on a business as merchant tailor in the city of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. SImpstm were both natives of Yorkshire, England, their daughter, our estimable matron, i? Csioadian born. Mr. Harnes.s attended County Council at Owen Sound on Tuesday and Wednesday last on business in connection with his charge. We notice by the Owoo Sound papers that the County Council has deciilod to make a change reL'r.idiiii? the maintenance of this iiistution but whether or not the change will beapprcciited by the municipalities remains to be seen. The warden was against tha change. Mr. and Mra. Frank Calms, of Snell'a neighborhood, accompanied by Mr. an<l Mrs. Ruthvan were amon^' the visitors I'f Thursday last. Your cor. wa-i much pleased to meet with his old friends and neighbors, and is indebted to the toriner for tk« enjoyment of a few choice cheroots. Miss Robinson, of the staff, is spending this week at her home on Stone's Line The crops on this tarin look well, not- withstanding the recent coll and wet weather, tho corn, after a thorough scuffling and hoeing by wee Bob, et all, is is now in a thriving condition, while tho garden which has been under the total eupervision of the governor, will in a short time prei<ent a pleasant and neat appearance to the visiting public. Mr. 11. is a very tasty gardener and a Trjjan tu work. The confabs in the hospital room between old Rob Smith and the blind mat), both of whom are exceed- itn;ly deaf, are voluminous enough for a Massey Hall, while the iintiririij propensities oj the hospital ser- geant for silting quietly.iniuht bo used to advantage as a human incubator were he only possessed with sufficient N R G to turn the eggs. Cuban Diarrhoea U. S. soldiers who served In Cuba iluring the Spanish w.ir know what this disease is, and that the onlinary remedies have little more effect than so much water. Cuban diarrhcea s almost as severe and dangerous as a mild Vittack of chdlei-a. There is one remedy, tiow- ever that can always be depemled upi>n as will be seen by tho following certificate from Mis. Minnie .racobs, of Houston, Texas: "There- by certify that Chau: berlain's Colic, Cholera and Iliarrhnea Remedy cured my husband of a sovS^B attack of Cuban diarrhoea, which he brouffht home from Cuba. We had several ' doctors but they diil him no good. One bottle ! of this remedy cured him as our neighbors will testify. I tliank G( d for so valuaole a med- iciuc ' For sale by W. 15. Richardson. â€" _ ».«.« â€" - guest of her sister, ll<s. T. E, Allen. A number from here attended the exeiirsiim to fluelph, tm Thursday last. The Ladies Institute hold two ineetinga in the Public Hall here on Saturday. The nioetinga werjJ uddres.ied hv M:S. Bate?, of Iiidianna, and Miss Maddock, of Ouelph. Mrs. 11. D. Carru'hers prpsid- â- ed at the evening ses»ion. The meeting 'Vtts interspersed witli music and recita- tions. ' Both the ladies were excellent speakers and imparted much knowledge Oil the different suVjects pertaining to the house and farm and those who were absent from the meeting missed a rare treat. Miss McIUe, of Redwing, visited with Mr. and Mrs. .John Gillespie last week. Miss Eul.4 Scott, of Sligo, spent Sun- day at her parental home her*. Miss Olive Cauiack. student at the Meaford high school, is home for her vaction. McFarland, Stafford & Go's- Big Store MAE?KX).^LE, OXTAl^TO" Found a Cure fcr Dyspepsia Mis. S. Lindsay, of Fort William.Oi.t Can., who has suffered ijuite a number of yeai-s from dyspepsia and great pains in stoniacli, w;i.s atlvised by her druggist ti take Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets. She did so and .says, "I liiid that they hav.) done me a gre.it deal of good. I have never had any sutfering since I biym using them." If troubled with dyspepsia or indigestion why not take th.'St) Tablel3,get well and stay well? For sale by W. E. Richard^jou. Promction Examinations. FLESHERTON PCBLIO SCHOOL. Intehmediatb Room. Marks required to passâ€" Class III 250, Class II, 225. Honors, 75% of total. Sr, III to Jr. 1V-.I. McCaulov, 383 (hnors);F. McMullen. 357; J. Itidley 303; P. Radley, .1-17; E. Patton, 341. .Jr, 111 to Sr. Illâ€" E. Leeer, 423 (hon- ors); Laura iriustrons:. 01)3; H. Mitchell, .335; E. 'rhomp.-on, 322; A. Wright, 30C; L. Rutledge, 291. Sr. II to Jr. III-K. Millioan, .342(hon- ors); C. Crossley, 32(i; M. McDonald, 293; H. Patton, 288; E. L -ucks. 281; C. Blakely, 275; W. Wilson, 258; Lillian .\rmst-rong, 247. Jr. II to Sr. IIâ€" P. HiLMio. 349 (hon- ors); E. Richardson, ;VJ9; V.Talbct H22; G. McKinnoii, 292; H. Suilivan. 239; H. MoCauloy, 283;T. LeGard. 272; L Mitc.Sell, 249; W. Thompson. 228. 1. G. Kbattie Teacher. Pbimary Roii.M. Sr. Pt. IIâ€" Marks required, 183â€" Gladys Cori.fieM. 304; Joe Radley. 293; Ruby Radley, 287; Harmon Hales, 275; Delia Thurston, 263; Irene A'ilson. 253. Hazel Thompson, 240; (ieorsjina Hopps, 236; Muriel McTavish, 209. Jr. Pt. IIâ€" Marks required, 183.â€" Walter Carg.>, 298; Maud Boyd, 287; Annie Flvnn, 279; Nelt'o Teeter, 201; Lilft Alexander, 2CS; Russ. 1 Lever, 25"; Vera Li mcks. 250; Roy MoCauley, 206; HerbieLe Gard, 2C7. Sr. Pt. Iâ€" M.rks required, 120â€" Wil- lie Pnvi.s, 220; Vina Ilasti*, 153; Altnon Fetch, 141. L. M. Prickkttk, Teacher. Total 45 Une of the discharged men has been re-admitted. Averayc age of the present intra'es is meu, 71 oil years, woinon, 78 years. The oldest inmate is. 87 yeais; the yo^ungest, 63. Religious denominations. Men Women Church of England Presbyterian Wesley Methodists Raptists Disciples 10 3 2 2 1 1 4 Total 10 4 6 <2 1 Total 18 5 23 Municipalities to which they belong : .-Vrtemosia 3, Beniinck 1, Collingwoid 3, Derby I, DuHdalk 2, Egroniont 1, Euph- rmia 2. Holland 1, Keppel 2, Markdalu 1, Oweu Sound 3, Sarawak 1, St. Vincent I, Sullivan 1; Total 23, For punishment ni solitary confinement o{ 24 hours each for offences committed thpi^ t|i|ve beva five iimtinces, a« follows; Uiinbcrley. Mr. Asa Wellor of Duncan spent Sat- 1 urday evening with a lady friend here. ' Mr. John Plewes accompanied by his daughters Elsie and Maude are spend ug iaino time at ih'ir home hero. | Rev. Mr. Huilburt took charge of tho , service in the Union church here on Sun- '. day evening la-it. i Mr. Arthur Lougheod, of Heathcote, ' spent Sunday with a friend hero. ; Quite a number from Duncan attended the match here on Saturday evening last. Misses Jentiir and Violet McLean and Master Everet, of R»ckvale, spent Sun- ; day with ft lends hire. Mrs. Thus. Kella, of Toronto, is tho ' guest of hor biuther Mr. M. Q. Simons, of this place. i Mr. John McKe»wn, of Collingwood, spent Sunday with friends here. ^ Mr. and Mrs John Manary and dauitlitur, Priscilla, of Bcavordale, spent ! Sunday at Mr. M. K. Hammond's. I Born â€" At Kimheilay,ou Monday.Juno 2(Jth,ti> Mr. and Mrs. Weber,a daughter. I Tho Hoathcolo football team jourreyod over to our villai;e on Saturd.iy evening to play a friendly game of football with I our boys. The vaine resulted in a victory I for the visitors, the score being 1-0. j This is the first time our boys have been beaten this season. I HrH. Tbompsoo, of Walkertoa, i* the Complexity of The Evil. It's Only Real Antidote. Rhpuni.ilisni, when chronic, appears in two fornis. In one of ihDse, tho joints are swollen and painful, the pain bi ing affcravated by motion. The affHction, 1 efjr.' the discovery "f Cumoion's Rheum- ati-m Cure, was ever known as eiceed- iotfly obbtinate. It will attack new joints wi!;hout 1 a 'ing tlinsi^ already aft-'Cte'', C»ften the naoiiy it inlli-^ts i.s torturing beyond dencniition; yet the victim must of necessity lie sr.iil and submit to it. Sometimes tho di«ei».«e will produce per- manent deformity anil stU'phy of Ihe muscles, so that existence becomes prac- tically a livinis death. In the other chronic variety, the jointsaronot sWcjllen but are s niply stiff and painful Cainei- on's Rheumatism Cure is the oidy certidu remedy. Rheumatism or Rheumatic pain in the loins and sinsll of the back isciillud Luiji- bazo, and is an excruciating ailment, as all know who have eiperionced its tor- ment. "It seeiDed aa tliough my si i lo was cut through when the attacks seized me," said a well-known man of national prominence, who waa. a great sufferer from Lumbago befora Csiiujroii's Rhgum gtism Cure cured him- It is the only sp.;cific thai will give permanent relief! Rheumatism, which aff-cts especially the fibrous tissues, is called Rhouniatic Ooiit, •ud is particuiatly painful and debilitat- ing, l^a only absolute corrective is Cam e oil's Rheumatism Cure. Ptice one dollar a bottle; exptes* paid on two bottles to any place in Canada. Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE A boot bargain. 1.50 to 2.50 Foots for 75c. Wo pjt on the bargain table this week about 100 pair Misses and Ladies Fin Boots, ranging in sizes from 13 to 5,iiot many of any one liind, hut almost all widths and shapes ill the assortment â€" wide toes, medium toes and iiurr nv toes.sonie button and some laced. Splendid for hot weather or girls' school wear. Values run from 1 50 to 2.50 a pair. Wo want to All every pair in the next dayi, her.cu thin extra- ordinary value. 91 oO to 82. 50 Boots on sale Friday morning, your choice for 75a A Skirt Bargain. $3.75 to $3.75 Ladies Skirts for 1.89 We put on sale Friday morning 50 Ladies' Dress Skirts worth from 2.75 to 3.75 each at 1..S9 This is an assorted lot of wool .serges, cheviots, homespuns and friezes, in navy blue.groen, oxford grey and black, all extra well made.nicely trimmo.l and perfect fitters. This lot wa secured at a big price reduction and at thi.s extraordinary price they should not, last long. They are not a hit of old, out-of-date stylos, but new, up- to-date goods made up to our order. A good assortment of sizes and different styles, 2.75 to 3.75 values. On sale Friday morning at your choice for 1.89 Special Values in Groceries. Empire Laundry Soap 10 bars for 25. Comfort Pure soap, (5 bars for 25. Quick Napthia Soap, 5 bars for 25. Imperial Laundry Starch, 4 lbs for 25. Imperial Corn Starch, 4 p'k'ges. 25. Prepared Flench Mustard, bottle 5. Kitchen Queen baking powder, full pound tin for 10- English Cream Baking Powder, 1 pound in screw top glass jais for 20o Fresh Graham Flour, 9 lbs. for 25. 5 lb. tin Upton's Jam, assorted fruits, regular oOc. value this week 29 . 4 lbs. flesh Gitiger Snaps for 25, 3 11)8. fresh Fruit Biscuits for 25. 3 lbs. fresh Lemon Biscuits for 25. 3 lbs. fresh assorted cakes tor 25. Fresh Ballowa dates, per lb. 5, How About Picnics? Armour's Chipped Dried Beef, 2Cc tins- this week 12v Clark's Devilled Meats, Turkey, Chicken or ham, 10c tins thin week 4 for 25. Clarks Ready Luncli, Veal Loaf, Beaf Loaf or Ham Lo if, reg. 15c size, this week 3 tins for 25 Clarks Potted Tongue, regular 10c size, this week 3 tins for 10. Clark's Pork and Beans and Chili Sauce, large size tin 10 Favorite Sliced Canned Beets, lOo. tins this week 5 Rowats Worchostsr Sauce (pint buttles) 25c size for (^ 15 Rtiwac'ii Eiiglisli Chow Chow Pickles, 20c bottles, this week 10. Rowa.t's Lime Fruit Juice, beautiful glass stopper decsntor, this week 25. Goodwilliu's choice Green Gage Plums and Crawfiiid Peaches, put up in pint sealers in heaiy thick syrup, the beat brands canned fruit in the market, regu- larly sold at 25 and 35o a sealer, this weak our price is IK Our 260 Japan Black or Ceylon Green tea is positively the best qualititios we have ever offered for the money. Wo serurud some thirty odd chests at a big price reduct- ion. Get a pound as a trial samido and be convinced. OJiur good raiues at 19o«Md 22c pound McFAHLAND, STAFFOI^D c^c CC W. Hockley 1905 W. Hockley PI>:OTON STATION STOI^E Now that we are starting on the spring seasou, in going through our stots kwa fiud that we have mauy lines that we cau givo our customers akgreatly reduced prices, as follows: 24 Ladies fancy lawn bloiwes, ragular 1.10 for 15 ladies fancy striped b'.ouacs on sale at A large assoi tment of ladies sailor hats, your choice Special prices ou prijts, regular 5^ and 6^ for New neckties, latest styles, snap at Eiceptional values in ladies and gents rain proof coats, light we can sell them at the lowest possible prices, i '200 lbs dutch set onions to be sold at A large new stock of boots and shoes to choose fromâ€" just the right kind lo get for smuiuer wear. We handle Ul kinds of garden seeds and at the right pncos. Call and get^S packages for Come and b;iy a sunah-ide. as we have a large asiortm^nt to clio jse from, and at lowest prices. Don't forget that we pay highest pricjfS for all kmds of farm produce. Al?o remember that we lead and others follow in all- klads of. groceries. " .',' .j-^- W. Hockley Proton St'rt. As we boajht them 1&

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