.^-'"'^ 43U> r THIS VETERAN GIVES REASONS «VHY HE PINS HIS FAITH DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. TO Worn Out With Chronic Kidney Disease â€" The Great Canadian Kidney Remedy Banished His Pains. Acndio Siding, Kont Co., N. !>•, June aCiâ€" (Si)fcial).â€" Culixtc Kicliord, .). 1'., one of the most highly re- Fpcctcd men in this part of tho coun- try, has joined tho great army of those who pin their faith to ilodds â- Kidney I'illK. A.s usual Mr. Hichard has good reasons for what ho does and he stutes Ihoni ns follows: "I liave been trouhled with Kidney Disoas).' for forty years an<l thu re- sult was 1 found myself a worn out jonn at seventy-two. Hut after Jising two boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills I lind all my pains arc gone and 1 can employ all my days with the best results. I eannot let tho opportunity pa.ss of letting the public know the gnat good Uodd's Kidney Tills have done nie." Uodd'« Kidney Tills euro all rheu- matic pain.s by removing the cause â€" Uric ociil in the blood. They put vigor and energy In place of the pain. SULTAN'S KITCHEN. Tho private kitchen of tho Rultan of Turkey is a veritable fortresg, consisting of a sniiill chamber sit- uated to the right of the great en- trance, and is guardwl by barred v/indows and nn armor-plated door. Tho cook olllcintes under the ever- watchful eye of the kelardjhi bacht, ono of the most weighty functionar- ies in Yildiz I'alaco at Constantino- ple, for the health, the very life, even of the ruler is at his mercy. When cooked, each dish is fastened with red wax, bearing the ofiicial seal of the kelardjhi, and remains hermetically closed until tho seals aro broken in the Sultan's own pre- sence. His Majesty's life is passed in a long series of elaborate pre- cautions. However, in spite of the care he takes of his health, Abdul Ilamid, after a rirign of twonty-fivo years, looks prematurely old and broken. Tlis weakness is extreme and his body so thin that it is little more than a skeleton. RUSSIANS ASSASSINATIONS. A Formidable List During the Last Few Years. What a strange belnij the man must t)0 who has the amljition to be a high KuF'sian ofiicial; it almost Hcems like signing one's own do.ith war- rant to accept ft poitfiilio in pre.wnt times 'J ho 'Jovernor of Haku was recently a.'-sassinated by a bomb; and uppereiiUy boinb-lhiowing has be- come tjuite a usual occurrence. I was loo'iinj.' over in a newspaper a list of tho hifc'h ollicials a.ssassinate<l during the last few years, writes T. â- T. O'L'onnor. Here it is; it is a formidable nn(l dremlfiil list: I M. HogoliepoPr, Minis-ter of Kduca- tle.n, by Karpovirh. after tho IJniver- 1 M. .Sipiugin, Minister of the In- terior, by Balnms-holT, April 10th, 1902. • (!<nor,al liogdanovieh, (Jovernor of Ufa, after a massacre of strikers, May IS'lh, lOO.'l. (Jcneri-.l Itobrikon, (Jovornor of Pin- land, by Kugen Schauniann, Juno 17th, 11XM. VIco-Oovernor of Kli/cbcthpol, Trnnsenucasia, July, 1904. M. TK'hve, Minister of tho Interior, nssaJ-.'-innted 'y means of a bomb as he was proreeiliruj to have nn audi- ence wiih Iho Czar, July 28th. IU04. Lieut. -(.'()!. Hoguslnvsk.y, Chief Ad- ministrator o' Ihn .Surniarin district of tho {!aiicasus, August, 1904. C.'rand Duke Serlgus, killi-d by a bomb at J> )scow, February 17th, 1905. Amcngst those .m whom attempts have been madi', in sonic cases in- volving t^criiiiis injury, arc M. robi(>- dr)n(>KlsefT, Troci.rntor of the lloly Synod, March lOol; Ceneral Wnhl, (JovernoT of Vilno, May, 1902: TrinPo ObolensM, tJoverror of KhnrkolT, August, 1!>02; M. llessonolT. Chief of Police at KliarkoIT, siiinc time; I'rince Calit/in, (!overnor-(!enernl of the Caurasus, October, 190.1; AT. Metlen- ko, Cliiof of Police at Urodno, No- vember, 190:1; Chief of Warsaw To- lice, March, ]90!>; Oovernor of War- saw, May, IOC'S. IN COLONEL'S TOWN. Things Happen. Krom the home of the famous "Keyhnel KcH>yarlah of Cartersville," away down South, comes an enthu- siastic letter about Tostum. "I WHS in very delicat<> health, suf- fering from indigestion an<l a nerv- ous troubli' so severe that I could hardly sleep. Tho doctor ordensl me to diseontiniio the use of the old kind of colTeo, which was like poison to mo, producing such extremo dis- turbance that 1 could not control myself. Iliit such was my love for it that I could not get my own con- Bont to give it up for some time, ami continuedto sulTer, till my fathe^r one day brought homo a packajae of Tos- tum Food ColVce. "I had the now food drink careful- ly preparcil according to dircnttions, awl gave it a fair trial. It proved to have a rich flavor and made n healthy, wlKdesomin and delightful drink. To my taste the nddiiion of cream greatly Improves it. "My health began to linprovn as Boon as the drug olTert of tho old cof- fee was romove<l and the Poslum Coffee had time to make Its induenco felt. My nervous troubles were speedily relieved and tho sloop which the old cofTco drove from mv pillow always canie to soothe an<l streng- then me after I had drunk Powluiinâ€" in a very short time 1 lu^nn to sleep better than I hail for years before. I have now used Postuni CoTee for several years and like II better and find It more beneficial than when I first begun. If is an unspeakable Jov to be relieved of the old distresa and sickness." Name given ly Tos- tum Company, Matfle Crook, Mich. There's a reasvm. Head the little book, "The Hoad lo Wellvllle." in each p>>s. ro.STCAnns in battle. A collector of postcards in St. Petersburg states that all the sold- iers in the Japanese army aro sup- plied with very peculiar postcanls. These caitls are surrouiidetl with an artistic mourning border, jirinlcd on a piece of white silk, and are worn by the JaF>ancso soldiers on their chests. lU'fore going to the war they writo on the postcard the name and address of the person to whom they Wish fjio infornintion of their death to bo sent, lii case of death on the field of battle the post- cards arc stamped with the seal of the regiment certifying tho death of the bearer, and are sent to Japan. A LEADING BANK'S SUCCESS- FUL YEAR. In another part of this paper will be found the report of tho directors of t he Sovereign Hank of Canada, which was adopted at tho third an- nual meeting of the shareholders, heUI in Toronto on the l.'Uh of this month. Tho most important an- nouncement contained in this report was that pertaining to the divid.'ud, which has been raised from 5 jor cent., as a result of a very suc.;ess- ful year's work. In tho course of an nteresting a<Idress, it was p'-iiitoil out by tho (jonoral Manng>'r, Mr. P. M. Stewart, that the total assets showed an incrca.se for the yea" of $3,0<).'j,00(i, which brings tho total ligure up to $11,070,000. Over forty per cent, of these assets arc immed- iately available, while over a million dollars of tho amount is in actual cash and clearing hou.se exchanges. An especially valuable feature of the busine.ss of tho Sovereign Hank is the largo number of its depositors, in contradistinction to those bank- ing institutions which are so largely dependent upon n few largo deposi- tors. This is evidenced by tho fact that the average deposit amounts to only $811 per capita. Kqually satisfactory is the excep- tionally largo distribution of loans, tho bank having no less than f5,1H.'> borrowing customersâ€" representing nn average loan of $1,440 per head. This avoiilanco of the tendency lo dei)ond upon a few large accounts ro- diiroH the possibility of loss to a miniiiin. Tho shareholders expres.sod them- selves as greatly pleased with the result of the year's business, and, indeed, they may well congratulate themselves upon the really wonderful projj^ress that has been ma<le by the Hovoreign Hank uiwler Mr. Stewart's careful management of its alTairs. Jon WORTH TIIF, aKTTlNC. The Speakership of tho British Tlousn of Commons is a good job. With his salary of $2,'>,000 a year, it carries tho use of a mngnidcent ri>- sldcnco In the Palace of Westminster, overlooking the Thames, an<l various allcjwaiices, perquisites, and preroga- tives. And when tho h<dder retires, or Is retired, ho drops into a coni- fortablo pension of $20,000 a year for tho remainder of his life and a peerage. Wm. dully, tlio Speaker who has just retiredâ€" a grandson, by tho way, of a boxing export, book- maker, and Derby winner cclcbruted in his day â€" now enters upon tho en- joyment of these pleasant things. Sdnught Soap RJCDUCES £XP£N5£ S!S,000 Reward t:!L^Vr'oL''^ Umlted, Toronto, to any person who tan prove that this soap contains my form of adulteration whatsoever, »r contains any Injurious chemicals. Aik for (hii Oetazoa Bar. ty PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOUR To California and Lewis and Clarke Exposition, Port- land, Oregon. A personally conauclcd excursion to the Tacilic coast via the Grand Trunk Kailway System and connect- ing lines leaves Quebec July 5, and Montreal and Toronto July 0. The route will bo via Chicago, thenco through Council lilufTs to Omaha, Denver and Colorado Springs. Stops will be made at each of these places and side trips taken to Manitou, t-'rlpplo Creek, Garden of tho Gods, etc. I'rom thoru the party will con- tinue through tho famous scenic route of tho Uenvor and Itio Grande, through tho Hoyal Gorge to Salt Lake City, thoacu to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Mt. Shasta, Port- land, Oregon, Seattle, Spokane, and home through St. Paul and Minnea- polis. Tho trip will occupy about thirty days, ten days being spent on tho Pacific coast. Tho price for tho round trip. In- cluding railroad fare, Pullman tour- ist sleeping cars, all «iieals in tho dining car, hotels, side trips, etc., is ?1 05.50 from Quebec, or $160.50 from Montreal and $150.00 Irom Toronto. This first trip is designed as a vacation trip for teachers, al- though many who are not teachers will improve the opportunity of tak- ing tho trip at tho renir.rkably low prlco atTorded. For full particulars address K. C. Howler, General Agent and Conduc- tor, Poom 303, Union Station, To- ronto. you left "My dear friend, I must a.ik to lend mo at once $5; I have my pur.so at homo and liuvnn't a cent in my pocket!" "I can't lend you $5 just now, but can put you in tho way of getting the money at once!" "You arc extremely kind." "Here's five cents; ride homo and fetch your purse." ruins. Lik" tlic Poor, Are Always Willi Us. â€" That portion o( ninuN IKo which iH not inndc up of pIvaNuro i.s largely compoKcd of pniii, and to ho tree from pain is ft pleasure. Sinipio ruiiicdies ftro always the best in treat- ing hotlily pain, and a safe, sure and siuiplu roiuccly Is Dr. Tliotnas' l-^-lectric. OH. You cannot (in wrong In giving it a tiial when rc<|Uii'od. UULL FIGHTS. A Spanish contemporary says that in 1904 nearly 12,000 bulls were ki'lod ill bull fights in Spain. The bulls killed about 10,000 horses. Tho best and most valuable bulls for the arena aro raised on the vast estates of the Duke of Vcragua, in Andalusia who has made a fortune out of this business. A USKFUL MEMUEn. The small son of a clergyman who was noted for his tiresome sermons overheard t'\<) friends of his father sa.ying how dry they were- and how hard it was to keep awake during them. The following Hiiiulny, while tho iiiiniNter was preaching, ho was astounded to boo his son throwing pebbles at tho congregation. Tho cleg:,'man frowned angi'lly at him, when tho boy piped out in a dear treble voice: "It's all right, pop. You go on preaching; I'll keep them awake." UNPEAUABLE. An English tourist, while resting at a wayside inn on a summer day in Galway, saw an Irishman driving a horse so thin that it staggered as it walked. "Why don't, you put more flesh on that nag?" the tourist exclaimed In- dignantly. "More, Is It?"' tho Irishman an- swered. "Why, by tho powers! don't you SCO that tho poor creature can hardly carry what littlo there Is on him now?" ♦ Virtue is not a mattor ol the vogue. A Sour Stomaoh nnd • Sour Tamper truvul 1iand-tn-Iianil and arc iirccuiKorH of ineulul and iihysiial wrcik. Nino hiiiulrod and niiiely-nino limes In a thouiiand [uo<1 furinont iindlRouli<in) i tho causo. Dr. Von .Stan s Pinctt|>plc Tablets keep the Rloniach sweet- aid dicestlonâ€" keep tlio nerve conties well balancud â€" lliey'rc iialuru's panaceo- pleaRant and harmlcsH. !)& cents. â€" 8B "What did papa say?" "Ho show- ed mo tho tloor." "And what <!id you say?" "1 said it was certainly a very handsome iloor, but not what I had coino to talk about. That made him laugh, and a minute later you were mine." Dr. J. D. Kolloffc'8 Dysentery Cordial is prepared from druga known to the profession as thoroughly reliable for the cure o( cholcrn, dyKentory, diarrhoea, fi'iping pubis and siiinnior complaints, t hns been used succcsiifiilly by niuilical {iractitinnerH for a number of voarrt with gratifying results. If suflurinir from any summer complaint It is juhI Iho ineUicIno that xclll cure you. 'l>,v a bottle. It bells for 2JS cents. CHURCIX nuiLT IIY CONVICTS. Outside Portland Prison, I'ngland, is St. Peter's Church, which is u.sed by the public and was constructed by convicts. It Is the only edifice in Great Hritain that can lay claiiiip to this distinction. It is attended niolnly by the olUcers of the prison and the military station In the neighborhood at Verne Citadel, the highest point in tho Island, although those who live near may go there if thoy wish. DODDS'. iKIDNEYi ^/^ PILLSy^ DO YOU WANT PURE TEA ? not mixed with sweepitigs, dust or refuse, but the carefully selected, manufactured and packed in lead to PRESERVE THEIR FRESHNESS. That's why you want ENGLISH STATUUE. Statistics have recently been col- lectetl of the height of 10,000 Eng- lish boys and men. At the age of seventeen these averaged 5ft. 8in.; at the age of twenty-two, 5ft. 9in. At seventeen they woighotl 142 lbs.; at twenty-two, IS.'l lbs. No nation is increasing in height and weight .so rapidly as the British. In fifty years the average has gone up for tho whole nation from 5ft. 7iin. to 5ft. 8iin- Tho average height of tho Bri- tish upper classes at thirty years of ago is 5ft. 8}in.; of the farm laborer, 5ft. 7 S-.'iln. Tho criminal class brings down the average, as their height is but 5ft. 5 4-5in. PLEASURE. Pleasures aro all the keener rare Indulgence. â€" Juvenal. for Give llolloway's Corn Curo .a trial. It rcniovcfl ten corns from one pair of feet without any pain. What it has done once it will do again. THE LAST WORD. "Does your wife insist on having the last word?" saiil the man who a.sks impertinent questions. "Certainly not," answered Mr. Meekton. "She doesn't have to in- sist." Dropsy Is One Positive 8len of Kid- ney Disease â€" Have you any of thcst unmistakable signs? Pufllncss undei the cye.s? .Swollen limb.s? Smothering feeling? Ohanc'i of the character of the urine? I'^xhaustioa alter least exer- tion? If you have there's dropsical tendency ana you shouldn't delay an hour in putting yourself under tho great 8outh American Kidney Cure. â€" 86 HE APPROVED. "Didn't your new hut come home?" "No! The impudent milliner said she wanted nn advance on it. And I told her to keep her old hat." "That's right, my dear. That's the proper spirit!" A 1*111 for Cicncrous Eaters. â€" There are many persons of healthy appctilo anf poor digestion who, after a hearty meal are subject to much suffering. Tho food of which llicy have |)artaken lies like lead in their stomachs. Headache, depression, a smothering feeling follow. One so aMlicte<l is unfit fur business ri work of anv kincl. In this condition Parmclco's Vegetablo IMIls will bring relief. They will assist tho assimlfatlor. of the ailiMcnt. and used according to direction will restore healthy digestion. THE BEST HE HAD. "Is this the best claret. Murphy?" asked tho Irishman of his butler. "It is not. sorr," was tho answer, "but it's the best yo've Kot.'- Hav« You a Skin Dlaea«o»â€" Tetter, Salt llhcum, Scald Head. Uingworni. Kczema, Itch, Barber's Itch, Ulcers, lllotches, Chronic Krysipclas, Liver Spots. I'rurigo, Psoriasis, or other eruiitlonn of the skinâ€" what l>r. Ag- neWM Olnlineni has done for others it can do fur vou â€" cure you. t)ne applica- tion gives i-clicl. 33 cents. â€"87 RAKI'LlNtJ FOR AN ESTATE. A cuvious direction was left in the will of the late Mr. W.. 11. Mainwar- ing, of Carlton, in tho Colony of Vic- toria. The property is to be dividtsl into si.\ e<|Unl parts and numbered. Nuiiiibers corresponding to the por- tions are to bo placed in envelopes, which arc to be drawn from a box by the testator's six children. Each ono will retain the portion of the estate corresponding with tho num- ber drawn iil the envelope. • 'â- ; Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant Monp Powder dusted in ths bath, softens the water and dlsla- (ocU. "I feci very ill this morning, mam- ma." "Ill' enough to go to bed?" "No-o. mamma." "Well, how ill do you feel." "About (lucer enough to stay away from school!" rieusant as syrup; nothing equals It as a worm mouiclne; tlio name la Mo- ther dravcs' Worm iOxtcrminator. Tho greatest worm destroyer of the ago. HRIAR PIPES. The so-called briar pipe is not made of briar at all, but from the root of a particular kind of heather, called in Wench bruycre, which grows on the hillsides of the Tuscan Alps in North Italy and on the mountains of Corsica. English tradesmen, finding the correct word bruyere somewhat difficult for tho l':nglish tongue to pronounce, induc- ed It to briar, and In this way tho corruption crept in, and was ostal)- lishod by popular usage. Originally Swi.ss peasants made snuft-boxes of this wood, and when snuff-taking be- came unfashionable tho pea.sants turned their attention to making pipes from the root, and found a ready market for them. lie (after the ceremony) â€" "Do you really think I shall make a good mate, darling?" Sheâ€" "Oh, you're all right I How do you like yuur captaiu?" WILSON'S FLY PADS WILL CLEAR THEM OUt BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTKS FEATHER DYEING CImnluaudCurlliKandKM ninw deaiud. Tha» •u b< mt bj put. Is pw «. tke bett plM* U UlTilH AMERICAN DYEING Cl» MOIIXKBAL PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS. During Juno, July, August and September the Chicago and North Western Ky. will sell from Chicago, round trip excursion tickets to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland. Ore. (Lewis & Clarke Excursion), Se- attle, Victoria, Vancouver at very low rates. Correspondingly cheap fares from all points in Canada. Choice of routus, best of train ser- vice, favorable .stoiiovcrs and liberal return limits. Rates, folders and full information can be obtained from 11. H. IJenuett, General Agent, 2 East King St., Toronto, Out. 81 "What I admire about Rojestven- sky," said one Russian officer, "is his rcckles.s bravery." "Reckloss bravery?" "Yes; in allowing him- self to get into the same ocean with the Japanese." Good Digestion Should Wait on Appe- tite. â€"To havij tho stomach well is to have tiio nervous system well. \ ery delicate are the digestive organs. In some so sensitive are they that atmos- pheric chungcs alTect them. When they Decomu disarranged no i.i»t',t:* i..'j;ii'ul' r Is procurable than I'armelce's Vef{>labls Pills. Thnjr will assist tho dlKcstHiii --o that the hearty outer will suiter no In- coMveiucnce and will derive all tho bone- Qts ol his fooU. Johnnie â€" "Mamma, this knowledge is power." "And it is, my child." â- No, mamma, it isn't there is pie in tho pantry, but can't get it." book saya Mamma â€" Johnnie â€" 1 know I â- iKMy Years Old - Catarrh Pl'ty Voars. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder cures him. Want any stronger evidence of the iiowcr of tills wonderful remedy over this universal disease? Want tho truth ol the case conarmed? Write tJeorgo Lewis. Shaniokin, Vix. Ho says: â€" "I look upon my cure as a miracle." It relieves In ten minutes. â€" 89 "The ancient Chaldeans," observed the professor, "used to write their letters on bricks." "And a good idea, too," chimed in practical Mr. Graball. "Then, when a girl sent a fellow's letters back to him he could use 'em to build a stable or sorau- thing." ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Reinovca all hard soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, tiplint*. ringbone. Bwconey, stillles. sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save fSO by use of ono bottle. Warranted th» most wonderful Blemish Cure svar known. PAVEMENT OJ" WHALEBONE. A curious mcmcuto of tho whaling industry of Monterey, in Mexico, ro- mains in the pavement leading up from tho street to the west door of tho church of San Carlos de Borro- nieo. This is ono of tho churches founded by the Spanish missionary fathers, and is still in excellent re- pair. Tho round, mushroom-liko ob- jects in the pavement are tho verte- brae of the great mammals. Tha pavement is in good condition and seems to wear well. I Do you catch cold easily ? Does the cold hang on i Try iShiloh's Consumption Cure ai-""« It cures the most stubborn kind of cotighs and colds. It it doesn't cure you, your moijey will be refunded. Prices: S. C. WsLi^t A Co. SOS ZSo. 90c.fl LeRoy. K. Y.. Toronto. Css. f% ^ 4 I t \ r \ <â- - ISSU£ NO. ii6â€" Ofi.