Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Jun 1905, p. 6

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^05 '* etsjfpr^ p.â€" - -â- " ISarlcy Huttor Ki/;,M fronll. . ''(lijkenB. .^. Dockn.....', (JecMo' H.iy........ I'ouitoe* baa V,(K.l lIKtich WceU â- !5r"4o 40 * 05 to til-) --â- 46. to 45 T6 to 1« lo to J.'i Oto Oto u to â-  t(t c 35 40 to 40 25 to :« â-  • i arris Ma^sey^Harri '.'7 *"** *'â-  Bicycles \ Out! whciil that Rt.iii<U f>r ; thiit'HRood in Licyclo iimmifao- â- ^ turo is llie Massey-llrfrris. , It Ims besides graci-'ful Mnca and oxcellent liiiiHh .'ill' the fr.ioil points of br»t nuilily of umtcrial and now inveonorfs. riassey-Harris V-^v.:- and-..: ',^\r inPERIAL -.v.. BICYCLES- . Tliiiliifli eiade m. dels of tli^ foimer wheti liinjtho Hytrimic Cushion Friimo, Sills liiiliillc Hard :iii'l MoU"W C'oiistur iiraUu. The "linperiiil" iiiiiy be (itied « ith the Coaster Drake and Sills Handle JJurs. • Write us for particulars. U^vNADA CvcLE and Motor Co, . - "'-Limited..^ â- ^^''r. Corontc -= = Canada. :E^lesH.er toi:!. Clil = s <i4.">d liurscs - now ri;'»"-ftttentivo iliiverH G. W. Hacking Local Agents Wanted At once for "CanwU'i Orna'ct Nursor- iesi*' (or the town of FI.KSHKHTON and umrorfntjhn^fcoimiry, whi ;h will bo rcsei- veil fur llio nthl nnn. STAliTTS'OW m tlio best ^clllll^' season, and bundle our now speciiillioa fin lib erttl t.:nii», Write for jmriiciiliira aiul wend 25c. fyr our li :iii!.s'>mi! iiln iiinuin jiocki't micro soojw, (a liHlc sciii) useful to: Fiini ers. i'l cxninmiii? needs nnd u;raiii.i; Orebnrd isfi, ill oxnuiiuiiiK trfes foi insi.'c.ts; Teich- i:rK dii'l M.holiirn in Htinlyinij Motaiiy, iiml I'kvry'iody iii a hunclrnJ dilftreiit ways. Stone & Wellington (over 800 acres) Toronto ES HE 11 TON ADVANCE WriHm for The Adtante. \ Abjent ptitnia. Do you like your thin, rough, short hair? Of couisse you don't. Do you tike thick, heavy, smooth hair? Of course you do. Then why Kair Vigor not l>e pleased? Ayer's Hair Vigor make^ beautiful heads of hair, that's the whole story. Sold for 6a years. " I h«T« ii««<l ATBr"» iuii Vigor for • loot tirue. It If, Induefl, a wonderfal balr tonic. paitorinc he»Uh to the h»lr »iid a<%l|>. and, at the uoiotlin^, iTi>rlii«««pl«ndld draMlnK.' »a. J. W, TAffl-M, ^Udlll, lB<E T. 1 All linl^lr^^t^. for. J, c. ATTJi ro., Weak Hair r"" G 'â- ^ In, Furniture The larj<est and • host stock of fiirnitnie ever Rhowni in I'-Iesher- t'ln. This withont fearof contra- dietion Come and hoo some of the iiice things in ~ Sideboards Dining Roorq'Cljair'^.- ^^'* Parlor Sgtta^^.'vC â-  ' * BedJ^oonq Pettis"-* . A special rcdnetion just now on everything m. -order lo > „ roduoa. the ttuclu , . ^ahnittir^'StXeiifcr .^Flesktoi - lot. ^ ^ •' ' U for, 6 ! Kv •^^atlier, to.ThesiTiall pil|l«B »ic«niJ Korpviirv feruu aiDl vriUiwd friend Wlio^o Jttcs vra iiiiss to- J»y. TUty nftun hiilpuil tnniivlio iia-bfuvf; })ut now thnv livu Uovoiid tbe graT* " â-  Ami JweJl wJHi Tiioo iilwaj". Thou dldnt4n tbjUil ThyHsIf rtPTn.vl. , â- * An i rill tlieir lionrtB witll lovo and c«||j;- - In Kijtto gf ciirB and iwiii. j â€" iQttiom Tbv i>iirpo»o.wiis.Iulflllel . Uutil at lojintli th»«torm««»»>rn atilM, And deaUi for tliau was Baiu. And uow'firomovory Bri«f»et frcSe t It iB tliulrureat duimlit «f>t>ii ' VVliere «»U'U unknown; \Vlieve plorl^a cloaiii, aud autha>iI8 awall, . Bate in till) FatlKl'B nousB tliox.i1*<i!l: â-  Tliey btaud bdfuru tli« ttlronu. And from tbolrtrUinipbs ma» wo la&r^ â-  vathat Jiftj f«r » â-  â-  TBat lifo wlilcb nevi-r illeut To liva that Jifc fsf wliich wo yearn-« For wheu'tliia sarthly vi^ll ends, \V'o aball ><• vfith uur abioiit IrlaiKls, A-iiii li»u beyond tbo Bliies. "' Eearly, Ont. Juni> 1906. . T. W4TS0N H0R5E ROUTES J Business Cards M'CULLOUOn & Haiike YOUKO -, Marbdate . Oo u guuoral tiankisnVuHiiKiMH, MoQoy loaned a roaaoiialilii ratu Call on uh. R J SI'UOUIiK ro^Uiia^t"r, Flflnharton' t'ommimiiaDor in 11. C. J, Aiictioanur Ton voyancpr, ""AppraiHor and .Nloniiy litjtidor Ktial ISstatii auil tnsuiaiicti ABtii.t. i)otMlH mnrt^aKe". loasos and willn enn fully druwn U|> and valui^ticinH inado oh i-horti^^ti ncticx, uionny to loan at lowfjat ratun of liit«i'ruit. Col 'lotions attMii.1'1 I Lo wltti i^roinptUHSfi oli«r(!«H Irtw,' AKi'Ot for â- Â©ooait Dniuiuion Siaauialiip Company. A call noljci'i'd. SocrKTii':s o Ontario Ijoo.l InvoKlmiint tbat naia liivi.lcndaull ootl'ltli.' In a conrnc of training' in any of tbo Uoiiai'tinHntH of tlio mrf//f£ftf" s-ml^Jm . «.« B<" 1''. Ont. Fonr coin|;let« conraoa .^Av. ' -inaiiippiHl rtnaliicmHColWMepionili.- .rinr nada. TboonlycollKKinniiiniiltnnwii • -"â-  .lilrtini;. A largo Rla«or rompotcnt lakiiiij toachoii-. Our oradiiatoa arc â- o-nfiil. Jn»» uafctliini. lull panic t to any addfoaa'Iiei'. C A I'leminjr. Principal 1 # U \V inoetn oi, the laat Monday ^ in ouoii luontTi, in thoir lofijjo ruoin, (71iristtj(i"8 tilnck. I'lvHlRTtoll. at 8 p.ni. .M.W., A. Ilarrlfioii ; Heeorder, .las. Kclhtfii'l ; I'lnan uior, W.J. Ilohaniy. VialtluK brotbrcC Itvitctl. PUINC'I"; AUTHUK LOUdK, No. :t;«.AF,* A M, nioeta In thu Mnsaiflc ball, ytiain'a block. Kluelnuton, ovfry Friday on or I'ufgie lliH full iinHni. Jiilin WrJijUt, W U-.; r. N, KIchar Hon, SiK-folary. poi'RT KLKHIIUKTON; Oa«,' r. O. F. trcatnin y VMwnnv'r. lllooli tllo hlKt^rlilavsaAliIlif! of (lacli month. Vftitiin; Por«st«r»imartilv Wflcimiti. V: It., .1. Cornfliild; 11. C. W. Unblilu; Kill, Hec, H. A. WJll.tt. IMoiLRO pay din-'H to II. A, Wiliiitfc on or buforv tlio IiiMt day uf lliu proouuJini; inoiitb. ClIOSKN Flill'.NnS-I'lBdhnrton I'ounoll of (IboHon I'rl'aida intuM In Clayton'a linll llrl^t and tbiril Wiidiiot./Iav of uach month; H p. in, pay af«HaRHiilHiitb to t.ho lipi-ordor on or bt^fhre tro flrat day rif uaoli iiionlli, ('binf Councillor, T. l>lak«lay;Kroorder, W. U. Uuut. MfdiCal DK OAtlTKU MOl'ASOut. rhysielan OnieA Urt rodidenooâ€" I'ntur at Surcoon.oto Ploaherton U FLESHERTON HARNESS EMPORIUM. (0|>imik:Iu .Vriimtfoii^N Jowi'lliiy,) Everylhini* up trt dtta in harnesj • ^In-ht niMoriftt, lest workniaiiRhip, best J^iofiS. riy hlioels and nets are in season-- t « let UK show jJi^u oiim. Trunks, valiso*, axle oroiisc, rarriai-o ailc grease, hiirnefS nH, whipn niicl IrtHhes, BUQQJES. ,. C â- mo ai) I «08 tli.i new IniKqii-'S wliich â- W,j;hi\o<in (nhiliiiiiia. TliuV are beaut- • in ami pvicoH are M^;h'. .|Vm MOORE <(>j)y><isili) AniialionK's .lowellery) A.T. IIOM) (IrailuHli ToniiitoUnivorBity. Mem- bur of Ontario (lolli-po oj I'hvuluiianH and Sni- Kuona. Maxwiill, On', riiicoonanr to l)i. Kcotl. 1 P OTri'.WKMj ' Vctuiinary Siirftnon Qrodnato of Outario Vctinlnary CoIIpiib, rertidonce â€" Rscoiid door Rontli Heat, on .Mary atrcct. Thla ilroot );aui aoiitli I'lOHbvterian (Jlinroh. H, WILSON, lllauinmith 'iraduato uf thu Vslrrlainry fklencn AaHoclatlon. Iluiililiinco, Innham itraut, a|>> poHita lluyd, lllcklii.K'H baidwaio. Legai, LUCAS WUI(;HT * kh'AIlIll K ItarriKtara Soltuitora Convoyanfiora, Oltlcoflâ€" Otton Sound. Out and MarkdaloOnt W If Wnianr, MoAuni.s I n Liuas N Uâ€" Klouhartou offlca, UiteheU'a Uauk •very Hatordly. " â-  eto 'rtiero in a r»ew amendioeut , to the Munioii^al Act w^ich comcH into force tliisyear. It prorides that every fanner hIirII cut the thistles and no.xiou.^ weeds jjloiiK the roadside Viid(jriiii» on hii farm â- iiid half way ocross«lhe riaJ and no tima jriil be allowed on the road lisl for naeh woik. If the tlilstloa ore not cut by the lOlh iif .Iuly,-tlio pathinaster must notify all delinquouts. All eases of default pli.tll ho rc|)Oited to the township council by" the pathiiiubter and alf work ordiuod by them shall be ch.ivged ayaiitst the prop- eity in tke next coUeator's roll, and it shall bo collecle J toocilur witli any costs in thu same manner as orduiarj' laH'S. This iH iiretty hard ou tli-j in en" occupy in i.' corner futnis, Imt after two or throe yeara of close attention lliel-u should bo no thistles left. Tlio •defect in the act is in leavini; it for councils to order the tltiatlejt (>(lt. IJy the.tiniu Uio councils uieot nft^r tbe lOtli of July, thu tliintlei will hire •tedod Iha, whole territory. -T-Oranjjevilld SuD. j^^_ • . •' A cowT^l.tivlM to J. Methral, Dillie- din, gave birtli W triplets. I,Atest ac- Cofliit« .sriy the whole family are doiii;; well.- llie calves weighed 42, 4i{ and^iti poands, respscbive'y.â€" Crueihore^ h\»x, ^tensloH are epidemicMn Alliston and neiiibborhood. The Herald savs there ate atiQUt three hundred e.ufc» lit Allison awl smToundiuL! country. Euphi/iaia Council h;i» pui chased a n''W S:kwyer-lJ.issey stone crusher for luso in tliat munrcipalify. - »' â- , Just What Everyone Should Do Mr, .l.T. 'T.aib.'r, of IwinvUlr, C.ii.', always ke>-i>s a I'i'ttle of ('h:>nli<rl.iin» Clie-, Oholera and DiariliiH-a Kenicfly at haifd r«'»«lV for in- slant u.--e. A llaeks of colic, cholcri* inoilnm and diarrhoea fiime on no auddcnlv there ikjm •time to hunt u'tltxtor or go to tlw itorc fur niefiicine. ilt. Harher h.ty": "1 have tried , C'lniiub>.rlahr« Colie, Cholera aniMliarrhnea Itfnifdy whicli is one cf the ho»t tnedicinnr I ever Ruw. I •keep a lottleof it in my room aa I liavo had Fcveral .ittaoks of oijic and it has proved to lie thi' hijit mecUciue X : vor nacd." Sold by VV. K. Kjchardaoti. IhiTcwrts niuoli cjtciteinent at Thorn bury on Tue^duy over the capture of a bi)^ lifsh, commonly called a flursenn. The "sea monstor," as soinu ct tho lioya chose to call it, made it's appenrancii in the liver a abort diafauca below thu dmn about sovi'ii c'oloek in tho inornin;;. About half a dozen |i8rtios resolved to capture the giant if Buch tt thins; were at all pofSible. Proceeding to a blacksmith «hop they had a barbejl apenr made with u line attached to it With llii.s they niaui\ged to h irpoon the" sttirRCn nl out a quarter to Vi o'clock. The fish was weighed on a scale, wlirn it was f.iuud to wi ijjli 85 poniida, after which a spoer was ihi nut thr.ni}-!! its body and it was carried triuinpliaiilly up street on the slioiilders of two men, ffiUowed fcy' an admiriiiij crowd of api-clators, Tha fact that troin 73 ti, lot) of Tbontbury citizens spent the in ist of Iho forenoon., in wstcLiii« the sturgeon disport itself in the vivor wonld api-oar to wariaot the Conclui»ii>n that the e»pen«0 of luidini" the bit;,lish inu<t have been soiucivIm re in the nei(|thborbood of one hundred drtflars - that ia if the ciii zens of Thoriibury hod iin)ihin(» to do. â€" .Meaford Mirror. Keep Your Uowels Regular. If your bowela didn't move for a week you Would be proatiated. If mora than one day gi>e» by you beC'-me laun«ul, blood gets bad, I riHth horribly oQoiisive, you f. el eick all over. To remedy tliii take I)r Ilamilt.n'.s Pills which reRubiic tho bowels and euro constipation. Taken at nij<ht you ate well by morniii;;. They purify and cleanau the .sysloni, prevoni iieaJaclie, biliiWsnoss and sick st«>niaoli. Prompt and certain aro Dr. Uamilti'ii's PilU- of M.iiidiake and P.utleruilt, 25c per box or live for i?l 1)0 at all dealers. Ill a local school n small boy -was recit- inn in a Kciii;raphy clatsr The 'teacher waa tryiHK to teach him the points of ibe C'linpass. She exp'aiOcd: ''ibi ynur riuhl intboso.rh, y.iur left the nurth, and in front of y lU ia the east. Now what is behind you? " The, boy studied for a inotiK'Ht and then puckered up his face and bawled. "1 know it; I told Ma you'd see that patch on my pants." J'UINCE ERIE. A. T. R. 75C8. V ?• • ' liEcoiiD 3.22 â- ^ -Willfes â€" Manibrin Patchen. Greatest speed prodiu;ing coinhinatinn in trottiu;^ blood lines. ' '. Prince Eriij will make the season of 1905 as follows. . " Monday will lenre his own liable at Dundallt .and proceed by way of Krivel road' to MunsliawR Hotel, Fle<herti'n f>r noon; tlienfce at 3 o'clock return to his own stable ut. Dundalk for iiii;ht. Tnesdayâ€" I'litil noon a-iid 'all day Wed- nes.ky and tip to noouoli Friday at home st.iible. , FridBy--At 2 p.tn. leaye for Proton Station H.jtt;', theiico at 6 o'clock r^jtnrn to^hoino stable and rcmnin until Jl.ujday at 8 o'clock a. m - 'i'.;...,o ...„.,..., HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . Tho pUce to ^at the best Pho»qa is at BULMKK3 I'HOTUGliiPl^a GALLERY. SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay S[)ecml Allontion to Copying. and fJibies' pictures. J'iiture fram- inj» a specialty. .Syd Try lis for any kind of pictures and wo will promise Eat i.sfHCtioii. inham street, Fleshorton Terms reafjonable. CHAS. PALMER. Bum r Service. Theriuiihbrol Durham bull, No. UlS"., for ruivieu Dii lot JI, cuu. ?, ArtepjjiiiA. Terms Si. W. C. I'EHLAK. Ji.\Ji.\ %v-~.-^r "0. OKT. GAUTIIIETI The French Coadi Stjillion. AfoDday noon â€" Ar.woduhoH.".'.-. Monday niyhtâ€"Rocklyn Tuesday nounâ€" J. Bailey's, . lot 1, cod. Public .Suhoorreachora' ami "others. 0, St. Vincent. : " " ' Tuesday nichtâ€" Heatlicnte. Weilneailay noon â€" Ravenna. Wednesday nis; ht â€" Fevcraliam. Thursday ftoon â€" MaSwell. Thuradny iii^hrâ€" Porllaw. Friday noon â€" Flesheilon. Friday ni'-'ht--!M«ikd;ilo. Satu'rilay â€" Matkdule. ^ ^ TcnnsilOtoiiisure.it. â-  l% -.-*' - UJSNKV M. DOCSLASS, rtcfp.^ Cor.' â- yongo and /Alexander Screets .Summer t-Vssion dining Jnly and Auytio' for Public .Subool Teachers and other's. A , of our I erudn.-»te» gut p.«itionii. Studeiits i...mitt£d j at any t:nie. Tfiis sc!io{il is n.itsViuadini; still I 1 r Ijivckiag jip, bnt is constautly goiug oiiead, j Circulars fjee. , W. J. ErXIOTr,.Priu:i^J., LiaHTNJ.Va'' - -.. MONDAYâ€" Np'on at ThotiiMiMgCnuBellV 4Uiiine, Kiipliiasiiv thiinoe to Jfttnca I'attCr- Siin'i", iilantyre, for night* TL'KfiUAYâ€" Along the 0th line to Robert Er--kiji'iili'r noon, thune* to ijarkdale Hoiuie, .\i:irkil.alc fi'r hijrht. WKItXK^DAVâ€" Alon^- thegravcl road to tb» Mtarhftw "Hoiiae, Fle-ihtartnn, for noon, tlieni^viaSalom to P. >lnu»h.vw'a f..r ni;.'bt. Til ("TtSDAVâ€" Down tho 4th linetnOnr- rie's hotel. lyinberlcy, ior noon, thence alonff ihe Valley Koad to Ed. Ijiocklebiinlc'ii, town linejornipht. ' < l'I;illAY-^Acio.«s to FiotU IboWTilieV UavoiiTia, for nixm, then Ho«i, Sf!i Hne, CoU' iiij.-wo.nl. tolKiiac's hotvl, Tltotriburv forniithf iSATfrKDAY-^ Leaves- Tht(l£|kbiu-y at i |.- m. fen- h.in!» H-heio he will rcmaiif till tlic foil' â- >«iii>; Miiiid.iy nMrnin,'. Flesherton Sash, Door and Planing R/]il!s [UoJ] ir= QEOUGE LMPERIAL Mondayâ€" Will leave hi? own st.tblo on Fleshorton and <'ollliigwo"d gravel road and prucccd to jMa.xwcIl fir noon; thfnoo north and down to townlin-s ArlC!ne'<ia atid to the I'.'ih Ospfey, th-nce w.'st 2.i iiiiks by Wright's corners J thou46 liome to Uis own stable. . Wednesday â€" Byway of Lt^utji's -nuJl and east back biie to Maikdale for no;.ii ; thenco'dowii ihe gravel road to Fleslier- ton aiicl hnuie, whecu Ifttwill reiinia until Friday inoniin!;. Fridayâ€" Proceed, tn Porteoiis' corner and down tho ."Jrd lino by Taylors' to Henry Wrights, Wnivhnm, for noon ; tbonco i:orth \\ miles and down tho 4th line to his owii stable. Snturdiiyâ€" Priceod by way of LdBard'.s oi>nu'r and down tho east back Kne'lo t)ld Durham IJorners, "thence down tlw aravel road to Proton tiration for noou";' ihenco up back line west to Flosherton for one hour, thence to Ms own stable, whoro he will remain unt;! Motuhy nmniini;. .R. ll'.0i\i'.-i';). C^ Wc liave received h large car of best Nortli Slioro White Pine. Parties ex- pecting to build a lioiise next siiuinier would da well lo call aiul seo U8 and arranye to havj ilieif Sash Door and Frames made dining tho winter and get them homo on tlie sloifth. Wo fiiruish tviytiaiij; needed for buildiuj a house. Wo will malio prices and teniu^ iiiterostiiirj. Wo wuntTonr trade aud will guarautt'o first c!a&3 woikmanship and ma- terial. Pinning and matching done promptly. T. W. WILSON Manager Chopping every day Dentlstky D B.I', ARMHTUONli, 1,. D.S.,Honor O radii ato of Toroiitr^i l'iiiv«»rnitT and lioyal I'o'- la((n of Pantal HnrRuona o( Ontario. Oppoalti- MrH.'nnl'nin'u I'liotoKiapli rtailoiy. Will vikU Maxwoll ftrati and third Wndu«aday of eaob month coiuniuiiclnit Jiilr tith, HEADACHE ! Neiir-tlgin »ni! NrrvoiLsncss cuic-i quickly by A I j^ y HARMLESS HCADACHC AND i»J *\ /\ NCURALQIA CURE. Ndhftart iI(pre».>}on. Gieate^i cure •ver <lr»tinfr*(l, Titkr mi other, Kcand asc All (Icater^ or (lirc't froirf 4v«T<M 6t Cu. Isimcoe, OaU Money Uick if no< iati»hcJ > .. Croup \s. Dcadlyl IjU niu-itbestopped-i^nickly. Nothiiiaao sure as Nurvilinu, (tlvo it ininrnnlly, unit rub it on chest and Ibr^'al- (U'oup soon vanishes. No doc',or can write a fnira efficient ptosoription than Poison's Ner- vibno, which re.icbes the trouble an.l cures ipiiekly. Tho marvelous power of Nervdiiie will surpiiso you; it's the bo,st household remedy for couKhs, ctdds, sore cheat, croun, and internal psin of i>very kind. l,aii!c bottles h»vo been aidd by all dealers for nenrly'fitly years at 5i5o. If you are thinking of bnyinc a line buycy, waijon or democrat, it will surely pay you to call and investigate our slock, lerins, oto , Inrfore in altinu your piirch.vse. We liavrt a atatf of e.xpert workmen and can i;naiiinteo that you will bo siitishe.l i>Loxjoia: â€" â€" -- ALWAYS ON IIA.ND â€" .- _ â€" â€" AND REPAIUISO OF ALL KINDS â€" â€" J. A. HEARD. - FLESHERTON. '^i*'%XiX^tiXl»XXX%iX9Sat9ti%'SiXi%i%^ For First Class Buggies, Cart.s, Ploasnt'o and LmnS^r V\agons, cutters, Sleijjhs. We keep a stock on Hand to choose froiii. ALSO HORSE SHOEINQ AND GENERAL BLACKSMITHING and unarantee tirst class work. We^ keep on hand Phmghs and Plongh repairs, and alao Massfy- Hams and Noson repairs for binders, Mowers, til kinds nia-biiicry, also Binder Twino on hand. niben in town alvc us a call • u- I;*"- v\ k â- { I 1^

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