Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Jul 1905, p. 4

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July 6 1005 THE FLESHERTOIS ADVANCE ^)iiiHiad^ F, T. HILL & CO. WtM^yWi^ ? Midsummer Bargains for July Selling. THIS WEEK we inaiif^urate a spcciial sale, making nuiny deep cuts in seasonable linos, which rcprorfcnt the biggest buying' value that it has been our pleasure to offer you. If you arc ready to save money on many ofyour wanted recpiirenients we are ready to help you. Kead this week's announcement and be on hand early to share in this money-saving opportunity. MONEY-SAVING PRICES IN L.\DIES' LINEN AND FANCY COLLARS. The liig reduction in prices and the lariro as.sorlmoi)t fif styles in these ladies collars, imw bo much wanted for Runimer wear, makes this an exceptioiially tjood ('iiportuiiity to supply your c liar wiuls at a very small price. .'{'Xl Ladies' Linen Collars, all aizei, als.i Indies fancy wash collars, many dificronf line.i incluJod in tlio lot. Values up to 35e. Special baryains price Oc. or .^ 3 for 2.")c. 3! LADIES' FANCY WASH DELT3, 2 FOR 25c , RE3ULAR VALUK UP TO 40" 2r>0 Ladies Fancy Wash B-.dts in whites and famy ciinbinUijti colirs, bus'iloi to match, represj to 40c. Special har^'aiu price. 1 i 1 â-  ^'aluas up a for 2.50. GOOD NEWS FOR TITE LADIES REQIIRINO GLOVES. 17."> pair ladies fine silk and lisle tflroad gloves in kU tli« le.adinf; shades, such us creams, whiles, tans, browns, rep- resontina yloves lliM sell in the regular way up to 50c i>«r puir. Your clioico 15) FANCY & PLAIN COLORS IN VELVETS AT A BIO REDUCTION IN PRICE. 530 yards of fancy and plain VeWots. suitable for shirt waists and childriMi s suits, representint; velvets up to 00c pur yaul. Si)eciul largaiii price yard I'J - LADIES' FINE STRAW SAILORS, YOUR CHOICE FOR 10c. Now that the warm woalhnr has set in, this remarkable ofTetinfj iiinlcca it ronvenicnt for you t j have liat at a very low price. There are hats in the lot that sbU from 60c. to $1.00. Your choice for sumnipr 18 â- 3i MEN'S TWEED PANTS for 98c. >• 100 pairs Men's Tweed Pants in plain black twill, also grey colors, all sizes, good wearing tweods. â- 3J dear, per pair WK^fm MARKDALE Special to K^mf}^ If publinhcd every Thurcday at $1.00 i)er aiiiiiini if paid in artvauee, $1.50 if not m lui.l. Ai; Bubscrilwrii Jiayinp Sl.'K) dtrif.iy in inlvance got the Montreal Herald one year fi'co uji a rctnluim Klmbrrley. Doniiiiior. Day pansod oflipiiel'y in our mII fje, the majority of lluue who eel.i- drilled Ibo day accoiiipaiiied our footViall lean) 10 Kevcrsliam where they competed for the ti rat prize and were sutcessf ul in wir.ning the «amn u^ainn ill coinpetin;; teams. Tim prize was Iw^V. e djiUr^^. Mr. and Mrs J. II. Fnwcett of Colling- wood spent Dumiiiioii Uny and Sunday ill* guests of the foiniet's parents. Miss Annie Scott, who is iMtehing school near OnuiKevillo ia Bpeiiding her liolidays at her parental humo here. llev. Mr. Wans delivered nn exCHlleiit addreas on SinKl»y morning last to the ormig' inen of L.O.Ij. No. l;i40. Kiinbciley and Floi>lurlon football t<iaiiis plnyu<1 a friemlly game bur<! un Wednesday evening of hint w<'ek. The M'oro rosulti'd in favor of the lo'ials by Olio goal I) iiun». Kit Thuinirson of Kleshertoii otHciutod a« referee and give good satisfttttion. Miss Hiidii) I'lewes of KirkviUo is Kpundiiig a few dayii at hnr home here. 'I'he iSlisues Sadie and Ethel Fawcett attended the wedding of tlieir uuclo, Mr. A. MeCalluiii nl DuiK^an. Miss Mnudo l'"*wc'ott has gone to Coll- ingwooil vfhero »he « ill spend a couple of wei'ks viKi'iiiu friends. . Mr. Jidiii Ibanift', one of the niuniber.i ')f our f'Kitball tcaiji, was succussfiil in winning first prize in the oin; bundled yiiid dash nt FeverKhain against aonio ver/ speedy aliilotos. Our football team h.is plavud nine niatclios thus far this soasim and have won M'-ven, lost one and one draw; pretty good record. »;b? Kiinb'fl'y L. O. L. will colobrato at Fle«li')rton this year. Mi.'i" Mary Kn<nt t)f Tliornbury is spend- ing a f<!wr days viiitinu irieiids heio. ftlnster Sherwin and Mms Edna Rrad- bury in this npighhorhood. Tne bost jilaying ilint wc have seen any g.iul keeper du this season was done by Fred Stuart while dofoiulin^ Kiinberlny goal during the fuot liitll match lait Wed- noiiiUy uvuniiig. I'he pupils of our school wara very iiucu04sful m their pro'notion exnminatiiina a<i there was scarcely a failu:ft. This snuiiks well for theleaclniiK uliiti', n.-\inely: Mr. Cliaa. Stuart am. Mii>i Ciertrudu I'li-sir. enient, and his remains were interred ia Nanton conn-teoy, by Rev. 0. Wood, on .Sat. Juno 17, toawiiit the glorious awak- ening of those who aro faithful unto death. Ue was born on Dee. 31. 184.'i, iu Tyrons Co. , Ireland, Slid eaino to Cnii'jda with hisp.irentsat thengo of two years. After several changes of rti.si.K'nco hi3 jKireiits settled on the fiJlh line of Ouprey, when ho was nbiTut eleven years of age. lie wa3 married to .Mavy Love, dani;l ter of Mr. danuM Lo/e, near Proton Station, in Zum Melbodi»t Church, by Uci'. JoMah Greene. They then took up their resd- ene"! in Co|liir.{Woiid township, near Ra- venna, where they lived for about three years. From there tiny removed and seltl.d on their f.irni near Fevershani, where lliey resided until last July, when they moved to Iheir new homo near (lay- ley, Alta. Mr. (Jraw f ord was ii faithful and constant woil.er to ,he end. During ail his illness, which wasbirno with much patience, he was iibte to e<)nver.>'0 with loved onen niid all those ahtiiit him. lie leaves bis wife and nix chihlriii to mourn their loss, tw.i sons and four dauubtern- - E. F. Crawford, Niagara Falls, N. Y , ie';ently of Nelson, H. C; Mrn. Daniel Sinclair, Yellow (iraas, A.ssa.; Mrs. Alex. M. Sinclair, Nanton, Alta ; Firman L., Myrtle, and Ivy at homo. Dear father thou art gone, thou tnuch beloved olio. Thy face we shall see no more Till we jr. ill that lia|>py tlivong. Where parting ia no more. We ntisH thee from our homo â€" Wo miss tliue from thy plnoe; A shadow o'er our life is cast. Wo iiiiiiH the Kuushino of thy face. We miss thy kind and willing hand. Thy fond snd earnest care; Our Inune is dark without thee, We miss iheo evorywhcro. But why should our tears (low down, .And our lieaila bo corely riven For another gein in the Hiivionr'j. crown And another Kuul in heave:) â€" Mvrtlc Cinwfotd. Flesherton Sash, Door and Planing MIIIg 11=^ p.- e=J Obituary \i CiVii o'clock in the cvoiiin:; of .June l(, 1'.»o:j, Mr. John Crawford, "of Cayley. .Mia., passed I mm timu to eternity with l.'arist, at the ago of iU yanrs' .After an illness of ntnoteon days, with hamorrh.tge ,„,j __, „„„, .,.,,, „^ „, ff 111 ) lungs, hii spirit loft |t« o»rllily ton- J Dr. Park, wltu jwt iu ten etitche*. lotli Line Osi)rcy The First of July wan celobratcd in FevciHlmin. Those attending report a geod time. Messrs. Fred Mid William Brackon- hiK-y nro p.iying a visit to their brolhor in Parry Sound. The continued good growing weather is making the fomer.s miiilo. Crops are loiikins line in llii.s part. Fred Weldriok in visiting his brother in Owen Sound. We are sorry to htnr of Mr. John (Irawford's d.^atli on .Line 14 in Albeilii, where he moved with hii family about a yoir ago. Mrs. Duiicnn, sr , is on Ihoslck list. The Oranijenien of Osprev district will celebrate the glorious Twelfth at Fever' •ham this year. The Rev. H. E. W. Kemp will preach to the mi-ir.bers of L.O.L. Itldjaiid visit- iiiK broihreii in llm Agricultural Hsll, Feveraliani, on Sunday, July 9, at 2 90 ill Iho nflern '"11. Mr Harry Hosthcotog»Te hia 'r"t a very bad cut la.st week, lisviiif) yoc-.lin I '"^B^^ We liave recetved a large car (if best Norlli Sbore Wliilo I'ino, ParlioB ex- pecting to build n lioii.se next suiijmcr would do well to call and sco lib and arraiigu to have tlioir Sash Door and Frames made during the winter and pet thorn homo on tliQ sloigh. Wo fnrni.sh t vorylhiiijj iiccdod for builJiii;,' a honne. Wo will make pvicca and torm.q iutercatiiiK- We wont your trade and will pniirantfio first cl«^s wurUmaiisliip and niii- lerial. Planing and matching done pronipily. T. VV. WILSON Manager Chopping every day CPO YOUR SJCiif i^^ieie^$(iei^?R-'*r?f'?«ei^*^^s^?*r^^ f.. I BOYD, HICKLING & CO, '1 FLESHERTON, ONT. n^arlng tT^e close of a most successful and b'jsv season we offer Ss^ecial Reductions in Cfimtned lt!il!inery and Ready=to>vi^ear l)2ts* V^z bave still a large assortment of first claf s sbai^es to select from. â- â€¢"^ -"-*-â- â- """â- "" •• ' .^~-~----^ ^- ^.m^^YT' -^''''^ -'-'^â- â€¢^'fr-nn - \ ecials for July Shoppers Sizes SI; 9 and 10 W. Black Cotton Hose for 10c. ^ Women's fa.st Llack rib cotton hosc. ^ U^. llegular ll3c for % Fancy Ribbons for 12 l-2c. !l? 50 ends fancy colored ribbons, suitable for collars, 5|$ rlr belts or fancy work, including lines that sold (Vora 15 "I" '^. to 40c, cut any length you desire, per yard 12it iVi % Black Cashmere Hose 25c. 1 ii^ 10 dozen woinens â- wide or narroA\' ribbed cashmere i|l ^ hose, 9 and 9^, seamless feet, flist black. The best ^ you'll sec anywhere for lJ5c. ^ Men's 25c Bow Ties for 10c. [^ \'l doztMi Men's IjOW Tics,with .shieUl, very easily ptit ^ on, all silk, light dark and mediinu shades in the ^ papular colors, every one tniite new. The regidar ?^ ti5c line, special 10c each, 'i for l*5c I Two Special Raincoats 12 Ladies Waterproofs, dark blue, fancy plaid lining, new sleeve, sizes '30 to 40 bust. A very satisfactoiy garment, regular 3.50, special 3.05 Ladies llaincoats, dark grey cravenette and tweed effects, new style, reliable goods, sizes 30 to 40 bust, liogular 4.50 and 5.00 (jutdities, special 3.05 Grocery Specials Guaranteed Fresh. I'^resh Salmon IMue Berries Pie Peaches I^irs in Syrup (Jreeu Pens Tt)mato Catsup (-'astile Sonp I'^ruit, Lemon \ (Jinger or mi.\cd j Biscuits 10c tin 13 tins 25c 2 tins 25c 2 tins 25c 3 tins 25c 3 tins 25c 2 cakes 5c 10c â- f. Another car load of the celebrated I Vim Roses flour * coming in this week. Bran and shorts also. He wlio has lost his sight best knows its value. Hundreds suffer loss of sight Timely attention might havt prevented it. Examination free. Satisfaction guaranteed. W.A. ArmstfOAi;; iCWCLC:' ^ND OPTiO'AN FLESHERTON, 'ardis^are Department Everything you need for haying! Machine Oil .Forks Hay Fork Pulleys Hay Kakcs Whetstones Grindstones Scytlies Manilla Hope e I Bergers pure English Paris Green for potato bugs ^-none so good. Boyd, Hickiing & Co. â€" ^3 Tiesberton ^^^-^

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