THIS MUSICIAN IS DELIGHTED HIS KIDNEY DISEASE AND GEAVEL . CURED BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. .ried maAy Medicines but got no Belief Tili He Used the Great Canadian Kidney Ecmcdy. Rosodcns, Ont., July 10.â€" (Special) â€" Mr. fcJaiuuul J. Crow, the well- known musician of Ulis place, le- latcs an experience that ailils to the alrea.dy great popularity of Uodd's Kidney Pills in this locality. "I suffered for years with Kicln>y Trouble," says Mr. Crow, -'which te- r.ame aggravated with every attack of cold and caused me much agony. The di.s' developed into Gravel, when I was totally unlit for "any- thing. "I tried different remedies without the desired result and was in much misery when I decided to try Dodds Ki^=3oy Pills, when to luy astonish- ment and delight I iiunieUiately be- gan to recover. "After using five boxes the ailment had entirely ceased and I was again enjoying perfect vigor, all of which I owe to I^CKld's Kidney Pills." The fact that Gravel yields so readily to Dodd's Kidney Tills is Australia is setting the way here in practical fruit culture and farming, and others will benefit from its work." GIHL, CLEEKS COLLAPSE. High Pressure From New Inven- tion Causes Breakdown. An alarming outbreak of neuritis, amounting almost to an epidemic, has occurred among the women clerks in the telegraph department of the General Post-oHice, London, Eng- land. 'I'he outbreak is duo to the large reductions in the staff which have recently taken place, and to the fact that the existing staft of women clerks is terribly overworked. Miss Mabel Hope, head of the wo- men's branch of the I'ostal Tele- graph Clerk's Association, who her- self works in the telegraph depart- ment of the General Post-otfice, de- clares that a large number of young women were now absent from work owing to nervous breakdown. "Kver since the inlroiJuclion of what is known as the intcr-coraniuni- cation switch," she said, "the girls have had to work at greater pres- sure, and cases of nervous break- down have Ijecome much more num- erous than was formerly the cM-se. "The dopartmeut especially alTect- ed is the Metropolitan Gallery. I used to work there myself, and I found that the strain was almost un- bearable. "The girls themselves perhajs are partly to blame, for, while the men good news indeed, as it does away Rlerks will not do more than a cer- with those terrible operations that tain amount of work, the women are were supposed to be the only relief much more industrious, and work at from this trouble. high pressure the whole time. "The nervous compl.iint from which so nmny are sulTering princi- pally alTects ti'.o arms, causing par- alysis of the muscles. "In the case of some of the older women who have broken down in this way, the authorities have acte<l gen- erously enough, and have enabled them to retire with a pension. I know of a young, girl, however, who, the moment her eyesight be- came alTected â€" which very likely was due to overwork â€" was di.schargi-d. She had only left a short time wU-n she recovered completoly, but tney have never taken her back." I DIET AND IN'DIGESTION. I Even very abstemious people are often sufTerers from indigestion I caused by over-eating. The amount ! of food they take is not too much '' for the day, but it is distinctly too j much at the time the.v take it. We I will suppose the case of a woman HUNTER OF PARASITES. His Mission is to Find Natural Cures for Insect Pests. He had just arrived in London from Brazil, and was off the ne.xt day to the Antipodes. I found hina in the office of the Agent-General for Western .\ustralia, says a wriU in the London Daily Mail. He was carrying a little bo;c containing a few conmioiiplaco looking beetles. Yet to find beetles he had traveled fifteen thousand miles and searched I • I far and wide. For the bronzed and hardy trav.'ler follows the least known profession on earth, that of the parasite hunter. For years ho has been traveling, lit- erally frojii China to Peru, in his search for insects that will aid the farmer in his war against pests. "1 am a tracker down of the na- tural cures for ttie insect pests thatl«''o has had nothing since her light are doing damage costing hundreds | '""^h. and who has come honin- tired of million.s every year." said Mr. and hunery with her day's work to Compere, in answer to my questions, a dinner at seven o'clock. She is •"Every country has its dilTerent i thankfid for a good nieali eats heart- plagues. How do these pests come?,ily, and is surprised to find after Here London alTords you the simplest wards she feels rather woise than illustration. Millions of insects are better for it. The reason of this is carrieil into England every day in simple. Who was tired out; her tho merchandise that arrives fromj stomach, like the rest of her body was unlit for work, and the dige."*- tion of a meal means hard work for that important organ. Instead of (lining directly she came in, she .s-hould have taken a cup <if hot water with a tablespoonful ^f milk in it, and then sat down (juietly for five minutes. Hud she done thi«, anid then begun to eat slowly, masticat- ing thoroughly, all would have been well. The little pic':-nie-up would have enabled the stonuieh to do its work. If only people would more gent-rally follow this plan, dyspepsia would he less fr(.-<iueiit than it is at present. Sunlight Soap will not burn the nap off wooIen.> nor the surface off linens. lONyOHT CXPCNSK Ask far Ute Octazan Bar. PACIFIC CO.\ST EXCURSIONS. During June, July, August and September tho Chicago and North Western Hy. will sell from Chicago, round trip excursion tickets to Saa 1-rancisco, Los Augoles, Portland, Ore. (Lewis & Cl.arke l^.vcursion), Se- attle, Victoria, Vancouver at very low rates. Correspondingly cheap fares from all points in Canada. Choice of routes, best of train ser- vice, favorable f.topovers and liberal return limits. liatcs, folders and j full iiiformation can be obtained I from I'. H. Dennett, General Agent, ! 2 East King St., Toronto, Ont. 31 WORK OF SALVATION &HMY. The Salvation Army is at work, in forty-nine countries ami colonies, speaks lhirt.v-one languages, has 7,- '2\0 corps, "circles," ami .societies; l.S,t9:j oflicers and cadets; employs 2,560 persons, and has â- l.'j.:5;iy local officers. It has sixty-three periodi- cals in twenty-four languages, with an issue of 1,2(18,000. There are (vlt institutions for its social work, ami in twelve months tho Army sup- plied 4,.i73,39'J beds and 7,'ii.3,.500 meals. ' WHY DON'T YOU QUIT if you are usin^ poor tea. Try m ^Ae^ and you'll see where the good comes in. We Know the Quality is There, ^'^f^^^J^J'^ntVou WE WAfiT. to Know It Too. A TEST IS WHA" Protect Your Property WITH I -^Ji. A dry p wdor put up in /metal tiibM, n inch â- « lung. I-. will ,nsta"l/|j, eitin'.niith thg moat fnrimn tiaras* of wo»Ml„roii. Price|3(J0 o»ch, 330 00 do/. for;) e^cripilTe cimular Ttia Olamond Dry Powiir F.r« ACENT8 ExUiuulshsrCo.. Taj^onta, Ont WANTED F *"" .V()rt SALEâ€" 640 Acni:s, &t i 17 and south # 18, 0. 14 ill the famous Ulenboro district; â- 525 acres under cultivation, bafp-.nco hay anil pa.siure: Al wheat land, but would moke a good mixe-1 farm; al- ways hcen free from frost and hall; abundance of good water, good frame hou:^(!, stone elevator, capacity 12.000 bu.shcis: other out-buildinus, comfort- able, niic maple grova. Also nortii ( 13. G. 15, .S20 acres, a first-rlass graiii farm; can plow every foot, all under cultivation, fair buildings. Plentv of L'ood water. Write or call. "\V. A. Card, Clunboro, Man. FAUMf:US you buy ATTENTION. BEFOilB . farm, write us for our I farm liulletin; we havo a large list to choose from; we can save you money. Try us. "I wish to ask the Court," .?aid a lawyer who had been put into the witness-bo.t to testify as an e.\pert, "if I am compelled to come into this case, in which 1 have no personal in- terest, anil give a legal opinion for nothing?" "Yes, certainly," re- plied the judge; "give it for what it is worth;" abroad, soino in the sackings of ea.s- tern cargoes, some in the dried fol- iage around tropical produce. "At any time one of these strange insects, curried hero in such fashion, might llnd that the lOnglish clinuito suitcKl it, and that one of your na- tive products (possibly wheat) sup- plied it with a suitable food. If there wero nothing to coinileract it, it would in a few years spread all over Kngland, breeding in great numbers several times a .year, before many had quite realized what was tho matter, your wheat crop would bo ruined. "For some years my work ha.s taken mo to every land. Now I am in Spain, now in China, now in tho heart of France, now in Centra! America. My method is this: When Becking an antidote I first find tho native homo of the pest I wish to at- tack. Then I go there, get into the country and examine. I watch the same pest there (whore it is proba- bly doing scarcely any damage), and I am almost sure to find that at some stage of its life another insect attacks anil destroys it. Then 1 have found what I wanted â€" my para- site â€" and I take it away with me and breed it to light tho pest. "Kvery post has its parasite, and tho right wa.v to fight posts is through their parasites. Western COMES A TIME When Coffee Shows What It Has Been Doing. "Of late years coflVe has disagreed with mo," writes a matron fnuu Home, N.Y., "it's lightest punish- ment was to make me 'logy' and dizzy, and it seemed to thicken up aiy blood. "The heaviest was when it up.set niy stomach completely, destroying; my appetite and making; mo nervous and irritable, and sent mo to my bed. After one of these attacks, in which I nearly lost my life, 1 con- tluiled to quit and try Toslum l''ood ColTcc. "It went right to tho spot! I found it not only a most palatable aiul refreshing beverage, but a food as well. All my ailments, the 'loginess' and dizziness, tho uu.satistactory condi- tion of luy blood, ni.v nervousness and irritability disappoaied in short order and zuy sorely afflicted stotu- ach began cpiickly to recover. I began to rebuild and have steadil.v continued until now. Have a good appetite and am rejoicing in sound health, which I owe to the tise cf I'ostum Food CofTee." Name given by Vostuin Co., Uattlu Creek, Mich. I lliere's a reason. I Head tiie little ^ook, "The Uoad to WellvUle," found in cr>ch pkg. To Thoso of Sedentary Occupation â€" Men who follow sedentary occupations, which deprivu tlicm of fresh air a.'d i x- ercise, are more prone to disonie ., of the liver and kidneys than ths'.j ivl.o lead active, outdoor lives. The for-ntr will Gnd iti I*arinolee'» Vegetable I'lHs a restorative without question \h2 n.oht elHcacious on the market. Thfv are easily procurable, easily taken. uc« ex pcditiously. and tbey are surprisingly cheap considering their excellence. SUNSlllNK IIIVRS SLKKP. All sulTorers from sleeplessness should try sunshine as a euro for their woes: it is tho very best so- porific there is. Many women are martyrs Id sleeplessness, atid yet they avoid the sunshine as if it wore an evil thing. They wear veils, carry parasols, seek tho shady side of the road, and do everything to keep o!I. the inlluenco of kindly old King .'-!ol, whose kisses may sometimes bring an inibecoming amount of color to their faces, but who gives them the beauty of health anil cheerfulness. Tale ond sickly-looking women nin.v become blooming and strong if the.v will but .svek the sunshine, and the.v should make tho most of it and linsk in it both indoors and out whin-ver It is possible, heedless alike of dam- age to carpets or clothes from its scoi'ching rays. TOO rui-:ciouM. A village clorg.vinan has this ch-:>ico bit among his annals, ("no day hn was summoned in haste b.v Mrs. .Johnson, who had hcen taken sikI- deiil.v ill. He went in some wond 'V, because she was not of his parish, and known to bo do\oted to h-er own nnni.s'ti.u'. tho Hev. Mr. lIopkia<». While he was wailine in tho sit- tinj.:-ri)om before secinj; the sick wo- mian he boguileil the time by talking with her daughter. "1 am vorv pleased to kivow your mother thoi't;-ht of me in her ill-," he said. "Is Mr. UopV.iiis away?" Tho lady loo'<c«l nnfeignoJIy shocked. "No," sh<> staid. "Oh, n«! we're afraid it's something infectious, atxl He didn't like to run any risks." ENGLISH SPAViN UNIiVIENT Kcmovc.s all hard soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin. curbs. splints, ringbone, swecney, stiftles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save by use of onu bottle. Warranted most wonderful Blemish Cu, known. LE TTHE BABY SL EEP WILSON'S FLY PADS "If," fu:d the chemist, "you will give this new tonic a trial, I'm sure you will never an.v other " Ex- cuse me." rejoined the customer, "but I prefer something a little less fatal." no YOU WISH TO .SELL farm? If you do, send YOOR a :uU anil complete description and lowest price and we will place it on our and list it in our next Betletin. which will be issued soon. If we ecll .vour farm, wt charge you 2^ per cent. commi.sston. If no sale is made through us, wo make no charge. Ituth- crford & llilett, Kstate Agents, Uam- iltun. T>ALT,STOM LAKF^Country scat, â- -' stock and poultry farm, 117. acres, on lake front, now house, 11 rooms and bath; gravity water sys- tem in house: largo barn, carriage house. poultr.v hou.scs, .vartls, brood- ers, rabbit hutches; ft) minutes .Sara- toga and .Sehenectady troUe.y; beau- tiful site for hotel or suuuuer board- i ing house; write for price. CHAS E. .SIKVE.N'S, Ballston Lake, Saratoga County, N. Y. FOR SALE. 2,000 acres of wood lands, en bloc or in lots to suit purchasers. I'riij- cipals only dealt with. K. W. H,\V, l''alkeaburg .Station, Ontario. $30 tha avor SHE KNEW HIS TASTES. He â€" Why do you have all that fruit] on your new hat? I don't like it. No person should go from homo with- out a liiiLtli- (.,1 I'r. .1. 1). Kcllogg's dy- sentery Cordial in their possession, as th.imrt. oi A'iiier, cookiiu^i rlirnate. etc., freiiuent-l.v brings on summer complaint, and there is Iif\e being ready with a sure reineily at hand, which oflen- liliies sa\"es great sulTering ami frciiuent- ly valuable lives. This Cordial has gaineil for itself a widespread reputa- tion for allordnig prompt relief from all summer complaints. St. Catherine's Lighthouse, Isle of Sheâ€" Well, I couldn't very well i Wight, has just been fitted with have it trimmed with stuiTcd goose, even if you do like that bettor. One trial of Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator will convince you that it has no equal as a worm medicine, liuy a buttle and see if it docs not pleaso you. "Hut. my dear," remonstrated Mr. Mookun, "there's a good deal to bo said on both sides. ' "No there isn't," answered his spouse. "I've told you what I think about it, and that's all that is going to bo said." flashlight which is equal to lifieen power. a estimated to be million candle- YOUR OVERCOATS koA r«drd BulU wouM looii ttetter dyoil. If of aun in yuur IJ^rn, write direct Moiitrval, BRITISH AMERICAN OVEINQ CO. aiONrUK.AL. AYRSHIRE CATTLE FOR SALE How Or. 'Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets Give Instant Relief.â€" They're iuind.v to carr.v â€" take one after eating â€" or whenever you feel stomach tlis- tres.s coming on â€" sufTerers have proved it tho onl.v reme l.v .known that will give in- stant relief and i>crmanent euro â€" no long teilii>us treatments with qnestionablo resultsâ€" best for all sorts of stomach truublesf 35 cents. â€" 9(i Warrior Woe«â€" Through damp, cold and exposure many a brave soldier who left his native hoiirth as "lit ' as man could be to light for country's honor, has been "invalided home" because of tin? vulture oi the battle giounilâ€" Uheumu- 1 ^lyun-h tor hire the most tisni. South American Kheumatic I ure I , " . , ., . will absolutely cure every case of Uhou- lawyer in town il I juatisin in existence. " Ueliof in six hours. â€" 9^5 Lawyer â€" "Now, sec here; before I take your case, I want to know if you're guilt.V?" Pri.soner â€" "Am I guilty'? 1.1'yor s'pose I'd be fool ex(jensive wuz innerccut'.'" TIIK JAPS AN'D TllF.m TKETH. .Japanese inns furnish fresh tooth- brushes every morning free (o everv guest. The brush is of wood, shaped like a pencil, and frayed to a tufty brush of libro at the large ond. Hard and soft corns cannot with- stand liolloway's Corn Cure; it is ef- fectual every time. (Jet a bottle at once and be happy- Every inch of the Nyang Chu val- ley in Tibet is cultivated. "Nyang" I moans the "land of llelicaciea." 20 Ayrshire Bullsâ€" four to twenty months old; Ayrshire Females all ao;es: also improved York.shire I'igs. 'Apply to HON. W. OWENS. Monte Hello. Qtie. "Leuniilas," said Mr. Me;'kton'9 wife, "look mo in the eye and answer mo one nuestion. Have you ever de- ceived mo about un.vthing'.>" "Well, Henrietta," he ansuorisl, after much hesitation, "I must confess that I havo not been altogether frank. On numerous occasions I have dissembl- ed to tho e.xlent of trying to appear far more amiable than 1 really felt.'-' A Sure Cure for Headache. â€" headache, to which women arc n.i'»u subject than men. becomes so acut-j in some subjects that they are uttcri./ pio- strated. 'I'hc stomach refuses food, enii there is a constant and distressinc ef- fort to free the stomach from oili "Vhi li has become unduly secreted ther^, t*ni- niclce's Vegetable Vills are a s[»eeil.v al- terative, and in noittrali/ing liio tffeii*. of th.e intruding bile relieves Liie vrcs- sure on tho nerves which cause Ihc headache. Try Ihuiii. Lifebuoy Soap â€" disinfectant â€" Is strongly recomniendeil by the medical profession as a safeguard against in- fectious diseases. 22 NEVEU TOO OLD TO LEARN. Mr. Allisob, who is .sevent.v years old and who graduated at Mi.ssouri I'nivcrsit.v in 18.52, has re-entered tho Fniversit.v in order to take a special course in surveying. CA.SHTKirS i{b:coup. Mr. dohn Watt, .I.P.. ca-shier in tho Commercial Hank, Ceorgo .siioet, Ktlinburgh, has retired after tho record wu-vice of lift.v-six and a half veurs without a day's absenco A good deal of tho consolation of- fered in tho world is about a.s- so- lacing as the assurance of the Iris^i- man to his wife when she fell into tho river: "'S'oiril find ground at the bottom, m.y dour. " Itching Piles -Pr. Agnew's Ointment is proof against tho torments of Itching Piles. 'I'h^ui'unds of testimonials of cures effected b.v its use. No case loo aggravating or too long standing foi It too soollic, comfort and cure. It cures In from 3 to nights. 35 cents. â€"95 LONDON'S BUSY lilUDGES. In twelve honrs 22,118 people cross Westminster Uriilgo on foot and ",- 051 pa-ssengers go o\er l).v omnibus. At BlacUfriars Bridge :U,385 pedes- trians cioss in twelve hours and 5,- .H99 passen,i;crs in Kver.v day 1,'WO electric trams are run to and from Westminster Bridge, and last year a total of 5:1,000.000 pas- sengers Were carried. To Blackfriais Bridge there are otUi cars a da.v, a"<1 the number of passcu,i;ers last year was 38,000,000. A vast bod of coal, containing fuel enough to supply all the navies of the I'acilic, has been discovered at Baron KofT Bay, at the extreme north end ol. Kamchatka. Growcll (in cheap restaurant)â€" "Hero, waiter! Are these mutton or pork chon.s'?' Waiter â€" "Can't you tell by tho tasteV" tJrowell- ".No." Waiterâ€" "Then what dilTercnco does it make what they are'?" It Rea-'hes The .Spot. â€" There are few remedies befor r the public to-da.v a.s eflicacious in removing puili and in nl- la.ving and lue^enting pulmonar.v dis- orders as l-^r. Thomas' l-'flectric Oil. It has ilemonstrnteil its powers in thou- sands of instances ami a large number of testimonials as to its great value as a medicine could be got were ihero occasion for it. It is for sale every- where. Jo.skins â€" "I sa.v, lloskins. this is m.v firs' o y at shooting. You might toll me ir conliileiico what peoplo shut oni eye for when they're sight- ing ar thing." lloskins â€" "Oh, that's pe''.'^ctly simple, my dear fellow. You St.", if the.v wore to shut both e.yes they wouldn't be able to see any- thing." Too Many Poople Dally With Catarrh- â€" It strikes one like a thiinder-clap, de- velops with H rapiility that no othor disease does. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal rowder is the radical, iiiiick, .sale and pleasant cure U»at the disease demands. Use the means, prevent its deep-seating and years of distress. Don't dall.v with Catarrh. Agnew's gives relief in ten niiiuitos. 50 cents." â€" 97 HAIN WinCU NEVER FALLS. In tho Colorado l'>osert there ai-o rain.storms during which not a drop of water touches tho earth. Tho rnin can be scon falling from tho clotKls high above tho desvrt, but when it reaches tho hot, drv air be- nenlh tl.o clouds it is entlrel.v ab- sorbed These strange rainstoinia take place in regions where the th<-r- inoineter often registers 128 degrees in the shade. When you think you have cured a cough or cold, but fisd a dry, hacking cough remains, there is danger. Take •Shiloh's Cure ?S:ic^""«' ion at once. Tt will strengthen the lungs and stop the cough. Prices; S. C. Wells A Co. joS Z.'ic 50c $1. LeRoy.N.'Y.. Toronto. Ca.i. ISSUE NO. 28â€"05.