Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Jul 1905, p. 4

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July 13 1905 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^im^w^^^^ F, T. HILL & CO. m^^Mtftf Midsummer Bargains for --'>«»« July Selling. ^ THIS WEEK \ve'^.va"J?"i'ati-' ^ spec^ial sale, nuaking many deep cuts in seasonable lines which renreSC'it the biggest buying value that it has been our pleasure to ofter you. If you are iVi;wly to save money on many of your wanted requirements we are ready to help von. ^iJJead this week's announcement and be on hand early to share in this mouey-saving\opportunity. Srf MONEY-SAVING PRICKS l^ LADIES' LTNEN AND FANCr COLLARS. The hia reduction in prices and tho Uree tissortVp'""' "f ^^y'"* '" '''<"'" l'»'l'os collars, now so much wanted tor summer ivoar. makes this an oxcoptionally u..od Wportumty t.) supply your cdkr wants at n very Hmall price. ;!0() I.idics' Linun Collars, all sizes, also ladies fancX was" collars, many difierent lines included =- "- ' ' Values up to 35c. Special barf;aiiis price 9c. or \ LADIES' FANCY WASH BELTS, 2 FOR 25o , REGULAR VALUE UP TO 40c. 2.">0 Ladies Fancy Wash Delta in whites mid fanjy combiuati<m col irs, bucklea to match, reprosonting "^ to 40c. S|K!oial bargain price. " BOYD, HiCKLING & CO; | -FLESHERTON, OML Greatly - Reduced â-  Prices ^ ll(^^rin^ the close e? a mcst successful and ^ btisy season we offer Special Reductions in ^ Crlmmed fllillinery and Ready=to=ivear f^ats* me bave still a large assortment of first clafs sbajjcs to select from. GOOD NEWS FOR THE- LADIES REQUIRING GLOVES. 175 pair ladies Dno silk and lislo thread K'"ves '" a" 'j]^" leadf TesentinKt pair . 5 pair ladies Dno silk and lislo tnrcaa gioves ni a.i ...- iding shades, such as creams, whiles, tanvbrowi.s rcp- icntinK gloves that Boll in the tegular way up to SOcimr ir. Your choice FANCY & PLAIN COLORS IN VELVETS AT A RIG REDUCTION IN PRICE. 500 yards of fancy.and plain Velvets, suitable for shirt waists and tliildren's suits, represciitin(; veWcts up to COc per yaid. Special bargain price yard I'J LADIES' FINE STRAW SAILORS, YOUR CHOICE FOR 19c. Vnw Hint the warm weather has set in. this remarkable oirorinR makes it convement for you to hare a h^at a very low iTrire" There are hats ii. the lot that sell from 50c. to 81 .00. Your choice for MEN'S TWEED PANTS for 98c. .;â-  100 pairs Men's Tweed Pants in plain black twill, also grey colors, all sizes, good wearing tweeds, dear, per pair Special to 98 WKW9^ MARKDALE j^lcKliertoii. %hn\\\ts 1« published every ThiirsiUy nt ?1.<)« i«r Minum if paid in lutvuiiw, *1.WJ if not no (luid. All Kulwcrib.TS jayiiiK *1.00 strictly ill aUvmiou (fcl the Monlieal Herald one year free as a rciniuiu. Artemesia Council The Municipal Council of tho Township of Artemesia ii;et in tho Town lliill, FK.sh ertoii, on Monday, .July :!, 19<1J, niembois all present and Ueevu in tliair. Minutes of last session read and ccmtirmed. Awards c)f arbitratots in l!ie matter of Union Schools No. 14, Arlomosia ami ICaphras'.a, and No. 18, Artemesia and (Jleuol|{, wore presented and read a fiint and 8ec(md lime. By law No. (!55, to borrow $2000 for curiviil oxpenditure as rciiuiit'd, wus passed in eonimiltee, road a third lime, sinned, scaled and entered in the l.y law book. MoKetizio â€" (,'aisonâ€" riiat the follow- ing accounts (duly certi(iud) forKraviil, bo jiaid; IVlur Muir, 13.55; Kd. Cnllis, $1.85 A. McIiCMin, 81.50. â€" Carried. McKoi/ieâ€" Bestâ€" That Arteinesis's share of arbitral )i«' fees in the inatier of II. S S, No. 18, ArlomeaiH and tJlenelK, $I4.(K), bo paid to Insp«otor Campbell as per award. â€" Carried. Pur»i» -Best- Th;it $20.00 bo granted for the ))urpose of Rraviilling forty rods, ') feet wide, avera)!iiin seven inches deep, at lots ;)a and .14, Con. JO, provided suf- ficient (gratis work bo given to gravel tiftveii rods more by persons interested.â€" Carried. Porvis â€" Host --That mving 'o large ux- nonditiirea on bridi{i'S and other absolute- ly n ce^sary works this ("uuncil does not con. 1 Irr it ttdvisabi") to ojien base lino, soul )i of Concession 4, this year.â€" Car- ried. M Konzio -Purvis -Th.tt ill rog.ud to the (iiiiiion of Si3 ralnpayers asking to liave tiie dufiation at loi'j \{',\ and 144, Con 2, N. E , chunj^ed, iind promising Ural . wiiik tlieroiin, the Ueeve and Mr. lies' o» iiulliorized to confer with Mr. Tho.iipson, (iwiur of the land, and pro- coeii V.I h tl)o work and lepoit pro!>ret<s, if, i.i I heir opinion, it would he advisable to m K > such ilovialion - Carried. M kouzio â€" Carson -That on account of the « iiioKo in the system by the County Cou H ;l, in regard loailinitlin,j inmates free toil '' i (dust rial Home, the monthly grant of 1*1.00 lo Thos. Maiiders be witlidravMi utter liu prBBCiit inonih. â€" Carried. ing Chickens for Market; (7) Marketing; (8) Some Station Work; (9) The EgK Trade; (10) The Flock; (11) Foods for I'uuUry;(ll!)Trap Nests. Biilklin No. rt "Farmer's Poultry House, "a pamphlet of 15 pages, treats of the iieedii, location and essentials of a jioullry house for tho farm, and gives plans of Seven good poultry hon.ses used in C.iiiada. Statistics of the value of poultry in Caiiaila, divided into provinros, with <|uantitie8 exported, etc., are in- cluded. Bulletin No 9, "Diseases and Parasites of PoiiUry," also n psmphlot of 15 pai/es, (leHcribes the v.irious diseases aireclin.; poultry, with the treatment acopted by 8Uoct!H»f»l pmiltry men. Any or "11 of the.se huUelins may bo had on applicatii.ii to 1". C. Fll'ord, Chief of Poultry Division. Oitawa, Oat, Flesherton Sash, Door and Planing Mills i\M-wWv^ [LnLJj Special for July Shoppers ^ Black Cotton Hose for 10c. ^ Women's fhs«t black rib cotton hose. C^ 9.i Kcgular 18c for IS % Fancy Ribbons for 12 l-2c. Sizes 8.^, 9 and 10 50 ends fancy colored ribbon.s, suitable for collar^, belts or fancy work, inclutling lino.s that sold from 15 to 40c, cut any length you desire, per yard 19;^ WWAPW^^ % Black Cashmere Hose 25c. Nervousness, A Calamity, Many who do notreabze what lies be- yond, I rent an attack of the "norvos ' with iiidiU'erence. Others consider it wirt soon pass away . But in every case nervi^usui'.xs is n cala'iiit.y. Only one remedy will euro- Forroziuio â€" ii nerve sirengi honor that acts llirouuli the bliod. First 11 givesyoii apneliteâ€" yon eat plenty. This tills the blood with iiourishnieiit fur the inner nurvo cells Energy and strength is instilled into every part of the system. You get wollâ€"keep well- ner- vousness fc'ever departs, because you've used I'Vrro.one, Price 60o. per box, of lifiy tablets t;t all dealers. Poultry Bulletins. Thi>'i bitllutius oontaiiiin!{ useful infor- iiiati a for the poultryman are being is- muikI 'V the Poultry Division of the Live Htouk lltanuh at Ottawa. Bu ! '10 No. 7 is a nvwriiten and re- vised Li.iitionof "Profilnble Poultry Farm- injj, (N >, fi), and cent iin« nhaplors on (1) tncub 1 '"i; ('!) Bro(siini(i (:i) The Chicken Tradv; ^4) Selection of Suitable Breed; i^),Gri^i< fotteuiusi ChiaVens; (i\) Propat. One day last week, a well preserved, elderly gentleman aiul his wife turned tho Review cnriier ami atojipod lo inquiru if ho was right for Owen Sound for he had niiNsod "Hunler's tavein," which was hero or hereuboiUs ;tO years ago. We pointed to the McKecliuio residence over th'i way mid the transformed liostoliy im- pressed liini with tho lapse of liniu. His name wiis V'nil, a son of tho printer who ran William Lyon McKenzie's papor, a:id who was later connected with tho Owen Soiiiul Ooinei in Vandiisoii'g time. The olil .ind worlhy conpla had driven from Southern Wincoiisin, where they had liviid for 115 years, but were now return- ing to tluMr homo in North (Iroy near Viiil's Point, fully conviiicud lliat Canada is superior to anything Ih'iy had seen in the Stales. In their wooks of travel thoy marvelled they had never been caught in a shower.â€" Durham Revisw.. Marringo has made much trouM? for a young man iianied Albert Tucker, but liis pri.son tetm has not cured him of the higniny habit,. Ho has three wives, snd on Tuesday was SHiitpiiced to nine months in ih.) Centrnl Prison for his third vent- ure. TiK'kor until a short tinio ago lived in Owen Soiiiid iind worked as a lireman on a steamer running out of that port. Ho served sii months for his seoimd nisrriage. His first wife was Cora Small, (if Kiiigsmill, nnd linding \\{a with her disagreeable, he married Margaret I'lur.' meifeldt, a grass widow. Her hnshand lieanl uf the union and had thein both ftirested. Both wore convicted and si^nt to prison. Tucker married again soon after his rulcaie, The third wife hai left the country. . [kn=n (?k, Wo have rcRuived a large cur of best Jiorlii Slioru Wliile Piuc, Parties ex- pecting' ta build a liouitc uext suiumer would do well lo call aud sco us ami nrraugo to liav.' their Sash Door and Frames made during tho winter and get them boiuo ou tho sleigb. Wo funiiah everything noedcd for building a bouse. We will niako prices and terms interesting! We want your trade aud will guarantee first class workmanship and ma- terial. Planing and matching done promptly. T. VV. WILSON Manager Chopping Mondays anly. 10 dozen Avomens wide or narrow ribbed cashmere ^'^ ho.se, 9 and 9^, seamless feet, fast black. The best you'll see anywhere for 1^5c. Men's 25c Bow Ties for 10c. 1 2 dozen Men's Bow Ties,with shield, very easily put on, all silk, light dark and mediiuu shades in the popular colors, every one quite new. The regular •J.'je Ihic, sjv^cial lOc each, o for 25c Two Special Raincoats VJ Ladies Waterproofs, dark blue, fancy plaid liuintr, new sleeve, sizes oO to 40 bust. A very satisfactory garment, regular 8.50, special 3.H5 (i Ladies llaincoats, dark grey cravenette and tweed etVects, new style, reliable goods, sizes 36 to 40 bust, llegular 4.50 and 5.00 tpialities, speeial 3.65 ;t Grocery Specials Guaranteed Fresh. " Looking back«l see I never saw before." This is the exclamation of satisfied customers. We have fitted successfully stubborn cases that others have failed in. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free. W^A. Armstronj^, JCWKLer AND OPTieoAN FLESHERTON. Fresh Salmon Blue Berries I'io Peaches Peirs in Syrup Green Peas Tomato C-atsup (\istile Soap Fruit, Lemon \ Ginger or mixed j Biscuits 10c tin 3 tins '2oc 2 tins 25c 2 tins 25c 3 tins 25e 3 tins 25e 2 cakes 5c 10c Another car loatl of the celebrated Vm Roses Tloiir coming in X\\\» wtek. Hran ami shorts also. hardware Everything you need for having! IVIaehine Oil Forks" Scythes JLiy Fork Pulleys Hay IJakes Manilla Hope Whetstones Grindstones Bergcr's pure English Paris Green for potato bugs â€" none .so good. Boyd, Hickling & Co. ' HS l TUsberton E w Deparlment | %*»3K*

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