Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Jul 1905, p. 5

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â-  'â- , THE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE July 13 1905 VICINITY . CHIPS Past W<ek •«â-  W Caralnlly Curled lor the Cuil u>. . . M Ficsh limo always oil hand. J. H. Diicl;ett, Eugenia. liiss Haldane has returned to her home ill Str-ithroy. Teuns wiiiiteJ to haul lumber from Rockvale iiiills to Fltshorton station. ArmsUoiig Bros. We f;o to press too early thia week to If pert tlio l'2th of July cok'bratiou. Wantedâ€" yuuiig co'.v -jivia^ milk, A. Shackelford. Miss Bort Crossley of Toronto paid » short visit to her home here last week . All Grey Old Boys will want some Souvenir Fostals from A. M. Thurston, nhile in Flesherton oa tho 15tU. 5c. each orG for 25c. Mr. David Wright of Elora is visitin-,' hia mother here. Mr. and Mia. C. Pye of Thornbury were in town on Tuesday. Miss Myrtle Thurston spent a few Jays this week iu Owen Sound. Choppin!{ will not be done here on any d'ly except Mondays â€" Thompson Wilson. Mr. Harry Sti-eley of Toronto is visit- ing here at present. Mr. Robert Lockhart of Duluth and Mrs. Quinu, of Bethel, are visiting with Mrs. E. Wliitten of this place. Mrs. E. Vanz.mt and litfcle ai'n, of Tor- onto, are visitiniC friends in this vicinity. Mr. W. P. Crossley, who has been in Dundalk for some mouths, returned home last week. Spring lamb came lo my property rec- ently. Owner ple.ase prove property, pay etpenaos and take same away. H. Down, Portlaw. Mr. and Mrs. IVroore, of Xornianby.are visiting their son Will. Mrs. Moore will remain for a month. The person who was seen rakins a box of biscuits from my »t-)re had better return H or settle for the same. W. L. Wi Ight;. Mrs. S. C. Rowe, with her i!aut;htei's. Ruby and Pearl, of Tbornbury is visiting her sister, Mrs Henry Down, Fourth line. The Stayner Sun estimates that the damage in that vicinity by the recent gtorm will amount to ?80,000. Walter Bristow of Nottawa, is orectina a farm residence to cost between §3000 and U4000. M:s3 NoUio flondorson, a former res- ident of Flesherton, has betn visiting friends here, and was the guest of Mrs. J. CornSeld. Mr. J.W. McCrae of of Woodbridge spent a few days with Mr. W. H. Bmrt, prior to leaving for P^rt Arthur, where ho intends spending! tho sunimor. Mrs. .Andrew Carr received a telegram on Saturday tollinif cf the death of her sister, Mrs. Robertson of Orono, on Friday, July 7th. Lost â€" On July 10th a sumll parcel between Flesherton and Rockvale. Finder please leave at Robert Fisher's or this office. laug Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, B.A., B.D., the newly appoiuted pastor of the Methodist church hero, preached his opening ser- mons hero last Sunday moruing and evening. Though he had been a near neighbor for four yo^rs these were his first sermons to this congregation, and the impression was decidedly favorable â€" Standard. Mr. Hoitman h.is withdrawn his tender for Ihe Fleshcrton-Feversliain mail car- rying, and Mr. Sample is still convoying His Maji'sty's correspondence. There was keen opposition by Fevershain people to Mr, Heitman getting the job. Tho latter has a.sked tho nn^niber for Centre Orey to nipiest that ceitiin correspond ence relating lo this matter be laid on the table of the House, and more may be heard of it from that quarter. Mr. and Mrs. John Adams mrc with a sad loss in tho death of their little ston, Thomas, agi'd 7 years, on Sunday morn- ing by a virulent type of diphtheria, after a few diiys illness. Tho child had been with his sister, Mrs. Fdward Turner, and was brought home last week suffering fl'om the disease. Dr. Dison of Pricevillo Bttbnded the lid and did everything pds- sible to save his life but without avail. The remains were interred in Flusherton ncmetory on Sunday afternoon. A magistrate's court was held here on Monday, which attracted much interest. H. Hoitman, jr., of Fevershain, brought tiwo chargis against Joseph Irwin, also of that place, for assault, and for u^^in« wbusive, insulting and profane language. The ca.se occupied Magistrate VanDusen about four hours and proved quite a legal battle between Barrister McKay ot Owen Sound, and Mr. McArdlo, ol Lucas, Wright and McArdle. A large number of wicnesses were heard and some very ooutrAdictory evidence was put in. Tho oluiigeof assault was dismissed with costs against the plaintifiT. The second charge MMultad in a fine of 95.00 and f6.50 coats. Mr. P. Qnigg and family moved to town on Tuesday. The Advance is pleased to welcome Mr. Quigg to full ciiizen.ship, and trusts he will find urban life aatisfiotory and restful after his hmg period of arduous work as a pioneer far- mer of Arlemeaia township. On Saturday next the Grey Old Boys and their best girU will bo with us. No elaborate preparations are e-tpeeted, al- though the town will wear its best clothes, put on for the 12th, until after rhis aus- pioioua event. All who e.xpect friends a:e ro'pjested to pivpare baskets and take them to the park bof.)rc 12 o'clock on that day â€" and others as well who doaire CO entertain ihe home-comers. Ariange- ments will bo made on the grounds, to supply drinkables. Ii is not known just how many visitors we will have, but it will be well to make full preparation for a crowd, rather than to fall short in our hospitality. The President and Secre- tiiry of tho As.sociai ion are exi)ected to be our guests on this occaasou. Let us show our hospitality Siy tendering the old fel- lows a hearty dinner, wliich will be more appreciated than brass bauds and acrobat- ic shows, after which tho drive to Eu;;- enia will be appreciated to the fullest exte:.t. Be Done With Catarrh! Why allow ihis filthy disease to poisou your system? It drains your strength, riiinsdigestion, pollutes the breath, makes you repulsive. The one certain cure is "Catarrhozoue," it cures because it de- stroys the cause of tho disease, cures thoroughly because it goes wherever the catarrh is, cures every case because its vapor destroys the catarrh germ in.stantly To get well and s!ay free from catarrh get Catarrhozoue and use it; satisfaction gu&rruntued. Entrance Results. . The following rro the results of the recent Entrance Examination in Flesher- ton. Owing to a change in the Royul.i- tions 00 per cent of the total marks and •to per cent of the marks in each suVjecC are required to pass. The pass mark was 390. The successful cundidates will receive their oertiticaso b.it not their marks, the unsuccessful ones their marks throuah their teacher. 30 candidates wrote. Passed â€" Giuwâ€" Ballautyne, H. 401; Beattie, D, 457; Bogus, U. 50fj; Carr, M, 445; Collinsnn, S, 443; Dockrill, ftl, 470: Duncan, E,390; Heron, E, 4G1; Mitchell, L, 304; Baton, M, 44H; Warling, E, 40*!. Govsâ€" Buchanan, C, 43!); Butler, T, 40(5; Carr, W, .-536; Chard, F, 394; Crossley, W E 416; Davis, 0, .301; Kar- stedt. H, 428; McTavisb, <;. 402; Orr, A, 414; Pallisrer.H, J53; I'.iton,' R, 425; Scott, J W, 415; Tucker, 0, 412. Likes Pete's Piayiag. The Owen Sound Times hns an ear for music. Hear what it says: "There are some degenerate people who cannot rec- ognize music in the strains that cume frcun the Highland bagpi[)os, but they are more to be pitied than condemned, as they never had the priviledge of being born where the heather gri>»s,>iid <atmeal is a staple article of diet. But even the u:.t»goueriited specimen of humani y would have been coui;)ellod to admit on Friday evcniui.', had they beard Piper Peter McArthur, tho son of the gei.i.il John McArthur, warden of tho county, as he played some rare Scotch music in the council chamber, that in the hands of as KO'id a piper as he the soul .stinina aiisof Anld Sjotia were so grand tbiit they could not have failed to set iho blood tingling and tho nimble faet niovinir, as ho played tho Hills of Olenoky, Highland Laddie and other rare gemsof piue music. Mr. McArthur is an accomplished pl.-iyr and tho local Scotchmen should give the town people an opportunity of bearing him ou some Burns' anniversary or St. Andrew's night. One Dollar Saved Represents Ten Dollars Earned. The avemge mail docs n^iisave to e.xoeed ten per cent of his earnings. He must spend uiiio dollars in living expenses for every dollar saved. That being the case hn cannot be too carefui about uuiieoessary expenses. Very often a few cents projwrly invested, like buy- ing seeds fi.r his garden, will save auvoral dull- .irs ontlav later ou. It is the same in buy- ing ChambcrUin's Colic, Chi leva and Diarr- hoea Kiuiedy. It costs but a few cents, and a ivatU tif it in the house often savts a doctor's liill of several dollars. For sale by W. K. Riehaidson. While iu the bush, where his son, W.dfor.Wits loading logs with his team on \^'tdlle9day of last week, Mr. Geo. Rich- ardson, of Euphrasia, mot wiili a serious aeeidi'iit. .V chain broke and tho log rolled back striking the old gentleman andibre.ikin!; his leg in two places below tho knee. Ho was conveyed homo and thus far suffereil very little from the injury. Dr. Ego was sent fjr, who upon arrival reduced tho fractures, but tho age of the invalid. 76 years, is ngainst rapid recovery. His numerous friends deeply sympathizo with the Squiro in his lament- able misf ortu ne. â€" St and ard. Ar« You Costive? If you know how bad fiu' health consti- pation is, you woulil bo more careful. Irregular bowels cause appendicitis, jaun- dice, anaemia and a thousand other dis- eases too. Sooner or later it will bring you to a sick bed. The use of Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills changes all thia quickly. They are raado to cure constipation in one night, and always do so. By taking Dr. Hamilton's Pills you are sure of a keen appetite, .splendid color, jovial spir- its and sound restful sleep. Gentle in action; good for men, women or children. 25c, per box, or live foe $1.00 at all deal- ers laiaodieiBe.. Sunday School Convention The Artemesia Sabbath School Associ- ation met at Vandeleur on Monday of this week. In absence of tho President, J. R. Hogg, Rev. J. S. I. Wilson of Markdale took the chair. Mr. J . A. Felstead took up the subject " How can wo maintain the interest in Sunday schools during the holidays?" S(miu of Mr. Felstead'a ideas were : .Make the schoolroom briglit and cheery wi:h flowers and freah air ; have a staff of teachers and officers sutticient to meet all demands made upon it ; the congregation should take an interest iu the Sabba:h school. The discnsBton which followed brought out the facr that there is a lack of male teachers, and of co-operation of parents. If pupils do not attend regii- farly it often is the fault of the teachers, lor they, too frequently, absent them- selves. Rev. J. B. Wa.s3 spoke on the "Duties of pai'eiils in connection with Sunday schoid work." Parents should be partic- ular about church membership ; they must set an example for their children to follow ; impress upon the children in their early years their relation to the church. Many good indnis were hirought out iu the discussion which followed. Mr. Pickell of Slarkdule wa.s to have given a report of the international con- vention which was hold recently iu To- ronto, but having met with an accident he was unable to be present. His time was taken by Rev. J. S. I. Wilaon, his pastor, who gave three points for Sab'oath school workers : We are not sutjicientiy careful to have everybody pledged to total abstinence ; let Decision Day be observed ; let the Home Department and Cnullo Roll be features of tho school. Rev. L. W. Thoru gave a very inter- esting address to about fifty children. " 'The Sunday school in relation to the temperance movement " was the subject of a paper ably dealt with by Rev. Mr. Matlieson of PriceviUe, in which he em- phasized the iucrea.se of drunkeness iu our province and tho Sunday .school as its greatest aniagouising induence. As a result a lively discussion followed by strong resolutions in favor of securing local option for Artemesia. and to this end a strong committee was appointed to take tho necessary steps to inaugurate a hical option campaign. Rev. G. F. Hurlburt spoke on tho sub- ject, " The importance of Sunday school wcrk in the community." This was dealt with iu Mr. Ilurl'mrt's straightfor- ward manner, his idea being that every teacher's aim should be to lead the young to Christ. The officers appointed were : Presi- dent, J^ A. Kel8t.ead ; Vice President, Mrs. V. Nicholson ; Sec-Treasurer, W. H. Bunt. Tho convention will meet iu PriceviUe next year. A vota if thanks was ten- dered tho hulies of V.uideleur for their generous hospitality, and the meeting closed with the benediction. Buy It Now Now is the time to buy Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diiurrhoea K«medy. It i« crrtain to be nestled sooner or later and when that time comes you will need it badly â€" you will need h quickly. Buy it now..- It may save life. For sale by W. E. Richardson. Tamworths and Berkshires. I liave for sale a few clioice voung i)lgs of both treeils at riglit iirices. \VriiQ for what you want or come aud seo them' MaxwaU P. O. Geo. W. Ross. ICE CREAM We have fitted up au Ice Cream Parlor ill the rear of our grocery store. If you wiiiit ice cream that is pure come here for it. We make it ourselves and know what we are offering you. WALL PAPERS! Wo have a larger stock of fresh groceries than ever before and the prices are reasonable. Wm. L. WRIGHT Barnliouse's Old Stand. TUsberton « Ont^ The largest stock in tho town- ship, of BEST QUALITY and LOWEST PRICES, fl'Om Sc. double roll up to oOc. exhibition bv per On C. E. Ti^yoxi, The FttAtTicx imi.mhb & r.vi'Kit ii.i.s(.;i:ii. S.WrLES OS APl'UC'.VTION. PriceviUe Ontario. '!»*<M If yon, your friends or relatives suffer with Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, or Falling Sickness, write for a trial bottle and valuable treatise on such diseases to The LiiiBiG Co., 179 King Street, W,, Toronto, Cauada. All druggists sell or can obtain for you UEIBIG'SFITOyRE 1^ BOOTS AND 5 HOES i The reputfition of our Boots and Shoes has been buik up by close attention to business. Our Footwear is well part of the country as being the best. The proof of this is that so many always come to us for their boots and shoes. Our Spring Stock is up-to-date in style and make and is the best and most complete we have ever had to show you. Know througliout all this me JIlway$ Cry Co ^\Kt a Dollars mortb Tor a Dollar Iu custom work we are second to uone. Wo use the best material that can be got and any order entrusted to our care will be oarefuly attended to. If you are jroiug to trnvel we have a larae stock of TRUNKS, TELE- SCOPES & SUIT CASES. Call and see them at Clayton's TksS^crton. i^«!»^«t^ t>.ssft^^<ai*«* tA'4Aa&<i ^(^^^:^'o^s:Kk'^^^m^^^c^^ C^v? 01 iSlii iPBi riortgage Sale Of Farm Property Near Eugenia Is fully drugs. stock. stocked -ivith No Old or the b«St useless Under and by vlrtiio of the vwwer» o jutaiiii 1 in a cert'iiu mortgago which will bo protlucod at tho time of fale, there will bn orferml tor Halobv Fubiic Ajctioii at MiniHhaw's hottjl, ou I''riilay,tho SSth day of july,1905; at the hour cf Two o'clock 111 tb» afteruoou, the followiiii^ property : (Ij North half lol27, con. 13. Artoniesia 5i ftcrf'9. Cpou thn property thoru i-i 'i t{oo»i Uouijq au<l barn. .\ v^ry dcsivablosiuatl fnrm. I'J) West half lot :I7, con. U, .\rteiii6sia. JO acres. No buiUliii^^. Good pasiuro lot aud some tinibor. For terms and condif ions of saleaT'l''-' tiJ LUCAS, WKiaUT iS: ,Mo,\!!DI.l-:. Uaikaaie, Uut. Dated 29tb Jnuo, IOCS. TENDERS WANTED We solicit a share of your patronage, assuring COITipletC satisfaction f" both patient and doctor, besides saving you money. ^ TEXDKRS will bo rsceivod bv tho nudcr- sii^ned up to I^o'lIocIj, noon, on SjiturJay, .Iiilv l.5th, fur tho cutting down and vumoval oi th;> face oi the uiomu.vin ou the itorth side of Beavor river at and below Ki:;ion:a Kall^, iii tho Conutiy of (iroy. I'ho uiateri-il is princi- pally clay, gravol or sand. Tho lowout or any ndcr not nocoi'saiilv acoeptod, Particulars itiav bo hiul on application to TlloM.VS Mcb.Vt'f.ilUN, Sec.-Troiw. Qoorgiaii Hay Power Co., Limited, 18 Kiufi sCruut wast, Torouto. For Your Stock Old OREY Boys* Of COUNTV HssociatiOiu TOaONTO Will hold their .\nnnal Excursion to Owen Sound and Klwclierton ou SATURDAY, JULY iSth. 1903, by Canadian I'auiUc Kiilw.iy. Sueci»r Train â- Â«'.". '•â- 'vvo Toronto U»iou Stauon at H a.iu , l-ar«<1alo atS.05 a.m.. Tor- onto Junction » 15 a.m. arriving at Klosheitou at 11. IU a.m., Owoi. Sonndat lil3 noon- Fares to Owon Sound, from Toronto Union Station, adults 31 75. children, Mo., from Park^ dalo, ailnlts, $1.55. children Mc: horn Torouto Jiinitiuu, adults Sl.(>.% child'en Si'w. KaicB to Floghorton, froui Toronto Union Stat- ion, PerkdaU or Torouto Juuctiun, adults *1.2o childreu 6oo. Tickets aro good returninR by any roRid.\r train on July lath, 16tb. or 17tli, or bv special tiaiu l«»vins Owon Sound at 7.50 p.m. and Flesh- erton at S.tO p.m. July 17tb. W- H. Miller. Frosidont; Joseph ArmatronR, Vico President, S. Wroy, Secy, ol P.xecutive; C. W. Chadwiok, Hoc. Seoy-, OTcmporanca St., Torcuto. S4! *«• ^A â- iii' •»i<« -n't- •Hi- ^{!? 'iii' •hi- Vi5» •US' ^1? lli'rbageum. International Stock Tick Dostroyer for tho sheep. Food, Columbian Regulator. For Yourself Patent Medici ues â€" all tho popular makes. Pipes and tobacco. For Your Wife Spices for 'Perfumes, cooking â€" .VllspicCj Corticella Silk.. Cinuamon, Mixed spioe.=!, etc. For Your Baby Soothing Sy-up, Sucking Bottles, and Teething Rings. â-ºJ< ^ >J< Richardson Sc Son . DRXJ OGIST Flesherton :-: :-: dntario %> .-/ij5 •?i«- Sid .M«. ^<> •Vt? •>is» %^m^^%mm^^mmm^%^^mt%mmmm^<^ m 'â- ''.liiKLi**!.'.-*

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