.. ||l« I I â- â- ITf »> â€"!â- July IS 1905 THE BLESHERTON ADVANCE i^- Tbe Markets. t'arefully Corrc<tcd Each Week Oats 43 43 .}'a;xs 05 to Oo Hiiiioy !'.!.'.'... . 45 to 45 Butler '*> '-" Jl' KiiKs fresh 1" to la Chiokens to Ducks Cto <;eoae to lUy f" ^ "^ f otjitoea bad i^. ^" fi Wool 2o to .8 Massey^Iiarris Bicycles '-(.»ue wheel tliat stands f-r that's good ill bicycle manufac- ture ia the Massoy-IIarris. It lias besides graceful lines nnd excollent finish all the ><i)0.1 points of best quality of material and new inventions. nassey=Harris and inPERIAL BICYCLES Tliebii,'h prade models of tho fonnar wheel hiuo the Hyfxienic Cushion Frame, S.lli haii.Ue l?ars and Morrow Coaster Brake. The "Imperinl" may '>« t'"';'! .vith tho Coaster Brake and Sills Handle JUars. Write us for particulars. Canada Cycle antl INIotou Co. Limited. Cdronto = = Canada. \ Aj;ers You can depend on Ayer's Hair Vigor to restore color to your gray hair, every time. Foiiow directions and it never fails to do this worls. It stops Hair Vigor fallingof the hair, also. There's great satisfaction in knowing you are not going to be disap- pointed. Isn't that so? " Mt h»lr faded ontll l< wm abont »blt«. It took Just 0118 liottlB of Ajor'8 II»Jr Vljor to restore It to lt» former dark, rich color. Your ]I»ir Vigor certainlj do« wh«t rou cl»lm for It." â€" A. M. UouOAH, BocVlngham, M. C. ?.0C a bottle. !1 drnyidBtn. for' J. 0. ATXB CO., Lowell, MM».i Fading Hair V" -V3 JFlesHer tioi:^ Hi Good lioraos- -iiow ngs- drivei:! •altenlno L In Furniture Tlie largest and best stock of furiiituie ever sliown in Flesiicr- ton. This without fear of contra- diction. Come and sec .some of tho nice things in Sideboards Dining Roonq Cl)airs Parlor Setts Bed Roon\ Setts A spocial reduction just now on everything in order to reduce tho stock. W. H. BUNT. KTiinnitnre sOealer \\\Mw - But. Honor Rolls Results of Promotion Examination for S. S. No. 17, Arteinesia .Tr. IV to Sr. IVâ€" M. fisher, F. Rus- sel, A. Chard. .Sr. Ill to .fr. IVâ€" L. dark. D. Pedlar. Sr. II to .Jr. m-E. Uussel.R. Fuller, E. Fisher, E. Armstrong. Jr. II lo Sr. Hâ€" A. Bott«, P. Clark, E. Clark. A. McDowell, R. Betts, N. Fisher, R. Clark, H. Phillips, .J. Arm- strong. E. Smith, E. White, Pt. II to Jr. II -L. Fisher, M. Radlcy, B. Morrow M. Armstrong, M. Parliati'- tnt, S. t'lsher, E. M. Genoo. Sr. Pt. I to Pt. II-F. Parliament, A. Pedlar, P. Clark. Class A to Sr. Pt. I- J. Clark; Eva Radley. M. Bkaniff, Teacher. Kiniherley Public School Senior Room. Marks required to pass: Cla.ss III, 225; Class II, 215. Honors, 76 per cout, of tolal. Sr. Ill to .Tr. IVâ€" Willie Hammond, 310; EiTol Gaudin. 313; Emma Burritt, 305; Mildred Uanis, 300; Maiy Fawcett, 287. Jr. Ill to Sr. III~Bernice Scott, 323; Pearl Lawrence, 289; Earnest Proctor, 204; Annie Curiia, 260; Daltun Fersjuaon, 249; Vera McOee, 225. C. E. Stuiirt, Teacher. Junior Room. Sr. IT to Jr. Illâ€" Etta Wickens, 357 (honors); Lizzie Isaac, 336 (honors) Har- old Ellis, 315; Ashley Fawcett, 3t)7; Stan- ley Walter, 805; Walter Burrit, 200; Stan- ley Lawrence, 277; Esdale Walter," 277; Emma Smith, 271; Allen Fei'tjuson, 255; Harold Proctor, 218. G. Cahsar, Teacher. ^â- ^ CSjv-, J licsiNEss Cards M"CULLOL'GH .t YOUNO «^ r.aukcr Mavkdalo Jo A ^(moral banking; buainefis. .Money loaiioo a j-iiKHOuable ratti Call Oil utj. RJ sritOULK rodtiunstor, G. W. Hacking Local Agents Wanted At onco for "Canada's firoa'e.t Nurser- ies" for tho town of KLKSHEUTDN and BinMniiulinncouimy, which wdl be reser- ved for llie rii;ht msn. START NOW at the best (sellio;; season, nnd hniiiUe our new speoiiiUies on lib- oral terms, Write for particulars and send 25c. ftir -our iianilsnmo aluminum pocket micro â- W'.-'pe, (ii little gem) useful to : Farn.ers, in exaiiiining seeds and graine; Orchard- ists, in examining trees for insects; Tcich- ers and m liolara in studying Botanj, and every'.)ijdy in a hundred ddferont ways. Stone & Wellington (oVEBSGO ACKF.S) Toronto â- - Ontario i/Oiiiinisnioner in FI. Vi'yanem*. Appvataoi- FleBliorton Z. J., Auctioacer Con- and Moiiuy Loudt^v Kiial I'Jrttato ami IiiHuranco Agent, Deeds D'ortgayos, loasos aui willy carufuUy drawn lip fbiic) valiiatiotiB iiiadeou Pliovtobl nctioo. inoutiy to loun at. Itiwost vutufl of iiiteiost. Col untioiH attuudud to with promvtueBS i;lmrpoH low. A^joiib for Ocean 1>olu1u1ou StfaULiJisbip Company. A call oolioited. Societies AO U \V iQcotB oii tlio last Monday in oacn month, in their loii^u rnnin, Cli)Iflto«'s Ulouk. FlL'fiUuvton. at H p.m. M.W., A. Hiinison ; Uocovddv, .Thh. Ft'Ist<'ad ; Kinuu- cior, W.J. Htd.auiy. Visiting bvctbrcn iKvitud. pUIKCH AUTHUU J.ODUK, No. ;t;m.AT''\- t A ?.I, niotits in the Masonic liall. Stvain'H Idock. KIOFiiorton, ovory I-'ridav on or hflore tho Hill n-ocn. John WrlKlit, W M.; (J. N. itiohar son, Hotrotary. n;)fIlT Kld'-KIIKUTON. f ^ Chvititod'ri lUot^k tluj fl'.r., I. P. F. 11 nets 111 Iftht Fridav ov<»tiing cif each inuntli. Visitliic! F'orestorn boartily wolcoino. ('. 11., .1. CiorufloUl; It. C. W. liut^kiii; Kill, Hco., H, A. Willitt. IMt.MiHo pay diiuB to H. A. WiUofct oo or boforo tlio la»t day of the inecoodlng month. CIIONF.N KKIRNDH-Flnsherton Oonncil of CiiosiMi Prioiids uiBotfl in <'lavton'B ball Ilrnt and thin! \Vn'lntt>f(tav of ehch moiitli; B i>. iii. I'ay afisoHflmotUM to thu Iterordev on or huforo tuo rtrat tlay of each month. Chiuf Councillor, T. ]ilakelBy;Mocorder, W. H. Hunt. OWEN SOUND. ONTARIf). lloopoMB for the Fall Tnriii, Friday, Sfvt, lut, lilO'i (or tlin claRificatiim of Htiidonls. ClaaH- «H b<!|lin Moiulay, Hcpt, 4tl), I'.lirt. Four fnlly eiinijipud dniiartinonln. mJHlNK.HH COUUSK for thosii who with to licconiB lUioUkn(i[iorii, HuKiness men and outer ruHK-nlililo lifo. BHOUTIlANn .t: TYI-KWHlTINfl COtTUSH for thor-«; wlio winli to biu-oioB stonoKiaiilierfi. TK.LFUHAJ'HY COUK.^H tor tliose who vrl>bto lucom? TelcKraiih Oporatorii. I'UKl'AHATdUY fioUURH for tlioeo who •re fat nsck in tlioir odncation and who wish to Improve In coinniou school subjocts. Nona too far back f'.r this course. Write lor onr new ilUialratcd annnnnco- tnont and journal "howiuB our various dMpart- uients at work; It is free. Addrees:- C.A, Klarn- Inj!. Principal, Owen Bound, hkjH class pictures. . The pla.'o to t,'»it tho best Photos is at lU'LMKR'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. Medical Dn CAllTKR M C I' A B Ont, Phyelclan, Rnrgenn, oto onice and rusldonoo- qka: (PRONOUNCED SI-KEEN) There is nothing else in the whole world that will bring back the color to the cheek, restore the dormant energies, revive drooping spirits, or put new life into the tired, listless, Ave-ikened system, as "Psvchine" will do it. There is really only one great tonic, and that is "Psychixe." Combining all the pro- perties that make rich, pure blood, bringing back the los t appetite, driving away melancholy , creating new strength. THIS WIL.!. PROVE IT Amprior, Ont., Sept. i6th, 1904. Dr. Slocum, Limited : . , . â- j '• It's twenty years or more since I used PSVCHINE, and I write these words not to gain publicity, but that suft-rin-ur and ailing humanity may learn ct its great merits. I h.id felt weak and miserable lor a long time ; had no appetite, or couldn't obtain proper sleep. Was unable to work or enjoy life. People said I was so old my constitution was breaking up, but, fortunately, through using the Dr. Slocum remedie.- I have proven this false. PSVCHINE is the only remedy I overtook that at^'-.ed with my stomach, which was exceedingly weak. Twenty years have passed since ray recovery, and I am now eighty-nine years old, and so strong and well that I work all summer in my garden. AT^nTTT T " Three Collingwood boys, Walter, Ar- thur and Allan Willison, while playing (m a raft, v»erc sent adrift at 10 a. in. by a wind blowing oS" shore, and were only rescued at !> p. in., 14 miles out, opposite tlie Mary Waid shoals. The Enterprise .says: ''The children were terribly burn- ed from their long ex (losure to the euii, but (Hlierwiae pro n^it a gre t de:il the woise for their lung ride. Walter, the eldest of the buys, certainly dcseivcs cred- it for his coura},'o and presence of iiiiiid, lie kept his youn" brother.^ coiis'aiitiy oncimr.igcf!, anawh'ii Arthur was detcr- iiuiied to leave the raft nii;1 jmnped nfT, he brought him buck and pmsiindod him to leimiin riuiet, on t!ic jironiise ihatthey would soon roach Christian Is'aiid. The atbiir caused in'ense ("Xeiteinent for the liuie, and tho slioro was lined with anx- ious citizens. Cholera Infantum. Child Not n.xpictcdto Live from One hour to Another, butCurcd by Chamberlain, s Colic, ChotL-ra and Diurrhooa Kemedy. Ruth, the little (UuiRhtor of K. N. Dewoy of .Vtfuewvillc, A' a,, was seriiniHly ill of cholera infantum last Riiniiiu'r. "Wi- pave hor up and iliil Mot cxiioethur to livefioir one liourto an- otlu'i-," ho Mays. "1 bappt'iu-d to think r.f Cliainl)Oilaiii'H Ciilic, Cholera anil Diarrlioia Kemedy and eot a biittlo of it from tho Mtore. In live liom si saw a cliange for tlie Ix^tti-r. Wb kipt (in giving it and before she had taken till' half of one fciimll l>ottle she was well," Thin remedy is for sale by W. E. Richardson. An exceedingly painful and serious ac- cident befel Mr. John Anderson, ot Rook- ford, which Hcce.ssitftted tho auipntatinu of his left foot on Wednesday. iMr. And- mson was piiKu^ed working with Messrs Oliver it Webster's stone crushiDj; plant near Booiior, and at the time of tlio acci- dent was abiHit to place a bolt in position, and to do this was slandiiij; above the crusher. While thus engaged his left heel was eauglit by the revolvinsj fly-wheel which twisted his foot ariumd and threw it into tho crusher. His foot was terribly ni:ini;lod, and bocnnio so wedged into the the crusher that it t«ok about half an hour to oxtricale it. Dr. lleiiiy, of Bog- n"r, was summoned and did what was possible to dress tho injuries, adininiiter- uiR opiaies to allevirtlo the intense pain of tho mutilated foot. Mr. Anderaou was brouL'ht to Owoii Sound and taken to tho hospital, wlioro Drs. Lang, Mid dli'bro and HoHry parfornied amputation on Wednesday afternoon. The pain from the iiceideiit nas unusually intense and evidently siiasmodic, but after the oper- ation tho patient was much relieved ana rested quietly. Mr. Anderson is 40 years of ago and resides at Roukford. â€" t). S. Advertiser. GREATEST OF A LL TONICS AT ALL DRUGGISTSâ€" ONE DOLLARâ€"TRIAL FREE The Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, - 179 King Street Weat, Toroni» If you aro thinking of buying a fine buggy, wagon or democrat, it will surely pay you to c.dl and investigate (jur stuck, terms, etc., before making yoo- purchase. We have a st^iil'of expert wotkineii and can guarauteo that you will bo sitisliod â€" - â€" ALWAYS CM HAND â€" _ â€" Sieyole - Si:3.]::&clx*ies â€" â€" AND REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS - â€" J. A. HEARD, â- FLESHERTON. n <^j* McXAVISM lit flESlilOi Giilii[ BililKR For First Class Buggie.-), Carts, Pleasure and Lumber \\ agons, cutlor.i. Sleighs. \Vo keep a stock on hantl to choose from. ALSO MORSE SHOEINQ ANDQENERAL BLACKSAllTHlNQ 'Peter at., FleBhorton T. IKi.NI) OraiUiatf Toronto Unlvornlty. Mem- ber of Ontario CoilnKo o; PhyciciiBiiH and Sur- geons, Maxwell, On*, rlucceiiHor to Dr. Hcott. fT OTTi;Wlil,L ~ * Veterinary Rnrfjeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Collei^o, roHideooo â€" Becond door aouth went; on Mary etroet, ThU street ruQa totilh PreBbyterlan Chnroh, and iiusrantoe first class work. Wo keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and Harris and Noxon repairs for binders. Mowers, machineiy, also Binder Twine on hand. also NTassey- nil kinds of lUhen in toivn give us a call H. WILKON, lUackeniith 'iraduato ol the Votorinary Holonoe Ataociittion. Uoalriencfl, Durham street, op- poaite lloyd, HiokllLg'a hardware. Lbqal SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay Hpecial Attention to Copying Rnd lUljies' pictures iiig a specialty. Picture frnin- Try UR for any kind of pictures And we will promise aatisfaotion. Mx*s. BUI^MEK fjdenb n street, Flwherton LUCAS WKKIHT & MoAKDr.R narrinlina Holloitora Coiiveyauoora, etc Olflooa-Owun Bound, Ont and Markdalo Out W 11 WmouT, MoAhdu; I B Lucis N Kâ€" Floaherton oOloe, MUoUeU'a Bank every Saturday. Dentistry Dr. E. P. AHMflTnoNO, L. D.S„nonor Oradu ato of Toronto Univertiity and Itoval fo). lof(o ol Dental HurKOona of Ontario. Oppnalto Mr». Ilnlriior'a PhotORraph Oalleiy. Will visit Mnxwoll first and third Wnduesday ot each month cuinnienclng July 9th. Bull for Service A .1 ynar old, tliorouKhlired Durham bull will a'.and for torvioe on lot 11, con. iJ, N. D. P., for ye.r IKVI. Term 91 00, pavuhle l«t F«bru*rv. imid (Mwnnot roturjed will beohaigeil wheth- er In caUor not. D VVID niKCKB, PrIosTili* When you want a laxative that ia easy to take antl certain to act, use Chamber lain'a Stomach and Liver Tablets, for sale W. E. Richardson. Tho villngo of Conn, better known as Bell's Corners, is thelaloat aspirant for I'aiKvay connection, and on Friday, Juno 23, a meeting rf 40 or 60 ratepayers was held in the school house, Edgorton locon- bider a scheme. Wm. Hastio was ap- poinred chairman, and Chas. Duncan »eo- I'otary A resolution waspassed. favoring the building of a branch of tho O. T. R, from Mt. Forest to Beeton, via Conn, Keldnn and Shelburne. The following coinmittoe was apjiointed to further the scheme: ti. Howes, ex-reevo of Luther, Chas. Hewitt, the chairman and the sec- retary. â€" .Shelburud Free Pre»«. The Wonders of The Body. IlR mechanism, like dolioato machinery, by ovon n slight causa is so diHarranged as to be praolically Ufitdess. A headache is no trilling m-tter, because the stomach, kidneys and liver are sure to he affected. To euro ilie eauso of h»>adaolie» and pre- vent now Rttaoks, use Fermzone; it aids tha atonmch by supplying nourishing blood, vitaliKea the blond in«t*ntly. Fer- rozono braces- -^gi vet tone â€" elevate* your apirits No such health hriqger known. Fifty cents per box o* ftty ch<>onlato osated tablets at all dealun, lOTlOIT'^O, ONT. Cor. Yongo and K\ txandcr Stroota Summer yc.ision during July and August for Public School Teachers and others. All uf onr graduates get no.sitions. .Studi'iits admitted at any time. This school is n'ltstandinit still or biii'kiiig up, but is constantly going ahead, Circulars free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Ptinoipal. R. Kinnear&Sons MAXWELL FLESHERTON HARNESS EMPORIUM. (Opposite Armstrong's Jewellery.) dite in harness â€" workmanship. best Wish to nnnonnce to the imblic that they have yet a few remnants of I'rintM left at the re- duced price, Como nnd secure one before they all go, as we are forcing sales to make more n>om for other goods. \Ve have leased the store acrorts the street, which is filled with Hardware, Flour, I'niiit.i, (Jlfts.i, I.ong Clear Itacou and Hrooms, whicli we offer as cheap, if not clienner, than elsewhere. We have iTlen Huron, Singhampton and Markdalo Flour always on hand, so you can get a choice. / "Ty We arc headquarters OOK yylere. U>x the famous iA Soinder Uwine Everything up to best material, best prices. Fly sheets and nets aro in season â€" let us sho« you ours. Trunks, valises, axle Krea.';e, carriase axle grease, harness oil, whips and la.'^hes. BUGGIES. Como and see the new buggies which we have on exhibition. They are beaut- i-js and prices aro nglit, Wm. MOORE (Opposite Armstrong's Jewellery) â- Klcshiertor). i^i 5?/< 'ynioH In Osproy. No discount on the length or ipiality. '^â- scuro yourselves by leaving your orders nere in time. Highest market prices paid for choice butter aud fresh eggs, R. Kinnear&Sons NEW SUITINGS, Overcoatings, ings now in. workraansliip and Trouser- Prices right, and fit gootL H. ALEXANDER The Flosherton Tailor