Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Aug 1905, p. 5

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1 I il £ t L £ S l£ fe k T N ADVANCE AyC. 10 lOOo IVICINITY - chips! Si I Cbaraetcrtotk* M Tba Pmst W* Cm'cfuk'y Called tor the Call lu. . i'=g='^ Frenh Ume »!wAys on limnd. J. H. Duckett, Eusena. A brsoeh ul the Mcrchant't bank has teen opt- ned in Chatswertb. Mr. Jack Campbell, of Winnipeg, is a %iutf at I he Manshaw House. Mr. Jack Banl, of tianorer, ipent Sun- d«7 io town. Mr. Geo. Oliver, wife and dao<;hter, of BuStli), are gaesta of Mrs. J»hu Cliiitun. Mra. Juhii Wi^t, Jr. and Miaa Addie are ttaiting frieoda in Owen Suund. Ohopfjini! will M/r be di>i.e here any day except Mondays. T. W. Wilson. Farm for saleâ€" 100 acre farm fi'r tale Old Dowa {jrnperty. Sold on reasor.abe teraM. U. Down, Fleshertotj. Mr. James Hemphill, Toronto, spent Sunday and Monday with friends ia Art- eiuetia. For sale- 3 heavy draught <s<.lts. T. £. Thorabury, lot 40, cuo. 13, Artemeaia, Lady Bank P. O. Monday was Toronto'a civic holiday, and as usual, a number of Turuutoniaiis rendezvoued at Flesherton. Misses Maude and Lena Agnew, Owen Sound, are guests of Miss Uinniu Mun- shaw. Miss Annie Wilcox and Miss Mabel Mdoshaw are yisiting with friends in Col- Itngwood. Mr. Howard Spronle, son of Mr. Wm. Sprottle and wife, Winnipeg, are guesU of friends hrr*. Bomâ€" At St. Haul, Oat., on Friday, July 28, to »Ir.aad Mrs. Harry Stewart, a son. For saleâ€" Hot air furnace, Gurney m:ike, good as new: A. ShackiJford, FWherton. Misa Annie Howard of Turoutu is sounding a wonth with her mother in this villafte. Misa Maud Richard(>on of Alma Liultes College, and Mrs.iDr.) Webster of T«ron- t<> are visiting at the i^reatd hoae. Farm for sale â€" One hundred aorea good Uiid, 90 acres under culLivntion, lot S\, con. 5, .\rteraesia. Apply for (Artie ulara to James StjiSbrd, Flesherton. Most of the country newjpapers appear to be taking a holiday this and last wa^ek. Oar turn nuy come later on Civic holiday is announced for Tnesd»y .\ugust 15. swingle fare has been secured oil the tailway Ki>od for three days, to sny point. Get Your shopping done the Monday before. Silk headacho results froni .a Jisordercd cm- ilitimi i>f thtslnmach and is quickly curi-d by Chatiiberlain's Stomach and Livvr Tablet*. Kor sale by \V. K. Richardson. The Artemcsia voters list is now in the htnds of tlt<! clerk. .4l11 iutervsted should etaiuine it and see that their names are Q. k. Would the party who picked up a short, lijrht gray ovorctiat in Muushaw'a shetl Ust Saturday evening. Aug. 5^ please Itave the same at this uUice. Rev. Mr. Cfckinp, late of Chiifswoith and well kuowiihoro, is now iti Cub-i ou utrip onl writes sou»e very interesting tetteis to the Chiitsw^.rth papers. Corpor.il Wilson and Sergeant Wes. Siwnce, of the 0;h Field B.itlery, Toronto, and Mr. K. Spenoe, spent Sunday and Monday willi Mrs. Spence, in town. Dr. Fred Mun rty and wife, nccompan- ied by Sir. and Mrs. .\ .'. Duherty and .child, Torouto, spout Sunday and Mon- day in town. 4.ln Sunday night of hst week some parties entered Mr. James Slin«oa'» Iwrii and took twenry-five bushels of hurley and tifteen bushels cf oats. Mr. Stinson feols his loss, as it w.'ia the feed for hi.*! pigs and horses during the summer. The Northern Business CoUei;o announ- conieut has be^Mi received. The CoUoce .upeiis on Friday, Sept. I. You cannot make any mistake ly selcctius this cot lege in which to secure your busiiiess ed- â- tmntion. If contemplating takini; a course write ihe priiiciptl, C. A. Fleming, (^A-en Bound, for a copy of the announcoment. The four year old sou of Mr. U, Bon- thani met with nn a.-cidunt last week, which conBned him to hia couch for some days. At he jumped into the wageon, he tripped and fell forward »n a pitch fork, one prong running into his foot for aliout two inches Prar the ankle joint. The little fellow is now very careful about pitch fm-kt. Bom â€" In Artemeaia, to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McKee, on Tuesday, Aug. 8, a son. Mr. Alf. Staples of Flint, Mich., is vis- iting hare with bis brother Herbert. Mr. Fred Sheppard, T»roiiM Junction, is hoiidayiag here for a week. Mr. and Mrs H. H. Harrison and Miss Harrison, of Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stoart over Saaday. Miss Nett e Perigo, who has be«i visit- ing her sister, Mr!«. ». StOATt, relnrned booie oti iiseday bst. Wc have to thank Mr. Frank Irwin, ot Durham, for some pretty souvenirs of the cement suburb to the west of as, Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Doiglasa, who have just returned from a trip to the Pac- ific coayt, iterein town on Monday. Owing to (he death of Mr. Percy Buckingham, ihe Misses Kerr of Toronto have fiostpoiied their concert in Maxwell till Wediiesd.-vy, Aug. 16! h. W'anted-A girl to do general booae- work in T'lronto. Ssiall family, good wages. Appty to Mrs. Webster at Mrs. Jt. K. Richardson's, Flesherton. At a Proton Station garden party Mon- d.iy evening, the Swiaton Park and Stone Setilemeat senior foo'ball clubs played a gnme for i cash prize, the result being a draw, neidier side scoring. Mr and Mrs George Oliver and daogh. ter Olive, of Bufliilo, visited with Mra. O's aunt, Mrs. John Clinton, last week, and are spendmg two weeks with friends in this vicinity. Mr. W'. J. Fairey, who haa luSered for some months with inflammatory rheuma- tL«m and haa been with his mother, Mrs. Joa. Clinton, is spending a few days in Owen Souud. Mr. Fred Spruula, son of Post- master Spronle, is at present ou a business trip to England, fur the Winnipeg law firm by which he is "mployed. Of course Fred combines pleasure with business. He sailed Wed- nesday morning of this week from Mont- real. The garden parly at Mr. A. Beatty's, Orange Valley, Tuesday evening, held under the auspices of Flesherton Epworrh League, wis not largely attended, biirely enough beiug made to cover expenses. ' There was a good prngruji imd tb<Me pres- ent had an enjoyable evening. Miss BeaHy baa been re-enraged for the intermediate form of the public school at a small advance in sal.iry, and Miss Coulson of Giimsby his been engiged for the junior department. School opens ou .August 31. The services in tbe Me-IwJist church on Sunday were more than usually inter- esting, Dr Caldwell preached two stroue sermon?. \t the morning service the Misses Joy of Toronto sang the Glory Stin^, aadat the ev..'niag service Dr. Fred Murray and .Mr. D -harty of Toronto len- dered the "Wayside Cross' in a most pleasing duet. The sermon at night was based on Corin'hiaus, ViM chapter, and was a well reasoned presentation of the subject "Love." Dr. Odd well haa made a strongly favorable impression upon his congregali<>ji here. Percy Buckingham, son of Mr. James Buckingham of Maiwell, died in Chicago ou Sunvlay morning of iheumatic fever. Thj young man was iitleuding a medic.-"! cvllege there, and expected to come home this week for holiday!*. A couple ot weeks ai-o he ujis taken ill and his broth- er telegraphed fur, and the latter was wi'li him when he died. The deceased was in his secoud year of medicine, and was 23 yoHrs I'f age. The rcraains weie brought homo for iu-ermeut, arriving here Tuesday. Deosased was a biiijht young man, and his deuase wilt be a sad blow to his many fiiunds and sorrowing pa cuts. Mr John Adams of the suburbs h^is a griev:iuce against tho township Boird of Health, winch he cliiims conducted »li\ics in a very loose ni.snner duriii-; tho recent sicki.osa at his home. Ue claims that he was (jiiarantined without any provision being made for supplying linn with, iieces- silies, anj that as a conso<jueuce he w-as obliged to break tiuaiantine iu order to Svcure the necessiaries of life. If this ii; so it was certainly a halt way niea»ure on the part of the officials. Mr. Adams says his ^>^ollâ- ises woie thiToughly cleaned aud purged of the dise.ise. The Riyal Temp'ara of Temperance held a public meeting last Friday uiKht in their hall in Clayton's block. About 75 memlcrs and outsiders were present, and a very enjoy.ible time was spent by all. Tho meeting w:is opened by a speech from &Ir. Jas. Felstead, the Select Coun- cillor of this lodge. Then Miss Ella Kar«- tcdt and Miss lua Mc Mullen sach gave a recitation. One of the special features of the evening was an address from Rev. Dr. Caldwell, ot this place. Be spoke at some length on Ihe liquor traffic aud its hamful imfluenct!, an4 kia listeners en- joyed the address very much. The Tuck- er brothers, of Ceylon, rendered two instrumental* in avery an^ptable tnanner, which were thoronghly enjoyed by their audience. The meeting closed at aboat ten o'clock. This \iA^ is fai a Tery prosperous coaditieii, tmi has parcbaaed an ort(an for u«e in ita meetings, which are held every Friday evening in Clay- Urn's Hall. Visiting brctbrea m« eor- diaUy invited. A sister of Inspector N. W. Campbell of Durham, was killed in a runaway acci- dent at Owen Sound on Friday. The de- ceased lady, Mrs. Wm. Tocher, was thrown from a buggy on Poulett Street and received snch injuries that de-ith fol- lo<red about four hours Later at the Gen eral aiid Marine Hospital. Her husband, who was with her, was also thrown out and seriously cut and braised absut the head and cheat. Her sister, Mrs. John Henderson, escaped with a alight bruLse. Mr. and Mrs. Tocher are natives of this county, bat have been residing at Living- stone, Mont., and were here on a visit to fttdoos. The hone, in its flight, collided with another rig, in which was seated Mrs. Robert Jennings, of Keppel town- ship. The latter was rescued, without serious injury, from beneath the debris of the two rigs. A piece of broken shaft penerated the shoulder of Mrs. Jennings horse to a depth of tifteeu inches. Obituary Donald McLeod, qua of the very first settlers of Artemeaia, dievl at the resid- ence of his son Donald, west back line, on Tuesday morntag, at the age of 85 years Deceased was a native of Inverness Scfitland, and came to this country in 1837, settling hrst in Lower Canada, later in King township, and finally locating in .Artemesia in the year 1852, where he has ainee lived. His wife predeceased him .tbout ten yctrs a;<o, while living retir- ed at Ceylon, after which he resided with his s(m Donald, on the homestead. De- ceased was the father of nine ckildren â€" five girls and foar boys â€" as fol'ows: Ang- us, Mrs. Donald McMillan, Mra. Frank Cairns, Donald, on the homestead : Mrs. Neil McLean and Roderick in New'oerry, Mich.; Mrs. George Mitchel, of Buffali), Flora in Hamilton .ind John m Mass;ichuselts. The interment took place to-tay (Thurs- day) to Prioeville cemetery. Boar For Service Farm For 5ale. liOt 9 cm. 4 Ospray, 100 acres, at»ut 75 act'es cle.ared, ^<xh1 frame Ixirn sUMte stabling iiDtler. frame dwelliue, 1 1-2 miles fnun Max- well, 7 miles from Flesherton, in good stat<> of cultivation. Kor ptice and terms apply t*> .Jos. H. Clinton or W. J.Bellamv, Flesherti'n. July 31. '06 Farm for 5ale. I.0H5, COD. 3, S. D. R..C3rreT, 80 acres moro or lew, 7' cleared. Two fi-a'n« houeas, fratuo Oarn Wx40 ou stcui' wall, vitli root house l<L\ai uiutet (hive wiiv; anotbur fruu« ^arn fcixfti; cellar loi.'Vi^ penilx^tl; (lauie driviue shed :i^\30 good oroli.'vnl ot 32 Ue&rins trees; cooJ never- filing welt. The l*nu ia woll feuceJ, in a good statrt ol cultivation a*)'1 free from bad weedts. For furtber particulars ai'i'ly to ROUT. CtUUMMRTT, Warelvam. Ont. Voters List I9O5 Hunicipality of the lowaship of Artemesia in the County of Qrey. Isotlee is hereby sriveu that I have transmit- ted or ilelivereti tii the |.>ersou8 iiientionevi iu S''e_'r> aiid (J of theiVotoiV List. .Vet the eopiea re<|iiired by »;ui.l ncotioiw to be so troiumitted »r delivered of the list made ptirau;uit to »;iid .A.ct. of a.11 person;! appearinj hy t!ie huJt re- vised .â- Vesessnient roll of the said municipality to be entitled to vi'te in the Sitict innnicioality at election* for ni-iibers of the L«in»l»tiv« .â- \»«oiablv arnl at Miniieij>al Klevtion.', and that said liet waaliist oo»ted up at my "tfice at Flesherton o.n tJie $ih day of Xw^., I'.Htt, and reiB»iua there for iuspoeti.m. Kleetors ar» called ujMn to e.-cuniue the said 1 i»t, auil if any omissions or an v other errors are found the.-ein tot.ike iiuniediale prT>eeei!- iiiipj to have the s,iid errors e^irnx-tetl .iieo.>rtliu); to law. Dated «* Flesherton this 8th dav of A\ig., imii. \VM. BKI.LAMV ("^Icik Towushipiif Artemesia. Thonmcbbrad Tamworth liear foraarvteeoa Io* n. 1st raac* X. T. A S. B., Artamaala. Tsnaa •!. THOS. TATLSB, Proprietor. TamworNu and Berfcsliires. I liave tar sale a few eluilea voant; pigts ot tmcta breeds at rt«tit prices, write fur wbat jroa waot or come aad tee ttMiii' MazweU P. O. Geo. W. BoM. A Plain Tale From The Milk ^^â- ^^^^^^^w^^^^'^^^"^'*^^^^^^^^ We bare joat received osr second eonaiscnnient of White Pine from the North Shore and oor stock ia now complete in every way. We are in a posi- tion to supply all yonr wants in the line of Sash, Doors, Flooring, Siding, Mooldins!, Scroll Work and Turning. Planina ^ matcbing dont on sbortcst notke Give us the order for that verandah; we cmi suit yea to s T. Chopping^ - Mondays - Only Prices fiieasonable. - Terms: 'Cash. Flesherton Planing Mills. y , ^;J V! ! A! ! r^ ^^A !! ^;^ :: g^^ BOOTS AND SHOES Tlie reputAtion of our Boots and Shoes has been built up by close attention to business. Our Footwear is well know throughout all this part of the country as being the best. The proof of this is that so naany always come to us for their boots and shoes. Our Spring Stock is up-to-date in style and make and is the best and most complete we have ever had to show you. Ole Jllways Cry Co 6iv« a Dollars mortb Tor a Dollar In custom work we are second to none. We tue the best Diateri.U that can be got and any order entrusted to our care will be carefuly sttended to. If you are aoiu^ to 'ravel w« have a large stock of TRUNKS, TELE- SCOPES & SUIT C.VSES. Call and see them at eiaytOn*$ Tks!5«rton. <8»3C8»:e:8:8:^oo^<8:e:8:e»:^^»:^c8»:^ce:^ (Ue are in Business FOR YOUR HEALTH. MEDICAL HALL 8 FLESHERTOM I The Expert Pill Hixers ^/i? w%??ir^ '/i?^?^^ w'/K' '4«=^"w'/.v^ %* '/.v-^- 'fli- •tI? '/.y^j- ''.v- ^ ^1? 'A«-^ t For Your stock ^ riortgage Sale ot Farm Property Near Eugenia Uuditr and hv vtrlud of tba powers ooutain<sl inscertHiu inortKng* whieli wUIb* rro-luieil ftttbvtinie of sd^W, tbere «i:i tK> oaiured for sale hy rub!ie .\'.:ction at Murshew's tiolel, oil Fri>lav,tl.e 'ifth ilsy o( .)uly,190.v, at the hovir of Two o'clock in the aftei noon, tlie followiim vrci'erty : (1) North hall lot J7, eon. 13, Artemesia M ftcreo. I'pou the )iru|wrty there hi agood bouse an-1 t>arD. A very desirable sinaU farm. (3) Weot halt lot Jl. con. 14. .\rU>ine<>ta.SO acres. No buildiUK?. Ooo\i iissture lot and some timber. Kor teriusiud condition* ot sale apply to LUCAS, WhIOHT » McAKDL£. Sated 19th J«Dr. It;c5. Uukdalf, Ont, Herha^eum, Iiitornational Stock Food, Cotunibiau Regulator. W Tick Uusttoyer for the sheep. 4(r For Yourself S Patent Medicines â€" all the popular makes. Pipes aud tobacco. I For Your Wife ^ Spices for cookine â€" .\Ilspice, CiBuamon, Mixed spices, etc. -j- JJjF Perfumes. CortiodUt Silk. ^ For Your Baby | Soothittg Sv-mp, Sucking BottUs, ,%nd Teething Rings. 4^ ^ ^ ^ 3 Richardson & Son | f I>RXJOGISTS S â- ate. m g Flesherton • « :-: Ontario ^^#^l^#^l^r #m"^# t00t-#^t##5iNN:<t ^

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