Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Aug 1905, p. 7

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I About the I ....House I* I HOW TO MAKK I'RUIT SYIIUPH- Nf) liome-made beverage is at onco so beautiful anil delicious as those made Willi fruit syrups and shrubs, and every housewife should provide a few jars of each in the season of small fruits. Properly made and Btorerl, they keep as well as canned fruits, and are fine for flavoring ices, creams, custards and various kinds of puddings and other desserts. They require more sugar than jellies, and unlike that consert should be • made of perfectly ripe fruit. Use granulated sugar, earthen or granite- ware vessels, and woooen or silver spoons in all the various operations. When done they can be bottled, but are more convenient when kept in pint-size fruit jars. Currant Syrup.â€" Wash, drain on a cloth, and stem nd currani.s; place in an earthen or graniteware vessel, mash thoroughly with a wooden masher, and set in a warm place for twenty-four hours, or until fermenta- tion begins. (This destroys the pec- tin contained in the fruit and pre- Tents the syrup from jellying.) Prain the juice through a cheese-cloth bag that has been wrung out of hot water, by suspending the latter over a deep bowl and occasionally press- ing against the Hides with two wood- en ladles or spoons. Wringing or squeezing is sure to make the .syrup cloud.v. Measure, allow two pounds of sugar for each pint of juice, set over a slow fire, and stir constantly until every particle of sugar .s dis- solved. As soon a. It i.s boiling hot, take from the fire, skim as often as any scum rises, and when cold, potir | Into jars and seal. Wrap in heavy I brown paper and store in a cool, dry \ in three-quarter cup of cold water. Stir until the gelatine is dissolved, then use as alK)ve. With Asparagus.â€" Mold tomato jel- ly in a shallow dish, having the jel- ly hall an inch thick. 'l>irn on to a clean sheet of paper, and, with a I knife djppe«I in hot wafer, cut the ; jelly in cubes. Pour over the cubes enough French dressing to moisten (the jelly and disi)ose these on a bed I of lettuce leaves that have been care- ' fully dipped into French dressing-. Above these dispose cooked ospara- |gus tips, dressed with oil, vinegar, I salt, and pepper. Finish with a 1 large spoonful of mayonnaise and I two or more length'.vise quarters of bard boiled eggs Hli^TS FOR HOME LIFE. when Lamb should be well basted I cooking. Mint sauce should stand two hours before being used. To keep meat fresh, as soon as you get it cover it with a clean mus- lin cloth wrung tightly through vinegar and set in a cool place When making fruit pies damp the edges of the pastry with milk in- 1 stead of water. The juice is not I so liable to boil over when this is done. I Don't scrape a burnt saucepan. Fill it with cold water, put in a bit 'of soda, heat slowly, and let boil I gently for some time. Then scrub with a saucepan brush. When steaming potatoes, put a j cloth over them before putting the Hid on. They will take less time to I cook and be more mealy than when done iu the ordinary way. 1 For most rakes it is not absolute- j l.v essential that eggs and each in- Igredient as added be beaten separ- jately, but the materials can be put into a dish at once, and one long drawn-out stirring will satisfactor- ily blend the whole. If you are afraid of lightning, here is a very simple safeguard to re- member. .Simply put on your gxim shoes or rubbers, and then stand up so that your clothe.? won't touch rrVTNGSTOK'S TEEE. Where the Heart of the Great Ex- plorer Was Buried. Mr. Weatherby, the explorer, has just returned from Africa, where he I has been for eleven years, the only : white man among hosts of blackg. In that long period he has had many ! thrilling adventures, says the Lon- ,don Daily News. He has succeeded I in making corrections on the map of I the interior of the Dark CoiUincnt land in discovering the spot where Iho I heart of the great Livingstone was burie<l, the locality of which has |bi>cn instrumental in raising a per- manent memorial to the famous mis- sionary in place of the decayed tree i which markiHl the site, and he has i brought back to the Hritish Museum i that part of the tree which bore the j ^^===:^====^=: tives%hoYoved°and"Lu«ed^^ JE\VS OF CHINA white chief. j My object .says Mr. Weatherby, was , . W0SmE-RFTTT~T?T-v«J4 VT TW to circumnavigate Hangweolo Lake WOMDERFTJI, REMITANT IN place. Make cherry, raspberry, or|g„yjj,,„g Whether vou are in doors a combination of raspberry r.nd cur- I ^^ out of doors you are perfectly rant t.vrup. in the same way. Spiced Blackberry Syrupâ€" Black- berry cordial, au old and effective remedy for summer bowel complaint, is objectionable to many mothers be- rause it contains brandy. Used plentifully to flavor drinking water, the syrup here given is an excellent preventive and remedy for such ill- ness, and contains no spirits what- ever. Mash the fruit, bring slowly to a boil and strain; measure, and allow one heaping cupful of sugar for every pint of juice, one tea.'^poon- fiil each of cinnamon and nutmeg, and half as much cloves and ginger.- Tie the spices in a piece of muslin; put all over a slow liro; stir until the sugar is thoroughly dissolved; let boil two minutes skim, take out the spices, and seal ot oncc». Spiced Klderberry Syrup.â€" Has the same projierties as the above Make in the same manner, using ginger and nutmeg, with mace and cloves. Lemon .Syrup â€"This syrup makes a delicious lemonade. Orato the yellow rind from six fresh lemons ,inil stir it with tlireo tahlespooufuls of pow- dered sugar. SquiH.'ze the juice from one <lo?.en lemons and strain otit the seeds: remove the pulp from the skins, boil it live minutes in two cupfuls of water, adding: the sugar- ed riiid; strain, add the juic?, mea- sure, allow one and ono-fourth cup- fuls of sugar for ever.v cupful of the liquid, put over the lire; stir until dissolved, boil five minutes, skim and seal hot. TOMAIO TIPIUTS. Tomato .Jelly and Asparagus Sal- ad. â€" Have charlotte russe molds standing in ice water. Crumble the yolk of a hard cooUed egg and chop safe, for rubber is a non-conductor, and you are perfectly insulated. (iooseberry fool retiuires two ! pounds ot gooseberries, three-quar- : ters of a pound of loaf sugar, and I one gill of water. When the goose- berries are cooked soft rub iheni through a wire sieve. To each pint of goo.selurry pulp allow half a pint of boilcil custard. Sweeten and serve in a glass dish. The care of sponge.s â€" If us-d for soap they Should bo rinsed out daily, otherwise they are sure to become slimy and most unpleasant. In any case they require periodical cleaning. Di.s.>:olve some borax or soda in warm water, and let the sponge soak in it for an hour; squeeze it well out. and then rinse in clean warm water. Man.v people make a habit of putting Iheir sponges oulsirie the window after using them in order that they may air and dry in r-adi- ness for the next time of using. Temperature in Sicknessâ€" The or- dinary temperature of an adult when the thermometer is placed in the armpit is 1*8.4 deg,. in the mouth. 99. o ileg ; the blood is about 100 deg. l-'ahr. In fevers this is much exceeded, and the heat of the patient may ri.se to 105 deg. A higher tem- perature than this will generall.v prove fntnl unless it descend very quickly. The highest U-'mperature n- ciM-di'd have been in some cases of rheu'iialic fever, when that of the body rose to lOt) deg. niul even to 111 deg. Kitchen Necessities â€" Tn every kitchen theri> shouKI be a very high chair oi stool, and also a very low chair. Plain ironinc: und much other work can be done as well seated on a high stool as standing, and at a the white line. T»\it the .volk into Igreat saving ot strength to the TASTE SALm Ceylon Tea r.nd you will then understand why its sale is so enornnous. 13 Million Packets Annually Sold only in lead packets. 40c, SOc, 60c per lb BY ALL GROCERS. and to find the spot where Living stone's heart was buried. Glave, the American who died while attempting â- ^ Colony to find the tree, was the last man who had any accurate idea where it was. I accomplished both tasks. Old Mshuota, the chief who helpeil me find the Livingstone tree, told me a strange story. He remembered Liv- THAT COUNXEY. Which Has Kept Jewish Ideals for Many Centuries. There seems every probability that val'iable human relic of Its of an- tiquiiyâ€" the Jewish settlements of iu- older foundations also in use. According to Mr. Uver Hull, this copy ol the Law corres- ponds very exactly with the ordinary Hebrew versions familiar to script- ists. although there are a few '-char- acter' variations not affecting the text. VALUABLE DOCUMENTS. The synagogue at Kai-fong-fti, now in ruins, bore inscriptions which prove it to have bei^n ercctiKl in the twelfth century, and probably several exist if proper ingstone, .who, he averred, was shot, i'aiid Chinaâ€" being lost without any search were made. Should it prove Everybody, he said, knew that it ['"rthef eflfort on the part of the true that, as separate entitii«, the was so. j scientists to trace out the mforma- .Jewish colonies of China, after ihesa One OI my greatest friends was i*-'°" *""* determine the character of hundreds of years, are now lingering Mewenge. a chief, but it was somei^*"^ evidence aiTorUed by these van- iu the throes of final disappearance, time before we understood each other. '»'""« communities and their ruined it will indeed be a loss to ourselves He had never seen white men, but temples, says the London Stiuulard. mnd to posterity if immediate siers had heard of them, and when I sent | '^'^ <»»-" *"" t^*° Oriental scholarsâ€" : arc not taken by skilled invest iga- word I was cominjr, he crew much Dr. Dyer Bull. Mr. Colquhoun, Dr. ' was coming alarmed. When I went to'his tent he 'â- ""'ths John, and perhaps a few rushed out, and seizing me by the "'^'i*^'" enters, together with two or arm, slashed his ax over my" head ^^'â- '^ Homau Catholic missionaries into a tree behind me. The next °' "•'^ pastâ€" we owe most of the lit- minute he pulled up my shirt-sleeve "** kiiowknlge we do posses, rather to sw if niv arm was white. That ^''"" ^" antiquarians or research ex- gave me time to tell him he might P*^'"^^- although there can be no kill nic if he wanted to. but that it '^""'^*^ ^^^^ ^^^ subject is full of in- would be more interesting not to. itcest. both human and theological. 1 also had a 'scarv ' greeting from "• '^ ""'^ '»°'"<' y^'^ since the m- Kasoma, a much-dreadiKl chief. ' I l."""'^'' ^t a Jewish society elecited set out by boat to visit him. nine men. When we neared the -•• , , lage. and two thousand armed men *'«'*"''> settlement remained in the rushe<l to the edge of the lake i, heart of China, and that it was not found we had left our rifles behind ""'^ ''c»-'''«-"a.sing rapidly ia numbers, us. With rav heart in my mouth, I '>"*^ ''^o losing its characteristic fea- Juniped ashoVe alone. As I stood be- ^"';';^ '*')'' """'^'P on account^of the fore the chief I could see his heart ""' - ~ ♦ ' -• I the statement â€" whether correct or vil-i""' it is hard to say â€" that only one loi-s to acquire all the evidence which they may afford to historical and critical research. ♦ WOOING IN GREECE. Young Aspasia Had a (^reat Aspasia Had Many Suitors. throbbing in his naked chest, and I knee he was in as bad a way us I m.vsel f . "(!ood morning! How do you do'?" I shouted. The chief gave a signal, and 1 put covered Jewish settlements, my hands in my pockets to meet the were in a nourishing condition death of all the rabbis. Further ex- amination should not, therefore, be indefinitely postponed. KEPT THEIR FAITH. ITiroe and a half centuries ago, when the Jesuit Fathers first ilis- they hands in bowed their heads. After all. who for me .Some travellers in Greece who stayed at a poor little inn. not much more than a hut, found there a beautiful young girl, who.se name proved to be Aspasia. sitting at her loom at work. Oread and wine were brought out. with raw beans and leekrJ. and the travellers sat down to wait until a gathering storm should pass. Then, says remple Bar. the Englishwoman of the partv be- gan to talk to the ^rl, .Aspasia. "Are you making a carpet for your- self, or is it to soil'.'" she asked. Atpasia smiled. "It is for my dow-r>," said she "But I can't get on very fast: my shuttle is broken" "I will send you one from Athens." "On-.' of my suitors has already and, j promi.-ied to send me one." I 'But you are only a child. You end calmly. The same moment the sviiagogues such as that whose ruins chief and every man clapped their J gt ill remain at Kai-fong-fu, unison, knelt down and ; th^ugi, Uving peaceably ojuong other » lif.u uu,n - , {natives. carefuUy observing those , are too voung to have suitors.' u , . ... , ^ ^ * P'^'O*^ sharp dividing lines which differen- : .oh no I am not a child' I am help in dealing w^th natives. I stood ;iiate the Jew from all other races. 1^ 'own womt?, Why 1 am lift.vâ„¢ """ Tad ^ilt' 'fch° waiting eirer'?"''"^ ''^'^ '"•"""-"• '""'" P-^'^^- and I haX n".y suitors. ^11 X naii rules, each waiting either from omong. nor inter-married with. to move or for his neighor ' the alien people. Thev kept the Sab- to begin the firing. 1 got one of the ;bath, Passover. Tabernacles, and the men to bring me a shot-cart rid-c, Pay of Atonement, together with the . and opening it. I sent the handful of ' ceremonial of the synagogue ser- i "^ shot to the chief, with the message ' v ice. whorin the reader of the law that he would be more likely to hit was veiled after the example of me if he used that instead of a bul-|Mo.ses, and the nialos of the congre- let. The joke set the whole lot ;gation coVere»l their heads and put young men about here are my suit- â-  ors." I "There are laughing. HOT WEATHER AILMENTS. The best medicine in the world to ward olT summer complaints is Baby's Own Tablets, and it is the best nicMlicine to cure them if they attack little ones uncxpecte;!ly. At otf their shoes on entering the build- ing. These Chinese Jews prayed towards Jeru.Milein. of whose I'e- struction b.v the Koniaiis they hud never heard, while the name of Jesus Christ conveyed nothing to their minds. These facts, of course placed the arrival of the original colonists as prior to the Christian era and certain other data suggests more the first sign of illness during thcj^'^actly the probable period. the bottom of the nioUls. add a few- spoonfuls of tomato mixture to each mold, and. when set. till the molds nearly to the top with ;he :nixture. When this is set dispo-^o the (hopped white against the Inner and upper edges i>f the mollis, and .ill to the top with the tomato. When firm un- mold, put a rounded innvi nnnise dressing in each cup and with this set asparagus tips, dressed liifhtl.v with French dressing. fJnrnish the dish with lettuce, Toinnti> .lell.v. â€" Pass the contents of a ran of tomatoes through a sieve rejecting nothing but seeds anil coarse fibres, if an.v. Put two cups of this ptiree over the fire with two slices of onion, two cloves, a sprig of parsle.v, a piece of bay leaf, four pepper-corns, or a bit of green pep- p«'r. and two teaspoons tarragon vinegar. Lot simmer fifteen minutes then skim out the vegetables, etc.. add half a teasv^oon of salt and half of a two ounce package of gela- tine, softened by standing some time Worker. The low chair is useful for resting, or for sitting to shell peas [or sorting currants, when it is con- ivenient to have the bowl on one's I lap into which to put either one or 'the other when seimrated from shells lor stalks. Sultana pudding is appreciated at teaspoon of |this time of the year if nicel.v boiled in a cloth for three hours. Uub three ounces of finel.v cht>ppcd suet into six ounces of llour, add one teuspoonful of baking powd.r, one ounce of sugar, and three ounces of sultanas. Make all into a light doug'a with one egg beaten up in a little milk, Cam^soated chairs can be furbisheil up by washing the cane with warm water on both sides, and thi-n ptit- ting them out in the air «in a siintiv d«,v to dry. This treatment not only adds to the cleanliness of the cane, but it causes it to tauten, which im- proves its appe.irance and makes it more weor-resisting. hot weather give the child Haby's Own Tablets, or in a few hours the trouble may be beyond cure. These Tablets cure all stomach troubles, diarrhoea und cholera iiifnntum. anil if occasionally given to the well child will prevent them. Mrs. F.dward 'the oral Clark McGregor. Onl., says: "I i various ceremonial accretions of the used Habys Own Tablets for my lit- liH;cIesiasticallv dark ages which fol- tle girl who suiTereil from colic and lowetl the time of the lust of the bowel troubles and 1 found them the jprophets. This gathering together " " f'^'*'" tand promulgation of the 'tradition WHKN THEY CAMK. The Chinese Je what is called in the Gospels "the tradition of the elders," which, in fact, was no more than the crystalli- zation or detailed summing-up of teaching of the past, with no young men about It is such a lonely place, you can hardly si-e any one." ' The storm had increased, and the shepherds from the hills had been driven in to shelter. They stood about, leaning on their crooks, and when a tall muleteer gave the logs in the fireplace a kick with his boot, and the ilames flashed up. the pic- ture was a vivid one. The girl waved a little wiue-<lipper she was holding and took in the group. "These." she said, "are my suit- ors." j They si.iiled. some of them bashful- 1 ly. ant', all delightedly, and seemed \ to accept the statement as a com- knew nothing „f "'""P'"*^- ^ ,^ Later, when the men were Enirlishwoman talking caught askeii thi! satisfactory medicine I Ml." This is the experience of all: took place during the .Maccabeun per- i "Is it thers who have used this n.edi- jod. .so that the dale of the seltk-iman. most trie»l mot cine. Keep the during the hot you can f>el that safe. Sold by all ilruggists tir sent by mail at 2."> cents a box by writ- ing the t)r. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville. Out. together, the Aspasia's eye. â- 'Which will yyu have'?" lady, sl.vly. The girl shook her head. "Vono of these.': she saitl. As she sp»ike, another figure, ciripping with ruin. gli<l<tl in at the door, lie was a tall -Mbanian. with flushiiifr eyes. he?" asked the Kngjlishwo- lablels in the homo nients is thus agaiii put bock. The | Aspasia meditated a little. "I weather months undltime of Alexander the t;reat ami hisjdon't think so. But there is one your children aiv ; ii,i,„y,|in,to successors seems, indeed. ; up in the mountains, where you ars the most probable era tor the i'i»un- j going. Take him a greeting from dation of the Chinese Jewish colon-] me." Mother's Ear 4 womo i«r worM*i*>» m*iti wnrnm mumrnimm mm mmmr. aho m rna moMTHm TM»T OOMS amfonm that Tiimm, SCOTT'S BMULSION mu^tttmm ths txm* mrmmtiaTH »mt> HOumimMmmMT mo arccaaanitK rcxc rM« HmJu.TH or morn mOTHBH uio GHILO. S«ih1 for fr«« mmplc. SCOTT a DOWN K, ChtmlM, Toroatov Ouutio. jgc. aad |i.«D| all dragjhti. •VWO r.-\lll-Kl>!. Johnny â€" Paw. did Mi'ses have the dysiH'psia. like what .vou've got? Kulherâ€" How, on earth do 1 know? What makes you ask such a ques- tion? Johnny â€" Wh.v. our Suiula.v school teacher sn.vs the Lord gave Moses two tablets. UKAin' FOB ANYTHING. IVctor â€" (nmking diagnosis) â€" Now, as to drink; what do .vou take' Patient (cheerfully )â€"Uh, thanks. Yc>u are very kin<l. I don't care if 1 do. Leavo it to you. sir. It is all the same to nic. ECONOMY OK HKAT. The average humidity in artificial- ly-heated houses is about thirty de- grees; the average temperature, sev- enty to seventy-four degi-ees. It has been found by conclusive tests that a room with a humidity of sixty de- grees and a temperature of sixty-fivo degre>s seems warmer and more com- fortable than a room ol seventy-two degrees of heat and humidity of thirty degi-ecs. Pr. Henry .\1. Smith says that if a room of si.\ty-eight degrec-s is not warm enough for any heulthy person it i.s because the hu- midity is tov> low. and w-ater should be evaporatiMl to bring the nuiisture up to the right degree. In other words, water instentl of coal should be usetl to make rooms comfortable when the temp'-ratuiv has reached si.\ty-<>ight ilegrees. As water is cheaper then coal the rule should bi."- come a popular one. Mrs. MeUridc â€" "John. I'm simply disgusted! White I was out this morning the cat got into the pantry and ate every single thing except a cake t had just baked!" Mr. Mc- Uridi' â€" "What a wnn.lerful thing anj- lual iujitiucl is, to bo sure!" ies. not onl.v because that century was marked by a very considerabie Jewish colonization movement â€" of which the .Moxandria settlement wus the most notew-orthy and best chron- icled example â€" but also Kvausc the Vocabulary of the Chinese .lews w-hen discovered by the Jesuits included a, large number of Persian words and derivatives, indicating contact with that empire, across which the route from Palestine then la.v. Moreover, at that period of their history the Jews were familiar with Persian rule and custom, which at any much earlier time they were not. AN KAIU.IEU PKRIOD. Nevertheless, some t>rientalists be- lieve the migration to have taken place eleven hundred years B.C., roughly, about the time ot F.li's high priesthood and the youth of Samuel. Kxpert investigation of the Scrip- lures in use iu these settlements ought to make this point susceptible of definite establishment It it can be proved that the writings of the later prophets formed part ot the synagogue lectionary in China, it must bo cvi<lent that the settlements were not founded at this roinote dale. "^ The roll of Scripture taken from Kai-fong-fu to Hong Kong during the latter part of the last century, and now to be seen in the museum, is of the Pentateuch onl.v. but affords no evidence that other rolls were not "What is his name?" "Oh. no matter! From far olf you will see him digging in his gar- den, in the first village you come to as .vou go to the lake, .'-^a.v to him, •GoH'ting from the khani' and hew-ill undii-stund." GLA.SS BRICKS. The manufacture and use of paving and building bricks made of cievitri tied glass have attracted some at- tention recently in Kurope. e-^pecial- ly in l'>ance. Brokeu bottles, brok- en window-panes and other gla;<s re- fuse are turned, by a paleiiteil pro- cess, into tiles, paving squarx-s and tiags for sidewalks. A rough sur- face like that of common brick caa be given to them. In the eiiy ot I.vons a piece of street pavement formed of this material has with- stood as hard usage as any pave, ment would be subjected to. Th( makers claim that it po.sse.s.sos great/ er resistance than stone, is iniper meable to water, and is tt "pooi conductor of cold." In Htunburjf Germany, translucent bricks hovi bi-en used for the walls of buildings which are required to bo at once fire- proof and windowless. The man who rocks the boat Should never drown. I think. Because his empty head Is far too light to sink!

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