Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Aug 1905, p. 8

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^u August 10 1906 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE The Markets. CaretallT C«rrert«4 E«cfc Week 0«u *3 <3 Pe« â€" es^-* «t B«rl.7 ♦* ** *5 Batier '8'* *» KrfK* ffe'h *• '^ « C'liiokeoB Oto Ducks C to O 6Mie Oto Hay to 6 00 INitatoe* b»K 40 to 40 Wot,l 25 to 28 WALL PAPERS! The largest stock in the town- sship, of BEsa* Quality and LOWEST PRICES, from 3c. per double roll up to 50c. On exhibition by C. E. TryoML, TaC PEACTICI. PAlHTMl A r^VU BA!t«SB. Ajjers Doa*l trr eheip cough medi- cine*. Get the best^Ayer't Cherry Pectoral, what a record It haa, aixty ycwa of Cherry Pectoral cures! Aik your doctor If he doesirt use It for eeof ha, colds, broBchltla, aid all thttMt and lung troubles. Bronchitis tlon with •AmN doM« •# Aycr's Hm. SAMPLKB ON APPUCATION. Pricevilla Onhu-io. Flesherton CI SI Good hof»«)-new riR«-»ttentivo driveri Q. W. Hacking Local Agents Wanted Atoooefor •'CJunfcdft'H Grentest Nurier- it^X the town of FLE8HERT0N .nd Burrouiidins? oouuiry, which will be resor- ved for the rinht mnn. START NOW «t the butit eulhoR Reftson, Bud handle our now gpecialtw* oa lib- eral terms. Write for particulars »iid send 25c. for i.ur hanJsomo aluninum »K>cket micro soopo, (nUnU gom) useful to : {•*"'«â- â€¢Â«. iit oxMtiiniriR eeeds and grams; *JfChara- i«t«, in oxsminiiig trees for insocUi; Teach- ers and McholarB in studyiiiR Botany, and everybody iix a hundred different ways. Stone & Wellington (over 800 ACBia) Toronto In Furniture The largest and best slock ot farnikoie erer sbcnr* m Flealier- !»•. TWb withoot fear of coDtra- diction. Come aud see none of the uica things in Sideboards Dining Rooni Ctiairs Parlor Setts Bed Rooni Setts A special reduction just now on •verything in order to reduce the slock. W. H. BUNT. Fhskloo • Int. Business Cards u'ouiax}uaH * touno >U Uanker Mkrkdale do* KaaeralbaDkiDgbaatneas. Money loaned a reasooable rats Call od ua. RJ SPROIJLB Pottmaitsf, nwhertea uommlasioaar hi H. O. J., Aaotioneer Cod- Tuyaiioer, Appralaer and Money Lauder Uetl Kitata aud Inaiiraaea Agent. Deeds aioct|{>j(a«, laaaai and wllli oarefally drawn ut> ancl valuation* mada on thorteac ootloa. money to loan at lowest rates ol interest. Col aotlons attaudod to with prnniptnass obarcea low. Airent tor Oesan Dominion Blaaiusbkp Compaay. A call wlieltad. Societies n \r meets on the eaoo month. In tbulr loiige last Ontario wish and OWES BOUND, ONTAKtO. I<anp*naror the Fait Term, Frldsy, flapt. 1st 10»5 lor the elaslfleation of studanU. Claas- a boKin Mooriav, P'Pt. 4th, 100.'.. Fonr fiiltv aqiilprad ilopartmants. IIUHINTKH COlDiai? for Ihoiia who to boonino Kooklinnpars, Uusliisss man «Ut.**' t'l*>rrwnttln lifft. SII')KTMASn4TYPKWIlITISOCOUUBB for tlioim who wish tn bacnma stanocraphars. TRMCtlKAI'liy COUIt^K for tlroie who wish t^ Iwcorn^ Tolrwraiih Oppratora. I'KKI'AUATOItY '!<)lIltHK for tboee who ar« fHr lisr.k in thair adiication and who wish to iinpriivn tn omninn school Hub)«ctfl. Nona too f Ar bsnk for thia course. Writo for our now lllustratnd annnuncn. ineni und )oiirn<iI showing onr vsriotis dapart- nieuts St wcrk; it ta frae. Address:- C.A. rlaui- u.j, ft iuai|)»l,Owan Hound. HIGH CLASS PICTURES, e The place to vfiX, the Wst Photos Is at iuiLMKU'S PHOTOGRAPH UALLKRY. A case of criminal neglect has oume under the notice of the authorities and is now being investigat^jd by Dr. A. T. Steele, of Shelburne, coroner for Dufferin. A bright two-year-old daughter of A. Skace, of Melan^hon, a few miles from Shelburne, a member of the sect knowu as Evening LightB, was takoa seriuMsly ill abvi>t a week mp with whet was appar- ently pnenmonia or diphtheria. The child gradually i^rew worse and was in great agony. A neighbor summoned Dr. Martin, of Dundalk, who a»ked the par- ents if they would give her medicine, but it is said they refused to apply even must- ard to the ckest, and the child died. John H. Stewart, son of Duncan Stew- art, Normauby, left home on Tui-sdsj morning to walk to the post-oftce at Calderwood, a distance of over two miles. In the yard at the post o£5ce he atumbW and fell. When he was picked up it was found that he was dead. The deceased was 42 years of age, was unmarried, and had been in ill health for some ten or twelve years. â€" Confederate. They Appeal t» Our Sympathies The bilious and dyspeptic are constant suf- ferers and appeal to our sympatbies. There is not one of them, however, who may nut be brought back to health and happiness br the use of Ctianiberl&in's Stomach and Liver Tab- lets. Theee tabletn invigorate the storaacb and liver and strengthen the digestion. They also regulate the bowels. I'or sale by W, b. KicbardsoD. Upwards of 25 per cent ot the prepared foodstuffs sold to Canadians are adulter- ated with compounds, running the gam- unt from tha comparativ«ly laiMcuoua crusted rotten stone, used to give life and economy to pepper, to the pernicious wood Alcohol used to fortify various drugs and liquors. Thia is the conclusion reached by invostiRation set undtr way by Hun. Mr. Rrodeur, Minister of In- land Revenue. For some tioM his de- f>&rtment baa hitd special agents out col- ucliiig samples of fuodatulb and sending them to Ottawa fur analysis Must of the adnUerante were not, although some were, of a decidedly virulent nature. Maple syrup samples were found in many cases, to consist of prepared mixtures of eaue sntcar and glucose. Hon. Mr. Bro- deur said that the department Intended to make things warm fur the o£fe»der8. Ycur Worn-ottt Stomach, What it needs is the strengthening in fluence of Dr- Hamilton's Pills â€" they work nmrvels where the fitomach and digestion nre poor. In one day theappet- ite increas<:8 and the whole system is rap- idly strengthened. Fur stomach special- ist could write a better prescription than Dr. Hamiitun's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. At all dealers in a yuUow bux, price 26c., or five boxes for one dollar. The Cuba Land Pad. Monday ..» room. GbrlHtoa'a bloak.Klesbarton.at8p.nl. M.W., A. Harrison ; Ilacorder, Jas. FelstoaJ ; Finan- olar, W.J. Del.amy. Visiting brethren iLVlted. PRINCE AHTBUH LODGE, No. -.m^hVA A ti. meets In the Hasonlahall. Strain's block, Fleshorton, every Friday on or before tha full irocn. John Wright, W M.; C. N. Blobar son, SsLratary. COURT FLKSHKnTOS. OW, I. 0. F. ireetein Cbristoa's Blook thn Inst Pridsv evening of aach month. Visiting Foresters heartily weloomn. O.K., .I.Cornaeld; U. O. W. Doskln: Fin. Heo., H. A. Wlllett. I'laann pay duos to H. A, Willett on or before tba last ifay of tbe preeoodlug month. CnoBKN FhieVDBâ€" Flasborton Counoll of (7hOH«n Frienils meets Iti ('layton's ball flret and third Wodnsitdav of ubcb month; R p. m. Pav assossmants to tha Ilaoordar on or before tfo Arst ilayof aaob month. C.biat Coonclllor, T. niakuley;Uaoordai, W. H. llaut. Medical DR CAnTf.n M C P A B Oat. Phyilelan, Rnrgeon, ate OBee and residenaeâ€" Pbter at, Plaebeitoa A.T. llf>ND " OraUuata Toronto llnlvarelty. Mam- bar ot Ontario OoIIhku o; I'liysiolinns and Kur- gaous. Maiwall, On', riucoussor to Dr. Boott. D" J P OTTRWF.U, * Vatailnary R<irn»on Graduate ot Ontario Vatavinary Callaga. residence â€" sieond door sonth wast' on Mary atreat. Thia street rase south Praabytarlan Ohnroh. WIL.BON, Ulaoksmlth 'iradaata of the Vaiarinary Bclenoe Association, llosidunoe, Durbam itieat, op- posite lloyd, Hlokllbg'a hardware. H Legal the sea and either without a railroad or â- t tha mercy of ui,e line. The mo's of •emi-cropical trees strike into the ground •a those of the North do not, and it takes a great deal of money to dear the Und â€" from sixty to a hundred dtdlnrs au sore. Moieover, I am told that cleared Und near markets is avuilablo in Cuba at a very much less price than is being aaked for unimproved timbered or otumpv soil remote from luarkets. The prouiioent men whose names appear on the lists t)i directors of these l»nd ciunpnaie^ mast be unawere uf what th^-y are doing or tiiey would not allow themselves to bo men- tioned in such a connection. SPncIAL ATTENTION We pay Special Attrnti'm f« Copying and lUliiew' picturos. Pi.'turu fram- ing a spocialty. Try us for any kind of pictures and we will {(riiroisosalisfaolion. Mx*B. SUJLiMEIR 8><leuhani struet, Flethoiton LUCAR WXIHKT * McARDLR Harristurs Kolkitors ConTsyanoeri, etc niDoaaâ€" <lwan Honnd.Ont andMarkdaleOnt W H Wbioht, MoAaoLS I B LvoAs N ll-Plasharton omcc, Mitcbell's Baak every Salarday. Dentistry Dr. K. P. ARM8TR0NO, I.. D.SHlIontr Oradn aiaof Toronto ITnlvortlty and R>yal (-e). Iei:e uf Dnutal Hurgeons of Ontario. Opuoaite Mr«. Ilulmar's Photograph Oallery. Will vialt Maxwall Arst and third Wednesday of eaeb mouth coiunioriolng July Stb. Bull Tor Seroiec A S vaar eld, thorougl b ml D irbim boll will tUDd for sarvlaaon lot 1>, o<<)'. \ h. D. A., for va'r I0a\ larin fl.QO, fa alia lat Fabruary, \VA rowsnotratrr adwl lie b t gsd Wbetn SI iucalfor uel. _ DiVID BINC , Prteevlile In view of the fact that Cuban lands have been Kdvertised extennively ihrouijh- out Ontario, the following by Don in Sat- urdtty night should prove of interest; For some time past I have boon receiv- ing nnnicrotis enquiries as to lands adver- tised for sale in Cuba and Mexico. Hav- ing written more than once in Sxturday Night of Laiin America and the Vt'est In- dialalands, many people see in toexpcctihttt I have ample time and leisure to devote to the furnishing of iiifor. nation with re apeot to those hot countries, which some? how havo a fu.suinalion for Northerners. Nniirly two weekh hijo a doctor nsVol inu if I thought Cuba weie a good placx to invest in land. Answered in t'<e negat- ive, he told me of having been in a law- yer's ntfico in an Eastern Oiilariu city when u woman came in and aaked for a movtaKo on her little homo, that she iui«ht raise $400 to invest in a few acres of Cuban roiil eslatu. The lawypr advised her to leave her tittle home unburdened. The doctor chimed in with advice for white poople to stay away fiom Cuba, and tbo tatter wound up by abusing mc for not tolling the public my '>piuion of the com|>anies endeavoring to induce Can adians to buy land at what seemed to be extraordinary prices in a hot Island, which sociitlly, politically and climatically is nut Nulled to the people <if this country. Lvss than a week ago a lawyer in larice practico in ToronlnmentiiMnod to me I hut he hnd a clif nt in Owen Sound, a younj; woniitn with n small amount of money, insufliciuut to provi.le a livliehnod, who asked him to sell l:er securities that she also miuht invest in Cuban rcnl es'ato. In brief' my ojiinion of these Cuban W'ld com|jnnioH '\t> n"t flntterini;. Unlesn I sm "o'y much miN'o'ormed they nre olTerinif land remote f'om the market and probsb 'y Oljod with timber <>r stumps nt a price extrsorilinarily in advance of what they paid I am led to helinve that most of the money received for thoxe lands Bo far has lieon invested in adverlisina in i.ews- papers rathur than in improvement of the property, and my ad vie 9 to the people is to leave them alone. Any one desirini? to make money out of asncnhure can do batter in Canada than in Cuba. The f rnit and sugir business is beini; overdone even when the land used for the purpo.se is oloso to railrotd or seaport. I am inform ed that the lands being nlTered are not ensity nnoesnible and that it is alinott an impouibilily to take fruit or any other prodnoe to the nearest market at a profit. It must be remembered that the heat in Cuba is great tha year round, thoup.h not intolerable to ihote used to the tropica. The country is larga, and tome of (he land for sate is, I undanUnd, many miles from 9f ••Worn Out People â€"Don't neglect the first symp- toms. Oftentimes the irritating cougrb, the insipid cold, the listless and Un^^id feeling, are due to a weak state of the systeak It is a sure sign of btcrafcdown. Nothiag aba will put you right so quickly and efiectively as "Psychine." If y«~ feel "worn out," it is lime for a tonic, a real tonic . There is only one reafly good tonic It is "PsvcHiNg.' KeepaWrtttekandy never be without it. It tones up Um system and restores your old time ^tality. Ask your druggist about it. DEERING Implements Of all kinds at Wright'.s. Tlte Deering binders are this lightest and best. You can save money by getting yaur implements fi om Wm. L. WRIGHT Barnhouse's Old Stand Tksberton « OiH* NEW SUITINGS, Overcoatings, and Trouser- ings now in. Prices right, workmanship and fit good. Ha ALEXANDER The Flesberton Tailor R- Kinnear & Sons MAXWELL QRBATC8T OF ALL TOMI08 PSrCHINE (PSONOimCED SlrKCEN) m. Bnccwn-oME dollarâ€" nu trul BB «. A. SLOCVat, LfesaHaci tWKIaisakW. T»ronto,0«ttiwto Wish tn annnonce to the public that they have yet a few remnants of Prints left at tbe re- duced price. Come nnd secure ojie befuae they all go, as we are fnrtsng sale^i to make imire room for other goods. We have leased ihe store across the street, which is filled with Hardware, Flour, Paints, Glass, Long Clear Ricon aud Brooms, which we offer as cheap, if not cbeai>er, than elsewhere. We have bleu Huron, Singhampton and Markdale Klotw always on hand, so you can get a choice, /> / 'Ty We are headquarter* AmOO*C ^^lefC for the famous 'ymoutA SBii^der ^ivtnm In Osprey. No discount on the length ot quality. Secure youmelves by leaving your orders here in time. Higheat market prices paid for choice butter and fresh eggii. S^tu Ra Kinnear &Sons If you are llituking of buying a liue buggy, wa!;on or democrat, it will surely pay you to c»ll and investigate our stock, lurinx, etc., before inakin>> your purfho-se. We have a stair of expert workmen and can guarantee that you a'ill be satistioi â€" - â€" ALWAYS ON HAND - â€" Bioyole - Sundries â€" â€" AND REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS â€" - J. A. HEARD, • FLESHERTON. ^'VWSC«C«flp K" E). McTAVISH Ii[[[[l[ll(;iH[MlRi For First Class Unggies, Carts, Ploasuro and Lumber \Aagous, cutters, Sleighs. We koep a stock on hand to choose from. ALSO HORSE SHOEINO ANDOENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and Lniariintne first class work. Wo keep on hand Ploughs and Plough re{vtir8, and also Massey- Harris and Noxou repairs for binders. Mowers, \\\ kinds uf in»';hinory, also Uiiidor Twinw on hand. » UPben in town gioe US a call « Fall Term Opens Sopt 5. Ore ef the larrest and he»t comnierdal RchooiR In tha f)ominian. All of our gradn^taa arc a^i»oTn»-<'lv anre of aaouring position;*. Rtrong staff of taaehats; modern nniirsaa; every stndrat thoroagtaly satisflmi. Write for onr magninesB* eatalogne, Addra<«; W. .1. Klliott, Principal, BnioU Business Colloga, Cor. Yooge a nd Alaaandar Its., Toronto, On', FARM FOR SALE. BY TENDER TandAis will beraeaivsl up to the Arst day of f>ar'>mhar next, tor t)i« i<nrohai<« ol the following Unfa, vir.: lots I4S, KJ ami ISO, In tha third rang.i nor»h-ea«t of the Toronto and Rv'laniism Ro-td |n the tiwnship ot Artnraeaia; I01 aoraa. ovar Tt acres slaared, a fraina rough «»«t dwalllne, loi barn ^'ld an orchard npon tha pramlaaa. Tarnis ,'0 par eont of purobasa priea at lime of are pianoeof tander, the hal- anoa on eomolatloT'l tlt>«. I'xoapl •noo, whioh mav ramain on motgaqr Tba highest praujlsntlorn t net«"i»rilv accepio.1, W. J, dULLAMY, Klasbortou FLESHERTON HARNESS EMPORIUM. (I.)pp<witu Annatroug's JuwuUery.) Everything up tr> d-tte in harness â€" best matariat, best workmanship, best prices. Fly sheets and nets are in Be«.>ion-~ let us show you ours. Trunks, valises, axlu crease, carriane axle grease, harneas oil, whips and laaliei, BUQGIESa Come and see tha new hugqiea which we have on exhibition. Thuy »r* b«%ut-. i!»s and prices are right. Wm. MOORE (0pp<isitn Annstrung's Jewellery^ KleaUerton.

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