Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Aug 1905, p. 4

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August 24 1906 ritE FLfisMEliToJj AbVAl^jfcli: as. imnwnii F, T. HILL & CO. 'ammaii AUGUST STORE NEWS. Being ever on the alert taking advantage of every buying opportunity that helps us to better serve the intei-ests of our customers, the many opecial lines we have to ofler during AUGUST will doubtless bring us a large increaseof business over any previous August in the history of our ever-increasing business. Below we enumer- ate only a few of the many special attractions this store has to offer during this month. $6.50 Cadies' Haiti 0dats for $3.9$. 18 only Ladies' raincoats sccuiel at a groal bargain. Tiio benefit is yours. Regular valuo $0.50, Aucust Sftle price $2.98 The price on those beautiful colUrs is just Imlf. Wo Imve placed on Sile for early .August selling the bal.-iDco of our 50c. Ladit'8' Silk Collnrs. The price while they last will be 25c. TWO SIIIRT-WAISTS OPPOUTUNITIES. Wo placed in Htock a fuw diiyH aao 00 new, stylish, up to date Ladies' Wliite Lawn Sliirt Waists, Hpcured at a Wiq; reduction on regular price. Tlifro uru many styles in tliis Bsaortment which contains all the sizes from 32 to 40, bust ni»>Asureinent. Conic early when the a.ssnrtnient i.i complcto. Regular value up to $1.50. Ausiist p:i1i) price 78c. 46 Ladies' White I.rf»wn fancy muslin, fancy sateen and black satoen Shirt Waists. Value up to $1.25, Aug- ust Sale Price * 48c. A TRIO OF BOOT BARGAINS. 40 pairs women's and men's leather slippers, children's shoes. Prunella gaitore, etc. Valuo uii to 50c. Au;;imt Silo Price 25c. MEN AND BOY'S LACED BOOTS AND GAITERS FOR 81.25. This lot consists of about «0 pairs of Men's and Boy's Dongola kid. Buff Box Calf, Patent Leather, etc. Laced hoots and gaiters. Valuo up to ?3.75. August Sale Price *l'-'5 WOMEN AND MISSE'S SHOES AND OXFORDS 98c. 50 pairp Women and Mifffs buttniicd and Uccd li"' ts and Oxfords. Thi.-t lot contains many very Special '.ivains. Valuo up to ?3.00. August Sale Price 98c. TWO SPECIAL CORSET BARGAT': :. 24 pairs unly Ladies Corsets, good value at %lXlC. ;7pecial Au;just Sale Price 68c. 76c. CORSETS FOR 48c. % p.'xirs, only. Lidies' Corsets, Sizes 18 to 22, the regular 75c. kind. August Sale Price 48c. 50c. TWEEDS FOR 35o. 150 yards crey. brown ami mixed patterns in tweeds suitable for men's and boy's clothing. The price is veiy Rpecia). Valuo 50c., Sale Price 36c, VEILINGS AT 9o. A YARD. 300 yard* plain and fancy spot veilings, valuo up to .38c. August Sale Price 9c. Caaies* Dress Skirt Special for JFIuaust 40 only Ladies' Dress Skiit.s in black, blue and crey. Here is a splendid opportunity to secure a good service- able, stylish skirl at a small price. Value up to §375. The price while thoy last will bo f2.25. AWW MARKDALE MWMW^ T pulJi^lied cvory Tlmisd.iy at .$!.(« ikt i,niinm if paid in ailviuiec, ifl..")0 if not .•*!> pjid. All Milworilwr.^ paying $1.00 Kliictly in advance got the Mouticul Herald oiio yoar f.'vc a.*! a remiuui. High School Opening. The Ifith Annual Ue-opening of the Meaford [LkIi Sclnol will take place on Sept. rnli, 101)5, when classi'S will bo fanned to meet the reipiirenionls of every KMiilont llial attends. All pari-ols liaviog qbiltlren tn educate an- nskc' I to look â- f.ivefully into tliu record and inuritHnf tins wed kiiDAii lliali School bi-foru de- liding to scnil tbcin. Note the following y.oinla; 1 - A builJiiig, gyinnasiiiin niid tri'unds that for beauty, i(|uipnient and , convenience e.ktinot bo supassod in the jirovinco. 2 â€" A stafl'of leacbors specially (jualiflcd to teach their respective di^part- monts. 3 â€" A Literary and Dobaiing Society, an Athletio Association and Fielil Day, and an Old It'iy's Association -all in a llourisliing cnditinn. 4â€" A long and honorable ri'O ird as a scliool of training for tencbera. In Ibo but ycur.s I'l Junior Teachers and 41 Seni'ir Teach - ors have obtrinod their certiticatna. Of the former 13 spent only one year of th. ir bchoil life in a High School and ihatsclidol was the Muaford High Solioul. ^5) This pcliool does every form of exam- illation work done by the largoHt Cullog- late Inali:ute. Personal attention given to each pupil, a prominent filature. Splendid medals, prizes aiul schularships i.pentoall. Public s|ifaking, diibitinij, BJnginganil albloticii ulrongly uncouragi'il. (tl) The high stand taken by pupils .if this ecbo<d at the Normals, ami the lIiiiverHit- ies â€" third plaeo in Mfdieino at Mctiill; first place and niudal in Ilia!ory, and third place in Mathematics at Queens; second place in Physics and third place in Enghiib and History at Toronto; besides many other first and second class honors at Macmaster and other college!) siirt tbo growing demand for gradnatt^a of this school as Pulilic school tiaclierx, all go to tirovo llio efhciency of the work done, 'ees to all students tiot re-ident in Menfood, $10 |»«'i' y"""". Board ?2 to 83 per week m private hmnes. The town easily reached by the (!. T. U. or by any passenger boat plying belweon the ports of the lieorgian Hay. Send for a pros- pectus of 1005, which is a compendimn of iiiforuiation about the beautiful town of Meaford, it* High School and the latest revised educational regulations, .1. L. Oornwoll, B.A,, Principal, A, MoK Cam- eron, Seo'y Treai. fANADIAN fi $1200 GOING ^'^" ASSINIBOIA $18.00 RETURNING AUGDST S9, 1905 SliPT. 2, 1905 SBPr. 4 10"'-^ aOINQ DATES Stations sr.utli o( but not iuuIoOing tuain liuo Toronto to .Snrnia, (tiicliKlini; Toronto). Main linn Torf)nti) to Rarnia and Rttvlionn nortli (except north of I'ardwnll .Jntu'iii>n and Toronto oi\ N.n'tli jlay Hoctioui. From oil imii.ts 'I'orouto anil fa^t. to and Inulirrliug Hliarliot I.ako unti Kint.'Hiot). iin>l nnrtli of Toronto and Cardw-uU Jauc. ou North lay and Midliinil divisions. ().SK-W.\YSKCONI)riiASS riCKin'S TO WlNNU'lXl onlvwiIlbo8<dd. with a CIUITIKI- i-'ATiO cxlonilinx' tlio trip Ijuforo tit'iitumbor 15th. witliont udiliiiunal coat, to otlicr i>aiut» in Ma dtubn iili.l AKtnnlbula. 1( iiiu( linniMii fn)iiii;i'il HH FAKM Ti\H()KKns at W'inniin'R (provided siiuh Fahm Ladorkrs w >rk not luoR tl.an M days at harviHtinu, and vnoduco ccrtillcato to tbat lYloct), thoy will bo r.'-tiu-noti to original btnrtinc Point at rMt.ii fdrowii abovt; (ni or bjfore Nov. 30tir itXl'i. Tlc:Ki;Th\V!i.Ii UK I.SHllliUTO WdMiCN as wi-11 na .Men, but will not bo t6*uud at Half- U.iti' to Clill lion. iratTloliots not i{ood on In)|inria1 l.iniiti' I Kxpruav Traina. i-'or furtliur pa ilcnlar^ apply to neare^^t Cana lian I'ti-illc Aut-nt, or C. B. FOSTEK, U. P. A., C. 1'. R., Toronto, Ont. ploiisant reli. f attend.) the use i Hatnillon'H Pills â€"others not so Price 2.")C. a box. at all dealers. .f Dr. good. $ 1,000 Reward .For â-  CSM of Ineuribla Coastlpstlon. To a person who can't bo cured of con- stipation by Dr. Uamilton's I'ilN, ihe abovo reward will be (laid. No nathartio niedioino gives such Ji^siing natisfantinn or eflecta such njiaryethuis cures hs Dr. lUmilton's Pills. ' Relief immediately follows f(ir.|ieadaaho. biliousncsaund stnin- ich disorders. No griping pains, no jtmrtiing lensatiions, nothinR but the ino.',t ] The lino bank barn biloiiging to Mr. fi'io. Sturroek on the lOih of Proton, wan struck by liglitniii'.j on Saturday the 5tli ins), and touilly destroyed. Of the contents TO tons of hay, vehicles, iniplo- tnents, harni'ss, etc., were also burned, bill no livH stock. There was insiuanoe of only $400, whiiih will go only a short way towards coviTing the lo s. Mr.Stur- ncli will reVinild at oncn am! will no donbt have the active aid of lii< neighbors, as well as their sympathy. â€" Confi derate. The truth of the old .\lago that it is better to bo born lucky than rich has been found true in llio case of a bright young man who is .vorking for a Macville farnior. fie emigrated from a city in Ireland wIkmo he was born ot Scolcli l>ar- irits and bad been inakim.; his own way all right. A short time ag > he received â- in interesting letter from a liriii in Tonm- to and in an interviuw ho liiiils that he is a rich man. .\n idd lady, an old friend ;)f the family, ri'contly died, loavine the young man twenty thousand dollirs. A brolhiir receives the same amount. Thoy will receive their money in dna time. â€" Bolton Enterprise. This nedlcine Ls Breathed That's why it is sure to cure ca'arrh. You sou it ^-oes direct to the source of the disease â€" its healing vapor roiiairs the damage catned by catarrhal iiiHanimation. Catarrhozonc always cures buoan^B it goes into those tiny cells and passages that ordinary remedies can't roach, goes whore fbii disease actu.«lly is. loipossibli) for l!atarrhoEone to fail as any doctor will tell you. Don't bo mislead into thinking there is anything so good as Catarrhozone â€" use it and you'll soon say good-bye to catarrh. What ni ;ht have resulted in soriovs lois to the (J. T. R. Co , and, in all prob- atiility death to some of its employes, was p'evtnted in a rather extraordia«-y man- ner hereon Friday morning. Mr. Perry, formerly a brakeinan through here, hut who was discharged some two moBthjt north al iiig the track, and when about a hundred yards from tbo ilepot ho noticed the track was s(iread and the switch at Nolan's silling thrown open. Just then he heard the whittio of a train approach ing from the snuib and at once ran to meet it, flagging it aliotit half a mile up the track. Had the train not halted, it t\ou!d have rushed in on the sidinir, and un- doubtedly, into the pond. The mishap to the track is thought to have been caus- ed by a truck of a pn-vious train jumping the trick and aiain righting itself at the frog on tlio awiiih. "I'hoO. T. R. officials at once notilicd Mr. Perry that his situa- tion was again ready for him also three months' salary, the time since he was dischirged. â€" Tottenham Sentinel. ago for » slight o>ffeuce, was walking ^ olosed and under Mivure. atei of Fall Faii'3. Floiherton Sejit. 27â€"28 Durham Sept. 20â€"21 Oundalk Oct. 12â€"13 Fover^hatn Oct, 5- (i Clarksbnrit Sept. 28-29 Meaford .'. Sept. 28- 2il Owen Sound Sept. 12â€"13â€"14 Pricoville Oct. G Shidburno Sept. 2fi-~27 ChatHworth Oct. 12â€"13 Collingwood Sept. 26â€"29 That Pale. Tired Qirl. Sho is in society, in business, at home, everyw hero you see her, but always worn and fatigued. Sho hasn't heard of Forro- 2<me or she would bo perfectly well. Il.rw quickly it stronathi nsâ€" what an ap- petite it gives â€" what a glow it brings to pallid cheeks! The nutriment contained in Ferrozone puts strength into anybody. Laughing eyps, rosy lips, tiriiiht quick movements all tell of the viiality Ferro- zone [iroHuces. Thousands of attractive women use Ferrozone â€" Why not yon! A box of tifiy chocolate coated tablets oo^ls fifty cen'iat any drug store. Owing to lack of rjipital the Kings Royal summer hotel at Owen Sound has again failed to pay this year, and i^ now BOYD, HICKLING & CO, â- FLESHERTON, ONL Specials For August. I 4 Clearance in White Lawn Waists. 1.') Ladies White Lawn Waists, these include a num- ber of the best selling lines of the season where the assortment has been sold down to two or three gar- ments ami represent qualities that sold from 7oc to l.'Io Clearing price 69c A Clearance in Neglige Shirts« 25 Mens Keglige Shirts, some silk fronts with white bodies, some with attached, some separate cutts,sizcs 14| to 15. Ivegular price 75c and i^LOO. Clearing 50c A Clearance in Misses' and Women's Boots. ;}9 pairs Womens and Misses Boots, some lace, some button. Sizes 11 to 4. JS'arrow and medium last, plain and patent leather toe cap.s. Some Dongola, others Glove Grain and J'olished Bull'. Ivegular prices from 1.25 to 2.75. Clearing price 95c A Clearance of Fancy Muslins at 7 1=3 c. 10 pal terns Fancy Coloitid Muslins, including black and white, pinks, blues and green Horal ttesigns. licgular 12^c and luc quality. Clearing at l\c. Special Clearinj^ Prices in Ladies Ready to Wear Hats. See the values we are offering at 50c and toe. Ladies' sOc. Girdles for 39c. Ladies White Tape Girdle Corsets, just the correct article for summer wear, quite superseding the net corsets All sizes 18 to 24. liegular 50c quahty. Clearing price 39c. Five Roses Tlour Also Bran and Shorts. A carload just in maaEssamaaa l^ardware Department Buy "Plymouth" Twine and have the best. l^arvest^Kcauisits. Dairy Utensils* Binder Twine Binder Whips Binding Gloves (irain Cradles Maehine Oil Cream Separators Separator Oil Churns Creamer Cans Milk Pails Cream Crocks. Boyd, Hickling & Co. » ! « • I « • t • • l< • «• l^ksberton

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