>^^ htxtBU KhMntt. dr "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRI^â- CIPLEb ^0T MEN. VOL XXIv, NO 12;« Fleelnerton, Oat., Thursday. Septerriber 14 lOOo W. H THURSTON, FniTZ, 'KIETOU Goiag To Get Married ? If a.) yiiu will want a iiica wediiiuft rini;. Wc bavt) thorn iii a jjreut VKrit^ty ttiiil la juiit tiie ris'it e Going To A WeddiPg ? Ifwjyoii will want to tuU« a inwiBut uloiijf. We hiLVe t'l" in.-iiiyl<eatitifi:l BLACK WOUU Cl.UCKri which we V. ill wH nt wisi lir the next fifteen Jays. This i:iean» siimethiiiif t<i yini. Make a note of.it. Thc-«; iiiu suitiiblu loi- 1,'euei-al use. See t'lelll. m» Armstrong, FLK-StlJ UTOX, ONT !<ianee,hnvii g li.seii in ntiinbers fioiu tlire« Id tltveii, sir. CO its iiici'ijtidn.ahi'Ut thna t «V(:ek« Hgo. May tliu <{OuJ wurk continue to lil'c.rt'. I Oil Suiuliiy lust divine service was con- lUict. il by Mo-.isra. Eiinis and Ci-one, the I hitter KcnlfiiHiii delivered an impressive ; and fiirceful diacourse from Matt. 1(1 â€" .'iO, i 01. Mr. Cioae is a fluent speaker, clust- ly (Iruwiiio the atteiiiion erf (is nudienoo (and is always a most welcome a-ssi-stan I in Iour service. Mr Harness took Btr. Cri.ne's Bil'If c!ai3 in the Methodist , Salil.atli Si'ho..!. Industrial Home Noles {Bj ail Limit') Coughers, Hawkers, 3pitterp. ruhlic expectoration is auHJustthe omi- moii Idvr, airaiiift the laws of hehlth also. I WheJi ihe throat tieklis. thatV the time I you need Catiurh' ZoLC;'Ic hooihes iiway I the iirituti'iii. cuts oiu (ho ))ldeL'tn and hoi'seiiH ihe lighc feoelini;. You'll quick - I ly cure that catarrh and throat trouhle I with Cat. n-h. rone. It i>osilively pre- vents n w attacks and eure-s cat.irrh for- ' ever and for sll time lo cnirie. Doii'itake ! I ur word forit. try raiarrh.Zdiie yorrser. ' Once used jou'il ho delighted with it's ipleaaiitand helpfid i:.tluence. 1 !â- â- â- â- *â- 1 Dates of F^li Fairs. Fle,»hetton S.â- p^ 27-28 l.)urhuii Sept. 20-21 Duud.ilk .Oct. 12â€" 1:5 Feverdiaiit Oct. 5- (i Sept. 28-2!) Sept. 2.S-2fl .Sept. 12 -13 -14 Oct. Sept. 20-27 Oct. 12-13 Sept. .>C-2'J MeafouL. Owen Sound Priceville. . . Shelhuiue. . Chatsworth Culling vood On \Vediiesi.l.iy, the 30tii uli., th^ hospital sergearil sat at the window patiently waitir;; for dd Sol to make the ' Oliirkuhur;.; ascint from behind* <Utk cloud, to the l)lue .spital-.ovs in onlor to get a glimpse «.f ihc much talked of ei;li,jKe. His dc- 6ite was *t length raid Z> d, for u short tiaie, at any rate. On observing 'he phin()uieiiii),he eniliu>iasticiii:y tjacuhti- I. V'lUdolCUr oJ, look.' look: ain't it funny ! See how : ., it daiiceiJ, that's (he » Ay it (lances ill Ire- j Jlr. and Mrs. K. Culli.s, Mr. .1.1. land on Ai-ter momiii^.'ain't it funny! Oraluiii ai.d son Wilfrid, Mrssis. .VI. lie then went on to relate that he knew 1 Uei.rtl and El. Kakcr attended the To- people ... Ireland hrin« .heir -ses h.to ) -n.,. e^..»..ion ^^^^'^^.^^^ ^p„„^ the h..u<e the n'^ht h'fore Aister .iiid ju3t | s,jt,„j,,y and Sunday m (ho vicinity of as the clock tiui.'-hed sirikiiig twelve, the | UocklMi. ass would dn.p (ill Ids kmes and bray. Mr.Kd Neeley of Rocklyn spent Sun: ,,, ,1 I I II .. .. ..1 • 11 djvv with Iris sister, Mrs. tld. Hillev. Wei , od felow.thiits nothin", they .nay ;;,,,., , r u ,i ,„ â- .â- =,i-„i ' ' , t I .S. Wail ma and .son of Purtlaw visited le Irequeu'ly heaixl braying in this house at all hours, Easier or uo Easter, and not in so pious a position, nyther. Laclilan Mci>ona!d,of Owen Sound,was •diiiitted to the home on Moiiday.the 4th iii&t. Notwithstanding; the 78 summers that have |»ssed over his head, Lacl.lan i« still robust, hearty and hei.liliy, his only ailment beiny a very hmie leg, the *iiiows 0' which arc badly ccninicted, but he Contemplates ltavinf{ in spring and earning his own livini; during the sum- mer months. He is a inos'. agreealde (dd fellow and .nakes hiinsclf uiUii.gly useful about the house. He discaided his tpec'»clis tiftccn years ago aud says he can see to read us clcaily ni'W as when he was 25 years idd. Although close on to 70 years in Ca.iada he .•â- po.iks the High- land Scotch dialict and Gaelic just as thoui'h he had only arrived tra the "hind o' cakes," yesterday. About (i o'clock p. m. on Sunday, the iirdinnt. Mis Cam gan, the a'^cd, blind and insane inmate, unobserved leaped ^lyy^. harvest frjni the »i:,dow of her i-omn to thf ground bilovT. Furtui.ately the (all was but a few feet and she escapetl further injury thin a badly sprained ankle. She had been iu the day room with the other old ladies a j.,ood portion of the day and with fneniis here re-cntly. Mr. R. O Warliiigof Piiceville spent Sundiiy with his pannis, Jlr. and Mis. John U'arliiia. Geoiye Mitch. 11. who resided here about 20 years ago, :uid who is now livin.' ill Syracuse, visited old acquaintances here last week. His wife and two chil dreii iiccoinpaiiitd him George Wright is having a well drilled. Lever Cii Litll'jolins are d..ii.g the work 11 'belt \* right, who has been |>oorly for some time, IS n.it imp oving, wt are Sony to say. Dr. Carter is a'tcndiii'i. Miss Eva Gidurl is on the sick list. Miss Sadie VVarling l.iks also been ill but is al out again. Mi.«s Maggie Davis lias r.j'urned from Toronto where she had a very ei.joyable vis.t. JlifS Hawkin of Maikdalo spent Sun- day with Mi:>8 Tillie Bi.clianaii. (.)viing to the pastor having to attend a funeuil on Sunday Mis. Thurston of Klesherton took his work here in the aftoinonn and did it in her usual pleasant and interesti.ig manner Mrs. T. is always apprecia'.ed at the Meaf.nd Road church. The farmers are now bu.sy tti;h the Porthiw Mr. and Mrs. Henry Down hive been vailed upon to bear the loss if thi ir i Most dsu^hler, Mary Lilian, a litilc girl of elcren years. Two weeks ago Monday nas as usuiil taken to her own Utile looin | she alteadud .school and uipo.ired in her V.y her looin-mnte, Ihe strongest of the old ladies, who had no sooner turned her hack than .she wits out of the window. Towards miduiuht on Friday khe hecauie violently troublesome, scieaming with alt her luiuht. Getting out of her bed she u.s.ial heabh. The day f..ll..winji she was attacked wi'h appendicitis, medical ad was soon cal ed and until iho day previou-* to her death the disease beeinnd to be yiel.liiig to treatment, but buddenly a leac'ioii if syinpttms set in and she died on Friday list. Lilian was an unusually ,, , ^ , , bright, inie.ligentai.d good little girl, and scrambled over U> her rv,om-mate and althoiijih young in years she was far ad- catching her arm, tore the sleeve of her vanced la christian e.tperieiice and for the ijiiiht dress and bcdly scratched hfr arm I P"*' two yeais as opiiortunity offered «i.d hand. The staff were aroused and | """'^ bear testniiony to the experience , , ., , , , „. , . ... she enioyed. The funeral service on had considerable difliciilty "' Pacifying j g^^j^y „^ ^„,ju„ted at the family home her. All the old ladles are afraid of her. ' by Uev Ur. Caldwell. Ainuug the many Tin* i» another prixif the inadequacy of' beautiful floral offerings was «u anchor the insrifutiou and stair as a tit place for fr'''"Lili«»'» 8-^l''?<>l '»''•««• ' I Vt hue hauiiug in grain about two weeks in.«nB inmates. | ,,g^ j,^ j y ^v»t. .on had the misfortune There was a considerable number of to fall from a load and was so severely visitors registered on Thursday lost. j injured an to totally disable him, sni it It is plww ng to note that the morning \ *'" '" *" Pryb^bility be considerable time Car' r â- . .ire they are lecovering nicely. l.o - â- â- *â- ;?ept. 7 to Mr. and .Mrs. \V. H. Bi. 1. ..' .1 daughter. Mrs. J..M Hill puntained a fsll a short tune ago from which she is suffering aiucli pain. Miss Mab^l Winters, who ha? been ..1 tending !;!io Collingwood CoUe'giafe, h:is been very Ruccesi-ful in her recent eiiimiuaiion, and obtained a .secund class certdicate. .Mrs. John C.«itla, Toi0;ito, is visiting with Mrs. .Jas. Hill. Miss .Annie Sheardown is paying an e.xtended vi.,it with her uncle at Boltoir Mrs. Allan visited with friends at Owe i Sound recently. iMr. Olia.?. Arnott spent a day or two with friends heiea week ago, when Mrs. F Arnoit accompanied hiin to his home at Durham where sl.e will visit with friends there for a shoit timo. Miss Curry and Mi.ss Juhannasof New York ci'j', wh'i have spent their vacation at Mrs. Allan':', have return d to the r houiis. Miss Annie .Mian accompanying ihein as far as Toronto. Among those who visited Toronto and took in ilie big fair the pust two weeks Were, yir. and Mis. F.W. Nicholson, .Mr. (ieo. Thompson .Jr., Ch.is. Uoliiian, Uo'.Jert and Archie Fisher, S. and Louts iSheaidown, and Miss Aniiio Jamieson, Mr Nuhii ot Toronto spent some days visitini; at Mr. F Sliiers. ll.irv eating is about completed and dm- siduiable threshing Ins been dune. The graiH. IS? turning out well. ' Mrs. Vandus.;ii of Fleshtrton called on Sirs. 'McKvnzie one day last week. McFarland, Stafford & Go's- Big Store M.^RKD-^VLE, ONTAl^rO and evening volunlary devotional exer- cises conducted by one of the inuiatea, is 9tevdily increasing iu interest and atten- yet before he will be able to leave his bed. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thompson Sr. have both been rjuiiu severely ill but under Dr. What causes Appendicitis? The commonest cause of appendicitis is constipation. When you rupiire phys c don't use ch.'ap drastic pills â€" get Dr. Hamilton's I'iUs which strengthen the stomach, regul.ite the I owels .and prevent any tendency to iippeiidicitis. In one day \oiril feel ti.e triinendous hen-tit of Dr. lliiniltoii's Pills. Vy purifying 1 he blood tuu cleansing the system thi-y prevent headaches, lift depies^ioii iiiid drive aw.iy weilritle^8. No moiiciiie so successful .is Dr. Hamil'on's I'lll.s, sold eveiywhere in 2r)e. boxes wall yellow covei ; get the geuuiue. Victoria Corners Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STO Eager For Business I Everybody around this big store is eager for biisir.es?. The Summer holidiys are now J a thing of the past. We've all had 'em â€" fiom the delivery boys to the heids of the 1 tirui. The cnsequeiice is we're all hack feeling refreshed and eager for the fray, j anticipating the biggest and busiest Fall and Winter season this store bus ever seen, i â- Qoeny (Sondition iVarrants it. Times are good, crops are good, all kinds of farm produce are brin:<ing b'g price"' For months pa^t we have been- planning for this Fall an 1 Winter business â€" buying to spnt cash ill large quantities gives the entrimce to the beso mills and manufacturers in the Doininiou. Our Old Country importations are larger this season than ever before. ^/le tlJaij IK' Save you -^tone!/ Years aio we formed a connection with some of the largest and hesfcflry ponds firms in the old couiitrv, among them heioi? .MESSRS. RYLAND, SONS & CO , Limited, Manchester, Eiiiilaiid. This linn is claimed t.i be the largest Dry Goods concern in thii world. They control a larL'c number of mills in the British Islesjdo lliefr own bleach- ing, do their >wn dyeinsf, do their own printing, efc.iu fa:f they employ year in and year out over 12,000 hands Messrs. Rylan.is. .S .ns it C.i., Limited. send a represent- ative to Canada twice each year. We h ive control of their large range of s.imples for Mtrkdale and it may interest you t i know tint their reprcseirativo Only cills on one other firm boiween Maikdal" and Toroiitn. Common sense will tell you that importing direct from a lir.'P concern like this we not only s'lve all mid.lleinen's profit'!, hut CAN and DO BUY merchandise choiiper thin thj average sto.-e posdbly can, Frvm Our Oic« Cvncipimdeitt. Threshing is the the order of the d ly here. Mr. Jas. B.ichelor is doing most of the thre.shint' i > this locality. A number from here took in (lie ex- hibition at Toronto last week. .â- Vmong the number were, â€" .Mr. Ned Patton, Mr. Geo. liantion, .Vr. Ab. Stim'on, Mr. Frank Rennie, Mr. (Seo. Best, Mr. Geo. Stniin, Mr. Strain, Ch«.'. Mooie. The new brid'^e over llio Saugeeii is about completed. It appears to be a goiKl bit of woik and it is hoped that it will stand beitvi than its predrcessora. Chills Prove Fatal, If waruuli and circuhition are not promptly restored, chills result in fatal piuuuioiiia. 'Ihis necessitates keeping Ni-rviliiie on liaiul. T.iken in hot water it breaks up a chill in two ininuies. By rubbing freely over throat and ch.'St i* picveuts colds No lnioneijl so strong, so penetrating, so swift to kill pain and ii.Hamation. Neaily fifty years' rccrd his proved ihe lalue if PoLson'a Ncr- viline. You should sot a bottle to-day. Large Arrivals of Fall Goods i For weeks past both Canadian and imported goods have been arriving by dray loads' and wo have been kept at our wits end to tind a place for all tlie new goods. Our store is large, but every available foot of room will be needed. You are Invited We extend to all a wide, open invitation to make this store your headquarters â€" meeC your fiienls hereâ€" rest hereâ€" use us in every way you can. A waiting room provid- ed with mirrots, comb, brush, whisk, etc., is at your dispos il our iva.sh and toiler room is al y.iur conviiiice. Make use of it. Keep Abreast ofthe Times. We claim to have the most up.to-date store and up to date store metho.U ill this ciiaoty. VVe are trying coiitiiiu illy to see whit a thiTOUghly comfortable place we can make this big store to trade in. Wo want you to feel al home here. Examine t!ie goods and compare valui-s to your heart's Content Every department is now crowded with bright ne* fashionable goods, gathered toyelher from the best markets of the world, bought at the lowe^t possible prices and marked at the lowest living profits and sold on this guarantee "your money back if not satistiod." We want your trade. We cansave you money. C jme in ."md tjike a loo'.t arouiiJ. No need to buy unless you wish. McFARLAND,' STAFFOI^D c^ OO lilinberlcy. Thrishing is the order of the day in tills ne:glilioihood. Miss Lizzie Weber Kft on Tuesday of this week for an extended visit to friends in the Norihwe»r. Mr. and Mrs. Win. T. Fawcett and son, Willi.iin, .-iiid Mr. an. I Mrs. .1. R. Fawcett at ei ded the funeral of their iii'Ce, the late Lily Down, of Poit Law. Qiiite a iiuiiiher from this neighbn • hood iitteiidod the e-xhibitioii at Toronto last week. Messrs. Chas. Stewart aud Lyness Fawcett visited Fleshertoii friends on Saturday evening la.st. Mr. and Mrs. \V. !S. Bi.shop, who have been visiting friends in Quebec province for the pa.st tew weeks, returned home on Saiiiiday las-. T.vo of Mr. Bishop's cousins accom,>ar.ied ihein on the lioii,e j.iuriiey and spent a day oi two vi...itin|i friends in this iieighborho.d. Mrs. Ziniiuoruian, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Lee, of Owen Sound, are visiting with the former's d.iughter, Mrs. Joseph Ferris, of the suburbs. Mr. and .Mrs. Joseph McCullough, sr.. are visiting frienks in St. Vincent this week. Miss Katie Davis, of Vandeleur, \ isit- ed friends hero on Suiulay and Monday last and was the guest of her friend, Miss Mabel Plewes. Oil Sunday morning last, at the home of his daughter, Mrs, J. H. Thompsou, 3rd lino, Euphrasia, there pa-.s.-ii away to ihe far iieyond one of Euplirnsia's oldest and incst respecud pioneers in ihe peisoii of Mr. Uenjamin Smith. Deceas- ed Came to this township when quite youny and has resided coiiiinuou^ly in ir over since. He nas a life-long iiicnibor of ihu Orangn Order, being a n. ember tor the [ja t tifiy years. The funeral left on Tuesday morning for Thornbury public cemeiery and was conducted by the Or- ange breihren of Griersville lodge to which ho belon.^'ed. Miss .Vniiie Wa»,s, of FKsherton, was the guest -jf Mi.sK'W.iudu Fa.vcciv, last week. FLESHETON HARNESS EMPORIUM. (Opposite .\rin.itrong"s Jewellery ) Everything up to d ito in harness â€" bust uiatenai, lA'st workmanship, best prices. Fly sheets and nets are in season- let us show yiu oura. Trunks, valise.i, axle sirea.se, carriage axle grease, haine-soil, whips and lashes. BUGGIES. Como and see tha new buggies which we have on exhibition. They tire beaut- ies and prices are iight. Wm. MOORE ( Opposite .\rmstrong'H Jewellery) Kleslicrton. If yon, your friends or relatives suflTerwitH Fits,' Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, or Falling Sickness, Write for a trial bottle and valuable treatise on such diseases to Tim Lkibig Co., 179 King Street, W., Toronto, Canada. All druggists sell or can obtain fur you LEIBiaSFITCURE Cameron's Rheumatic (Jure Will Qure For Sale By *^ ALL DRUGGISTS."