Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Sep 1905, p. 4

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r^- . Illâ€" n> » j <ayHwimBw SePi EMBER 14 1{)05 THE FLEtiHERTOlS A U V A Is C t J F. T.HILL & CO. MANY SPECIAL September - Bargains Our August Sale was u splendid success. Oni- salesbook shows a large increase of business over any previous August. Our business continues to grow as a result of selling goods and selling them right. Fall goods are now l)eing received and in order to make room we have a number of odd lines which we are determined to clear regardless of cost, lielow we simply mention a few of the many lines we have placed on sale for early September selling. n s^. ?•• 1 73c. TAHLF. L1KEX480. 100 ynrrts bonutiful lileaclifd Tahlu L'lieTi, nico finish, c'Xtia wide, Ke^'uliir 75c. Sejiteiiiber Sale pricB 48 MEN'S BRACES, 2 fur SSc. 20 duxcn Men's Braces, renulur price 20c. inc. 25o. Seplember Sale Price- 2 for 25 1 SPECIALS IN MEN'S FaXOY DKESS SUIRTS. 40 Blun's Fancy Dress Shirts, sizus 14 to 10^, cdlnrs tlark aiirl li<<ht. Regular pricu 7oc lo I Hi. Your chdico while ihey lii.sl for 50 'M .Men's P'uiicy Dicks Shirts, mh frmit, stripo and cheek pnli ems. Regular price up tu 7">c. This lino will Kooii hu picked ui>,k8 we havuiuade tho price very l.w- 26 12jc. WRAPPERETTK FOR 7ic. 40 piece* Wrappcretto nuitalilo for ladlon' Wrappers, cliililreii's dretsHOK, Hhirt waisls also quilt liinnings, t{iM)il i«i)i;u of Colors and pHtterns. Some pieces Kli;;liily Koiled but sll exc<'llent value at the price. RuKubr 10c aud 12^c. September Sale price Ih iWo. QUILTS FOR 'j8c. A lot of Wlilte Quills, Himeyconih pattern, size (i<).\80, would be good value at OOc. September Sale Price C8 BOYS' ODD COATS FOR 1.48. 78 Boy's Oilil Uoi\t8 l)elonf{in|r to suits worth from 2.7."> 111 4.00. Tlii-KO were secured at a Iris reduction in priceâ€" tho benefit ia yours. The prico while tliey last will be 1-48 Exceptional Values in Dress Goods. 40 pieces hUck and cdureil Dres< G loils. This lot cont.iins ninny of the most popular weave.t. Good ns.sortin-'i.t colors. We must have room for new shipments, therefore we have made the pi ice very sinarl. Value up to 8.5c. Special September clvsrance prico 38 Cadics* Belts lUorth up to 60e for 25e* "8 Ladies Silk and Kid Bells in blivk, while iinJ coIoif. These are the balance ol our 'ioc to GOc. lines. Special clearance iiii-'e 25 MARKDALE %MW^ 2E mC ^^m'}}^ Id piil.iii.hi''d every TliiiiKday lit $1.(>0 y: aiiiiuiii if paid ill udviinie, $I.."HI it iwt bo pai'l. All »iil.»ciiU-r piiyiiiK ?1.<NI Ktiictly in ndvaiice (?et the Mdiitical Hinild one year fi(^ iLA a |treiiiinin. Obituary Pav.l Wood, nn old and rcupcoted res- i ^.i ..f .iiis t-jwuship, was laid to rist in I'lesheit-.u cemetery on I'liday at I urn 'on hsi, at the lipe a;?e of 84 years. The deceased (»riithiiiin was biTii in Kiliiis- kill.-e, Firmanag'i county, Ireland, Mar. 10, 1*21. When (juile a young man he culered bia mule's store, w here li« remain- ed fur foui teen yeirs lie imiiiiKratud lo New Y'oik about tho year 1850, ntul shoitly afterward caino to Tcrunlo, where )io was m trriiiil to Miry Ann Grahuin, dauylilur of the lute .1 >hiihtoii Little, in Kcbruiiry of 18."'2. Tnyetherthey settled III Arteinesia 4!) years ago last March. Mrs. Wood died alx yeais ago last Febru- ary. There are live children Iivinj{, «» follows: Jolinston Wood, leiicher at Cey- Ini; Mrs. I). B. Brov.n, Orinccville; Mm. \V..L Mageo, Kui^enia; Mri. A. J. and Mis/iM.E. Wood at home. Tko Not since the days when the Primeval Uid man iiiiil the (iist (lioneer sculer foiiuhl .heir way to;;uther alntiL' the snake piilli, Ibrcuyli the dense wood that lined llie barks of the historic and pieturosipie Suuijeou lUver, has there been such a coniiiiotion iih prevails to dny niiuxi^ the led men of the liulian Village and their iiei.{hlxirli()ud in the near vicinity. .And H larye siz -d real live lynx in the cau-'e. On Tuetd.iy iiiyht ihe daii'^'l^tcr of Mrs. Shawbodee of the Indian villane, waj iiwakeiled by the wild barking; nf diij;^ â- Old the Kfilleahiii; of a pi;< w it tUNlied niarlly around the y:ird. Thiiikiiii; per- haps the do^s were woi ryiiy the pii; she aHakeiu'd a iieiijhbor's wife whn had come to stay for the ni'.;lit. The two women lieiiii! abne at the lionse t'rahbed a srick and went out in their ni;.dit robes t^ heal â- he d<-ijs otf, hut weio surprised to find iiiste.id of the doi!« worryini; the. pi^, I bi|4 wilileat lighliiiij the doi;. Ike and Walker Shawhedee aiu niij^lity huntors and keep ijood douK, hiil now they lire shi.rt of two. One dii< was f.iund del 1 and the ollnr died diniiii; the ninlit, yvlide the third was so badly ii»eil up ili;il III all probahiliiy it is now deail. The «ild eat cliinij In I he pij, pork bring more 111 its livle than doij meat. It ripped the thinks and h.inis in bad shape, and wouUI liavu tinishid the pij at once, hut for the pliiekiiieMs of line of ilio women, who went fur it with a slick .so riuorouily that befi.re \lisi Shawheileu could t;et tho k«ii whioli in kept loailnl 111 tho house, tho wild cat liiidi) ..tr. Tlial it still iinkfi in the vieiii- iiy is a fiut, from tho small iliin^s roport misiiii;^ iiiiil the stories if iis piteous brothers also survive him. Uoboit in the ''^J''-*. '^"J '«'"" "' •i'*' >•" ''C H'>i'>> VtlarinK Ihronfjb (he fiilln(.o at niRlit. The oecur- I'Uland and John, livinKin i'etiTburoiigh. Ihie brother, Archibald, n Iwnker in Mill- biook, died about n year nwo. The de- I etmed was a life-loint Mo'.hiidiitl and his e'ld p'-ace. The funeral was lart^ely a: tended. nneo has teiTnrizi'd tho whole iieiglibur hood, u'ld liiiniiii); pirtien me now scour- ing tho woiiila in suarch of tho animal.â€" Southaiiip'.im Beacon. The Source of Neuralgia, It ruiM hiindiii hand wiili poor blood and weak neives. Health runs down, neiv.s i;et irritable, neiiraliic torture f.illows. For the moment applications may relieveâ€" but to thoioiii^lily euro, the •vsteiii must bo strengthened wilh^^nutri- tioiis blooil. What enii eipial Forriizone? It in creasef the ii|i|K!iir,t(, forms abuiKlaiico of rich lifo-i;iviiii; hlnod, supplies nulriinuiit and building inatorial for worn-out nerv â- Â«. years of married life her huihaiid died mid ''''â- " â- '-'>»« compleUdy cures nenralnia." titer .he married Mr. Aaron leetcr, of / \';;:y 'â- "''V;'',',' '"•"'"•'' '» '^'"''- Ahs.du.e ' Hiiccess in uvery ei\«e. Stop snftorinu â€" Arteinosia, by whom sho lo«ve« a yount j (ifty ci,„ts buys Kerr, stone, I<'ifty cboco- fkiiiily of tlvu childleii, (ho cMeMt no' i Into coated tahlnts in a box at »uy dru,< twenty years of .ij{e. The childroii are "'""'• llntti- and .\da, Aaron, .lohn hnd Alhort./ a .u^.,,,!/ .,â„¢ .«.».,.. i .i i -. i t , , , , ., , A week rtg.i H.iturday lliu kituhen roof llu.fni.eral look place yesterday (>\cd ,..,. j. „„,„„,.^^ •' R„ck,ido Farm, " nesday) to the Meaf.rd road cmofry , r.^^ Garafraxa, cangbl Bre from (he Air. leeler is un in years And feols h<s' > â-  . ,i j- • < ' ' »iiiiD«ioii c iiiniiey at tlnj dinner hour. In a moin- li)^ keenly. | ^^ i, ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ y^ ^^^_^ ^^^ .^ looked m thoui(b tho hiiUHO iriiu'd lie uoiuunied. Mr<. A>ri'n Toeter died nt her home on the east hick line on Tiiesilay morn piK lifter an illnesj of eighteen months durnlion,of dropsy,Hl tho mu of 51 years, Mrs. Teeter's maiden name was Ruth Hainsworth. She was bum n( BoUon. She was lirst inunied to James 'I'liompsnii by whom there was no iisue. After ton A news item in n Toronto paper says .• Siin:oo county i^ prncoedin:; with the work of liiyiiiK g ood ri ad-beds at .i rapid rate. The Bv-^ltins which have been re laid by the county, aj?i;iegate fmir bund- reil and fifty miles and have cnst J200.000. The proviiiee bears onijtliird of tho cost â-  if Works carried out under ilie Hiyhwayh Act, and li.is aire idy paid to the coui.tv council P50.000. Warden Jupp and Ciiunly Ticicurer Quinlan are in the ei'j tii-diiy to C'lllect the bahm -u due, some ?l.'l.0O0. This mornins! lliev called oi the I'rovineiai Treasurer, the Minii-tero I'uldio W.iik.H and Mr. A. W. Camijl ell (iond R'KiiN Commissioner. Wanlei .lupp says that *,")(t.000 more will hi s|)ei't on road-K this year. Jaa. McAiiUy, of Mehinrtl on. hnd i horso stolen froin his ])».<! lire field a few .Sunday liii;liti a;» <, and at once Rut li work liiimelf to recover thu aiiiinal am' eiipturo tho thief. lie sciured tin c.iiiotry fnr days, and at last located tin horse in a fi.ld abouf fix inil.s north n Duiulalk. The owner of ihc field did ik. know how tho lioise came to be there, bu ilie piesiiinpiion is lliat it was abandonei by the thief. Mr. MeAulay thinks tha two perbons wero implicated in the .steal li')» and theio may be developenien"K Mr. M. diwervei ciedit for his active an' siiceossful search for Ids lost propeity â€" Oratif-eville Post. A wildcat a little more than half crowi was cau'iht a little norih of Lyon's Uia^ last week and purcbaiied by Mr. We.sle Owens, who brought it down with bin when ho caiiio home on Sunday. Mi Owens exhibited it lo his friends on Mmi day a( hisrenidenco on Paynler street, Ini disposed ol it to a couplo of yoH:ii< mei who have started in the fideshow busine- with the aiiiiiial «i an aitracti'n. Tli cat is wild onou)tli, but as regards size, ii nothing formidable.â€" O. S. Advertisn Mr. Rid»oit McFailiiiie of .^ydonhani I lost a vduiihlo UMre IhkL week liy a vert ktrsnge acdident. Ho was driving three horses on a binder Iinded on (rueks and in (urniiig.ni a konll the iiiif irtun>iti' animal, beiin/ the Imsio one of th« three, was osughi .ihovr the Imuk by the knives mid her leg alinoat cut in two She Llod Vi (\uaMi in a few luiiiu'ua. â€" Naw«. While lli.i men were away getting sonio ivatiir, with nhieh lo eItill^ul^h the lire, Mra. Hunter lhr»w the cmtsnta of a ohurii on (h« hiaae, and the buitenuiik choiked i(s priigroaa uii'il (ho water was sipnlied. 'riie house was inaurmi in the Lmdrtii Mutual an'i (he cuiuiNiny allow- „d Mr, Iluntpr »10'^. ' Sight Restored Science points out the way to the restoration of sight. If your vision Is defective we can by scientific methods measure the defect and supply the necessary glasses to restore it W. A. Armstronst, ItWhiLE" 'NO OPTiCIAM t BOYD, HICKLING & CO, -FtESHERTON, ONL- Specials For This Week A Clearance iir White Lawn Waists. 15 Ladies WliJte I^awn Wai.sts, tliDse include a uuui- Ler of the best .selling lines of the .sea.son where the as.sortnient ha.s been sold down to two or three gar- ment.s and repre.sent qualities that .sold from 75c to 1.25 Clearing price G9o A Clearance in Neglige Shirts. 25 Men.s Neglige Shii-ts, .some silk fronts with white bodies, .some with attached, some .separate cuft"s,.sizes 14|^ to 15. liegular price 75c and $1.00. Clearing 50c % A Clearance in Misses' and Women's Boots. ^ :39 paii-s Womens antl Misses Boots, some lace, some â-¼ Initton. Sizes 11 to 4. Narrow and medium last, * plain and patent leather toe cap.s. Some Dongola, m others dlove (irain and Polished Butt'. Kegular ♦ prices fi-om 1.25 to 2.75. Clearing price 95c A Clearance of Fancy Muslins at 7 1=2 c. 10 p.itl-ern.s Fancy Colored Mu.slin.s, including black and while, pinks, blues and green Horal designs. Kegular 12ic and 15c quality. Clearing at 7i^e. Special Clearing Prices in Ladies Ready to Wear Hats. See the values we are offering at 50c and IOC. Ladies' sOc. Girdles for 39c. Ladies White Tape Girdle Corsets, just the ( . . , Jiist the correct article tor summer wear, (|nite .superseding the net corsets. AH sizes 18 to 24. Kegular 50c tiuality. 39c. Clearing price Five Roses Tlour Also Bi-au and Shorts. A carload just in. IZ. \ l>ardware Department Buy "riymonth" Twine nnd have the best. RarpestHRcdulslts. Dairy Utcn$il$« Binder Twiuo Jiinder Whips Binding Crloves Grain ( radles Ma(fhine Oil Cream Separators Separator Oil (â- Imrns Creamer Cans Milk Pj\il.s Cream Crocks. Boyd, Hickling & Co. Tl«*l)*H«n JieiffliieM^iMi»»^NeK ^ Jt ^ Jt(»»)|()l(]«(j) tj , (» ;

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