»'!» f HT f tKrrxr'" •â- •-:-''i n' T il E F L E S 11 E E T N ADVANCE September 14 I90o !9 ij=}i^ f--Jr=J ^S. â- -Jr='r^r~c=='c=^ VICINITY - CHIPS® lilt J Characteristics o« The Past We.k gj. tjj Csr<lul!y Cu!lc4fartbeCuii us. . . jj! 2^ Fiesh lime al«ay» on batiJ. J. H, Dnclett, £u<;efiia. Mr. K'tip, Inspector cf the Standard I Riik, was ill town nn Mund.iy. For naleâ€" G'M.d w«.rkit.2 ho'rw. Apply- to W. J. CastTBll. Durham Corners. MrH. (Di-.) Wehsur n turned to her home in Toronto nn iMond.iy. Mr. Pyi», of Ampr^ir, U visitina U'R grandmother, Mrs. Pyp, at Dr. Carter's. Kev Dr. .CHlJ«fIl lo-'t week visited his f arrntal home near Brampton. There wera no appeal.** from the Ait( lupsia tot en Hat thi.-i yesir. F'di- N->. 1 Spi-u.;e FivMirin'^ <;â- ) to R P. Lf Siite & Co.^ Ceylr.nâ€" 15,000 ft. in .stiick Mrs, R. Bentli.'ini ri-turnod liist Wed n.sdiiy «ftt'r spcndiig n week in Toronto Lostâ€" Diirk, brown sh.iwl between Flesberton and Rockvale. Finder please leave at this office. Mips Currie ?i:liivan, ffifontreai, is fpendii'g a foitni:iht at her home here. F..r No. 1 Sp-iice Sidinc; go to R. P. LtgJite it Ci>. Ceylonâ€" 20,000 ft. in stock. Rir. Ivison Wilson, MarkJale, cil'ed on friends hire Monday. (^.hoppi's: done every diiy after Sept. 1 SI 50 per 100 lbs. I'. Louck.<«. Mr. .1. I). Morgan, son and dauhter, of DuiidalU, spent Sunday at Mr. J. Run- stadlei's. Mrs. Herb Smith and Mr. Albert Siuart nre visiting the Western fair at Londnn this week. Clioppins will NOT be dm.e h">re any day except Mondays. T. W. WiNon. Miss Mattheson, of Acton, has return- (d to her duties at B»yd <& Llicklin<.''s millinery. For HanUvnod Kloorincs s;o to R. P. liocate & Co , Ceylon, S12 per M and up. 100,000 feet iu s'ocK. A Kimberloy fanner informs The Advance that th'j turnip fly is po bad in his ilisl'iot thit he fears s.>me crofri will lie utterly ruined hy t'.e pe«t. Fo- No. 1 Lath and S!iin>4le,s go to R. P. Leffite A Co., Coylon. Piices rght and a gowl stock. 5Iljs Willa Wiight returned to Elora with her unde last week, and is altondins Elora high sahool. Lost- IJetwocn R, Hoy's corner and FleJ^heitnn, silver watch, open face, Fintter plcauc leave at this office. Reward. Miss Marie Wolsey, ot Bryce'a Oill, und Mr. E^an. of Hamilton, a.-e guests of Mrs. J. Runstadler. Mr. R. "Varley, of Now York, visited h's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilcock, west back line, this week. Mister Frod Karstedt istakin^acom inerrinl cnurse at the Elliott business oidluKe, Toronto. Mrs. (Rov ) nurlhurt roturnod this week from a prtd.mged visit wiih friends ill Southern Otario. Flesherlon junior football club played ft return match withe Markdjilc club ou the new p'lrk grou'ids there Tuesday eveniny, resultii^R in a draw. Score 1â€"1. IinaKino the province of Ontirio fighting Tlussia to a fini»h as Japan has d. nel .\nd .Japan is only two thirds the area of Ont- ario. Her population, however, is six linu's as larso. W. P. Telford, M. P., Owen Sound, was in town Tuesday and drovn over to Ku'41'nia where he met several otlicials of the Georgian Bay Power Co. Mr. Wdl Boyd, who has been on a tiip west for a couple of months.relurncd liOine Saluiday. Mr. Boyd went as far west as Ptrtland and enjoyed the trip ioimensuly. The annml harvest homo tervico will 1)0 held in St. Mary's church, Ma.'iwell, next Sunday, Sept. 17th at 11 a. m, A special sermon will be preached by the ruotor,UfV. Q.M.Franklinand the church will be decorated, a* is usual on such occasions. Mr. C. C, Tamblyn, i>f Toronto, atrlv- ed last week to take chtr^e of (he opening of the Standard bank here. His stay here will only temporary, however. Mr, W. Livinsst(>n,uf Durham, has taken « permanent position at this branch, and Mr. Will Somera continiteti â- • the einploy »{ the Uak, The cuiuulery trustees have purchase,} a h^in'so no wire f. nee to \m pLioed alon;; the fr<i!it of th>- cenietery gruund-s. The (leHsgD i« similar to that in front of the M-:h<)di»t church. It will be placed in position im-iitdiatu!y. An item appeared in the Advance a CoDple of nei'ks ago, tellini; of a Meafurd rran who had fallen into a trance an;l re- fused to be awakened. It was simplv a case of taking morphine f.T a quinine po«der. After the doctors had punip«'d out White's stomach ha came to all ri-^ht and an examination dis-oipn-d the fact that he had taken morphine in inisUike. Word wa.s received here on Saturday of a aerions acr.i lent which befel Mr. Sam Fisher, of Eu'Ten'a, who, f.r the past two m-nMis has been w.rktrg in Hickling Bios ' sawmill at Sundri'k'e. I'l some way he came in contact wi'h a saw which cut his knee so bad'y that it is feared the hg will h.tve to be ampu'at. d. No par- ticulars arc to hand. Members of the f-iin'ly left EiigenLi l«v Sundridsje on Mon- day. Charlev, the Hi yt ar-oM son of Clerk W. J. Belhmy, knows more about gnn- powd.-r this week than he did last week. He 'ou'-hed a match to some lii«t week, and had he worn whiskers there would haveleen a confla.ration. As it was his fare waivuliuhtly damaged and lii« arm is .still sore from the effects. He didn't think it would go off .so fast as it did. Ch irlny says ha saved ten cents on a shave last week. The prolonged dis'urh.iace8 in Rus.sia oujht to corstitute a valid excuse for President Ro«eveli to tizht that country now that .Japan has got thnugh with her. It was for such a reason that he liberated Cuba and the Philipinea. As the w-jrld's piaoe maker he should now overthrow the RomanoT dynasty, which h.is ^hown itself distinctly incapable of quieting the disorders withia tlio borders of Russia. The Durham school board has increased the salaries of their teachers to the follow- ing ligures: Mr. Allan, S800; Miss For- far, $500; Miss Kcriaoher, §47^'; Mifs Meredith, 8423; Mi-s M. McKeiizi'-, J'SSO; Miss ."V McKenzie, Miss Gun ar.d Miss Griint ^'Mo each; Miss Mc.VIuvty, 5UC0. Miss Curdon is ei'g.ijjcd a.s .\-sist- ant for the Model Sthool term at as.alaiy of §200. Mr. .lohn Chard, of the Toronto line, has soM his farm to Mr. Robert Best .md has purchased a IjOacre farm li miles west of M.ukd.ile fii>m a Mrs. Morrow. The family will [ir<jb«bly remove from tiiis vicinity next spring, maybe before. We <mly \oii:e the general expression when sajinir that this vicinity will sustain a distinct loss by Mr. Chard's removnl, and regret is expres.sed on every side tha they find it iiecchSary to go. A despatch appeared in the dailies of Tuesday from Minot, N D., detailing the confession of one Charles Ilersig to the kdling of a young woman in Ohio some years aso, and f<r which Charles Slerhng of ^^axwe'l was hanged. SterliiiL' was hanged on circumstantial evidence alone and weak evieence at that, simply from the fact that ho had been S'-en in the vicinily where tho crime was comnottcd. This confession will bringa certain degree of Solace to Sterling's two sisters, who still reside at Maxwell and are highly respected. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Down of the 4th lino, Artemesia, a^e the recipients o' much sympathy in the loss of their little daughter, Lilian, who died on Friday list ot appendicitis at tho ago of U years The little girl was a bright child and was well known in town whore she lived with hor pa'-eiits for some time. Tho entire Methodist Sabbath School, of which t|,p little itirl was f irmerly a member, after adjournment tnarchod to ihecemotory and around the gm'e s,*ng "Safe in the arm" of Jesus." The scene was very touching. It was a sad loss for Mr. and Mrs. Down, •o whom every one's sympathy goes out in thiir trouble. The prize list of Osprey fair i« now in the hands of Secretary .1. .\. Kerrahan. Feversham. Tho pamphlet contains 44 pages. Tn connection with this we might say that although tha date printed was Oct. 3 and 4, tht< show lakes place on Thursday and Friday, Oct, 5 and 6. The first datfl was the one first stt by the Fairs Commissioner and later was chang- ed tr> 6 and fl. The secctary did not receive notification of this change, conse- quently the etmr arose. The correct dates have been advertised in all the local papers, however. Thi» show has made astonishing strides during the past few years and is now one nf the m.^st import' »nt townttup •hawa in tti« provkicav Turner • Rutledge. At the parsonage, 128 tJnirersity Ave., Toronto, by the Rev. Thos. E. Barlley, on Thursday, Sept. 7. at 9.30 a.m., Isaac H. Turner, of Winnipeg, Man., was nurried to Margaret H. Kui ledge, young- est daughter r.f Mis. George Kulledge of Fleshetton. The bridesmaid was Mi.ss Winnifred Hamilton of Toronto an.-l the (•room ivas asaiste<l by Mr. Thos. Srain of Thessalon. Alter spending a couple of weeks at Flesberton and Eugenia, Mr, and Mrs. Turner will t-iWe up their resi- dence in Winnipeg. Boar tor Service Tamworths and Berkshires. Tlioroaghbred Tamworth Iwar forssniceon I have for sale a few choice young pigs of lot Ti. lal range E. T. * 8 B., Artemesia. ' 'x'"' treeda at right prlcae. Write for what Terms #1. ^ you want or come and soo them' THOS. TATLOH, Proprietor. | Maxwell P, 0, Geo. W. Boss. Cause Of Insomnia. luilijjestior. nerjiy ahv.-,v,^ disturlH the sleep nmre nr less and in often the cuui^eof insDUinia. Many case.-! have Ijeen perni.^uently cnrwl by Chamberlain's ."^U-mach and Liver Tablets' l-'or sale by W. E. Richardson. - : Wrigh t's I.S the right place to buy Fresh Groceries, Flour anti Feed, etc, etc. ^/3 cR-OifaL household and Fonl's Patent, also a low grade flour, the very best feed obtainable for fatteninganimals for mark- et, also bran, shorts, etc., are all here in abundance. kJcb C-rea/n On hand every warm day £ WrigAt V *• 1 ^ Came Astraj'. Two ewes witli Iambi came to mv preniiscF. There were lloee ewes but doRS killed one. Owner kimlly prove property, pay expeuses aud take t:he same away. .1. J. THOMPSON. FleEl'ertoo.Scpt. 12. 1805. CANADIAN WILL SKIT. HARVEST EXCURSION TICKETS . TO THE , NORTH WEST I 3:»7.-, 34.0C I 36.00 . 3.'-P0 38.00 •.*.m ati.Mi 4e.30 Ooipy Sept. l-:tli, letuiiing until No". t3H-. (:oin« S*ipt. •2t»tl>, retu uinR until Nox-. -JTtl . Full particulars from dnadiau Pacit'o ^K< ut. Wir.nipeg iM.oa ShBh^ Mewbray 1 K.ri:iua Pe'oraiue • 31.,-iO J.ipton Sourls J Mtni*t«j»w llraiulou 3135 Hniuboidt L\lfto« 1 32.00 Saskatoon L.'iDoru Pri CO Albert Miuiota »lBlf'>rt ;iii:Kcarth 8i25 H«tti,,fnra Woo-i<iTuiu 3u'.?0 MacLeod ,\rCMla •ii.-a CdJuHrv Kstevan ) K-l Ufer Yorl'too V 3.), 00 Stiatbcoua Kaio.'^aoli 1 Farm For 5ale. Lot !> con. 4 Osprey, 100 aciis, about 7.5 aO'"ej* cleared, gooil frame barn stone stahliiif^ under, frame dwellinir, 11-2 miles fri>m Max* wt'll, 7 miles from Kiesherton, iu ,if<^«.l state of cultivation. l"or price and terms apply to Jos. H. Clinton or W. J.Bellaiuv, Flesberton. July 31. '05 Farm for Sale. Lot 1"\ con. X S. r. K., Osi^rev, 80 acro*» more 01' li'ss, 7' flearod. Two frame house!*, frame bani 40X-10 oD stun** wiiH. k\1\\ root house Ifix-.'U Uiuier lIiivg way; amxlior fmuie Vani 'i'JxtVj; CQitarlct! \*\^ pen 'ilx3t; fiamo <Irtviti:;.-«he() -^-ix-'V m»od ovcliaid of .'Jii boarinp trees; KOo<i ijover- failing Wt'll. The farm is woll feiice-1. in a pood statu of ciiltivHtion ai»'i free from bad weeds. For further particulars aoply to KOItT. (iUU.^^^fKTT. Mart'liani. Ont. Farm For Sale. The Soi;tb half of lot 4, con. 3, township of K«phra8i.i.coiit»iuiup 100 acres, log ilwollinp, frau>« bank barn. Ttirnis reasonablo. Pir furthiir parti'-ul.'irs apply to \V. I., Yout'K, Hankur Markdnle, or to .Joseph McLeod. :W N. Madism .Avenue. Hay Cit,v, Mich. 7 so Notice Kotic** is hereby ctven that a b\ law wrs pn^" sed bv the Munioipal Couucil of the Township of Arfcemo'-ii, op tho fifth day of .AiiKust, .\.D. 190.". pro\idii?(; for ihr" i'jfiiic o' robotitnrnB tt» thonincuntof *l (VilW) for purpose of School Section No. 5 of the said township, and that such Hvlaw was reeisteied in the Rrtfiintry otRco of the ftnuth Itidinc of the Cou'itv of Gr*»v on the 2Ist dav of AnRn«*', A r>. IPO-V Any uiotion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof niu-t ho nin.do within thiee Dionthn after the flrst piihlii<ation of this notice, and cannot be made ther«rftpr. Dated tbear^rd day of Aucnst. AD. 1905. W. J UEJjLAMY. Cleik. FARM FOR SALE. BY TENDER Tenileis will be received op to tho first day of St'ptiMober next, for the purchase of the lollnwinx lauds, vis.: lots 148, 14!) aud LW, in tho third rauRi^ north-esst of tho Toronto sed Sydenham Koad iu tho township of .\rtnmesin: 100 acres, over 70 acres cleared, a trnme rough cant dwellins. 1 -i baru and an orchard upon tho premises. Tonus, . 10 i»er cent of purcha,se price at time of acceptance ot teudor. the ba|. ance oa completioDof title, excupt *G00. which may remain on mortRaiM. The highest or auT tender not necessarily accepted, W. J. BEUL.\MY, FlMhertou A Plain Tale From The Mills. I We have just rrceived our second :on.siunment of White Fine from the North Shore and our stock is now complete in erery way. Weare in ;; p. si tion o 8iip[jly all y<uir wants in the lioe of Sash, Doors, Floorings Siding, W, Moulding, Scroll Work and Turning h Planing $ matching done on Shortest notke ^^ Give us the order for that verandah; we can .suit you to a T. ^ Chopping - Mondays - Only Prices Reasonable. - Terms: Cash. Flesherton Planing Mills. %: ^ ^ r- ^ ^ ^ ^ ?'5tf^«»««!^*tf'^*« (Clayton's iSO. Is the place to buy your Fall Boots and Shoes. \Vc ^ make them out of the best material to be had and ^ workmanship jrood. ^ ^° 4 We have always a i^ood stock of factory boots ^ bought from reliable makers, Ladies, Men's and Child- ^ ren's. If you want satisfaction as to quality and pric^' ^ call xnd see us. Also Trunks, Telescopes. Shoe % polish, black and tan. '^ Custom work aud repairing promptly attended to. <^ me are in Business FOR YOUR HEALTH. g MEDICAL - HALL FLESHERTON The Expert Pill Hixers g M«. j^t. -iw. ^ts. vM«. .»«. .^K. j"«. vV«- JM. ^t«. jte -iit. *'fc ^!'s .»t«, ^t& w>. ^Ki ^/iMM^^^i ^#^ 4-^ For Your Stock llerhHueiiiii, Iiiceruatiooal Stock FLiod, Coluiubiaii Regulator. Tick Destroyer for the sheep. For Yourself Sid •a? ^ Patent Medicines â€" all the popular makes. Pipes aud tobacco. ^* W m <» ^ i For Your Wife ^ Siiiee.s for cooking â€" .'Vllspice, Ciiiuainon, Mixed spices, etc. ^w, ^ Perfumes, Corticella Silk. ^ I For Your Baby | ^ Soothing Svup, Sucking Bottles, and Toething Rings. ^ 2 Richardson & £ X>RUOOISXS Son ^. Flesherton > • Ontario ^ $Y4 if^^ik^