Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Sep 1905, p. 7

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DID THEIR DUTY IN EVERY CASE HOW IXJDD'S KIDITEY PTLLS BANISH PAIN IN THE BACK. Cured Krs. Jas. Uurphy and Everyone Else She Becominended Them To. River Gagnoc, Que, Sept. 11. â€" (Special). â€" No complaint is so com- mon among women as Pain-in-the- Back. It is a safe estimate that fully half <h%: •> jmen in Canada are afflicted with it. For that reaa.m every evidence that there is a sure •nd complete cure in existence is thankfully received. And there is iibundant evidence that Dodd's Kid- ney Pills is just such a cure. This district could furnish a dozen cures, hut o»e is that of Mrs. Jas. Murphy. She says: "I suffered for thirty-eight months with a pain in my back. I took just one box of Dodd's Kidney Pills and I have never been troubled with tho pain since. I also recommended Dodd's Kidney Pills to other p«50- pie, who complained as I did and in every case the Pills did their duty and brought relief." HERE AND THERE. Bits of Knowledge About AUnost Everything. Pew Russian trains travel at a faster rate than twenty-two miles an hour. Paris has the biggest debt of any city in th<^ world. It amounts to f400,00O.OO0. Silver money 2d0 years old is still in circulation in some parts of Spain. In London out of one hundred wid- owers who marry again twelve mar- ry their housekeepers. Within the past four years France has recorded 26.0OO suicides, while in Italy the number has been only 8,000. More cases of consumption appear among needle-makers and Qlc-malvors than any other class of workers. More than 3,000 people earn a living in Paris by fortune-tailing, and their total yearly earnings are estimated at $'2.0OO,OO0. Tlie finest tomb in Great Britain is undoubte«lly that of the Duke of Hamilton, in the grounds of the Duke's seat. It cost over $1,0<X),- 000. A bee, unladen, will fly forty miles an hour; but one returning to the hive laden with honey does not trav- el faster than twelve miles an hour. Stockholm has the largest death- rate from the use of alcohol of any city in the world. The number of deaths from this cause is 90 in 1,- 000. In Switsorland every male between the ages of twenty and sixty-five is obliged to vote, unless he be a pau- per, criminal, or a bankrupt. These have not the right of voting. Tho soil of Siberia nt the closo of the summer is found still frozen for 56 inches beneath tho surfaoc. and the dead that have Iain in their eof- fins for 150 years: have been taken up unchanged in the least. In parts of Australia, whore the average rainfall is not more 'han 10 inches, a square mile of laud will support only eight or nine sheep In Uuenos Ay res the same area, with 84 inches of rain, supports 2,560 sheep. When a Prince of the Austrian lloyal Family dies, his horse follows the funeral covered with a black cloth, and lame in one hoof. Tlie lameness is produced by driving a nail through the horseshoe. This is a sign of the deepest possible mourning. The children of the Ainos, a peo- ple living in Northern Japan, do not receive their names until they arc five years old. It is the father who then rhoosos tho name by which the child is afterwartis to be called. In Iceland, that country of gentle and old-fashioned customs, it has always lie<>n the fashion to present to the baby, when its first tooth appeare<l, a lamb, to be its vecy own, care<l for and tendc<l as no other |H't could be. and never to be parted with. The heat develoiK-*! by the firing of hea\-y guns is remarkable. l>ur- tng some recent tests a gun that had been fired seventy-five times melted colder placed upon the chase, while another was hot enough to soften lead, indicating a temperature of 600 degrees Fahr. .,\^ â- ^^ V.\ , DODDS KIDNEY >/ PrLLS WU "i } Wv V- .D^?^*C«i 'HTS .01 HOW ANARCHISTS WORK BY ONE WHO, XrNFORTTJNATE- LY, HAS KNOWN THEM. Their Ranks Are Honeycombed Through and Through by Police Spies. Though the better-known Anar- chists are kept under closo observa- tion by the police in eveiy capital in Europe, and thoujh the various Anarchists Groups are never with- out their spies, this constant watch- ing has in practice lamentably failotl to protect the world's rulers from assassination or attempted assa.SHi- nation. The reason is that the as- sassin is usually a comparatively ob- scure member of a Group, and keeps his own counsel. To avoid betrayal or discovery he disappears quietly and acts upon his own initiative. Often his closest friends do not know what ho intends to do. Until the world echoes with his crime, they are as ignorant of its planning and accomplishment as the most -Hnsu- spccting policeman. PAID BY DEmOCTINE.S. Havochol went about Paris with a bomb in his pocket. Vaillant had no difficulty in getting post the po- lice and exploding a bomb in the Chamber of Deputies. Six .Anarch- ists could enter the theatre at Bar- cel )na without suspicion and throw their murderous machines into the crowded stalls beneath. tluarded as was President trnot at Lyons, the Italian Cassericj got near enough to him to stab him to the heart. TItc Kmpress Elizabeth could be shot In an Italian public- square. Sipido could step out of a crowd and shoot at our own KinK as ii i <• it at the window of a railway nrr'aRO in a Brussels railway-«tat:..n. ix'lig Hum- bert of Italy could lc .-hit by Ure- SCI while engaged in •> public duty at Honga. President McKinley could be assassinated by an Anarchist who held a revoU'er conci'uled under a handkerchief while pretending to shake his hand. All this despite the fact that the ranks of the Anarchists are honey- coml>ed through and through by the spies in the pay of the si-crct police. In the days ol the old Autonomie Club, in Tottenham Court Road, England, there was probaMy not a single ^;uropean Government whose representative was not on the roll of membership. The spy kept his employers regularly informed of every move he had a chance of knowing anything about. When the Walsall Anarchists were tried for bomb conspiracy, it came out that one of the most prominent witnesses was in the pay of Scotland Yard, and Inspector Melville made no se- cret of the fact that he had paid secret service money to numbers of Anarchists. SPY AND SHOPKEEPER. One day a man came mto London from Franco apparently destitute. He cultivate<l the Anarchist Groups. Several members gave him food, and clothing, and even lodging. His man- ner Was sincere. His principles seemed violent. He was soon re- ceived with open arms at secret meetings. A â- â- cDunado:' was pre- sently despatched on business to Paris. The man. on his own re- quest, was permitted to accompany him. In F>ance the "comrade" was promptly arrested on arrival. In one ol" the back streets of Lon- don, the name of which is known to the writer, there was at one lime a shop in which Anarchist publica- tions of all countries were on sale. The "comrade" who had charge of it was implicitly trusted, and the shop became the resort of the most influential Anarchists in Lonilon. Alas! the comrade turned out to be a police-spy who was supplying Scotland Yard not only with valu- able information, but with photo- graphs of his comrades. One night a crowd of outraged Anaruhists as- sembled in front of that shop, smashed the windows, and vansack- ed all the rooms. But the betrayer was invisible. Another spy had in- formed him what was going to hap- pen that evening, and he had flown. All professions and all occupations are representetl among the Anar- chists. There is the philosopher who wraps up the bomb doctrine in gilt paper. There is the visionary jour- nalist and litterateur who con.sti- tutes himself the prophet and the preacher. There is the trained che- mist, and the engine<-r. and the army man. and the unfrocked priest; and* in addition are the desperadoes and scum and rifT-ralT of the gutter; creatures who, like Havochol. are ns ready to murder solitary misers for their hoards and rob graves for trinkets as they are to spout at An- archist meetings on tho wrongs of the proletariat; creatures who throw bricks through th.- shop-windows of jewellers on the chance of "expri>- priating" the proci'cds during tho commotion. HOW TUEV OROANI'/E NOW. Tho pivot of Anarchi.'im is tho Group, and this characteristic makes the ramifications of the movement difficult to grip. bnlike other s«'C- ret so'ietios, Fenlanism. for in- stame. it has no organisation. A dozen men may meet to-night, say, as "''rhe I'ond of Kight Group." By to-morrow night the mot" oers may have quairi'llod anti diviiled. and hnlf of thcni have formed another group, callod "The Lion's Cubs" Since the .su'.a.-^h up of the old .\u- tonomio Anarchism in London is not quite what it used to b*. but WRESTLED WITH BEARS. i-*: Fatal Who Pastime Ol! Millionaire, First Made Them Drank. There are very few cleans- ing operations in which Sunlight 3oap cannot be used to advant- age. It makes the home bright and dean. ^ let nobody assume that 1* kas dis- appeared. The public parks and open spaces soon shatter that de- lusion. HELP MYSELF SOCIETIES. The writer could quote a number of villainous extracts from Anarchist newspa|K>r5, collected for him 'oy a man at one time inside the move- ment. He prefers, however, the humorous side of the advertising columns, which certainly yield hu- mor in plenty. Here is an an- nomicement from one of them; "The Anti-Broker Group, having reached a sufficient strength, is ready to as- sist all comrades and friends who require its services, free of â- â€¢harge. Apply to , Office of this paper." The Anti-Brokers, it should be ex- plained, were gentry who had solved I to their own satisfaction the ques- ition, "Why Pay i{enl7" Here is another advertisement, which might bo set as a test lor the sense of hu- mor: "A severe winter is inevitable; tUeretore advertiser inteu<ls .making preparations accordingly. Anyone willing to help form a "Help MyA-lf Society' should communicate with , (Jffice of this paper." One more: "Poacher wants trustworthy comrade. Mostly night-work. Ap- ply â- " One day the police got wind of the early publication of printed mat- ter to which they had rea.son to take objection. The type was placed on the highest shelf in the printing of- fice. The place was suddenly raid- ed. "PIE" SAVED HIS COMRADF^J. The police took possession of ev- erything they .saw, and were about to depart, when one of tho otflcors I remembered that the top shelf had jnol been searched. One of the men ! in the place was told to bring down 'everything from the shelf. Laughing I up his sleeve, probably, he mounted la pair of rickety steps, grasped the j precious column of type, and, pro- } tending to slip on the steps droppetl j it thudding to tho floor. The rt-- jsult was what printers call "pi>," ;and the very evidence for which the police had made the raid was de- stroyed before their eyes. â€" LoQdon Answers. A German millionaire named Johann Kugier, residing at Titlis, has been killed and partly devoured by a bear. KuglcM-, who was an ardent sport.s- uian. had trapped a number of bears in the Caucasus. These he placed in an improvised menagerie on his estate and plied with liquor. When the bears were in a sufficient- ly intoxicated state, Kugler was in the habit of having wrestling bouts with them, in which, owing to the helpjes-sness of the animals, he al- ways was the victor. On the last occasion, however, a bear of more formidable strength than the rest, and rendered more savage by the spirits which Kuglir had given it to drink, flung itaell upon him and crushed him to death. The body of Kugler, who. as a rule, would not permit spectators to witness his wrestling matches, was afterwards found in the bears' den. terribly mutilated, one of his Iknbs being partly gnawed away. 4 llie never tailios medicine. Hollow&y's Corn Cure, removes all kinds of coma, wartii, etc.; even the most difficult to remove caunot withstand this wonderful remedy. Printerâ€" "I'm sorry that one of our cimipositors has made a serious mistake in your daughter's wedding invitation He has made it read: 'Mr. anil Mr-;. Jones desire your "preHi-iits" instead of "presence." ' " Jones â€" "Oh, well, [ think you needn't trouble l • alter it. You see, that's just what we do desire." Joe â€" "But, my dear fellow, is your income enough to justify you mar- rying?" Fredâ€" "I'm afraid not." Then what reason have you for taking so .serious a step"'" "I have no reason I'm in love." RAILWAY t Is a &ne business for a young ♦ man. $40.00 to $60.00 a month to start. Best place to team is in CENTRAL TELEGRAPHY SGKQOL TOaOMTO. Free •mtaloiue T Knt an nqoMt. Writ*. T. J. Johnston, W. H. SHAW. Matunr. PrttiKfea*. EOK SALE.â€" EVKRYBODY WHO keeps hens or pets should send ; aC once and get the l>est practical Inlonnatioa and latest sews about poultry and pet stock kecpiuf. every uoutk for the next 16 months. Money back it not :iatisfied. Airenta wanted. Address. Poultry News. Owen Sound. HORSE AND BUQQY STOCEN ON 2Sth AUaCST Black mare, star in forehead, whlto strip down nose, whits fetlock jointa t>ehlMd. fiuncbed at fotlock joints bo- hind, luaiia stands up a little back of ears where it was cvt. Top buggy. Brockville Carriage Co make. Man sbort. about 30 or 39 years old, fair complexion, light moustache English accent, was representing canned goods, wore a cow-boy hat with leather band. If found, iietaiu horse, arrest man and wire "Chis* White," Perth. Ont. A Cure for Co«tiv«ness. â€" CostlTcness comes from the relnral of the excretory organa lo penorm iheir duties regular- ly Iron contributing causes usually dis- •irileretl difrestiou. I'armelee's Vegetable Pills. prupurMl on scicntilic principles. are so couipouutlcd that curtain Inf^redi- ents in them pass through th* stom- ach and act upor. the bowels so as to remove their torpor ana arouso tkem to proper action. Many thousands are prepared to bea- testimony lo their power in tiiis respect. "I can argue with anyone here," said the contentious man. fiercely. "1 can argue " "Oh, yes. you can argue," said the quiet little man in the corner; "the misfortune is that you can't reason." Use Lever's Pry Soap (a powder) to watih woolens and flannola.-* you'll Uka It. FARMERS ATTENTION- Do you want 10 sell your Farm? U so, send us a deHcription of it and lowest price. We will list it in our next Farm Bulletin, which will be is- sued soon. If we seU we charge two and ono-hait per cent, commission. U wa do not sel> we make no charge. Do you want to Buy a Farm Be- fore aoing so. write us for our Farm Bulletin, there are Hundreds of Farms to choose from We can Satisfy you and Save you Money besides. RIJTHKKKURD a RILETT. Rauiilton. Furniture Free Ounner â€" "Some scientist remarks that if you eat onions you will live for ever." Guyer â€" "Whut would be the use of living for ever when no girl would ever let you kiss her? ' » HOITEST PHYSICIAN. Works With Himself First. It is a mistake to a^^sume that physicians arc always skeptical as to the curative properties of anything else than drugs. Indeed, the best doctors are those who seek lo heal with as little use of drugs as possible and by the use of corre^â- t food and drink. A physi- cian writes from Calif, to tell how h;! made a well man of himself with Nature's remedy: â- â- Uofore I came from Kurope, where 1 was born," he .says, "it was my custom to take cofTev> with milk (cafe au lait) with my morning meal, a small cup (cafe noir) after my iliii- ner and two or three additional small cups at my club during tho eve'iing. "In time nervous symptoms de- veIop<'d, with pains in the cardiac region, and accompanied by great depro."!sion of spirits, dcspondonc.v â€" ill brief, 'the blues!' 1 at first tritnl medicines, but got no relief, and at last reali:'ed that all my trouble.^ were caused by coffee. I thereupon quit its u.sc forthwith, substituting Knglish Breakfast Tea. "The tea seemed to heln me nt first, but in time the old distressing symptoms returned, and 1 quit it al- so, and tried to use milk (or my beverage. This I was compelled, however, to abandon speedily for while it relieved the nervousness somewhat, it brought on constipa- tion. Then by a happy inspiration ; I was led to trjj the Fosliim I'ooil j Coflee. This was some months ago I and I still use it. I am no longer j nervous, nor do I sudor from tho ] pains about the heart, while my | "hliKs' have loft mo and life is bright j t(> UK' once more. I know that j Laving of! coffee and u.sing I'osluin hia'rd me. and 1 make it a rule lo ndvi'io my pationts to uso it," Name gi\en h.v Postum Co., Uattlu Creek. Mich. There's a reason. Little Ike (who has an inquiring mind)â€" "Papa. Ish it true dot der pen ish mightier dan der sword?" Old 'Un â€" "Yaae, uf gourse. How could a man put his probcrty in his w'ife's name mil a sword? ' Mother Graves' Worm Kxterminator does not retiuirc the help of anv pur- gativu medicine to complete the cure. Give It a trial and t>e convinced. IIAHHKLS MADE OF PAPtUl. Another recent and novel use to which paper is being put is in the manufi.clure of l-arrels. The wine- growers of Greece, being badly ofT for wood with which to construct their ca.sk», and the cost of its im- port being excessive, lately resolved to employ paper in the manufacture of their barrels, which will, it is said, be soon in universal use throughout the country. In Nature's Storehouse There Are Cures. â€" Medical experiments have shown com'uslvoly that there are medicinal virtues m ovtn ordinary plants grow- ing up around us which pivo them a value that cannot be estimated. It >s hrUl by some that Nature pro.Hltfs a cure for every disea^ic which ncgl.!;t 1 iid ignorance have visited upon man. Min- ever, this may be. It is well kr owi' that Purniclue's Vei^ctable Pills d <».lle<1 from roots an<l herbs, are a sovur**-km remedy in curing all disorders of tho ditiU2>tlou. For your assistance in introducing our household goods we give, with- out charge, fine Household Furniture, Silverware, Watches, etc. Thf* ts Your Opfiortunity to Furnish Your Home Without Any Cash Outlay. Wo pa.v Irright Dont wait. Send for descriptive cataUigue to-day. THE COLONIAL SALES Co Toronto. Ont, Dyeing I ClMnlng I 'as «ke •••? ksst ••â- 4 i*a> vert Is «ks •• samss AHuwAS stinm ss." lasek IW aseal la f" Mwa. •* Ma* i Maatr«al,TorooU>, Otuws, | FOR COUNTINX; HF.HKINGS. Very clever is a .Swedish inventor named Dkonborg, who has construct- ed a machine which takes herrings as they come from the net. sorts them into the four si^Ais ro<:ogni7vd by the trade, scrapes olT their scales, ruts oft their heads, splits, cleans, and W;i.'<he8 them inside and out. The machine does all this automali- call.v. and turns out 20,0Q0 herrings per hour. THE LAND OF THE HUNDRED MILLION BUSHEL WHEAT CROP. If you want to secure a farm in th* very best part of this wonderful wheat country The Canadian Norlli West write us. We can give you the very best land in the Canadi.in West. Only a very small amount of capital required to begin with if you deal with this company. 1 F(ifeSl8['8 M Mim WINNIPEC MAN' A Wide sphere of Usefulness.â€" The consumption of Pr. Tlionias* l*:clectric Oil has ffrown to sreut proportions. NotwitliKtanning the fact that it has now been on the market lor over thir- ty-one ycuis, its prosperity is as great as ever,' uikI tho demand lor it In that period has very grcuily Increased It is lienoQcial in iitl countries, and wher- ever introthu'ed fresfi suiiplics are con- stantly asked for. rilK RICHEST MIKE OED. Tho richest bed of nitre in tho world is at Atacamu, in Chili. It covers Cy.WO acres. contaii:s 25,- 000.000 tons, and is valued at $1.- 500.OC0.tW0. Dr. J . D. Kcllogc s I'ysentery Cordial is prepared from urugs kno^vn to the prufeKSion as Uiorouglily i-eliablu for the 1 cure of I'liolern. flvscntery. diiinhdea, f lining puins and summer coiupluints. t baa been used successfully bv n'ctlical ] practitioners for a number "ol irurs ! w.th gratifying results. If suaoring from any summer complaint it :s jusX the niedicliic that will cure you. 'J rv a bottle. U sells for 35 cents. A QUARKELSOMB^ WOMAN. Schoolmaster (to his wife) â€" My dear, I wish you would speak more carefuU.v; you say that Heury James cuine to this town from iiJunderlaud. Wifeâ€" Yes. Schoolmaster â€" Well, now wouldn't it bo better to say that he came from Sunderlanil to this town? Wife â€" I don't see any dilfereuco In the two e.xprcssions. Schoolmastei' â€" But there is a dif- ference â€" a rhetorical dilTerence. You don't hear me make use of such awkward expressions. Oy the way I have a letter from your father in my pocket. Wife â€" Htil my father is not in your pocke*. \'ou mean you have in your jiocket a letter from my father. Schoolmasterâ€" There you go with your little cjuibbles. You take a de- light in hara.ssing n,' You pre al- wa.xs taking up a thread and repre- senting it as a rope. Wife â€" Representing it to be rope, you me? 11. Schoolmaster â€" For goodne.ss' sake, be (piiet. I never saw such a nuar- relsome woman in my life. Johnnyâ€" 'Ta, what is tact?" Paâ€" « "Tact, Johnny, is j^owing how to do things without appearing to do them For instance, I asked Mr. Aridraau to dinner this evening, and incidentally remarked that your mo- ther would entertain us on tha piano. Mr .\ridn:an said he was so sorry he couldn't come." â€" i n â€" Wg Wâ€" S^â€" â€" â-  I I iMM Neglect a cough and contract consumption. Consumption Cure V^ti""' cut>es consumption, hut don't leave it too long. Try it now. Your money back if it doesn't benefit you. Prices: S. C. W«ti9 A Co. 801 25c 5Wc. $1 LeRoy. N. v., Toronto, Ciin. ISSUE NO. 37-t^5.

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