Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Sep 1905, p. 8

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«1 •5' â- i Septembeh 14 1905 ^ , â€" _ , - -U . The Markets. (^arefullY Correrted Each Week 0«tb 43 4:5 Pt'.a» Cj to (if) l5»rK'y...., ... . 45 to 45 ButiL-r 18 U. 18 Kja;.s frush 17 bo 17 Chiclcens to Ducks C to Oecso Oto Hay ' to 6 55 »'(>tn(oes bui 40 to 40 Wool 25 to 28 THE f L E S II E II T iN ADVANCE Ayers WALL PAPERSI T!u! largest stock in the towii- sliip, of r.K.sr Quality and rowE.sT PUiCKs, from :5c. ])or 'lunble roll up to 50c. On exhibition by C S. 'Tx'yors., Tin: I"K.\CTK-L PAINTKR & I'AI'EH ItA.VCBR. K.AMl'LES 0?f AP1'UC.»TI<>>". Priceviile Ontario. JPlesh.er tox:i. IP Good liorsosâ€" new ri^<â€" ntti.nti\c diivor* Q. W. Hacking Losal Agents Wanted At once f<>r "CaU'idi'H Orfia'e-t Nuraer- i.is" for tho town of FLKSHEKTON ;iiid uuiTounJ'ii;? couiiiiy, wliioli wdl lie le.sur- Vfd fnr Ihn lli;lll 111:111. ST.VHT NOW Ht llie liL'ht M'lliiih' sfiis'in, Hud huiidlo our now K|iiri;l»liius oii liu- cnil ti'iiiis, Write for iHiriiculiits and send 25c. for iitii' liaiidMoiiiu ahi niiiiiiii puokct micro Kjopi), (:i little L'l'oi) iisiiful to : Fiirii its, ill cxnuiiiiiii).' kcoiIh Hii'l t;ruiiiii; OruliHrd i>tH, ill oxrtiiliiiing llcâ- â€¢^^ for liisivtB; Teuoll- I'ls mid H<:li<>liirK ill bt inlying: lioiun), mid ovfiySu.ly ill a liundred dctloruiit wayn. Stone & Wellington (oV Kit 800 ACIIKS) Toronto - • Ontario Ayer's Cherry Pectoral quiets tickling tliroats, hacii- log cougtis, pain In the lungs. It relieves congestion, sub- Cherry Pectoral dues inflammation. It heals, strengthens. Your doctor will explain this to you. He knows all about thi.^- cough medicine. '• W » HuTB oi' â- < ijr«r'« Ch«rry Pectoral In oar fftmiiy for I'l -eari for thromt and Iudk Uooblef, find wu tfc^nk no medlcln* equala It.** Ub9. a. POHsaoy, Appleteo, MIsn. t9a.,!»<:..r cm. All drntgUn. for J. a ATSK CO.. Weak Throats Ayefs PIIU greatly aid recovery. Purely vegetable, gently laxative. L The lai}(est and best stock of fui nitiiif uver slioMii in Flislior- t<>n. Tliia wiHidiit fc.iri'f contra- diction. Conic liiid see some of the liico things in Sideboards Dining Rooni Ct\airs Parlor Setts Bed Roorrt Setts A special reduction just now on everyiliing in order to icducu tho stork. W. H. BUNT. J^nrnitu/'e iOealef FleMn - Oot. »» C2j^~.> Business Cards H/I'OUIiLOL'aH & YOUNO '*â-  liftiilior Murkdalo Jo a RoiiDrul haiikine busiiioas. Stoney loaneo a ruasouablu rato Call uii uk. RJ SPHOUIiK Poi<tiiiaBt»r, FloahertoD .yitiiiniBiiionor in H. (;. .1., Auctioneer Con vtyancer, AiipiaiatT and .Money I.pudei Uual Kutato ami InKiirance Agent. Dei'ilp enoitgaBOH. lonsus an 1 wills carefully dranu uji and valtiatiouH iiiado on ^hortoHt nr.tice. inouu> to lomi at luwcst vaton of iliteiunt. Col o'TtioiM atcun(l->.l to with in'oniptuuttf cliari-es low. Agent for (Icean Doiuiuion Biaamahip Comiiany. A call suliriled. Societies AO U M mevta oi. tho laot Monday in ea.'n inontb, in tlicir Ioiiro room. Ohrlstuo'8 lilook. I'leKlii'iton. at H p.m. M.W., \. llarrlBOii ; Uocorder, .las. Kidhtntd ; Kinan- oiar, ^V..I. Kill. amy. VIsitlUK b>'ttbi(L iLvitud PUINOK AUTHLK LOIXIK, No. wa.AKft A M, moots in tliu MuHonicball. Straiu't blocic. FluHliorton. ovory l-'ridav on or before llio full ii'orii. John Wright, W M.; C. N. Kiuliiir Bon, aec/etftry. P'lfRT FhHSITKllTON*, " (;hiiRtoe'n 111 111. till' OtW. I. P. P. u-eotKii. laiit Krtdnvovei'lii)? of puoli ninntli. ViHitiim KorrKtin-H lieartilv wpluonio. ('. H., .I.CoiuaoliI: li.C. \V. llufkin; Kin. Rec, II. A. Willi tt. t'leiiiio iiav dnofl to n. >. WiUott oo or bofoi'o tlitt last (lay of Ibo proueedint; niontli. OWEN 80UNP. ONT vllir). I'oniieiiB for tlio Fall Term, Prirlay, Kept. ]•• lOO'i for tbHClanillcallonof i-ttrteiiti'. (Mam- it bwilii Monday. Sept. 4..I1, iicr.. Four fiillv rqnipp.'.l dopio tnioiitx, HUHINKSH roiuiSK for iho».i wlio wisli to liucoiiiH nnokkeeiMiri-, IlnniiieHH iiion and cuter inelraiitlle life. sH'mrii \Ni) A TYPF, witiTiN'it coiinsR for tlioHe wl;o wliih to liocoin.i menriui apliern TKl.KdUAPUY COIIU.-iK f„r llioNo who Wlull to lioeolo-Teleu'i-Hlill OpeiBtoiK. I'llKlMJUTftltV 'â- KIIIIHF, for tlione who iii'Ci tar liHCk In tlioir wlni-all.in aid wlio wiiih to liiiprovo in c >iiimoii neliool nubjcct.*. None too I. II* biu'k for tliJR ci>nrKe. Write for our 11. w illiiKtrnted annonnee* li-niit and Journal Hlinirlnii onr varlo'iB depart. Ireiitd at work: it i> free. Addremi: - i.'.A. Mem- b.^ r.'niolpal.Owoil K.iilnd. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . Tlic placp to Kilt the bent Photoa is at nULMRR'S PUOTtKlRAPU UALLEUY. CinSRN FhlRNDS-FloBlierton Council of <;hoaen PrleiidB inee'B in clavloi'V hall flrst .ind third Wedlio-tilnv of ehch lilonth; 8 p. 111. P»*y aHHiiHninintii to tho Ilerorder on or ln^foie tie (irnt I'avof eneh month. Chief Cuuuciilor, r. lllakole>;Ueoorder, W. H. Runt. Medical OIHc QUA. Dick Bruininagc, iheyounu'Eiiglieliin n wlio left his home in Derliy, Kiit{., on 'ho iRtof June, lUOO, lo walk nround tho World, was iu Me:iford on Tuesday fnre- linon und made a shoit call at the Alinor ollice. IJrinmiiii^^o. who will !.« thirty y.iiis of iiU'i on ilie Isi of N.-ieiiilii r next, e.\(ject« t>miiii|d..te hi.-s rri|) in 11 MOt-kx, win n he Will icliun to hii h'-iin- in Kni{- hiiul. lie hin Iravelhd ihiougli every country in Iho world except Sib.-rii, «heio liu Was refused » j)Hii-v|)'>rt. lie nax i''l tlirough the lloly L;iid, vlsirinx ilie 'â- > b of ChiiMt, tho IoiiiVps of ihenncient kinj^-, Aloutll of Olives, .(ucoh's Well, ihoSphyi.x and tho pyraniid.s. In India ho Wds at- tackud hy malarial fever, fioni which his recoiery wa» at oiib tiniu considcnd doulilful. lti'umMPi<;e i< not nmkin:; tho tiip as tho re.sult of any wai;cr, l,ui rather 111 the way of aniu-einoiit uijd «ducatiiin. Ill hi« school duy.s he w.ih Komewhat of an â- ilhiete, and one J.iy he .Old one of hi< '.hunis aoreo'l to start nutoii a iiip ^ri uiiJ I lie » 01 Id. Hia cluiiii, howeier, lacked out when lliey v'ot as far as (iermaiiy. The tri|), liruiiiiiiag.i 8aj.s, has had i's haidshi;j,s and priv.iliuiH ;•)* wo!l as Ms p â- iO'Urea. While lie lia.s li.id d.llicuiti.'i r,o contend with ho Inn overywlieie nut «iili courtesy and kiudnojs froir the roji reiiiitaiives of the prejs, a.s well hh from public (iflicali to whom I e h;is been intro- duced. When he ariived in Meaford he hid comphled 32,850 milcii of tho trip., nmstly mi foot. Canada is tho last c diiilry he is vi-^itiiij;. Hy lefi homo with only a ^hillilll; in his pocket, but has 111. n ai!cd 'o pay his way hj dolivcri: g loctiir s for voliiiit.iiy eoiiiributinns, aiiil wiiiipi; a ilewr.iipiive account of hi.strip every few (l.iya for a weekly paper in England. Iu additp n to thiso contiibiiti'.)i!3 ho has "notes by the way" whi.di he cliims he could readily dispose of to Old Country piiblisllCrsf.r ?!40,000, but which he is thinkiin; of having publislie.'l 111 bi.'k firm under iho tiil'j <f "lbuiiiiiia<.;u'ii Travels Abroad." lirummai'e left h. 'lorily CAUTRIl M O P & 8 Out, Plivfllelan. RnrRcon.otc OIHco and ruhidenooâ€" rotor »\ , Flenlierton T. Itfi.S'D Oradnate Toronto Unlvarsltv, Mnni- her of Ontai lo ColloRo oj riivKlciiaiiH and Siir- ROOUB. Ma.xwuli. On*. riucooBSor to Ur. Scott. BPnCIAL ATTENTION We pay Hpeotnl .Midi'ion t<i Copvinj( Hiid liibien' |dciuniH, I'i.-turo fraiu- iii^ u Hpuvialty. Try \» fui'Kiif kind of )>ioturo< and wo will |m>iiiinvi:aimraclioii. fl,,Ui;..l.»lti Itrout, FUcltvitun T P OTTEWi;i,T. ' Vetoriuary HnrRoon Qrailnato of Ontario Veterinary Colleuo. reBidonoo â€" sicond door south we»t on ?'»>â- ' fctreet. This atrout nius aoiith I'roKhvterlan Church. n WII.HON. lllaik-mllh "• Iradnalo of the Valerlnary Rcienoa AHBoelatlon. llnaidenoe, Dnrhaiii itreet, op- poBita IloyU, Ilickllug's hardware. bofiro iioiiii fur Owrii Suaiid, where e.\prcled to deliver a lecture last evening under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A- Since slauini: out on his trip he has woni idit (12 jiniis of shoes and says he will souii need anollurpair. â€" -MeafoiJ J!irio7. • A Remedy Without a Peer "1 liiid C'hauiberlair.s .Stonindi and Liver Talileln nuae UueGeial tliunaiy otlier renieily lever used for Ktoniach troulile," says J. V Klole, of Kdina, .\lo. For any iliHiidcr of the .â- -l.iiiie.eh, biliousne.sM or constipation, thcHC Tablets are without a [icer. l'"or »;de by W. E. itiehardiHiii. Ill C'lnvoisat'on with a formor nrjinber of I bo I!rii.:e Ci uiity ("oiin-il lie informed lis tliat while ill a p< dlar.s supp'y House in Toioolo.aiid iieidiog miiiio J^rey b'aiikits, he H:<k<d the pi ice of siiiiie he saw in stuck. The actual wholesale price uf such bl.inkels »»s Ihirty-twn ceiii.s a po'jii.,1, l)ut the s.ileS Ulan taid the (.'rico was twenty cents a poundâ€" "lUit" said llio snlosiiian, "I woul.l not advise }Ou t.o buy them â€" we keep them for llie podlirs; they were u>cd in an isolation Ibinpital and disinfected, but if is scarcely site to (le|H.'nd t')o much on di.infecti"n." That salesnian was Indiost but s'lll bis eniplny- er wiuld sell those blaiikels. He biu^dlt them to sfcll.aud he knew whi le ho could â- .;et bi-i custoMicr-i. Cur intonuitiit dechn ed to run the chance of sp'Oiidiii;^ cou- lagious disease in bia home locality â€" 'he pedlar look the stock, and if the faeta were known ive mi^ht be alio to account f.r tile oiigin of .some inysterinus dise.ise. Kill li and disease are frequently spread liy the foreigners who prefer to go from lioiiMo to house lo house with their pack.*, • alhor than do an honebt day'it wotk. â€" Chuhloy Eiiterpii.se. The I'aisley Ailvoc de snys; One of the most ivmarkabl • incidents wo have yet hoard of in uiodical pr.ict'co is that telat- ed ly Dr. Black tbisweck. A Keiilleman caiiio lo li'ni on Thursday asking advice and treatiiieiit for thrnal trouble, Abou' the tiist thill:! the doctors eye fo'l upon ai he proBied tho back of tho paiiciil's tongue down to got a look into his ihroat was the white a'onni of a pair of teeth in that out of llio-way locaiion. Hardly knowing wbelhcr to be Serious or facetious llio l)r asked bis patient if he ever had false teeth. Upon reciivina a veryshoit alliiniative reply, bis next <|uestion wa', •IS lo whether the tcelh had been h>st. Aitain the ansW' r was in the Htliiuiatite, j and tho doctor lliefoupun waiit'd lo know « hut rowaid Would be given for finding I hem. A fow ino'neilta later booked for- ceps were reached in, and a lusty pull biought fotih the niiKsing tooth and plate, still iiilact. The patient's counteiiaiicu aasiiined a mixed expreKiiiin of nniiiZ'j iiient, delight and relief, as ho giized upon tho lost, fiHi.d niol.irs. He went liome cured and happy, wearinx in his mouth the troth thai had lieen hunted for, hi<li and low. I'nlosH the paticni'H ninio had been tiven, it Would bo impossible to believe tho htorj- to bo anythiDif but flc- titiou.s. Legal r UOAH WniORT A MpAltni.R " HarrlslerH Holioitors Uonveyanaors. »to ...''!?".',?""'""' Bound. Ont and MarkrialeOot W H WHKiiir. Ml Abplh I n I.UCAS N Uâ€" KlethnrtoM oflloo, Mitoboll'i Ilauk •*ory Haturday. Drntlstry Dr. B C. MURRAY I . I). R , honoi' Rradiiate ot Toronto dental anrgoo" llnlvarsityand Ilnval College of Dental i<nri|eonB of Ontario. OUiOJ at reshleuou, TuroiUo btisul, Flusbertou D v.. F. AHMBTU'iNfl, I.. I).«.,Hooor Oradu % oof Toronto l'iilvfr>|i» and Uoval Col ||.|(« of nnnlal HiirRoons of IMitarlu. •ipnoBlte »lra. Hiliier's 1'hntournpli Gailniy. Will visit Maxwcl nrst and third Wndu<iid>y ol eaoU UiUtltU go.uuiouciuB July Mb. Three Jurors Cured. OlCbnIera Morbua wltn one .^mall BotlU Ol Chamberlain's Colic, Chalcra and Diarrhoea Remadv. Mr. (i. W, Finvler ol )Ci({htower, Ala., riilatoB ail experience he had while serving: on a )a tit jury Ilia iinirder cuso at Kdwardsville, PSYCH HAS TRIUMPHED OVER AND VANQUISHED CONSUMPTION Had Galloping Consumption Twelve Years Agroâ€" Lives To-day ThrougrH ' Usin^ Psychlnea â-  " •â- Â» "It is twelve years a.g'o since Psychine cured me .\ of galloping consumption. I caught the cold work- ^2^ ing as fireman on the C.P.R. The doctors s.iid there g^*'; was no hope for me. I had Xig-ht Sv.-cats, ChiHs asd y^J Fever, ard frequently coughed pieces of my lungs. ,.^^ '^-i I was fast sinking away. Was advised to try Psychine 'fyf 'i" .^^ and two months treatment put me right on my feet again. Have had no retur.i of lung trouble since P.sycbino saved me. To-day I work on my farm nsar hero. 1 am six feet tall and weigh over 175 pounds. Use my testimonial and photo if you so desire." Aug. 27th, '04. A. E. MUUrORD. PSYCHINE is pronounced 81-KEEN. For sale by all drug-gists at $1.00 per bottle. For further advice or information write or c.-.l! i.t Dr. T, A. yayS^ â- '^^--^ Slocum, Limited, 179 King; St. West, Toronto, Car.ada. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE<» If you are Ihinking of buying a fine buggy, was,'3n <T doinocrat, it « ill surely pay yoa t.i call and inrest'gat« our .itock, terms, etc., "before making your pun hrts,?. We havi! n statf of expert w.jikinen and can i^uavaiitee th.it y.iu will biisitisHel PLOUCH ALWAYS Bicycle ON HAND _ _ _ Sui:idLx*ies â€" AND KEl'AlRINd OFALI. KI.ND.S J. A. HEARD. - FLESHERTON. ^^i<^%/SS/^%/%^ ^b/XtS&'5S^$S'^;^^/S&^^/5QX^ McXAVISH For Fust Clasi liiiggics, Onrts, Ploasiire and LumVer \Aagoiis, cutters, Sloi.^hs. We keep a stock on band to tboose from. ALSO HORSE SHOEING ANDQENERAL BLACKSMITHINO and guiniitee firar clswi work. We keep on band Phiiighs and Plough repairs, and Harris and Noxoii repairs for biiif^ers, MowerSj lii'i liinery, also Binder T«ine on l;and. also Massey- <ill kinds of mbcn in town give us a call >5 Cured of Lame Back Alter Years of Suffering. "I h.id been trouble I with biino Kiek for fiftieu years and I iniiiid a eouiplefi- rolief in the use of Chaiiiliorliiin's I'.nin Ualm,*' says* .Tohn (!. Fisher, (iitlnm. lud. This liniment is also without aii cipial for .iprains a:id brui.st-a. It is for ».ilo by W. E. Kicliai dson. Archio McNeo, President of tho Canad- itii' Frraa .'Vssocialiiin, w bile on the annua* outing of the a'aive org.iiiiEntinn, related •be followiiii; story.' 'fwo of his Scotch fiieiids, Sai.dy and Donald, ottiue to town oiied.iy, and alter attending to iheir per- sonal hu.siiiesa, prior to leaving' for home. Sandy invited Duiald tu liuvo a drink of pure hot Scotch. Saiidy being of a relig- ious mm of Hiiiid and bolioving sincerely tliut whether we tat or rlrink, we should do so to the ghiry of llio Groat Father, closed his cyis and fervently aakud the Lord's UlesHiiig on the wliiskpy, â€" bu' when he tun ed to xpproprlnte the cup of lilt Ksing, he found it empty, and Donuld „ . . . .,,,,,. ... , , . ,, ,,,, , ., , P IlavMip just received a full biio of cIphoo »a!uted him thus. "Sandy, Ihu g"«Hl j ^„„,|,,^.^-'„f „,, j., ,,^,„ ^„j,i„j^^ ,„,„,„,i„^^ p"»y, I cvercoutings, wuior) roof and rravcnotte m^rcbani Cai!drin§ Nov/ In n< (k tells us to both watch *nd and you hiive been negligent in duly." Chamberlain's Coujch Remedy Aids Nature* Medicines that did na'.ure are always nuw^ effectual. Ohamlierlain's C>>n(^ Renieily act your I goods. Of liver oUO diU'eient snniple.s to ] leluct from wo aru prep.'iied to till onlers nt lowest pu^siblu prices. H. ALEXANDER county seat of Clelxiurnu county, Alabama, j on this plan. It allayn the eoiigh, lelievea the He aiiys: "While there I ale some fresh ineat'T lungs, aids ex)iert(wation, o|>«iim the secretions, and some BouMO meat and it (fave me cholera | and »il« nature in resUirinff the syatem to n morbus ill a very Hover<< form. I waa never healthy condition. SSnld by W. E. Kicbardson. iiiore Biok in iiiy life and sent to the drugstore for a certain cholera mixture, but the dnivpist mint me a Ixitthi of Chamlierlain's Colic, cIkiI- era and DIarrlioea Kemedy instuail, sayinif that he had what I sent for, hut that this mod- leiiie wan so much Iwtter he wimid rather send it to iiiu ill the fix I was in. I took one dose and was lietter in five minntea. Tlie second ihwe ciirwl me entirely. Two (ellow luron were nfflieled in the same manner ana one BinalUMitilefflired the tbrMul ua." Fur sal* by W, E. Riohardion. A romarkable incidunt ia reported from Penelang. A homo put his tongue out at his stable companion through a hole iu the aide of the stall. The other animal bit tho tongue sos«riou«ly that the Btriokeu bone htttl to ba Hhol, i^ss&^^^ lOitOKTOa ONT. Fall Term Opens Sept 1. One of tho laiRost and »>«"t coiB'.n«re|il Schools In the nominion. All of our i?t-«diiat'»* are absolnlelv sure of seeuriiitf positions. StroiiK stelTof trachorp; iiio<lern oonrso": every student tlKironghlv satisfied. Writo for our niauninoent oatal.^iie. Addiess: W. J. Klllott, I'rinelpal, Flliott lUtsinoKB College, Oor. VooKif aud Aluaaudei £(§.. T jruuta, Qut,

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