V yksbtrt0n Jliiratta. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOB. PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. .4 il VOL XXIv, NO 1235 Fleatierton, Ont., Tliilrgdfeiy. Septeirfber 28 190o J^ W. H THURSTON, EDITOR PEOPKIETOM Going To Get Married ? If SI) you will want a nice weildini; ring. Wb have them in a great variety and at ju^t the right prices. © © Going To A Wedding ? Ifso you will want to take a present ali>ug. We have tuo many beautiful PI.ACK WOOD CLOCKS which we V. ill sell at cost fi>r the next fifteen Anys. This means something to you. Make a note of it. These are suitable for general aae. See them. 01* Jfrmstrong, FLESHJ.RTON, ONT r Industrial Horns Notes {By cut IiibmU) -1 -.U -:g_^--^.-t~-^^-<I.-^ ^ the U"me. The pcmr old uian is in a bau state, and a niore H^ subject for an hos pital tliau for the U<iuie. He wa3 siz.-i^ with pnralysia thiee ur four weekse ago, the right side beiii'j couiplotclv ({oiie and he ia pcTfecily powerless to he p hiinsolf ill any way. Surely this ia beciiin- ing a veritable huapitui, but what about the scaOl A greater or niiTe pleasant surprise coul'l scarcely be |j<issil)le, thnn ihiit sprung oil your cor. on Friday afternonu luMt, when the majioii aunouncetl thai two ladien awaited in ilie day rouiu to see him. Mrs. Christoe and dauithtor, !Vlr'<. , (Rev.) Thoui, of Fleslierton, are the ladies ! reft^ried to, and as the late lamented Dr. I and .Mi8. Christoe huu for so many yuais ( been ainonj; the kindest of your cor'.s lUMny kind friends in Flesherton, the call was much more uraU-fulIy appreciated. Their kindness, and that of Mrs. Thjm, in days gone by, will ever bo reniembored with Ktatituds. On being inforuie<l that the ladies dui not wish to infriiijio on the rules o( the house by deairia|{ to be shown through il, tlio matron eipress-i cd her regret that they did not apply, a»f it would have been a pleasure under the circumatinces, to sh.iw them thnugh the princ.pat part atntiy rate. W, H. Thurston, Editor of tho Advance, was alau a welcome caller on the same day. 'Ii'-^r by niot.ion made the desired â- . "ation toth9«x«cutivecoiuittee The garden stuff produced on this placs was abundant this season. Cucumber.s were especially prolific. Wo never saw a larger production from the same atnount of Ktouiid or a finer specimen of the fiuit. The com i« all cut, potatws and turnips are the only crops reniiuniiiK to harveat. Mr. liaruc^s is busily en;^g«Hl remotl- ellnig the Rtablinu under the barn mid has more the appearance of a hard worked Diechanio than the gracious manajtcr i<f an indjsiriul home. On Monday evening htst Rev. Mr. Clinc, Baptist minister of Oven Sound, called at the Home and bad evening prayer with the inniatoi. Ou the IrSth tiiet. ThonuLt Siinmnns and wife of Clarksburg were adiiiiiied to the Uotne. T'ooniiis is a respectable old ttentlemau, in liis 7-iid year, a shoemaker . by trade, but fast failini( health and eye- sight has rendered biui iiiCHpable of fur- ther supporting himself and his blind wife by his trade. His wife ia a aiost ramnrl - able woman. She is ei);Ut months htr huslMiiid's sea'or, and ha been totally blind from childl)0<Kl, but in every other respect she is perfectly healthy. Not- witltstandins the 72 summers that have paiiaed over hHr bead, she is still as smart as many a wouiaii of 50 : is a tahnted uiusiciaii and poi'SCKScd of a fine stipranu voice. She biutti^ht Miih hers tu^iodeoii, two larxe accordeons and an auto. harp, all of which she p'ays with exijuisite skill- Among htr other accoinplisihirents she can ttuemly read the Bible and 'IVst uinent, of which she pots S-wr about forty books in laised letters She is also an expert knitter, btting able to d* any kind of knitting ; and, the old i'cnleman infornM me she can bvat him all hollow a* dominoes. The okl couple have 'leeii marri.d about 32 year*. She is the daughter of Mr. 8tiif>h«ii«, oi;e of the founders of Meufor<i. They will be remembertd by some >jf the Kimberley people, «liere the old gent 'en an plied his trade a few years ago, living in a house belonging to the late Dan Kender- •ou, who died here in Noveuitrr last. The old couple are pleased with I ho Home, cnntotited and h«p(iy, and we hope they luiy eiij<iy many more happy years together. On Wednesday last Mr. John Bainoa of Markdale sent tn the Home a benuti fill cabinet nr^au f<ir use at our Sabb.ith service«. We arc infnrnie<l that it is j Mr. Bailies' iutention tn make a gift of i the instrument to the inetiiution if a volunteer organist can be f-iuud. This is a most Kener<'U8 consideration of that gentleman, and we have no doubt that an oiganist will be forthcoming, an J too many thanks cannot be exprei-sod to Mt. li. for his geuerosity, M hich will add so much to the attrncti-enusa of our divine service. Mr. Bains has taken a zeKlous interest ia our meeting from the begin ning, being neh'tiia absent except when' absent from home, and added m.iterially to the singing by hii oloar, rich tenor. ' Your sctibe haj the ploiisuie of meeting ' on vUitidg day, a friend whom ho had not I seen for more than twenty yesrH, in the pewon (if Mr. Joseph Ferris, of Kiiuber- ley. .'Vlthough the years arc many, and â- Joe was but a growing youth then, yet 'â- (he moeiing was readily recoguiwj.1, not- i withstanding the grest channe in both. Joe has become a strapping, fine-looking fellow, your corraapondent has transform- ,' ed Into aâ€" well, never mind, but we are ' glad to hear vou are pmepenug, old ' friend. Lung life and double success to ' you. Come again. I On Friday laat John Molntyra, of Otvntlg, »M admittid M an iiioMte to The Ct roci 1. I of the Aftei I ;.=• -Usposal of other minor mat- ters of bu lueas, therft was a consultation as to the uiojeediiigs of the next meeting | of the Chapter. A program was su^jgested GreV Connf-v'<« which, If carried out, should prove inter- 1 -^ ^"«ncy S eating. It wil! oonsiat of ^lajjers or ad- dresses on livini; issues tjf the day by tJie Rural Dean and by the Rev. Messrs. >'ewe!l, Bice and Masters. A missions committee was elected, consiatintr ot the Rural Dean, c^i-citiicio ; Res. Messrs. Brown and Newell, and Messrs. .Mills and Mookridgu. A hrt.irty vote of thanks was tendered Rev. J. tt, anil Mrs, Newell for the ho McFarland, Stafford & Cos. Biq Store MAI^KDAI-K, OXTAl<IO BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE Eager For Business prayers and tho Rev. Rural Dean .\rdill preached the sermon from Ex. 2:4. Un- fortunately the weather was most unfa- svorable, but thoae who ventured out in the rain were well repaid in hearing a mo.st txce lent discoursu. iS'e,ict May the meeting of the Chapter will be hold at Cbatawotth. ^o oe/^ K^ondition Wanfanto it. I? .r , â-º! â- . "^' ,="•'?" "'^ S-iod, all kinds of farm prfiduce are brin'rincr |,ls nrioes For months pa.t we have been planning for this FaU and Winter busines"lbu%>,no; maxwell On the 2lst inst. Maxwell L. O.L met in special se.tcion and presented Bro. John A. Scoit, .M D.. with an emblem and the following address: Dear Sir and Bro, â€" , VVe, the members of L, O. L. No. BtiC, I having learned of youriiitoiid.,'d departure fn)iu our midst, take this opptirtunity of expressing our reiitet at losing such a fneiu) and brother but hope our loss inav t>e others' gain, *V« hureliy e.ttciiJ you ahyartygood wish for your future happi- /aess and success and ai-k you to accept this ch-iriu as a toki-u of our fraternal , friendship, not for it's value, but as a taark of esteem for a worthy brother. Wo ilicreforn ask you to aCL-e;;t tMs token and liop« that you may live long to dePond the principles of »hich it is an einblem Signed on behalf of the Lo«liie, R. N. Kinear, M.; R «ht. .^.rii.itt, D. M. I'hu annual harvest homo services a' St. Mary's church were h<ld morning and eveniuijon Sunday Last. The church had been dc.:orated with grain, fruit, flowers' j and pottcil plants witii ijood taste bv u j party of ladies. The chmr, under Sliss Little, oi^^amst, saug an anthem at both services, duriuK the collecting of the oSer t.try.^ There were Urae congregations both iiiuruing and evening. T>ie .sermons were preached by the rector. Rev. O. "M. Franklin. In tho morning the text was St. Matthew, 12. "Tbe P.iratle of the TiuW being the subject. At tho even- ing service the subject was taken from Psalm liift. The di.scourses were approp- riate to the ijcciision. and many useful lessons woie driiwn from the texts used, to the edificatiiMi ot th-- intr sel Con- tfre./'uioti!'. Tji'cen ^Uij.thir, the s r vices were vi-ry siij e-v-.tu .in I were con sidered of equal inteieat t > i-ny for many jeitrs pas'. Mr.-*. Charles Uickliiig of Brunswick Ave., Toronto, is visi'iog her auntiu. Mis. Uiuklin^, at Maxwell. Times are good, lis pa-t we f{^:'T.';'.'!''â- .!:'..'.'''«?.'^"''/-!.'â- ".':'• givesthe^u', ;;,„;•; ^'h^-n;,: ^;„^ „„j manufacturers ..» tho Do -buying for It... m 1 <i ~ â€" â- â€" '- """8 and manufacturers Our Old Country miportations are larger this season tliun ever before. ^Ae Ti/eu/ We Save 'at/ jou â- ^n.oneif 5tra^n«Ml Back and Side "While working in a ww mill," writes C E. Kenney, from O.tawa, I strained my back and side so severely I had to no to be J. Every uiovemsnt caused nie i torture. I tried different nieuts, but wasn't h-lpod till 1 used Ner- 1 ;:=• ^ ' \"»",C;j,T"~\ "" '''«""'»» Printing, etc.in tact they employ year in and vilene. Even the first appl ca.-io.i gave ! ^T "»',?'" l^. 000 hands Messrs. Ryhtnas. Sons 4 Co., Limited.slnd a renr^nt cottsiderable relief. In three d-.y- I was i « tV',^*" ',''? '^*"^«.«"*' year. We have control of their large range of samples fop again at work. Other men in the mill *>"''°»'« »'"» 'f' may merest yoti to know that their represenwtive only calls on ontj use Nerviieno with tremendous benetit °^*""" 7"* ''«',''""'" '^'"'""^"V'""' T"â„¢"^'- Common sense will tell you that importina too.' An honesc record of n.arlv aftv I 0^^"^ 'rw'.'^o^^ll"''"'"" 'l'' ''''''"" "'''^ ''"'y «^^^^ »" middlemen's profits, but ye..rs has established tho value of Poison â- « ^'^^ *"* 1^ B<J ^ merchandise cheaper than Uia avora-o store possiblv can \ ears asfo we formed a connection with some of the largest and best dry ooods firms It the old country, among th-m bein« MESSRS. RYLAND, SONS A CO Limited ,... o-usou .„e . ";";f %H • '"'"'ft /'''« "â- •'" i" "='«""«« t" be the larg^t Dry Goods concern °n ^e 0.1. and lini- ^^^ : ,1 ^ f " '"'f "uâ„¢''" "^ '"'"â- " "' ">« ^"^^^^ I^lcM., thefr own bl^h" .ill I used Ner- '"=• "^'V irn;!^';""-'. '^° 'â- ;""•"'» l'""t*ng. «to..in fact the^ employ year inTnd ,pl ca-ioi gave IZ^^^ PZl' }^'^ '""1.^ Messrs. Ryhtnas. Sons 4 Co., Limited.slndVrenr^nt- Ncrvilene. Ferershum Three Jurors Cured. M Cholera Morbus with I ne Small Bottto 01 Ckamkertaia's Colic. Ckalcra ami Diarrhoea Reoedv. Mr. 0. W. Kowlor of Ki^htowrr, Ala., relates an exi<erience he b:u1 while aervinj; on a lietit jury ina murder ca«e at I£dwarrhiville, county sent of Cleboiirne county, Alalmni.i. He ssy»: "While there I ate some fresh meat and gome Miuse meat and it gave mc chnleia morbus in a very never.- form. I w.is never more aiok in my life and sent to the driif^torr (or a curtain cholera mixture, but the ilrugKiHt 9«sut iiic a bottle of Chaiuberlaiu's Cujic, Chol- era and Dianhoea Keniedy inatewi, K.iying that he had what I sent for, but thatthiamed- icinewaaso nincb better be wouhl rather send it to uie in the fix I was in. t took one dose .uid was better in live niiQiitea. The xecond dose cured me untirtdy. Two fellow jurors wwr^' afflicted in tlie same manner and one amall buttle cured the three of us. " Fur sale bv W. E, Kichardsoii. Mrs Qarpcr Harrison of Toronto, who has been visiting with Mr«. A. Stewait and Mrs. Alcxandar, -Flesheitou, has come to Feversliain to spend a short time with Jlrs. Perigo. Fred Hickling .if Rickiini! Bros., Suiid- ridge» .spent Saturday and Sunday at his li'inie on the Stli. tie had been on a business trip to T)ionto and took the advantage of calling on his people before retorniuir li SundridiiC. The now mill is not proures-tn.; as fast as is desirable, but is expected to be in operation early in (jctober Mrs. Roy has been visiting h.r sinter at Grand Valley. She will shortly leave 10 spend the winter with her dauvhleis in Now Y'ork and Pennsylvania. Bills are out for our fall fair. Don't foruet the date and d. n't forget to come ; also don't foraot to reiuaiu for tho big Concert at tiiah'. H.iivuy Perig"! has returned from To. lonto, where lie went on a liusin- ss trip. Some of our " yroen huntsmen â- ' aie geltio;; 1 heir we;iprnis oiled u|i in readi- ness for the ultiuk of buck level, which is expected ti^ ij-cotue epnieuiic aliout^thp tirst of Nov-iiibi-r. -- »-♦ Cu^<iiia Rural Deanery of Qrey The semi-aniiusi meeting of tho Rural decanal ch-iuterof (>iey was Iteld in Mark- dale on the aft -rnoon of Tuesday, Sept. 19th. The ineinbiirs met in Christ church at 2 30, the R-v. J. Ardi)!, Rural Dean, in tho chair. The Rov. K. Appteyard waastfcietory. Re» O R Newtll read the 91st Psalia, and Rev. G. M. Frank lin Slid ih'} prayers. One of the most important matters on the aveiHla paper was the closing of the mishion station at Ravenna, Cullingwood township. The IMirish of Heathcote, which is in charge of the Rev. J. G. H'.>op«r, ia at present cou^ioaed of Healhcote, Banks, Duooati and Ravenna. Mr. Hooper said tliat (be people who had contributed to the sup- port of services at Ravenna belonged riithtfuUy tc two other parishes, and that it would be in hit loterent and that of the oburob to olueo th« sakl luiavon 'f^undny laflt there was a Sunday scliiid Rcrvioe for tho children in the Presbyti-r inn i;hurch. The church was very prett ily decorated with Howersand putted plant.s fur the occasion. Rev. Mr Thorn uavu a Very interesting .i.tdress, to which tlio Iitile people pai<l tile greatest aitontion. The cho r rtade.ed S"me splendid iiiu.-i<'. Mi.-s Diagle. who is vi'iliiig her brother, r. Fied D at;lf, iiud hi-r cousin. Miss Jero , ga e a duct which was highly :ipi.Mi'c.....u>J, as the young Indies possess 'iCHUtiful. wed-triioed voices. Mr5. R'lhert HaAkins is very ill at pr-sent, but under tho skilful treatment of Dr. liiuid it 18 hoped she will soon bo around aga>ii. Mr. 1- ac Turner anJ hii 1 tide, 't' o ha â- â- ; been \ si ii g relatives 1 ei' , i>^tt ou Tne».Iuy for tlwir h nie in Win ipeg. As they liiv.) lo'h opoot their c ildhoods days at Eugenia. the l>e-fc wi^ hcs of a In g •• circle of fri< nds acr nipaoits them t > their homo in the we-t Miss Georgoua Smith has g e on an extended visit to friends in Buff. u. She will ho verv in ch iiiised in tlie chuiult and Su daj School, yet her many friend.i with for her a deh^niful visit a id a s.ifo rtturn to her friemls und hono at Kuueiiiit. Mr, Ale.x. McOalluin, who h s no n s'pmd n^ .some time in M< oo,i8 no i visit- .ng his mother at Euireuia* Mr. and Mrs. Mi. lor have gone on a visit to the old home at Shell urne for a few days. ^ I Mr. Robert Williams lost a fine cow by ' its falliiii^' down the side of the mountain onto the lonks in the ravine below. The church of England congregation will hold their first harvest homo services on Sunday, Oct. 1, at 3 p. m. The halt will decorated and a suitable sermon wilt be preached by rev. G. M. Franklin. I Mr. W. Purvis is very tow at present . ' Mr. W. Hislop of the VsUcy, we are plwMd to hear, it mom bat4«r. Large Arrivals of Fall Goods For weeks past both Canadian and imported goods have boon arrivinii bydr.iy loadsr and wo have been kept at our wits end to find a place for all the new goods. Ouf store is large, but every available foot of room will be needed. You are Invited We extend to all a wide, open invitatioti to make this store your headquartersâ€" meet your ftieiiis hereâ€" rest hereâ€" use us in every way you can. A waiting room provid- ed with mirrors, coinb, brush, whis'<, etc., is at your disposal our wash aud toilet room is at your convicnce. Make use of it. K&ep Abreast of the Times. We claim to have the most up-to date store and up to date .store inethols in this county. We are trying continually to see what a th.>rongt;ly comfortable phico we can make this big store to trade in. Wo want you to feel ai home hero. Examine tho goods and compare values to your heart's content Every department is now crowded with bright new fashionable goods, gatbeied o^el'ier from the best -narkets of the W'r'.d, bought at tho lowest possible prioe.<i and â- na'-ko-l at the lowest living profits and sold on this guarantee "your ;money back if not sai-isfied." We want your trade. We cansavo you money. Came in and take a look around. No need to buy unless you wish. McFARLANb, SXAFFOI^E) 6c CO Dates of Fall Fairs. Fleshert.on Sept. 27 â€"28 Dnndalk Oct. 12-i:; Feveriham Oct. 5- CUrksbura Sept. 28-29 Meafor,l . ; Sept. 28- 2!1 Priceville Oct. Shelburne Sept. 20-27 Clmtsworth Oct. 12-1.} Colliugwood Sept. 26â€"29 FLESHERTON HARNESS EMPORIUM. (Opposite .Armstrong's Jewellery ) Everything up to dtte in harness â€" best material, best workmanship, best prices. Fly sheets and nets are in season- let us show you ours. Trunks, valisos, axle ur^n.so, cartiauc axle grease, hai nuts oil, whips andUshes^ , BUQG1E5. Come and see the new buggies which we have nu cxhibiiion. They are beaut - i-j9 and prices are right. Wm. MOORE Opposite Armstrong's Jewellery) KleslicrtoD, f Purgatives Are Dangerous They cripe, cau»e burning pains anil make the constipated condition even woi.se. Physicians say the ideal laxative is Dr. H iinilion's Pills of mandrake and Butiernut; tliey are exceeriinuly mild, coni{>o!wd only of ho.ilth itiving vogetablo ex'rsits. Dr. Hamilton's PilN rcstor.i regular movements ..f the bowels, s reng- theii I htt stomach and purify iha blood. Foroonsiipation, »ick headache, billious- nesa and disordered diKoation no mc<Iicin» on eaith makes such remaiksble cures ».â- < Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Try a 25c. box yourself. I Was Troubled for Two Yc^rs. Pelerbtno, Ont. Aug. 23rd, 1905 D. A. Canioron A Co. Dear Sirs. â€" It is now about three months since 1 wrote to you for two bott- les of your Rheumttio Cure, I am very pleased to bo .iblo to say that I am troublwl no more with rheumatism. I had tried nearly everything I had heald >f, and aoiue yood duetors, previous to taking your mediciiio, and received but iltle benefit 1 felt very little better uniil I had n<ar1y fiiiishe<t tho flist buttle but cjiitinurd taking the medicine, and now I am a well man. I will be ''iily too ((leased to answer any person who writes ma, iu regard to the xaiuo of yout medi- cine, I leniain yours restiectfully, Heury Babcock. Caroeruns Rheumatic Cure is prepared by D. A. Camonm A Co., Owen Sound. White front Drug Store. For Mie by all frugt.'ist* or sent direct, express paid on twe bottlwk