Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Sep 1905, p. 4

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\ Sepiember 28 1905 rilE FLESHEAXOJN A D V A N C h jgj ^WW^iWWVy F. T. HILL & CO. "iMJiiiWM 1 Direct Importations of New Fall Goods FROM THE master Cootns of Curope. Tirst Sbipments of llevo Goods being passed into Stock tbis week* This week we are passing into stock many lines of New Fall Goods which are direct importation from some of the best manufacturers in Europe and the United States. In going direct to the maufacturer we save all agent's commissions, travellei's expenses, etc, which mean better valuesfor our customers and exclusive styles for this store not to be found elsewhere and another step in the march of progress which we have adopted to bring the manufacturers and the consumers as close together as possible, hcnpe the reason we would ask you to compare our prices and up-to-date stvles with what you can find elsewhere. We can assure you a look will be greatly to your interest. WE SHALL BE PLEASED TO SEE YOU WHETHER YOU WISH TO PURCHASE OR NOT. new mantles from 6erma ny Mesars. Manhoiiner of Berlin, Germiiiy, are repuU-d to be tho larjfest inanufiiorui"ers of Lidies' Mantles and Cloaks in tho world. Our Kliowiii); in LHditV Mantlos are the production of this gruat fiiin. The styles avo exclusive and the prices are such that wo aio able tu show a selrttion of stjles exclusive to tliem selves and so moder ately priced that they are within the reach of all. These are plain facta. It will pay you to look our niiiitle stock through. new Dress Goods from england Among our ship;.ient of Dress Goods we are shewing some very line qualitios in Box Cluths iind tJrtadcloths. The trend of fashion thia season is for plain clothes of a very flue finish hein»? the correct style for ladies tailor-inade Suits. Tliis populu. lino will ho found with us ill all the leading shades, popularly priced per yard, from 50c to §1.50 Pretty Silk Waists in Cream and Black Silk Waists fresh with the beauty touches of Paris fashion and not extravagantly priced as jou will agree whfn you sco tliem, unique in style, beautiful quality, $3.75, ?4. 25 and $4.75. Silk Waists of fine Japan Silk in Cream, beautifully finish'd with tine filk guipure yoke and eilk laco trimmings, all sizes 3.75 Black Tiiffetta Silk Waists, good wearing quality, made with late.st sleeve and tucks, also tucked cuif.all sizes and special 4.25 Fine Peau de Soie Black Silk Waista. This is a rory line quality of heavy silk, lined throughout, very attractive in Biyle, all sizes 4.75 <^fWW MARKPALE WWfifW^ fhie Is publiehcd every Thuraday at $1.00 i«y anuuni if ) ai<l inudvinii-e, ^I.Th) if i!i>t ko \)aia. All »dvaii free as a premium. Hub.icriliir nayinif advance Bet tlie Montreal Herald ?1.00 strictly in one year The Eugenia Develipment To till" Editor of The Alliance ; Dkab Sin,â€" It is •/ritifyiiiij to mo to know that Ihedeveliipnieiit of thi.s power in about assured 'I'liiitoen years ag" [ went to Eugenia to live, saw at onco the LToat po.s^i^)llilic.s and .set to work to do what 1 could til that end. As is genor- ally well known, tho greater part of the power belonged tip a certain gentleman in Tiiroiilo who held it at such an exorbitant price that, to gel any ono even to look in'o the matter wam iinpossiblo, the property being aKsessod at $800 and the amniiiit of taxes paid being less than $20 a year, and the owner asking $400,- CllO for it. I thought it unfair that the township wa.s getting so little and the iiwner wanting kh much. I saw the ti'Wnvhip council, and after pointing out to tlieni the injustice they put up tho »8i>es«nioiit to 82000 â€" that was better â€" then the next year to S5000, and I believe the asHessuieiit for the next ten years will he 840,000, so that 'he municipality will ho vury much beiienitcd, as well as by the $2000 which the company will pay .-the township f«r tho falls proper, winch was worth nothing to tho towpsliip but m very valuublu to the company. During my nine years' residence at Eugenia 1 spent both time and money in an en- deavor to have snmelhiifg done, and was taliooed and told many times that it woul.l never he developed. However, later on outsiders beg.<n to investigate and aeiii' power experis 1 1 look into the liosniliilities, and through them I got considerHhIe information and went to Toronto to seu tho owner, paying part of my own expenses. The promoter.'t, who wanted an uptioii for thirty days, nrt'ered $10,(K)0, >50 down, halunco thirty day, but the owner would not sell lesi than his price, $400,000 ! This was r.'illier discouiiiging, and many times ha8 the development of this splendid power been liliick<<d. It is astoiiisliing hoi« hard it Is to got some of the most Intelligent men in other mattera interested even so far as to iiuestigato for an instant. H.niiig holpeil Wat erpowof experts upon two o(:;:»siohs to inonsiire the water, I was, iH-rlmiM, hciior informed «• to the poiailiiliiius at Eugenia. In return for ussisliiig I hum they gave me their estimate pf the viduinu of water, the number rif hoivepower it would develop under dilTer- ent [lUos of doeelopmeiit. As an instance of stupidity I will give you a case in p)iiit. About live yea>H ago I had huni iiesH ill the town of Collinuwood wiih 'i Mr. Cooper, and I wan telling him ahouf the powv'r at Kugenii, and remarked that tho town should secure this power for lighting and nmnufaciuriiis. I to!d him tho oinount of power which it would kIvo aU'l ho seemed intereHtud anil said if I iroul4 â- Â«n4 Itiai all >h9 iofgrmAtion \ b«tl ho would 'ay the matter bisforo the BoarJ ' (if Trade, he being a member of that ,' body. I did ho, and after about two months, not hearing from him I wro'e \ asking him to return my pipers also ask- ing if there was any chance of his ti>wii raking hold of tho matter. In returning my papers ho said he had laid tho matter hoforo the Board of Trade and one of the members had assured them th.it bo was well aciiuainted with Eugenia and he was quite sure that \'A)0 iKoaepowor would he the most tli.kt could bo ohliined, and it was decided that so small a power was not w(nth bothering with. This wiih either ignorance on his pait or else ho was deliberately trying to mislead the lii aid of Tiado, the act heing that 300 lioisepower was'oiily a sipall fraction of ilio power availab'o. Itesult, Oweii Sound will very soon have several thou- siiiid electiicil horsepower at about linlf what it Would cost to generate the same amount of power by Bteani, and Colling- wood will ho the loser. Many have pro- iiouncfjd adversely on the jiower, and this is how they were deceived. In the early days the bed of tho river at the brink of ilio falls was level and the water flowed over in ono continuous shoot, not broken as it is now by the displacement of rocks causing a division of tho waters. 1 lived ni:io years at Eugenia and 1 dn not think tho volume of water was any less the last year than it was nine years ago. It IS astonishing hnw readily smiiti people will try to ciicourage others withimt making the leant investigHtlon. 'lliuy know it all and that settles ii. A case in iioinl in our own village : Some live or six years ayo myself and another party decided that if Fleshortou woulil Hubscribo for lighting wo would [lut in a plant. We bad a uioeltng to tidk tho matter over, and after several pre.ient had given their views, tho then leading merchant was called upon for his tipinioii. Tills waa what he thought, that if the old coal oil lamps wore fixed up and eoiiio- ono paid to look after 'hem, ihey nera good enough for Flesherlon That settled it, alihough there wan no bonus asked, simply will you buy our lighting? ilow- ovcr, shoitly after that Do.igio brothers camu to Eugenia and I went with them and looked tho power over. They being practical men who understood what they saw, declared it to bo a very fine power. The result was thttthuy wanted toseouie our Eugenia power for the purpose of lighting flesherto I, and had Flodherton 1 .. not secured the liglits at thai, time it is TnfAllA/tf | very doubtful if they would have ever lUHJliOVil, A man named Adamsmi was stabbed by an Italian at Shallow Lake and is in a precarious ceuuil ion. Uhe Italian is in custody. Chamberlain's CouRh Remedy Aids Nature* Me ildiies that aid mituro are .ilwiiys must elfeet i.;!. Cliauilierliuu's C'ontfh Keinedy acts on thix pluii. It allays the cough, lelievcs tho Uiiit,'s, aiiis especturation, niieiis the secretions, and ai I" nature in restoring the sy.stem to a healthy condition. Sold byW. E. Kichaidsou. JIRew^rdj9f$IO. Will he given to the per.son furnishing information that will had to the ctmvic- tion of the person, or persons, who took lumber (Iti and 18 ft. Hemlock .loists) trom Koekvale Mill during the night of Sumlay tho 17ili. This reward is ahso i;ood for all future thefts. AllMSTtto.vti Hko.s, MarkJale. Trade Marks Desigijs popyrights &c. Anrono snnilInK a sltel^ti and rto.icrij'tltm msj qnlekly aaeortrihi our ojihiiou freo wtipdipr ai iiivi'nlloii IH pnibaliljr patent Able, fommunli-n- tlniLsfiirlctlyci^iUdoiitlrvl. Hiutilbonkon Pf.u>nl« lunr rron. (.il'Iest atfiniey for ^ecurtiiK pulrnti. I»;iteiiri taUcn thi'ou;;h Munn .ifc Co. rccutvG 9ytfial unticr, witlu,ut ch.irge, In the Scientific Jlitterlcdn. A !inn'1.ioTncIy lUuBt.rntrd wpokly. l,nTt:e5t cir* cirhiMon r.r any fi'^'luntltio juunuU. 'rornis, %Z a roar: fnur nmutUs, |L HolUbyuM nowHrloalcit. IV!UNN&Co.3«"''«'"'«»' New York Ursiicb OIHoo. ett k' St.. WssbVouiun D '' Scbool Children's Eyes Supply TMr got it from Eugenia, for I uiiderntaiul that Owen Sound will take all that can bo generutod at Eugenia which will, no doubt, go by Vaniloiour, it being much nearer Dwon Hound that way. t)na mote caau of another Flesherton business man, who should have bet'ii duing all he cuultl to modernize our village, hut always op poaing any impruvemont. This gentle- man, when tliu electric light plant was being put in, said ho did not believe there Would ho any lighis, and after tho poles and wiris were up and strung it must have been a revelation to him whoii the liglits did really ouiiic. -T. \V. VViUon. 7 /^/V>/^/^/#./Â¥\ f,/ ^K^^^^R^^^^^T^^^kJ^^^^K T ^ T. Long and Bru's. genertl store at CoUingwnod wss damaged bytirelothe extent of $60,000 on Wednesday morning uf Uit ^reek, Ijo*4 00Y»red by ii)8i)ri\i\oe,, Defective eyes stunt the mind Can you expect fair progress in school or success in business if so handicapped ? Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department. W. A. Armstrortiti • CWIiLi'" ^N0 QPTlCtA^ FLESHERTON. r BOYD, HICKLING & CO, FLESHE^fN, i^NT. ! Fall Millinery Opening Wednesday arid Thursday September 27th and 28th. 'jL, 111 e are pleased to announce the Opening of our 3 H^ *â-  Kail Display of Trimmed Millinery, Eeady-to- vj wear Hats antl novelties and cordially request your ^ attendance and inspection. Ladies Fall . . . Jackets . . yie have just opened ont an „^â€" ' elegant selection cf Ladies Cloth Jackets, as well as some stylish coats for Misses and Children. Every gar- ment is perfect in fit and appearance, correct in style and properly tiilored and finished. Ladies,' Cloth Jackets from $5. to $15. Misses' Cloth Jackets from $2.7J5 to $ 4.50 Children's Coats -- imn $±00 to $ 2.75 Sample Waists Underpriced 60 Shirt Waistsâ€" a range of Travellers New Fall Samples bought and ofifered at a Special Discountâ€" no two alikeâ€" all popular fabtics, including silk, velvet, sateen, hislic, mohair and flannelette. Colors include black, navy, reseda, brown and all the new fall colors now iu demand. Svery waist in perfect condition. One Third Less Than Bogular Prices. New Dress Goods New Waislins^s New Underwear New Footwear New Suitings New Neckwear New Headwear New Raincoats New Clothing New Overcoats New Wrapperettes New Skirts * t t*^ i i W^ Special Exhibition of New Styles in Furs on Fair !!; -JDays. \I^>«,/ va/s«/v <'vft/\as«,'\»/sm.>v«/M \m^\m^\m^ / \«^ \a^ v>/ vi/ v/ va^ v«y v.. v«/ v. C KARSTEBT'S korner. Plain Talk to the Public. jboose your winter furs, when ^took is CDtnpJ»t«'^ r choice than you -will possibly have later oq. -^ e stock of these goods at rare prices. Look at This ia tho time of ye and yon cau get » mucU^ I have just put id an irn these figures, for instance : Men's Astruchan coats for $10; far lined coats, 915; Coon from $10 to $50; Calf coats, $25 to $80; Do(iSk\us $22, Ladies' .\8trachan8, $lJfto $35; Alaska seal, sable trimmed, $50; Alaska seal, pWm, (it^^^lailtterfrom U 50 to $10.60. .1 niijIUliery Opening ^yednesctay and Thur^ay, September a? and a8. When at the fall fair give us a call. Miss Swayze is in charge, F,Q', Karstedt, Fle^herton.

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