Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Sep 1905, p. 5

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.. T it E FLfiSliERTON ADVANCE SkPI EMBER 28 19i,5 «*>.. i i t « t I HITS' 61 OF CANADA capital - - 6,000,000 Reserve - - 3,473,197 Markdale Branch Farmers business giver special attention tilher as SAVIN'SS BANK. DEPOSIT- ORS or LORROWERS. FARMERS SALE NOTES. Brinz year sale notes to \xi FUR COLL- ECTION. We keep them safe, notify makers before maturity and plnce Hmounts tu your credit, as they are paid, for a very siimll charge per note. We nho CASH SALE NOTES at l.west current rfita of interest. BLANK FORMS FOR SALE NOTES nmy be «btaiiiid at this office FREE OF CHAtvGE. It is Important that notes should be drawn oar in «orrect legal f.irui. A. RflacPherson, M'g'r. Characteristics of The Past Week Carefully Culled for the Curl us. . Fresh lime always on hand. J. H, Duckett, Eugenia. Dr. Ernest Armstrong spent Sunday and Monday with Owen Sound friends. For Uanlwood Floorinas go to R. P. Legate & Co., Ccyl «12 per M and up. 100,000 feet in s'.ock. Mrs. \V. VV. Trimble is visiting her mother in Detroit. Forsaleâ€" Good workii.2 horse. Apply to W. J. Caswoll, Durham Corners. Osprey fall fair at Feycrsham, Thurs- day and Friday of next week. Cream separator for sale at a baro^inâ€" nearly new. Would take $30. Apply to A. Bates, 931 Quoen St., Toronto. Mr. R Thompson, jeweller, of Powas- tan, is holidaying wif.h relatives here. For No. 1 Spruce Si('ing go to R. V. Legate & Co. Ceylonâ€" 20,000 ft. in stock. Jlr. Will ThnmpsoD.Stouffville, is visit- ing liis inothci- here. For No. 1 Spruce Flooring go to R. P. Legate & Co., Ceylon â€" 15,000 ft. in stock Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mills and babe, of St. Vincent, visited Mr. and Mrs. Thurston on Sunday. Don't forget to see A. M. Thurston's Souvenir Postal Cards whiU in Flfsher- tou on Fair Day, Thursday. \ Potato rot is pretty bad in this section this fall. We have heard of one field thit WAS not worth digging. Any person wishing inscriptions cut on monuments should drop a card to J. A. Cliialelt, Swiitlou I'ark P.O. Mrs. tlugh Bannett of Toronto was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Buut • for a few days this week. For Sile- One cow, giving milk, two cook stoves and a folding cot. Apply to Mis. Fetch, Flesberton. Miss Fawcett and Miss Ella Karstedt returned la.st week after viniiing frier.ds in Ueathcote and CoUingwood. The shawl advertised in last week's issue, as lost, has been recovered. Attain score tor The Advance as an advertising medium. Mrs, (Dr.) Carter returned on Wed- nesday afior spending a month with friends iu Toronto, Niagara Falls and Woodstock. Mr. £di;ar Bellamy is elected del«gate to attend the Toronto Conferenco Cou- ventiou of the Epworth League, to be held in Ortuigevill^ Oct. 12 and 13. Strayed â€" From Fleshertoa, about Sept. 15, one red ronn heifer, rising two years. Informiitioii as to her wherea- bouts will be thankfully received. A . S. Vandusen. Rev. J. B. Sponoe, of Toronto, will preach in the Presbyterian church on Sunday aflurnoi>n next and the Method- ist church in the evening. Will any person who knows the where- abouts of one of the township wheel tcrapers please inform the teeve as to f ))8fe i^ Qia^ be fomid, A card received by Postmaster Sproule from his son Free, who is at present trav- elling in Europe, states that ha will suit for home on Oct. 6, When writing he was in Switzeiland and had visited France and Germany. Mink For lostâ€" between Arch. Cairns corner and Vandeleur, ou Sunday after- noon last. Finder please leave at this uiSuo. Rev. W. H. Cline, of Owen Sound, called on the Advsnco last Wednesday. TU? rev. gentleuian is at (ireseni in t.cni» peraiice work under th» Dominion Alli- ance, alj^ has beeu holding uict-aings throughout the coumy. Rev. Dr. CaldnvU exchanged pulpits with Rev. Mr Wallace, of Hoininga JJil s, on Sunday las;. The Horuing's Mill's pastor pruiched two most excellent sxr- mons here. The people of the hill and water village down simth are fortunate in possessing so talunted a pastor as Mr. Wallace. Mrs. Willett reopens her dresamaliing ostablishaient on Sep''. 25 at her resi- dence. M-idaui F. Smith of Montreal, who IS very highly recommended and most thoroughly competent, in charge. Ladies wishing Urst class work are invited to reserve time. A telegram was received here on Tues- day announcing the death of Mr. Duncan Stewart of Depot Harbor. No partic- ulars are to hand. Mr. Stewart removed from here some ten or twelve years ago and was employed on the Canada Atlan- tic railway. He leaves a wife and grown up fiiiuily. Artemesia fall fair takes place at Price- ville on Thursday and Friday of next week. The Artemesia fair is a growing youngster that will soon reach a man's estate. A good time in assured this year, as the directors are offaring something special in the way of amusement. See bills for particulars. Owing to the large number of married people who, after getting divorces iu the United States, cross over to Cana.la to be united in wedlock, the General Synod of the Anglican Church, which met at Que- bec, has decided that no marriaces be- tween persons who have previously been divorced will be solemnized in their Church in Causda. EUlie, the 12-year old son 'lif Mr. Janie'* Stiiison of the Toronto Iine,had an unp eiisant experience while driving out â-  )f town on Thursday evening last, in a cart. The atiinial, a spirited beast, got beyond bis control, and in descending a hill collided with a bugcy driven by Mr. L»f»\ otte Badgerow. The wheel of the cart caught on the inside of tho buggy wheels and threw the cart over, landing Eddie in the ditch. Both buggy and cart were dam.iged but no one was ser- iously injured. Priceville and Flesherton lootball clubs played a match on the Agricultural grounds here Friday evening last. There were some discordant notes struck during the game, and some of tho young men are credited witli rather rough conduct. The score stood 1 to in f.nvor of Price- ville. Mr. Peter McArtlmr of Pricoville was an impartial and satisfactory referee. Tho Owen Sound papers say a syndi- cate of temporence men have purchased the Queen's hntoland Seldmi House there with a view to running them on temper- ance hues. The company has a capital stock of S75,000, with 1500 shares of SiiO each. As the Sun understaiuls it, tho purpose (.>f the ccmpiiny is not only to cut off two hotel licenses, but to demonstrate that a hotel property can be pnifitably conducted without a bar. Tho well known argument of hotel keepers that "a temperance hotel won't pay" is to be put to a test. As a matter of fact tho so called temperance hotels about the country are itot the most desirablo class, it often being the case that a hotelkeeper with accouKdstion not sufficient, to bold a license, runs his one horse property as a temperance hotel, and makes a puuc showing. On the other hand temperance houf-es run properly have bean profitable. It is the intention of the new company to conduct their hotels on strictly Krst class lines. > n ei I * Convention Call At a recent meeting of the Executive ot Centre Qrey Prohibition Alliance it was decided to hold a convention in Flesherton on Monday, Oct. 2, 1905. A session will be held in the town hall at 2 p.m. for the transaction of import- ant businessâ€" electing of officers and per- fecting the organization. At 7.30 a maas meeting will bo held in the Presbyterian church. Rev. B. J. 8pence of T'>ronto, I) •f|»«neiice4 or^ai)izer and 4 y»tj powerful placfiirin speaker, will be present for the day. In uiew nf the agi lation for local option legislation it is very necessary that these should be a large and represRotative attendance at the convention. Every church, every christian org-iniziition, every temperance society, is earnestly requested to send as many delegates as possible, and every friend of probibtiion is invited to attend. Held Up by a Highwayman Fred Graham, sou of Mr. George Graham of the Valley, was held up by a bold highwayman on Saturday night week, while ou his way home from Fimberley. The young man had deliv- ered two loads of lumber that ti.iy, for which he had be n paid. After making some small purchiists he put the balnnce of the roll in his boot for safe (iarria;;e. This be did because ho had seen a sus- picious character earlier in tho day in a piece of bush opposite John Weber's, and thought it best to carry his money in a safe place. Subse<iueat events proved the wisdom of this precaution. It was quite dark when he entered this piece of bush and he had not gone far when he was commanded to stop and a pistol placed at his head. Graham was jerked off the wagon and all his pockets rifled while the gun was still held at hi» head. The highwayman did not succend in finding anything of value and after making what he thought was * thorough search, let the young man pioceed on his homeward journey, and disappeared. Graham carries a good watch, but as it had a broken crystil he left it at home on that particular day. The highwayman only spoke a couple of times during the operation, and it is supposed he is a stranger ua suspicious characters had been seen around. Graham can give no description of his aasailaob other than that he was a tall man and wore a fuzzy overcoat. This fact was accidentally learned by his hand touching the coat. Young Gmham got off more fortunately than most people who are held up. Ha kept his nerve until be got home, a couple of miles away (which, by the way did not take him lon^), and then he is said to have collapsed. As he is only about 18 yoar-s of age ho succeeded re- markably well iu cuming through tho ordeal as he d^ii, unscathed and without losing the wad which he so lhe«wlitfiilly hid away in bis boot. (of Canada) Has opened a branch office in Flesher- ton, where a general banking business will bo transacted.. Money available for lej?ilim'«te business enterprises. DRAFTS BOUGHT AND SOLD on all points it Canada and the United States. Interest allowed on dep.isits of Sl.OO and upwards compounded, half yearly. G, IVIitoliell Agent. Groceries FLOUR FEED -AT- W right's Came Astray. Two ewes with lambs oam« to mv preniisos. There were three ewes but doKS killetl one. Owner Itinilly prove property, pay uxpeusos aucl take the same away. J. J. THOMPSON. Fleshertou.Sept. 13, lOOS. Farm for Sale. Fifty acres ou tho oast back Uuo, Avtemopift â€" lot 153â€" all niidor cwltivntion but oight acrt>9 of cedar swauip. W-ell fencofl, woll watored, frnnio bouse and barn, good orchiud. A snap. Api'ly to W. A. ArmstrouK, FIoBhoitou, or R. McGrutber, Markdale. Farm For Sale. The South half of lot 4, con. 3, tOM EupbraBiA, coutaialnslKO acres, )uit dwtllini;. trftue bank barn. Tonus reasouable. J)"Dr htrther partioulara apply to W. U ' BanHer Markdal., or to Jomph MaL» ^, Uadjif jt 4t«>>u«, Bar tilty, Mich, STOCK STRAXED From the premises of the undersigned, lot 31, con. 9, Arteroesia, 4 calvesâ€" 1 white, 2 red, 1 red and white- 3 steers and 1 heifer. Strayed away aount Sept. 15. D. McDonald, Eufjenia P. 0. Tamworths and Berkshtres* I have for sale a few ohoice young plKS of both tre«lB at right prioes. Wiite for what you want or oome and see tbem' Maxwell P. O. Geo. W. Boss. A Plain Tale From The Mills. ^'^ We have juat received our second consignment of White Pine from the jt ^.( North Shore and our stock is now complete iu every way. We are in a posi- r^ tion n supply all ymir wants in the line of Sash, Doors, Flooring, Siding, Moulding, Scroll Work and Turning 1^^ Planing $ matebing done on shortest notic K^ Give us the order for that verandah; wo cau suit you to a T. Chopping: - Mondays - Only Terms: Cash. Flesherton Planing Mills. m Prices Reasonable. (Zlayton's We ^ Is the place to buy your Fall Boots and Shoes. "''^ .^ j^ make them out of the best material to be ha<l and ^ workmanship goo<i K We bave always a good stock of factory boots 3^ bought from reliable makers, Ladies, Meu"s and Child- It^ ren's. If you want satisfaction as to quality and price ^ call xnd see us. Also Trunks, Telescopes. Shoe ^ polish, black and tan. 'â-  -.' |!? Custom work and repairing promptly attended to. ^^^m<^^^^>^0^<!^0^^0^^ cue are in Business FOR YOUR HEALTH, ,^7^ MEDICAL HALL FLBSHERTON The Expert Pill Hixers ^B f For Your stock ^ Herbageuin, International Stock Food, Columbian Regulator. *^ ^ Tick Destroyer for the sheep. 4# For Yourself ^i ^ Patent Medicines â€" all th« popular makes. Pipes and tobacco- ^ I For Your Wife I ^ spices for cooking â€" Allspice, Cinnamon, Mixed spices, etc. ^ ^ Perfumes, CorticellaSilk. ^ S i For Your Baby f ^ Soothing Sv'U)i, Sucking Bottles, and Teething Rings. 2 Richardson & Son m DRUOOISTS ,^! S Flesherton » • Ontario ^%ii^m^'€^^'^M^^%^m^'M'^^^^^%'^w - ^

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