Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Sep 1905, p. 8

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*• > •SkftemberSS 1905 The Markets rurcfullY Correrted Each Wock THE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE ()«tN Pew :*rl.'y Butu-r. .,..,,. VktfiVana . . :. . â-  Geeio. • • â- '••• •' H«y. . it :."•'• IVtiitous b«e . . Wheat ./'«• 2H 05 â-º.o 45 to 18 U. 18 U) Oto Oto Oto to 40 to 70 to A.uet:s I â€" ij^ â€" i^ » f iiiiWii ' i ' . i j iiw T i< f ,....-.. J, /^ARTIST;:- ; M»J^*^; 4%icEslrfv •-â-  i>:^-^ WALL PAPERS I Tlio largest stock in the town- ship, of iJEsr Qi A^TY and LO\v"icsT i'iiiri:s, fi'oni IJc. per ,}ioublc roll up to wOe. On exhibition by C. E. Tryon, The pRAcncL paintrr & paper HAyuEK. SAMPLP^S ON AITIJCATIOS. Priceville - - - Ontario. Impure blood alwaye shows somewhere. If theskhi, then boils, pimples, rashes. If the nerves, then neuralgia, nsrv- ousaess, depression. If the Sarsaparilla stomach, then dyspepsia, biliousness, loss of appetite. Your doctor knows the remedy, used for 60 years. " Retnrnlnc; frnm the Cuban war, I wm » f>erf^ot wrecV. Mr Mood was bad, and my leAltb wat Konr. Put a f«w bottira of Arera bariaparllla conutleteljr cured ma." 11. C. UoxuLXB, Scrantoo, Fa, (loaa bottlo. All drnpglBf . â€" for .own II A-niB CO., Ma««. Impure Blood An Oid'Time Burial. The Alviomn Conservalor givis the^c- countiof a tna] which took placn in the Ti)v;iiship of ArlhuV, Oouiity (if Weill iij- t(/n, many yoain aijo, Tl>«. Tuwnsliip of Normandy, CViunly of Grey, BfljoiiiS* Arthur iu iho unrlh. A ceiiicrery in the tii.n tg f^n nri hi<Z'>iio JPleshertoML TQiviiabip of Arthur bid bi>ei( b|>. hud homo t<jn years before, the people itr boih lownwhipa taking ph)ta, ,but there wi » o ily a few wlio had paid, and the wanfins if the chnrch decided that no more lur- i(Ai were to bo made until those }»>rtifs caiihed up. Au old lady -in Jl.)nnaiiby, died, but when her friends ir^iit i>> iK|{ the RraTe they were rffu8f;d adinittniicui 0"ufb.s artd -irT until ihey p.>id up. Those were *lie 3"'" '•"""'*; *^'' Aitliur Township' people. The NorniiUiliy penplo hoard thi* and they wore very ii.diksnant. ' 'tlie news npre:vd rapidly over that -jomrtty and the futieial was the largost lliatH>''d ever biinneen'in tba section for y^.ua. Tluj Arthur people sent woid for tli(>.ie infer- os' ud not to come thero wiili tlio corpse iflho debt wan not pai4. Tile N'ormunl y ] pu.iple decided they would yo tliff.) rtod Aid the Sarsaparilla by keeping the ! '"iry ili'c corijso ami that they woiija imt bowels regular Mth Ayer 8 Pills, l pay 'he d'ellt. ' f , \V. H, Ryan, a J. P., kunw« tit the 'â- Kin^j; of Nonii^iWby" beaded the process- ion, lie was j» hiu", burly Iri.thinari." He beaded tli.) piuce-sRiiio wiihan Ifish Idack thorn stick iii his hand. ^ Tlie iiidia|ia}Lou was threat. When tlu-y arrived iit jJie ceiiio;ory they foutu^ii crowd iivthe otnij^r side who were not so lary^in iimitbcrs, . but were as equally deterniineil iu tu opposite direction., "'. ".• When the No^>n#jiby people ^sked Jaf the yato to be opened tHey wero" refused and one of the wiu|don» t()ld thtni what, Iho coi)g«quence» 'w»(uW be if- tiujy at-' Uniptad to tre»p!t«^ • iyy.**. '"''^ '^'"' wardenTlffy "would phint the o»>rpsc anil gave hira,lon minutes to open the pate. .The gale divt not -open. TImjsc tnaide were-arihed with Kticks. Ttyan who had previously- hiuV «ome' mili'.Ary trui;iii>^, ornapized liis forces and headtJd the crowd flfilh a niotl))r;(lely sizt'd fence, rad, and tlieu Skoiftetl in hia et).Milnr)An vidce : "Mun of Normanly, forward I" Tli*y cluari'd the fci»ce at the fij-st daoh They mowed a road through the cniwd, furmed a ciido, _'y" ihuiirftve, said llic •hi.Ht aad riie.s.iind nlbid up tbo RraTe. Then l2i'9n,'wiih tha rail on his shoulder sliotiWtl :"Nornmnbj.', fall in ; Normanby march," and the. funeral VM uver.â€" • Fariue^s' .Sun. : . â-  • ^ .:-= V' .1» < â-  â-  ^ A Loudoo inRurnnce sgoot reoi-'M! a chc«k for S5,0C<rfroin a ineri-4iaDt, who expluilied thar hi.i Ifss by fiie was iioh so imich. The company returned the honest merchant S1,50(J with tlianks. .â- tlirow lied lei nes To tlie Dogs AAt'bi'st tUoy are nnpleaamt, often uno- l^<<.s. Yoi) have soiuc di8fA<te'of the nose, thfi'tt or lunan. Ltqg'-.ci.-s woubl call it lirorfchitif, asthma or citarrh. The cum-, mon root of these diHen<os id nerm' ft microhic irritation â€" Catarrhozone in^U, on'y dej'roys disease si^rm.s. it does it Lcals di^-aaed an' The .dla^r i»4U)t or. (PRONOUNUO Sl'-KCCN> Positively Tlio largest and best Btock of furiiitnie ever sUowo- in Flenhcr- ton. Thi.i wilhiint fear of conYra- diction. Coiiie and see sumo of the nice things in Sideboards •'.â-  :-'*^' ;, DinirigRooit\ Chairs Parlor Setts Bed Roorq Setts A special reduction just^now on everyljiin),'' in order '\f>' reduce the atoeft. Good hor»o">--n(>w ri^;-i drivers -HtLenlivo G. W. Hacking Local Agents Wanted At once for "(/'anLda's (irpaie<t Nureer- ies" for the town of KI.KSIIKKTON and siirroundiiis eouniry, which will be rcaor- ved f.>r tin- riylit man. START NOW at the best I'ulUnn senson, and handle our new specialties on lib- oral ti-rm^. Write for pariioularn and send 23c. for our Ai^ndsomu afti ninuin pocket iiiicii HCopiJ, (a liillo u'ein) useful I o ; Farii ers, iti uxamininv! aooila aiiN i.;riiiiis; Orchard- ists, in ox«miniii({ tiers Fin insei-.lH; Toaob- cra and seludara in Htndyiii',' Iloianj, and everybody in a hundred ddferont ways. Stone & Wellington (OVKll 800 AtMlBS) Toronto rf< • - Ontario W. H. FlesberlDa - Out. BUNT. ro eo^ J Business Cards '. •â-  '-.â- . y^ «jr't:uLi,oua»i St yoitno " '• . • <U lUnhiir MaakiUlo Juft K<>>i«r"l liiiiiliiiij; l""*i"6'"- MnueyJoaiso a r<-UHi)l)ablt.' ratti Call on U8. . •r^, . . â- â-  - ew r -. I'o.^tniafltor, Flesiiorton ,yrtriinil3Hlonnr iti TI.C. J., .Vuctlnnoor. Coa vi'3'aiicor, ApprrtlBiT ami M(ni0f l.ouiUir Ktial I'Utate ami liisiiraiicn AKOiit. iKiiiile U'.DitRnftsn, l«a«iw aii-l willa carofiilly ilranil up aiM valuations niBilo on plinrtn.Ht nntlce. money to tiian at lowest rateK of liit#rr:;t. V**^ •lotiiiin attiindiil lo witli promt<t>i*f» cliardcH low, AKont lor Orean Douiiuion Hiaaiimhip CoOTpany. A call sulUiited. . « SpCIKTlES OWKM SOUMP. riNT.KKin. lloipnuafnr th" Kail Tnrni, PrM.iy, Sept tat lOJi for tliu oltRinnatloa of nI.|.I«iiI«. iMaaa • H bcKln Mon.lay, Hiipf. 4..li, iaj"i, fc'oiir fiillv oiiuljipfil itiipartniontfl. im.SIM^SH (â- (liillHl-; for tlioKo who nlHli to lio'.-nino fit'okkuiiptiri*, lltiitinuHH nioti anil uutiT iiuiirHtititn lifH. Hit )llTll\NI),t I'Vl-HVVUITINtKinllUHP. for tliom! wl.ii uinli (o Ih.rntnii itiiiu>i.'ra|*lii>rH. TI-:l,l;(m\rilV CiXIU.-il.: f„r llmh.. who Wiall tn lixriiiii < 'I'l'li vrapli (Ipiirntorii. I'lltJPAUVIOHY 'U/IJIISL; for lIlOBn nlin »ro far li»i-k In tliiili- ni'nnalliin a'-il who wlali to iinprovi) hi c •innion kcIiooI atibJuotH. Nioio t,>i> far liack for tlila oournn. Wrltt! for our tifiw lllimtratflil aniiounoii- ^ Iniiriial nli'iffinf; i>tir varlitiiH ditpavt- >â- ' - k: fl l» free. Ail.lri>««: - l'..\. l-'liilii- Itril t .v. Ill Hoiinil. AO U M' moeta on tlio lant ^lonrtay in (!a.^ii ninntli, in tlnor loiiRo room. Clirtrttoo'a lilo(!li. Klpi-liertoii.HlB |i.lii. M.W., \. HarriHon ; Ilreouler. .las. ielnH^Kil ; Flnan- ulor, W.J. Ilol.aniy. VisllhiK lirotbren iLvltdil. PUINCU AIITHUU IjODOR, No. M.ia.AV.A A M, influtit 111 tlia MnRonIc ball. Strain's Mook, KliiHiuaton, uvory Krnlav on or before tlin lull iiiiH-ii. .Joliii WrlKlit, W M.; I). N. lllchar aon. Hmi-otary. COlinj lajMSHFKTnN, (105. I. 0. F. n-.iotsln (Ihilntoo'n lUopli lli« taut l*"ri(IaviiTnninj( of oacll mouth. VlnitliiR l-'oii^iitiiia liearllly wMoomo. ('.. U.. J.CornftoH; It.C. W. llimkiii; Kill. Si-i- , II. A. WlU.tt. I'luami jiav iliiPH toH. .». Wll'iitt on or liotore tlio laat flay ot ijio iir<io««iHn« roonlh.-V' CIIOHRW FIWRNIIS-Flei-lii'rtnn foiinnll of (MioHi'li Fiiiiii'lH ui»iot» In (:la>toli*K hall flrnt onil tlilnl Wiirlnonlav of ohclCniontli; H p. in. Pay aRHKiHiiionta to iho Hii>-oril.'r on or buforo tee nritt ilavot (laoli iiioiitli. Klyuf •qnjiiijllor, T. Itlakoley; K»eorilor, W. IT. lu»ji>. j- Ifyon, your frifftjJs or relatives tufferwith Fits, Epilepsy, €t. Titus' Dacce, or Falling SiAnciS, write for a trial botlli; and valuable treatise offsuchdiseascltoTfiE Lr.iBia Co,, 179 I'^in." Street, W. , Toronto, Canada. All druggists sell or can obtain fur yoa ' LEIBIG'SFITCURE The Advance WEEKLY IMONTREAL HERAIH • ND TMl ,4~^' W-^re forinhate In I ring able lo gl»« oui i.adrria fne cTnb- bint: proposition: two |.ap<:t., for 5I.0O, or at ^bcul the price of one. 1 a e Montref) Herald Is the iirent macazine- ufwspnjKtâ€" lull lo th«- ••rini wilb the best of u, , leading foi the home: i^lclioii in an-e nuautily: ' the^ Newu of ih, Woild in aurtinittrlxed loitii pA((eafor l* ^â- ^meI and itii Ihe HotisrwiCr : SubHhv reading 'A-curalr Market Kejwitj: one coR'^Me si< iv each: wecl^. jtitl iht pnjiet to to with yout kxal paper. THIS BOY CURED Mr*. A« (>• risH^r** feacent Statements Kovcmber, 1903* my ioo Lauren, waj tal:cn tlotra with PncumjBM. T wo physici-Tin io town attended bim. lie lay ioT three moatbtf atiroBt lih? a dc»d cbtld* His I'jngs Bo- came so swcHtm th^C his heart »»â- * prened oyer to the right aide. Al^o^har I think wc pa'4l$i40 t'> the dixrtcus, and all the time he was ^Jt- tiogr vone. W'c cocuncRccJ the Or. Slocum uvat* mcnt. The effoct was wonderful. Wc saw % diflcreace in two dayfc Our boy is well and sUoo^ now and able to enjoy life \o ihe full, and haa cot tafccn a dr^>p of medicioe since that time. MRS. A. OJaSMCR, M«iwm«rlt«t. On«. PSYCH '* . â€" - (Pranounced Si-kaco' Foe tale at all druf ttores. If itK< happens thai yourdru^ffiat liman't Psychine in atock. order direct. o* write for a free sample to Dr. T. A. SUviun, LimittJ, 179 Ktoe atnet west, Torooto, Canada. •1.00 Per Bottle. â-¼T liIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The pla.!p to ({et the best Photos i« «i lUiLMKRS rUOTOOUAPII UALLRltY. 6»>nCIAL ATTENTION Wh pay Hpecial Attenllmttn CopyinR anrl Itablea' pieturun. H.-turo fram- ing a Hpeoialiy. Try UH for any kind of pIcturM and wa will proiuiticaAtiHracliun. Mrs BULMKR Fj lenham atroet, Flcahcrton Du CAiiTnn M r A S Out. I'byalelM. Kmrfjeon, «ito OIlK'rt aiii^ rot.iiloiii:eâ€" l'«ter ait., Flfnluu-toii ^ . - - jt DU A.T. HfiND (li-Mlniili Toronto Ciilvoraltv. MiiiH. bur of Ontario Colli'^^o oj Phvalclinna, and Snr- CociiiK. Maxwell. On*. Siieoaafior to \>x. floott. T V O'l'TF.WKl.Ii ' Viitorlnary RnrKaon Oradiiato of Ontario Volorlnary rollana. riHidonco â€" Hjtioml don- Mouth wowt on Mnrv Hiruut. Tliitt atreoh rona aoiitli ('niHbvtoi-lnii ('liiiroh. * , . Y5»u ArcAiHiiif. Not qnite »lck, but vibbeil.of anibtlioi] til .yoi'kf'Uiid it h>tr<V to t^h^ . i>Ieail>' Not ill eii.'Ui:h to think of dytn);, but bid enough for life to ho jna'ty ..dull. " There is a remedy â€" Kerco;<«iiie -that ipiiekly lt(is thar half d»ad foelinvt. Gmcious, but Verronoiie makrs you feel., ei-od; it slia'rpips the dnllft.st iippetite, makea it as k'feii as a raxur. HI. oil? Fen ozone makes lots of it, the rich nouffihiiiK ki-ul tkut vit-al-z.-s the ahulo-bitly. You'll ho wonderfully quickened; immen«ely sirengthoiitfd, fnl fiei^j-l^ And vigor HIS after using Kerrozone. Buoyant healtli, surplus viijir ami roserve eiiei j;y all eonie from this great roilor- •»tivo.-.li'ifiy centajniyffa __bor. pf fifty tableti) at all dejjors. â€" : < ^ • I I â€" -* Among , -the .cffrio^itie* on »he show (troifiidHat thoGtiulptt Central Kihibiiion was a Colt;, two months old, exhibited by McK-ils. l)S^^and Torner,Ur.>i)d Vallef. tl has ihrcfl j;\wa and tivii tonguAS. It, siieiiis hlJaUliy and lik'^fy to live ; ^ feed: f.iii-ly'wjeM.-Stir'" J.nfies Keith, ol. Oran.l Vally.v, cX- lieBiiso conniuHMonor for D^flVrfiT^diud recently ff in heait Iroubjji Ujixjasod WHS ill his Ti'i'd year and was one of the ii'io^l pfoiuiueiit.oitizijns rif Ora\id Valley ai>U was hii-tily Oileemed by alb Tlie 0. r. U. have decidetl to build ».1,()0l>,000 worth of neW ours •t* llw '4asu8 i^iops «t i'uiiit St. Chai lea. . r A Remedy Without a Peer* ' "I lind fhamta-tlaiiiii Stomach a»4 I.ivi-r Talilet» uioi* liuni-licial than any othonrcniutly 1 ever \i«e,l for utouiach troiiUe," nays .T. 1' Kliiti-, of Kclimi, Mo. For any iltaoi-der of Jho i-toinaeh, â- bilioiii'nPita or coUHtiiMxifoii, tho-ie Taliletn are without a iiear. For wile l^j- W. ^,. Uiehardaun. , _ • , '{it -. Vx ;.,» s = (Uagoiis _If you are tlunkint; of fbuyinun tine buggy, wa(;oa or , democrat, it will siM"^Jy..pit-y you 1. 1 call and iuvesii-inte our stock, term.*, ure.,, liefure making your punbiist>. Wo have a staff of esfierl 'Wiirkt^ien and. can i{uarante» tliat yuu will be s.itiahel . â€" - â€" ALWAYS^ ON HAND _ _ -, IBIcycle - Suxx<ix>iGS â€" â€" .•\NUKEFArUlNGi OF ALL KINDS â€" â€" J. A. HEARD, - FLESHERTON, 13. McXAVISH H. WII.flON. 11liirt("iiiUh liiiiluiitii of tlio Vutorlnary Ruinncti AHfincIattitii. Itiihl'iniicn, l>nrl)iiii) itiiiitt, oji- putiitu lloytl, HiPkliiiK'H hunlwariv Lecal LUCAS WniGIIT A McAItDT-R Hai-ilatiira flolloltorn ('uiivo^aaoern, etc OIHokkâ€" Owuu Hoiin-I.Onl ainl MarkdaloClnt W II WiiiciMT, MiiABiii.K I 11 l,i-r*» N II-'Flnilierton ofHoe, MUebell'i Hank •Tory ,8aturtlay, Dentistry Dr. R. r. MURRAY r , 1\ R , ilantal anrReon honor uradiiata of Toronto ITnlverritT and lloval Colleijiiof Dental Hurndonii of Ontario. OOlce at rualdenoo, iy>roBta atroot, FlMhertoB Dr. K F. ARMHTMnNO, T, t^.fl.,H*nor Ora-lu %f»nt Toronto ItnlrenUy and Rota) (lol- I'l;* of l>itntalRnr|trona n' Ontario. (^Ipoaltc klra. Ilnl-nar't Photopraph nallaiy. WlO •lalt aXeiltrit an I tlilrd Tharad ajr Dioulb ooiniUDuoIng Ju|r ttl|. Victoria Corners > MiiiM Miiiiiiu Cbttendeu if -Tomiito is T'»itiiii; hi<» M'eud, Mrs. Frank Reiiiiiu, Mr. ai\d Mrrt Hofiper o^.\ho 9th lin», Artenieaia, visited-' iVlra. .W.'^ fiMrd last m fllSitlll Giifilil BUIlMfi For First Class Bugsjie.i, Carts, Vleasure and Lumber Wagons, culler.s, SlyKhs. We keep a stock on hand t« chooxe from. ALSO nOkSE SHOEINQ AND GENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and L'lisranieo Orsr class work. Wo keep oil haml Plouffhs and Plough reimim, and also Massey- Harris and Noxon repair* for himlers, MtiVvers, sll kinds of lAt .'hinery, also Hinder Twiuti on hand. ^meik VDhtn \n town dive us a calf « Thi-o.-hiii(; is o\>er in this vtathttr and farmers are doin|| their -fait ]>loui;hing. S <ino of nur yountf fello-va don't spein o know how to conduct thamaelvos. Let them take thla as a watWiif before any ."erioun damai;ft in ditne. ^ Li»t Tliuraday Mrs. Rennie and Mrs. Ji|n Srinson attended the funeral of Iho latter'* brother, Mr. John Field at Flwh* ertou. Miw Viola Konnie !• attending the wedding of her uncle, Mr, Jiunea Tucker, < f Oarletun idaoe, in the eapaoitjr of flower (rirl, ^ Mr. .Tamce Beat tatt od TueadM tu ., , , attend the funeral of hi. Wli«..„.Uw, I »C1Jl./'.%'l!rh'^*"i:i!^ 'A^J *" ***'*' puDoan Btewut, at Depot Hvbw. ><>t mI« by W, K. Klchardton. Vwi) reiiiark.-»lile lao irda uiatK- t)y the popuVar ;/p ELLIOTT lORiXrO. ONT. The a^^dMance nt the opcnhij; of Mtr Fall Ti*ri^%aH live tinifis as great aa that ofayearaso. l4wt month wo had ten tiinns IVH many cdls for Ht'>iio)rta|ihora, iHHikkei-is, etc., as we could ti.l. Th'a imdonlitedly denoted profcressiveavti^ and nhowa that this is the K'st college to i>at- rouize. Kilter now. ^fa);nitieent eav- alogue Ite^ W. ,1. KUiott, I'ria. Cor. Yonge 4 Alexander Htreet-i. I «5 Cured of Lame Back Alter Vear.sof S*ilferin£. I "Ihad iHH-n tnaiWel with lame back for Kfteaii ye,vra .'Hid I fmind » i-Minplote relief ia thiMUe of C'h»m)ierliuu'» I'ain I'.alm,'' says JolintS. Fisher, (iillaui, Iml. This lininiiiit Ih also witho-.it anetpial for si>miii,-i aud Uuisea. U ia Inr tale by W» K. Kich*rd*in. C«U5eOI ln«omniii. Indigestion niNtfly alwar* disturlw the sleeit niore nr leai and ia often tHfe cause of iaaoninia. merchant tailoring M Now In Hi|ivin(! just received a full line of ehoice samples of up to dale suitings, trou^-cirinss, cvercoatinaa, waieri roof and cravenotte viotals. Of over 600 dittVrent sample,'* to *lect from we are prepared to fill o«ier« at lowest poaeible prices. H, ALEXANDER i- « » 4|^

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