imm . G October 5 1905 r II E p L E S H E R r O > ADVANCE 'â- ».. mimma I F. T. HILL & CO. Direct Importations of New Fall Goods FROM THE wmiMii I master Eooms of €urope. Tirst Sbipments of Hew Goods being passed into Stocli tbis week. This weok wo aro p.a.ssing into stock many lines of New Fall Goods wbidi arc direct importation from some of the best manufacturers in Europe and the United Stiites. In going direct to the manfacturer we save all agent's commissions, traveller's expenses, etc, which mean better valuesfor our customers and exclusive styles for this store not to be f(nmd elsewhere and another step in the march of ])rogress which we have adopted to bring the maiuifacturers and the consumers as close together as possible, hence the reason we would ask you to compare our prices and up-to-date stvleswitb what you can find elsewhere. We can assure vou a look will be greatly t J your interest. WE SHALL BE PLEASED TO SEE YOU WHETIlEll YOU WISH TO PUJICHASE OR NOT. new mantles from 0er many Mosars. Maiiheimur nf Ubrlin, Gormmiy, aro repiiti'd tu bu tlio largi.'St uiarjufiicturorb of Liflios' Miintlea niij Cloaks in the world. Our showiii}^ in Ladii's' Mmi'loK art) the produciion <if this great titin. The styles are exclusive and the prices are such that we aro alilo to show a scliclion of styles exclusive to tliem selves nnd so moderately priced that they are within the ri>ach of all. These are plain fhets. It will pay you !o look our nisnt'e stock Ibrough. new Dress Goods from €n gland Anion-i our shipment of Uress (icoJ.i we are Hhowing some very fine qualities in Box Cloths nnd Broadcloths. The trend of fashion this seacoii is for plain clothes of a very fine finish heinn the correct style for ladies tailor- made Suits, This popular line will be found with lis in all the leadinj? shades, popularly priced i)cr y ird, from 50o to .91.50 Pretty Silk Waists in Cream and Black Silk Waists with the beauty touches of Paris fashion and not extravagantly priced as you will acrec â- when you sec them, uni>]ue in style, beautiful qualiiy, ?3.7o, 84.25 and $t.7.i. Silk Waists of fine .Japan Silk in Crtam, beautifully tinish-d with tine cilk guipure yoke and silk laro tiiinmings, all sizs 3.75 Black Taffetta Silk Waist*, pood wearing rjuality, made with latest sleeve and tucks, also tucked cufT.all sizes and special 4.^25 Fine Tenu ilo Sole Black Silk Waists. This is a very fine quality of heavy silk, lined throushout, very attraclixe in stylo, all sizis 4.75 i^mm MARKPALE WWfff^ U pulilishtd evory ThurwUy at $1.00 )«'.â- tjmtin if )>aid In udvnnce, iX.uQ if not so pai.l. PVII snliHorihiT laying ?1.00 strictly In • ilvunci (ftt the Montreal }Ici'ald one year (iw as a in'cniinni. I'einperance Couvcntion i li'l u:;i,Ttince convention htid in the â- h;ill on iMi inlny after noon w i-" iiliende'd liy about 150 ileleyntes from ail parts of the ridini.'. In aliseiico of th<! local president of the .Allimice, Itfv. Ivis- <f.\ W i'soii, Kev. Thorn :)C(:upied the i;hair A thorouph oigimfKition was coni|>le'eil valid .several rtHohiliona passed, ineliidiiii; one reiiuestini^ the ixeeutivo in eaoli nuiiiicipiliiy to |iroceed st once with a view to havih'j a local option vote taktn ihi()ti./hoiit Eakt Orry »t next iiuttiieipul • .\ liirgely attended meuuiif^ was held in the Presbyterian church in the iveiiini;, when the speakers were Dr. .VIoLiircn of HocUyii, llev. Uyiitioftliu Vame |ilace, Mr. I'iikell of M.-irkdalo ami 54ev. \i .Spenco of Toronto. .All the spoeclies were redolent of enilniHiasin, .irid thu <if Mr. Hponco wjis protmldy the iil'Ht I icinIvii, clear cut and ai::tlyiii'iil I jnip'M.iti.: ) id Jri'Si over listened to by a Fle^!||•rlon aiidionco. It was not of lliu harrnvmg ami horrify in|> variety but :i n'rnixht buainuHS proposition from bo^iii- iiiiit; tn end, showin'^ the ii.selessncss of fho bill I- mil anil the bonefitH to bo der- ived 1; Mil its oblierattion. Ho said litis I'l'Misliip had six open bar.i and that a full . limiitoHas S'.i8,000 s[>eMt ov. r theiic 1 aiif a- liipior each year. TIiIh, lio show..!. w.iH an utter to the country .n th. I- 1 <• as absolu'oly nothing to ahiw tor it At the clo-ne of the ir.eetiiis; a hearty vnt'- of thi'iks was accorded Mr. .Spene.- a:id iho people of Flesherton for 'lioir li.'«pitality. A cho r retnlered appro;n:;u.' music tliroil«hi)Ul thu eveiiiii',' '''!io re.iii!!. of this nn-otinK will no ibmbt become ajipiirent Ihruugliout thu riding ui the near (uture. Some Seasonable Advice. It may !.!• n pioca of imixifliuiwd udvicc to nvie |KMp!o at thtit iteiwon of the year to lay in at n'lpply 01 < 'liainlierlain'ii Oniitrh Ki'inedy.' It i< almoat iiiirc to la- iieeiled before whiter ia over and nitmh muruprniiiiit and satiiifactnry results jjr obt:V)ii I when taken an soon as » cold i-i I'ontraui.'d .UI I before it hax Iwcomo settled in thi' syat.:in, v.liich can only bedone liy keeping; the rwii'dy :il hand. 'I'his remedy irnto widely known and ro ttJto)(L'ther (^chmI that no one or enjoy half the pleasures of life. Pallid cheeks, sunk en eyes exhausted nerves, all tell of a terrible struggle to kcej) up. What tho weak woman needs is Fom- zoiie; it renews, restores and vi.alizes instantly â€" it's a "woman's remedy," â€" thu's why. Firro/.iiiio makes women strong, plump and healthful beeiuse it contains lots of iiiitrimeiit, t he kind tliat foinis niunele, siiii;w, I 010 and lervt.. Vitalizinsj blood courses throuf;htho body, making de- lightful color, liappy spirits, truewoiimn- ly streiif;tli. Fifty cents buys a box of Firrozoiie in any drugs'ore. should h>':i!lnle about btiyii t" any other. For lit btiyine it in prcf«reiice sale bv W. Â¥,. Kidiardson. Dates of Fall Fafrs. -i;{ i;j Diinilalk Oct. I?- CliBtswoilh Oct. 13 Rfliilant Womanhooil. Thopl iry and iHfisfaclion of hoautifiil woiiianlioo'l em he known only to liiow. poiksesaio!.' tin; unlimited advalilHUos i.f litfuJth, N . .irojik woman c;n bu happy Honor Rolls Ilopoitof S.S. No. 1, Euphrasi.! and Aitemesiu, foi September. Class IV^â€" Lilian Allen, Flossie Allen, Edward Lowe. Chiss III. Sr. - Kdward Smith. Class IIL Jr.-llazel Allen. II. Jr. â€" t.^hl Crozier, Howard Sinilh, Alice Allen, Elsie Mirtin. I't. II Jr.- Delia Si.iiih, Kobbio Allen, Cliiirley Tliompaon. I't. I Sr.â€" Annie Allen, Uuhy Fiiwcelt and Siiilie .Smart (iijual.) Average ,it tendance for Scptoinbor ,20. Hklkn It. UuRt), Teacher. Ituport of S. S. No. 4, Artemisia, for .•\u.;ust and September. .Ir. IV. â€" Ell.i Best, Johnny Bannon, Maud Stephen?. .Sr. 111. â€" Viola Kennio,Nutoii Bannon. Jr. UI.â€" Violo, Stephens, Ethel B.iii- min. Ell. Stin.ioii. Sr. II.â€" Kola Wyvillo, Haltio Letch, Sarah Ileid, .Maiigie ICoid. Jr. II. â€" Klino Stephens, Willie Brooks L'slie Brooks. Pi. II.â€" Ilirvey Brooks, Myrtle Wy- TiUe, Aiiin-r Brooks.. Class III Robert lieid, Lilli.ui Stin- •on, (leorye Leaclk, Marcus Heard, Miiia Heard. Class IL â€" Cteorniiia Bannon, Lily VVy- vil!e, Uiid, (iraeo Muir, Wiliie Leach, EllwooU Slephons. CUssl.-IU Nieholl, Waller NiolioU Willie Pulton, Joe Siinson.. AvctH>!oattoiuUmco for tho two ninnth;) 01. M. Thukston, Teacher, Dead Sick of Asthma? You couldn'r bo with stndi a d'siressiiiK mal'ily. Will, for one dollar â- pent iiBOatitrrho,x)ne you can be thor- ouxhly cured. Fiolish to delay, beoausi' aSllnm steadily grows worse. Get Cat arrhozono to-day and cure yuurself; ii's pleasant to use, vtry simple, and Kuaran teed. Prescribed by thousamls of doe tors aiitl used by ine people of nine nat- ions -Certainly Ciitarrhozone must be l{o(id;it hasn't failed yet, no matter how chrouio thu cast*. I Was Troubled for Two Years. IVterboro, Out. Au;<. 2:kd, 1!I05 D. A. Cameron vt Co. Dear Sirs, â€" 1b is now about three nionths sineo I wrote to you for two bott- les of your Bheumitic Cine, 1 am very pLased to be .liile to say that I um iroubUd no more with rheumatiMii I had tried nearly eveiythiug J. had henid 'f, and Some yood doiitors, previous to taking your medicine, niul received but iitle benefit I fih vury litilu better uutil I had nearly fioishcil ho flist lottle but oiitiiiued taking the medicine, and now 1 am a well man. I will be only too pleased to answer iiiiy person who writes â- lie, ill rejsnrd to the taluu of your medi- cine. I remain youn respectfully, Henry IJabcock. Caiiierons Uheuraatic Cure is prepared 'by U. A. Caiiioroii »t Co,, Owen Sound, While front Drug Store. For sale by all dru){i:ists or sent direct, two bottles. exprcis paid on Two rvmarkablu iccords made liy the popular •xOkOK"'0. ONT. The attendance at the opening of our Kail Term was live times iw great as tliat of u year ago. Last nioiitb wo luid ten times as many call.< for stenographers, iKHjikeeiH, etc., an we could ti.l. This iiiKloiilitmily deiiotcH piogt-e.isiveua.iA iiud kIiowm that this is the best colligu to pat- ronize. Kate.- now. Magnificent cai- alogiu) free. W. J. Elliott, rrin. Cor. Yoiigc it Alexander Street.-!. Hick hea<lache in caused by a dlHordercd condition of the stoni.ich aful in qiiicklv- cured by ChamlxrlaiinStouiaih and Lyer 'Tablet . lor sain by W.E. Uicliiudsou.. '. School Children's Eyes Snpply Their Intellect ' ! Defective eyes stunt the mind j Can you expect fair progress in scliool or success in business if so handicapped? Examination of children for glasses is a special feature <rf our Optical Department W. A. Armstronjiy JeWKLE" •SND OPTlOeAN FLESHERTON. I Tboyd, hickling &co,^ -FLESHERTON, ONT. Fall iiifoery Our opening display last Aveek was just what we Lad plannedâ€" a distinct advance in any previous showing in former seasons, and excited general ad- miration. Beside trimmed millinery youll find us fully pre- pared for your wants in Keady to wear Hats and Children's Hats of all kinds -an elegant selection of entirely new goodsâ€" nothing carried from any former season. Our prices are right in every article too. i:<:i^ We have jast opened out an elegant Bolec tion of Ladies Cloth Jackets, as well as som e stylish coat s for Misses aud Children. Every gar- ment is perfect in fit and appeartince, corr ect in stylo and properly tAJlored and fiiiisbsd. Ladies' Cloth Jackets from $5. to $15. Misses' Cloth Jackets from .$2.75 to $ 4.50 Children's Coats from i^2.00 to % 2.75 Sample Waists Underpriced 50 Shirt Waistsâ€" a raugc of Travellers New Fall Samples bought and offered at a Special Discountâ€" no two alikeâ€" all popular fabucs, including silk, velvet, sateeu, lustre, mohair and Uauueletle. Colors include black, navy, reseda, brown and all the new fall colors now in dtmaud. JCvery waist in perfect condition. One Third Le.«s Than Kc^ular Prices. !!(? New Dress Goods â- •^ New Waistiugs New Underwear New Footwear New Suitings New Neckwear New Ileadweur New Haincoats New Clothing New Overcoats New Wrappciettes New Kkirts i . KARSTEDTS KORNER. Plain Talk to the Public. This ia the tima of year to choose yonr winter furs, when stock is compltta- and you can get a much larger choice than you will possibly have latei- on 1 have just put in an nnmense stock of these goods at rare prices. Look at these figures, for mstance : Alou's Astnichan coats for $40; fur lined coats, $15; Coon from *10 to S30- Calf coats, $25 to 880' Dogskins 822, ^ * " K-idies' .\stvachan3, $18 to $:;.); Alaska seal, sable trimmed, $30- Alaska sea', plain, $10. .Mantles from $4 50 to $10. 50. millinery Opening ^ ' Wednesday and Thursday, September 27 and 28. When at the fall fair give us a call. Mis8 Swayze is in charge. F. G. KarStedt, Flesherton.