.V'. HE F L £ S Ii E R T N A D V z\ N C E October 5 19o3 I .-r<^ : iiiiK ei OF CAKADA Capital - - 6,000,000 Reserve - - 3,473,197 Markdale Branch F«rui«.rM Ijusiiiusft gin'i" «pei-iiil atrentiipn eilber a.s SAVINGS BANK. DEPCtilT- ORSor BORROWERS FARMERS SALE NOTES. I'rins your siilo notes to us FUR COLL- ECTION. We keep them s«fo, tu.rify makers before Riaturity and |.'I;icc iiniouuta to your credit, as ihey are paid, for a very sihhII charge per note. We also CASH SALE. NOTES at lowmt current rata of interest. BLANK FORMS FOR SALE NOTES may be obtained at this officri FREE OF CHAtlOE. It is impcrfcint ihat U'ltes slioulcl be drawn out in correct lei^id f.jrir. A. MacPherson, !V!'g'r. fviCINltf - CHIPSi =â€" â€" k Characteristics o( The Post Week Carefully Culled <or the Cu:l us. I J FreHh lime always on baud. J. H, Duckett, Eugenia. A qu.inlity of matter is held o»er until next week. For Hardwood Flooiincs go to U. P. Legate & Co., Ct-yioi., $12 pcrM and up. 100,000 feet in stock. Dr. Scott of Maxwell and family h»ve removed to-GoUngwood to reside. Any quantity of first class spruce flcior- ing or sidini; on baud; also b^rdwuud flooring Thompson Wilson. W. Tbackcr of Toronto visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Moore. Blacksmith apprentice wanted â€" apply loJ.H. Htard. Mrs. Grior of Dun Jalk was the guest of of Mrs. J. A. Boyd for a few days last week. Coal for saleâ€" Hard nut eo.'vl at beat prices. F. Q. Karstedt. Mr. Neal of Meaford will hol.l service in ibe Eugenia Orangs Hall, uex^ Sun- day ereniug at 8 o'clock. A droBsmixker of tlire« years .^xpeiience desires employment by the day in or about Flesherton. Enquire at this office. Mrs. T. Grainier is visiling fiicnds at Creemore this week. Ford's flour for sale, also bran and shirts. F. O. Karstedt. Mr. I. Sinclair in Tisiting his son, Rev. W Sinclair, in Parry Sound district. For .saleâ€" one 4 acre lot with barn on it, in Flcsherton. Well feiced and in a good stjito of cultivation. W Barn- house, 038 Queen »t. \V., Toronlo. Mr Chns Hodgson of Hornings' Slills, spent the last few days at Mr. F. G. Kar- Ktedt's, I..o»t â€" On .^.-iturday morning, between Kiuibc-rb y and Fiesher*on on tho mail rnute, a ."JS calibre nickel [ilated revolver. Kinder please leave at any of tho post otHces on the route. The Gcors,iiin Bay Power Co. took over Mr. Deagle's electric plant at Eugenia on the Isk. For No. 1 Spruce Siding go to R. P. Legate & Co. Ceylonâ€" 80,000 ft. in stocl". Vandeleur now has a daily mail, the innovation beginning on the 6r»t iiist. with Mr. John Weber as pilot. Rewardâ€"One dollar reward will he paid for the recovery of a walking stick last between Eugenia and Beecroft's hill on Witiine.silay 37th September. Thomp- son Wilson, Floahoitou. Mr. \Vm. Purvia, of Eugenia, died on Tuesd-*y at the age of 89 year». The iuiierp.1 tiikca place at Salem to-day (Thursday.) Lost â€" Fouiitaiii pca^ 1 mile north of Fle^'hertoii on road to Markdale, on Sept. 15. Finder please leave at this office. Mr. D. ].> McLacIUan of the Queen's kotel, Ceylq.i, went to Toronto last Thoraday to undergo an opeMtiion fvr a lntDOk of ap^endiaitis.. Cre'ini separator for s^ile at a bargiin â€" neaily new. \V,,uid tako 830. Apply to A. Bates, Wl Quoi n St., Toronto. Mr. fn^i Mis. R Benthani spent Sun- d»y with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Benthani, of Willainiif.-itl. I"'.>r No. 1 Spruce Flooring go to R. P, Lesjate & Co., Ceyh.nâ€" 15,000 ft. in sitiKik Mr. Sam Fisher, who reconf ly had his leg an.putated up in Parry Sound district WHS bniuiiht lo his Inmie at Eugenia on Tuesday. -Any person wishing inscriptious cnt on monuments nhould dn.'p a card to J. A. Clii-sleit, Swinton I'aik P.O. Among iho visitors in town on fair da)"* was Bro. Irwiu, of the Durh.Tii Chronicle, wlio bri'Ught over three cf the lady juilges and remained for the two days. For Sdeâ€" One cow, !;iv:ng milk, tw j cook ftoveaanda folOiig cot. Apply to Mis. Pelch, Fle^lierfon. Walterville L. O. L., No. 833, will hold iheir annual box social on the even- ing of Thaiksgiving day, Oct. 26, in the r hall at Ceylon. A good time is assured. See bills for particulars. Mrs. Ev,is Caudin, who has spent the summer with friends in Kiinberloy at d Thorubury, returned to FleshtTon last week. Dr. T. Henderson and wife of Toronto took in the fair here last week. While here they were the guests of Mr. and Kirs. Blackburn. Many people availed th»inso'»es of the opportunity to see A. M. Thurston's S'.uveuir Postal Cards on fair day. Did you? If not, send for catalog â€"whether you want to buy any or not. The Fall Assizes were held in Owen Sound last week, but there were no oases of special interest to this section of the county. Tho millinery openings took place on Wednessd.iy and Friday laet week, whon crowds of ladies visited both establish- men's. Miss Swayze is iu charge of F. G. Karstedt's rooms this season, and Miss Matheson controls the destinies at Boyd Hick ling £ Cu's. A letter received by the editor on Saturday fru.n Mr. M. K. Richardson, ex. M.P , who Inas been in England most of the auiuiner, indicates that we may see hint home in about two weeks. Mr. I. B. Lucas, M. L. A., returned home to Markdale on Friday last, after ,\ 3 weeks trip to Manitoba and the Pac- ific cojist. Mr. Lucas, like all the rest, is enthuaiastic over the great wheat country. Mr Henry M. Doug'a', of Vandeleur, will give a reduction of ♦^.OO durina the season of 1900, on the service fee of his French co'ich stallion. Gam hier, for the best five spiing foals gotten by any car- riage, hackney, or roadslor horse. This ofler was too late t<i appear in tke prize list. J. A. Kernahan, Soc, Osprey Ag'l Society. The Woman's Missionary Society of the Meihixlist church will wive a mission- ary tea and social in Miixwell on Wednes- day, Oct. 11. Tea will be served iu tho paraonag", and the projtam will be given in the church It will consist <>! ad.lrosa- e« by Dr. Ciildwell and Mrs. Thurston, ijf Flesherton, and music by local talent. A good time is expected. Come and en- courage the ladies by your presence. .\dniission, 13c. Mr. Editor â€" I have just received a ctmiinunication from the Rev. James G. Stuart of London, who is interested in the fruit business in California. Florida and Eastern Cuba. Ho says : '•! have travelled over tlie laid of the C-inada Cuba Land and Fruit Company for sever- al days on horse hack and the best reply I cin give as to my juJi^i ment of it is that I bought 250 acres for myselfand friends. It is liwht soil covcreil with yol- U>w pine and will B -ed fertilizing but t is easily worked nod is morelike the fruit lands of C.aliforni.-i and Florida than any- thing I have seen in Cuba. I have land in the east end of the i.sland but it is heavily timbered and very rich and re- i|uire8 an enormous amoiiut of labor to keep it clear, V^". are plantina 10 acres of oranges next month. Wo h.-ive sent a man down who is thcro at present." I think these facts will be of interest to many of your readers. â€" 0. F. Huilburt. Dr. Ciddwcll took Rev. Wilson's work in Markdale Sunday evening and Rev. B..I. Spence occupied the pulpit o{ the Methodist church here. Mr. Spenoo eunies from Winnipeg. A Persistent Backache. Can have but one cams â€" diseasml kid- neys, winch must be atrom/'hened before backache can be cured. Why not use Dr Hamilton's Pills? They euro the kidneys nuick, make them strtmg aud able to filter disease â€" breeding jx'isons from tho blood. .\t once you feel bettor, stronger, brighter. Kidncyr liealth is guaranteed to every user of Dr. Hairil- ton's Pills. Get a 25o. box â- from your drngifist, and refuse substitutei. How to Cure Corns and Bunions Vir<t, »(>ak tho corn or bunion ih warm water to soften it; then pare it down as olosvly a« I noaoible without di-nwing bloixl aud aunly j Chamlwrlain's Pain Balm twice daily. nit)tving ' vigorously foe fir« minntea at each applicukmi A com pkuiter tbould V^ Worn a few days to protect it from tho shoe. Aa a (feuenl lini- ment for sprains, bruises. lanieneso and rlienm- atii>u),P»in Biihii is uneiiualled. For sale by W. E. Ri char.b.n. Insomnim and Indigestion Cured "Lust year I hail a very sHVere attack of indt),-»ition. I could not sleep at niijlit .and suli«;red muKC e.\crueiatin^ painx for tliree hours after each meal. I was troubleil this wav for about three months when T uae<i Cliaiiilieriaiiu* 8ri>mach and Liver Tablets, and rwcived im- me»i:ate relief, " says Jiihn Di.ton, Tiiilaiuore, Ontario. For .â- iuK- by W. K. RichardRon. ^tanoarcl f^ /jank (of Canada) Has opened a branch i>ffico in Flcsher- ton, where a general banking business wi 1 be transacted.. Money available for e^nimaie business entcrprLso.s. DRAFTS BOUGHT AND SOLD on all poiut.s it Canada and the United States. Interest allowed on depoaita of 81.00 and upwards compounded, half yearly. G« IVtitcliell Agent. FLESHERTON HARNESS EMPORIUM. (Opposite Armstrong's Jewellery.) Everything up to dite in harnesaâ€" best material, best workmanship, best prices. Fly sheets and nets are in season- let us show you ours. Trunks, valises, axle erea.se, carriage axle grease, harness oil, whips and laahe':, BUQQIiE5. Come and see the new buggies which we have on exhibititm. They are beaut- ies and prices are right. Wm. MOORE Opposite Armstrong's Jewellery) Plesliertorj. Timber for Sale. Groceries FLOUR FEED -AT- W right's Came Astray. Two ewes with lambs camo to mv premises. There wbiu three ewes but dofia killed one. Owner kiinlly provo property, pay e.xpeu&ea aud take tho same awav. J. J. THOMPSON. Flosharton.Sept. 19. t!K«. Farm for Sale Fiftv acres on tbe cast back line, .\rtoinosiaâ€" lot IJSâ€" all iiudor cultivitioii but etfjbt acres of tiodar swftujp. Woll fouced, welj watered, frame bouse aud bant, |;ool1 orchard. A snap, Apr'y o W. A. AriusUouf?, Flctfberton.or B. McGniLber, Maikdolc. Farm For Sale Lot. 72 and 7^. socord ecu. of AitPiDCpia. 100 acres, 05 or 70 acres clnarod, balance, cood P&stiiro land. Sauf^eea river crosses the lot. Fiauie baru with stone wait and frame bouRb witb stone cellar, good well, suitable for boiiuo or barn; Koud orcburd, half a uiile from soh^ol (jnarter :>t a luilo from store and post-oitlco, one mile from church, -Ij nules from railway «tatiou. Apply to J. \W. Lyone, Port Law. Farm For Sale Let 19, COD. A. Osprov, contaiuiiifi 100 aoro!>, more or less, sitnatud Swilusfroin Maxwell, and 2J from Fevorshani. Ttrins ono-tliiid piico down, balttuco to suit purchaser, at 6 per cent. For further particulars appi v to It. N*. Kinocar, Maxwell. Farm For Sale Lot 133-134, T. and S. K.. .\rtBmef la. 100 soma, mostW under oultivalioa, Fiisli clacs bars, orchard, etc. T. PALLISTEW, Flesherton P- 0. OE Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyono sen.llnjj a sliet'^h and dpscript U;n nia; qiileklT jurcrtHin our opoODii frse wncOior fia itiV'MHion is pi'thahly prileiitnhlrj. ('tHiiitiMiilca- tion.-i ifrictlyci*iiiilenttol. Handbook on I'litMiits sont frcl. OldoAt iigencv for qeL-urOif7 txttunl.i Pnt-ont* token tJiroittfh Mtinii Jb C tptcial nuticf, without cnarjo, Intitaa Scientific American. A hondiomclf UlOdtrated wccklr. I^rirj^t clr- ctMaUon c( anf •ctaiaulo JnuruKU Tn thh, $3 a r^nt; four montha, 9L 9oldbya11 nowR>ioMi(vr<^ MUNNiCo.""*"'"^' New York Bcmach OSc*, IS6 r St. WMlMuatuu. I>. •.*. A qnantity of timber on lot 161, iPt con. N. E. uf T d: 8. Iload. One and a half niilus south at Flekhertou. For pai^.iculars apply to Joha Writht. Tenders will be received up to Oct. 20, 11105. The highest or soy tender not aecwi- sarily accepted. Tamworths and Berkshires. I have for sale a few choice vount; pigs of both breeds at riifht prices. Write for what you want or come aud see them* Maxwell P. O. Goo. W. Rose. A Plain Tale From The Mills. We have just received our second consigniuoiit of White Pine from the North Shore ai.d our stock is now coinpKte in every way. We are in a posi- tion Ct supply all your wants iu the lino of Sash. Doors, Flooring, Siding, Moulding, Scv lil Work and Turning Planing $ matching done 021 sboHest notice Give us the order for that verandah; wo can sui: you to a T. Chopping = Mondays = Only Prices Reasonable. - Terms: Cash. Flesherton Planing Mills. (Klaylon's '-.^^ Is the place to buy your Fall Boots and Shoes. Wo ^ make them out of the best material to be had and ^ workmanship good. ^% We have always a good stock of factory boots bought from reliable makers, Ladies, Men's and Child- ^ x-en's. If you want satisfaction as to quality and price call ind see us. .iVlso Trunks, Telescopes. Shoo polish, black and tan. Custom work and repairing promptly attended to. C85»«^»5««e3««»<8»»»»»»:»3C8K&C9S« (Ue are In Busitiess FOR YOUR HEALTH. MEDICAL - HALL FI.ESHERTOM The Expert Pill flixers <l^:i^K^0^0tKS:8X0t<l^<l^^ f For Your stock §^ Herbageum, International Stoek Food, Coluiubian Regulator. %<* Tick Destroyer for tbe sheep. ^ For Yourself ^* Patent Medicines â€" all tho popular tnakes. Pipes and tobacco. ^^ ^/if f For Your Wife •;i? I ^ ^ ^ Spices for cooking â€" .\IUpice, Cinnamon, Mixed spice.i, etc. J^ Perfumes, CortrcellaSilk. ^fe <tj. For Your Baby J Swathing Sv-Ui>, Sucking Bottles, and Teething Uings. ^ 3 Richardson & Son t DRUGOISTS *!^ Flesherton » » Ontario ^ ?^> •f* ..â- s -- %â- m^