Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Oct 1905, p. 6

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•Sff* â- .If,-" W '.r h S; LEADING MARKETS 11!<KA1ISTI ri'S. 'roroiito. Oft. ;j,â€" Wlii'Utâ€" Diitiiiio â€" The iiuirUct is steady nt 71c li> 750 for No. 2 ivU u'lil vvhili-, at outsiilo points. Milli white Jc hiul'fr. C!ouso and .spiiiin; urn ')7c to (iHc. l-'loiirâ€" Oiilario (|iiii'l. at fM, Ijiiy- t'rs' l)iij;s for S)U j)er ccill. patents fur (.•xport. Maiiiliiba, )?."> to S.').20 for lirwt putent.-i. $-1.7(» to *p4.'.HI (or sce- oiid put. â- lit-, a lid $l.(iO to §1.80 for ttroiii; huki rs'. Millfecdâ€" Oiilarii)â€" Uran. $11.50 to $1U pel ton for ear lots* on track outside; shorts, Sl(i to $17.00. Man- itoba. $Ui to 5?17 for hruii and $!'.> to $20 for shorts at Toronto and ecjual points. Oats â€" Kirni nt llOe ior No. 2 out- side. Jlarleyâ€" Firm; -Ir-c for No. 2, -t-lc for .No. ;( <!.\l.ra. and 'lOc for .N'o. 3 at oiitsidi' points. Jtyc â€" Finn nt 't^c to 59c out.sidc. I'oa.s â€" Finn at (i7r to (iSc oiit»i<Ie for \o. 2. Cornâ€" Hull; Aineiican 61c (or \o .'J yellow and (il}c for No. 2 yellow, Inko and rail freiKhln. Kolled (Jnt.sâ€" $1.75 for Imnels in car lots on truck here, uiiil $'1..")0 for liuKS: 2.")e morn for broken lots hero and '10c oi'tsi<l>>. COUNTUY I'HOUUCE. Underâ€" The trade iw withont fea- ture, and prices are (jiioted steady, t-'roaniery, prints 22c 2Uc do s(diils 21c 21ic Hairy lb. rolls, (,'oi)<l to choice 19e do nieoiuni 17c «lo tubs, g(M>d to choice 17c «lo inferior 15c Cheese. â€" Uuotationa are 11 Jc 12c. K^Ks- Prices hold uiichunge( hero nt 18c to l»c. ronllry â€" Fat hens, 7c to 8c; thin. ()c to 7c; fat chickens. He to lt)c; 7c to He; diirks, 8c, all live weight. i'otatoes â€" At (50c to (iric per bag on track here Haled Hayâ€" S7..")0 to $H per ton for .No. 1 timothy and S<» for -No. 2 ill car lots on track here. Haled .Straw â€" $0 jicr ton for car lots on truck hern. BASUTO RISING FEARED. Flying Force of British Despatched From Pretoria. A de.fputch from ]-ondon say.i; â€" It is staled that a Hying force left I'retorio on Sept. 201 h for the bor- fler of Hnsutoland. Si nee the death ol I.erolhodi, the puramount chief, and the report of the last (ieriiian ili'feat ill Soulh-west .Africa, the Has- ILLUSTRATION FAIRS. AT NORTH RENFREW AND SIM- COE EXHIBITIONS. Provincial Department Is Arrang- ing to Have a Number of Educational Features. All the agricultural societies in the utos have been restless, and a war- | province have bi'cn written to by Mr like feeliii(4 hns been siniineiiiiK, ready to liurst out at any moment. Voung cbief.s are lriiver;siiig the coun- try stirring up a sort of holy war, that is ninied more at tliu lloers than the Kritish. It is alleged tbnt the llritish resident «it Maseru hix.s urgently appealed to the llit;h Com- missioner to jrin the farmeis living Jl. It. Cowan, Provincial Superinten- dent of -Agrieiilliiral Hocieties an;l lu'ged ^o apjioinl delngatt s to attonil either the lieachbiirg exhibition, in North Honfrew, on October 5 and (>, or the Simcoc exhibition in Norfolk County, October 18lh nnd I'.Hh. two of the best exhibitions in the Province, and these s[>ecial features have been added for the purpose of illii.strat ing to (air managers and dirtctor.-; that they can bo put on it is eariiestl.y hoped that every society that can do so will arrange to send delegates to either ono of these ex- hibitions. APPLE SHIPMEH^TS HEAVY. Canadian Fruit is Capturing the British Market. _ A desjiatch (rom Ottawa sa.ys: Mr. McNeill, chief of the fruit division, jhns received word that the ship- , mi-iits of ajipies to Knglaiid during jthe past two weeks have been the These are two of the ver.v I e.^t purel.v agricultural societies in the 'henvL-st of the season. The Fruit on tlie borders. Thi' Ttocrs there are Province. They both hiUe splendid !. Marks Act and the educative work porsistently asking peiinission to grcninds and buildings, the equal of of thi^ fruit division are beginning- carry rilles. The Potulns are aKo re- I any in the Province, and the grounds to have their effect on the ship- Jioi led to be restliss unci anxious to and buildings are practically all paid Indents. The inspectors at the ship- join the MasutOH. The story includes for. The annual rejiort of the North iping port state that the XXX, or " statement that (Ireat Mritain is | Henfrew society for 1901 showed U„ j g,.a.,le were never inore'iini- that its buildings are worth ^13,()0(), If,,,.,., „,. „, ^^.^^^^ quality than this year, and are a distinct iinprove- b"ing nsk(Hl to send more trooi s. Nothing oflicial on the subject is given out. 2()c 18c It-c I'-'C to MONTKKAL MAUKF.TR. Montreal, Oct. :!.â€" Flourâ€" Manitoba spring wheat Jiuleiits, S?5 to S.'i.lO; strong bakers'. SI. 71' to $4.80; win- ti'r wheat patents, S'l.Cio to ijl.7r>; Ktiiiight rollers, Sl.IiO to $4.40, and in bags, $2 to S2.10. .Millfeed â€" Manitoba bran in bags. i$17 to ?1H; sboits, $:>o to $21 prr ton. Ontario bran in bulk, 1515 to $15.50; shoils. 520 to $20.50; milled Jiiouille, $21 to Â¥21) |ier ton. Kolled Ont.s â€" Steuil.v under a fair di'iiniiid 111 S2.25 to $2. .'to jier bag. ('ornniealâ€" Steady nt $1.15 to $1- 60 l)er bag. Ila.vâ€" .No. 1, .CS..50 to $9; No. 2, $7.5(5 to $8; clover, mixed, $0.50 to S7, nnd i>iire clover, $6 to $n,25 per ton in carloafls. Cheese â€" 'Hn re is a wide range in priet'S, local dualeis cpiuling from lljc to lljc for Ontiiiio, and lie to ll^c for (iiiebec makes. IJiideiâ€" llolders mo asking from 22ic to 2.'tc for choice croaniery and 22i; to 224c for uniiergracb s. Kgg.sâ€" OoocI loeal ilemaiul nt ISr lo 18{c for straight recei|)ts, and 22c to 22)0 (or Selected gooda liPFFAU) MAUKKT. Hufiulo, Oct. :i. â€"Flourâ€" steady; fair diMiiand. WlienIâ€" Spring lirm; No 1 NorDiern, Ooje; Wintti â€"Strong; No. 2 red, 85c. Coin â€" Strong; No. 2 yellow, 5i>{c; No. 2 corn, 58;c. Oats â€" Finn; No. 2 while, .'t2c; No. 2 mix- ed, ;!Oic. Haileyâ€" Finn; Western, 4 8 to 4Hc. Hye â€" I^ight olVeringS; No, 1 <|iiole(l nt 70c. I'niinl freights â€" Btfudy. CATTl.F, MAUKIOT. Toronto, Oct. .'I.â€" The following the ningo of qiiolntions: â€" Kxporl cattle, choice $1.40 $4.75 do good tt- mediiini.. . 4.()IJ 4.80 do others . a HO 4 10 Hulls !\-r> 4.25 Cows . 2.75 8.50 Hiitehers' picked 4.(10 4.40 good to choice a.(io 4.00 fair to good â- '{.00 8.4 do coniiiion 2.00 2.75 do cows 2.O0 8.25 Hulls 1.75 2.25 I'Veders . !t.:Jo 4.00 do inedlum ;t.:50 a. (30 «lo bulls 2.50 2.75 Htockei's, good ii.oo 3.75 do rough to coin 2. 50 8.00 Hulls 1.75 2.50 Milch cows, each ao.(M) (iO.OO I'^xpoit ewes, per cwt 4.00 4.15 do bucks, per cwt.. . a. 00 8.50 do culls, each 8.00 4.00 Bl>ring lambs 5.O0 5.75 . Calves, per lb 8.1 (1 I do each 2.00 12.00 Hogs, selects, per cwt (1.125 0.00 do heavies 5.H71 0.00 do '.ighls 5.H7J 0.00 its lands $8,()0ii, total SKi.OOO, with liabilities of <nily $100. Tho report of the Norfolk Union soriol.v showed that its lands are worth !?8,0ll0. it.-i buildings $6,500, total 59,500, with a mortgage of oiil.y $(K)0. The On- tario lleliartrueilt of Agri( ulliirc is firrnngiiig for a convention o( repre- sentatives from the other agricultur- al societies in the Province at each of these exhibitions. I{pduced rates are being secured ovc r the railroads, particulars of which will bo mailed \o\i- society later. It is oxpe;ted tlMt tl<4egates will bo able to attend at half rates. I The Depart mi'nt believes that tho oil bubbling up in several S]iots and |i,„e is eoniiii'; when there will 1,0 a being carried with tho current down ,„nt,.rial reduetion In tho number of the liver. The phenomena has been societies in the I'rovince and that noted sc-\ernl times since then by^tbe | i„steail of holding so mony cxhibi- OIL IN THE ST. LAWRENCE. He-markable Discovery Made at Brockville. A despatch from lirockville says; â€" About six weeks ago n man observ- ed while (ishing in ihtj river at the east end of lirockville that the sur- f.\co of the Water for a wide stretcl ."ns I'overcd with oil, and, following .bo ..^treak up-slreani, made an in- teresling discovery, alioiit 800 ,vards out from tho shore, riierc he found same man, and no later than Wed nesilay ho found the same conditions | pievailing as on th(! first (lu.v of his di.scovery. The odor from the oil re- sembles that of ))etroleuin, and |.'er- i vades the eastein portion of the | town when the wind is blowing m ' tho right ilirection. Several parties have visited tho spot. CHARLES KING HANGED. Murderer of Hayward Pays Penal- ty on Gallov.'s. A desjiatch from I'dmontoii, Al- berta, sa.vs: â€" Charles King paid tho fidl jieiialt.v of the law at 7 a.m. on Siiturda.v morning, for the murder of Hayward at 1/isser Slave Lake, in September, Inst yenr. He went up I be held, when an opportunity will be the scaflold unassisted and (lulte cold. U'iven them to discuss the various He lite a heaitv bieukfusl and wbea features of the exhibition and other FF.WFK AND LAKOEK pxhiliitions will be hebl This will make it possible to ariange the ex- hibitions into circuits and for the Various e<luratioiuil institutions of th(' country to preiinie special exhi- bits to take from ono exhibition lo another. To ilhislrnto what can be done in this direction tho Popart- nient is arranging to have a nnmljcr of wlucutiotu'.l fiiitures nt both of these exhiijitions. Delegates who at- tend will bu able to gain full infor- mation ns to the cost of introducing the.so fi-aluns and ns lo tho best methods of c<indu(tiiig them at their ment over previous years. Viola- tions of the Act are few and far be- tween, and fraudulent packing is more often the result of ignorance than ciin\innl intent. The improvements in qualit.y and uniioiiiiity of packing are also hav- ing tl-.eir (•ITect on tho demand in tho Old Cijuntry market. Huycrs over there are taking very kindly to Can- adian apples, freq-iently in prefer- ence to the home-grown fruit. bo- icnu.se they feel able to assure their {customers that they wHI get what jthe.v ask for. On tho other hand, jthe Kngli.sh apples, while of good quality, are .seldom offeriid twice of the snme grade. This creates dif- ficulties of trade that all buyers en- deavor 5-ofluIously to avMid. Another step in improvornont is d(>inan(led. however. It is that the very choicest apples he packed in boxes in order to cater to a trade where price is not so great consider- ation ns the securing of the very hieh'st quality. DYNAMITE SHIP BLOWN UP Column of Water Shot 2,000 Feet in the Air. A desjiatch from Port Said says; â€" The llritish shi|) Chatham, which was 400-MILE MARCH. Twenty-five Doukbobors Arrest«4 After Great Suffering. A Winnipeg despatch says: One of the most heartrendering pilgrimages in the histor.v of Doukhobor eccentri- cities has been brought to light by the arrest on .Saturday at Canora, a small station on the Canadian Northern Hailwa.y. 800 miles north- west of Winnijieg, of twenty-live re- ligious fanatics, who had made a 4(X)-inile trek across the prairies in .search of the I{(Kleemer. The agita- tors of tho band started from the Prince Albert district about the end of August and succeeded in gather- ing strength in the villages of Thun- der Ilills niifl Yorkton districts, till the band numbered twenty-fiv,», ol whom eighteen were women and chil- dren. .Scrgt. Duncan, of the Mounted Police, at Knmsack, eCfect«i the ar- rest, and the party will bo taken back to Priiice Albert. The women and children were almost naked, and their pinche<l faces bore witness to the frightful jirivations which they had i-ndure'l in the long tramp 1'he feet of some of the band were bli.s- tered and blceiling, and in the ma- jority of cases they were bound with coarse hempi n rope. The police and Oovernniont oflicials are jiu/./leil as to the action lo be taken in regard to these jieople. This land has been wandering over the wild country of the North jirael ically unknown to the odieers of the law, and it is re- markable that they survived the hardships of the march. the hangman, Hadcli\e, knocked, an- nouncing the time had come for him. said "I do not know what you are hanuing ine for, 1 nni an innocent man, Cod knows I am." Futher l.aiie rejxated the Lord's rrnyer. and King resjionded without a (|iii\er. _ â€" 4. JAPANESE STORES BURNED. Fire at Hiroshima Does Damage to Extent of Several Mill-on. A desjmtcb from Tokio says: â€" .\ (ire that hroke out in a military stoic at Hiroshima at 1 o'clock on Sunday morning destroyed 20 tem- Jiorary buildings, togi-ther with con- tents, consisting mostl.v of jiroNisions and dolbiiiH. The building, being of inllamatory nature, the llaines were didlcult to c.xtinguisb, despilo the ilisjiernle efl'oits of the liuops. It was Jirobably of incendiary origin The loss is vnrioiisl,v estimated at from $2,000,000 to $5,000,000. BIG ORDER FOR RAILS. Grand Trunk Pacific Orders Four Million Dollars' Worth. A desjiatch from Ifontreal sa.ys: â€" Tho nonunion Iron and Steel (Jom- jian.v. It is announced, has received an order from the (iiniid 'I'rinik I'nci- lic l{ailwn.v for steel rails to tho amount of $4,000,000, the time of delivery to be extendeil over a period of live years. INVITED THEM BACK. The Doukbobors May Return Russia. to exhibitions. The even'^ing of tho fust '^""^ '" ^be Suez Canal Sept. 6, in day a meeting of the d.legates will ;"'*lcr to prevent an exjdosion of son.o 80 tons o( dynamite. which formed jiart of tho cargo, while the shij) was menaced by (lames, was blown iij) nt 9.58 o'clock on Thurs- da.v morning. Tho Sue'/. Canal is blocked in consequence. The World's record in [)laiined e.x- plosions, ns seen from tho I'astern inattors relating to the nviniigoment of fairs. The sp(»cial features of those exhi- bitions will incluc'e; 1. liemonslriitions in tho women's dejiartment under tho direction of | I'.xchange, consisted liist of a vnst Mr. (1. A. Pulnam. Superintendent of column of grey smoke .shooting sky- Ontario Women's Iiislilules 2. Live stock judging competitions for (armcrs' sons. 8. A special exhibit jireixued by Mr. F. C. Klford, Chief of the Poul- lr,v I'ivjsicui of the I'oniinion iJe- pailment of .•\griculture, illustrntiiig dc'sirablo and undesirable ty| es of birds for fattening purposes, showing a model jioultry house, fat- tening crates, packing casi s, methods of I'acking, Iraji nests, etc.. etc. 4, .An exhibit of desirable and un- desiiiible t.vpes of ho^'.s, with sides o( bacon showing injuries caused by tho treatment and methods o( handl- ing hogs when alive. 5. \n exhibit in the fruit depart- ment prepared by Mr. Alox. McNeill, Chief of the I'ruit Division. Ottawa, illustrating (he right and wrong methods of packing fruit, infractiims of (he Fruit Marks .\ct. etc. Thero will also be a special exhibit of de- sirable and undesirable fruit (or the district, fruit from 8pru.Ved niul un- sjirayed trees, etc. This jiart of tho exhibit will be in charge of Mr. W. r. Macoun, of tho t-ontral lOxperi- meiital I'\irin, Ottawa. C, A special exhibit -"ly tho Seed Division of the Dominion Depart- ment of Agrirulturo showing var- ious weeds designnted in (ho Seed Control Act (lassed nt the recenl ses- sion of Parliament. This exhibit will include what is know as "Tho Noxious Weeds of Ontario." 7. Labor Saving Devices. This will include n gasoline engine ojiernt- ing a cream separator, sawing wood, cutting ensilage, i)Umj>ing wntor. Ward. Within a second of tho press- ing of the button nt the liiiiig point, which Was three miles distant from tho Chatham, a column of water, 300 feet high, rose. F.ight .seconds later it had risen to a height of 1,- 400 feet, and in four seconds more it was nearly 2,00O feet high. Then wreckage rose, imnense fragme;its of iron soaring aloft hundreds of feet. Tho total duration of tho ns- |ceiit was 85 .seconds. Tho whole [ body of ualer in the canal for a i distance of about 200 linear yards I was ainiarently lifted and thrown lover the banks nnd sprend over a mile of tho country, depositing thou- sands of dead lish. The vegetation in (hat section was dcstro.vecl. Much of tho wreckage (ell on the railway. Sub.sequent invest igai ion sliowi-d that (300 feet of (ho east bank of the canal was deslroyed. The west bank was not injured. The telcgrajih and telephone lines were leveled. The greater part of the steamer vanished, but juirt of her stern remains. It ma.v jiossibly bo necessary to blow this up. ON THE MAIN LINE. Manager Hays Opens the G. T. E. to Brantford. A Itrantlord despatch says: "We're on the railway map at last!" was tho slogan with which tho citizens ol Hrantford greeted the coming of the (irst I'assenger train on tin; unain' lino of the (."rand Trunk llailwa.y on Saturday. It was an vvont that had long been desired, an ' when the con- summation was at last realized it was (it nnd jiroper that the jieoplo .should give themselves over to re- joicing. The celebration h.-ie on Sniur.lay afternoon to mark tho pas.sing of Hrantford from the bran:h-line stage of transportation to the uiifottered glor.v of (he main line was joyous and infecfiouK. Old anil young jiar- ticipa(ed in i( with hearty good-will and even (ho rosy-ih>eked children, for which (ho place is noted, -shout- ed their welcome in no unmistakable tones. Thi- ceremony of declaring the main line through Urentford an<l tho new station open took place about 4 p.m., Mr. Charles M. Hays, gener- al miinager of the l^. rand Trunk, performing lha( phasing task. lion. W. .J. Hanna. for the Provincial Government. supi)leirien(ed Mr. Hays' words with a few approjiriato remarks. He also declared the lino open "ami going some." A despatch from St. Petersburg says tho (lovenmienl has invited (ho Doiikhobors who emigrated lo Can- ada to return to Uiissia, promising |elc (o give (hem lands and freedcun to 1 ALL AT THE H.AMK TIME, cultivate them. The Doul-hobors aro j 8. A comjileto system of farm S"W- momhers of n peculiar religious sect, 'erngc, such as can be inliodueed many of whom (led fi<un Itussin (o|j„(„ nny fanner's house at slight SOUTHERN SEA PERILS. escape the persecutions inllieled t belli l.y tho Orthodo.x CIiuitIi. SAFE BLOWERS' BIG HAUL. by SALE OF SCHOOL LANDS. Govexnment Will Dispose of 300,- 000 Acres in Alberta, A rlesjialch from Odawa .mo.vs: â€" Tho Covernini-nt has ihcided (o s,41 nl)oii( .'100,00(1 nti'cs of school lands 111 Alberta Mr. W. M. Ingram, In- epcctor of Scli'id Lands, hns receiv- ed insiriirlions fiom the Department of the Interior to make nrrango- liients for holding a nuiiiber of sabs. The (irst sale will be tbnt of T.vn- dall nnd some ulher seitions in the neighborhood on Oct. \(\. Tho Town- f.l:lp of Tyntlnll is located on a school section, and (his sah^ will en- nldn tt.e jieoplc living (here to secure ilitles for the Inncis they occupy. Thousands of Dollars Secured Burglars Near Winnipeg. A despntch frmn Winnipeg snys: â€" The safe in Ilnnitin Hr.is.' store nt Nni'inlia, Man., was blown oien by biirgliirs on Friday night, and thou- siindK of dollars belonging to eleva- tor romjiauies stolen. The nioiuw bad been sent out from Winnipeg banks to pay farmers for wheat. There is no clue. SOLDIERS RKTXTHN. Many of Them Are Reduced Al- niost to Skeletons, A desiialcli (rom St. Pi'lersburg Hays;â€" (Ireat numbers of soldiers suf- fering from dysiiitery are erriving dnlly b.v trains from Manchuiia. The.v present a Jilliablo (^Ight. Miiii.v ^f (hem, are reduced almost (o s' o:e(on.s and are (erribly weak. The iliseaso is also jirevalent among tho jioorer clnsHoe of the poiiiilntion here. Crews of Trading Schooners Mur- dered by Cannibals. A despatch (rom Victoria. H. C, snys: Tho slennior Miowera has brought news of the murd(>r of Cap- lain Finlnyson, of a trading schoon- er, by niit ives of the Solomon group. lie wn.'i hacked to pieces with hatch- ets. The natives fried lo sail away with tho schooner, but the captain of another trading schooner cap- tured them. A jiunativo expedition from a French warship was attncked by tho natives of Mallicolo lslan<l. A mn- rino gunner W'as killed. The sailors burned tho native village and killed four natives. They cnptured the native murderers of Capl. Pentecost and (he crew of tho trader Petrol. I IVtnils of the butchery of the j Petrel's crew are revolting. Cap(ain |Pon(ecost was (led (o a tree and While still ho crjip'd I sharks, the natives dancing while his body Was being torn to pieces. The natives have been holding can- nibal feasts. A disastrous (yphoon and (idal JURISDICTION IN LABRADOR. Quebec Will Ask Courts to Deter- mine Boundary Line. A desjialch from Otlnwa snys:â€" The ijiiebec (iovernment, with the co-operation of the Federal authori- ties, will lake stops .shortly before tho Supremo Court to have accurate- ly determined tho width of tho strip of the l.abrailor I'eninsiila tho owti- ershii) o( which is vested in Now- founilland has for some time been i.ssuing limber licenses in the interior of Labrador. Prtuiier Gouin's in- tention is (o have some of this tim- ber sei/cd. after wiiieh the courts will bo asked to say whether the Is-^ land Colony had any righl to issue tho license under which the lumber- men olieralo. The case may ultimate- ly go to tho .Judical Commilteo of tho Privj Council. cost . 9. A special exhibit in the Dairy Depiirlmeiit jirepared b.v tho cheese exjioiters of Montreal, and Mr. N. (). Somerville, Superiidendeiit of the Ooveniineiil Cool Curing Room nt lirockville. This will include jiro- perly anil improiierl.y constructed cheese boxes, strong boxes, broken boxes ns received at Montreal, iin- projierly packed boxes showing tho,. ,. , ... cheese much too large or too small j >'-n"''''>^«' ^"h 'P'^'^rs for the boxes (hey we:o shipped in, | '•'»'«'â- ">"•"• Iw was thrown (o (h properl.v and improperly cheese, defeclivo cheese, etc. At the Simeoo exhibition" in addi- tion to tho above, there will also be a gymkhano or competition on hor.so back in front of the grand I wave in the Marshal group recentis slund, competitions by school child- ren for (he best drilled squais, and (lemonstrnt ion plots illustrating me- thods of growing farm crops nnd crops suitable (or tho district. As nlrenil.v stated delegates will be nblo to olitnin dill information ns (o the cost of each of these features, should they desire to introduce (hem at (heir exhibition, and pointers In regard (o (ho host methods of man- aging them. Ah (hose hove been for some years caused (lie Uvss of 120 lives. A wa\e nearly six feet high swept the islands. Tho Baautos in southwest Africa ore stirring up a holy war against (he Ihitish and Boers, and the lat- ter have asked permission to carry rifles. It is reported that M Wide will he made a Cwunt and chief of the Cab- inet of Ministers, tho highest honor in the gift tif the Czar. ARTILLERYMAN'S SUICIDE. Halifax Gunner Found on Ram- parts With Throat Cut. A despatch from Halifax, N.R., says: â€"Gunner Jus. King, of tho lioyal (iiarison .\rtillcry, was found de.id on the rainjinits of tho Citadel Hill nt an enrl.v hour on Thursday morn- ing, with a big gash in bis throat, nnd by his side was found a razor. King was 85 ye:vrs of age. and un- married, and had Cifteen years' ser- vice to his credit. No reason is given for hU act. TO WINTER IN MANCHURIA. Order of Linevitch to His Army Leads to This Conclusion. A despatch from (UxU.vadaui, Man- churia, says:â€" .\ recent order of (!on Lineviteh to (ho army leads lo tho conclusion that the troops will sjiend the winter in Mnnehuria. Drills nnd target jirnetice will continue, ano games will be organized to keep lh« men occupied. DOUKHOBOR ENTERPRISE. Community Undertakes One of Heaviest Sections of G. T. P. A dv'.ijintch from Winnipeg sn.vs;- The Doukhobor community bus con- tracted for one of tho heaviest por- tions of the (L T. P. Confctruction, and will put a thousand men and a hundred teams on the job. There aro fears of a revolt in Hun- gary, owing (o (he antagonism te the King-Kinpcror. .,."» riJMi .A

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