Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Oct 1905, p. 8

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>*J|iq(^u!>m««^,.. "wpwjSfi; Baer; 'l^ OcroBER 5 1906 The Markets. « tarcrully Corrected Bach Week UaU 28 28 Peas O.)"to 06 Barley . 45 to 45 Butter 5B '.o 18 K«Rs fr«sli IH to 18 Lhickoiis Uio ^ Duck:i Oto Oceao Oto Hay to G 56 INitaloes h\i 40 to 40 Wheat 70 U> 70 THE FLESHEHTOli ADVANCE i "%â-  w.;- -s^^)>i- .-•i-''. WALL PAPERS! The largest stock in tlie town- ship, of BESv QlAlity and LOWEST PKiCES, fVoui 3c. per Joublc roll up to 50c. On exhibition by The vu.<t-iuL i-ai-stbu & pai'EU hanceu. MAMI'UiS OS AI'l'LICATIOS. Priceville Ontario. iPlesliertoin. Goo^l honesâ€" new rif^sâ€" attentive diivers G. W. Hacking Local Agents Wanted At once for "Cmv.dii'ts Oreii'o-t: Nursoi- it)«" for tliB town of KLK.S1IKRTON ami liuiiouiidiii;; coaiiiiy, which will bo reSbr- VfJ fur lh« riylil 111:111. START m)W ut the litht scllin;; BeHS'Ui, uiiJ liaiidio our iv^w spuoinltios on lib- oral lui'iiiA, Write for paviiuulats and soiul 2.5c. fm' iKir hauds'iiiiu aki iiitiuiti pncket iiiicr<i RCiil)e, (u litllo j.'tiii) iisoful to : Farii crs. ill uJliiiniiiiii« BWi.iK i;in] yraiiis; OiL'haril- istrt, ill >;X.iiliiliiiig trofS fill lliHortN; Te'icll- cm unil Hoholam in stuilyiii)! iJotun}, and everybody in a liuudrud dilfufeut wayit. Stone & Wellington (over 800 aches) Toro.nlo â-  - Ontario Young mm and wonitn ohoul.i take a ooume i;f tiaiuiiiif in lihurlliai.d and tyiiev/ritin;{ at the (i\vi:N.soyrNi), 0N"r. Theie U ft l»r((ii cTein^uKl for youiiif imn «t«n<)^rai>huin, very n>noli larger than tlie >up|ily. .\ iU)i<iiifth ami in-acticil course im:ludi:ii; the f.itltiwiiiij aiilij.'tts; â€" sh'irtliKud, l,'itin'in'>i nyteui, t.KH.-li typewriting, UBtiiHaiiiitd|>, »i>el- Jiiii?, letter ivrltiu^ and giiinral ufliec' practice. tStiideiittf admitted at any thni-. Kiill partioii- l.'tiH (cut ti) any iiildre.-'S tree. Address ('. A. Fi.KMMlNi;, I'rin, lilQH CLASS PICTURES. . Tiic place tiiyut the last riiotoa it, Ht lilf.MKllS rii(m.K3UAI'H UALI.KRY. Si'CCIAU ATTRNTION W.! pay Hncoial .\trin inn tii Copviny mid Halina' pietuiva. I'i.tuio tVuni- ing a spucialty. For coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, weak throats, weak lungs, consumption, take IAyer 8 Cherry Pectoral. Cherry Pectoral Always keep a bottle of it In the house. We have been saying this for 60 years, and so have the doctors. " I hare Iliad Ayer't Cbtrry Paetotsl in my family for 40 yemra. It 11 the bMt ln«4iellM In tl'S world, I kuoir, tot tU tlirottt aotf luag troubles." Uks. J./K. Nobobom, irkltbam, Hua. S<t.,Mc..SI.0O. I AlldrutiUu. for I J. O. ATSIt 00„ Lawall, Mmi. The Lungs Dally action of the bowels Is noces< wri. Aid naturs with aW's Pills. V \ •^ S In Furniture The largest and best stock of furiiituie over Hhowii in Flesher- toii. This withont fear of contra- diction. Come and seo some of thi) nice things in Sideboards Dining Roorr\ Ci^airs Parlor Setts Bed Rooiri Setts A .special loduction just now on everytliing in order to reduce the atock. W. H. BUNT. furniture Suealen I [lestoton - Oat. '» Ctr^--*. Business Cards â- jT'cuLLOuair & young U UtinUer Mavkdale i)o a gooeml bankldg buaiiieaa. Mouey loaoeo a r«4u;oaablti rate C&ll ou U8. RJ Sl'KOUl-K rodtuaetar, FloHbarton ._/otiMnl^piouor In H.C.J., Auctioneer Con vuyancf'f, AppraUor aud Money I^iimdoi Ui'al Hhtiito and Insurauco Agent. Diindt r-ioitKBHOH. InRsnft ani wills carefnUy drawn 11)1 and valuntionn made ou shortuHt notice, iiicaoy to loan at lowest raten ot tutorn&t. Cut tjntioii'i atloiidnd to vith itroniptiicHt' rhiirtfOH low. A^unt for Ocean Uomiuior StAauitibii) Oonipaay. A oall bolicitod. Societies AO IJ V meets 01. the Intt Moiilay in ea.ni niortth, lii tliclr longu roinii CliriBtim'H tilcek. Pluiiliorton. at H p.m. W.W., .t. Ilairieoii ; Uecoriler. Ja«. Felbtoart ; Fiiiaii eier, W.J. Hulaiiiy. Visitir't! Ix-btbrrD iLviteii pUlNtJK AUTHUK LODOK, No. :ai,AF.t r A M, iiicfit.H in the MaHOnic ball. Htraiu'^ block, KJenlu-rtoii, every Frirlav on or liefori- tlm full iL'ucu. John WrlgLit, W U.; C. .N. Kieliar aon, Snei-ulary, n>)l'ItT FLKRnKIlTON, M.^ I. P. F. n eota it. ^ Cniistoe'ti UlocV tlio last IridavevtH in{4 <>r encli inontb. Visitlim Foientoni boartih welooiiie. r. U., .I.Ooriillold; It.C. \V. llunkiii; Fill. Sec, H. A. Willptt. I'loane pay (luen to H. A. WiHett on or before the laHt (lay of the proceeding month. nnnsRN FhlF.NDS-FlesJierton ("onntll ol V ('hnHGii Frioiitlti ii'.ootK ill ('lav ton'n hull iir^t Hii'l tliirtl Wtidtiosfiav of ofcch iiioiilh; B |i. m. 1*HV asaoBrfineniK to tilt* Keeorder on or before tPe nrnt ''avof each luontli. ( hief CouiicKlor, r. ]llakeluy;Hi'Cordor, W. H. ItuLt. Medical On CATlTFrt M (1 i' & H Out, rhysioHn, Knrpeon, ct( OlHco anti rettiflBiico â€" Petor'ct^ Pleelterton ._ _ iJ^ DK.A.T. HOHO (Iradiiatc Toronto Uiiivarflty. ^fenl ber of Onlarij f'lilleBe oj Pbyflloiians oiirt Smt Ko-'U)*. Maxwell. On*, rtue.etfb.sor to Dr. Kcutl. T V OTI'KWKi.r, ' Veterinary Surgeon . Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Colleco rei^iileiieo â€" HiicoittI door nouth wef>t oi Mary street. Thia street ruus Bouti'. I*reKl5yterJaii Chnreh. U WII-SON, macki-niitli "â-  'irailnati. ol tlio Vo'erlnarv Bclcnec AsHoeitrtioii. Hiisi.ieneo, Diiihaiu itrect, op- posite Iloyd, Uiekiii.g'8 hardware. Legal r ii(;a3 witifiHT * ve.Anni.i? •-» Ilarrhtoi'H Holieitorn Oonvoyancers. cti nmeeaâ€" Ow.n Hoimrl.Ont aud llarkilald Oei W 11 WniouT, McAam.R I n l.rcAf N Hâ€" Flenlinrton oflloe, Kilohell'a Hank every Satnrday. ])KNTI.STRY Try lis for any Itind of pictures Mid we w.d pronii.su i,.i(isfncl ion. Oyduiihaiii Etroiit, FL'shuitou H'. B e. MURRAY 1. I). R, donlalfiiraw " liMii,., cvadioitit of Toronto tlnivernity Mid linval '•(•llpi'iio' Ii.oiini Surrroonn of Ontario. U«H â- iilniiiiiiorutinn for tenth nrtraotinn Utlico lit roaiilenoo. I'oronto Btroot, Fleahorton n-. K. V *RMHrH'>Vr». u D.S .Honor Gradu xj -I'oof T<roiiti lliiiv..ri.|tv ant Koynl Col lei;(i.itlJeMtal.Hn.treons of diitaiio. 0*-i'oaikp MrK. lliipoer'a Photoqraiih (lnUoiy. Will vii-lt axw •'! tlriit ail tliirl I'liiuelw oi uaoh i.L.h tiU.Uiiuiii t Jiuly Jth, Industrial Home Notes (.By an Inmate) A few weeks ago we Hnnouuced a record in the number of outride atten- dants at our divine service, but the atten- dance ou Sunday the 24ili nit iiutnuiu- lered the prqvioua nieetini!, a dozen or more chairs being crowded into the room and Rtill a number of worshippers had to BiBiii if. tlieicorridor. It was neither the iiitrotlucliun of the organ or the peiform- ance of the hiiiid orgiini.it that wa.s the occasion of drawing so large an attendance as no previous announcement of either had been made but we simply lioleive that It is the increasing interest being taken in our nonnectariau services that was the n al cau.se. Mr. Ennis, of Matk- dale, in his usual alilo nianiier conducted tho*8orvicu tlirougliout, deliveriiii»' a powerful discourae fioiu Matt. 5, 13 Deliver us from evil. Mrs. Sininioiida, the Umd inmate, preaidcd at the oigan; the ain!(iuK by die coniiregation was spirited and plea.siiig. Mi»8 Smith, of Markd.ile, presided at tlie origan dutina the after nerviee aud is an etticieni or^an- i.st for all ordinary purposes, as well as beiug pi'S.seK»ed with a stroni;, clear voice. One of the piiiicipal fo.iturea :)f the efier service was the rendition of that bcauiftil- ly [latlictiu hymn "The old fushinned family Bible," by Jtfrs. Sininionds, nccompanving herself on her favorite Hccordeoi) which she handles effectively. The aged, yet apparently youthful, clear Voice of the sinzor, aweliiiig from beneath those life-long sightless eyes, eeenied to penetrate the hearts of the audience and slir the tender emotions of many, as if calling to memory some cherished reminiscence of years lon^ gone by. It is intended that on si'me future occasion the old lady is to take part in I he service tiy reading the kasons from her raised type Bible. N\ hen conversing with your cjrrespondetit, the old lady regreted that she did not do belter on the organ, but, slid she, "the keyl>'>aid felt sn bUangely d liferent to my own little mehaleoii." I a^i.sured her that it was my imjiresi-ion that everybody thought she did remarkably well uuder the eircum^ilan ce.s. Aodsoshedid. Mr. Editor, we believe that m.tiijr peo- ple are under the iiiiprettsioa ttiat the inmates of this inatituii<:n aie n»t well treated generally as well as being under fed. When out on a couple of weeks leave in July laat your correspondent waa asked by different parties if such was the case. To such emiuirios he could only give an emphitic denial. A>iain a I'lvv days a-.;o your scribe was â- 'niotincd thai such a report had been 'ejittered broad- cas!^ in his nc'ghbuthood by one who had been an iiiuiate. Even later, one of the inmateH, whose veraci'y is uiiquestiooHblc wa.s inierruL'ated on the same subject when 111 Markdale, and your coVresjioud- eiit feels it bis duty tu give his emphatic denial to all such scurrilous iep< rts and desires to dtspel from the minds if ih» ptlblic any auch impressions by layinit before them the tuilowini; daily bill of fare, which speaks lor itself, vi* ; Break- fast, oat or uheat meal pm ridge nud-n^Ult biead, butter and goial tea.->Ji?rtiner;'fl^i£«}l' meat, polatoia, well scisoiiVli S"Up, ami bread with either rice or tapioca pudding, or dumplings at luaat three tlnica a week. Supper, bulled bread and uiilk (generally) bread, tea, applesauce or other preserves and golden syrup. Although your scribe has never beeu in the dining room (his iiitirniity necus.'itatiug the bringing of his meals to him) yet he fre<nienlly heats rapi.ilisjs on the t.«ble to replenish platis i| liieail. etc., which at onco tells him that no one i^ ^illowaticed, and he has yi.1 111 Uani that anyone was ever refused when npplyiiiK tor more. In !â-  gaid to iliu lirst iiistaiiee,in all auoh im^titutioiia there are ahv.i^a ^l b > linind t!io.so who iliink tluinsilves bvJly used it tliH-y are tint pelted, piiietl and patted on thec'rvvk like cliiidren, they think thyy ought to sii ill Morrisa chaiirt JjOij) nivnnuig; till night to be waited upOfi St'lKufjf calt.iust because they aro go'tingt<ld aiul Ulo/ate- payets pay fur iheirkoep. (Hhcrs again ijiumbleaiid uiowl beuikui)e they do not iict venison, fre^h ti»h and all sorts' of hi.\uiies ard yet at the same time they iv.'iild not know how to use a table nap kin or peihapH they have many a lime fnred Siiinptnusly on putatoea and salt. This is the class that are generally nnni- b.red among the ditctuiti iilod, but how luuny of them will ask iheuioclves, how eanie I to be here? «hoae fault Was it ? They data not a>k the ipi slionâ€" they are afraid of the tchii, No Sir, the iiiinates â-  if this i',sli:ution Wv* i^ev-er been under fed or i I tievted* "silHd- such been ilie aa.-o your c r wVmld It.ve been just as feiirlens ill i doidiring i?ie iiubl.o of the tacts as be hart l>otnP»-.itl U', iii the praise uf the inslituMun ;.i\f,l ^ip, lu .nngemei.t. Mrs. Jaino.'j Silwl d l-teniinok, was admitted to the Homo ouSat. 30th. ' The intinaiii meiit icspectfully ref|uesiB vhat in the case j.f strange ministers of the g ispel visiiiHR ihe Hume,, they will Iviii'lly makii tilt msolvos known in the managers ot members of the stalf in atten- dance, prior to being shown through the building. Ihe roasdii is obvious. On Wtdne.-'day last county counciUor It. L. Eroal, wile ai.d four children, of 0*en Suu.i !,aoo .inp.tnied by Mis« War dell, of TnroiiUi, spent the day with Mr tianuss and fanoly. These ladies and g ntloiiien are highly esteemed friends of I he goveinor and matron and for many yoaiB made it a point to spend a day each year with the family. They all returned to the Sound on Ihe night train. The counciln'r trualmi the inmates to a basket of peaches. Many thanks, kind Sir. On Wednesday last your cor. had the pleasure of sjiending the afternoon in the .Markdale Standard printing office. Not- withstanding tho busy bee-hivu appear- ance of the aaoctura the courteous edib'r and proprietor, C. W. liutledge, Es-4.,did noc fail lu explain to your scribe the process of running liis press, it'a priming capacity and the, ineiliod of labelling, bunching, mailing and distribuiing, etc. As it was priniiiii; day and as operations were in full swing your cor. availed him- self of thewpponuuify of closely watching every operation Wlulw doing go, thei „.„„. ^„ . days of more than hilf a c-iitury were' Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, or Falling viviiily revivcd.wlien as a boy he -matched | Sickness, write for a trial bottle and valuable treatise on such diseases to The Luibig Co. . 17<) King Street, W., Toronto, Canada. All druggi:.ts sell or can obtain f..r you ' I Ifyotj. •your friends or relatives suffer with »l t:.. •^ir_:ii„™ Ct Vitna' Trance, or Falline a boy he 'hatched sii^lar iipuiaiiuns o.i a h iiiilar revidving preSK, but turned by hind instead of a casoliiie engine, as in this cave, in the Chronio'e oflice of his native Eiigli."!! city. How rapidly Ins tune passe away and what wonderful have taken place in the last teiituiy. lUv. Mr. Haich of Priceville and a Lidy friend visited the home on Thursda} last, (jeo. Cainpbell, Stone's line, was also a visitor that day. Miss Robinson of the atalf took iu the Flcfiherton show and saya it was aood. The lame table in the men's day room will soon be "etting lo* legged wiih the inereasii.g weight of niueiid liteiature. We Would like to exchange so.ne of the inm.rtes for otheis in'iie ap|>reciativa of tho gifs of a geneious pulilij. Va uable Advic To Mothers. If your child cmes io from plsy cough ing or showing evido^ioj.s uf arippe, sore ihrnat, or sickness of any k iid, g t out your bottle of Nerviliiie. lla'i tl:o cheat and neck with Nervi i .e, and jive intern al dosea of ten tlrops of N«v.lino in sweetened water every two hour-". Tlii.^ will prevent any suri lus tio.iblu No liniment or pain reliever equds Nerviliiie, which has been the great faiiily n m -dy ill Canada for tha pa.st Sfty years. Try a 25c. bottle of N..'rvili»e. "Worn Out" Peopte â€" ^Don't neglect tHe first sjrmp- toms. Oflcntin^s the irritatingr cough, the insipid cold, the listless and languid feeling, arc due to a weak state of the system, it ia a sure sign of breakdown . Nothiig else will put you right so quickly and effectively as "Psychine." If you feel "woni out," it is time for a tonic, a real toni<> There is only on'; really Rood tonic . It is "PsvcHiNii. ' Keep a bottle handy â€" never be without it. It tones up tho system and restores your old tioie vitality. Ask your druggist about it. LEIBI G'SFITCURE Card of Thanks Ceylon, Out. 2, lOft", Tiitlie officers and members of the Canadian irder of Chosen Friends,-! hereliy wish to hearcily hank the ineiuWis of Ceylon Co,meil if Canadian Ordt r of Chosen liiiends for t.Keir kintlnoss im tlie ocOftf-ion of uiylate .son .s ill- ned» and death, also for the very prompt pay- ment of his insuiuaee of i^l.OOO. Wishiiih' thU grand organization contin'aai . inosjierity, 1 remain, t '"** Kenpectfully ili'9. Robt. Cook. iiliilMHS Novi/ In I UaviiiB jast received a full line of ohii-jo samples of up to date suitings.trouso.- iiwJ, cvercoatiflg.s, waiorf.root and craveiti^to ooods. Of over 500 different samples t> 'select frvpt wo are prepared to till orders I ; !Vt lowest iwssible prices. H. ALEXANDER - WANTEB.. A reli.ible agoDt for Fiesh^rton and tnr jrojndiU^ iMOiitry. Giol pay ^^iroeTily, â- "'â-  }es.lusive territory. Sinoli. casi^ out-'* 1 St free. Our terms e'.iJ the besF^ln tha } business. We need » lo '." "i g'joii ohar- i^kCtur and ability du.ing the Etkll and ^ winler niourhs. ' OVER GOO ACRKS. The ^lioieest and most extensive list of j stock in Canada, ineludina truit ami ornaireotal stock, sniall fruits, aud seed Jaita'oes. E.i3t Selling spi'cLiltriJ» ofi'ered fur the line time. Write fur Imns : ; now to •Ti The Pelham Nijrseay Ca. Toronto OtiWirlo;, GREATEGT CF ALL T0NI08 The Advance ANC THI (PRONOUNCiq ShKEEK) fill OaUCCISTSâ€" OKE COLUl!!â€" FREE TSUL Dtt T. A. SLQCUM, Umltod 179 Klna »*• W« Toronto, Oanad* WEEKLY MONTREAL HEfiALO Fiction in larjje quantity; Ihe News of the Woild in 1 mnimariied foim : pages for the Farmer and for .lie Housewife : Sunday rtiaine- [ -..ccurate Market .K»porl»; I one complete .^ory each I wee''. Jas' 'he paper to ao witliyoui Itxalpuper. \\r\ are fortunate in i>eiug able to give ourtesjcrsa ^e cU.b- Wng pioixMsitiah .- two PJl'ers fot^i.oo, or at S.bout Ih^SPre of one. The Muiitreal Herald IS the Rteat magatiiie- newspo perâ€" full to the briin with the best of leaduig for the home; $ = ag^fl: â- ton* If ^^'ou* Ar»tliiiiking of bti^ins^ », fim; buggy, wagon f# doiwictat, it »iU .sui-jly pay you to <:all and investfgat* iiur atock, Perm.", etc., before making, your pun h;i.'(*» We ha v<! a stall" of expert wm kinen and can guar^tee . that you will bwoatialiol. > ' i^;^«»" . ' I»i:-0"UOEB[ lElE35>i5^ZH'S â€" - - ALWAYS ON HAND â€" >~r^*-- Sui]:i.€ix*ies Bioyole â€" â€" â-  ASDKEPAIKING (.WALL KINUS "«"-"'''»'"-'~*''>*''^"'"~'-~'^'~â€" "â€"^-râ€" â-  J. A. HEARD, - FLESHERTOf^. t%^:^^§C^;^^ f!^/3^^^^/^^f3&^'S^'^^/^^0' McTAVISH Ii[ [[[SlifllBfi liifilli[ Bllliffl For Fust Cla.ss Ri«gie«, Carl.s, Pleasure and Lumber Wsijons, cullers, Sleighs. We keep a stock on hand to choose from. ALSO HORSE SHOElNCl ANOQENERAL BLACKSMtTHINQ and suarantce fir.Ht class woik. Wo keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and alKO Mas.sey- Harris and Noxon ruiiairH for binders, Mowers, sIl, kinds of inichinery, Jtlso Binder Twine on h.ancl. » Olbcn in town dive US a call « /»'. -f W a ^1^

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