I." I RESCUED FROM THE DEADLY CLUTCHES yUTE MOEE CURE OF EHIGHT'S DISEASE BY DODD'S KIDIIEY PILLS. Ur. Theodore Young, of Smith's Falls was Beyond, the Doctor's Aid â€" Now He's Well and Strong. Smith's Falls, Ont., Oct. ICâ€" (Special;.â€" Mr. Theodore Young, a wull-known citizen of Uiis place, is ane of the many Canadians who iiave been rescued from the clutches at the much dreaded Bright's Uisease by Itodd's Kidney Tills. "Kor two years," says Ur. Young, hi relating his experieuoo, "I was aflUcted with Uriglifs Disease. The doctors told me I could g<:t. no re- lief My urine was v.^ry dark and I lost considerable blood, making luu so weak I could scarcely stand. I ilso used many medicines without Ifetting relief. "Hearing of wonderful cures by Dodd"s Kidney Pills led me to try them, and after using the lirst box I found great reli, f. After using four boxes I was able to go to work, which I had been unable tn do for some time. I recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills to all who are afHicted as I was." Dodd's Kidney Pills always euro Bright's Di-sease, the most advanCL-d stage of Kidney Disea.se. How much more easily will they cure the ear- lier stages of Kidnoj' Disease. KING AND AN ACROBAT. His Majesty's Kind BTemembrance of a Circus Veteran. An acrobat's life is a hard one. And few live to a great age. Henry Johnson, of Grantham, England, is an exception, for he was born on Christmas morning in 1805, and in a few months will complete his ninety-ninth year. Only last week this fact was brouglit to the know- ledgt; of the King by the vicar of Spittlegate. Ciranthaui, who has re- ceived the following reply from Buck- ijigham Palace: Dear Sir, â€" I have had the honor of submitting your letter to the King, together with the enclosure which accompanied it. 1 am com- manded by his Majesty to thank yon for having brought the case of Henry Johnson to his notice, and he will will bo glad if you will con- gratulate him from the King, on having attained so great an age, togi'ther with the expression of his Majesty's hope that .Johnson will yet live for nmny veais to come.â€" Yours faithfully, KNOLLYS. After being eight years wiL|i Sang- er's Circus, Johnson went into part- nership with a celebrated Chinese juggler, Mullaiba. and together they travelled the country. In 1S30 they wei*e summoned to Uuckingham Pal- ace to perform before King William IV., who was evidently nnich enter- tained, for he gave them each £50 and a royal license to perform in any market-place or town. Johnson also appeared before the late yueen Victoria and her mother, the Duchess of Kent, and when the King was Prince of Wales, he gave a performance at Sandring-ham. ON THE SAFE SIDE. "The hotel is so crowded, sir. that the best we can do is to put you in the same room with the pro- prietor. " "That will be all right: just put my valuables in the .safe." COFFEE NEUEALGIA. Hea-ves When You Quit and Use Postum. A lady who unconsciously drifted Into nervous prostration brought on by CO (Tee, says: "I have been a coffee drinker nil pay life, and used it regularly, three limes a day. "A year r two ago 1 became sub- ject to nervous neuralgia, attacks of nervous headache and general nerv- ous prostration which not only in- capacitated me for doing my house- work, but tretpiently made it neces- sary for me to remain in a dark room for two or three days at a lime. "I emplo.ved several good doctors, one after the other, but none of them • was able to give me perman- ent relief. â- 'Kight months ago a friend sug- gested that perhap.s collee was the cause of my troubles and tliat I try Postum Food Coffee and give up the old kind. 1 am glad 1 took her advice, for my health has been cn- tiit'Iy restored. I have no more neurulKia. nor have I had one soli- tary headache in all these eight months. No more of my days are waste*! in solitary confinement In a dark room. I do all my own work with case. The flesh thut 1 lost during the yenrs of my nervous pro.s- tration. has conio buck to mo during the.se inonths. an<l I am once more a h»pi>.v. healthy woman. 1 enclose a list of names of friends who can vouch lor the truth of the state- ment." Nnnio given by I'ostum Co., Battle Creek. Mich. There's a ren.son. Ter (lays' trial leaving olT colToe niu! uviiii; Postum is sutflcient. All EEITISH POTATO BLIGHT. Plague Affects Many of Best Dis- tricts in England. The potato blight, which has caus- ed immense losses to growers in the fen district of England, has now- made itself evident in other parts of thn country. in addition to the thousands of acres which have Ixvn alTected in Lin- colnshire, Huntindonshire and Canv- bri<lgcshirp, but chiedy around Ram- i sey Hunts, it is now reported that the disease is devastating the crops in Berkshire and Buckinghamehire. v. grower near Maidstone, who had a most promising crop of about ten tons to the acre, has found tho blight in every root he has examined. Although it is too early as yet to determine whether the consumer will jsul'ier to any considerable extent, ow- ing to the immense quantities of foreign potatoes available for the English market, the disaster which the growers have suffered has over- taken severil of the dealers at Co- vent Garden. In the Windsor and Siough dis- tricts within the last few days farm- ers were offering what appe-ired to be thorougnly sound potatoes at £l a ton, upon condition that the pota- toes were to be given to pigs. Througho it Berks and Bucks there will be a rush to sell as soon as it is learned that the disease has ap- peare<l in the Slough and Windsor districts. Some of the best seeding tubers in the world are grown in the two counties. At Rea<ling there are seed grounds famous not only throughout CIreat Britain, but also in the colonies. In North Devon the potato blight is causing considerable loss. On many farms more than halt of the crop is affected . and in tho districts where the soil is clayey it will not pay to harvest the few that are not diseased. The Irish potato crop, however, is fulfilling all expectations, and pro- mises to yield abundantly, except in a few districts where recent rains have injured it. The blight has also made its appearance in several dis- tricts, but in the iiinjority of plac.s the crop is now so matured as to be well able to resist the disease. Sunlight Soap ii bettsr than other aoapa, Imt is b«st when uied in tho Snnligbt way. Buy Sanlight Soap and follow directions. UNAVOIDABLE. "Tommy, why is it that you are always lighting with little Willie Busk irk?" " 'Cause ho can't run as fast as me, 'n' I can lick him." Farcnts buy Mother Graves' Worm E.xLeruunator because they know it is a safe nie<licinc fur their children and au elTectuol expellcr o( worms. WIHie â€" "Ma, can people leave parts of themselves in dilTerent plac- es'.'" Ma â€" "No; don't be ridiculous." Willie â€" "Well, Mr. Jigga said he was going to the Tyrol for his lungs." WEAKWATKRY BLOOD cruises much trouble. I Tfiat tired feeling aud many niuru syuintotiiK ; folIi)w in its wake. Try " KerT\)viin." It is thej best tonic to make yuu strung and well AUJ druggists sell it. Sunlight Soap is better thain other Soaps but is best \A/hen used in the Sunlight way. Follcv^ directions. SUNLI6HT WU OF WASWIN FIRST.â€" Dip ite a-ticlo to be wasr.eJ in a litb til luHewann wjtei'. draw k out on a wasnlv'^aid su~;drub the s^ ap Itghlly over it. Be parxicular no( to m'ss soaping all o er. THKN roil ic in a t'ght roU, lay in the tub ur.cier the water, and go on tt:e same uay until al! the piece* have tlie soap nibbeu cn^ and oie tolled up. Then ffo away for th-rty (rintitcs lo one heur ant} '.zX Uic "S*jii- lisHt" hoapdoilswo.k. \KXT.â€" Alter soaking the full f.rae rub ths clothes lightly out ona wa-^h board, and Ihe <iirt will droo out; turn the ga.-tner.t iii- s lie .ut tu got at t lie scams. but don't «we any more sono ; don't scald or h^^ I a s nsie pie-je, arid don't w:iib throa^h two sudi. If the H-ater jeU too dirtv, p-oar a liule out and add uthtx. tf a ctrtoft is £:ard to wash, rtib s«»rrte mere soap on U, and throw the piece back into the sudsH^ra few minu^c^s. LASTLY COMES THE RINSING* which is to be done m lukewaim water, ij^ing special cire to get all the diity sua* away. then MTtng out and i;aug up to drv. Por Woolens and Flan- ne!» proceed as lvi!ow5 : â€" ShiKc ths .if.iLits free frjrn dus:. Cu: a tablet of SUNLIGHT SOAP into shaviiii'^, pour into a gaUon of boituts: water Knd whisk into a lather. Uben juvt lutce'wann, woili aTtic!e*> in the lather wtthout rub- bing* S<1«««'« out diriy water without^ twiflCins and rinse thoroughly in two relays of lukewarm water. Squeeze cut water without twistins and hang in the open air. fW~Thc most delicate cotors may be »of«l>' t«a&hcd in the Sun- IlKhf way. You Don't Know Good Tea Until you've tried mmmmamm «â- > It's FRESH. NATUR.VL FRAGRANCE pleases the most critical, and will be a REVELATION TO YOU. ONLY ONE BEST TEA. BLUE RiSBOH'S !T. TRY THE RED LABEL. SEITLEIIS LOW lt:VTES WEST. The Chicago and Xorth Wester:! Ry. will sell low one way second- class .settlers ticl;et.s daily from Sept. loth to Oct. 31st, 1905. lo points in Utah. Montana, Nevada, Idaho, 'Oregon, Washington, Califor- nia and Briti.sh Columbia. Rate from Toronto to Vancouver, Victoria, New Westminster, B. C, SeattK-. Wash., or Portland, Ore., $42.2;"); to .San Franci.sco or Los Ang les. Cal., $!4.00. Correspondingly low rales from nil points in Canada. Choice of routes. Best of service. For full particulars and folders write to U. H. Bennett, General Ag.-'nt, 2 East King St., Toronto, Ont. Monkland Herd Yorkshires Godd breeding stock (all ages) fur sale at reasonable prices. JAMES WILSON & SONS, Fergus, Ont. CARPET IdYEINQ ^^ aod C:*aaiDC. Thii (a a cpccialtr "Hh trie ^^ BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING Ca land p*nicvi:ati by .utl And »o ar^ntr* !0>vU{y luUnut lax <9S. MontraaL "Your father is certainly the po- litest man I know." "What mak.js you say that?" "He's pretending that he's cured of his dyspep.sia in order that he shall not hurt his doctor's feelings." Piles Cured in 3 to 8 niwhts ono appticalion gives relief. Dr. Agncw's Ointment is a boon ipr Itching Files, or Blind. Uk-ciiing Piles. It relieves quickly and permanently. In skin erup- tions it HtandH without a rival. Tliou- 8unds of te&tinoniuls if you want evi- dence. 35 cents. â€" 23 [ A man naturally shrinks from a ceremonious wedding. No man : relished lindioii owt how mere hi; is, ; and still less does hu relish having : it published to tho world Where can I get some of noUoway's Corn Cure? I wiis entirely cured 'of my corns by tiiis reincily 'and I wish 8*)nie more of it for my frienrls. So wnlea Mr. J. W. Urowu, Chicago. 30 Praotioal Evary day Lessons on FARM ACCOUiMTS For 7Sc. past p«ld. FARM PUB. H0U8K. Box 425. Cti:itUam. Oal BA8TEDO & CO.* 77 Kn* East, Toronto, FUR MANUFACTURERS Ladios' And Misses' riir .".nd Fur-linml Coats aap Jackuts. Evor>tl»mg in Furs. Send cataK'u'. We buy Raw Fur* and Qansins rruuii for Price List. «iaf?:L?i»r« QRT. Ce nnn «^^A'<t> will be paid •^^f^v\J ^^J any p-rson who proves that Sunliglil i^onp con- taiun any in.Miric>nf< choroicoia or any form ut adultcratlun. Your Money Refunded by tho dealer fruin whom yon buy Sunlight SoKp if you find any caaso for cumploint. lEVCR BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO "I manage to keep my boaixicCs longer than you do," said the lirst landlady. "Oh. 4 don't know," re- joined the other." "You keep them so thin that they look longer than they really ar« " .SCALP HKAD is a <ilsgn«tinc and obstinato disease, frwijueut in childi-en. IVeittmeut :_ Per- ftHTt cleriulinois and .i ;:onen>iLd application ot Wo.irer' Cenit«. Muthers wlU be glad to learn tfaki. \Vife â€" "Was that man ever a farm- er?" Husbandâ€" "No." Wifeâ€" "But he's always tTlking-ahout the delights of living in lne countrj'." Husband â€" "Exactlj. That's what shows he never was a farmer." Wife (reading"!â€" 'This maga -ine says that handsome men are pro\ er- bially disagreeable " Husbandâ€" "But, ray denr, I'm sure I try my best to be pl-.'asant at all times." It Will Prolong Lifeâ€" Do Sotn, tha Spaniard. Io.kI hif life in she wilils of Florida, whither he went for tho pur- pose of discovering the Icgcmlary "Fountain oi perpetual youth," said to exist in that then wuKnown country. While Ur. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil not perpetuate youth, it will remove tlio buddy pains wiiicii niaiie the young olil bcforti tiieir luuc and bara&s the uged into untimely graves. The reason folks can't take a lovo story for thoir guide is that It gen- erally ends jMst before the trouble beii'ns. Cholera morbus. cram|>s and kindred complaints annually make their ap- SO IT IS. It is the girl who marries a rough diamond who often gets the most real diamonds to wear. WE CLAIM that "The Xi A\." ^^enth.lI Plnstor For tho Overworked. â€" What are tho cuu&es of despondency and melancholy? A ilisordercd liver is one cause aiul a prime ono. A disortieret! liver means a disordered stomach. un<l a disordered .stomach means disturbance of the nerv- ous system. This hrinps the whole body into 'sutjjeclion and tlie victim ".c-.-ls .sick oil over. Parmeleos Vegeta^le lâ- ill^ are a recognize<i remedy in this siato aud relief will follow their usa. Mrs. Prime â€" "I ain't seca ,\ our hired girl of late." Mrs. Pebblesâ€" "No, the poor girl is gone. Sho tried to boil one of flirani's cellu- loid collars ami it exploded and wo ain't seen her since." pearance at tho same time ns the hot ! '^"' â„¢''? •'"°?'l'^"' ?*"''•'"'''*• '"'V'-''''^^ ''^ ^""I?'" weather, green fruit, cucumbers, melons S'a P-inis .luicker thiui any ..tbor plaster. Uo- etc., and many persons are .iebarred '"""°""^*' ''>' *''"''5''^"'>> f'-oni eating these tempting things, but smptiiig they need not abstain if tney Iiave Pr, J. r. Kellogg's Dysentery C?ordial and tako a few drops in water. It cures the cramps and cholera in a remarkable manner and is sure to check every dis- turbance of tho bowels. HOW TO SIT AT WORK. Sit quite back in your chair, the ho<iy Ioo.se above the x.-ais». then the bemling a little forward when writ- ing is not injurious; for reading or needlework it is not necessary. This pose will soon be found far less fa- tiguing than tho "bunching" up and- stooping forward, and the improve- ment in shape and carriage of the figure will approximate the dignified bearing of our great-grandmothers, who were all trained to sit in this way. It is not for a moment sug- gested that ono should ever loungt>," simply that a sitting po- sition for any length of time should be on the foregoing lines. THE CAS'TOR OIL PLANT. No bird, beast, or creeping thing will touch a ca-^tor oi! plant. It seems to be rank poi-son to nil ani- mals. Even a goat will stave before biting off a leaf, and a horse v. ill suilV at it and turn up his upper lip as though it had the most detestable odor on the face of the earth. Lo- custs will pass it by. though they may cat every other green thing in sight, and there is no .surer way to drive inolcs away from a lawn than to plant a lew castor boaiis here and there. Some people seem to think happi- ness is inherited, and they sit around waitin' for somethin' they can only get by workin'. Something More Than a Purgative.â€" To purge is the only elTect of many pills now on the market. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills arc more than a purga- tive. Tlicy strengthen the stoniucb wher>j otlie' intly weaken it. Tlie.v cleaiiKO tho blood by regulating tho liv- er and kidneys, and they stimulate where other pill compounds depre.ss. No- thing or an injurious *iiaturc. used for merely purgative powers, enters into their composition Most of our time i.s spent in get- ting used to the things wo ditla't expect. ro SECUUK PROPFR KEST. If only women coidd rela.x they would rest more in ten minutes than in hours of so-callc>d resting with tcn.se mii.scle.i. t'i'ten. after l.ving down for an hour, a women will get up saying that she feels more tired than before. .No worxler; her muscles were unrelaxed. Host with- out relaxation i.s impos.'ilble. Let Ihe IkhI, couch, or chair boar the whole weight of the body. Imagine that you have not the power to lift a limb. Loosen the tension both of mind and body, and in a shoirt time yuu will feel renewed Blreng'th. South American Kiifnay Cure is the only kidney trealuient that has proven equal to correct, all the evils that aj-o likely to lietall these physical regula- tors. Hundreds of testimonials to prove the curati\e merits of this Iiqiii<l Kidney spccifi*: in cases of Bright's <ti.s- ease, diabetes, irritatitui of the blad- <ier. inflammation, dropsical tendency. Don't delay.â€" aa Young Mother â€" "Now, Harold, whom do you love most, pnpu or me?" Little Harold â€" "Papa." â- young Mother â€" "But yesterday you said you loved nie most." Little Harold â€" "Yes; but I've thought it over since and decided that we men must stick together." A father going into his stable one day found his little son, with a slate and pencil in his hand, astride one of the horses. "Why, Harry," he exclaimed, "what arc you do- ing?" "Writing a composition." was the reply. "Well, why don't you write it in the hou.se?" asked the father. "Because," answered the little fellow, "the master told me to write a composition on a horse." BY BRIBING TllK NKRVB.S with opium ynu mar stop a ouU|;h but the intlammation gi>e< {ri>m bad to worse. Aliens Lung Balsam, ount uninz no opium, goes to the root of the tnub.o lud cores deep-eeatwl .iSections of throat and Iuaj{S. Nell â€" "But are you sure her com- plexion's genuine?" lielle â€" "Posi- tive. I saw the box; on the lid it said, "None genuine without our sigmature.' and there was the sig- i nature right enough." To Starve is a Fallacy. â€"The dic- tum to stop eating because you have indigestion has bing since been explod- ed. Pr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tal)- lets introduced a new era in the treat, ment of stomach troubles It lias proved that one may eat his fill of an.vUiing and everything he relishes and ono tabl-'t t:.ken after tti'> moai will aid tho stomach in doing i i work. (50 in a box, 85 cents. â€" 24 DMth or Lunacy seemed the only al- ternative for a well-known and highly respected lady oi Wingham, Ont.. wh« had travelled over two conlinents in ft vain search for a cure for nervou.s tie* bility and dyspepsia. A friend icrom- mended South American Nervine. One bulllc helped, six bottles cured, and her own written testimony closes with these words: "It has s&ven my liio.".â€" 20 A colored, philosopher says there is less luck in a ralAit's foot than (here is iu a chicken's foot â€" provid- ing the rest of the fowl is attached. DiaMys% kSi^afi ?M oo' |I»' WOMEN FOOTPADS IN PAHIS. Do Not I.iuiit Attentions to O-nrn Sex, But Rob Men. A large minibcr of female foot- pads, whoso thefts are accompanied by violent assaults, have, appeared reoeotly in the police courts of Paris, France. These women do not confine their attentions to their own sex. Slen also have been attacked and robbed. Two audacious robberies were com- mitted in the Boulevard IMneau the other night. One of the victims was a latl.v's maid iiam«l Jeanne Pellier, oge«l 22. Two young WL-men stop- ped her and ordered her to turn out her pockets. One of them dealt her a violent blow on the mouth, and then .slio was held down on the ground by both. Her watch and purse were taken, ond she was left in a door- way after being kickefi and other- wise roughly handliKl. In the other case Juliette Bro- chard, a milliner, was al.so attacked by two women. Her cries for help, however, brought n number of po- lice to the scene, and the girl's a.s- snilnnts. two women aofiied l''iii)Brc and Lacorse, both i^jod 20, were ar. rested. "Now. let's .see about this jjor- trait you're to make of ui.v wife," said Nuritch. 'Water-colors rub out ca.sy. don't they?" "Oh. yes." i-e- plied D'Auber: "it must he in oi! â€" " "Wait a minute. Ju:;t makc> tho head and iieck in oil an 1 the dress Ir. wuter-color. Then it'll be on.sy to bring it, up to date every t imo the style changes." faith Vou c*rnol bo^PTrectoJ to ha-.;e fniiH in SliiWi'i Coo*ti:Tir*>on Cui", itif Lung Tonic, a; a cure for Cotcb, Coughf sitd all JiKMr* of the nn' pAtst^fiu i& you hare not ttjcti il. WehiiTeUi:h inii. ana to coRvinoo you iKat U >vill core you wfL ^nxtaSm it. If il doeMi't cuio vou k co»:s ycj n^hin«. It it doea il coiu >oj 23c. 'Hut's (aif. Vxy il lo^ar* ShiSoh has curad man/ thouaandt ^ tS? most obvtmal* CMC*, and v^-e oo not heaitalc to *&y Uwt it wiil cum any Cold, Coug^ Throat or Lti;i,i itoublc. If w« tjtJ not bobe%-e tnn w« wouii not cu«to'ite« il absolutely «x ^'ado. Shiloh h(>s Kad en urHiokaA recorj ot wcc^M fof ihirty !t^.-». U K.^s tlooj tytry powUe if* wfthoulf mlii.f. Ml that |)CMi of tU curotivo p!ri>ctu««. Futibv Proof ia found m the miny tmtimonijli ol A.r ? wI>o tm* tried Shiloli ura lx«n cured. Mn. Archie Tayloib Aiaph* Pj., write* : â€" "IKougM a bn(ii^ of SKilotS Coajumptirn Cor* and fwmJ it v.-^y bepefccwJ, i Ka»o two cluldm and iKcy h&d n lerTtbitt couult. t cavc then ewmrihing I coiilJ think of. but llvy wot ro bettn unW otte ''%-eoisc my du»1 -nvJ V^-\:^.l a l.x^uleof Shilah. U'l eave it Id the cW!.ire.i w'-ro the? weal to bed, and ihoy alept ait ni{»lit. h curad there conip!elelr< ihftU alwaya hccp u ta xhm 6oa 25c. with gufttantwe ^herew medi \-\q ** »ofc^ ISSUE NO. 4»-05. II H lfcl«»i mil