Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Oct 1905, p. 1

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'I \ TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR. PRINCIPLE b NOT MEN." VOL XXlY, KO 1230 Pleshertoii, Ont., Tljursday, October 26 IQOo W. H THURSTON, EDITOR PKOPKIETOU W^BSBCdS! : T.\ r..H » i>xuMij. i m Going To Get Married ? Tf so yon will want & nica weildiufl ring. Vi'i have th»m in a great varii-ty and at ju.«t the right prions. © © GoiugTo A WeddiDg ? Ifso V'lii will want • take a present alt)n^. Vt'k have tint niuny Iwantiful BLACK WOOD CJ.<;rKhi which we will soil at C(if t for th« i!0.\t fiftee:i ii:iys. This iiivans »'imv.tluni{ t<> ymi. >rak^ a iiiite ol it. These »re .â- â€¢â€¢.lit.il'lu for general use. See tlielii. US* Jlrmstrong, FLKSUl KTOX, ONT Engeiiia UsptT gruait speiiV Sandiiy ThanWyi^iviii;; Service will he heMiti' 'l-i'- '• -.ivinff si-i^ice will be held tile Meihodist cliiiich iSui)J»y tveuing'the i: â-  '.oUiat church here ou Sunday iieXf I next, 10.30 a. ^ A very pretty home werldin^f t<;T>kJ ^»_», place !\i th:) ros:dcnoe of Mr. Simon ' MoAlluni, Eugouia, On Oct. 18, when her; Son, Aleiaiider, was united la inarrijgo " McFarland. Stafford & Cos- Big Store i MARKDALK, ONXAl<IO TheMontreakHeraldinaNewForm. ^'^''^y Coitnty's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STOEE to Jlib-s Mamie Tee'cr, of Vaiideleur. j Il'V. L. -W. Thorn lied the bndd kii.>t. I Muv-i Teeter, of Kt in, acted aa bridesaiaid anl .Mr. Laurie Munsiiaw, uf Markd:de, > I a.S!sisted the urooiii. As the young oouple! I .-jre so violl kaown and very hi:>lily regpec- I ted the cuuijratuUrions of a largu circle <>c I frioud is extended to theiu 1 Mr.aiiJ .Mra David Parlunent of PaisVy 'are visiliiin their daughter, Mrs. T. E. i j fenwttk, at present. i I Mr. Reescir of the Eleclric Power! â-  Conp.it.y has i/oiie to Algoma on a hunt- â-  iig tiip for a couple of weeks. i Mr. Muuiiiaw starts on Monday next; i for Muskoka to shoot the falUiW deer and ; eiijiiy life in the wild.s for a few weeks. Air. Diickett had a horsieH the [wst week fr .Mr. Ikr Smith uf the C'llinirwood gravel had a line youn^ iiuire die fioin the saue cause last week. The spec!-.! itnd nxcliisive elubhiujj ar- rangement which wo have made with The Weekly Moii!r:.'ol Uei'dld proiut.«6B '* be even a more attractive proposition to our readers than we anticipated. With t'ua [ issue of last week The Herald was enlarged to a sevsti column page, ihaa ' s;iviDs; rool^ for a large increase ui Iwiih I readiusf matter lUiA illuitralion.s. The edaois ha,e ta«eu full iktlvanta;»e of their new opp.,ptuniftes and several iiu|>ortaiit , features api>ear in the enlarged Herald. [ Prominent among these is an illustrated ' pn>»e for women, coi. ducted by Marioa^i Uarlaiid,*whi<K^ name ia so well known ( the Continent II vijr ihrouj<h her connri- ! butioiis til the Ji.uUos' Uouit .Journal aniiri on , Watching the Warket And being *there' with the Cash en- ables us to keep in front in our line. It's a Good Thing for all our Customersâ€"Are You One? r Industrial Homo Notes "j r (By an Inmat)^) "^ â-  Jonii McTntyro, rjf'rrj t> in !a>t week's report, pas.'jed (I'.iiclly away at 2 15 a. III on VVedneaday last. His sufferings had been intense, his death wa.s a happy relea'o to hiin«elf and a relief to those wl.o had attfciidod him. Tiie buri.J ser- vice was rend by the Rev. J. S. I. Wil- son »t the lio:r.o jiri-.r to the removal of the remains to the Markdale Ccinetry, on 'ihursd.iy tnorning. A couple of hu rel- atives came, ioieiulin'.; to be at, the funer- al but were too late. The sudden chanae from warm to win- ter like w.alhor makes some of the old lell iW9 clostly ling the radiator, and none n ore so than old U. F., who, by the way j> ibbles away froiu morn Mil eve, niuc;h litter the fa.shiou of a G ilway goose and ju-.t about HS int-Uigilly. His niain- spiiiii; u loin; and s'lon.;, when oi'ce wound lip it t.iko-. a long lime to run dowii, and his au lio:ice frequently oon- s:sts of his walkiiiu stick and a hnlf-beivd- derel reporter, the rom.tiiidor of tlie assBiiibly tindiiiH relief in nodland. Ktillitr the rapid strides of science mul invention of the la.*t half ccutury, nor the advanced educational system of the la.t decade or two hii succ:?edfd in eradicating fio:a the minds of many in this eiill-htened twentieih century, iho Blip rstitions of the dark ages. There are those to be I'onud to ''"V Jffi^Milf (A'th hi' «itcUc>«fl and rh» evil- oj'o, is as deep seaica as that of th-irr forefalhtrs two coctuiics a^«; to wit : the a.ssis'aiit daily in.iii, l.ite hospital scrgcbiit of ihis home, lilt ooly believes in tho tun dancing ai.il the asses in Iruand braying witli j 'y every Eastor inoiuin/, but Ins faith in witchery IS o«jual'y deep rooted. W'liie enu'iued ciiuriiiiiii the other d ly the butter was rather tedious iu making its appearance. One of t'le oUl ladies hat! occasion to pass by a c<'uple of limes durin>: the pro- ie.» atid h,' Vihiiuent'y attributed llie i-ause to (ho fact that »hu had cast evil glances at the churn ami himself and be- witched the buttiT, be dad. His inisci bility did not leath its zenith hoivevei-, until ."in old fellow (a Lowland Scotchman) p«s.sod by carrying a scuttle of coals to iho kiichen rungo. 1 hat was the cap slieat of his indijjnatioii. Ho vowa by ail -tlnMNasses in » yaid of Sci^teh plaid, that he'll Liver cliurru a<:in whin thereS aniiy ould/ceinin or coal hiivi-is nrout.d. Thi>' Divine service on Suiidny was not to largely attended as on previous occas- ions, ortUiB no doubt tj the iu.dement Weather, i;everiheli'ts ii was an enjoyable and impressive seruce. rondocled jointly by Me.ssrs. Eiiois and Harness. Tl,e lat- ter had no :d)»tiaut text but delivered a direct and impr.'ssive discourse from tho rSth I'stlm and dealt largely on the luur- murini^s and disobedience ot tho children of Israel when jouriieving in the wilder- ness « h ch be Compared with the innrmur- ini;san I di.^oiitoiit of the l-iraebte's of the present day. Tho discourse was a force- ful oue «i,d it is to bo h 'ped that it will bo engraved in the minds of all who bw»rd it and hfive goid effect on all to whom it may app'y. The change in the woatber put a tern- pftrary stop to lOot raising. lieets and inaugolds were an excfptionally g>H>d crop. Mr. H. showed your cor. a couple of sugar I'cet.i wh. we united weight was S4 poiindM, their dimennions are: length, 18 and Ifi inches, circumference, 20 anJ 22 inches, \v.-i;<ht, 18J and li>^ lli». tjuite a number of the crop Me of similar dimensions and we are informed that a few, since raised, are even larjjer. Wo do not think the turnipa will be quitu ao Riiod as laot year. They appaar to have bexn stricken with a blight lately, but •till there ia a fair oi-op. I A Judicious Inquiry A well known travelling; iran who visitH the I drug trade ssiyii he has niteii lieaid druffgints 1 hi<iiiire of customers wh.> asked for a emiijh I me<llcine, wlii-ther it was wanted for a child or Ian aitult, and if for a child they altuont invar- iably O'cconmiend Chamberlain's Coutfh Reui- edy. The i-i!.i*on for thus is th:;t they know there is no danger froui it and that it always ( cures. There is not the leiest daiij;er in giving j it, and for c<mgh», coIJs and croup it is im<iir- pas-sed. For Siile by W. E. Kichar isou. Portlaw loss of one of ids | thr,'"«'> ^" *rit.ng8 and Wcturea .11 in.Ha.nmatiou I ^o-jkery and othec household topics .Another departure in tho Henld i« ; - Chiidrun's page profusely iiimrrated. In A fcw of the tuanv money savlog Opportunities <mtnerei'e(l fact, a jreat portion of the added spvce is ^ , £• ^i • ' i • ii- t\ ,. i* devoted bo iiiua^ra.ious, the centenary of '^ogerher toF thi3 '<veek 3 Selling. Dozenis of others just a> Neiso.i's death caUing forth some exceii j interesting. Come in and investif^ate. conducting church for Rev. Mr. Wass has hopn j special mcLtings lu Mt. Ziuii some 'iiiie pa.-t. I J. H. Watson, who was sovcrely in- I jured by a f.dl, is slowly improving, abhough still re<)uiiing to Use crutches. NViiliam and vj antes AlcLoltan left >aal ( week for Toberiiiorcy, whore they expect /to remain for the winter. Mrs. James Hill h:is had her residence veneered with brick, which giVeS it a handsome appearance. Robert McAIaster ha.s sold his farm, "i-<l line, Osprey, to J.iuies Linton and William Russel. P'raniv lilakie lias gone to Uxbridge to join lii^ wile, who is vi!.i*.iiig at her parental home there and is in a delic.tte state of health. The Artoiiio.s'a Sablxitli School Ass'n belli their ipiarierly eonvciiti ui, Monday evening of last week in the C)i-«ng'.> hall, 4tb line. The attendance was fa:r. Some Seasonable Advice. j It may be a pivce of superHuous advice to urge iHHiple at this sea.<on ot the year to lay in I a .supply of CliAUil<erlaiu'sC'inii.'h Keiuedy. It j 18 almost si;re to V-.e neeiled before winter is over and much niorc prompt aud satisfactory results I ai-e obUiinud n heu taken as soon as a cold is eoiitracted and beime it has Imeimie settled in the system, which can only be done by keeping the renieeiy at hand. This reuiecly is so widely known .-.lid to alteiRCther giKul that! no one should hesitate about buying it in preference to any other. For sale bv W. K. Kich;udsou. ent views. The serial and short stories in the UeraKt are sure t<i attract thousjinds of read.Ts. In fact il-.e whole paper is of a character to make our joint clubbiiit! otter by all odis the biat ever ni ido and one thiit should not Iu neglected. Remember j The M^lreal Herald and The Advinee I from now until the end of 1006 for only ; one tiollar. ; Largest Organ In the Body. Is the liver. Small wonder that liver trouble mikkes you feel so luiseral le. The symptoms are constipation, duzinoss, in- dioestiou, headaciie, foeliug e>l depresstoii and lack ef appetite. There is butone sure cure-, â€" Dr. Haui- iiton's I'llls. ..In eveiy ease they aru sue cessful. ^y tkying "It-i^ly .. Uiiuiltoii's P.Us you aVc sure of stiimg vitn'iry, uour ishinu blood, blight cheoiy spiri's. No longer will you .'?utrer fr ml d;sordoied liver or kidneys. Th" marvel of thi.^ medicine is tlia'' it keeps you well â€" pre- vents and ttanis i)!f disease of every kind. 2^c. pur box evcrywlioro. Bill's tweed Caps for !)e. 12 Boys' Peak Caps, in brown and whito and tjiue and white, check tweed, all sizes, less than half price. Only 9 Children's Fndervests for 10c. 1-t-t Children's Kibbed Undervests.union, fleece lined, etc., in hygeian Kibbed, assorted sizes and quahties worth up to 25c , each. Yuar choice 10 S;1.00 Ladies' Skirts for f 1 .05. 10 only Woniens IUtc',>. Clotu is'»i,; • nicely trimmeel with silk stripping, med- ium weight cloth, assorted lengths, a regular 3.1U giriuent. Un sale 'his week >t\t 106 liiuibcrlcy. Kail plo.vin-z it the order of the day. Mr and Mrs. A K .Myles and baby Uuth spent Sunday with Mrs. .1. A. MyleS \>i Heathcote. Mr. W'ni. Mc.-\teer, accon:pRiiii'<l by the 'Mi^ses Jennie and L:r/.;e McKipbatiick ! of Ko^apoie, ivet the gues's of Air. and Mr3. M. H, Simoin rm Sund.iy last, Mr. and Mis. C. Knott, of Tii riibnry, visivcd frieiidt heie in Siimlay last, aioi were tho liuests of M.. and Mrs. E, Brown of this place. Mr. Simon Fawcett spent Saturday ,ind Sunday with Mr. and Mis. Herb Kawcett of Colliiigwood. Mrs. J. M. Thurston, of Toronto, is visiting her daughter, Mr.s, 0. H. VN alter of iho suburbs, Mr. Jvdiii Flewes, of Collingwood, ac- coiiipsnied by his sister, Mrs >\ m Reid of Muluiur, spent Sunday at his here. Miss Olive McAteer, of Kolapore, is the guest of ber sister, Mrs. M, 11. Simons of this place. Riin or shine, ctmd ro iili or b.-ul, finds our gonial ui.iii-carri.r, Mr. Jno. \» eber, on the «p >t every time. Mr. F. D. OotTof the Holiness Work- ers Soci»'ty look -•harge of the service in the riiioii church here on Suuday even ' mg last I ilr. Edward Kawcott of Heathiote, , was a caller in our village last week. ' Mr. George Froct^T, ctmtraotor, has obtained the contract o( bricking two largo re>sidencP8 ill Meaford, and left ou I M<'iiday to perfor«i the work. Little Miss Raohael Uutchi.son utivti a birthday party to a number of her young frivnds on Saturday aflernoou last. Mias heme Two Clifford young men, Chfiiles Oris.-h , and James K;slier, a^o in Gne'pU jail on . a very .serious charge made by two .Ayton girls, who struek upnn aiiuaintancc with | thetn at tho Clifford fair and wiio started to dr've home with tho yriung nun.! Judge Ohadwick sai.l he bad no jurisdic- diction to tiysueh a foious charira, and tho two were ieii'ai>tl-d to jiil. Wlia'- 1 ever tlu> outcome of the scandil, it has lessons for yeurg po'ple in this day o.' 1 ibrity. â€" Con 'eotr-te. | $2.00 Shirt Waists for 1.25 24 only Women's Fancy SJiirt Waists, assoited colorings in fancy stripe pat.- tt'rns, some lustres, some fancy wool blouse materials, a.'worted sizes, nicely trimmed, regular $2.00 Blouses. We '.•ot the lot at a bargiiu. \Vhilo they bisc 120 floe Corduroy for 30c. 38 yards Navy Blue Corduroy, nice rich shade, tine velvet finish, good heavy weight, worth in regular way 65c yard. H got a bargain and can say per yard :!".> 33o Bath Towells for lOc. 3<5 pair Bath Towells.sizes 20 by 40,fa-icy siripe pattern, goo.1 quality crash, reau- lar value 30o pair on sale thia week 10 Childrens Beai-k:n Coats. IFo secured a couple of do7en Children'* IFhire Bearskin Coats at a close ,,.-iee "rhese little coata are very iiopuiar for linh? pt-ople. FTc lijive ihem in diiferent qtmlities, different sTs-Ie.'s, and different- sizes, prices run iVon: f''.00 to 1 5i» ?1.25 Print n'rappers for 89c. 18 only women's Print Wrappers.medfutn and dark, neat pitterm. as-orte*! sizes, good qu»lity print, reg value f 1,25 each, sale pi ice gi) Bid Skirt Purchase L.t.ier day that A man tol I us 'ho did not I ui 1 sh all t!'c things tioit h»p| eiieel. We .should siy not. In tlie first p ace there is s iinebody depending on u« for a living. It" Wo print all that happene i we wou'd soon be with tha angels. Ii: order to please the people we must prin: ouly the nice things siid of tlu-in and leiTo the rest to gos-sip. Yes, it's a fao", wo don't pnbli.sh sll the new<. If weilid ' wouldn't it in ike spicy reading? But it j Would bo for one week i-n'y: the next week i yju would read our o! itiiaiy--in some i other paper. All the news is all right i when its about the otherfellow. â€" V^liuore liaz.'ito $6.00 SKIRTS FOR g.l.SO. We fi.'curcd from one :>f tho best manufacturers 49 Dress Skirts al about half regular ! valvi'-s. They are all this sea-son's best styles and best cl-ith,s, but only a few of each wc ! st-iL- left, heiieo this price opportunity. There are blacks, navy biues. greys and fnnoy iweeds in tho lot, assorted lengths and various styles. Tho regular values were Co and §0.00. We put them on sale at one priceâ€" your chidce for 3.5i> McFAKL^AND, STAFFOI^D c^ CC Med-.cal practitioneri who fail to see ho V they are under any obligation to the s^.ile are c- iMir.uing to i;ive trouble over the registraticr of deaths and births, and some, it is ssid, have gone so fac as to openly defy the provisions of tho Act and refuse to send any notification to theniun- icipdities. The Utter are being asked by the iJoveromeiit to furni.sh names of doc- tors who are taking tl;isalti'ude. with a view to liiidiiig means to have the law en- forced. Tho act requires the doct..r or other persons present at the event, to not- ify the inuiiie; pal clerk immediately of d'.viilis and bin lis. Li case of the lat'er the parent must, witiiin thirty days, give ! ihe child a namo. which may, however, ( be changed on the official record any time I within 10 years. j The ho.»ptt;d for sick chi'dron at Tor- I OMto will receive a contribution of nine i or ton dollars as the result of success of The Youlii'* Companion !n 1906. During 1*H) The Youths Com{>ttnion will in.blish in 52 weekly issues 7 serial storivs, each n liook in itself. refle<tiiig .\uicricau life iu home, i-aiut>aiid field. 50 â- ipccial articles contributed by famous men and women -travellers, osRavist.s, soldiers, sail- ers. St j.tcsmen and men of ajfairs, thon^'htfu? .ind timely editorial articles on im- portant public and domestic questions. 2.-)0 cnipletc stories by the best of living stery- _ veriterjâ€"storiesofeharactcv, stories of achieve- g „i.w departure in connection with thrf meut, storiiw of humor. ... 1000 notes on current events siid disewcriesin the field of scienoe and natural history. 20»<0 bright and :!n)Usitig»i>ecdotcs.iteni«of strange luid eiuioiis kiiowlediic, imems sad sketches. This is what Til K COMl'ANION offers its readers during 190(). .-Vnd the ,(u*lity of it is fullv e.|ual to the qu.wtitv. Tho paiier is in- tcrt'sting without liei'.g sensational, bright without being llashv, elevating and strung then- ing without K-incprtwy-â€" ft paiwr for every Cliat-sworth fair which was conceived by the niBinbers of Ibe local branch of the Women's Institute. The Indies secured a section in ilie hall, which they attract ive'y devratevl, and in which a counter was orceted. Over the counter lunch of first i,u..liiy wa-> served at reasonable price, and the pati-nnaite was gener>a«. The edibles wpre the free contriiintions of Iho nicinbors of the ins'itut? and sev- eral othtfi-s who vohiiitoored to assist in "Tf;^ An^nin^^lil^itrf the new volumewlll ' the commendable u-vlcr'aking. TI.e in b« sent with sample coi.ies of the pvier to any 1 stltute also assisted the bair by cm I Unit- address on retpiest. "The new subscribes fur ; l!t06 who sends tt~& for the new volume nt BacbiMt itwkes a charming jTuung hoatea*. ti4 Berkeley S»r«vt, once, will r<>c«ive free all the roiuaiuing issues for 1905, inehidintt the l).iublo Holiday Nuni- bsrsialsoTHK. COMF.VNIONS ".Mmntein" Calender for UW, Uthugrapl.w) in twelve col- ors and gold. THE YOUTH'S COM PAN ION iiig three special prizes f ir the writing compeliiioiio|.K'n t" schoolchildren. The entries were numerous and the competi- tion keen. â€" Banner. The blind horse and a Un'em, by an accident on Wenlitesday. osu.sed a lo.ss of k«toa,M««. $l20Vor more to Mr Th'inis Charlton. H-- wont to his birn, whii-h is about a mile south of Ch.itsworth. ab.iat nin^ o'clock to turn his horses out after feed- in.;. One horse was relessed and pas,sed out, but the second, which was blind, from some cause mad- a sudden forA-ard in ivement and ci'oivde>>l Mr. C. and the I'liitcrn he carried against th» partition, thrt former falling and the litter breaking, anl in an iiistin' th-j straw was buiriiing. and the efforts of the owner to snioihee tho tflines with his jacket pro ve<l utiavail- in.'. The budding, toirethcr with hay and grain, weredbstroyed. â€" Banner. ONLY ONE Cure for Asthma Some medicines deaden the disea^ toinporari'y, but Cameron's Asthma Cure cures pcrmsn-?n'iy. It is taken in- ternally and tl.ua co-nes iu contact with the troutilcs dire-:tly. removing it from the system in a natural nian- iiir. Price 52.00 per bottle at all^^ druggists or sent direct on receipt qjf price. Prejiared only by D. A. CAMERON, Oicen Sound, On*, frhlUFreiit DnigSt<rt.' 4 m

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