Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Oct 1905, p. 4

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' "•â-  October 26 1905 niE -tLESHEETOJS ADVANCE ^WW¥¥VWVW F, T. HILL & CO. WmHiii^ I TIMELY ADDITION TO OUR i ALREADYVERY LARGE STORE In order to keep piice with our very largo and iticrcasin},' trade, we have aj^airi iulded to the selling,' space of our store. This time we have taken in and fitted in and up to-chite manner the second ffat of our building. This large additional room we are devoting cntiioly to Crockery and Glasssvare, Carpets and Linoleuni.s, and i>urpu.se carrying the iaigest and rnost up- to-datc stockof these lines to be found out.sidc the large cities. This means increased selling, lower prices and bet- ter facilitiL's for showing tc in(!et the approval of our cu.stomers. Eemeniber when next visiting the store be sure and inspect the new depaitment. New Winter Furs on Exhibition Ncvur lieforo have wo hud llu ]ilfii'»ure uf sli )wiii<; such un cxtoii.sivo riinne of Lulifs' mid O-'ntlemuti's Furs. Never were our vnliios brtter for up to dali" Hty les. When you are lliinkiiig of y<iur rcquiielneiits for tlio cold WL'uther in tlio fur lines bu Hure niid seo uur lit^o and well nsaortud stock of â€" Lollies' Stoics iiiid Rufts in the dilTBrunf fur vnl uea 9.")C lo 12 50 Ladies' C^aporiirus, now i<> p •pulur, and ihii prioe 1.25 tn 15.00 Ladies' Fur C(p»;s in Astraclimi, Electric Seal and Canadian Joon, prices 15.00 tn 40.00 Gent's Fur fUps, all kinds, all styles 1.40 to lO.f.O Ueiit'fi Fur Co,it.s, all kinds 15 00 lo 50.00 notable Styles in Cadies IDatiUes from Germany* Thi» season wc Ikivo been very fortunate in secuiin^ very sniiul and drossy stylt-s In co.-its at inodi-nite and popular piices. llRviii)> impoiti^d our jiickots this season direct from (Jernri'iy where liil)or and iniiteri di aro so ohu.Tp, account* for the reason that we can so Bjccessfully ctter to your mantle re.|Uireunnta. You canuoi afford to misa 8i>Bin<j our stock before buying. See the Jackets we are selliiiij iit ?4 50 Sec the Jackets we are selling' at ?5. 50 • See th^ ilackets wo are aolliiig at 67.50 3J 'â-  \- â-  [y See the Jackets wo ttio sellii'g lit f 8.50 ^S ' - tiee the Jackets we are Belling iit $9.50 ^m and S10.50 ^m . : â- ; Then jou » ill undorst;ind why we are able to soil so many Mantles ^Afmv MARKHALE mmm"^ rv, Is publUhcdeverv Tlmrsilfty at $1.00 Jie.- ttiinum if |i»id in advaiiw, il..")!! if not no paid. All nuhrscriUer jiayiiiir ^IM) strictly in nUvanco get the Nlontri?»l n'"""'*' '""' 5"""' flee M n pmniuni. Potato Rot. Jtr.y^.rance In Owen Sound. (From tlio Toronto Star.) "The hotelnim of Owen SouiiJ are I baking hi their boots over the luuvo of t bo (emiieranco peopU up there," wild Mr. F. J. Sliipinan, formeily of the Sel- don Ili/Uke, oi.o of the t«o hotels pi;r- ihasidhy tlio t':iiipei'iineo element of Owen Sound. Mr. Sliipmau was at ihii llossiii Iliiuso to day. "This hiiiiiily is lliu titst vigorous btop (owaril n loc d o|iii<in vole at tlui iiiuiiiei |ial eloctioii in .laiumry, anil tliose who iire still ill Ihu business niu iifniid nf the l^Kul;. The teiiiper.iiice people up there liavi), Rccordiinj lo tlieir o.vn nipnil, tlTOiW) to expend 111 buying ho'uU. If they have, tliu situation, to say the least, is nciito." The action of the Owen Sound lumper- «iice n unique. In .July tliey iiceepted an oppiriu.iity to piiichiiB« the Selilon tl'Xi.se frmn Mr. Shipuian for $;IH,000. 'i'buy secured Ibu license, ^ood-will, and hi] t ho rest of the deliiiite and indeliiiite tliinitR wliich i^o to nmke up tl.e iince of iin hotel in Ont alio, and when Ihey (>li- lained nosncMAi >ii, a week or so a(:o, cloned up the imr, and are now running It ai a tiMiiperniico luuise. Whcic did the nioiiey come from?" Mr. fcliipnmn was asked. ''Tho ainoniit was siibaribod by n lint uf people ten foul Ion/," he repliet. The Kuhsori|ilif>n list nlto^u'ber includes amounts fr mii nbiiit owe dollar up to sever.d bundled. Kveryhody iiiturusted in tbo teiiipuraiico nniveiio'iit is ir. They piiid niii in cisli but I uiider- ntaiiil thst iTtiolbcr iiisn lias a niiirt(;H<.'o for i2(),0()i) nil the place. Tlio place was pnrehsHud from iiie or i;iiiHliy by Messrs, J. I'. Itaven and LeKxett. K/iveii uaiited l» tnainUin ibii bar, hut Liyt^ett ivoiild not liunr of il, and the lesiilt of ihe sidit Vk as that Haven, wh<< hail put in $2,5IH), was ifiveil t'.iJtO') to dro|) uul, and he ae- ri pled it. UiH place was liiken by Miss I), yie, one of the slruiigesl leuiperanuu wo'iien III iliu town. •'Tiie temperance people are jilrt rmi- liinx my liottd with tlio obj«ct of sliiiwin); lh:tt u leinpei'Hncu place can be run at a profit, ill order that they can use this a^ H Koiid iir)<unu!nt for local option. They will sii.k all tlio nioiny limy have on that tulisoriplion list before lliey make a div idtind'iMiyinR propuNiiion out of il. I ox- peol llint the tc-inpcrsncu |hki|>I>i will {;o abead and liny nut oilier proptirtios. Tiie idea JH >prcadini{ in the north countiy, and I Would not bu surprised to (eo other townii up there follow suit. Nui'herwould J be sui'priaed to avu local opti>in carry in QweniJuUDj., .The November, 1904, crop buUolin of the Ontario Bureiu of Industries stated that considerable loi had appeared un po- tatoes, especially whore the croii wis t^iown on lit avy i-oilsor on lowdyioy hud. The exleiit of the loss was variously esti- inaled at from 'JO to 50 per cent. This '•soft" or "wet" rot is ipitle disiiocl f:o!n so-called "bli^^ht." At first siijht the po- tato ai'pears to be sound, but on eiatiiina tion lite skin over ceitaiii aiuas is found to bu discolored and on prossurn, the part ' *:""'« -"^ , proseot •he eeltbiated c skill a j'"'-''"â„¢ Sn^-rl ick Molines stories, by lu iiiiilli is soft. On breakiiiit the torbid lii|uid can be pressed our. Tiles' liquid may contain ){as bubbles ami turns ] black on expoiure to air. The skin from iitl'octi'd parts easily peels away and tlio newly e.vposed llebli is watery and white; but soon discolors in the air, becoming aliniist black, lia'er, the f.osh softens I > a » hiiepiilp and bccnnies biithly uffeiisive, with a putrefactive oilor. Finally, the potalo becomes a iiiafs of black soft piilji. 'ihe sleni of the poiatoes may or may not be alb-cted. In tbo former ease the base of tbo stems beviiiies discohned â-  r black, then the leavos about will, niid the entire sleni falls over. If a piece u( ibs- essed rteiii is cut open, the tibrousstiHiids ill it (llie libiovasiiihir bundle-') will be found brown to black in color. The cauve of iho "Blijjlit" which par- ticulaily alleciH tliu leaves, is a fuiiHOs, and tho llordi'au iiiixtine pioperly made iind appli'd will hoi I this disease in el u 'k but till wet or soft roi eaniiot be managed by Kpiayiiiu wi'h this ini.xture, because tliu diMiiiso is present in the riots and tnbeisaiid he ice, euiinot bo khI at. Tiie cause of iho ".Hot" disease is« laeteiiiini, a mmule rod about 120,000 of an iiieli loii;;, hIucIi j;rowsw.lli ureal r p dity in the I i-nues t>f tliu potato and seereUs a substance which liasa dissoU iiig nctiuii on the cell walls which lo>ld ihe starch and ull.ir contents of ihe ce'l ill pl.ico. Wlieo lliosoccll Halls are ib'Siroyed the poNiii. becomes wateiy and soft, putrefaction »(it-« ill and the luher is destroyed. The li.<cti riolonical Department of ihe l>ot"irio Auriciillural College, which h is been studying I ho disease for the last year. Would like loa.<cerliiin if the dii- ease in vaii<>iis parts of Ontario is similar lo the one wiili wliioli it has been woik- ini{, and which raunod ho much daiiiaj^e last year, and would like fanners troubl- eil Willi I Ins disease, to mail an nllVcted potalo and slate at the Hiiiie lime if they Were troubled with the soft or wot rot last year aid to what e.xtent the rot is present in the present season's crop The iM'inlreal lleiald, which eiiib'es us t.) 1 llel iliat tine faiiii'v pap, r and The .-Vlvioice at ONE D(»LLAU fur iho two. the Montreal Herald w.ls eslabli-slied in 18iW, and although the .".c.-nnd iddesl journal in Canada, pijssesses all the vigor of you'h. Il is es.-icntially s p^por for the home, paying espcei.il attenti.in to subjects tbal interest and cnlurtain the v.inous members of the household. One of its be^t features is ihe hinh clun tictiou which it K ves in aboaiu;iiij{ measure. Two complete stories »ri> printed each •!•>â-  So X. Conan Doyle, beiii;; the special feature The hidies of iho fainiiy will find a rich bud-iot of readiuf; matter every week, while the farniir has seveial patjes dovi.- teil lo his especial interests .\lto}{elli.,'r ihu Montreiil Herald is a paper we cm nnhe-.italini;ly recfomnieiul tooiirnadi iS and ilie otter wo make in conueclion with it IS unpvucedenlediv liberal. Kiijjenia Falls i« a very beautilnl pbue but have you ever seen it on a pest canl/ .\. M. 'I'hurston, Flosberton, liivs I hem. Call and see tliein or send for catalogue. GO TO FOR Class Groceries Etc. High "s ^/u jf) JVt'c/. Jilt to f,e And at ' Siocfi SBut^ iPrices at H^ â€"^-' â€" - -^ BOYD, HICKLING & CO, ! How to Cure Corns and BunioiA First, soak the corn or bunion in warm watia- to soften ilj then iiare it do« n as ehisrly as )>ossihle Mithoiit drawing blond and apply I'liuiiib' rlaiii's I'aiii lliibii twiro ilsilv. nibiiiii),' vixorouHly for live iniiiiites at each applicutinu A corn plaster shmilil be worn a fi-w days to pMteet it from tin' shoe. As a KCneral lini nieiit for sprHiiis, bnilstts, laiiitmess aiidrheiiin- Htisiii.I'siii Italm is iiiierpndled. For sale by W. K. Kiolianls ui. An Unpredeainted Offer. Two pnpora for the price of one ia the libeial otVer we are able to make our read- er! by ronHoii of a special arraneemont wu 4«vo couipletud «ith the publishers uf Wright's Store Talk! Now ihat our Iwiiio hnsineM is ahoiit s. t tied for this se.is m, we lake this op- portunity of thankinj? our nuiiierous ens tonieis for tlieir libeinl palroiiajie in tb.i' particular line. We think tb.' SBOrut Is that wo haiidlo tbo Host, It is a phiasuie to know that I lyumntli in nil the urados, ^ives sali.siactiun. Our business has Inoroasod mi that we have not bail the tinio to devoto to oor aeo lUiits that we shuuUl have, hut we will always stand ready tu sdjust »ny mistake willingly. Wo allow the highest market prieea for all prisluce in exchsniiu for our gotnls at cash prices. No. 1 tub Iluttor, 20o per h.; frish K«gs, 18c per doa.,aud the raiso if HI V when you come. R. Kinnear & Son MAXWELL. FtESHERTON, ONT.- Under^iear Like "Stanfielil's Unshriiikahle" litsâ€" lits perfectly from neck to aukle. And it fits just as v.ell at the end of the winter as it thd at the beginning. Stanficld 9 ., r?i siderwe Won't shrink. All the shrink i.s taken out of the wool before knittingâ€" antUthe finished garment is carefully tested before it leaves the mill. The iStanfield guarantee is on every genuine gar- ment. All sizes from 36 to 44. Stanfield's Un.skrinkablo Underwear Truro Unshrinkable Underwear Penman's Un.shrinkable Underwear Fancy Stripe Wool Underwear Mens Fleece Lined Underwear Boy's Un.shrinkable Underwear Boy's All Wool Unvlerwear Boy's Fleece Lined Underwear $L25 to $L50 LOO to L2.') 75 to 85 75 to 85 50 to 75 70 • 50 20 to 50 Perfectly Fitting; :-r.->--rtr' tmm^u^iw.v.tLl \ ..j.in-..'; '>-jlTj»g'i J J Underwear ai » %jiilz^MiJi » Is a necessity to the well dressed woman.for no dress however well made and lilted, can look well over badly fitting under garments. You will appreciate the silky texture â€" the .satiny smoothness and the luxurious warmth and comfort of turnbiill 7 ><!» *e* \if^ f iitidewear •♦&!>* Every garment is beautifully fininshed and shaped to the figure, properly sized ami generously i)roportion- ed, and whether you buy the cheaper or the better grades you are assured of tlie best value for your money. We can fit all figures and all agesâ€"from the baby in arms, • Ladies' Vests and Drawers 25, 40, 50, 75c.,.$L00 the garment. ^Misses' Ve.-sts and ])raw(>rs from 15c the garment. Infants All Wool Kollcr Vests. Ladies' Combinations. : . ' . GENERAL 5T0RE 0EYGOOD?, GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, STOVES aud ,• .• .• n.\Rl)WAnE. .• ,• .• . »5 Roaily-to-Weiir SKIRTS 1,75 to 7.00 Ladies' Raiu Coats 2.50 to 10.50 Ladies' & GeiUleuicii'i FUR CAPS 1.50 to 10.50 2 Dozen Ladies' Mantles 1.60 lo 10.60 i Ladies' Fur Cunts Astracimii Coats 18.00 to 35.00 JSruu's Raiu Coats 10.50 to 15.00 1 50 ^lEN•S SUITS 4.50 to 16.00 Men's Fur Coats.Coou fur lined. Calf Dogskin, AstiacLau Alaska Seal, Beaver trimmed with Sable 50.00 50 Boys' Suits 1.50 to 6.G0 :r. Alaska Seal 40.00 Milliuery, Millinery Tlio newest things jMiss Sivayze iu charge IWHHIllliWil* â-  I' R ' W ' mmtmmimm^ltlffm

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