Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Oct 1905, p. 5

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J T il E F L E S li E R T N ADVANCE OCTOBEE 26 1905 <fai.>w » \ ; I â-  . '*â-  fiSON EY ORD ERS Of a'l luuthcxi* of remitting iinall buihh liy maU.the Diost convinieDt will be fuuud 10 be a Bank Money Order. Tlieso ordeis are piyaVjIe at any ofUco of any Bauk iu thu country. They c:iii bi obtained an J Cashed williout any de- lay or fiinnaiiiy at tithcr tfiid, as n Biiik al'«ayH has suflioi'int fui'ds on tiand and is always situiiird in a ccnifiil p^n't I'f » town or vinityc. T!u-se Monoy Orders Cin be enclosed iii an nrrliruiry lutter, wiilioat reiiistration. Payment to ti e ti-^hl party is gujran'eed, aud duplit:at<'!i i.f Orders wl'ich may ba lus'. arq ia.oucd. Tiie C"St of these oitlerij is as fo'lows: â€" S.). and under Sc. So. to SIO .â€"..... Cc SIC. to «30 10c. ;?30. to §50 13c. Tliey iii-iy be obtained at ! li! iiil OF CANADA Markdale = Ont. iT IliGiNITY - CHIPS ^' y. Characteristics of The Past Week tl] Carefully Culled for the Cu. I us. Let US give thanKs to-day. Fresh lime always on hand. J. U, Diickett, Eui;enia. Mrs. J. M. Thurston. Tori>nti>, was the guest of her son, ye editor, last week. Pl:ickamii!i apprentice wantedâ€" apply toJ.H. Heard. Wiu. Good and wife cf Nebraska are visiting friends iu this vicinity. For No. 1 Spruce Flooring go to R. P, Lei;:ito & Co., Ccylouâ€" 15,000 ft. in stock Mrs. W. A. Anus(ro;i^ is speiidiiiK Tli:i:iks({iviiig in Toronto. For Uiirdwo'd Floonnua go to U. P. Legato & Co., CeyK.i., $12 per M and up. lOO.OCO feet in stock. Dr. C:ildwell pveacheil two strong tem- pentiico sermons in ihe Methodist church uu Suuda)r. A gentleman's ci>at was left in the Piesbyterian church on July 12 last. The loser can discover its whereabouts by ap- plyin* at. thi.-< offiicu. Wm. Stoddard, of Ci> ibit'on, owiis a tiolt with a cloven hoof, like a cow. Ic ii well developed iu every other way. Farm Ij Rentâ€" 150 acres, 133 cloiirtd and in ^'â- loi stute of cultivation ; two orcli:irds in bearing ; gocd outbuildings and two frame liousi-8 ou the property; ivpply to W. U. McNally, Portia w P. O. The Ed<;erton public school, Proton aud Lu'her townlino, was destroyed by tiro lecei.tly. For No. 1 Spruce Siding go t<} R. P. Legi-.te & Co. Ceylon- 20,000 ft. in stock. JIrs, Ed. Whitten is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Saunders, in Ti-ronto. Mr. B. F. Ueesor, niaiiagor of the GU. Power Co., left tliis week fov Al.;oiu:i, â- Â»wl«wwh«-«ull try his luck after mooae. Loftâ€" Oi#'^!tturday, S.-pt. 30, between Ki iiberl^y #id Klesher'on on the luail |OU!e, a 38 calibio nickel [jliited revolver- Piudur please leave at any of the post otiices ou I ho route. Miss Ina Majee, of Kiniborloy, was the guest of Miss Flossie Thurston durinj; the past weik. Ally person wishing inscriptions cut on luoiiuiueuts should drop a card to J. A Chislott, Swintoii Park P. 1>. Mr, M. K- U>chardson arrived a' Montreal on Saluiday aud is expected h inie t J-day. For sa'e â€" one 4 Rcre lot w ith barn on it, in Flesherton. WoU fenced and in a good str>to of cultivation. W Barn- house, 038 Queen st. W., Toronto. Clerk \V. J. Bellamy showed The Ad- vance a handful of wheat which was urown 37 years ago in the township of Maiipoosa It looks practically as good as ever. Mrs. J. P- Nicholson of Oakville, mother of Mr. W. F. Nicholson of the 4th 1 ue, Aiteines'.a, died at her home last week. No particulars are to hand. A %ooA steer calf for wlv. 4.udr««r Civr, Fleshorton, For S:ile--Oiie g<rod general purpose 2-yettr (-kl cult, cash or good note; also 1 heifer r-sii i; 3 yi^ars. John Whitten, t leulieiton. The new Feversham fliur mill put in It's last oil of m.cliiiiery ou Saturday and is iooperuiioii th s week. A cirhadof Mauiiol« wheat >iras delivered at tb:s ^taliou for the new uiill on Monday. Onin;^ to the uifil supply runnii u out, d.rcoiors of the Durham cen ent works are looking ari>und for oti-.er dcposi's. The Rovieiv sdys it ii e.xpocio I thtit cieposits u: dry marl udr the touii w.ll ketp the iiiillruiiuii g. K cousilerabla number of the youn;; people purpose attending the Epvi'mth Leat-ue coiieei t iliu (Thurylay) evening at Markdale. Rem- lulier the UiX social at Ceylon to ui«;ht (Thursiiaj). Clerk V». J. Bol amy has r<iceivoJ per- mi.ssion £n m tl-.e Whitney ^ovcruiuent to dispose "f uiairinge iicei>8es on the us>ual tetm-s with "iiiatue&s and des|.atcb." Woikniti' Attintion! Iiiiportant bus inesb t-'U hand for liext Monday ui^ht. Wo nctice that Messrs. A.Muir, Ceylon and J. A. Kernuhan, Frvershaiu, were e.^teiisive prize takers at Duudalk f.vir with their due pens of sheep. The funne^ sh^ws Leicester and Cutswolds, the klter Shri>p8hires. Learn To'e^raphy now. â€" Situati'ms are very plentiful â€" Wanted! A limited num- ber of students to till a class bei:iniiinu Nov. Itt to recaive in.struction in Teleg- niphy. Very niodorito terms. Apply to U. A. Wdlett, Medical ilall. Local Agency O. N W. Tel. Co. It is reported that a deer was shot last week down nenr Proton Station. The sliooter's name has mt yet been reported but it m»y come out later. The season does not open until Wedaeaday next. A geuthuiaiiin town was finjiering a shot Kun the other day when it accident- ally went otf and bruKe three lar-aje p.ines of glass iu s ueiyhborinj! residence. .lust arrived! -Car Wii.daor S*lt, car Pennoline Coal O 1, the beat Auieiicau Oil imported. .Mr. Joe Alextad. r, who is eu«aged with Mr. Ruiis-aiitler .it the eu-g paekitig establishment, wss attacked .vith pneu- monia last week, but is now somewhat iiuprov.d. Chipping eviry dayâ€" Boyd Bres. & Blikcly, Fleshirton. Mr. C. T. Tbiitr, knife and sci.'«s<ir8 jiricdev, is in town on Ids annual round. C. T draws a good large woiksh^p around on wheels this year and is doing a Thrifty trade. Mr. \Vi:l Walker, of Portl.iw, who is about 18 yeai s of a^e, left bis hoi.ie on Sept. 8, and »as liial seen at Mr. Jas. Walker's, Kiinberiey, on Sept. 3. Li- formation as to his whereabouts will be th.iukfully received by h;8 mother, Mrs. John Walker, P.athiw. Mrs. W. H. Thurstou received a pleasant call this week fi<iin a former pupil, iu the person of Mr. James Fer>;uson of Pittsburg', Pa, A very inlerestiuK report of the Toron- to conference Epworth Le.iguc convention held in Orangevllo last week, was jtiven at the Epworth League on Mond;iy i.iyht by the president, Mr. Ki'gar Belluniy. Tho L.ague has nevei been in a more tl >uris:iii>g condi>iou than uuder hia able leud'.rship. Teacher wantedâ€" fv.r S.S. No. 11, Art- emisia, for tho year I'JOll, nmle <ir ftinule holding a second class eerttirato, personal applications prefeireJ. A (ply, stating siU*ry, up to Ni'v._4th, to Geo. Priichard Sec. Treas . Vandeleur. .\nion2 those who purptise going to the wild.-t of Muokoka next weik to search for "dear" experieiices are : (â- . Mitchell, M. Wilson, S. Pedlar, W. Caswell, ye ed tor aud G. Watson of Pioton. There are others but we are not suie as to their identity. Mr. John Weber, of 'ho Valhy, left on tVeduesd'.iy for Parry Sound district, whore he has purchased a tract of land consist ill:; of 30iJ acres of bu^h. lie goes up to make some iinprovemenis on tho property. In the inleriiii one of Mr. Weber's sons carries his irajcsty's mail pouch over the new Kimberler- Vandeleur Eugenia and Fleshcitou route. Supper and a grand concert will be given at Eugenia by the Eni;li»h church congregation, Nov, (>, Moiidny evening. The choir of Christ church, Markdale, will furniiih the musical part, assisted by Miss Franklin, of Owen Sound. Speakers, I. B. Lucas and Rev. Mr. Newell, Mark- d«tle. The Orange Hall will be beautiful- Ij decorated and a good time may be 4pplf to j expeatod. Tea served from sis to eight, .jkdmiwioD 86 to 15 oeata.. Mr. and M'S Geo. Mit-thell attended • he funeral of Mi.s8 Lilian Southaate at Tonmto last Thursday. The deceased young lajly was Mr. Mitchell's niece. Her d-jath wa.iinexpresKibly sad, and occurred iu New York, where she had boeu takii.y a poet graduate course as a trained nurse and ciiutriicted typhoid while attending to hi-r duties. She was the eldest daugh- ter of Mr. \V. E- SoutliRate of Toronto, and Was well known here, having been a visitor to Flesherton on several occash'ns. During the past week .\dvance locals f..und a shawl for Mrs. Hanlt-y of Max- wel!, and two five dollar bills lost by .Mr. Lewis Fisher of this town. In the hitter Ciihe Mrs. Geo. Fi-sher of the 4ih line w.-vs the finder. T'ne shawl wa.s found by Mr. Kinuear of Maxwell. A 25 cent loc- al will bring lost articles almost in- variably if tiiey fall into honest hanoB. .\ revolver is still mi.<sing, also a walkirg stick for whxh live dollars is offered as a reward f . r its return The Utter is val- ued for I'.s asbociatio.ns only, insomnia and Indigestion Cured â- 'L..ii>t year I b»,l a v-ry "ever^ attack af iivdij:e.stit<n. I ci»«i'ii fine Av**-^ Ht iiithc ;. i-l suffered inoKt excr«>;iatiiii pain- f ir tjiiee lioiu-s a't-i e»eh uie.d. I wi.. :i-i>uh!«-il ihi» wi-v f.ir uljout three iiiouthw when I nv^ (?^ia!ijb»rUini .Si .iii;ich .vnil r.ivrr T»lil»ti'. and re'â€"!»e<l Mii- nie<:;ate relief," ^^vi* .I,.lui Iti. tn. TiiUamore, Outsrio. FersalVbv W.K. R;._-!iardiion. .Several cases of a mild type of small pox appeared in the vicinity of llearh- 01 'te some time a^o and only a few days since it waa diagnosed correctly. At present seven bouses ar»d seventeen {vicieiits are quarautiued. â€" CUrksbuig Reflector. Boar For Service. On« thcrouylibrod Berkshire Boor for service. Terms one dollar. I'ortUw P. O. TajTi'ifVorths and Berkshires. I haTS for sale a fnw choice vonng pics ot both treads at riclit pricM. Write for what you WRnc or come aud see them* Ma^Ewel! P. O. Goo. W. ItosF. Timber for Sale. .\ qnantityoi timber on lot 181. 1« con. S. E ofT.t^. Koarf. One and a ha.r luilea south of b.eshertoo. Fir pur-.ioulani Hpply to Juhu Wntht. Tendor? will ba recuivtxl up to Oct. â- JO. IGO^ Th« highest or Mv toudor uot uueea- san.y accepteJ. merchant Cailorlng i Ifyoa. your friends or relatives suffer with Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, or Falling Sickness, write for a trial bottle and valuable treatise on such diseases to Ths Leibiq Co.. 179 King Street, W., Toronto, Canada. All druggists sell or can obtain for you LEIBIG'SFITCURE , .NEW SUIIINQS OVERCO.All.N'QS TaOL'5tRl.NQ5 Just to Hand. PRICES LOW FOR CASH. K. ALEXANDER FLESHERTON - ONTARIO I During Recent Mouths ;he Ciir. Yonge j; .\lexander Streets. Has received ton, Bftetm, twenty and even fifty times as many calls for stenograpers, bookkeepers, eti., as it had students iiniduatin-.^ dnriu'.; the same month.4. Some of the iialirirs off.-'red Were from #40 a month to •^rtW per annum. W. J. EUhitt, Principd. Contracts to Let. For cuttiuR and akid.iini; rock elui saw logs on the tulloning lots: Xo. I. oou. 8, and No. 1. con. VI. '"oiliuRwood. No. 1, cou. :?, Kuphrasis, auU No. 4, con. 4. Os:»|;ey. ARM3TU0XG BBOS.. Matkdalo. Notice to the Public To V. : PiiBfiNn:â€" Havirii iti^p'ife'T of niv i.!octrIc pl.iot and chi pping u;ill lit Kii^.jnll to the Otioruian Hay p.- wer Co., I beg to tbai'k my custouiers for llie patrouage tbo.v aflonti^d ins' iu the pant, and would rospectfuilv solicit the saujd libera! tieatuiei.t 10 my sacci.s«on*. KKED DEAGLE. Iu n-fnterce tr nbovf. web<>K lenvoto say that WB bave pmoba^ed tho electric lik-iit a:id cboppiuK ji.'prBrts of Mr. Fred Uengla at Ku- euuia and Klt-^Iierf^a aud intend 10 carry on the biiFint^ysoF cleetrie lighting and ehoppinx ail uhiihI, and we are pIoHsed to say we have t>c- eui-u.1 th** .-orvico of Mr. Deajile. wiio will havu ..â- l.art;** of tho pittt ts We ars tunkiag const. 1- «-rable itiiproVL niei.'Cs to eniible us to ;;ive 6Vi n butler liervioethun in ths oast, aud trust w<i 11. a\ have >our cood wiil as wuU as voiir buiti- ue«s. GUORtil.VN i)\X POWEJi CO. Hui;enis, Cct. 3J. tifc.'.. Farm for Sale Is the place to buy your Fall Boots and Shoes. Wo ^ make them out ot" the be;t material to be hatl and ^ workmanship good. We have always a good stock of factory boots ^^ bought from reliable makers. Ladies, Meus and Child- ^ ren's. If you want .satisfaction as to tiuality and price 5^ call md see us. Also Trunks, Tele.scoper,. tjhoe ' polish, black aud tan. Clayton's Shoe Store. Custom work ami n^pairing promptly aftendtnl to 2^ ^:eo^<^^o^m^\^o^><^c^^!:Q:^<^ Fifty acres on the ea<t hack line. \ttein«slaâ€" lot I'jJâ€" all under cultiviiion but cipht acros of cedar nu-aiup. Well fonred, well wat.-r'jd, frame boniM and barn, yooii oi chard. A suap. Ap; Iv W. A, ArusUoi-K. Klebhertou. or P.. McGrutJior. Markdale. DISPERSION Saleof Shorthorns at drchanl Hill Farm, Vrt>Mnei«ia, Vaudelour. P O, at 13 o'eloek ou Thursday, Cctober a6th, 1905 consistiug of -1) head c'aoicc bred ani'iial**. Tbe herd Is hoa.)ed bv Lord Mack, sired bv Koyal !-tovei-ttij:ii Uoip ) l"ho fau.iltes eomprlsu Sprav, l>uch(w. and I.avaudi'r-), Oiio bnll 7 n'onths old by Lord Ma^h, Th« balanoi are either in calf or have calf at fo.^t, and vonnt; hHi:'«i*i4. uiiiiiy of tlie hevd b.'in;; p. isa winners. PcdifcMBus anil other idfornntion will be fmii- ixhHd at tini.'of s«!e. Ail y.^un:; stock notvit reuistert'd will be registivj t<> tlio purchaser freo of chari^e. Will al»«> btiil : I in..ire. ai;e\ in fofti. 1 «prina colt. carriaKc I colt ri»in(( ^i y, ars 1 inare ris- in« i \eai-!'. C8 owe 1h.ui1)s, 1 tread power -villi uiind-raiiil ciitliii'.; bo.t. 13 t^ns of hiv. .jUO bnshel of socd oats. JtlO biisliel of sovd barley, Maiehuiisp. IIO bi;!i. cf ) eas. TliBMSâ€" six luooth* credit ou approved joint lotosori) ler ceut. per aunuiu ei fer cash in lieu of noti^s. For thoKo from a disla"ce lu'jch wi;i be rervod. TLis is a Keniii:m su',-. ARTEDR JOHNSON, GESO. NOBLE, Au>.tiautior. Proprietor. Farm For Sale Lot. 73 100 fltic vaature ^ )fi »mn b with 8to or beirn; quartor one mile stftliou a'ld 7H. scroud cop, ot Xyieaocai*. 65 or 70 acres clAari>d, ba^auct*. ffn*ni 'iland. SauftocD tivt-i- cruttnoK tl)i> lot. am with stone wall and fiaTiie lioustf lie collar, goo'l well. Riittitblo for boutte Rood orchar-l. balf a luilo from sch >oI of a iijilu from fttoro and p'^at-offico, frofti cbuvch, 4j uiileK from railway Apiil> to J. \V. Uyoa^, Tort Law. Farm For Sale e 111 tuisin FOR YOUR hE.\LTH. I MEDICAL - HALL S Ft^ESHERTOrs: O The Expert Pill Tlixers â- i% -S-' ,»•«. .JlJ. .»"» JJ^ i^r, ^l*^V. J.!«. Jif*. <«*!; jtb <iib <(.'< Jit'.- •!>'!. â- ^t' v>!<i •^t& -V/» *!§^ s>8 fj For Your Stock Herhaijenm, Intoru.itioiial Stock Food, Colunihiau Ruguiator. '%*'? Tick Destroyer for the sheep. For Yourself PatL'iit .Medicines â€" all the popular nialces. Pipes and tobacco. ^ Let 10, con. «, Oaprov. contaiuiiiK 100 acres, more or less, situated lini) ted from .Maxwell, aim «J from Foviishain. T. rind, one-thiiil price down, (Milan ce to suit pnrchtuier, at 6 per cent. For furtlioi particulars apply to It. N. Kinuear, Maxwell. Earm For Sale tot 133-134. T. ani S. K.. Artemeslft. lOOsont moetl V under cuitivatlon. First class ba n orchurd etc. o T. PAIiLlSTB B, FlMlyrtou P.O: § For Your Wife ^ Spiipsfor onoking â€" .\lIspico, Cinnamon, Miiod Kpic«8, ate. ^P' ^ Perfumes, Corticella Silk. A: S For Your Baby | ^% Soothing Sy-up, Sucking Bottles, an J Teething Kings. ;J^ >b >i< >b 2 Richardson 6c Son t DRUGOIST'S Flesherton :-: :-: Ontario ^

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