Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Dec 1905, p. 5

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THE flesherton advance Decembep 7 1005 ♦ { :^' CHINA Disbes Fiiie Cliitiii Diblies of every S'j'le and Iot« (if them for sate lieru. Call ftiiiJ get eur ^ticus they cnu'l he btnt. W. L. Wright FLESHERTON ONTARIO. ii VICmiTY . CHIPS 1 ir Char»ctcr!stlc8 of The Past Week Carefully Culled tor the Cui i us. .Ull us. . . iM Fresh lime always on liaiid. J. H, Dnckett, Eaj^enia. Insi«ctor Cam;;l ell visited the public «>choui on Moud»y, Mr. Due. Fairey of Kenipton, 111., Ls visiting his mother, Mrs. Jos. Cliiilan. There is a good openin;{ iu this otfice for a boy to learn the prir^fitig Imsinesa. Apply personally if possible. Jlr. Wm. Stevrart of Parry Sound district, who is viuilinc frie»tl» licre for a few weeks, was a caller on Mooday. Wood delivered in town at J2.60 and 83.50 per loadâ€" two cords. R.P. Legate, Ceylon. American Concert Co., iu the town liall Thursday, Dec. 14, under Huspices of Melhodift Ladies' Aid. Admission 25 aiid 15 cents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bunt and son, of Collingwood. spent a few days during the iMst week with their cousin, Nr. W. H. hunt. Mr. J. O. Patton will conduct the *VHtitn: rink hMo this winter and expects to hive I ho ic« ready soon if the cold snap continues. Get some fine Souvenir Postal Cards frim A. M. Thurston, and send them to your friends with yi>ar Christmas greel- ings. They will appreciate it. If you live at a distance send for cutaloK. An evening of music, singini; and read- ingsâ€"town liall. Flesheiion, Dec. 14, under auspices of Methodist Ladie«' Aid. Only 25 and 15 cents. Heifer strayed â€" yearling heifer came to my preiuises about the aiddle of Oct. Owner please pn>ve property, pay ex- penses and take away. Jolm Williamson, lo» 24, Old Durham Road. Richardson a«d son have this year what IS probably tke ckoiceet selection of Christmas goods ever shown isi I'lesher- tun. Tlio stock con^osts of â€"bat read the â- dTertiseinent on this pa^e, it tells the whole story. The American Concert Company is one of the best organisaiioi.s otx the road. An evening of plensure is sure. Town, ball, Flesherton, Thursday evening, Dec. 14. Admission 25 and 15 centr. The Baptist chapel at Rockvalo is nearitig completion and will he dedi'^ated ' iwxt Simday, wh^n Ri'v. W E Norton will preach at 10.30 a. m and 7.30 p. ui. OuUactiotis f«r building fund. •ev. G.Howitt M.A., Orinaevillo. "ho w«a the guest of Rov. Dt, Caldwell for a few dBys durini! the past week, occiniied ] *4ia pulpit of the Mithodi«t church â- on f^nday last, morning and evcuiug. Farm l;> Rent â€" 160 acn-s, JS5 cleircd and hi gtiod «thte if cultivation ; two Mchnrdif in bekriiig ; go<d i>utl>uildiniR« a>id two frHn>e li<>useB on tl'e prii(H>rty; apply to SV. U. McNaMy. Port law P. O. Uot'ceâ€" all parties «ot h«vi:ii{ their (axes pi>id aic kin<lly r«v|aieKted to have iheni paid on or btf^-re IStlj D<cember. Tbia is iiecexaiiry in order to hHve the tinancial statenuiit in proper furm for 4listributioii previous to nominatiou day. â€" John Boyil. Ueeve. Word receivid on Moixlay fr^ni Mrs. John Chard, who is at the hiwpital in Haaiihiii. was to theiffeci that she was Mitproiin,^ nici ly and wa« coM^idercd out </t danuer. Mr* Jliard bus hud a very viiticwl 'iuu', hnviMj undoigone iliivn «l)eratioii8,one of w '^'i was li>r appei di- vitia. The .^dvrft,ce is I'X'reinely plensiMl to know I bat Mis. Chard is i^n the way to recovery, FOR SALEâ€" Shingle, sa-w, lath and UkUi g uidl »i>h Ki'ud will Buaii,ess iktul.hshc:d fouitern years and fitit cl.kai btielbegs Ix-n g doi'C. Everything oom- l>lete and in Rood running ord«!r. Capac- ity Un ihtmsand feet of hard maple per 4w)r. SuihU ^»ymeiit d.wn, balance <»n gW •rranijeu to suit the purchaser. P'>8 •4«kii'n giv.n 1st Jaiiuaiy, next. '"'"â-  Mkrticul.rs apply petsonHil^ to R (^•'.e, Cejiog, For P. Just arrived a fresh lot of Oranges, Lemons and Cranburries. At Bentham Bros. For Sal-i cheap, 2 good second hand Cooking st'ives, 1 range aud 3 heatin/ S'oves; iilso 2 ftraw cultiig boxes and Ideiuncrai wagon and 1 piiaeton, K. J. Sproulo, Fleiherton. A full R'otk 1 f bran, shorts and low grade tlour on lirtnd at Bcutham Bros. "Get the hiliit" of .Irii.tiHa! Rid Rose tea. It.t all I'uht. Sold at bentham Broi<. Mii-'S K:ite Murray of Brivht<in, Eng land, arrived nn Saturday to make her hoo.e with hiT hrothcr, Dr.K C. Murray. Miss Murray whs a pasHunKer by liie wrecked Bnvarian, SIih Wiis lierc as a visiter three years sg'i. Our stock of confectionery for ti»e IkiI- iday ti«de is aiuiplere. Call aad see us, Buiiihani Br^s. Fur sale cheap â€"3 go«l second hand c.x)king stoVfs Mid 1 iaiik;e;aIso 3 heating Imix stovrs and 1 parlor heating atove. Also I cutter, 1 ploicfop, 2 straw cutting boxes and 1 2000 l^. Giirnuy platform scali', aluiost new. R. J.Sprouie, Flesh- a;ton. WANTEDâ€" Tenders w.inted at once tn repair the drill shed. New roof, win- dows to b« rejjlazfd and rcp^iired, >-toim strins whi-re necessiiry , wonden sliutters to be hui g from the uip for wiudows.and new sill at one end i4 buildinu, 40 feet long. Apply for further (lur'iciilai-s to Lieut. C. I». Richurdson, Ilcttheiton. Mr John W. Larae of Listnwel, form erly nt Fleshertori, dietl al his home <m Friday. The funeral took place on Mon- day. No pariiculais have been given us, Xr. L.irge was eseeetliugly well and favorably kunwn here and his uiatiy friends grieve to learn of his demise. He was the father of Mr. Newl(jn Larce of Owen Sound and Win Lar^ of M.irkdale. The annual fowl supper of the Worn en's lustirate was heia some time ago at the liHiidsome and cimniodious h-<me of Mr. Vv'. .f. Lever, oast l)ack line, where evei-y kinUiKss a-as shown and everyone made comfortable and welcome. The tables groaned under the hiad of tasty, beautiful and temptin? dishes provided by the Indies. Theru was fnwl of all kinds and everyone enjoyed themselves in games, social chat aiid music. Over 70 guests were present.â€" Cum. Ayouni; man was up before Magistrate VauDusenou Saturday, charged with steal- ing a ({uautity of peas and oats fn'ni Mrs. J. A. Jauiiesoii, who livvs on the 9th coicossion of Arlemesta. SufSeient evidence was taken to commit the jxniog mau for trial, in fact he acknowledged the deed and made restitution of the graiu to its rinhtful owner. Mr. John Whitten, who mtde the arretit, took his prisoner lo Owen Sound. Wo wit hold the name outof syui^Mchy for the mother and relatives of the youiq; man. TUb local optii>o bylaw for Osprey township appears in this issue, and will continue for the following three weeks. Mr. Win. Strain, who has been visit- iiii; friends here for tbe past couple of months, left this week fur Great Falls, Montana, where bn will live with his sons. FreviuiMto htsde{»artura he was the guest of Mr. M. K. Richardson for a few days. In biddin){ The Advance farewell Mr. Strain, who is iiow well advanced in yeats, iatimated that he did not expect tn retvrn to Canada aKaio. Mr. and Mis. Strain will spend the declining years with their eoas m Mon- taua. There seems to b« a Inck «f deBnite information ainung municipal authorities as to whom way be committed to any bouse of refuge, Maaicip.d officers should cut this out and paste it in their notebooks : Section 526 of the Connoli- diited Muiiici(«l Act Kives the claasea that may l>« ooanaiMed to the bouse ot refuge. They are: 1 All poor and indigent peraoos who aro incapablu of supportini: thumselves. 2 All persons without raeaae nf luaiiitaining thenise lve:< and ableof body to work, and wh • refuse ur nettlevt to do so. 3 All persons lead- inir a vagrant life, and exercising no ordiaary calling or lawful business suffic- ient t« cam or procure bu honest livin:; 4 All such as Hpond their time and pra^teMy in punlio houses to (U^ neglect of any lawful calling, and 5 idio'S. Smallpox tn Dundalk. Our sister town of Dundalk is at present suffci iUi< from a omullpox epidemic, S' me of the proiument businuos men liein.{ vic- tims. There are said to be some twenty cases under treatment and at lea.st one of the hLtcIs is under (juarautine. Auniiig those aOected u(« Messrs ,J. E IlichHrdti and J. D. Brown, nier-:hahts. The dis- ease is sakd tv heve bc<Mi br< uuht to ti>e town by a^itetuieea aiding agent. Soni.- of the victims have been ill f'lr a couple of week*, the disease not liaviUK been. id>-ntilieil a« smallpox, which wouUI point tu the fact that It is of a mild future We have not learned wh^it steps are beinic taken to combat tlie diseane, but undeistanJ thatquaran'.ino is being en forced in all susjifQCled <^i'S. It is a parlicul»rly serious inattor for our sister town at this holiSay season. It Heal^ tli|» LungA. When the aD:ii>eptio vauor of Catarrh- < Bope it iiAalod it spreads tnrough I « hrei>thin){ oi<f 411.1, .^rryin^ healiiiK a. id hct!th to the sore spols. .^n irritable throat Cnlarrbuzoiie cures in (iva minutes, brt);ichitis :i soothes instant ly.wiak lungs are ii< unahvd back tu health. To be fri • from culda and cuiu-hs, to avbid ca'air.h and ) r nchiris use Catanboaonu; it ia pr«- iiciibe4 by more than twenty thousand pbysioiaus in America alone, and used br the ^ple of nine nf^tiqu v By Law No. 462 ot the Township of Osprey. To prohibit the retail sale of apiritU'« oas and feiiuented liqaora ia the Township of Osprey. B0 it«D«ctad^v the Muaicipal r««nci2 of the Cuipuration ot the towusbip «l Osprey in tlbe County 01 tirey, Tb»t the salu by ret&il nf spiritiioaa fermoat^ ed or otber mauufa^tured liqitorfl ta aad shall be prohibited iu every taverti, iua ui* other place o( public entertainment ia tbe aaid town- sbip of (jspi-ey^ aud the bale thereof, except by wholesale, ib uud Khali be prohi^Jited iu evury shop aitd place iq the eaid towuship otliar tbao a bouse ot public entertaiuoieot. That tbe vote of the tatepayerB of the said towualup ofOiiprey will be takeuou thin bylaw by thu deputy reCurniirR othcera ItHreinafter named on Slunday the first day of J&Du;iry,Oue Thousand nine feuadred aud ttix, co'uuieucing at oiue o'clock m the forenooo and t outiQuiuf; till dve o'clock in tbe afternoon at the foltowiDti named plares, viz., In poi:iu8 div. No. URobiueou's Hall, lot 90 con. ^ N. D. K.; Iu polling div. No. 2 Orange Hall. Maxwell; Iu poMinj* div, no. J bcbool Hoiibe, FeTersbam; In polling div. No. i. Orange nail, bingbamptou; Iu paUiiTK (l>v- na&, aohoolbot<ae, Mclntyre; iu polling diy. no. 6, Orange Uatl, BobKoy. That the following named pernouH be, and they are beraby appointed deputy recurning utQcers to take tbe liatd vote iu the several poll- ing BUb divisions of this towuahip, viz., Iu Div. no. I, Uobert Browa; In div. uo. a, Joa W. Oamey; In div. no. 3, Ira U, Ferigo; In div. no. I Joha Umdsay; In div. uo. 5, Thos. bcott.; In div. no. 0, TboF. S. Freethy. I hat on tbe fifteenth day of December. A.D. 1905 at tbe Orange Hall at jtlaxwetl iu the town- ship of (.>Bi>rey at the hour ot one o'clock iu the afternoon, th. Keeve shall appoiut iu writing signed by biuiBelf, two persons to attend at ihe flual suuiuiiug up of tbe votes and one per •oii to attend at each polUnjj placu on bchall of the persoue iutereuted in and desirous of pro- moting tbe paasiug of this by Uw, and a like numbwr on behalf of tbe persons interested in aud dt»siruu6 of oppouing tbe passing of this Bylaw. Tbat the clerk of tbe Raid municipal council of tbe township of Osprev sbkll attend at bis office iu the ssid township of Usprey at the hour of two o'clock iu the afteruoou on tbe iecttud day of January, A.D. lOOfi, to sum uo the iniuiber of votes given (for and against this Bylaw. Tfaat ttiis Bylaw sbaJI come into operatioa aud ^ of full force and effect on aud after the flist day of Uay. next, after the pasoing tbereot. Beeve. Thomas Scott, Clerk. NOTICE, Taka notice that the above is a true copy of H proposed Bylaw which has been taken Into loubideration bv the Municipal Council of thu Townibipof Oaprey. and which will be finally passei by tbe said Council in the eveut of tbe absent of the ettctors being obtaiLed thereto. after one mouth from tbe publication thereof in the Fleaberton Advance, the date oi which publication wis the seventh day of December. A.D. lOOd, aud at tbe hour, day and places therein fixed for taking tbe votes of the electors the puUs will be betd. THOS. SCOTT, Clerk. Road Closing Notice. Notice 18 hereby given that the Council of the Townnhip •« Artemesia will, after f<iur weeks (roji tne first pulilicatiiii thereof in The I'lesherton Adv.-uice Ncwspai>pr, (thu date of which first publication is Deceoiljer 7, liW5), proceed to pass a Bylaw (ur the closing and diiI>osinf{ of the undermentioned original allowance for roads oi streets in the town plct of Eugenia in thasuid towaebip, viz. : Ifitâ€" All and singular l;huti part of Alma street^in the said ttiwn plot aa bee between the northerly limit of Simiiaon ttreet and the southerly Uniit of Bonquett street in the said town plot o{ Kugeoix 2ndâ€" All and sine^jlar that pa'i; of West street as extends along the west side of Mill Reserve No. 1 in said town iplot, and more Iiarticularlydescribed as fuU«ws : Commencing at the N.W. angle of aaid Mill Reserve, thence south along the Westerly limit thereof 21 chains 16 liuks, more or leaa, to a point diHtant from the soutb-««esterI> angle of said Mill Reserve, 3 chair,a, 50 linka, more or less ; thunce west one rhain, more or leas, the width of said street, thence north 21 chains 10 link.s more or less, to a jwint opiwsit^ the aortn-west angle of said Mill Reserve ; theuce east one chain, more or less, the width o{ said street, to tbe place of lieginning. All penuns interested are lireby required to take m.tice. W. J. BBLLAMY, Fleaherton, Dec 7. liWS. Twp. Clerk. Noticeto Creditors In the matter of the estate of WILLIAM (jILLES, late oi the Township of Art--iuot)ia in the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased. NOTICB Is herebv given pursuant to the Ilo- viseJ Statutes ot (Ontario, IN!)?. Chap. 189 tha' all creditors and otbHrs tiavibi; olatiua ft^ainst, the e.statool the said \VILLI.\M (IlLLIKS, d.- ceased, who die*! on or about t)h« lanthdayof Juue aL p. IS05. are re<inii«.< "ii or l>efore the 29 day of No»w«Mbcr *.i;.190.'it.>!.oucl by post pre- paid or dfllivor tu Uoiialil <il>i.M, Proton Hta-. ti4)n, tUo adniiiiistrator, i>r i'> Messrs. Lucas, Wriglit and .MoAnllH, of thu Villi.ige of Mark dale. Solicitors forthe >iai<t a luiiuislratoi, thei â-  chrlHtiiLn and sririmmop, aodres'ssaud cleecrip. tioiis, tlie full iwrticularo "f their claims, tlio ststemAutof timr accuutits aim the nature il thesueuiiii«B(i( ai >| held bv them. AND Kl'RTBEK T.AKE NOTICK that after suob lastmotttiondit date thu said Rdiuioiatrator «illprooe«<l todi»cributr tbeasssti 4; tb«: deccas odunioiK till paiticf eDtiticdihcrf.to.baviiis re- Rani only t« t*e elaims ot wbioli thay shaM rbon have tt(»t co, and that t.brt sa d exocut.irs will not be lin»)le Jor t!io saiil twetn or any 11.0 ' thereof to any ^rsiiior )>«i»onsof wboso clsiin notUe Hbail i)ot have b>K<a n-uuivedby thorn at the timo of mtcbdi.sti ibutioti. Dated the baeoul >l«v of November A.D.,IUO.~>. Lucan, VViiijht * Mc.\rdl«, nui^eu SouiffI, Out. Solloitora (or thu Uxpeutors. mercbatit CaitQitng NEW> SUIIINOS OVERCOAT INaSt TROUSKRlNqS hist t» Hand* , PRICES. IrOW FOR qASH. tt. ALEXAttDERa yPLESHERTW ONT ARi& , '^JZy.. /r;v^^v»r»r^a/gw^/N^>ra^gv^?^^=v/j>/a^s^^ Very Merry Christmas to all Old and Young - - Rich and Poor- How can you and I make the coming season Happier for the young, the old, the young men and women, and everybody around us ? o o o > o o Well, I am doing my best, aad if yon all try and do your be&t success will surely crown our eflforts. I have as usual been down to Toronto to pick up bargains suitable for presents and bave succeeded in getting some of tbe best goods, best values ever offered in Flesbtrton. a great deal cheaper tban they are sold for in any of tbe larger shops in town. We bave toys for girls and boys, train track, gans 5o to 11.00; dolls from I inch to 3ti inches; dolls, dresiied and to be dressed; games of all kinds â€" oheas, check- ers, Dominoes, donkey party, parchesa, Japan games, halma, crokinole; the new card games â€" Flmch, Block, Bunco, Toot, Sherlock Holmes, Pitt, Lost Heir, etc. Gold and silver watches, dressing cases, shaving caseR,coIlar and onflf boxes, manicure cases, auto albums, photo albums, photo frames, toy brooms, sleighs, snow shovels, carts, wagons, back gammon boards, and the new tumble game A beautiful selection of reading books, suitable for presents for Sunday school classes.aiso toy books, hymn books, etc. Hockey sticks, hockey pucks, pens, paper, envelopes, stationery of all kinds, also a grand selection of perfumos from the leacling makers iu bulk and bottled. Brushes â€" clothes brushes, hair brushes, tooth brashes, nail bmahes and paint brusbes. Ccmbs â€" back combs, side combs, top combs, dressing combs, and small combs. Lanterns, candles, cash boxes, banks, rattles, soothers, musing bottles, machine needles, cups and saucers, shaving mugs and ugly mugs! Souvenir poet&I cards, satchels, purses, pocket books, bill books, pipes, cigars, pouches. Cases, Pills, plasters, potions, lotions, powders and salvss. Drugs of all kinds, dye- stuffs, sweets, nuts, oranges and lots more, menliouable aud unmentionable. . . Tbe only thing is for yea to come and see us. Bringthis paper with you and -what you do not see ask /or. Storv open all the time. W. E. RICHARD50N & 50N DRUGGISTS Flesheiion Ontario. gg ?a g ggsg > agagaLv Now that winter is on you are needing warm and comf(>rtabIe footwear the proper thing is to call at CLAYTON'S. We have a large stock suitable for the season Men's and Boy's Heavy and Light Rubbers Overshoes â€" All kiadg Ladies' and Children's Overstockings Leather Leggings, Canvas Leggings Felt Boots and Slippers Men's, Ladies', ChilJs Boots & Shoes j Trttuks, Telescopes, Shoe polish | ALL AT LOWEST PRICES N (Urn* Clayton SHOEMAKER,, a Q Qomplete A<sor,:ni«iit >f Coys* 4i Dolls ^ Games M Picture Books RiilHt^^ Prices S C;i>risttna$ CArds pecial lOcJK W. c/. Douglass. «eo9»5Q38»:Q:8;eqe»^;85e^^ i^mm^jijitgl^

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