Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Dec 1905, p. 9

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•v. December 14 1905 THE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE ^% Jncob Wjcuof UijIlHnd, Jrupped dead while wi)rkin:( uround W\» barti. He wai % uld rcKide^ituf lliu tuwiisliip. The Worst of a Cold Is how Kudileuly it comi'H. No time to hui'ry U) iho drui!Kl(iri>, croup devcliipg, the luni.'8 aro aflucle-l with |>nt'uiuouia or tuberculiiais and it'ii too Into. Keep Caturrlio/.one on hund, â€" it kills colds iiiHt'iiKiy. ti^oiiK'thnig iiias.'iciil about tlic way it cures catarrh and Bronchilin. Catttrrho7,iin« ij the bi-8t rt^irody buciiusc it cures ill Nature'8 way; it hunlK, a'Kitlii'H and restori^H iiermaneirly. Carry a Cut- iirtliiKnno iuliHliTin your pocket, use it it occaHion:illy and you'll never catch CwlJ â€" that's worth reiiieiiibcrinn. The Markets. €arcrullv Corrected Each Wtcl, Oats .. 35 35 Ve-AH 73 Ko 73 JJarl.'y . 45 to 45 Butur 20 to 20 Kv-|(s fresh 20 to 21) Uhi keua 7 o 8 Ducks 10 tj 10 Ofoso 50 to 10 Hay 500 to C OH /'otatoes bag ...... 50 to DO Wht-at 07 to 7" Turkeya 14 lo M Old Fowl to 7 Etlerchant Cailoring j NEW SUillNQS OVERCOATINGS TROUSbRINQS Just to Hand. PRICES LOW FOR CASH. H. ALEXANDER. FlESHERTON - ONTARIO CHINA isiies Fine China Diishes of every Stylo and luta of them for Halo here. Call and get our iirice.i they can't be bout. W. L. Wright FLESHERTON ONTARIO. A Question of Spex Do your eyes tire easily ? If SO, You need Glasses. Do your eyes burn ? If so, You need Glasses. Does the type become blurred in reading ? If £0, You need Glasses. Do you Biilfer from frontal headache? If so, Glasses will Help You. Do you know if you have perfect cyCHiyht? If not, we can Inform You. IT WILL COST YOU NOTHINO. W.H. Armstrtsrtwi. riESHERTON, L932I Agents Wanted At once f.ir "C'int.d i'h Cirea'o-t Ntirscr- ied" for llie lowo <pf I-'LIOSHKIITON and Burround'iii; CDuinry, whi.:li will bn roaur- vi'd fir thi! riulit man. START Nit'iV at, iliH hiRt «i'l!iii^ aens.m, and hinllo our n 'W speuiabius on lib pihI ii-nni, Write for pan ieii'ars and son d 26c. for tiur handu'iino alu ninuin pnokot micro Mjopo, ( I liitlo Kom) iisoful to ; Farii em. ill uxtiniiiiiitf i!eo'l» and i>rain!i; Orcharil- iitM, in uKuininiiig troi'H fill inMiii-ta; Tuich- cr* and Hchohirn in Hliiilyiiii; Motany, and DVitryhiidy in n hundrod ddftirtiut rvays. Stone & Wellington (f)VKK 800 ACi;E.s) Toronto - • Ontario Ajjers One dose of Ayer's Cherry Pcctoril at bedtime prevents nighi coughs of children. No croup. No bronchitis. A Cherry Pectoral doctor's medicine for all affections of the throat, bron- chial tubes, and lungs. Sold for over 60 years, •• I hftT© 0(i«d Ayor*s Oiflmr rpctonl in my lamllT tor oi^ht yrju-l. Tlicrr ia notMnr â-º'I'lfl to it tor cnuRli* Mul colilji. utprcUU. fur i-liil- dr«ii." â€" Mas. W. U. VAVUsn, Ulielbjr, Ala. 2V.. !«<•.. Ji.OO. All diii|Cgl"»- â-  for J. O. ATin CO.. Night Coughsl Keep the bowels open with one of Ayer's Pills at bedtime, Just one. r •^ In Furniture The largest and best slock of furnituie ever Bliiiwn in Kleshor- tim. This without fear "f contrn- diotion. Come and see smne of the nice things in Sideboards Dining T?ooiT\ Chairs Parlor Setts Bed Roon) Setts A special reduction just now On everything in order to reduce the stuck. W. H. BUNT. riipnilUPe SDvaU fS) FlesMn - U, Ojâ€" J Business Cards •jT'CUU-OUOH tc yoUNO u liaiikor Markilalo Job (jonoial banking businesB. Monoy loaned a rt<a«onablu rate Uall on us. RJ SI'IIOUI.K I'ojtuittottir, FloBberton i.oiuuilr,8ionpr in FI.C.J., Aaetloncor Con voyaucwr, Appvaiaor aiitl Moiipy I.oudor Koal Entatn anil Insuranoe Ah'urit. lieotls niovtsayoii, leasufi aiil wills caiotully drawn up ttiiit valuationii niailo on fhoitoM r.ctice. inouoj to loan at Uiwujt raton o( iutui imt. Col o'ltiDiis attouil.xl to witb pioiinitnrm i:h«ri.'68 low. Aiicnt tor Ocuan liomlnloii StuauiHliip Company. A call Bolloltod. Societies AG U W moots oii tlie l«8t Monday m oaon raonth, In ttuMr Iiuiro room, ChrlBtoo'8 block. FlmliBi ton. Kt 8 p.m. M.W., â- \; llanlHoii ; Itacoidur, .las. Kclitencl ; Finan- cier, NV.J. Ilttl.amy. VisitluK biotbreo iLviluil PBtNOB ARTHUB LODGK, No. H33, A.P.* A SI, uieolH iu tho Masoiiicball. Strain's l)look, I'loshurtou, ovory Frlilay oil or before tlio full niocn. Jobn Wrlifbt, W M.; U. N. lUclisr uon, Bnt-rotary. COt'UTFLKSnF.llTON, 09«, 1. 0. P. irootBli. Chrlston'a lUock the last FiiilavcveniiiR of oacli iiionlh. VisiliiiK KorcnterH lieaitlt\ wnlcnuiB. (1. II.. .I.Cnriiflold; U.t). \V. UuBkiii; Fin. Si.<i., 11. A. Will. tt. I'loanu pay diin" toll. /^. Wil'ott on or beiore tho lant (lay of Iho procooiliiiB month. CIIOHFN FltlfiNDS-FIueherton Council of Clioson Frioiiriii inoiitu in t'laytoii'ii ball flrt.t mid tliiril Wcdno'ilav of or.cli month; t* p. in fiiy asHiiBBiii.ints to tlip Hei-ordor on orbi.foie tro flrat dayot uncli luontb. Cliltf Councillor, 'I'. Hloliele] ; Heooriler, W. H. ItUht. AIkdical DK tl.VTiTF.Il M C 1* ft H Ont. rnyaiolan, Riirgeon, etc Olllco and ronidoiiceâ€" Peter at , KluBherton DB.A.T. HOND (iraduate Toronto VnlYerilty. Mem- bnr of Ontai in Collfpo oj t'bvBiciiana ami Sur- Huona. Maxwell. On\ riuccusHor to Dr. Sunt!. T P OTTKVVUl.I. ' Vetoriiiary Burgeon Qradnate of Ontario Veterinary rolleKe. resldunoe â€" ajuond door uoiith woat on Miirv street. Thla street runa south ProHbyteriaii Ohuroli. II WILSON, IllackBmltb "• iraduatn ottbu V«!orlnary Rclenco AsHocialiou. Hetiidfiuce, Dtirliam itrtiut, op- poiitu iloyd, Uiuklii.||'ii Uurdwsio. Lecal r LCAH WIIIOHT A MoARDLK Li Harriators Bolicitora (^onvoyanoera. nto (i||lco«â€" t>w«n Sound, Ont anil Markdain Out \y II WniuuT, McArdi^k I li I.i'cas N Bâ€" KloRbnrton office, MitcbaU'a Bauk «very Haturday. Dentistry . n C. MURRAY I.. D. «, dental PurRoo.' h in'>.' Rrndnate of Toronto Diiivorritv and oval ( oHf tfe of D.mtal tlurs .oan of Ontario, (lai ndiiiiiilH' ration for tuetb nitraction mice at ri si.lunoe. Toronto street, Kleuherton B. F. Ai!MRTRt>N(l, t.. D.R„nonor Orailu atijof Trronbo llnlver«lty anl BoyftI Col lufe of niintal RuigAOiia of Ontario. f>|>po*lt« Ml*. IMil ;inr'ii rhotoRiaph Oadeiv. Will villi Waxwell first an I fhird Tbaiaday of Mci) Loutli •vmwtuel:'! Jc|y 5tb, D^ SAMPLES OF GRAIN FOR THE IM- PROVEMENT OF SEED. To the Editor of The Advance: Dear Sir, â€" By instruction of tho Hon. Minister of Agricultura another d^scribu tion nill 1»* made this season of samiiles of the most productite sorts of grain to Cinadian farmers for the iiii[iri.veui(.ni of seed. The atock f ir disrribuiiun is of the very bi'st and ha.s been secured fiom tho excellent crops recently had at the branch eipeiimeiit il farms ut Indian Head, SS-tsk. and at liraiidoi:, Man. Tho d:sti ibution this 8prini< will consist of Siuiides >if oats, siiriiig wheat, liarley, Indian ctu (fur euKila^LD only) and potiiioes. Tho quaniiiy of oats to be sent thin year will be4 1hH., ;;nd of wheat or liarley o lbs., sulhcieiii in each ciso tojiow one tivi-m ie'li of an aero. Tlio Bamt>les of Indian corn and potatoes will wei^h -i lis a" h.retoforo A (luaiitity of each of the foUowin^ his been sjecuted tor distribu- tion: O.its â€" Daiincr, Wide-z^wako, Abund- ance, Tliou.sund DotUr, Improved Li^owo, Uoldtinder and Wavorley. \Mieat--I'reston, Hod Fife. Percy, Sianley, Huron, Laurel and White Fi'e. Haileyâ€" ^*ix rowed â€" BIeD'<nry, Odesa, Mniiidiehl, Claude and Royal. Tivo rowed -Slandwell, luvincible, Uanadiuu Thorpe and Sidney. Indian Corn (for ensHus,"-)â€" Early s irt.<, Anij.d of Midniiiht, Ciiuip'on's Eirly »nd Longfellow; later v.irioties, iSe'ecied Leiiiniiio, Karly MiLstodoii and White Cap Yellow Dent. I'ltut-ieH-Caiuian No. 1, E-irly White I'li'/e, Uoclicsier Rose, I'ncle Sam, Am oric.in Wonder, Bovee, M trly Aiidcji and Late Puritan. Uveiy faimor nniy ajijily, but only one s.imple can be sent to each appb.iMim, hence if an individual recives a Kitnple of oats he cannot also receive one of w heat hat ley or potntocM. Listu of name.s fiomono iiuiividual, or np|ilications for more than one household oinnoi b." entir- taiiiud. Tlieso s-amplos will be sei.t free of ehari/o throUiih tho mail. Application..! should be addre»R..-d tO the Director of KxperimoiiL'.l Farms, Ottawa, niid m.iy bo scut, in any Imic before ilio lit of March, after which llie lists will be cloocd, so ihatall samples nskcd (.>r may le sent out in jjihkI timo for .s 'W.;i.. rallies writini; shouM mention tho sort or variety they Would prefer, with a eec Olid .sort as an ultemati-.e, and should the available stock of b'.th ihinj varioiies be I'xhanstod, Bonio olhur L'ood sort »il he "cnt iiKstead. 'I'h.'.se H|.|.lyini; for Indian corn or potatoes will please hear in mii.d that the coin is not availahla for di>.iri Imti .11 until March or April, mid tlni' potatoes cannot be mailed from hire unlil danger from fiosl in tiaiisit is ovor. No posiaiio is reiiuirod on mail matter afidri'fcsi'd to thu Central Eiperimenlal Karui, l.)ttai»a. , Wm. Ssiiiiders, Diiecuir Kxpcrimental Farms. Ottawa, Nov. 25, 1905. II erb. VV. Edwaids Injured. Herb. W. KHwardB, of I )c9 Moines, Iowa. Rot a fall on an icy walk lust winter, spraining; \\U wrist and hruisiiip' his knees. "The iie.xt day," lie B,%y»,"they were so sore and i-tirt I was afraid I would have to stay in lied,l)ntT rubl.id them well with ('liamlM-ilaiirs Pain I'.alni and after a few anjilicatioiis all sorenesa liad dis- ajiiio.wcd." l"or sale by VV. K. Kichardsoii. Road Closing Notice. Notice is hereby Kiven that the Council of the Township of Artemesia will, after four weeks fro. n the first pntilicatioii tliereof iuTlie Klesherton Advance New»iiai»'r, (the date' of which first puhlicatioii is l)e;;cinber 7, 1!K),">!, proceed to |>n«s a ISylaw for tho closing and disposing of the nndernnjiitioned original allowaiiee for n'adsoi streets, in the town pht of Kii^eniain th.isaid towiisliiii, viz. : Istâ€" All and slir^u.ar that part of .\\n\\ street inthes:iid town plot r.sliea between tlic northwly limit of Siiniison ttreet and the aoutlierlv limit of Hosquett ttreet in the .^aid town plot of Kn^jeui.i. â- 2ndâ€" All and sintridar that part of AVest street as extends along the west aide of Mill Rei. rve No. 1 in said town plot, and imae piuiciilarlyd.'serilitfd as follows: LjOomineiu'inxat the N.W. angle of said Mill ifoserve, thence south along tlie weaterly limit ther<'of21 chains Hi links, more or less, to a point dist.'iut from the south-westerly angle of said .Mill Uenerve, ;i cimii.s, fiO links, more or less ; theuee west one ohaiii, iiioio or less, the width of sail! street, thence north 21 chains IG links, more or less, to a point opposite the liortn-wcst angle otsaid Mill Keseive; thence east one chain, more or less, the width of said utre.'t, totlie pliu'oof liegiiniing. All iMirsons interested arc liereViy reiniired to lake m.tiee. W. ,1. BKLLAMY"; FUsherton, Dec. 7, 11K)5. Twp. CMork. Farms For Sale Part 1, I.ot« M and .VI, ron. .H N. P. K. Osprov, composed of l(iOa.'re>.; 7S aevi-» well teiu'.ji', h.il anca Rood inaplo bu..h. 11 mil'..s fi-oin 9 lailtt.n.U eloHO to setiools, stores, i>>st uQlee, chuieh auil flesi al»lo neiRlu.ors. Car' II. east liiilf bit? nnd lot 8, eon. 4 Osprey I.^jO acres; Utl faoru.. cleared aii.l well cuilivatod. fli) aeres i^ooii burh. balanoe timber except wool tsheit off, Qcot'd veil.', frame hom-e an-i k Inlisii !jnod stoii,- eetlav, now barn and st.me stubUou. clOHi. to all eMiiv..n|.'tic .:, H niiliis from rnilroad I'aat 111 lo'.H 17 and 18 con. 7 sprev about K'l acres well liniboio,! bu>li, t>alaiiee Rood !.tste tnltiVAtioii, soil clay 1oain,f7o.id bain and stti. Iilis, 60x81 It. windmill, enselaRu cutter and Rialn CI usher aUaebn.l. Frame bou-'e neu kit. c.lieii never fuiiiiiK well and wind will attiu'livd well ailaptu,! f./r t.tock fain,, li ri.ile.. fioin vil. lages of Maxwell ao. I FuverstiRni. 'I'iuibor osii ho It,. light stipuiately beinf( 1^ miles fioiu '3 sawntills, 1'!aay terms payinent. III health cansRS owner to retire frnm buftlooss. For fur^hoi iii.oruatioii np|il.- 1.. JNO. A. HOOTT ._______^ Lock Hn« >10. OolHggwood. When You Have a Bad Cold V'ou want a remedy that will not only give (p'ii k relief but effect a |ieiinanent euro. Yon want a remedy that will relieve the h.iiga and kee|> cx|iecturation eiwy. \ oil want a remwly that will counteract any tendency towaid pneuinflnia. You want a remedy that is pleasant and aafo to take. Chaniberlaiu'a Coii^h Remedy meets all these requiremcnta and for the *pe«dy and permanent cure of had colds etanaa witbon* a peer. Fur lale by W. £. RlehardwD, •♦Weak L\ings" •' PsYCHiNE " has restored thousands of people to buoyant health and strength whose condi- tion had been regarded as hopeless. It is at once a tonic and flesh builder, containing remarkable properties as a blood purifier and germicide. It will streng-thcn and heal the weak lungs, force out the phlegfm, and drive away the cough, no matter of hew long standing. "Psychi.se" tcp.es up the whole system and drives out disease, heals the decayed tissue and restores lost energy. Its use daily will prevent and ward olVtbat most subtle disease consumption. OaEATSST OF ALL TOW503 Boar or Service. 1 On» thcroajbbrod lidiksuue Qoir tor sarir.'ee. I Terms oue dollar. 1 Wm. JiWIB^ON. Fortlaw P. O. Store Talk! Now th.it our twine hu.siness is about s»t' tied for this seas m, we taku this op-- p):tuD.ty of tlian'<ing oir iiuinorjnt ens- tomer-i fir thi-ir liberal pa'ronai>e in tint parri.-ular lin\ Vy-j fhi.ili thj Sfc-et is that wo handle tho D..'~t. It is a pl.'„isd;o to kniw that I'ly mouth in all tho araue-^, iives .satisiaeli-.n. Our bu-sineS3 has inere.ised so that triy have not ha-I the timsj to dovoto !o otwr aco.'Ui.ts tlmt we shoijJd have; hut we will alw lys stand ready to adjirst any mistaky vvilliiijly W'i all.iw the highest market priees for all produce in eitchan.'e f .r our goixls a4> cirvh prices. No. 1 tub Butter, 20c per b. ; frtsh E-^'^\ 18c per doz ,aod tho rai.sd if .ti V when you c.ine. R. Kinnear & Son (PRONQUNCEO SJ^K£EN) ALL 0RUCCI3TS-0NE DOLLARâ€" FREE TRIAL DR. T. A. SLOCUIM, Limited 170 Kins St. W. Toronto. Canada \MMFB TI V '" Cwen Sound, Cut. Begins Tiieadav Jan B. lao?. Four complete ciursere of st;tdv, suited to the ueeds of all cla.i<a4 of \onni; poepls^ Tho llusineis Course f>>r younij moi and woiiinii wiio wi^h a good ba-iuen traiuins to ijiiaiifv them to do busiiiuHS f.ir tii.i'UBelv.)a an 1 others. This course is u^oftil to tho b'ls- ine*s mi;i, tho farmer or tho p ofo-isi.>tial \\\\n also first class preparation frir you'ig pooido who wish t^i Rl intoofli !0 work. The Shortliaud Co irsu for young noopltv who wi^li to beeoiuo htenopraphers. reporters, etc. The Te'egraphr Course for young pi.ople who wj< h to become telegraph ope.-ators or to outer railway work. The preparatory Oonrso for thoao who are verv far buck in their stii'li ".*. Wo t.iach reading. spoliiii;{,wi!ting, artthmotic to grown lip youui! men and wo-.nen. Separate rooiiM f.ji this departuiuiit aud sopartte desk foroacb pupil witb plenty of persousl help. Fell particulars sent f.' e to anv addrois. C.A. FLEnniNQ. I'BINCIPAU DO YOU WANT A POSITION ? .\ll sehoids are not alike, and oepecially iu helping students t:i p.isitioiis. Do not overlook this point. \ Cannot supply tho demand made upon it iiy business men. Why? Hecauso our repuiaiion for hiuli ^rade woik is well known and wo protect this reputation. This is a school of tho hifjhest standing. Winter Toim ojiens Jan, 2nd. Catalogue tree. W. J. Elliot, Principal Cor. Yong3 and Alexantier Sis. WANTED. A reliabl«» aa;ont for Fle-<!i-'rt.iii and sur- round. nj oiiuiitiy. Good p.-vyr weekly. e.K lusivo tcrrito-y. Sim;)'e CLSJorou'- tit frej. Oar tenn.s aro the Iwst in tho buiinss. We Moed a tna^i wf unod ch.>r- aoler and al iliiy dorinjj tho Fall aaU «inler nionthrt. OVER GOO ACUE.S. The lOioicest and most exleiisive list of stock in Caiiadi, ine'iidiii:.; tru i. and oinair.entul stock, small fruits, and sepj [I'ltaiot-s. Fast SBlIiio; sp..eiilties otfered for the tiist time. Write for tortus novr to The Pelham Nursery Co Toronto Ontariu. Winter Goods \ All winter goods now liarnes-i in stock, including Sa.'^katchc- wan robos and coats, cowhide robes and coats, bells, blankets, whips, etc., harness of all kinds. . \ . > 'â- M FLESHERTON â- 6NTARI0 ."^j If you are thinking; of buying a fine buggy, wagon or domoctat, it will surely pay you to call and investigate our atocl^ terms, etc., before making your pun base. We havoa statfof expert woikmen and can guarantee that you will bo satistiod â€" â€" - ALWAYS ON HAND _-,.-. Bioyole - SuiKli^ledi â€" â€" AND REPAlKlNa OFALL KINDS â€" â€" ik4a J. A. HEARD, - ,f LESHERTON. I <> \\\ fiisiiRi mw mm For First Class Buggias, Carts, Ploiwure and Lumber \\agon,', cutters, Sleighs. We koep a stock on hand to ( hoose from. ALSO liORSe SHOfilNO AND GENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and gu»raniee tirat class woik. We keep on hand Ploughs tlnd Plough repairs, and also Massey- HarVis and Nuxou repairi4 for binders, Mowers, ^11 kinds of raa.ihinoiy, also Binder Twine on hand, (Ubeti in town dive u$ a call « €

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